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Author Topic: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [12])  (Read 26161 times)

Offline inDeceit

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When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [12])
« on: September 30, 2007, 07:58:59 AM »
One shots I'll do whenever I'm bored.

Inspired by Miyavi's Onpu no Tegami (borrowed some lyrics) and the fact that I found out what an Electone is XD
I hate how I can't quite capture what I wanna express in this. Anyway, it's a really <i>really</i> incredibly vague fic so I'll leave it to you to decipher it's meaning.

Just Three Chords

<b> I’m no good…</b>

Returning back to TV TOKYO’s station was not her plan, but the manager’s orders were always final. The camera crew started to shove and push, each desperate to leave the warm and uncomfortable van. Being the last to clear out of the vehicle, she managed to avoid being part of the shuffle. It’s not that the afternoon’s photo shooting went poorly, but it had been a rough day, despite the countless times that she had done this. Certainly exhausted, if not a little irritated as well, she made her way to one of the lobbies on the higher level.

<b> But I hope you’ll listen.</b>

She sat herself down on the windowsill, looking down at Tokyo, having to squint her eyes to catch a glimpse of urban men and women in interesting getups. And here she thought her promotional video outfits were too much. As the sun began to set, she thought of her recent activities, especially her photo book that would be published soon. She also wondered about her juniors, how they were now that they saw each other less due to photo shooting sessions, radio shows and their own separate sub-groups. Their friendship seems to have thinned over the generations, causing her some her necessary worry.

Soon growing bored of people watching, she stood up and walked towards the corridors adjacent to the public room. However tired she was, she couldn’t help but grow restless by just sitting around and waiting for instructions. She continued down the crammed hallway, tracing an invisible line with her finger across the whitewash walls as she walked.

<b> It’s not much though, </b>

Unconsciously, she started humming a tune that she had never heard before. It calmed her down, and had caught her full attention as well. The melody was beautiful, yet melancholic, as if it’s composer was playing in pain, subtle with a little longing. Though probably not quite it, she did not know just how to describe this unknown tune. In a way, the wordless music sounded like an attempt to convey a message, one that she was not able to completely understand yet. Passing by the recording studios, it took her more than a second to realize that she had been humming along to the exact tune that was coming from the music room. Her ears had earlier managed to pick up the melody despite its volume.
<b> I hope it reaches you. </b>

Captured by the haunting music, she stood behind the thin translucent door. She closed her eyes in order to fully concentrate on this particular piano piece. It seems to be connected to her somehow, for some reason. Being a vocalist more often than not, it’s hardly everyday that she gets to fully listen to just the instruments themselves without having to worry about whether she is capable of eventually singing in harmony when they start recording, or if she is placing in enough emotions and power to her voice. She did not even have the time and luxury to actually listen to music itself like now. All she wanted to do for the next few minutes was to be in the shoes of the audience and enjoy, even if only for a moment. For once, she wants to truly understand what she was listening to.

<b> There are many things I had never said to you, </b>

The music itself on the surface seems complicated to someone like her, one who had never played an instrument before. Every note the pianist hit had a distinct amount of delicacy and strength applied, that she could at least feel. As soon as the song reached what seems like a chorus (as identified by her limited music vocabulary), she felt her heart skip a beat, as if taken by surprise. The music grew intense, like a sort of conviction had been made. It was unlike the abandoned and uncertain verses she had heard earlier. She felt rushed by the change of tempo, and compelled to do something rash.  Her hand automatically reached out for the knob but relaxed just in time, resting there as the music began to slow down, reverting back to the same few notes from before the chorus, as if a promise was secretly being made. Each note held longer intervals now, and then quietly, it came to an unexpected end.

<b> Because I’m not always good with words. </b>

She opened her eyes as soon as she noticed that the playing ceased to continue. Little did she realize that a lone teardrop had made its way down her cheek, showing how much she had been affected by the emotions placed into the music. Intrigued by this mysterious tune she had fallen in love with, she was eager to know who the person behind the piano was. Composing herself quickly, she turned the knob. Most of the lights in the room had been turned off. It was a different room from the ones where she used to have vocal lessons in; this particular place was as big as a dance room, with a grand piano situated in the corner, spotlighted by a lone ceiling light. The somberness of the song still lingering in the air, adding to the already lonely atmosphere. Rather than ponder over what this room was meant for, she softened her footsteps and neared the piano.

<b> It is embarrassing. </b>

When she approached the end of the room, she was met with surprise and familiarity. The pianist sat on the bench, staring down at the keys of black and white and running her fingers over them in consideration. Her head was slightly tilted, likely to be deep in thought for not noticing that another person had entered the room. It was the first time she had seen this person like that.

“I didn’t know you played the piano…”

The newcomer spoke up. She came up closer to the pianist and stood by her side, brushing her fingers lightly over the few keys on the right end of the piano. Her unannounced arrival and action took the pianist by surprised, snapping her out of her dream state. She jerked from her seat and looked up, eyes wide opened.

“When did you get here!?”

“Just. Were you the one playing that… song?”

The younger girl shrugged and played a part of the piece that lasted only a few seconds. It was enough to answer the older girl’s question.

“I’ve only played the electone before, not much of a pianist actually.”

“Oh, I remember. It was beautiful though…”

The younger girl kept quiet at the compliment.

<b> So I put it in the form of music. </b>

“Did you understand it?”

“A Little."

“That’s good.”

“Would you teach me to play that song?”

The elder of the two asked, pressing down on the keys as though it’s a difficult task. There was a form of restrain on her part, yet she was interested in replicating the song through her own fingers. The younger girl stood up at the question and shifted a few steps away from the piano.

“I won’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because it was only meant for one person to hear.”

<b> Even if it was only like this, </b>

“That’s… unfortunate.”

“It’ll lose it’s meaning if someone else plays it.”

“I see… Would <i>you</i> play it again though?”

“Probably not.”

The novice pianist smiled bitterly at her friend and started to make her way out of the room without a second thought, leaving the other alone with the grand instrument. She who had been left in the room sat down on the piano bench and pushed her finger against the white keys. Once her friend was really out of range, she finally let out what had been going through her mind all this while.

“Something with this much pain in it shouldn’t be experienced twice…”

She whispered to the piano as she played random alternate notes, each growing softer and lasted longer as she guided her fingers down the keyboard. A coincidental yet fitting end to what the other had left off.

<b> I hope you would understand these three simple chords. </b>
« Last Edit: June 05, 2008, 05:17:00 PM by inDeceit »

Offline Seagull

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (Oneshots)
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2007, 08:39:26 AM »
BEAUTIFUL   :heart:, I feel like crying for some reason.  :cry:
« Last Edit: September 30, 2007, 08:43:26 AM by Seagull »

Offline Estrea

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (Oneshots)
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2007, 09:16:12 AM »
Wow. I'm impressed. I really am. All the way down to my extremely sore toes.

This is...beautiful. I felt like I was right there, following the character as she moves from place to place, moment to moment. There's a feeling, a synchronized rhythm to it that lulls the mind into thinking it's really there in that frame in the story. This is the kind of thing that impresses me, and I try (and not always succeed) to replicate this sort of feeling.

Congratulations, you are now on my WIN list. ^_^


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2007, 02:55:05 PM »
Oh gosh.........*sucks in breath* I'm....I'm....I... don't know what to say, except this touched me on so many levels. It's a beautiful fic and I think I know who the 2 in the story are. That is if you meant for them to be specific people :P

If the title of this thread means you write only when you can't get to sleep, am I mean to wish that maybe you would lose sleep more often? :P

Offline inDeceit

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2007, 03:02:20 PM »
Thanks, I'm really flattered and honored to get such responses. :) Especially to be on Estrea's WIN list XD

It is very very rare for me to write something like that, but I hope I can do at least a few more of such one shots.

It's not mean, because I want to write more myself :P and I did this at 5am, so yeah, I do need insomnia to write in this standard  :banghead:  :lol:

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2007, 03:59:14 PM »
^ You reply fast, I like :lol:
Maybe we could meet up sometime, just to hang out and talk about H!P XD I love fangirling sessions :P
Oh, and did I ever tell you I :heart: ya sig? (Did you make it?) TakaGaki FTW :)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2007, 04:00:42 PM by lil_hamz »

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2007, 04:04:36 PM »
Well done, very well done. ^_^

Very surprised to see who the pianist is, after all, it's definitely not someone you'd expect playing the piano, so skillfully, too. As much as it hurts, the part that I loved the most in this piece is definitely the distance you put between the two.

>The younger girl kept quiet at the compliment.

GAH! Loved it, loved it, loved it.
I love how you gave us a different view of her. Or rather, her off-mode, should I say. :)

Thanks again, this was an awesome read. :)

Offline inDeceit

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2007, 04:22:05 PM »
@lil_hamz : Yah well, I've nothing better to do but reply :P
Yep, I made the sig myself. And fangirling sessions? I'm a quiet fan though XD

@Sevii : Glad you enjoyed. I rather enjoyed writing a side that isn't usually shown in fics, which I want to try with the other girls too, some day.

What amuses me about the replies are how no one actually mentions who the girls are. That's interesting. :)

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2007, 04:27:04 PM »
*points at your delicious sig*

Well.......... I'm not a fan of spoiling it for other people.. but.. XDDDDDD

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2007, 10:56:07 PM »
Bravo, VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY nicely done. :thumbsup

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline inDeceit

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2007, 04:14:08 PM »
Another song inspired (and lyrics borrowed/altered) one shot. Super random choice of character and hmm, it's finally October. :)
Probably not as great as the previous one, but I hope you enjoy it.


How long?

Taking a quick glance at the clock on the wall, she noted that two hours had already flown by during the period she had been kept busy with schoolwork. Initially having the rest of the day free, she decided to confine herself to the library in order to do some catching up. Obligatory silence within the combined study hall was a welcomed change of environment from the usual fun and mess with her newfound friends. However, she could not help but be distracted by the thought of certain others. She contemplated.

Really, how long as it been?

She closed the resource books that she had been browsing through during her temporary visit and turned her head to look outside. It had been a good choice to pick the window seat. The weather had been pleasant all month, and the greenery right by her on the other side of the wall was convenient whenever she wanted to rest her eyes. Zipping up her jacket to keep out the cold from the library’s air conditioner, she made herself comfortable in her seat.

It has been awhile, but she tore out a piece of line paper from her notebook anyway and placed it neatly in front of her, gently stroking the sheet with her palm to press out nonexistent creases. Lifting a blue gel pen, she unconsciously started pushing the button of the pen as she lost herself to her train of thought, unintentionally annoying her neighbors with repeated clicking noises.

In her mind, she figured out how to start, but found herself stumbling against a writer’s block again within seconds. Tapping the pen against her cheek, she tried to return to her memories. Like a movie, wonderful and enjoyable scenes played back before her eyes, now in a nostalgic sepia color. The times they shared together on stage, off set, and during breaks. All of it dug up from the depths of her consciousness, bringing a tug to her lips as she recalled each and every one of them in detail, disregarding the fact that months and years had already since passed.

<i>I wonder if there are times where we happen to be looking at the same sky.</i>

She paused at her plans to include this line and mused at the thought. Looking out the window and up beyond the trees, she pondered over the idea of whether any, if not all of them are actually doing the same thing. It amused her to no end if that were to be true. She lowered her hand and allowed the tip of the pen to touch the empty sheet of paper. Quickly, she lifted it up as a new question popped into her head.

<i>If I shouted your names into the sky, will you hear it? If you were the one shouting, I wonder if I’ll hear it too.</i>

She wanted to try, although that’ll be silly. She’s no longer the comedian she was portrayed to be, but a student now, nothing more and nothing less. But, what if she did tried? Can they hear her across continents? Once again, she toyed with the idea and the possibility of that actually happening.

<i>Sometimes, I wish we could meet in dreams. Wouldn’t that be fun? I bet it would.</i>

She nodded to herself, pulling her pen away from the paper for the countless time, her thoughts never giving her a chance to actually get them down in ink. Spontaneous and joyous memories soon faded from her reverie, and she saw the tears and laughter they had once shared. Be it together or separately, it was nothing new to her. The tears presented to their beloved audiences during performances, during failures, during successes and finally, departures. Her concentration was cut short when a flock of birds fled from the tree, apparently given a shock of their life.

<i>You know, I wish I had wings, like a bird’s….</i>

The escaping flock gave her yet another significant idea to pen down. As the birds disappeared through the clouds, she resumed her thoughts. Particularly on the many times a shoulder had been lent to her to cry on, and the comforting words which accompanied the act, especially during her graduation, and that one time when she blamed herself on losing a game during their weekly shows. It disappointed her to find out that it had been discontinued and replaced. She felt her eyes grow wet, moved by the mere thought of the support they had all given her back then, and the irreplaceable bond that they had built with each other.

<i>…So that I could fly back as and when to return the favor. To be there for you all when you are upset too. Then we can together laugh at how silly we were to cry.</i>

As she dried her eyes, she got carried away by her own mind. She propped her arm up and tilted her head towards the window, resting a cheek against her palm. She looked up at the sky, randomly amused by how incredibly slow the clouds moved, but at the same time, it is gradually noticeable if one were to observe long enough. She thought of the sky without borders, how it is connected no matter where she is, or where they were.

<i>Do you think if we simply followed the clouds, we’ll be reunited again?</i>

Giggling at how great that would actually be, she suddenly remembered that she was still in the middle of something. Picking up the pen that she had abandoned and left to idle on the table sometime during her daydream, she looked at the paper and pressed on invisible creases again with one hand. Deciding that she had better start moving before she becomes forgetful, she glided her hand across the sheet of paper and began to write.

‘Dear, my friends.'

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #11 on: October 01, 2007, 05:55:31 PM » touching...:cry:

Is it Mako?

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection)
« Reply #12 on: October 02, 2007, 01:19:30 AM »
Wow, excellent, you could beat me (or are already beating me @_@) in conveying emotional scenes. I'm too hard-nosed and practical to write stuff like that. XD

Anyway, excellent work with description and I loved how you applied detail into the scene. It was subtle without being heavy-handed, and I enjoyed it.

Looking forward to more of this kind of work from you. ;) Good job.


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- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [2])
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2007, 09:29:17 AM »
What amuses me about the replies are how no one actually mentions who the girls are. That's interesting.

Oh, I wanted to. Believe me. But I didn't wanna spoil it for others who were reading. Plus, I assumed you didn't wanna reveal so obviously who they were.

This second 1 shot made my eyes water :cry: I read it in the school lab and there were people who could see me, so I had to bite my lip and stop the tears from flowing in case I came across as some weird psycho XD

Offline inDeceit

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [2])
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2007, 10:50:21 AM »
It's that touching? ;o I didn't actually intend to have it come across as sad or anything  :-\

Mm, sorta don't wanna reveal anyone in any of my future one-shots :p
Don't think I'll be writing again soon though. I'm not feeling depressed enough, lol... or maybe I'm too depressed. Either way, until I find a good song to inspire me, any writing is on hiatus except blogging XD

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [2])
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2007, 08:36:18 AM »
Feel better soon. :(

I really love this second story as well.
The emotional roller coaster that went straight down hill, and only to climb at the end.
Nice work. :-)

Homesick will get you down like that though. ; ;

Offline inDeceit

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [3])
« Reply #16 on: October 09, 2007, 07:09:41 PM »
Inspired by the lack of guilt and a horrible temper.
Everything goes downhill in the middle and nothing to whoever that knows where the ending line is from  :P


It smells of dusts, old furniture, late nights and plenty of nostalgia. Nothing seems to have changed since the last time she returned. Regretfully, she couldn’t recall when ‘last time’ was. A year, perhaps another two, but it doesn’t matter because an eternity was how it felt like. However, it takes more than just that to forget what she’ll always know as <i>home</i>.

With some difficulty, she pushed open the familiar door that had a cute entrance sign designed in what seems like crayon pasted to it. A corner of the paper had already turned yellow from age, and whatever that had been written on it had already been smudged and faded as well. A low creak echoed down the hallway. She shook her head with a smile; all this time and no one bothered to fix the fault. The room looked the same as before, but different too. Everything seems smaller, reorganized, and unfamiliar but familiar all at once. It was good to be back.

“I don’t think I can afford this visit…“

“Come on, how often do we get breaks nowadays? Stop thinking about work!”

“Alright, fine… I am already here anyway.”

Pulling her guest into the room, she pushed her down to sit on the bed. She then flopped backwards from the other side onto the bed, looking up at her long time friend. A second of observation was all she needed. From below, she took the chance while the other had her eyes wandering about the room.

Like unintentionally being caught in a trance, she gazed at the elder. The other’s untempered hair that is normally worn off screen, the light scent of perfume and soap, and the fabric of casual wear brushing lightly (perhaps not even touching, she wasn’t so sure) against her outstretched arms. Everything that she could sense, she registered them permanently into her very mind. Even the curious eyes that strayed from shelf to carpet, the calm breathing that could easily go unnoticed, the nervous and restrained fidgeting that betrayed that, as well as the guise that she couldn’t reach to remove. Like from behind a glass panel, she could only watch and not do anything. Trying to witness this was already too much to ask with the schedule and roster given by the agency, she couldn't complain.

“Is that you? You’re so different now…”

The mattress they were on shifted when the other stood up. She only noticed the emptiness beside her when the other’s afterimage shattered under her very voice. She sat up and looked on, snapping back to reality. Her colleague and leader had picked up a photo frame covered in a thin layer of dust and blew on it, revealing a childhood photo of the host. The twin ponytail the younger had long discarded, and the baby face that she had gradually outgrown was back once more within the snapshot. She heard her friend giggle.

“What’s so funny?”

“Huh? Nothing, I just find it cute, that’s all. Makes me think back a little.”


“Yeah… Not that I don’t like your change though!”

“You’d better like it.”

The other joked, and the atmosphere reverted back to nothing but silence, nothing but comfortable silence as the elder of them both conveniently sets the frame down and moved towards the dresser with a sly smile that went unnoticed. The owner of the room thought of change, and secretly wished things were still the same as before, or would stay this way for a while. She didn’t really like the diversity of her friend, the toll that the other had taken upon herself recently without bargaining for some leeway.She didn't like how her once confidante wouldn't share thoughts with her like before. She didn’t welcome the change of the other, not when she couldn’t understand anymore. She couldn’t get used to the distance that had wedged itself between them without warning, but she knew that she really was in no position to speak. She had changed too, in some way or another.

“Do you still have it?”

“Have what?”

“That pajamas, the lizard one.”

Thankful for the distraction from her wild yet honest thoughts, she moved to the floor, crawling towards the dresser that the other was kneeling in front of.

“It’s a dragon! And I think it’s still somewhere around here…why?”

“I’ve always wanted to try it.”


“What? It looked comfortable when YOU had it on.”

“That was years ago. But it is, though you probably wouldn’t look as cute as I had…  would.”

“Nonsense. Now, where is it?”

“Sometimes, I wonder what you’re thinking.”

“I wonder too.”

As sudden and random as the conversation about who's cuter than who in a lizard costume came about, it was much better than filling her mind with disapprovals and selfishness. They were now occupied with childish and simple amusement, having fun without relating it to work, without having to put on fake smiles and try not to have their eyes sell them out. Even now, how much of that is actually true, she didn't want to realize. Any and all thoughts from before was shoved aside as time seemed to have turned back to when they were still themselves, without the weight of responsibilities on them. At least, that's how it felt to her. She thought for one last time before pulling the outfit from beneath all her old clothes, exactly where she remembered it to be kept. Perhaps…

Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [3])
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2007, 07:33:18 PM »
Damn, it's like they're visiting one of their childhood homes that they haven't been to in a while (due to the busy work schedules) and they're actually having a moment where they can just be regular "girls" instead of having to be their professional selves. It's almost like catching up on part of their childhood that they missed out on.

Picturing the scene makes me feel all gooshy and warm inside. :shy1:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [3])
« Reply #18 on: October 09, 2007, 07:52:07 PM »
Lizard costume?

Has to be Risa's :B

She looked so adorable in it, roffle xD

Striking again with Takagaki, huh? <3

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Re: When Insomnia Attacks (One shot collection [3])
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2007, 12:52:13 AM »
Ah, Takagaki. <3

Your melancholy makes you creative. How familiar.

Good job anyway. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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