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Author Topic: More Than One Story...[111016 Loving You Forever]  (Read 238522 times)

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Chapter 3]
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2007, 02:49:28 AM »
“Where are you going Miss K…?”

“Don’t call me that! How many times must I repeat myself?”

“Yes, I’m sorry miss K… I mean Missy. But where are you going?”


Rolling her eyes and giving the ends of her wavy hair a light flick, the girl dressed in fashionable clothes twirled around on her expensive heels and continued walking towards the door.

“I’m sorry Missy but Master said you have to stay in the house.”
Eri? :?

If so, it would seem then that it would be more likely that she's the FIRST girl from the prologue (the one with the old guy throwing something at her general direction), and that she comes from a pretty wealthy/influencial family.

Smiling inwardly, the pompous daughter of the country’s notorious triad boss voiced her opinion, one that was starkly different from her earlier set of thoughts.

“Fine, I’ll take this up with father myself.”
Triad? Oh shit. :o  It at least makes it a bit more understandable as to why she and the old man (likely her father) were arguing in the prologue. Due to the "business" that he's in, there are probably several rival triad gangs who would love to capture and use Eri as a pawn against him. Their home is the only place where he can know with certainty that she's safe. If/when she's out and about she's a big target (even if she has bodyguards with her).  It's only natural that a father would want to protect his child, unfortunately circumstances are making it that Eri needs more protection than most.

Risa totally forgot about her own dire circumstances. Having fled from her previous residence. She had to secure some kind of housing before night fell. Not noticing where she had unconsciously wandered, she soon found herself standing outside the compound of a very luxurious mansion.

Wow, these people are freaking rich.

She was just about to leave after mopping up her drool, when a piece of yellow paper flapping with the breeze caught her eye. Walking up closer, she squinted to read the little black font printed neatly on the notice – Help Needed, food and lodging provided. A huge smile spread across Risa’s face at the sight of the first piece of good news she had encountered all day.
Risa, meet Eri. Eri, meet Risa.  :love:

“Good day madam, are you still looking for someone to fill this position?”

Holding up the A4 sized advertisement freshly torn off the metal gate, Risa pleaded with the most sincere expression she could muster.
A4 sized! :wahaha:

Eying the lass who had her hair in two pigtails and dressed in faded clothes, the elder woman considered her options. She did need a helper quickly, or risk incurring the Master’s wrath should the young mistress run off as a consequence of her not keeping a stricter eye on her. And there was no other reason to not hire the sincere and candid adolescent with the exception of her gender.
Aaaaaaaaaaaah so it was the housekeeper that put up the sign. Wonder what type of work it was that she needs help with? General housework? Gardening? Need someone to keep an eye on Eri because she's finding it harder to keep up with her? ;D

On the other side of the house, exactly opposite from where the pair was walking, the young mistress of the manor had successfully descended four stories with the help of the strong vines that ran from her bedroom’s bay windows to the ground below.

Who said doors were the only way out.
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooo...sneaky. Man, the housekeeper's going to have a fit when she notices Eri's gone (mostly out of fear over what "The Master" might do")

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Chapter 3]
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2007, 03:34:13 AM »
Miss K huh. Well its pretty obvious its Kamei Eri right? Oh wait.... it could be Konno too! But character wise, between Kon-chan and Eri.. I think Eri suits this rebellious princess image better. So Eri's dad is a triad boss, and they need someone to keep an eye on his precious daughter? Risa following Eri around and teaching her a lesson or two, sounds interesting. (I'm still assuming this Miss K is Eri)

And.. when did this become an invitation to stalk H!P girls? Anyways count me in too~ I'll last for about a good 2 to 3 hours. After that I'll be at coffee bean waiting for you guys to finish stalking. :P

Offline inDeceit

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Chapter 3]
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2007, 12:05:56 PM »
Heh, but the rebellious image doesn't really seem to fit... which I forgot to mention earlier. Maybe Eri got a good dose of guts in this universe XD That'll be interesting. 

I wonder when they'll do another promo of Japan to Singapore or vice versa again o.o Like Biyuuden. (probably in another half a decade >_>)
If I were to sit in coffee bean to wait, I'd definitely make sure I have video call o__o lol
« Last Edit: September 18, 2007, 12:08:41 PM by inDeceit »

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Chapter 3]
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2007, 03:52:25 AM »
Hehe the title Miss K reminds me of their names on hello! morning -Where Miss M stole Miss K's cookies XD 

I can so picture Eri as the ojou sama type.  I like how you made her rebellious, it's a nice change of pace  :D

as for Miss R and erm Miss R...I mean Reina and Risa, their characters are fitting as well.  I wonder who will end up being the 'boss' of all of them.  Even though Risa is the reliable one, I would still image her being stuck being ordered around by Miss K. 

anywhoo can't wait to see how this turns out  :inlove:

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Chapter 3]
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2007, 11:41:27 AM »
I actually had chapter 4 for MTOS written out. But since I'm not happy with it, it stays in my computer until I find some time to further improve :P

This next fic isn't related to MTOS. It's partly from a dream I had. I wrote the main story according to what happened in my dream, the rest were filled in later. I still don't know if I should end the story here or continue it. Lemme me know what you think after reading.


Last Thing On My Mind

“Happy day! Good boy! Charming girl! Go yeah! 3, 2, 1 Go! Oki Doki Yeah!”

The lights in the recording studio slowly turned brighter and Risa could see the three others in the room more clearly. Saki and Chisato grinned back at her shyly while her youngest teammate and admirer, Aika hurried to pack up her song sheets amidst the ruffling of papers.

“Nigakii-san, can I share a cab home with you?” 

Smiling at the younger, Risa nodded her head kindly and reached out to pat her head. She had always known that Aika had a soft spot for her and the girl didn’t make a secret of how much she adored her senpai. From the first day she was officially conferred the title of Morning Musume member, she had told interview cameras how much she wanted to meet Risa. To her, this senpai had the warmest smile, kindest actions and most sensitive soul.

“Sure, there’s no need to rush. Take your time, I’ll wait for you outside.”

The bright smile that lit up on Aika’s face told her that little gesture was enough to make the young girl’s whole week. She watched for a little while as Aika concentrated on putting her papers back in numerical order. Being a hard worker who was constantly neat and structured in all ways, Risa could guess what came next. True enough, whipping out a light pink plastic folder with little hearts on it out of her bag, Aika arranged the papers in a tight stack before carefully slotting them in.   

In the hallway outside the room, Risa stuck one hand into her rather large bag and felt around for her cell phone. It was a daily routine, to check the device for messages or missed calls after a session of work. Many of the other members in the extensive Hello! Project family had commented on her love for big bags and often advised her to switch to a smaller one. Be it to lessen the weight that had to be carried around or simply to shorten the time she needed to find things from it. However, Risa liked big bags. They provided her with a sense of security and was handy to dump in everything she needed, or not, quickly. Finally locating the said object, she read the mail that had been received some minutes ago. It was from her manager.

Please proceed to the cultural hall after the recording session. You have to take over Kamei-san for the evening show with Takahashi-san.

“Eh, isn’t that recording Sayumin, Kamei-chan and Ai-chan’s work?”

Pressing the voice call back button, she heard the familiar ringing tone and waited for the other end to pick up. At this moment, the two C-ute members walked past and gave her a goodbye wave. Raising her hand, she returned the action with a smile as the phone line connected.

“Moshi-moshi, manager-san? Why am I taking over the evening cultural show?”


“Hey, how are you feeling?”

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she recognized immediately the face of the shadowy figure crouched down in front of her. Sitting on the same sofa that she was lying on, the body of the other girl was near, so close that she could feel the reassuring warmth that was radiating off her.

“Mmmm, my stomach hurts.” 

“Awwww, poor Kamei.”

Leaning down further, she hugged her kouhai gently and pressed her cheek on the turtle girl’s slightly chubby ones in a bid to comfort her. She knew the girl liked to be hugged and babied. Especially now that she was feeling sick, a concerned and supportive presence was better medication than any prescription.

Snuggling closer to her, Eri let out a contented sigh and enjoyed being held in this position. She had always like the feeling of being embraced. But she only derived pleasure from it if the action was presented by a select few. 

The comfortable tranquility was broken a few minutes later when the older girl suddenly remembered her upcoming duty. Pushing herself off the sofa, she noticed the closed eyes of the ill teenager and assumed she had fallen asleep. Making her way across the dressing room, she headed for the way out when she abruptly stopped in her tracks. Pulling open one metal door of a row of lockers situated near the exit, she took out a gray jacket and turned back to lay the warm garment over the sleeping figure. Sweeping the bangs away from her face, she murmured in a low voice.

“Have a good rest Kamei-chan. I’ll see you later.”

Unbeknownst to her, the sleeping girl wasn’t in that deep a slumber, and she could feel all that went on from the laying of the coat to her senpai’s warm touch. As she stood up to leave the room once more, the image of her retreating back was deeply implanted into Eri’s hazy mind.



There was still a little time before recording for the segment of the cultural event started proper. As staff members and technical crew busied about trying to take care of last minute situations and emergencies, two young ladies sat in mental folding chairs at the side of the hall, awaiting further instructions.

“Ah, it’s been some a while since we had time alone.”

Smiling at her companion sitting beside her, she watched as the older girl flipped through the pages of yet another novel. She appeared to be deep in thought, devouring every word of the thick paperback. So much so that she didn’t seem to have heard the words of her lonely friend.


She tried again, hoping against hope that maybe for once, her frequently busy fellow gokkie member had time to pay some attention to her.

“What is it Gaki-san?”

“I was just saying that it’s rare for us to have time together, without the rest.”

Nodding absentmindedly, Ai turned a page and continued reading, barely registering what was being said. She only got this novel yesterday and already she could not bear to put it down. She was thankful there was this free interval in between shooting to catch up on it.
“How was recording with Sayumin?”

Risa remembered seeing Sayumi dash into an awaiting cab outside the building when she first arrived at the cultural hall. The pink bon-bons in her long and black, shampoo commercial worthy hair swished wildly after her. To pose such a question was almost as bad as talking about the weather or asking if someone had eaten. Nevertheless, it didn’t matter to Risa if the subject was shallow or of no importance. She just wanted to have a conversation with Ai-chan. She needed to be reassured that their relationship was safe. That they were still best friends despite the recent nagging feeling in the back of her mind that they have grown apart. Sometimes she wondered if she was solely responsible for the current state of affairs? Did her newfound rapport with Eri somehow drive a wedge between their visibly strained relations? 

“We have an upcoming free day, why don’t we…”


Her tone was cold and slightly exasperated. It didn’t take a genius to know that she was getting irritated. Watching the movement of her hands as she always did, Risa saw them clench tighter at the cover of the book, a sure sign that Ai was trying to conceal her mounting dissatisfaction. 

“I’m sorry but could we continue this after work? ”

Nodding back with a thin smile, Risa forced herself to turn away and watch the passing workers instead. The intermittent tugging at her heart got stronger and she knew if her gaze lingered on Ai for another second, she would surely burst into tears. That was a definite big no-no in the crowded central portion of the hall. Such an action would no doubt attract stares and gossip. Especially at a time when Morning Musume was facing intense media scrutiny for Fujimoto’s scandal with a comedian and the evident downward spiral of the group’s popularity and sales.

Risa, get a grip. You can’t lose it now. The team can’t take another hit.

With her eyes closed and repeating those words to herself, Risa didn’t even hear the PA yell for her to get into position. Filming has formally started. Glancing around quickly to regain her bearings, her vision caught sight of Ai standing in the middle of the compound. And the gaze she was giving her shot an extremely cold jolt through Risa’s heart.   


“This year, the icebergs in the Artic are melting faster than ever before….”

Focused intently on Ai who was speaking into the camera in a professional manner, Risa marveled at the noticeable change in her within the short period between her appointment from sub to actual leader. From the slightly hesitant and quiet oldest fifth generation member to the self-assured leader of today, Ai’s transformation has been great.

“Wildlife like polar bears are facing extinction and it is up to humans to put a stop…”

Ai’s new hairstyle, the alteration in her tone of voice when she talked in public, and the newfound self-confidence that exuded from her doe-like eyes. Risa wondered where she had been when Ai experienced all these changes. Wasn’t she right there all along, beside Ai and giving her the much-needed boost when she needed it? Or maybe she wasn’t. Perhaps Ai didn’t feel that the remaining member of their cohort had been providing the adequate support. That would explain the chilling look she had received earlier.

Lost in her own thoughts, she almost forgot to follow up on Ai’s section with her own prepared speech. The frantic waving of the PA just managed to capture her attention in time.

“As Ai-chan has said, the poor polar bears really need our help. Aren’t they too cute not too?”

The live program progressed without a hitch and filming was almost due to complete with the director motioning for the last five minutes. By now, a rather large crowd had gathered around to watch the filming proceedings and the noise level got increasingly louder. Making use of her excellent eyesight, Risa scanned the faces of the public standing around in clusters as Ai continued talking about some other species that should be saved in addition to the fluffy white bears. Out of the corner of her eye, Risa became aware of a man dressed in a long white robe and glasses. He was staring intently at Ai and the strange look in his eyes made Risa feel uneasy.   

Observing him further, she saw him reach into his coat pocket and pull out a shiny object. What happened next took place like a slow moving black and white film. The man charged towards Ai, banishing the sharp knife maniacally ahead. Instinctively, Risa pushed Ai out of harm’s way. She was going to jump away after her but it was too late. The cold steel sliced into her flesh as the man brutally plunged the weapon into her abdomen.

Screams erupted throughout the venue and people ran frantically in various directions trying to escape the savage and insane criminal. Afraid that he might go on to hurt more people indiscriminately, security personnel hastily ushered members of the public to safety while others chased after the crazed killer.

Crawling over to Risa who was lying several feet away, Ai hands shook when she saw the extent of Risa’s injury. Blood spewed out endlessly and she was growing paler by the second.


Never in her wildest nightmares did Ai ever think that she would face such a situation. She sat there in a daze, her legs weak as she tried in vain to recover from the shock. The noise died down to a silent drone as Risa’s body started to shut down. She could no longer hear anything and light was fading fast as her eyelids grew heavy. Still, her mind was filled full with thoughts of Ai.

Ai-chan, was she alright?

Struggling to reopen her lead-laden lids and make sure she was safe, Risa reached out weakly to try and find Ai.


Her voice was feeble, much too soft to be heard over the racket in the hall. But Ai heard her.  She was at last convalesced adequately to make sense of what was happening. Stretching out her hand to close the distance between them, the two friends were just about to reach each other when Risa’s hand dropped with a small thud onto the hard floor.


InDeceit: Oh definitely, the more the merrier. But it might be hard not to attract some unwanted attention with the few of us stalking some girls :lol:

Estrea: I have to say, you just gave me some good ideas :D

JFC: Have I ever told you I love reading your comments?  :)

stefy: You’re the only one who mentioned someone other than Eri. And here I was thinking readers might possibly guess Konno, Kamei or Kusumi XD

Sukoshi: Ah, you’re back! :w00t: I was wondering where you’ve been all this time. I missed you :P
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 04:01:28 PM by lil_hamz »

Offline inDeceit

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2007, 12:02:25 PM »
Oh... my...  :cry:

Character death... I've been toying with this idea for a one shot lately, but I didn't dare to actually write it down.
This.. I went from "mhmm...", to feeling an ache at the way Aichan treats Risa, hoping things will turn for the better but.. the ending, it's just T___T and unexpected. Though, why would he want to attack Aichan? The end was too sudden, but I still like it. Some dream you had to come up with this  :lol:

As for stalking, we'll have to plan to do it incognito then XD Somehow I imagine carrying a bag of disguises, lmao

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2007, 12:52:27 PM »
Estrea: I have to say, you just gave me some good ideas :D

Oh gah, now everyone's gonna blame me for this. D:


What, the psycho stalker-turned-killer idea? What did I do? >_>

Oh, and I note you used a lot of details that we Takahashi fan-writers have been fleshing into Aichan. XD The more the merrier, I say. ;)

Oh gah at the end though. Will Risa survive? Will Aichan be less distant for once? Why is she distant? God knows, Risa sure doesn't. XD

Should be interesting to see what you do to them next. XD

And don't claim that I inspire you to write horrific scenes, it's bad for my fluff rep, if I have one. XDD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2007, 12:58:59 PM »
Finally had time to catch up with this :oops:

Aside from Risa, still have no idea who the other two girls are. But I've got a feeling that the three of them are gonna end up in that mansion, unless miss K decides to run away too :P

You latest chap was based on a dream? Hmm, Risa's injury really got into you huh? :P

WAR AKARI!!! Infernal Ninjutsu, Hidden Lore...Freedom of Opposites Technique!!! Rest in peace Kyle,Jab,Mom,Tita, ChrNo...

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2007, 07:29:04 PM »
“Nigakii-san, can I share a cab home with you?”

Smiling at the younger, Risa nodded her head kindly and reached out to pat her head. She had always known that Aika had a soft spot for her and the girl didn’t make a secret of how much she adored her senpai. From the first day she was officially conferred the title of Morning Musume member, she had told interview cameras how much she wanted to meet Risa. To her, this senpai had the warmest smile, kindest actions and most sensitive soul.
Awwwwwwwww... :wub:

“Hey, how are you feeling?”

Her eyes slowly fluttered open, and she recognized immediately the face of the shadowy figure crouched down in front of her. Sitting on the same sofa that she was lying on, the body of the other girl was near, so close that she could feel the reassuring warmth that was radiating off her.

“Mmmm, my stomach hurts.”

“Awwww, poor Kamei.”
Poor Eri indeed. :cry:  But, where is she and who's the other girl?

She just wanted to have a conversation with Ai-chan. She needed to be reassured that their relationship was safe. That they were still best friends despite the recent nagging feeling in the back of her mind that they have grown apart. Sometimes she wondered if she was solely responsible for the current state of affairs? Did her newfound rapport with Eri somehow drive a wedge between their visibly strained relations?

Out of the corner of her eye, Risa became aware of a man dressed in a long white robe and glasses. He was staring intently at Ai and the strange look in his eyes made Risa feel uneasy.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm...stalker? :O

Observing him further, she saw him reach into his coat pocket and pull out a shiny object. What happened next took place like a slow moving black and white film. The man charged towards Ai, banishing the sharp knife maniacally ahead. Instinctively, Risa pushed Ai out of harm’s way. She was going to jump away after her but it was too late. The cold steel sliced into her flesh as the man brutally plunged the weapon into her abdomen.
Crazy stalker!!! :o


Her voice was feeble, much too soft to be heard over the racket in the hall. But Ai heard her.  She was at last convalesced adequately to make sense of what was happening. Stretching out her hand to close the distance between them, the two friends were just about to reach each other when Risa’s hand dropped with a small thud onto the hard floor.
 :frustrated: :frustrated: :frustrated:

JFC: Have I ever told you I love reading your comments?   :)
Sorry they were short today. Was feeling lazy. :P

Estrea: I have to say, you just gave me some good ideas :D

Oh gah, now everyone's gonna blame me for this. D:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2007, 09:35:18 PM »
Wow, I really love that extra fic, lil hamz! I found the description of Ai-chan from a Gaki-san's perspective especially good, as well as sticking in the fact that Aika's really looks up to Gaki-san.

Her tone was cold and slightly exasperated. It didn’t take a genius to know that she was getting irritated. Watching the movement of her hands as she always did, Risa saw them clench tighter at the cover of the book, a sure sign that Ai was trying to conceal her mounting dissatisfaction.
Very vivid with a good characterization of Takahashi. Though she won't vocalize her anger, it's definitely there.

Nodding back with a thin smile, Risa forced herself to turn away and watch the passing workers instead. The intermittent tugging at her heart got stronger and she knew if her gaze lingered on Ai for another second, she would surely burst into tears. That was a definite big no-no in the crowded central portion of the hall. Such an action would no doubt attract stares and gossip. Especially at a time when Morning Musume was facing intense media scrutiny for Fujimoto’s scandal with a comedian and the evident downward spiral of the group’s popularity and sales.
I especially liked this. Blurring the lines of fiction a little...I feel for Gaki-san. Poor girl.  :(

Oh, GakiKame bit made my day.  :yep: I hope you continue this!

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2007, 06:34:34 AM »
*hugs hammy san* omg! I hope your dream only consisted of the first half of the new story!  Else it's more like a sad nightmare  :cry:

At first I thought the unknown person that was taking care of Eri was Ai chan.  Somehow i can imagine Ai chan being the motherly type now that she's the new leader.  The cheek part was just insanely adorable  :shy1:

now after reading the fic..I have some questions!  If the filming was suppose to have been taken care of by Sayu, Eri, and Ai chan..why did the little bunny run off?  Don't tell me it was her cooking that did Eri in !  or could it be because of something more suspicious?!  Ack! *imagination runs wild*   :imdead:

anyways, I liked it a was happy, sweet, and sad all in one...hopefully you'll continue this if you have time

*hopes hammy san dreams of more fic ideas*  :sleep:

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2007, 04:29:36 PM »
..why did the little bunny run off?  Don't tell me it was her cooking that did Eri in !

lol! That sounds so likely  :lol:

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #32 on: October 12, 2007, 12:45:35 PM »
.......... you killed Gaki-san...... You KILLED Gaki-san!!

or you just made her unconscious.. either way... YOU KILLED GAKI-SAN!!

Question though... where'd Sayu go? She disappeared half way..

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: More Than One Story ... [New Story Up]
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2007, 11:18:09 AM »
I'm really glad all of you enjoyed reading this. I want to continue it, but the truth is, I don't really have a clue how to :P I'll keep this story in mind and see if I can get any flashes for writing more.

Here's the nexy chapter for More Than One Story. (If you noticed Estrea, I didn't change anything much after all :D I so don't have time *wails* I hate school XD)

Chapter 4 - Together and Alone

Humming happily to the tune she heard playing on the radio that the kindly housekeeper had left running in the kitchen area, the newly hired young help skipped down the street towards the town’s essential grocer, hoping to pick up some provisions as per her first assigned errand before the little store closed for the day.

Hopping alternate steps on the clobbered path, she was almost oblivious to the world and the darkened surroundings until a shrill scream from someplace down the road tore through her unfortunate eardrums.

“Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Get away from me, you… you creep!”

Cornered in a deserted, abandoned alley by a scruffy looking man, the stylish looking lady stammered nervously as she edged further back until she was up against the stone wall.

“Hic, what’s a girl like you doing in a place, hic, like this? Hic.”

The warm alcohol-soaked breath of the dirty scoundrel blasted into her prettily made up face, and she wrinkled her nose at the pungent stench.

As the big sweaty hands of the stranger clamped down on her shoulders and the balding man neared his unshaved face at her lips, she pushed hard at his chest to get away. Nevertheless, her feeble attempts were futile against a man more than twice her size and at least one head taller. Squeezing her eyes shut, she regretted leaving the house without permission and not leaving a note behind. Now no one would ever know of her whereabouts or what had befallen her this wretched evening.

An image of herself as the ill-fated protagonist of a news bulletin appeared abruptly in her mind - a solemn faced newscaster clad in a dark gray suit read unfeelingly from the teleprompter, reporting on the accidental discovery of a decomposed female body by the lonely old road sweeper who cleaned up the abandoned lane once a fortnight. She wished for the horrible experience to end earlier than later so she could lessen the agony and torture, even if it was only by a mere few minutes. Resigned to her fate, her arms no longer held any strength, and she let them fall limply to her side as she awaited her end.   
[First POV]

I crept along the walls of the narrow alley and tried hard to be as quiet as possible. Holding the bottle tightly in my hand, I prayed to go unnoticed. Finally reaching the struggling pair, I raised the bottle high into the air and brought it down in one swift motion on the back of the perpetrator’s head.

[Second POV]

Looking down at the figure that was now lying at my feet, my eyes stared unblinkingly and my mouth hung open. As the dark red liquid found itself forming around my new heels, the severity of the situation finally sank in. Tearing my eyes away from the motionless person to look at the shivering form of the girl standing across from me, I saw a girl who looked around my age, I saw my savior.



It had only been hours since they parted, but she was already missing the girl with the bright smile. She had only seen her smile once, when she revealed her name, but that image had been clearly etched into her mind. She did not know if she would ever see her again, but she hoped so.


Snapped out of her thoughts by the sudden interruption, she looked up at the annoyed man staring down at her angrily.

“You little twerp! This is a new shirt!”

Brushing rapidly at the crisp white long sleeved shirt with both hands, the creases in his boyish face grew deeper. The streets were deserted and the air still. Glancing quickly around her, she realized that she had never been to this part of the town before. And now a stranger that looked anything but friendly had confronted her. Sensing the change in atmosphere, she tried to escape by running away from the man. She was barely a few hundred yards away when the man many would think of as handsome pulled her violently back.

“I am wearing this for a very important interview tomorrow, and now you have ruined it for me!”

His grip on her upper arm got increasingly tighter as a thin smile slowly formed on his face.

“I wonder, how should you pay for this?”
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 10:10:18 AM by lil_hamz »

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Chapter 4]
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2007, 10:49:25 PM »
“Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Get away from me, you… you creep!”

Cornered in a deserted, abandoned alley by a scruffy looking man, the stylish looking lady stammered nervously as she edged further back until she was up against the stone wall.

“Hic, what’s a girl like you doing in a place, hic, like this? Hic.”
Oh great. Some dumbass drunkard.  :angry:

As the big sweaty hands of the stranger clamped down on her shoulders and the balding man neared his unshaved face at her lips, she pushed hard at his chest to get away. Nevertheless, her feeble attempts were futile against a man more than twice her size and at least one head taller. Squeezing her eyes shut, she regretted leaving the house without permission and not leaving a note behind.
Shit that's ERI!!! SAVE HER RISA!!! :pleeease:

[First POV]

I crept along the walls of the narrow alley and tried hard to be as quiet as possible. Holding the bottle tightly in my hand, I prayed to go unnoticed. Finally reaching the struggling pair, I raised the bottle high into the air and brought it down in one swift motion on the back of the perpetrator’s head.

[Second POV]

Looking down at the figure that was now lying at my feet, my eyes stared unblinkingly and my mouth hung open. As the dark red liquid found itself forming around my new heels, the severity of the situation finally sank in. Tearing my eyes away from the motionless person to look at the shivering form of the girl standing across from me, I saw a girl who looked around my age, I saw my savior.
Holy shit, she killed him??? :o


Snapped out of her thoughts by the sudden interruption, she looked up at the annoyed man staring down at her angrily.

“You little twerp! This is a new shirt!”


“I am wearing this for a very important interview tomorrow, and now you have ruined it for me!”
If he needs it for an important interview TOMORROW, then he should not be wearing it TODAY...dumbass.

His grip on her upper arm got increasingly tighter as a thin smile slowly formed on his face.

“I wonder, how should you pay for this?”
She shouldn't, it's HIS own damn fault for wearing his nice, new shirt the day BEFORE he actually needs it.  :angry:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Chapter 4]
« Reply #35 on: October 29, 2007, 06:35:55 AM »
Yikes... Reina's in trouble now! It is Reina right? And so Eri is ok? She'll probably be pretty shocked that Risa, the one who saved her, is working at her house huh.

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Never My Intention]
« Reply #36 on: March 22, 2008, 02:02:55 PM »
Wow, it's been long since I last posted. Here's one featuring 2 of my favorite couples :wub: I didn't spend a lot of time on this so hopefully it's okay.

Never My Intention

The ominous roar of thunder startled her and she looked up unwittingly to stare at the overcast sky. The gray fluffy clouds blocked out the sun and gave all below it a gloomy atmosphere. Much like the depressing weather, she was feeling miserable and in low spirits. The only heartening emotion she felt was from the reassuring warmth emitting from the arm latched tightly around her own. Glancing to her right, she saw the jubilant face of fellow member and close friend, Niigaki Risa.

“We should do this more often.”

Talking to no one in particular, Risa was voicing her thoughts of how she felt after the preceding couple of hours they had spent together. Since the early afternoon, they had visited the trendiest shops selling the season’s most fashionable clothing, tasted some renowned curry, took a walk in the park where Sakura petals floated down all around them and taken some colorful purikura while pulling a bunch of funny faces. It was indeed a relaxing day well spent with no rushing about for performances practices, television recordings or costume fittings.


Her answer was short and didn’t even constitute a word. Her less than enthusiastic answer not only surprised Risa, but herself as well. The enquiring look consisting of a quirked eyebrow and questioning glance spoke volumes and she looked away to avoid answering Risa. She didn’t know why she was behaving like this. The day was a usual one for them and she almost always felt blissful to have someone like Risa there to spend it with. Sure, the girl could be loud, noisy and boisterous. But she knew when to tone it down and could be a good listener when she wanted to be. A prime example was when she was recently embroiled in a tabloid issue that was thankfully rather low profile. The topic was based on a relationship she had ongoing whist starting out in the industry, or so the magazine claimed. While it didn’t warrant any drastic measures by the company, it didn’t make her feel any better. She was fortunate to have had good friends who stood by her and comforted her when she needed it most. And she would never forget it.

“I’m sorry. I was distracted.”

It wasn’t entirely a lie, and Risa seemed to accept it with no further comments. And so the matter was left to be. As her friend turned to speak with the other figure walking on the far end, she noticed how sweetly Risa was smiling. The object of her attention was their leader and the undisputed talent of the group, Takahashi Ai.     


The rain was falling in huge torrent like drops that splattered against the window of the speeding cab. Inside the cozy compartment, two feminine figures sat sharing the backseat. There was silence as neither offered to speak. Unexpectedly, the driver wasn’t talkative nor did he try any lame pick-up lines on the attractive girls. The only sound came from the crackly radio and the splash of water as the vehicle’s wheels rolled over puddles of water.

“Toshiyuki! There has been a pileup along the Tokyo Highway.”

“What happened?”

The driver’s voice was evidently laced with gratefulness at not being one of those involved in the disaster.

“Some new driver turned into the wrong lane..”

“New drivers, they always manage to cause problems for others.”

In the front, the driver slapped at his steering wheel agitatedly as he turned into a side road that led to the girls’ destination. At the back, one of them started rummaging through her bag and throwing out random items in the process.

“What are you looking for Eri?”

Becoming aware of her sudden and frantic actions, her companion voiced her concern at Eri’s pale face.

“My phone! I can’t find it!”

“Did you leave it at the restaurant?”

Shifting in her seat, Ai tried to see if the phone had accidentally slipped between the seats or if it had fallen onto the vehicle floor.

“Lend me yours! Hurry!”

The emergency in Eri’s voice made Ai fish out her own device hurriedly and pass it to Eri’s shaking hands.

“Are you alright Eri? Did something happen?”

Punching at the illuminated buttons, Eri brought the earpiece to her ear and waited anxiously for the line to connect.

“The subscriber you can calling is unable to…”

“I can’t get her! I can’t contact Gaki-san!”

“What are you saying Eri? Calm down.”

Grabbing onto Eri’s hands, Ai pulled the younger girl closer in an attempt to calm her down. Eri’s behavior frightened her but she had to maintain her composure and act like a reliable, mature woman in front of her teammate.

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“I think Gaki-san could be involved in that accident.”

Pointing to the radio, Eri’s eyes turned red and her eyes glazed over with tears as she spoke.

“Gaki-san’s going to Azabu. She wouldn’t have to pass through the expressway.”

Patting Eri’s lap, Ai gave her a reassuring smile. So Eri was worried about Risa. That would explain her strange reaction earlier. However the episode was uncalled for since Risa was safe being nowhere near the accident area.

“She lied.”


“She was going to get your birthday present, not collect her mother’s laundry. She would have to pass through the highway.”

A sick feeling of dread surged up within Ai. The rocking of the cab along with the trepidation of what Eri had said made her feel like puking. Gripping onto the side of the seat, Ai dug her fingers into the soft leather material. Eri’s words kept repeating in her mind and she couldn’t shake the premonition that something bad was going to happen. 

It couldn’t, Gaki-san couldn’t have…

Squeezing her eyes shut, Ai contemplated her choices. She could go home and wait for Risa to call her like she always did, or she could make her way to the highway and see for herself that Risa wasn’t any where in danger. Looking at Eri, who had by now brought her knees up to her chest and had her head buried in them, Ai made her decision.

“Please head for Tokyo highway.” 


The line of cars went on for miles due to the traffic jam caused by the pileup. In their taxi, Ai and Eri couldn’t see what was happening in the front. Their anxiety was only made worse by the heavy rain beating against the roof of the vehicle and the conversation going on between the driver and his colleague.

“I heard it’s pretty serious. There’s a rumor that a talent or something was one of the passengers.”

Hearing those words, Eri gasped loudly and a fresh round of tears entered her eyes. She looked at Ai with an expression that pleaded for her to do something, anything in the current situation. Her own thoughts in a mess, Ai tried to determine the most appropriate course of action. Except that Risa wasn’t by her side, and she needed her. In her daily life, Ai couldn’t function properly without Risa giving her suggestions or helping her out. Now she felt helpless, she felt lost, but most of all, she felt scared.   

You have to be alright Gaki-san. You have to be.

Pulling at the lever to release the door, Ai pushed it open and got out of the car. Outside, the world seemed to be colored in a single shade of gray as the rain and darkened sky meshed as one. In her relatively high boots, Ai started to run. She sprinted with all her strength towards the start of the line of cars where the accident had occurred. Focusing solely on reaching her destination quickly, she cleared her mind so nothing could sway her resolve or hinder her pace. She couldn’t hear Eri screaming at the back for her to slow down or the bursts of honking by the cars stranded on the highway at rush hour. All she could hear was Risa’s familiar and distinctive voice.

I will always be here for you Ai-chan. Whenever you need me.   


The scene was absolutely horrifying. The masses of wrecked metal, smell of burnt flesh and splintering of glass beneath her feet made Ai feel queasy. She wanted to turn back and leave the scene of such violent destruction. It wasn’t a place she should be in. But then again, it wasn’t a place Risa should be in either. Yes, she was here to locate Risa, and she wasn’t leaving without her.


Out of nowhere, Eri appeared beside her and held on to her coat. Together, they made their way cautiously to the nearest cab. The mangled sedan lay on its side, every piece of glass shattered by the impact of the crash. Lowering her head to peer into the interior, Ai heaved a silent sigh of relief that Risa wasn’t in it. Two more futile attempts later, Ai was beginning to think that perhaps Eri was wrong after all. And Risa never came this way.

“Ai-chan…it’s.. Gaki-san’s purse.”

 Bending down to reach for the sequined object, Ai recognized it as one of Risa’s favorite purses. Nevertheless she refused to believe it belonged to her dear friend. A design like this was common and very popular, there was a high chance that it belonged to some other woman. Even so, the telling evidence was the little Mickey Mouse ornament dangling from the handle and the yellow letter R hanging below it.

No… This can’t be true.

Holding the torn and filthy bag in her hands, Ai cried. For the first time since hearing about the accident, she let go. Keeping up the image of leader was no longer important, singing and dancing well was no longer vital. Nothing mattered anymore. Because the only thing that truly mattered, is no longer here.

“Ai-chan you can’t give up! Gaki-san wouldn’t give up!”

There was renewed vigor in Eri’s voice. The turtle girl was only in name. In reality, Eri was more outgoing than she ever was. The new her was a result of Morning Musume, a product of self-confidence and a consequence of having Risa around. Since GAKIKAME commenced, Eri found herself hanging out more frequently with her senior. To her, Risa was a good friend, someone as important as Sayumi was. And she wasn’t going to believe that Risa was a person who would go down without a fight. Braving the relentless rain, Eri continued scouring the surroundings for any sign of Risa.

I’m gonna chase you to the ends of the world Gaki-san.

Walking apprehensively up to the last overturned automobile, Eri prayed. God wouldn’t be so cruel as to take Risa away from them, from her. On the other side, sitting on the curb and holding onto her arm, was Risa.


Running to kneel down before her, Eri enveloped Risa in a smothering hug. Tears sprung once more from her already swollen eyes.

“Promise me you’ll never get hurt. Promise me you’ll never fall sick. Promise me that you’ll never leave me!”

“Pokepoke pu, I’m fine.”

With her good arm, Risa hugged Eri back. The joy of feeling Risa’s arm around her waist was indescribable and Eri didn’t want to ever let go. Only she had to.



Reluctantly moving aside, Eri made way for Ai to hug Risa. Seeing their contact with each other, the identical sense of despair she felt earlier in the day came flooding back. Ai had practically attached herself onto Risa without leaving any inch of space between them. Her hands had somehow come into contact with Risa’s wound, which made the youngest of the fifth generation wince. But other than that, Risa didn’t seem to mind being caught in Ai’s rigid embrace. There was no exchange of words but it was clear that none was needed.

It was still raining and the cold rain seeped beneath her clothes and cooled her exhausted body. Her hair was a mess and so was her make-up. But Eri didn’t care about those insignificant details. Standing apart from her seniors, she finally realized the cause for her dejected disposition.   

The clothes she saw today weren’t as stunning as they should be. The meal she had and the Sakura she saw weren’t as tasty or breathtaking as they should’ve been. Today wasn’t a usual one for her, nor was it enjoyable simply because, Ai was there. It shouldn’t have happened but it did.

It was never my intention, but I fell in love with you, Niigaki Risa. 
« Last Edit: April 06, 2008, 05:25:26 PM by lil_hamz »

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Never My Intention]
« Reply #37 on: March 22, 2008, 03:49:51 PM »
I would've cried if you killed Gaki-san (again)  :cry:
XD But thank god she's alright in the end.

Great update, although just so sad to read T_T I would say more, but I'm lazy XD

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Never My Intention]
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2008, 04:42:29 PM »
At first i thought you killed Gaki :cry:
Anyway, great story eventhough it was very sad...
Though my favourite is TakaGaki, i feel sorry for Eri...
is there a chance for a continuation  :roll:

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Re: More Than One Story ... [Never My Intention]
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2008, 07:46:39 PM »
Wow, it's been long since I last posted. Here's one featuring 2 of my favorite couples  :wub: I didn't spend a lot of time on this so hopefully it's okay.
This one related to MTOS?

The ominous roar of thunder startled her and she looked up unwittingly to stare at the overcast sky. The gray fluffy clouds blocked out the sun and gave all below it a gloomy atmosphere. Much like the depressing weather, she was feeling miserable and in low spirits. The only heartening emotion she felt was from the reassuring warmth emitting from the arm latched tightly around her own. Glancing to her right, she saw the jubilant face of fellow member and close friend, Niigaki Risa.


And so the matter was left to be. As her friend turned to speak with the other figure walking on the far end, she noticed how sweetly Risa was smiling. The object of her attention was their leader and the undisputed talent of the group, Takahashi Ai.   
Guess not.

Hmmmm...wonder who's POV this is? Eri? Whoever it is, looks like it's a group outing?

The rain was falling in huge torrent like drops that splattered against the window of the speeding cab. Inside the cozy compartment, two feminine figures sat sharing the backseat. There was silence as neither offered to speak. Unexpectedly, the driver wasn’t talkative nor did he try any lame pick-up lines on the attractive girls. The only sound came from the crackly radio and the splash of water as the vehicle’s wheels rolled over puddles of water.
Yeah, in weather as bad as that, it'd be a good idea to concentrate on the road. Flirting with the customers won't do you any good if you get in an accident.

Wait...2 passengers? Weren't there 3 of them? What happened to the third?

“Toshiyuki! There has been a pileup along the Tokyo Highway.”
Crap, that's not where they are, is it?

“Some new driver turned into the wrong lane..”

“New drivers, they always manage to cause problems for others.”
Ouch, that's going to hurt business a bit.  :thumbdown:

At the back, one of them started rummaging through her bag and throwing out random items in the process.

“What are you looking for Eri?”

Becoming aware of her sudden and frantic actions, her companion voiced her concern at Eri’s pale face.

“My phone! I can’t find it!”

“Did you leave it at the restaurant?”

Shifting in her seat, Ai tried to see if the phone had accidentally slipped between the seats or if it had fallen onto the vehicle floor.

“Lend me yours! Hurry!” it's Risa that's missing. Where'd she go, and why does Eri want her phone so badly? :dunno:

“The subscriber you can calling is unable to…”

“I can’t get her! I can’t contact Gaki-san!”

“What are you saying Eri? Calm down.”
Whaaaaaaaaaa? Why do I not like the sound of this?  :cry:

“I think Gaki-san could be involved in that accident.”

Pointing to the radio, Eri’s eyes turned red and her eyes glazed over with tears as she spoke.

“Gaki-san’s going to Azabu. She wouldn’t have to pass through the expressway.”

“She lied.”


“She was going to get your birthday present, not collect her mother’s laundry. She would have to pass through the highway.”
Is Aichan positive about this? She knows for sure that Risa's not going that way? :O

It couldn’t, Gaki-san couldn’t have…

Squeezing her eyes shut, Ai contemplated her choices. She could go home and wait for Risa to call her like she always did, or she could make her way to the highway and see for herself that Risa wasn’t any where in danger. Looking at Eri, who had by now brought her knees up to her chest and had her head buried in them, Ai made her decision.

“Please head for Tokyo highway.”
Oh please say Risa's not there. :pleeease:

Their anxiety was only made worse by the heavy rain beating against the roof of the vehicle and the conversation going on between the driver and his colleague.

“I heard it’s pretty serious. There’s a rumor that a talent or something was one of the passengers.”
Oh jeez...:pen_cry:

The scene was absolutely horrifying. The masses of wreaked metal, smell of burnt flesh and splintering of glass beneath her feet made Ai feel queasy. She wanted to turn back and leave the scene of such violent destruction. It wasn’t a place she should be in. But then again, it wasn’t a place Risa should be in either. Yes, she was here to locate Risa, and she wasn’t leaving without her.


Out of nowhere, Eri appeared beside her and held on to her coat. Together, they made their way cautiously to the nearest cab. The mangled sedan lay on its side, every piece of glass shattered by the impact of the crash. Lowering her head to peer into the interior, Ai heaved a silent sigh of relief that Risa wasn’t in it. Two more futile attempts later, Ai was beginning to think that perhaps Eri was wrong after all. And Risa never came this way.

“Ai-chan…it’s.. Gaki-san’s purse.”
Please no...please no...please no. :badluck:

Walking apprehensively up to the last overturned automobile, Eri prayed. God wouldn’t be so cruel as to take Risa away from them, from her. On the other side, sitting on the curb and holding onto her arm, was Risa.


Running to kneel down before her, Eri enveloped Risa in a smothering hug. Tears sprung once more from her already swollen eyes.

“Promise me you’ll never get hurt. Promise me you’ll never fall sick. Promise me that you’ll never leave me!”

“Pokepoke pu, I’m fine.”

With her good arm, Risa hugged Eri back. The joy of feeling Risa’s arm around her waist was indescribable and Eri didn’t want to ever let go. Only she had to.



Reluctantly moving aside, Eri made way for Ai to hug Risa. Seeing their contact with each other, the identical sense of despair she felt earlier in the day came flooding back. Ai had practically attached herself onto Risa without leaving any inch of space between them. Her hands had somehow come into contact with Risa’s wound, which made the youngest of the fifth generation wince. But other than that, Risa didn’t seem to mind being caught in Ai’s rigid embrace. There was no exchange of words but it was clear that none was needed.
 :mon loveflower:

:mon runcry: <= symbolizes Eri and Aichan with tears of joy running towards Risa

The clothes she saw today weren’t as stunning as they should be. The meal she had and the Sakura she saw weren’t as tasty or breathtaking as they should’ve been. Today wasn’t a usual one for her, nor was it enjoyable because, Ai was there. It shouldn’t have happened but it did.

It was never my intention, but I fell in love with you, Niigaki Risa.
No....way.  :stunned:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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