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Author Topic: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 11 up 17th May]  (Read 9405 times)

Offline Blu-Cherri

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 5 up!]
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2007, 01:30:56 PM »
^eeh there actually is a robot thing called Mika O.O I thought I made it up, I got the name from Mika TOdd xD

anyway thanx ziggurat, jay and klise! It always makes me hapyp when i read comments!

anyway the next chapter's going well, look forawrd to it!

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Offline Blu-Cherri

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 5 up!]
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2007, 10:19:59 PM »
Here's chapter 6 but before I post it, here's the berryz outfits.  I haven't drawn a final picture of the design yet, so you'll have to make do with piecing it together with a few pictures lol.
This is pretty much the whole design, being pink it would be Risako's version.
but i wasn't happy with the top and arms so I did some other pictures showing a variation on it.
This is the closest to final design, but it's not coloured in so that's why I posted the first one.(and yes i messed up the hand, so i hid it lol)


Chapter 6

The van driver parked the van, then stepped out and left to report that the vehicle had been returned.  In a place such as this, reporting when and where everything is, is essential.  There was nothing much to see in this car-park, all the armoured vehicles and anything that was more interesting than their van was on a different floor.  This included all the big shots posh expensive cars, only the low down workers parked their own vehicles on this level.  The girls stepped out in their uniforms, full body white and their own respective colours.

Saki – Green
Momoko – Yellow
Chinami – Orange
Maasa – Blue
Miyabi – Red
Yurina – Purple
Risako – Pink

They walked along the white marked, grey car park towards the elevator.  The three eldest stood in one the other four stood in the other, all in complete silence as here they had to show the other ‘employees’ that they were professional and deserved to work here.

Their elevators arrived almost simultaneously and them stepped out and walked together to the large office area.
“Hai,” Saki held out the chip in her hand, “We retrieved it successfully.”
“Thank you Shimizu-san, we’ll take it from here” and with that the man took the chip from Saki and went over to his desk area.  The girls took this as the signal to leave and walked until the corridor was empty besides them.

“Onaka suita~” whined Momoko, just as her stomach began to rumbled.  The girls began to laugh softly.
“Ok, let’s get something to eat; I can smell the food from here.”  Yurina said.
“…I smell curry.” Said the usually silent one, Risako.
“Yeah so do I! C’mon let’s get some food!” Saki exclaimed.  So with that they all walked to the cafeteria/dinning room.  They all lined up with their trays, chose their food, and then chose a table with enough seats to sit at.

“So, what happened back there Momoko?”  Asked Chinami.
“We were worried…” Added Risako, to the surprise of everyone, she her voice sounded indifferent but her face looked slightly pained.  Maybe she was getting better, going back to how she was.
“Thank you Risako,” Momoko smiled, “Well, basically as I started getting closer to the street the van was on; I spotted some guards that had managed to get ahead of me.  I knew if I carried on they’d either catch me or follow me to everyone.  So I hid behind a dumpster in an alley…” she paused.  Should she tell them what she saw, they might think she’s making it up, or worse – try to investigate it.  Except, maybe she wanted to find out what happened.
“Momoko?” Yurina waved her hand in front of her face, trying to wake her up.  “You still there Momo?”  Then suddenly Momoko shook her face.
“Sorry about that, I was thinking through what happened next.  Basically…I…saw something.”
“Something?” replied everyone.  Momoko looked slightly worried.
“Well…I’m not sure what it was, but I saw something…in the sky…go towards the guards.  Then there was a big bang and crash, followed by total silence.  I checked it out using the glasses and there was no one, so I ran back.”  She decided to not mention the flower, though she did not really know why.
“Eeeh~, that was a close escape Momo!” exclaimed Maasa.
“I wonder what that thing was?” said Saki, as her face changed.  She was thinking hard through this.
“Well whatever it was, it saved me from those guards.  It was likely that they would have eventually checked the alley I was in.”
They all then sat in silence, all thinking through what Momoko had told them. 
“Well anyway, I’ll go write up the report then.  Did everyone else return without incident?”  Everyone nodded to Saki’s question.  “Well then, guess we better get on with whatever needs to be done.” She said with a smile.  Everyone nodded and stood up to leave. 

Just as they were leaving, Risako stopped Momoko and said she wanted to talk, Momoko agreed.
“What haven’t you told us?”
“.Wha…what do you mean? My story?  I told you everything. Zenbu”
“No you didn’t.” there was a pause.  “I’m worried about you…please…let me…help you.” Her eyes were full of worry.
“Ok, but don’t tell the others…When I came out from the alley I found this.” She pulled the tulip out of her bag, “It’s my favourite flower.  I didn’t think that was important, I mean.  Tulips are common aren’t they?  Red tulips must be common.” She was more trying to convince herself than Risako.  Then Risako did something she had not done in a long time.  She smiled.  It was not a big smile, but it was definitely a smile.  Momoko was tempted so point this out and give her a sort of congratulations, but decided this moment was far more important to treasure than to jump up and down about.  Risako had actually smiled.
“Momoko, I never knew that red tulips were your favourite.”  Momoko almost blushed at this, though she was not quite sure why.  Then Risako’s face returned to the way it usually is.
“I will help you find out what happened back there, that’s a promise.”
“Thank you Risako.” And Momoko decided to be brave following that statement, and hugged Risako.  She was not pushed away, but nor did Risako completely embrace her.  She stepped back from Risako, said her goodbyes, and headed off upstairs.


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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 6 up!!]
« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2007, 12:09:15 AM »
So a Kirei's a red tulip mm?

I'm surprised you know Risako's fav food is Curry! xD
That's okay.
Saki – Green
Momoko – Yellow
Chinami – Orange
Maasa – Blue
Miyabi – Red
Yurina – Purple
Risako – Pink

Just as they were leaving, Risako stopped Momoko and said she wanted to talk, Momoko agreed.
“What haven’t you told us?”
“.Wha…what do you mean? My story?  I told you everything. Zenbu”
“No you didn’t.” there was a pause.  “I’m worried about you…please…let me…help you.” Her eyes were full of worry.


Yeah, I'm only doing 2 quotes for now =o but the fics getting better and better atm =)
arigatou gozaimasu!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 12:09:44 AM by Jay »
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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 6 up!!]
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2007, 01:25:51 AM »
Risako smiled after a long time? Their training as agents must be really tough. :depressed:

I wonder what Momoko saw that came from the sky. Something from space maybe? :dunno:
« Last Edit: April 22, 2007, 01:26:14 AM by wordsworth »

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 6 up!!]
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2007, 04:30:53 AM »
I love it when other writers write about Berryz getting meals together.. It such a happy and fun read. They're Berryz for godsake!.. They should always get meals together.. (maybe I'm going to far lol)

Hmm, you're going for MomoxRisako? :3 Nice! I bet Momo's saviour is Maiha :D

Your drawing about their costumes are cute :heart: And the costumes is lovely as they're.

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 6 up!!]
« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2007, 08:25:29 AM »
THanx everyone, hehe I love all the mysteries! so much fun! <3
if there's ever a japanese word you're not sure about just ask
here are some of them

ryokai - roger(like on a walkie-talkie)
kirei - pretty
ittai - it hurts/pain
zenbu - everything(total)
Onaka suita - hungry
yosh/yoshi(it's pronounced the same either way) - ok, but is also used when patting a dog sometimes, like comfort thing(i saw yossi do it lol)
kuso -crap/shit but not a strong swear word in japan(meaning its common for idols to say, so probably closer to crap but in english the two mean the same thing so whatever)

er I can't remember many others i used lol but I hope everyone liked my pictures, they weren't originally for berryz, i jsut drew them randomly and when i was writing i needed an outfit for all that matched and i remembered i'd drawn that so yeah ^_^ ALSO that Momo/risako scene, dunno where that came from O.o lol it just seemed  And my info about favourites and all come from wiki.theppn

also I dunno if anyone noticed or not, but my images of scary risako etc are from a expressions in hotaru no hoshi and her general character idea in here is inspired by heero yui(i haven't watched that show for years but <333)

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Offline Blu-Cherri

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 6 up!!]
« Reply #26 on: May 04, 2007, 07:58:11 PM »
New chapter!
You can kinda see now how this story is going i guess(bearing in mind i plan on having several stories- if all goes to plan. ^^

Chapter 7

Momoko was sitting on the bed in her room.  They’d all had separate bedrooms for a while now; it was working out well but did seem lonely at times.  Momoko sighed.  She had put the tulip into a tall glass with water.  She’d added a spoonful of sugar, as she had heard that makes them last longer, but she could see its beauty had already began to fade.  The flower was on her window shelf, it was a pale wood.  The wood was waxed, so it had a matte texture.  Next to it were a few precious stones and cute items that she had accumulated over the years.  Her walls were pretty plain and white.  The basic ideas of the rooms were designed by someone else and so were made to fit each girl’s colour, so Momoko had a few items of yellow and her bed was yellow based.  She had grown tired of the colour yellow, she started to wish they could all swap colours every so often – just to make things more interesting.  She had never really been given the chance to think about a favourite colour, but it was probably red.  That was probably why she liked the red tulips and why she wanted this flower to survive.  It gave another aspect to her otherwise tiresome bedroom.  Momoko lay down on her bed with her hands behind her head and sighed.  Soon they would be assigned another mission.  They would investigate it, advance then make the final move.  It was the same basic process every time.  Ever since that happened, everything has seemed just so mundane, she missed using her to its full extent.  Momoko fell asleep where she lay…

Saki was stretching.  Even though she did not work in the field anymore, she liked to keep her body limber - encase the situation ever arose.  She sighed and sat up straight.  She thought to herself how much fun working in the field was, she was so active and she was able to really squeeze into small spaces and could get through any place.  Now that all changed…ever since that.  Sure, she had been trained about the equipment, but she hated causing the team to be out of work whilst she and Momoko were re-trained. 
“Well I guess I don’t mind being the smart one, it’s quite fun really…” she said to herself.  The loneliness these rooms sometimes brought… how could one deal with it.  No one was allowed in the others room.  You would never have to worry about someone walking in on you changing – but there was also never a chance for someone to come in and cheer you up or play games at night.  It was to avoid any ‘incidents’ happening of course.  Saki looked around at her green room.  She had a small plant growing on her window sill, this plant never flowered.  Her wall had pictures of other green plants such as exotic grasses.  She rolled over and pulled an old box out from under her bed – hidden under some green cloth.  The box was a metal that had begun to corrode.  It looked like it had once been a light blue, but now a dull grey metal showed through.  She opened it easily as the hinges were old but well used and so moved very smoothly.  Inside were different coloured stones that she had collected from missions, back when she was in the field.  She slowly ran her fingers over the stones, then closed the lid, re-wrapped the box and returned it to its place under her bed. 


i guess this is kinda a short chapter, but i felt that with all the descriptions and all we're beginning to see more about these girls characters.  I'm really liking it so i hope you are too ^^

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 8 up!!]
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2007, 08:49:12 PM »
Chapter 8

A noise could be heard from outside their rooms.  Saki and Momoko stepped out almost simultaneously.  It was early in the morning and both had only just woken up, so the brightness of the blue-walled-corridor was hardly a good way to start the day.  When they looked out they saw Risako on the floor, looking angry and one of their superiors, a man, was standing strong in front of her.

“You do what you’re told and nothing more! You understand!?”  Risako sat there in silence.  The man suddenly realised that he was being watched as the other members opened their doors to take a look.
“Everyone back inside your rooms,” No one moved. “NOW!” This made everyone, except Risako, jump slightly and they all went back inside their rooms.
Momoko wanted to know what was going on, she somehow knew it was related to her and the incident.  She sincerely hoped it was not her fault, she could not stand that!  She grabbed a cup and put it between her ear and the door to hear better what was happening, Saki was doing the same.  It was muffled but it was easy enough to hear.
“Listen, Risako, you are an agent, you follow orders, you do investigate without authorisation and you do not go around trying to find your own jobs and cases.  We do not work this way.”  Risako pulled herself to her feet and stood straight, staring at the man.
“Do you understand?” Risako just stood in silence.  “I said, Do.You.Under.stand?”  Still silence.  He slapped her, hard across the cheek.  Her head turned as he hit her, but she just turned it back and stared.  Eventually she realised this was pointless and so she said yes quietly as she nodded and then walked into her room, shutting the door carefully behind her.

The slap was hard enough for Momoko to hear clearly.  She really started to feel guilty now.  Little did she know that Saki was beginning to realise that something was going on with Risako and another member, she knew Risako would not act like this if only for her own sake. 

The girls all went down to breakfast together and sat together.  Nothing was said of the morning’s incident; in fact so far nothing had been said at all.  Maasa decided that she could not take this anymore; she had to break the silence.
“Mm...umai!  These fried eggs are almost as good as my own.  Hey, maybe I should offer to help cook some of the breakfast?”  Yurina quickly picked up on what Maasa was doing.
“Nah, I wanna keep your cooking all to myself, you should just cook breakfast for the seven of us!”  At the word seven Momoko and Saki looked slightly sad, like there was something missing.  Yurina quickly tried to fix this.
“Hey maybe we could ask for yakiniku at some point, Maasa and I could cook it.  Of course if any of you wanted to help that’d be great!  We could almost have some kind of pique-nique!”  Yurina and Maasa seemed really excited at this idea.  Risako started to tidy her things up to leave.
“Where are you going Risako?”  Miyabi asked, trying not to sound concerned.
“Just.. somewhere…” and with that, she left.  Momoko decided she better follow.
“Sorry everyone, shitsureshimasu.”  She picked her tray up, put left-over is the bin and tried to walk as quickly as possible to catch up to Risako.
“Nani soree~?” Miyabi asked. “First that thing this morning, and now this.  What’s going on.”  Saki looked slightly pained, Yurina noticed.
“Do you know what’s going on Saki?” she shook her head.
“No, but I did think something was.  I think it’s related to our last mission, when Momo was missing for a while.  The man this morning told Risako not to do her own investigating.”  Chinami jumped in.
“So, you’re saying that  Momoko told Risako something that she didn’t tell us?”  Saki nodded in response.
“I don’t know what, but if it was important enough to risk being caught and in trouble, it must be something significant.”  To this Chinami gave one of her big smiles and said.
“Well, maybe we should do some investigating of our own?”
“Yeah, maybe we can help them and maybe try and hide what they’re doing, whilst secretly figuring it out ourselves.”  Maasa suggested.
So with that they were all in agreement.  Except, Miyabi did not seem thrilled about the idea, but it was unlikely she would take it into her own hands to stop it.  It was probably the safest option, just to go along with it and see what happened. 


now the story's starting to get somewhere ^^
sorry it took so long to update, but the lack of comments left me feeling disheartened to keep writing.
but i have so many ideas buzzing round my head I had to continue lol.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2008, 04:48:18 PM by Blu-Cherri »

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 8 up!!]
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2008, 05:39:25 PM »
Finally, I guess one reader was all I needed to make me get on with the next chapter after all this time xD
This chapter's a bit more linking and explaining a bit more about the girls' roles and such rather than moving the storyline im afraid - but it's necessary to do.
Also it's a tad short because i need to get back into the flow of writing with the characters and such

Chapter 9

“Risako, matte!”  Momoko shouted as she ran towards the slow walking Risako.  Risako made no attempt to slow down, but knew Momoko would catch up easily.
“What happened this morning?  I heard you with that man, what’s happening?”
There was silence and a blank stare from Risako.  Momoko’s face went from confusion to sadness.
“Please, if we’re going to figure this out, we must work together!” she paused, “Please, what did you find out?”
“Nothing” she looked at Momoko, “They found me before I could find out anything of interest Momo.” Momoko stared at Risako.  She had called her ‘Momo.’
“That’s fine, Momo is just glad you’re ok.” Risako then realised why Momoko said this in third person.  She looked down at the floor.
“Hey why don’t we go the gym and train together,” she held Risako’s hands together with her own, “come on let’s quickly get changed and go down together.” To this Risako simply nodded, pulled her hands away and walked to her room, then Momoko did the same.  Saki had been listening.  The mention of the gym made her quite sad, though she could train in her own room she would never be allowed in the gym again.  She figured it was about time for her to head down and begin studying on whatever her tutor wished her to.

Down the gym the girls began on the treadmill to get their bodies warm and ready to stretch before starting the training.  As they did the other girls began to arrive and do the same thing, all except Saki of course.  After the warm ups  the girls went off to work on their own things, their strengths and weaknesses.  Risako went off to a separate room to do training with weapons, how to manoeuvre and switch between distance shooting and close-range combat.  Yurina, Miyabi Chinami liked to build up their stamina with aerobics, tai-chi and other similar methods.  Momoko was training in karate as it helped improve her responses and her manoeuvrability and built up her strength.  All this time Saki was training for an electronics exam she had the next day, she would have to pass this for the team to be able to advance in their missions.  She would have to be able to instruct the girls whilst in the field how to alter or inspect any electronics on location.  She would have to know instantly what to do as the girls lives may very well depend upon it.  It was around midday when the girls were let go to have a break and lunch after training for 3 hours 


next chapter shouldn't be too long away.

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 9 up!!]IT'S BACK!
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2008, 10:43:54 PM »
^agent life is tough like that, you gotta fight through the pain always.

ah it feels good to be writing again though.
(also are you from H!O?)

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 9 up!!]IT'S BACK!
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2008, 04:03:05 PM »
^lol just for you I'll answer the leg question straight away.

Chapter 10

“Aah so tired…” moaned Momoko as she rested her head on the table in the canteen.  “I can’t even feel my arms or legs anymore.”
“What was it they gave you for your leg, Momo?” Maasa inquired.
“Huh? Oh right erm… it was blue and er…” Momoko paused for a second and everyone was holding their breath in anticipation.  A few moments passed.
“Ah!  They called it ‘tore payo’ I think.”  Maasa sighed.
“I think you mean torpeo, Latin for numb.  It’s obviously just a general pain killer, be careful with that you could cause more problems for it like that.  I’m surprised they gave it to you without saying much.”
“They’re always not saying much though!” Miyabi said a little too loud, quickly realising her mistake she quickly placed her hand over her mouth with eyes wide open.  She was praying to God that no one noticed, not that she truly understood the concept of ‘God’ as all such ideas were never spoken to the girls about.  They were not supposed to have beliefs or opinions, just to complete their missions successfully.  All seven girls were once again holding their breath, even Risako though it was hard to tell.  Several moments passed and nothing happened, Miyabi let her breath go and the others followed, though Risako still seemed a little wary. 
“Anyway Momo, do you want me to have a look at it anyway?” Maasa asked.
“Aah ii yo, I’ll go have a look myself, excuse me” with that Momoko quickly stood up and left, even leaving her tray behind.
“Excuse me,” Risako said softly, stood up and took hers and Momoko’s trays away and left.”

“Hmm this all seems quite interesting suddenly” Yurina said.
“I know, I know.  This must all be related somehow.” Chinami said. They all paused for thought.  Then to everyone’s surprise, Miyabi came up with a suggestion.
“I wonder if it’s related to the chip we brought in somehow?”
“Of course!” Chinami suddenly exclaimed, “It muse be! This causes for some investigation of our own.”
“But don’t forget what happened this morning with Risako, I’m sure they’ll be looking out for us even more after that” Saki explained, “Also, I’m not sure how it can be related to that chip, it didn’t seem to have anything to do with Momoko or Risako.”
“But what other explanation is there captain?” Chinami replied.
“Captain’s right we’re not sure what’s causing all this, maybe we should wait.  We don’t want to cause more problems for those two.”  Maasa said, then paused and continued. “However I do want to investigate because all this secrecy and orders, I want to know what I’m doing more.  It’s just like what Miyabi said before they don’t tell us anything.  Not even about…” Then she stopped speaking.  No words were necessary.  They all knew what, who, she was talking about.  The missing member, the eight in their group.  Maiha.
“Now that is a good reason to begin investigating Maasa, but…but we really must be discrete.  We need to plan things out carefully and not just rush in.  For now we do nothing, but plan.  Think what we could, how we could go about this.  If only there was a way we could talk about this in a more secret place.”
“What about during the next mission, I mean the pre-mission bits.  We’re left alone enough to try and put our ideas together.”  Yurina suggested.
“Hmm, I don’t like it but it will have to do.  Ok girls, let’s go”


anyway said it wouldn't be take too long.

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 10 up!!]IT'S BACK!
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2008, 09:07:18 PM »
From what I read in all the chapters, they were probably all recruited pretty young into a covert group that's very controlling (no opinions or religious notation). The public assassination probably means that they're working for the wrong side of the law. And the tulip; unless she died, Maiha might have left it.

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 10 up!!]IT'S BACK!
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2008, 02:27:03 AM »
The only thing I could think when I read about the tulip was "Tuxedo Mask"
Good job!

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Re: Agents - Berryz Koubou [chapter 10 up!!]IT'S BACK!
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2008, 07:33:40 PM »
CHAPTER 11!!!!!!

Momoko carefully closed the door to her room, then sat down on her bed.  She sat there for a few seconds then fell backwards lying on her bed facing the wall on the other side.  Then rolling over to look towards the window, she then noticed something.
“Huh?” she spoke aloud.  A petal had fallen from her tulip but where it used to be she could see something, something white.  She stood up and walked over to the flower and carefully pulled it out, it was a piece of paper, folded.  She unfolded in and inside was writing, hand written.  Something felt familiar about it all, it read.
“I’m watching over you, things are not as they seem.  You are not safe there!”
Momoko was alarmed.  Who was this? Why were they telling her this?  Is it the truth or maybe they’re the danger.  She could not be sure so she decided to keep the paper but throw away the flower, ‘It was dying anyway’ she told herself.
“What was dying anyway?” at this Momoko turned around sharply, it was Risako.
“Risako, what are doing here?” she had not even realised she was speaking out loud before.
“What have you found, Momoko” Momoko…she had returned to using her full first name.
“Er, nothing the tulip’s dying that’s all.” Momoko tried her best to sound convincing.
“I see…” there was a pause between them.
“Anyway Risako you better move before they think you’re coming into my room”  To this Risako nodded and left, Momoko sighed with relief.
As Risako shut the door and was walking towards her own room the rest of the girls turned up.  It was clear Risako had come from Momoko’s door.
“Nee, Risako what were you doing.” Chinami asked.
“Nothing…” and she turned to her door and shut herself inside.
“Anyway I guess we better…get to work” Saki said and with that they all went into their separate rooms but all of them looked at the extra eighth door before going inside their own room.  The door to the white room.

One by one the girls emerged ready for their next round of training.  First they had to meet their ‘manager’ of sorts.  He would inform them of any upcoming missions and whether they need to do any particular training.  He was a man named Hisoka Nakayama, known simply as Nakayama-san to the girls.  Saki addresses him first.
“Nakayama-san, konnichiwa”  she says followed by a deep bow.  The other girls follow this ‘konnichiwa’ and a bow.
“Konnichiwa my little spies, are you all ready for your next mission?”
“Hai” is all they say in reply, this was the usual question with the inevitable response.  Momoko was thinking about the note, what would happen if they said no?  Would they beat them, threaten them, kick them out or even kill them?  She had never really thought about the reasoning behind what they did before, were they the bad guys?  She suddenly realised that Nakayama was looking at her.
“Ha…hai?” she said, worried how long she had been spaced out thinking.
“I said is your leg ok, will you be able to participate fully in the next mission or would u like to be temporarily reassigned?” he asked her.  She thought about the proposition but decided it was best to stick with the other girls.  They were the closest each other had to a family.   
“No it’s fine, I can do whatever is required from me for this mission to be a success.”
“Good, that’s what I like to hear.”  It was always strange talking to Nakayama, his face was hard to read.  He had dark short hair that always looked neat and usually dressed smartly in a black and white theme occasionally with a piece of grey.  Today he was wearing a black with grey pinstripes suit, a white shirt and a grey tie with black lines, widening as they moved closer to the bottom.  His shoes were black and perfectly spotless with a soft shine to them.
“So, your next mission.” He paused and watched his girls standing in silence, trying to hide their anticipation.  At least this was how he viewed things.
“Is to retrieve another computer chip.”
“Is the chip related to the other chip?” Saki asked.  There was a pause.
“I’m sorry Saki-chan but I cannot disclose that piece of information to you.”  He replied.  Saki took this as a sign that she should not ask any more questions. 
“Head through to the briefing room for further instructions please.”  ‘Please’, that was a word the girls did not hear very often.  The girls bowed and walked past Nakayama into the briefing room.  Saki made sure to keep her head down and not catch his eye in case he decided to have words with her and lead the girls through the door to the next room.


yes i know it's been ages sorry about that.  Hoping to keep this up more!!
feedback appreciated.

set made by me
Here's me singing and dancing!

JPHiP Radio (12/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: So Nyuh Shi Dae - Tell Me Your Wish (Genie)