That was the hottest, most awesome performance I've seen since forever. Her outfit totally ruled and her performance was super sexy and fierce. And whoevers idea it was to have her do the performance barefoot was a genius. That only added to the hotness. Plus her singing was totally top notch.
exactly. when they changed the MC I kept wondering what she would perform... and then she appears like that! gosh, I had a nosebleed after that. for real xD
but then she kept without shoes, and I though, damn, it's cold in Japan now right? yukooooo don't catch a cold>< lol I said that out loud xD
oh, I think I would die after screaming like crazy if I had been able to be in front row... even just being there x.x
Oh, Yuko, what did you do with us?
about AKBxSMAP.... didn't see that yet... no Yuko? really? yeah Hebirote only is Hebirote with Yuko
:/ probably she was busy with other work... the girls just work too much ><