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Author Topic: Estrea's Sandbox [6/4 - Treat]  (Read 203165 times)

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/15 - Switch, Voice]
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2007, 02:18:07 AM »
I'm really bad at commenting, but I did have to post a little something. I absolutely adore your writing style. It's so in-depth and fluid. Your descriptive abilities really are impressive especially to a dialogue whore like me. :depressed:

So, in conclusion. You=win. :luvluv2:

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/15 - Switch, Voice]
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2007, 03:50:52 PM »
Ah, thanks everyone! :) All the compliments light a fire in my heart. XDD

@Yuki: Lol, no need for worship. I'm still working on the language skills. Would you believe that I have an online dictionary on every single time I write something? I'm not ashamed that I have to use one whenever I am uncertain about spelling, or am unable to find the right word. Learning a language is a lifelong process, I believe. Thanks for reading though, I liked the birthday fic too, it was silly and cute and emo at the same time. ^_^

@Yuu: Yes dear, fluff. XD Lol, I wouldn't say Ai was specifically feeling amorous, maybe embarrassed because of misinterpretation, but like you said, I was keeping it innocent so...yeah. XDD And you shut up about the waltz, I know I made a mistake before. >_> XDD Hehe, as for 21, Risa being all sneaky and pulling a fast one on Ai...that was totally out of the left field. I just thought it would be a good idea halfway through and that's how it turned out. And yes, you are correct, I was inspired by the Yume Kara Samete performance in Hawaii for Voice and Switch. Also of Ai's solo for Osaka Koi no Uta in the Rainbow 7 concert. Basically, anything that showcases her stage presence. XDD

@Sevii: Yeah, guilt tripping was difficult. D: But Aichan deserved it, I think. Sometimes it is necessary to be cruel to someone to get their attention. I'm glad you liked it though. :) And yes, Takahashi on and off stage are practically two different people. And yes, that is indeed intriguing and therefore attractive. XD I love my logic.

@JFC: I might write a continuation to Aika's mission. Depends. It's cracky enough to warrant a silly little spinoff, really...hmm... And thanks for the compliment. XD

@lil_hamz: Hello, my bacon friend! XD I know, right? I always wanted to know what happened during that sleepover thing in Hawaii, so I wrote it myself. XDD Tried to keep it real, so that's how it turned out. Yeah, I too wonder who that CD with waltz music belongs to. Hmm. XDD And Takagaki in any form is love. <3333 Thanks for the worship, but I'm not god and I'm not dead, so no need to worship me really. XDD And I wonder if Aika spiked the punch? XDD This could really spark a good follow up if I chose to...

@almond: Oh hello there, if I'm not wrong, this is the first time you've commented on something I've written, yes? ^_^ Welcome, and thank you for the compliments. My writing style is the result of years of work and practice (you really don't want to read my early efforts, trash I tell you, absolute trash), and I still have a long way to go before even coming anywhere close to grazing the outer edges of the realm called "perfection". I used to be pretty bad at description too (I could show you some of the comments my teacher gave me), but it's only something that can be worked on in time. All you need is a little effort and attention to detail. I'll be happy to discuss it with you if you want to, just add me to IM or something. I'm not that scary, so I won't tear you apart or anything. XD

Okay guys, another old fic I pulled out from my LJ. Had been cross-posted at renairev before too, but eh, here it is anyway. I haven't been able to settle down enough to write something new, and as for the Ribbon no Kishi ideas, I will have to watch the musical over again to get a better feel for the characters before I trust myself to start formulating scenarios. So yeah, don't expect anything too soon. School is killer, I swear.


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/15 - Switch, Voice]
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2007, 04:15:20 PM »
Dated August 3rd. So you can guess how a certain someone stole characterisation from me when you check dates. >_> XDDD

Oh and there were some edits from the original posted on my LJ and at renairev. So yeah. XD I can never leave a script alone when reposting it anywhere. XD; My urge to improve on what I already have is too strong.


Ebony Dusk

One wonders, if it had always been the same.

Staring out of the window, watching the sky painted a canopy of colors, shifting sunset at once the same and yet so very different in its crimson strains. Dusk, it seemed, would soon approach, or so the last gasp of brilliant, rich iridescence of the heavens heralded.

Strange how the last dance, the last frame of time, before the velvet cloak of night settled, would be so vibrant, so alive, so unlike what was to come.

Such was the scattered, quiet thoughts of one Takahashi Ai as she gazed silently out of a nearby window, one of few in the studio. It had been a long day, their jobs demanding of both time and energy, and it was now late. Or getting late, since it was technically still day. For did the sun not still hang in the air, however low it may be sinking soon?

Yes, evening was near, and their work was done. Staff scurried around, busy with their own tasks, anxious, perhaps, to get back to family, who knew? The other girls were also lingering around the area, either in groups, or singly. Like her. Standing alone, paused in motion, gazing as if in a trance out of the window at the dusky hues in the sky outside.

The other girls. Her colleagues, possibly friends, or the closest thing to it in the job. They didn't really have much of a social life outside of work anyway. She liked them, more or less. Got along with them too, outside of the occasional disagreements that were bound to crop up from time to time. You couldn't expect to have completely peaceful and uneventful relations in a group of girls. A large group of girls. Nature, if nothing else, would see to a crabby attitude from one person or another during certain times.

And she was leader now. Ai affirmed the fact to herself inwardly. She hadn't really been too thrilled about being handed the responsibility this early, or rather, have it be thrust on her out of the blue. She had known it would come in due time, just not how and why it had the way it did. Still, it was not something she could change, but only to try and work to the best of her ability, as she had always done.

She had had her own doubts about her own leadership ability too. She didn't exactly have the most commanding presence around, nor was she extremely outspoken, at least not enough to draw all that much attention. If she had not been one of the lead singers, she would most likely have been easily forgotten by the audience, since there was nothing else about her that stood out prominently. And considering the huge shoes the former leader had just vacated (no, Miki didn't count), it was pretty much a huge thing to live up to. She didn't have the same amount of charisma that Yoshizawa-san had. The only thing she could do was what she had always done. Do everything to the best of her ability and hope that everyone else followed her example.

The other girls were all clustered in their little groups. The new Chinese girls tended to stick close to each other, not surprising, since they did share a common native language. Those two were currently mingling with a couple of the others, which was somewhat amusing to watch since Reina and Risa were trying to speak slowly in order not to confuse the foreign girls, with Eri looking on quietly. The group was soon joined by Sayumi, Koharu tagging along with her, and the seven of them appeared to be talking about something or other. Probably about dinner, Ai surmised. It was the logical subject at this point in time. Food, along with weather and work, were the safe topics to talk about among them.

Aika was not with them, and was instead chatting enthusiastically with some of the staff members. Ai made a mental note of that. The youngest girl of the group didn't seem to bond as well to the rest of them, and while Yossi had been around to include her in everything, things had been smoothed over. But now that their former leader had graduated from the group, the rest of the girls hadn't really bothered with her, and Aika herself seemed to sense the atmosphere well enough, and started spending more time with the staff instead of with the other girls. That wasn't really a very good sign, but Ai wasn't exactly sure how to remedy it. It wasn't like she was exactly a social butterfly to begin with, and she certainly didn't have the kind of socialising energy that the more outgoing Yossi had.

It hadn't occurred to her immediately, but she too was standing alone. A belated realisation, perhaps. Apart from the other girls, even from the staff. It was habit by now to keep to herself, consciously or not. She responded normally when spoken to, but she didn't really make much of a first move otherwise. In the eyes of some she must have appeared infuriatingly passive, but her colleagues had come to understand that if they ever wanted a word or were simply up for some company, all they had to do was walk up to her and ask.

Ai didn't really have a best friend in the group. No, not really. Or not anymore. Who knew? She was on friendly terms with everyone, but she was not specifically close to anyone. When Yossi had been around, she was the big sister Ai looked up to. Hell, while Miki wasn't close to her per se, they did get along pretty well, the notorious groping demon finding it amusing to surprise her during practice and actual performances alike. It was a comfortable and almost expected routine, an inside joke of sorts.

Those two were gone now. Things would never be the same. Or it never was to begin with. Her apparent "best friend" on screen? Risa, or Gaki-san, as she habitually addressed the younger. They were hardly as close off-screen than on. Not that they were all that close onscreen nowadays either. Gaki-san spent more time with Eri now, or rather, more time with the Rokkies in general.

Was she jealous? Ai wasn't sure what to think. As members of the same generation after Kon-chan and Mako-chan had left the group, Ai thought that they would be a bit closer, at least, logically speaking. But they had drifted apart. Or were never that close in the first place.

Were they? Had they been? At one point, Ai had felt a connection, but now she wasn't sure. Had it ever been there, or had it just been her imagination? Or maybe it really didn't matter, since now Gaki-san was not there, not by her, not anything more than just a friend, a colleague. Nothing more, nothing less.

A strange note of wistfulness rose within her. Why did she not have a best friend? Eri was close to Sayu. Koharu and Sayu got along well, Sayu being Koharu's mentor after all. Reina drifted around a lot, but could chat with just about everyone. Gaki-san, well, Gaki-san hung out with the Rokkies. Aika was not with the other girls, but was friendly with staff. What did she have? What did Takahashi Ai have?

Nothing. She stood alone. It would not be difficult to walk over and chat with the rest, had she wanted to. But she didn't know what she wanted. She enjoyed being on her own as much as being able to converse with other people. She felt distant to the rest, not certain if it was by choice or something more. She knew the girls did not reject her presence, but they didn't seek out her company as actively either. And she could not find it in herself to approach them without something solid to discuss, such as work or something similar.

Ai knew that even as all these thoughts ran through her head, her impassive expression had not budged in the slightest. She did not scowl and look threatening as some others of the Project would and could have, nor did she look unreasoningly cheerful. There was literally no expression on her face, unless you counted the distant look in her eyes as something. Not a single shred of what she was contemplating crossed her countenance. Whether or not that contributed to her isolation she could not know, and she wasn't all that eager to find out either.

There was a flood, nay, a barrage of thoughts in her mind now. Why was she alone like this? Not alone, a part of her insisted. Why, she could just stride over and join in the conversation about going out for dinner together with the rest right now...

...and then what? Ai froze up inside. She was honest with herself. If she felt lonely and in need of someone to talk to, who would she call? Who could she call? Family members? That was the only option that popped up. Not friends. None of the other girls. She wasn't close to them, not like that. In fact, she was more than likely to curl up quietly in her room and endure the feeling if by some chance her family members were too busy to talk, rather than call up one of the other girls.

This was her life. Takahashi Ai loved her work, but there was no other outlet for her emotions. A boyfriend was out of the question considering the rules, and even the option of having close friends seemed so close yet so far away at the same time. If there was a time she wanted to scream and cry at the same time (barring haunted houses), it was now. But she didn't. How could she?

A raven flew past the window, the long shadow of it brushing briefly across her form, drawing her gaze almost involuntarily. The sun was setting, casting ever elongating shadows over everything in its path. Said raven from before had settled down to roost on a low white wall further from the building, a wall she knew to be white only from memory, since right now it looked to be painted a dusky orange and grey by the fading light of a dying sun.

The beady black eyes of the bird seemed unnaturally sharp and alert, even in the distance, and its feathers looked glossy in the orange light, as if oiled and polished to perfection. Ai felt strangely captivated by the bird, especially when it turned its head and appeared to look directly at her, staring through the window panes.

Bird and human stared silently at each other. Ai knew that it wasn't possible that the bird could be staring at her. There was no logical reason for it to do so. Still burning with the myriad questions seething within her, her own dilemmas making her behave a little irrationally.

Perhaps mouthing "do you know?" silently, as if in question to the raven outside, could be a sign of failing sanity on Ai's part, but she chose not to think about it too closely. There were so many doubts, so many things that troubled her, and in lieu of being unable to express them to other people, she had chosen to ask it of something that could not possibly answer or even understand her.

To her surprise, the bird seemed to stare even more intensely back (or was it just her imagination?) and cawed loudly. It could barely be heard above traffic noises and other city bustle, but Ai heard it nevertheless. A response? Surely not. Her imagination must have been getting the better of her...

And yet, and yet...

She couldn't resist the impulse, whispering, under her breath, as if in confession.

"I don't want to be alone."

The raven cawed again. The same sound. Almost like an answer. Maybe she really was going nuts. Yet she couldn't help the next murmur that crossed her lips either.

"Will I ever find someone?"

Yet another caw. Ai bit her lip, her eyes moistening unconsciously as she turned suddenly away from the window, grabbing her bag and moving rapidly towards the door, her already scrambled emotions in further turmoil. Her passing barely got any reaction from anyone else, though some of the girls did look up as she passed by. Ai didn't stop to hear, or even greet them. She couldn't deal with anything now. Not now.

Outside, the same raven cawed again, a strangely echoing and mournful sound. If one listened as closely, you could almost hear an answer. An answer that one could almost interpret as...



I was listening to Kremlin Dusk by Utada Hikaru and wrote it like that. -shrug- The raven part was mostly symbolic, sorry if it doesn't make sense. I find it quite interesting that many of my short stories can be taken as within the same continuity. So Layers, 21 and even Waltz can be considered to be in the same timeline/continuity. Interesting jigsaw puzzle I have for Aichan. XD

Comment freely! XDD
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 04:17:15 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Sevii

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/17 - Ebony Dusk]
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2007, 07:12:46 PM »

You make me want to grab Takahashi, give her a big bear hug, and pat her on the head or something.

Her thoughts about Gaki-san no longer being her 'friend' makes me want to ;_;. It's.. so... T_T
And you've pointed out the lack of TakaGaki on screen lately... which makes me more T_T...

I wonder what the other side of this story is, as in, how Gaki-san feels about Takahashi, when she's just standing away from the group, seemingly staring outside the window with no intention to join the group, to join HER. Ah, conflicted eh.


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/17 - Ebony Dusk]
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2007, 07:17:58 PM »
I gave Aichan a big hug in my dream just last week ;__; and it felt real too :o

Ah.. I read that piece when you first posted it on LJ. It made me feel a little sad with what she goes through, but otherwise I can't really put a finger to describing it from my POV. It's just T____T

I cling desperately to a dictionary when I write too (or when I read a manga :/), so yes I can and do believe! XD

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/17 - Ebony Dusk]
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2007, 09:29:07 PM »
Oh, man.... I just started reading your fics, and I have to say, I fell in love with your style of writing.  :P Can't wait til the next part comes out!

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/17 - Ebony Dusk]
« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2007, 12:59:44 AM »

You make me want to grab Takahashi, give her a big bear hug, and pat her on the head or something.

I know T__T Poor Aichan.
Her thoughts about Gaki-san no longer being her 'friend' makes me want to ;_;. It's.. so... T_T
And you've pointed out the lack of TakaGaki on screen lately... which makes me more T_T...

I mentioned that precisely because of that too. T__T
I wonder what the other side of this story is, as in, how Gaki-san feels about Takahashi, when she's just standing away from the group, seemingly staring outside the window with no intention to join the group, to join HER. Ah, conflicted eh.

Mm, that would make a good follow up. Ah, curse you for planting ideas in my head! XD

I know, right? XD The first push will come from somewhere unexpected, more than likely. Hm. -already has ideas- Damn. XD

I gave Aichan a big hug in my dream just last week ;__; and it felt real too :o

Ah.. I read that piece when you first posted it on LJ. It made me feel a little sad with what she goes through, but otherwise I can't really put a finger to describing it from my POV. It's just T____T

I cling desperately to a dictionary when I write too (or when I read a manga :/), so yes I can and do believe! XD

Haha yeah I saw your LJ about that dream too. And yes, dictionaries are <3. XD

Oh, man.... I just started reading your fics, and I have to say, I fell in love with your style of writing.  :P Can't wait til the next part comes out!

Thank you! ^__^ You aren't doing so bad yourself! Haha, keep on waiting, this week is hell for me. >_< XDDD

Okay, gotta go now. School beckons. >_>


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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/17 - Ebony Dusk]
« Reply #27 on: September 18, 2007, 03:27:09 AM »
she was leader now. Ai affirmed the fact to herself inwardly. She hadn't really been too thrilled about being handed the responsibility this early, or rather, have it be thrust on her out of the blue. She had known it would come in due time, just not how and why it had the way it did.
If it's any consolation, Yossi became leader in pretty much the same fashion. Yossi just did her best with what she was given, and things worked out well. All Aichan can expect of herself is to give it her all, just like Yossi did.

She didn't exactly have the most commanding presence around, nor was she extremely outspoken, at least not enough to draw all that much attention.
A leader doesn't necessarily have to be "larger than life" to be a good leader. There are different ways that people can lead; there's no one right way to do it.  Aichan knows what her own strengths and weaknesses are. As long as she never forgets what she does well, she'll have that confidence required to lead.

Aika was not with them, and was instead chatting enthusiastically with some of the staff members. Ai made a mental note of that. The youngest girl of the group didn't seem to bond as well to the rest of them, and while Yossi had been around to include her in everything, things had been smoothed over. But now that their former leader had graduated from the group, the rest of the girls hadn't really bothered with her, and Aika herself seemed to sense the atmosphere well enough, and started spending more time with the staff instead of with the other girls. That wasn't really a very good sign, but Ai wasn't exactly sure how to remedy it. It wasn't like she was exactly a social butterfly to begin with, and she certainly didn't have the kind of socialising energy that the more outgoing Yossi had.

It hadn't occurred to her immediately, but she too was standing alone.


Ai didn't really have a best friend in the group. No, not really. Or not anymore.
But...but...what about Risa? :cry:

Her apparent "best friend" on screen? Risa, or Gaki-san, as she habitually addressed the younger. They were hardly as close off-screen than on. Not that they were all that close onscreen nowadays either. Gaki-san spent more time with Eri now, or rather, more time with the Rokkies in general.
:cry: :cry: :cry:

"I don't want to be alone."

The raven cawed again. The same sound. Almost like an answer. Maybe she really was going nuts. Yet she couldn't help the next murmur that crossed her lips either.

"Will I ever find someone?"

Yet another caw. Ai bit her lip, her eyes moistening unconsciously as she turned suddenly away from the window, grabbing her bag and moving rapidly towards the door, her already scrambled emotions in further turmoil. Her passing barely got any reaction from anyone else, though some of the girls did look up as she passed by. Ai didn't stop to hear, or even greet them. She couldn't deal with anything now. Not now.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/17 - Ebony Dusk]
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2007, 03:45:42 PM »
I'm back! Another whimsical piece that kind of takes place after "21". XD

Unnamed for now since I can't think of a good title. XD


Oooh it hurts...shiny! Pain! Ow!

...damn...where am I... punch please...

Such were the disjointed thoughts of one very drunk Tanaka Reina. The wonky eyed teen squinted painfully, light of any sort being an agony to her senses at the moment. Her head was spinning faster than it ever had, and there was a disgusting sensation burning at the back of her throat. There was a sudden sense of vertigo as her world tilted violently again, followed by a low squeak and a muttered "Sorry Reina!", when she hit the floor rather abruptly.

The yankii teen frowned cutely, trying to figure out where her arms and legs were. Or rather, trying to figure where she was as a whole person in general. There was carpet below her. She twitched her left arm. Yep, still there. Her right foot wriggled on command. Right, she was still mostly in one piece. Now to figure out where she was. And why the world was all twirly. And why there were like, 3 Aichans in her line of vision.

THREE leaders?! Now that didn't make any sense. Reina pouted, annoyed. One person whom she couldn't understand was bad enough, three would completely take "confused" out to the far end. Reina knew she wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, so she rather keep within her happy limits and not ask for trouble.

Her blurred vision registered that the images of Leader were getting closer, and she felt herself being pulled up. Feeling too woozy to stand on her own, Reina swayed unsteadily and leaned against the nearest support --- the person holding her up. Soft...

Said person (probably Leader......Reina's frazzled mind made the vague link) huffed a bit and shifted, trying to move forward while hauling a barely responsive Reina along. There was a lot of stumbling, some choicely muttered evocations, a lot of bumping into corners (Reina was sure that some of the walls were closing in on them with the sole purpose of tripping her up), and general localised mayhem until they reached a door.

" do you put your keys?"

Reina frowned again. Keys? What keys? Shiny metal things, her subconscious helpfully supplied in a cheerful tone. Reina twitched mentally and punched the voice out. You know that you're dead drunk when you start hearing what sounded like a mix of Sayu's and Koharu's voices on a sugar high chirping at you. I'm never ever drinking anything other than water again...

"...keys?" Oh yes, about those keys. Shiny metal things. There was a door. Keys. Door.

Oh. Reina finally made the connection. Trying to regain control of her vocal functions, the drunken teen managed to slur out a reply.


There was an exasperated sigh. "Reina, you have at least 6 different pockets, and that's not counting the ones on your vest!"

Reina whimpered. Another sigh.

"Fine, hold still. Don't fall over on me."

There was a soft rustling, and Reina found herself being firmly placed back-first against the wall. She began to slide down the wall. A hand held her in place, pushing against her shoulder. Reina made an effort to stand on her own, but that didn't work out too well either. Her legs decided not to listen to her beyond just holding her upright.

Something reached into her front pockets. One of them. She wasn't sure whether it was the left or the right one. There was a strange sensation of someone rummaging around in that pocket, then the intruding presence moved on to the other front pocket. Reina squirmed. It tickled.

"Stop moving around." The person mumbled. Leader...Aichan... Reina reminded herself, trying not to move around with the last vestiges of her consciousness. The hand reached behind her to paw through the back pockets. Reina jumped involuntarily at the contact, her mind blanking out with the first reaction in her current state: Fujimoto?!

"Reina, stop trying to choke me....urk..." Ah, Aichan was the one with her. Reina relaxed her death grip around her leader's neck, unconsciously leaning forward and resting her head sideways on Ai's shoulder. Her eyes were half-lidded. Sleep was catching up with her after the initial buzz of the alcohol had worn off.

Ai briskly checked the other pockets on the bottom Reina was wearing. No keys there. Frowning, she decided that she would have to look in the front pockets of Reina's vest instead. Trying to pry a suddenly sleepy Reina off her, she only succeeded in getting her hand in between them, since Reina was practically clinging to her neck like a baby koala.

Trying to search Reina's vest pockets was rather awkward in this situation. Ai knew she was merely searching, of course, but from a third person's point of view, it looked suspiciously like Ai was taking advantage of Reina by groping her while the younger girl was drunk. Naturally, the possibility didn't occur to Ai at all, and Reina was too stoned to care.

However, that was not the case for the legitimate "third person" in this case. As it was, it had been up to Ai and Risa, as leader and subleader of the group, to usher the drunk members safely back into their rooms. Earlier, Risa had managed to coax Koharu back into her room, whilst Ai managed to talk Sayu into following her back into her own room. It had taken both the gokkies to push the Chinese girls back into their rooms, and then they had split up to move Eri and Reina into their rooms respectively. Aika had been nowhere to be found, but Ai figured that the youngest member was alright and definitely sober.

Risa had succeeded in convincing a tipsy Eri that her fellow "eriens" wanted her to convene with them in her room, and had managed to guide the turtle safely back with minimal mishap (that there was a sudden blackout in their general area had NOTHING to do with them at all. No sir.).

On hindsight, Risa probably had bad timing. Or it was merely a case of bad viewing angles. Possibly both.

For when had she turned around the corner, in search of her Aichan, only to end up seeing what apparently looked like a very incriminating scene. Reina was pressed into Ai quite intimately, their faces very close together, and with Ai's hand apparently up Reina's vest (told you it was a matter of perspective).

Then the pair were pushed up against Reina's still closed door, Ai stumbling forward and Reina being backed into the door, Ai's hand freeing itself from between the two girls, fumbling at the knob with the keys. Reina giggled drunkenly and buried her face in Ai's neck, earning (what sounded to Risa) a very sexy mutter from their erstwhile leader, before the door yielded and the pair stumbled in quite messily.

The sound of the door clicking shut had a horrible finality to it.

Risa let out the breath she didn't even realize she had been holding. Her fists were clenched so tight that she almost drew blood from her palm with her nails. There was a horrible feeling crawling around in her chest, scalding hot and freezing cold at the same time. There was also a strong sense of indignation burrowing its way through her stomach, rising with the bile in her throat, almost choking her.

It wasn't fair. How could Reina...why did did they...?

There was no justification for it. No reason. It wasn't possible.

However, the mind was such an organism that when confronted with one possible theory, it automatically filtered memory through that theory, and so as Risa recounted all the moments that could explain this anomaly, she found herself reading into what she remembered in a rather different way from her original interpretations.

Reina walking next to Aichan. Reina jumping on Aichan to wish her a happy birthday earlier. Aichan volunteering to take Reina instead of Eri. And not to mention the fact that they were in Elegies together some years back! All these random, possibly unrelated and likely to be completely innocent details somehow got warped in her imagination into "evidence".

Gritting her teeth, Risa's eyebrows knitted together, her jaw grinding silently as she hit the wall with a clenched fist. There was a very ugly knot of emotions that she couldn't quite identify somewhere in her heart.

It all felt so wrong. Aichan shouldn't be off getting all touchy-feely with Reina, of all people. It didn't make any sense to her at all. Why Reina, and not...not...her?

Risa stood stock still in that hallway for god knows how long. Actually, it wasn't really all that long, since Aichan emerged from Reina's room after about 15 minutes or so (which felt more like 15 hours to Risa, but I digress). She paused in surprise upon registering Risa's presence at the end of the hallway.

"Ah, Gaki-san! How is Kamei-chan?"

Risa twitched as Ai walked calmly towards her, her thoughts still boiling traitorously in her mind. Replaying the way Ai had seemingly pushed Reina aggressively into the door, one hand god knew where (actually, supporting Reina's lower back, but Risa couldn't see that). How Reina had been moaning while Ai's hand had been up her vest (actually, Reina was in pain from her headache). Risa couldn't help but feel another irrational surge of hatred at the youngest Rokkie, and resentment towards Aichan. Why not her?

"Gaki-san? Are you alright?" Ai frowned at the strange expression on Risa's face, wondering if her subleader was sick or something. She reached out to touch Risa's arm, but the younger girl flinched, her eyes narrowing with an unreadable expression. Ai blinked. This was new, Risa was acting too oddly...

"How is Reina, then?" There was a definite hint of venom in Risa's voice, somewhat uncharacteristic of the usually cheerful girl. Ai blinked again, automatically going into a defensive mode upon sensing the uncertain situation she was currently in. This was getting far too strange for her liking.

"Um, sleeping now. I had to help her change and then tuck her in to bed..." Ai replied, eying Risa warily. Her caution was justified.

Risa took in the words. Unfortunately, her mind "read between the lines" and interpreted the original meaning of the sentence quite differently from what Ai had meant. Ah, the wonders of an active imagination.

Ai backed slowly away as Risa walked towards her, not knowing why she did so but sensing something off in the way Risa was...glaring at her? Did she do something to deserve that? Ai wracked her brain trying to figure out what she had done, and was thus barely aware that Rsa had pretty much backed her into a wall without her realising it.

"Gaki-san...what are you doing..." Ai breathed out softly, finally registering how close Risa was to her.

"Tell me....why Reina...?" Risa's eyes was burning with an emotion that excited and frightened Ai at the same time.

"What do you mean?" Her voice shook, her heart beating faster.

Risa stared deep into her eyes, locking their gazes. There was a long moment of silence, before Risa abruptly broke eye contact, and turned on her heel, her back facing the still staring Ai.

"Nothing. It's nothing." There was an obvious attempt to force cheer into her voice as Risa continued. "Happy birthday Aichan."

"Wait..." Ai croaked out weakly, but Risa was already walking off. The leader was left staring blankly at the retreating form.



Told you it was random. I wonder what the click at the end was. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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Offline Sevii

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2007, 06:24:42 PM »
Mitssi desu~!  :heart: <-- right, right?

I love the super drunk Reina here. I love how the first reaction she had when she thought it was Fujimoto feeling her up was to reach out and choke her. Hahahahaha...  all the drunken thoughts racing through her mind was awesome.

Oh man, AiGaki misunderstanding angst. How could you!
First it was Gaki-san making Ai feel all awww.
Now it's Ai, unintentionally, making Gaki-san feel all awww.

You make me go awwwwww all the time, Estrea! T_T

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2007, 04:18:38 AM »
Why did you end there????!!!!!!!!!  :O *whines*
This story is begging to be continued :P *nods*
I'm with Sevii about that click being made by Aika. Now I wanna see her picture collection so bad, there's bound to be more than a couple of interesting ones XD

I had a TakaGaki dream the other night and I'm positive you deserve all the credit. I never dreamt of either one of them before, much less together. YAY for TakaGaki goodness :wub: Keep them coming please :D

Offline Estrea

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2007, 05:02:08 AM »
Lol posting from school. >_> XDDD

Mitssi desu~!  :heart: <-- right, right?

Hai desu. XD Mittsi is having a lot of fun behind the scenes, it seems. XDDD

I love the super drunk Reina here. I love how the first reaction she had when she thought it was Fujimoto feeling her up was to reach out and choke her. Hahahahaha...  all the drunken thoughts racing through her mind was awesome.

I agree. Drunk Reina is awesome! XDD The choking thing was so...yankii. XD I had fun writing her drunk.

Oh man, AiGaki misunderstanding angst. How could you!
First it was Gaki-san making Ai feel all awww.
Now it's Ai, unintentionally, making Gaki-san feel all awww.

Cos you know, life sucks. XDD

You make me go awwwwww all the time, Estrea! T_T
Cos I'm evil, and there's nothing you guys can do about it. Muahahaha. XDDD Though seriously, I'm glad you are emotionally reacting to what I wrote. ^_^

Why did you end there????!!!!!!!!!  :O *whines*
This story is begging to be continued :P *nods*

Beg for it and I might do it.  :twisted: Nah, I kid. I intend to continue eventually. XDD

I'm with Sevii about that click being made by Aika. Now I wanna see her picture collection so bad, there's bound to be more than a couple of interesting ones XD

Oh yes, very interesting pictures. I have the idea for the next short ready too, complete with title and everything. Hehehe.

I had a TakaGaki dream the other night and I'm positive you deserve all the credit. I never dreamt of either one of them before, much less together. YAY for TakaGaki goodness :wub: Keep them coming please :D

Oooh do tell me about the dream eventually. XDD Credit for me? Hehe. I guess my persistent TakaGaki streak does have its uses. ^_^

Ok back to my assignment. It's due tomorrow. :X And I'm only halfway done. >_>
Will write and post the idea when I have the time. @_@


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2007, 05:33:19 AM »
Right, she was still mostly in one piece. Now to figure out where she was. And why the world was all twirly. And why there were like, 3 Aichans in her line of vision.
:dizzy: :dizzy: :dizzy:

" do you put your keys?"



There was an exasperated sigh. "Reina, you have at least 6 different pockets, and that's not counting the ones on your vest!"

Reina whimpered. Another sigh.

"Fine, hold still. Don't fall over on me."
Well, Aichan's just going to have to stick her hands in all of Reina's pockets to find the keys then, isn't she?  :pimp:

The hand reached behind her to paw through the back pockets. Reina jumped involuntarily at the contact, her mind blanking out with the first reaction in her current state: Fujimoto?!
BOOYAH! :wahaha:

Trying to search Reina's vest pockets was rather awkward in this situation. Ai knew she was merely searching, of course, but from a third person's point of view, it looked suspiciously like Ai was taking advantage of Reina by groping her while the younger girl was drunk. Naturally, the possibility didn't occur to Ai at all, and Reina was too stoned to care.

As it was, it had been up to Ai and Risa, as leader and subleader of the group, to usher the drunk members safely back into their rooms.


Aika had been nowhere to be found, but Ai figured that the youngest member was alright and definitely sober.
Heh, they'd better hope so. If Aika got sloshed and word of it got out, they'd all be in deep, deep shit.

Something tells me though, that Aika intentionally stayed away from the party and intentionally stayed sober to fulfill her mission. :D

Risa had succeeded in convincing a tipsy Eri that her fellow "eriens" wanted her to convene with them in her room, and had managed to guide the turtle safely back with minimal mishap (that there was a sudden blackout in their general area had NOTHING to do with them at all. No sir.).

On hindsight, Risa probably had bad timing. Or it was merely a case of bad viewing angles. Possibly both.

For when had she turned around the corner, in search of her Aichan, only to end up seeing what apparently looked like a very incriminating scene. Reina was pressed into Ai quite intimately, their faces very close together, and with Ai's hand apparently up Reina's vest (told you it was a matter of perspective).
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooh this is gonna be awkward, especially considering Risa's little drunken "heart to heart" with Aichan at the party.  :O

Risa let out the breath she didn't even realize she had been holding. Her fists were clenched so tight that she almost drew blood from her palm with her nails. There was a horrible feeling crawling around in her chest, scalding hot and freezing cold at the same time. There was also a strong sense of indignation burrowing its way through her stomach, rising with the bile in her throat, almost choking her.
Oh shit. :cry:

However, the mind was such an organism that when confronted with one possible theory, it automatically filtered memory through that theory, and so as Risa recounted all the moments that could explain this anomaly, she found herself reading into what she remembered in a rather different way from her original interpretations.

Reina walking next to Aichan. Reina jumping on Aichan to wish her a happy birthday earlier. Aichan volunteering to take Reina instead of Eri. And not to mention the fact that they were in Elegies together some years back! All these random, possibly unrelated and likely to be completely innocent details somehow got warped in her imagination into "evidence".
Oooooooooooooooooooh shit.  :k-sad:

"How is Reina, then?" There was a definite hint of venom in Risa's voice, somewhat uncharacteristic of the usually cheerful girl. Ai blinked again, automatically going into a defensive mode upon sensing the uncertain situation she was currently in. This was getting far too strange for her liking.

"Um, sleeping now. I had to help her change and then tuck her in to bed..." Ai replied, eying Risa warily. Her caution was justified.

Risa took in the words. Unfortunately, her mind "read between the lines" and interpreted the original meaning of the sentence quite differently from what Ai had meant. Ah, the wonders of an active imagination.
Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck... :badluck:


This is not going well (for poor Risa).

"Wait..." Ai croaked out weakly, but Risa was already walking off. The leader was left staring blankly at the retreating form.

Dammit Aika had better not turn out to be secretly working for FRIDAY.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2007, 10:02:36 AM »
English isn't your first language? I don't know if you've never mentioned it before or if I just didn't see it, but I didn't know that. I never would have guessed and it makes all your writing about twice as impressive as it was before.

I really like this TakaGaki story you got going on here. I've always loved stories written in this kind of broken-up-and-out-of-order style and I'm glad that you are telling a story this way. Even though I'm pretty sure that's just an accident that its happening that way it's still good.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2007, 12:33:17 PM »
I want a continuation XD

I guess for a Singaporean, English isn't technically our first language :/ *shrugs* Ironically, most of us are poorer in our first language than in English -_-;;

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2007, 09:05:13 AM »
Wow...I so want a continuation of 21 part 2 !  Gakkkkkki san~ :k-sad:  I really love all your view points, they seem so fitting.  Reina had me rolling with all her shiny thoughts  XD  I thought the description of the crayons and happy limit was beyond perfect  :wahaha: 

Offline ChiruChaCha

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #36 on: September 25, 2007, 09:13:35 PM »
Gosh, there's nothing better than a writer being into a member at the same time you are ^^
I really liked your short fics, but I wouldn't mind if they weren't 'short' fics anymore xD However, as well as '21' I'd love to see 'Layers' continue too, or maybe even joined into one story? xD

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/19 - untitled]
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2007, 02:06:26 PM »
Dammit Aika had better not turn out to be secretly working for FRIDAY.

You should know better than to plant ideas into my head. :twisted:


@iacus: Like inDeceit said, English might technically not be my first language, but imo, it is my first language because I'm a lot more fluent in it than my supposed first language/native tongue (Chinese). And yes, I enjoy how the story is turning out despite not having any real plans for how its panning out. I'm just taking snapshots of the characters and their interactions and letting the rest work itself out. XD Glad you liked it though.

Wow...I so want a continuation of 21 part 2 !  Gakkkkkki san~ :k-sad:  I really love all your view points, they seem so fitting.  Reina had me rolling with all her shiny thoughts  XD  I thought the description of the crayons and happy limit was beyond perfect  :wahaha: 

There will be a continuation of that part, don't worry. And yes, drunk Reina was fricking adorable and hilarious. XD I should write more about Reina some time. XD

Gosh, there's nothing better than a writer being into a member at the same time you are ^^
I really liked your short fics, but I wouldn't mind if they weren't 'short' fics anymore xD However, as well as '21' I'd love to see 'Layers' continue too, or maybe even joined into one story? xD

Haha I was just thinking that the story is kinda coming together on its own, mostly because of my inability to not end up weaving everything into a single timeline. XDD So yes, you can take those stories as part of the same continuity, and I'll keep posting randomly and you can rearrange them in the way you like to see it. XD -is lazy-

Hm. The next one is a bit....hmm. Well, it's gonna be short, but you can expect the next part of what happens after Risa leaves Ai in the corridor soon. XDD


Behind the Lens

Mitsui Aika never really fit in properly.


Maybe she was just too weird for the others.


But that couldn't be it. Takahashi was weird too, but the others still liked her.


Maybe it was just something about her, you know. Something that just held her apart.


She tried, she really did. Acted all hyper with the rest on camera. Be part of the group. That kind of thing.


But nothing came of it. She was the outsider. Somehow. Somehow.


It was far easier to watch them. Trying too hard off screen had no value anyway.


In front of the camera, they were all together. Behind it, nothing.


Mittsi sometimes wondered how it was like to be behind the lens. Just watching. Capturing the falsity. Or even better, the reality as it really was.


The true faces of her colleagues. She became obsessed with it. Almost. Never really. It was just so...interesting. How could it not be? The many facets of these people...


Some were really easy to capture. They were open as open could be, once the cameras stopped rolling. Their faces were an open book, easy to read when they relaxed their guard. Guile was beyond most of them.


There was one though. Just like her. Almost like her. Same, yet different.


Aika was outcast. That girl wasn't. But both were aloof. Different.


So many faces on camera. Wide-eyed, serious, amazed, surprised...a whole range, as befitting an idol. And yet, the faces that Aika was searching for, there were none. None at all.

Just that damned mask, that empty gaze, ready to be molded for the official camera. But none that were suitable for her camera. Nothing that she wanted.

Aika just needed to see something, anything, just once. Just for her entertainment. Just for fun. Just because she could. Because she really didn't have much else to do.

A finger rising up to trace down the contours of a cheek frozen in a moment, the perfect angles, the contrasts of shadowy planes.

Blank. Beautifully blank. Like an empty canvas, to be drawn and shaped and carved into an image of perfection.

A wavering image, an uncertain flicker, of imagination eclipsing reality.

She couldn't see because she didn't want to. And to build on that perception...

Any means were permissible.

Obsession, after all, is a kind of love too.




I apologise to any Aika fans. I didn't expect the creepy stalker thing. o_o It just came out. And it has nothing to do with any real facts, just my own twisted imagination coming into play. That and I happened to be thinking about another music video I watched.

Killer, by JJ Lin:

Don't ask me what I was thinking, just that I can empathize. I like writing psychopaths, because I understand how they feel. I also enjoy writing sociopaths, but they're two different entities.

Psychopaths feel too much, and sociopaths feel too little. I'm oversimplifying, but that's how I see them. You must be wondering how my mind works. Don't. You really are better off not knowing.

-wanders off-
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 03:09:15 PM by Estrea »


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Offline inDeceit

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2007, 02:35:22 PM »
I love that song o.o

And I like putting myself in the shoes of psychopaths >___>;; hmm..

Stalker!Aika is.. creepy.

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Re: Estrea's Sandbox [09/26 - Behind The Lens]
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2007, 02:46:20 PM »
I can't help but say, why, isn't this Aika kind of like us fans?
Always trying to dig through the surface, trying to catch a glimpse of who they really are when they're off stage. Well, except we're not carrying cameras and all flying to Tokyo, and frantically stalking them.

Oh man, I feel like this Aika could bust out a couple voodoo dolls and start working on black magic or something. :P

I must say, this was.. out of my imagination. LOL.

I had though Mitsii was just taking these pictures as a prank, not for the benefit of her own obsession!

Now, I do have a question..


Obsession, after all, is a kind of love too.


Is that Ai... Takahashi? Or is that love in general.. hehe.
Because one would bring a whole lot of fun if you decide to continue this.

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