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Author Topic: [END] memoir III: memory (I SLAYED THE BEAST!)  (Read 157878 times)

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #260 on: March 10, 2008, 02:48:17 PM »
I think Maki and Aya should hook up. Then everyone would be happy. Plus, maybe Miki will forgive her for the misunderstanding she seems to be holding a grudge about. And Maki and Aya is just tooooo cute!

@lollipopgirl: your comments make me feel special!  :heart:

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #261 on: March 13, 2008, 02:23:39 PM »
Hello! I think this is the first time I've posted in one of your threads. I just spent most of last night and early this morning reading your Memoir trilogy up until your most recent chapter  XD  I have to say, I ADORE how your portray Miki's personality! She's amazing, she's insane, she's just well... she's very Miki!  :wub:  I can't comment on every single chapter I read seeing as how there were.... numerous and my brain is now a little fried from that intense reading, but I can say that I can't wait to see where you'll take Aya and Maki in the following chapters  :grin: Looking forward to the next update!  :lol:

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #262 on: March 30, 2008, 03:38:25 PM »
*stumbles into the thread*



Do you all still heart me?  :sweat:

Ok, I honestly spent about 2 hours trying to reply like normal, but I kept getting distracted by something.  :sweatdrop:
10 bucks says that "something" starts with "Yo-" and ends with "-ssi". :P

Actually, no.

....but it was a hot blonde with lots of moles and a mischievous smile and a wicked sense of humor and.... ok I'll shut up now

"Oh, come ON, you little piece of..." Miki's mumbled threat was my only warning. I glanced up from my  script just in time to be smacked across the face by a navy blue bikini top.
This one?  I always thought it looked a bit more purple than navy blue, but meh, close enough.  :grin:
Nah, it was just a random color I'd picked. No real life inspiration for once!

"Aya, what the hell?" Miki exclaimed as Aya pulled the phone out and flipped it open.

"I KNEW IT!" Aya yelled, snapping the phone shut and stalking back over to Miki. "So you get off the phone with me and immediately call a certain Nakazawa who then demands that a certain Goto Maki hit on me?"

"You did what!?" I turned to see Miki avoiding my eye. "Mikiiiii"
Oh shit. :OMG:

Secret's out.
Never underestimate the cute ones. Just because they're smiling doesn't mean they're not plotting against you.  :wahaha:

"I am so good," she grinned. I laughed and shook my head a little, walking towards her.

"That you are," I admitted.
OH SHIT! That whole bit was an act, wasn't it! Aya thinks she figured out Miki's plan, but really, Miki only let her THINK she did! And even if she didn't, she's still gotten Aya and Maki all thinking about each other in a new (and hopefully hot) sort of way!!!  BRILLIANT!!!
But how MUCH of it was an act!?  :wahaha:

I missed the Yomiki moments... But the appearance of a new couple (aya and maki) is so interesting too! As you see, I'm divided. I guess I can like both, ne? Keep it up!  :grin:
I'll try my best! My second beta reader :heart: keeps reminding me to not forget about YoMiki.




Right. Comments.

Now are SayuEri back together or Sayu is still hanging out with junx2?
I'll leave that up to your imagination.... not like you weren't already thinking about it! XD

i love the bikini part. idk about you but i'd be happy to be hit in the face with it~!
I think I'd only be happy to be hit in the face with it if it was being removed.

Thank god Miki and Yossy aren't normal, how bored we all would be if they were, its more fun this way!   XD
So true. I think that about myself, actually. Life would be boring if I was normal.  :gmon bang:

Poor Yossy, all alone for so long... but wait till Miki gets back  :w00t: (especially if I haven't got a Miki POV by then  :()
Again, I wrote the next part loooong before reading this.

Thank God I got on that writing streak for a while... I haven't written a single word in like a month  :sweatdrop:

I think Maki and Aya should hook up. Then everyone would be happy. Plus, maybe Miki will forgive her for the misunderstanding she seems to be holding a grudge about. And Maki and Aya is just tooooo cute!
Always remember. No one knows what Fujimoto Miki is thinking except for Fujimoto Miki.
...and in this case, me. XD

Hello! I think this is the first time I've posted in one of your threads. I just spent most of last night and early this morning reading your Memoir trilogy up until your most recent chapter  XD  I have to say, I ADORE how your portray Miki's personality! She's amazing, she's insane, she's just well... she's very Miki!  :wub:  I can't comment on every single chapter I read seeing as how there were.... numerous and my brain is now a little fried from that intense reading, but I can say that I can't wait to see where you'll take Aya and Maki in the following chapters  :grin: Looking forward to the next update!  :lol:
Wow. Thank you so much!! Hopefully you've recovered from your brain fatigue by now XD

Because here's the next chapter!!

Narrator is.......!

« Last Edit: March 30, 2008, 05:13:06 PM by almond »

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #263 on: March 30, 2008, 03:41:50 PM »

"I miss you too," I murmured into the phone. "Only a few more days, ok?"

"FUJIMOTO!" Aya bellowed before slamming my hotel room door open and stomping in, flames practically spewing from her eyes.

"Honey, I gotta go. Aya has a bug up her ass about something again.... ok, I love you too.... bye." I calmly hung up the phone and raised an eyebrow. "May I help you with something, Ms Matsuura?"

"I ran into Yasuda Kei at the bar last night," she replied through gritted teeth.

"Oh, me too! Isn't it funny how she's on vacation in Hawaii at the same time we're here?"

"Hilarious. Now tell me why exactly she thought it was okay to HIT ON ME?!"

"Calm down, Ayaya, you're turning a weird purple color," I replied.

"MIKI!" Aya all but screamed.

"Ok, ok, ok," I sighed dramatically. "I might have possibly, maybe, once mentioned in passing to Kei that you were single and actively looking."


"What!? You ARE actively looking!"

"Do you have any idea what it's like to be trapped in a neverending conversation with Yasuda Kei? I never would have gotten out of there if Maki hadn't happened to call me!"

"Wait. Why did Goto Maki call you? What on earth did you two have to talk about?" I asked suspiciously.

"That's beside the point! God, Miki, I'm only actively looking in your insane sex-obsessed brain! There is nothing wrong with being single! NOTHING WRONG. Do you understand that?! I have no problem with it! I am happy in my life right now! I only went out on that first creepy date to shut you up! And I'm not doing it again. Understand!?" Aya glared at me expectantly.

" think I'm sex-obsessed?" I said dumbly.

"Is that all you got out of what I just said!?" Aya groaned and flopped face-first onto the bed next to me.

"Pretty much," I replied, flipping around to lie next to her. She turned her head and looked at me.

"Yes, I think you're kind of obsessed with sex," Aya admitted.

"What!? Why?"

"Are you kidding me?" Aya started laughing.

"Don't laugh so much. It's making the bed shake."

"Sorry," she apologized.

"You were saying?"

"Ok, you used to be obsessed with kissing any woman who walked by."

"I did not!" I protested.

"And once you started sleeping with a certain tomboy - "

"A certain sexy as hell tomboy with a body to die for," I interjected.

"Sleeping with a certain sexy as hell tomboy with a body to die for, terribly sorry, you could not get enough of it."

"There's nothing wrong with - "

"AND!" she continued, glaring at me for daring to interrupt. "You can't keep your hands off ANYONE. You grabbed my ass just this morning!"

"That - "

"AND!!! A few months later, you start harassing me about why I'm not having sex. And now that you're not working, getting me laid seems to be your new life mission!"

"...are you done?" I asked.

"For now."

"Ok, I just don't want another glare. Only I can glare." Aya rolled her eyes. "First of all, yes, we did have sex quite a bit, especially at the beginning. Five years of foreplay will do that to you!"

"Oh, please," Aya rolled her eyes.

"AND!" I continued, glaring at her for daring to interrupt. "I was just worried about you! I had found happiness and I wanted my bestest friend to find it too!"

"What about the groping?"

"What can I say. It's what I do," I shrugged.

"Miki, you are obsessed with sex and can barely go a week without it. You only think I need to get laid because you can't stop thinking about it yourself and can't imagine not being able to go at it whenever you please."

"What!?" I stood up and crossed my arms. "That's not true!" Aya flipped over onto her back and laughed.

"Yes. It is."

"No. It's not." I glared at her. She stood up and poked my shoulder.

"Fine. Prove me wrong. You don't get laid until I do."

"What?! But that could be months!" I protested.

"Well, if you want to just admit I'm right..."

"FINE!" I snapped, turning away from her and stalking over to the window.

"Well - "

"BUT!" I whirled back around.


"YOU have to go out on every date I set you up on," I challenged. She narrowed her eyes.



We glared at each other for another minute.

"Well... what do you want for dinner?!" she snapped.

"How about that nice steak restaurant the lady at check-in recommended?" I snapped back.

"Sounds great! I'll see you in 10 minutes." she glared.

"Good!" I glared back at her. She turned and walked away.

"Oh, Mikitty?" she paused by the door and looked at me over her shoulder.


"No hard feelings, right?"

"Between us? Never!" I laughed.

"Good. Apologize to Yossy for me," she smiled brilliantly and walked out of my room.

"...Yossy?" I looked over at my abandoned cell phone lying on the bed. "Oh, shit."


I must confess.

Originally, I had a completely different chapter written. I didn't really like it, so I hesitantly sent it to my beta. Who is awesome enough to tell me that it was utter crap.  :love:

So I scrapped it, wrote this in about 15 minutes, and it's now one of my favorite chapters. XD

Oh and please do comment - I'm trying to write today and comments keep me going ^^

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #264 on: March 30, 2008, 03:43:15 PM »
 :w00t: Next chapter?????

But I was going to take a nap right now...  :sweatdrop:

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #265 on: March 30, 2008, 06:39:00 PM »
I’m a bad bad person... Not commenting for long time... :cry:

"I miss you too," I murmured into the phone. "Only a few more days, ok?"
:luvluv2: :shy2:

"A certain sexy as hell tomboy with a body to die for," I interjected.
So true :drool:

"What!?" I stood up and crossed my arms. "That's not true!" Aya flipped over onto her back and laughed.
I'm sure this will lead to something interesting XD

"Fine. Prove me wrong. You don't get laid until I do."
Aaaand here we go.  :lol:  But on the other hand... What Yossi thinks about this all.

"Good. Apologize to Yossy for me," she smiled brilliantly and walked out of my room.

"...Yossy?" I looked over at my abandoned cell phone lying on the bed. "Oh, shit."
Oh shit indeed. Poor Yossi... Maybe Yossi can help Miki to find someone for Aya  :grin:

Oh, and yes, I still  :heart: you.

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #266 on: March 30, 2008, 07:16:13 PM »
Yay, new chappy! :heart:

No sex is always good for plot complications and no sex for Miki: I foresee gut-wrenching hilarity  XD

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #267 on: March 30, 2008, 09:43:13 PM »
Now this is going to get interesting! Miki and Yossie with no sex and Aya going on dates that Miki planned (I do hope Maki is going to save her again in the dates)! I'm looking forward to the next chapters (it looks like things are going to get crazier in the story from now on!)  :grin:

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #268 on: March 30, 2008, 11:20:29 PM »
YAY almond-sama updates!!! :heart:
anyway, no sex huh? well, this oughta be interesting! :lol:
i hope you have something good planned!! what am I saying, of course you do!!!

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #269 on: March 31, 2008, 10:31:21 AM »
Yay! Update! Lol no sex for miki until aya gets laid.. hahah.. and how could she forget yossie on the phone? this is hilarious!!  :w00t:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #270 on: March 31, 2008, 01:19:05 PM »
It said in the starrt that she hung up though..... Oh well. YEY NEW CHAP! I've been sitting here waiting patiently like a good lil puppy for ages :) and all that was rewarded with Mikilarity XD.
 I missed you btw, how come there was no postage going on for so long? Don't you love us anymore? :'(  Don't worry I still wub you! Boy is the next one gonna be funny XD! Unless you take it in the unexpected direction and do a Maki POV where she is reminiscing or something, boy that would be moving a lil backwards but still would be very unexpected. I hope Maki and Aya get together already though, not because I want the fic to end! Of course not! Thats insanity! That's sacriligious! No, merely because I want those two poor unhappy lovesick puppies to be happy!.! I also hope that there is a part IIII (?) with a new pairing! Maybe Yuko *blush* *shyness*...... and who knows, maybe she'll be with Mari or something...... Ha ha, it would be funny if you choose to write about the rejects (so far Michishichishichishichishichishichishichishichsihicshcishi~gah Sayooome, and Yasuda 'K'.)
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #271 on: March 31, 2008, 03:09:33 PM »

"YOU have to go out on every date I set you up on," I challenged. She narrowed her eyes.


Can't wait to see with who Miki will set Aya up on the next date  XD XD
« Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 03:25:00 PM by peti-chan »

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #272 on: April 01, 2008, 12:56:18 AM »
how could she forget yossie on the phone?
It said in the starrt that she hung up though.....

Uh, just to clear up any confusion... Miki DID hang up with Yossy at the beginning of the chapter. After Aya mentioned Yossy's name, Miki glanced over at the (still disconnected) phone because she had just been talking to Yossy on it.
I thought it was pretty clear, but I guess not... sorry  :sweatdrop:

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Re: [part 26] memoir III: memory
« Reply #273 on: April 01, 2008, 01:28:36 AM »
*stumbles into the thread*



Do you all still heart me?  :sweat:
As if you need to ask.  :wub:

Ok, I honestly spent about 2 hours trying to reply like normal, but I kept getting distracted by something.  :sweatdrop:
10 bucks says that "something" starts with "Yo-" and ends with "-ssi". :P

Actually, no.

....but it was a hot blonde with lots of moles and a mischievous smile and a wicked sense of humor and.... ok I'll shut up now
Gawdayum...please, continue. It's no disturbance to any of us at all. :twisted:

"I miss you too," I murmured into the phone. "Only a few more days, ok?"

"FUJIMOTO!" Aya bellowed before slamming my hotel room door open and stomping in, flames practically spewing from her eyes.

"Honey, I gotta go. Aya has a bug up her ass about something again.... ok, I love you too.... bye."
Aya =  :gmon pissed:

Miki =  :gmon sing:

"I ran into Yasuda Kei at the bar last night," she replied through gritted teeth.

"Oh, me too! Isn't it funny how she's on vacation in Hawaii at the same time we're here?"

"Hilarious. Now tell me why exactly she thought it was okay to HIT ON ME?!"
WTF.... :stunned:











That's like, part of Miki's brilliant plan, right? Make Aya think that she's deliberately trying to get her laid by people that she wouldn't normally "click" with, eventually leading her to confide in Maki (who would, to Aya) appear to be the only sane person she knows, which would eventually lead to the two of them hanging out more to avoid "Miki's wacky setups", which would eventually lead to them getting closer, which would eventually lead to MAyaki raburabu?   
:on roll:

"Do you have any idea what it's like to be trapped in a neverending conversation with Yasuda Kei? I never would have gotten out of there if Maki hadn't happened to call me!"

"Wait. Why did Goto Maki call you? What on earth did you two have to talk about?" I asked suspiciously.
Aya =  :scolding:
Miki =  :roll:

God, Miki, I'm only actively looking in your insane sex-obsessed brain! There is nothing wrong with being single! NOTHING WRONG. Do you understand that?! I have no problem with it! I am happy in my life right now! I only went out on that first creepy date to shut you up! And I'm not doing it again. Understand!?" Aya glared at me expectantly.

" think I'm sex-obsessed?" I said dumbly.

"Is that all you got out of what I just said!?" Aya groaned and flopped face-first onto the bed next to me.

"Pretty much," I replied, flipping around to lie next to her. She turned her head and looked at me.
GOD how I love these two. :wahaha:

"Ok, you used to be obsessed with kissing any woman who walked by."

"I did not!" I protested.
Groping, yes. Kissing, not as much.  Definitely the groping though. :yep:

"And once you started sleeping with a certain tomboy - "

"A certain sexy as hell tomboy with a body to die for," I interjected.

"Sleeping with a certain sexy as hell tomboy with a body to die for, terribly sorry, you could not get enough of it."
Not necessarily a bad thing. :D

"AND!" she continued, glaring at me for daring to interrupt. "You can't keep your hands off ANYONE. You grabbed my ass just this morning!"
Isn't that normal for Miki though? Aya's got such a lucscious bum, and Miki knows it. You'd think Aya'd be used to it by now.  :shakeit:

"AND!!! A few months later, you start harassing me about why I'm not having sex. And now that you're not working, getting me laid seems to be your new life mission!"
Again, not necessarily a bad thing.  She does, after all, have Aya's happiness in mind here. :pimp:

"...are you done?" I asked.

"For now."

"Ok, I just don't want another glare. Only I can glare."
True dat.  :)

"Miki, you are obsessed with sex and can barely go a week without it. You only think I need to get laid because you can't stop thinking about it yourself and can't imagine not being able to go at it whenever you please."

"What!?" I stood up and crossed my arms. "That's not true!" Aya flipped over onto her back and laughed.

"Yes. It is."

"No. It's not." I glared at her. She stood up and poked my shoulder.

"Fine. Prove me wrong. You don't get laid until I do."
Oshit! Betcha Miki hadn't planned on this. :on lol:

"FINE!" I snapped, turning away from her and stalking over to the window.


"BUT!" I whirled back around.


"YOU have to go out on every date I set you up on," I challenged. She narrowed her eyes.


Well then...ground rules are set. :D

I can totally see Aya milking this just to see Miki (and also Yossi, who will probably end up being kept in the dark about this bet) squirm.  :twisted:

"No hard feelings, right?"

"Between us? Never!" I laughed.

"Good. Apologize to Yossy for me," she smiled brilliantly and walked out of my room.

"...Yossy?" I looked over at my abandoned cell phone lying on the bed. "Oh, shit."
Oooooooooooooooooh this is gonna be good!   :kekeke:  :hiakhiakhiak:

One thing though...Aya said that Maki just "happened" to call her, did she? She just "happened" to call her long-distance from Japan where there's probably a 4-6 hour time difference and save her from Kemeko's advances?   :grin:

It's like, hero Maki to Aya's rescue! :cool1:

* JFC predicts future Yossi (if she remains in the dark about the bet) will be something like this:
:fainted: :pleeease: :mon whine: :mon tantrum: :mon ghost: :mon runcry:
« Last Edit: April 01, 2008, 01:31:45 AM by JFC »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #274 on: April 04, 2008, 08:37:21 PM »
*looks at JFC's colossal comment*

Am I the only one who feels slightly intimidated to post a response right undernead JFC's  :sweatdrop:....... but NEVER STOP your trademark fanfic posts JFC  :love:

I really  :heart: this chapter  :heart: _ :heart:

It's such a plot mover! And what moves plots... TWISTS! and details.. but twists are so much more fun to come across

We all figured Miki had this awesome fool proof plan up her sleeve... but no-one ever said it was Aya proofed  :twisted: ... Aya's  lil twist "if i'm not getting some you ain't either" was AWESOME! I really really really really wanna see Yossy react to that 

"Are you kidding me?" Aya started laughing.

"Don't laugh so much. It's making the bed shake."

"Sorry," she apologized.

I really like this part XD... dunno why... i'm guessing it's the authenticity behind it XD.

"Oh, Mikitty?" she paused by the door and looked at me over her shoulder.


"No hard feelings, right?"

"Between us? Never!" I laughed.

 :pig huh: those two are so wiiiieeerrrddd... AWESOME ;D
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: [part 27!!] memoir III: memory
« Reply #275 on: April 14, 2008, 12:34:06 PM »
I'm sleepy, but damn determined to do a comments reply. So it will be in JFC-style emoticon responses.

But I was going to take a nap right now...  :sweatdrop:

"Fine. Prove me wrong. You don't get laid until I do."
Aaaand here we go.  :lol:  But on the other hand... What Yossi thinks about this all.
Yo: :frustrated:

No sex is always good for plot complications and no sex for Miki: I foresee gut-wrenching hilarity  XD
YoMiki in 3 days:  :mon headbang:

Now this is going to get interesting! Miki and Yossie with no sex and Aya going on dates that Miki planned (I do hope Maki is going to save her again in the dates)!

i hope you have something good planned!! what am I saying, of course you do!!!
Nah, I'll just make this up as I go along. XD

and how could she forget yossie on the phone? this is hilarious!!  :w00t:

I missed you btw, how come there was no postage going on for so long? Don't you love us anymore? :'( 
Because I have a real life and it sometimes gets in the way?  :sweat:

Can't wait to see with who Miki will set Aya up on the next date  XD XD

Gawdayum...please, continue. It's no disturbance to any of us at all. :twisted:
No, that would be a bad idea. Once I get started, I can ramble for a reeeeeeeeally long time.,  :inlove:

That's like, part of Miki's brilliant plan, right?
There's a fine line between brilliant plan and barely-controlled insanity.

"AND!" she continued, glaring at me for daring to interrupt. "You can't keep your hands off ANYONE. You grabbed my ass just this morning!"
Isn't that normal for Miki though? Aya's got such a lucscious bum, and Miki knows it. You'd think Aya'd be used to it by now.  :shakeit:
She probably is, and probably enjoys the attention, but damn if that will get in the way of making a point!

One thing though...Aya said that Maki just "happened" to call her, did she? She just "happened" to call her long-distance from Japan where there's probably a 4-6 hour time difference and save her from Kemeko's advances?   :grin:
Yep. Some people just have THAT good of timing.

It's such a plot mover! And what moves plots... TWISTS! and details.. but twists are so much more fun to come across

Ok, new part. narrator is... someone I can't be bothered to make an image for right now. Not like anyone else is up at this hour anyway. XD

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Re: [part 28] memoir III: memory
« Reply #276 on: April 14, 2008, 12:35:00 PM »

I threw my bags on the floor and walked swiftly over to my kitchen. I quickly gulped down a glass of water and hit play on my answering machine.

"Makiiiiii, it's Matsuura Aya~! I just realized I went home with the jacket I borrowed from you during rehearsals! It's your turn to take everyone out for drunken karaoke anyway, so I'll bring it to you when you pay up! Bye~!" >CLICK<

I laughed and went to rinse out my glass. Man, that girl was odd. The sudden knock on my front door startled me a bit and I almost dropped the glass on the floor.

"Just a minute!" I called out, turning off the water and setting the glass on the rack to dry. I brushed my hands off on my jeans and walked over to the door, peering through the peephole.

You could have pushed me over with a feather.

"Hey," I said, opening the door. Whoa. Yocchan looked like hell.

"Hey," she said quietly. "Can I come in?"

"Uh, sure!" I opened the door for her. "Excuse the mess. I just got back from a photoshoot," I explained, knowing what a neat freak she can be. She nodded, but I'm still not sure if she really heard what I said. She seemed to be in a daze. Suddenly, she started smiling a little. "Yeah, it's been a while since you've been here, huh?" I laughed awkwardly. She nodded again. Ugh, enough of this. "So, what's wrong?"

Yossy turned and looked at me, completely stunned. Did she really think she was that unreadable?

"Please," I laughed. "You haven't changed THAT much!" She smiled a little and looked down at her feet for a moment.

"I'm graduating in May." My eyes widened. What? Last I heard they were planning on having the next graduation be...

Oh, no. Oh, no, not again.

"Wow, that's weird," I said slowly. "I didn't expect them to graduate you already." I studied her face carefully.

"Yeah, me either," she said quietly. I bit my lip, wondering how to go about this.

"Are you seeing someone?" I asked finally.

"Oh! I'm not trying to - I mean, the reason I came here wasn't to rekindle anything or - " she stammered.

"I know that!" I laughed a bit too loudly. "I just ask because that's part of why they graduated me."

"...what?" She looked like I'd just slapped her.

"Oh, yeah, I guess I never did tell you that. My graduation wasn't supposed to be for another year or so, but somehow they found out about us and, well, sped it up," I shrugged nonchalantly. Her eyes bore into me, her expression unreadable.

"You should have told me."

"Yeah, there are a lot of things I should have done," I said bitterly with a shrug, plopping down on my couch. "It wouldn't have changed anything anyway."

"What should you have done?" she asked, sitting down next to me.

"What do you mean?"

"I just... you screwed up. We both know that. But... I don't know what to do. So, what should you have done? What should I do?" Yossy sighed and ran her hand through her hair.

I sat there for a moment, dumbfounded. After all these years of asking myself that question, I never thought she would ask me it. A tiny voice in the back of my mind piped up, telling me to have Yossy break it off, that way we could finally be together.

I promptly told that little voice to shut the hell up.

"Just tell her," I said finally. "Knowing you, you'll probably try to ease into it, but... just tell her." I laughed a little. "With Miki the way she is, she'll tell you exactly what she thinks. If she wants to work through it or break up or whatever, she'll tell you immediately. I can't really see her giving you up that easily, anyway." She tilted her head.

"Who told you it was Miki?" Crap.

"You can be really dense sometimes, you know that?" I covered smoothly. "Miki's not exactly subtle. She's been staring at you since she got here. Sometimes you couldn't even hold a conversation with that girl when you were in the room."

"Damn, I must have been better than I thought," she muttered. I blinked.


"Nothing." She shook her head and sighed. "Just tell her, huh? Do you have any idea how hard that'll be?"

"Just an inkling," I replied sarcastically. She wrinkled up her nose.


"It's fine. It's ancient history," I lied. "But, uh... you know, if you two do break up, feel free to call me." I grinned flirtatiously.

"Thanks. That means a..." she trailed off as she looked up and met my eye. "You, uh, you don't mean to talk."

"Well, I'm sure some talking would be involved," I replied in a low voice.

"That's it, I'm leaving." She stood up so fast, I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm just teasing you!" I protested, getting up. "Well, mostly." Yossy threw her hands up in exasperation.

"What is it with people lately? Aya's all but propositioning me every time we meet, Sayumi's hanging all over me calling me her prince, I can't even get onstage without being molested by someone, and I'm pretty damn sure that Takahashi grabbed my ass on purpose during filming the other day." She looked so annoyed.

"Hmm, let's see. You're charming, you're funny, you're a huge flirt, your job requires you to wear skimpy outfits and gyrate around a stage, and, oh yeah, you're infinitely doable."

"'Infinitely doable'?" she repeated incredulously. I touched my chin and looked up thoughtfully.

"Would 'bangable' have been a better word choice?" I asked, walking her to the door. She started laughing.

"We always have the strangest conversations," she commented.

"That's for damn sure." I paused. "Seriously, though, just tell her. If it's meant to be, it'll all work out." And if not...

"Thanks." I opened the door for her.

"No problem." I grinned and smacked her on the ass. "Now go, my flittering pimp, go!" I slammed the door shut and leaned against it.

That's it. I'm done.

I'm sick of this cycle. I'm sick and tired of wanting to be with her, thinking I have a chance, then getting my hopes crushed. I can't take it anymore.

So, I'm done. Goto Maki is done with love. Finished. Over. No more.

I looked around my apartment and suddenly felt very claustrophobic. I had to get out, I had to get away from anything that reminded me of her at all.

I grabbed my cell phone and hurried out the front door. She picked up on the third ring.

"Aya? Hi, it's Goto Maki... Are you busy? I thought I'd come pick up that jacket..."


Offline sweeety

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Re: [part 28] memoir III: memory
« Reply #277 on: April 14, 2008, 01:48:47 PM »

Edit: I read it! It was awesome! it had that special almond flavour that goes great with chocolate. Mmmm chocolate, I think I'll have some after dinner. But I digress, the story was excellent, the characters deep and I liked how different this chapter was. We were slipping into a nice comfortable Maki/Aya pattern here but that changed with the reapearance of Yoshi who came to Maki of all people. The chat seems oddly familiar though, I think I've read it before, unless it was just my imagination or deja vou or something..... But Im sure I've read it before dangit! So, Im thinking another case of deja vou! Its a silent killer that one, and tonight it struck again.....
 I liked how Maki is now turning to Aya as indicated by the last lines. Liking how she is now choosing to spend more time with her, autonomously with lack of a push from an outside force. I like how Aya seems to be getting into it too, and leaving her that message, although she could have flirted a lil more in it. And now Maki and Aya are going to meet up again, yey!!!!!!!!!! But I laughed at the whole Yoshi looking sexy thing, because of the bet. I was rofling at the thought of how it was gonna go down afta she got home (feels great to call where Miki is home  :wub: ) and Miki saw her  :drool:

Yoshi: I'm home  8)
Miki:  :drool:
Yoshi: I have to tell you something  :(
Miki: (thinks BET, BET!!!!!) ............................ :twisted: c'm 'ere and tell me all about it  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

Ten hours later
Yoshi:  :pimp:
Miki:  :shocked: :exhausted smileys all around:
« Last Edit: April 14, 2008, 02:47:21 PM by sweeety »
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline peti-chan

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Re: [part 28] memoir III: memory
« Reply #278 on: April 14, 2008, 01:57:42 PM »
I'm sick of this cycle. I'm sick and tired of wanting to be with her, thinking I have a chance, then getting my hopes crushed. I can't take it anymore.

Poor Maki she still loved Yossy and had to watch as the person she loved was hooking up with someone else :cry:

So, I'm done. Goto Maki is done with love. Finished. Over. No more.

Hope Aya will change her mind  XD

Offline zay05ohayou

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Re: [part 28] memoir III: memory
« Reply #279 on: April 14, 2008, 02:26:29 PM »
Woohoo~ New Chap~  :w00t:

Can't wait for Aya and Maki to hook up! If they do the agreement with Aya and Miki will end sooner than expected..  XD But that might bring the end to the story so...  :lol:

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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