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Author Topic: Big Brother UK -- Celebrity Big Brother 2009!  (Read 42317 times)

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #40 on: July 26, 2007, 09:11:53 AM »
Bah, what a selfish cow Channelle was yesterday. "I wanner gurgh hurme!" BB should have let her then make her realise she made a complete fool of herself. And despite all that whinging, she didn't do that badly with an out of tune violin. Should have realised she's done more embarrasing things in the house already than play a violin. The fact that she likes Posh Spice and violin makes her a complicated woman XD Of course, she will stay what with Charley surely going on Fri.

Ziggy was entertaining when he sung I thought. At least he knew it was cheesy and was making fun of it all. Carole singing and stripping to Stairway To Heaven has just completely ruined that song for me. But easily the best part was Charley finding out that her cousin, Kieran moved to Sunderland. Looked gutted. I don't think even Keano would sort her out. :lol:

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #41 on: July 26, 2007, 08:29:36 PM »
Charley's arguing again!  (Those who download it will see it later).
Argh!  I hate her so much.  I'll be glad when she's gone tomorrow.
Carole is really annoying lately.  Hopefully she's up for eviction next week.

EDIT: OMG @ Caroles house. What a mess!
« Last Edit: July 26, 2007, 08:50:05 PM by ~Dan~ »
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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #42 on: July 26, 2007, 10:01:40 PM »
Easily the best part was Charley talking about Sunderland. "I know for a fact, Sir Alex told my cousin that he'll be replacing Ryan Gigg's when he can't play anymore". Not a chance love! She'll be devestated when she realises she can't hang around with the big names anymore. :lol:

Oh Carole shut the hell up. "I didn't come in here expecting to do chores". WE KNOW! Nobody forced it upon you, you took it all up yourself! :roll: And what a state her house was in! :lol:

Brian's definately winning it now. Not only was he supportive and funny in tonight's show, but he managed to shut Charley up!

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #43 on: July 26, 2007, 11:27:23 PM »
And what a state her house was in! :lol:
I know!  How squalid!  Next time she argues with anyone about cleaning I hope they mention the state of her house.
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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #44 on: July 28, 2007, 12:32:30 PM »
Ugh, I'll just have to accept that BBUK aren't interested in normal people anymore. The new housemates consist of

- A glamour model who has Jordan as her role model (instant fail. More to her than just a bimbo though. The outfit wouldn't have helped her though)
- A very very creepy middle aged man who talks through his teddy bear (any grown man with a teddy bear needs help. I fear for the girls of the house. In fact if he goes near the twins I'm calling the police lol...)
- A woman with the ridiculous name of Shanessa who wants to be a Playboy bunny (See her dress yesterday? She obviously does not have the figure of a bunny and I was afraid the dress would fall off her at any minute)
- A self-proclaimed pagan (Going into the house he looked like a very poor David Bowie)
- Some female student (I had hopes for this one, until I heard she thinks she's a more beautiful Mariah Carey. She doesn't even look like her.)

The women really have high hopes for the future don't they? One a Playboy bunny, one a model and most of them a WAG. :roll: I'd rather stick with the current housemates (that's when you know the new ones are bad!).
« Last Edit: July 28, 2007, 12:43:42 PM by Tuffty »

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #45 on: July 29, 2007, 01:22:43 PM »
Channelle's leaving. And it looks serious this time. She's packed her suitcase and everything and has said goodbye to the others with Liam telling her "You're breaking people's hearts here. Stop being selfish!" :lol:  From what I hear, Zigelle had an argument early morning (despite the fact that yesterday morning, they apparently got freaky under the sheets. The times they are a changing!) and Ziggy was being particularly cold towards her. Although I also think it stems from the fact that Channelle dislikes (read: is jealous of) new housemate Amy and refused Ziggy to speak to her. And she is worried about being up for nomination this week and did not want to face boos like Charley had :roll: So because of that it looks like she's going and I really really hope she does because the twins are devastated as is Gerry and a number of others. Not only that, but I'm fed up with her and Ziggy.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2007, 01:25:10 PM by Tuffty »

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #46 on: July 31, 2007, 03:45:09 AM »
I hate Big Brother!  Just let damn Chanelle leave!  And then convince Zac to hit the road too!

EDIT: Side note... Charley would have killed herself trying to upstage Shanessa.  Would have been hilarious.  But nope, we're stuck with Tracy.  And we have to DEAL WITH IT.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 03:52:09 AM by Chatin »

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #47 on: July 31, 2007, 08:42:33 AM »
Omg I read Dick poured a glass of tea over Jen's head. OH WHAT A BIG AND STRONG MAN YOU ARE. He just can't fucking take it that Jen is STRONG enough not to care about him verbally attacking her constantly using words she DOES NOT DESERVE. So now he has to get physical. Oh god, what a fucking prick!!!!

DICK HATE!!!!!!!

Also, I heard him say something about "raping Kail and Jen in the ass until they bleed to death". I CAN'T BELIEVE SOMEONE WOULD SAY SOMETHING THAT DISGUSTING AND HORRIBLE. What a fucking MONSTER that man is. No wonder his daughter didn't want anything to do with him for two years.

Also, JEN RULES!! Nobody defends her but she still continues to stay strong, not falling for Dick's attempts at threating and manipulating her. She's a rolemodel and I'm so proud of her. She's only 23 and won't let this old, pathetic bully get to her. :heart:
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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2007, 09:35:20 AM »
But nope, we're stuck with Tracy.  And we have to DEAL WITH IT.

:lol: The sad thing about it is, that Tracey seems more of a character than the new housemates.  Shanessa seems just as fame hungry as Charley. Let's put it this way, if you're spending half the time in your house naked, doing a striptease for guys and asking the girls to have 'girly fun and stuff' in the pool, all in front of national TV, you're pretty much an attention whore. And I used to be a serious follower of breasts until I saw Shanessa's droopy hound ears :( How she makes a living as a stripper I will never know. Those should cause more OFCOM complaints than Jade Goody on a bad day!

The housemates that were chosen were the two devoid of personality, David the Scottish guy who says he's a pagan just because he's done a few witchcraft experiments and Kara-Louise, who says she looks like Mariah Carrey but looks more like Jim Carrey. Both boring. Can you imagine Gerry and David discussing the finer points of paganism? No thanks. Still, better than seeing Jonty go in. That guy just makes me switch the other channel, he's just too creepy. :lol: The twist was that a current housemate must then move into the house next door and Ziggy was the one to move. Ziggy and Amy lol. Channelle must be dying at the minute.

Speaking of, for a moment there I thought we'd never get rid of her, she was like a cockroach refusing to die out. But I say good riddance. It wasn't fair of her on Sunday to play on people's emotions in the house just because she craves the attention. The twins, Brian and Gerry were all devestated to hear the news but that didn't stop Channelle from prolonging her misery trying to milk all the attention out of it as she can.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 09:57:48 AM by Tuffty »

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #49 on: August 01, 2007, 02:34:52 AM »
harley would have killed herself trying to upstage Shanessa.  Would have been hilarious.

Yes, they'd have had a "Whore off" until they were both naked.

BBUS: I've not been watching it, but someone gave me a youtube link where some total douchebag was saying nasty things to a girl.  From Shirenu's post I'm guessing that's Dick.
Was the tea hot when he poured it over her head?  If it was, surely he should be thrown out for that.

BBUK:  Grr, the housemates chose the 2 most boring housemates to move into the main house, Kara and the fat Scottish goth.  I'm glad Chanelle's finally gone, she'd gotten as annoying as Charllie had.

They've changed the plans about what's happening with the halfway housemates because they need an extra person now Chanelle has left.  Originally they announced that 2 housemates were going into the halfway house, swapping with 2 original housemates, but now 2 more are getting a chance to go in.  Now what's happening is the halfway housemates are getting 2 tasks, ones already happened and the other happening later today.  Two people in the halfway house can win a chance to move to the main house, but they have to choose an original housemate to move to the halfway house, then there'll be a phone vote to choose one more person to go in the house and the rest get evicted.

They've already done the first task, I watched it on the live feed earlier, but I'll spoiler it for those that are downloading and don't wanna know yet.
[spoiler]Shanessa won the task and went into the main house, she chose Liam to move to the halfway house.
Tomorrow afternoon in the final task, Ziggy, Liam, Jonty and Amy will compete for a chance to go in the main house.  Whoever wins, please let them choose Carole![/spoiler]
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 02:48:40 AM by ~Dan~ »
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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #50 on: August 01, 2007, 04:35:45 AM »
That episode was just.. wow.

BBUK: I read Dan's spoilers, damn me, and I'm a bit hopeful for certain results now.  lol

Having gotten rid of Chanelle and now having Ziggy in the halfway house, I hope Carole is evicted one way or another.  I also wouldn't mind Ziggy being evicted. 

[spoiler]I was pissed that Carole would bash Amy like that in their decision making process, but now if Amy wins the next challenge, she'll surely send Carole packing!  Yay![/spoiler]

BBUS: I'm just finding it harder to care this year compared to previous.   I really hate a lot of them.  Dustin is going to be well hated now.   Dick is so well hated already.  Amber does nothing but sob and cry and bawl.  I'm actually vying for Jen now.  Like shirenu, I admire her for keeping somewhat upbeat and positive despite Dick's hatred towards her.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2007, 04:38:32 AM by Chatin »

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #51 on: August 01, 2007, 10:01:40 AM »
Shanessa, she seems like a nice girl...not. I try not to be superficial when it comes to housemates, but she maybe the ugliest one in there (yes even Tracey's better looking!) and may have the worst boobs ever. And I can't comment on her personality as she seems to lack any sort in replacement of stripteasing. If she's in the house she'll just walk around naked all day, and I've already had enough the first time I saw them :( And Liam could get evicted as a result, what a load of bull. Liam's one of the few that I like and I don't want him gone in replacement of Shannessa and the other 2 housemates who seem nice, but again, zero personality.

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #52 on: August 02, 2007, 12:59:10 AM »

Major spoilerage about the 2nd part of the halfway housemates task which happened this afternoon.

[spoiler]In it's continuing manipulation, BB changed their plans.

ALL 4 in the halfway house got to go back in the main house, and they each had to choose ANY housemate in the main house to replace them in the halfway house (the noobs weren't exempt!).

The 4 people now in the halfway house are...

David (chosen by Jonty)
Tracy (chosen by Liam)
Kara (chosen by Amy)
Shanessa (chosen by Ziggy)

Shanessa was FURIOUS!  She was slagging off Amy bigtime, calling her a 'nasty piece of work', Carol backing her up ("I'm always right about people").  One reason Shanessa gave for not liking Amy is she said Amy let the others stay in the box for another 40 minutes after the task was over and didn't tell them the time. Huh!!???? Shanessa won the task, she was out of the box first, why didn't she tell them.  Stupid cow!

I assume the 4 in the halfway house will now face the public vote, but they haven't opened the phone lines yet so there may be another twist before tomorrow.  Someone hinted it might be a double eviction.
What I'd like to happen is a vote to save, with one person going into the main house and the other 3 leaving.[/spoiler]
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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #53 on: August 04, 2007, 07:03:10 PM »
Man, that was really unfair how the halfway housemates put ALL the blame on Amy for the decision she and the three others had to make... So glad that Shanessa and David got the boot, those bitter bitches :lol:
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 07:03:40 PM by shirenu »
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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #54 on: August 06, 2007, 10:44:38 PM »
2 audio mixes I made a few years ago when Jade was in Big Brother.

Sam Cooke feat. Jade from Big Brother - Wonderful World

Landscape feat. Jade from Big Brother - Einstein A Go Go
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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #55 on: August 06, 2007, 11:41:00 PM »
Time Machine BB's voice is pretty funny. About tonight's episode:

[spoiler]Can't believe the twins are up for nomination! Let's face it though, the only way they could ever be up was for some kind of twist. Although I wasn't thrilled to see that they think of themselves as one entity. I know they care for each other, fair enough, I understand a relationship between twins is special, but would they rather not be seen as individuals than as one person?

I liked Liam before he went into the halfway house, but now I see that he's actually a bit of a dick. He used Amy to try and get himself back in the main house and as soon as he did, went completely off her. Not saying he's completely to blame though. Takes two to tango, and Amy was happy enough to sleep with a guy after only knowing him for 2 hours. Probably to gain favour into the main house also.

Despite the remaining housemates cooking dinner, Carole still had a go at them for using some of her nut roast. STFU Carole! Always complaining about something.

Channelle's just a basket case. On BBLB today, she was crying over Ziggy saying she misses him. This from the same woman who after she left the house called him a wanker. That relationship is just doomed :roll:[/spoiler]

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #56 on: August 09, 2007, 02:31:01 AM »

(Contains strong language, so don't watch if you don't like that stuff)

I hate Eric. And seeing this makes me very happy. :)

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #57 on: August 09, 2007, 09:52:14 AM »
I'm not sure I wanna watch BBUS anymore ?__?

All this fighting and scheming and lying and stuff... I dunno, it just doesn't feel good... All the manipulating and stuff... I don't feel bad watching Survivor, but BBUS with everyone's horrible language (especially Dick's), the racist remarks, everything... At least on other Big Brothers they have RULES against this kinda stuff...

I think other countries' BB is more for me then :/ BBUS is starting to seem too nasty... And I don't want any of them to win :/
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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #58 on: August 09, 2007, 05:52:31 PM »
^ Wow that's awful. I just read the news of one BBUS contestant, Amber, making an anti-Semitic outburst on their live feed and then I read on what's considered a normal day by Shirenu. Daft cow. Not only did she do herself in, but her mum and sister as well. They should definately start ejecting a few people by the sounds of it. Seeing Shilpa Shetty getting racially bullied by the likes of Jade Goody and Danielle Lloyd crossed over the line for many people but BB producers went down the bullshit line of 'we're broadcasting this to show a reflection on society, and addressing issues that need to be raised', so I imagine BBUS could just do the same. But nobody responded well to that approach, and the producers were largely criticised for it. I can see viewers losing interest.

Back to the UK, it'll be bye-bye Amy on Fri. Nobody really cares about Jonty or Kara-Louise, and the twins aren't going anywhere. Amy's getting the worse showing if the highlights show are anything to go by, so I imagine that's what the public will be swayed by. It was good to see Brian and Amanda kiss! even if they were drunk! It's a change from relationships forged as a chance to get on the front cover of OK magazine.

Channelle and Charley each came out with some of the most mentally distrubing images of the week. Channelle said something like 'Me and Ziggy didn't have sex, that time we were under (un-durgh) the sheets he was just dry-humping me', but Charley took the crown by saying 'I definately saw them have sex and I was like, god please girl! I can smell it!' Take note, that it is difficult to vomit and type at the same time, but that is exactly what I'm doing now...

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Re: Big Brother UK 2007 (or general BB topic)
« Reply #59 on: August 09, 2007, 06:16:35 PM »
Actually, Amber hasn't been seen on the feeds since everyone was woken up, and that was about 3 hours ago. Now everyone is together in the HOH room, no Amber, no talking. So who knows. =s

Ugh, nevermind. Eww.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2007, 06:18:35 PM by Angelus »

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