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Author Topic: Fair Play... is not my style.  (Read 15539 times)

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2007, 07:54:37 AM »
ooo you're back already!  welcome back~  :wub:

ho ho ho looks like the fun is about to get started!  A tournament~ yay~  that would be pretty cool!  I wonder who would be the strongest  :O  and I wonder if Eri knows how to fight but just doesn't...that would be interesting !

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2007, 09:45:30 AM »
^just what I thought too!
And who’s the one always in trouble in need of someone's help because she looks like a pushover and refuses to lift a finger to save herself?
This line from Gaki-san made me suspect that...hmm...maybe I'm over-analysing  :P

His lackeys started to advance towards the two girls. Sensing danger, Risa grabbed Eri by the hand and bolted for the nearest exit. She did manage to shove some guys away when they got too close. The mob chased the girls until they finally cornered her to the end of the hallway.
Kame should've just scooped Gaki-san up and thunder-thighed hightailed it out of there!  :lol:
Turtle-power! They'd never be able to catch up

“Takahashi Ai-san, we are honored to welcome you back to the 10th annual Junshuu Tournament.”
Junshuu? As in territory?
Hmm...kinda like how the triads/mafia fight for territory?

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2007, 09:50:12 AM »
Oh, interesting...

“Takahashi Ai-san, we are honored to welcome you back to the 10th annual Junshuu Tournament.”
Junshuu? As in territory?
Hmm...kinda like how the triads/mafia fight for territory?

Note the "welcome back". Apparently this isn't the first time Ai has been in that thing. And then there's what Sayu said...

”I’m not! It’s just… she seems capable enough to replace you… and…”

Talking about replacing means that Ai is already in some sort of a position. Could she be the Bansho? But somehow my gut says no. She's important, yes, but in some other capacity, that's what my instinct's telling me. Of course, I could be wrong, but who knows?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2007, 11:34:10 AM »

Reina was off for dance practice

Explains the nice footwork for her fighting style. But a gangster has to know how to dance, eh? :cool1:

“Something you might be interested in. You may have turned me down that day for whatever reason, but you can’t expect my little payback to be enough to forget about it, would you?”

So, Gaki-san could've defended herself actually......just that she didn't want Kamei to get involved....makes sense... :dozing:

spreading the usa-chan love....i mean darkness(thanks to JFC)

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2007, 04:28:51 PM »
Bloody Hell, I want to see Gaki in pure hand to hand combat action.

Can't get enough of this story... must know more. POST UP SOON  ^-^

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2007, 08:44:58 PM »
this new chapter explained some stuff, but still left some doubts... I wonder what Ai's duty is... and what is Sayu planning to do without getting in trouble... also, the niigaki and kamei bits are very funny! keep it up  :)

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2007, 01:45:35 AM »
Keeping her thoughts out of reality, Risa hasn’t been watching where she was going. She surprised herself by bumping into someone, or something. Whatever it was, it had a really hard built. She winced and looked forward to see white cloth, and then she raised her head to see an upset face with a brace on the person’s neck.

“You!” They both shouted in unison.
The dude that threw her in the closet and that would later challenge Reina to a fight?

“I was told to look for you, so don’t come snapping at me. This is for you.” He pulled out a small envelope from his back pocket and held it out to Risa.

“What’s this?” She looked at the enveloped with caution.

“Something you might be interested in.

“I still don’t know what you’re saying,” Risa diverted her eyes, “But I’ve said no then and I won’t change my mind now.”

“Oh, but I think you might have to reconsider after you read this.” He slips the envelope into Risa’s blouse pocket carefully, “That challenge still stands, against you.”
Challenge? What challenge?

“Reconsider? Yeah right…” Risa got fed up with being thorough with opening an envelope and swiftly, she tore the edge away and pulled the letter within out.

“This is…?” Risa widened her eyes in horror. “No… If they had him pass it to me, that means he’s from… But… I…”
Hmmm...Risa has some type of secret past that this strange boy seems to know about?

It’s here! They’ve started sending it.” The other exclaimed excitedly, causing her to almost drop her stuff for the second time.

“Already? Sayu, where is it?” She settled the file down on her desk and urged her junior to show her what’s apparently very important.

Sayumi paused for a second before pulling out an envelope from her bag. It was already opened as she took out the letter within and started to read it.

“Takahashi Ai-san, we are honored to welcome you back to the 10th annual Junshuu Tournament.”

Ai frowned at the mention of the event.

“The event would take place on the last Friday of the following month. More details would be sent on the day before. We wish you good luck.”
Tournament? The one they were going to try and get Reina to do? If so, why are they wanting to get Reina into it in the first place? The invitation was for Aichan, which would mean that they expect her to be there, right?

It’s just… she seems capable enough to replace you… and…”

“You have my interest at heart? Is that it?”

“Maybe. You don’t seem to like your duty at all… so I thought…”
Duty? Aichan's supposed to be doing something...but she doesn't want to?

“I know. Just don’t get yourself into trouble over this, okay?”


“Hm, I’ll just do things without getting into trouble then.” Sayumi smirked and opened the profile she was given earlier.
Sayu = :twisted:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2007, 04:54:05 AM »
 :smoke: Hmm, more action coming up, really looking forward to it :D

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #28 on: January 02, 2008, 03:22:05 PM »
My vocabulary died here, as did my plot ideas =A=

Chapter 5 - Step by step, one two step.

<i>Junshuu Tournament in one and half month.
Got invited. Keep it from Tanakacchi.
Stop your studying and come back to the dorm, <b>PRONTO!</b>

Eri frowned at the mail she had just received. Mostly at her best friend’s attempt of making her point straightforward and then there was the issue with the tournament. She thought that life would’ve been easier since last year’s mishap. As instructed, Eri quickly packed her books and returned to her shared dormitory room. Before she left, she sent a quick mail to someone else.

- - -

Reina was with her duffle bag in one hand and the other holding on to her cellphone. While waiting for her company, she happened to see Risa rushing off towards the dormitory. At first wanting to catch up and greet her senior, she soon changed her mind when her belongings promptly made her lazy.

Her phone’s mail alert went off suddenly.

<i>I’m sorry Reina-chan, something important came up. Please forgive me, or I’d cook something for dinner instead.

“Isn’t she supposed to be pleading for forgiveness instead of threatening?” Reina stared at the message and gradually began to frown, feeling completely disappointed. When she looked up from her phone again, she saw Eri rushing towards the dormitory as well and soon placed two and two together. She sighed heavily and dragged herself away from where she stood.

“What’s this? Is she upset?” Sayumi whispered to herself and wondered. She had been hiding behind a pillar all day while keeping an eye on Reina’s every move and expression. Noticing that Reina was leaving, she stealthily began to stalk the younger girl.

The girl in front of her was different from what she had in mind since they first met. No confidence, no intimidation, Reina appeared just like a normal adolescent and she was despondent and kicking cans and pebbles that obstructed her way. Sayumi on the other hand was growing tired…

She had slipped behind a thrash can when Reina first turned around with suspicion.

She had dived into a bush in a panic when Reina only bent over to fix her shoelace.

She had also bruised her forehead when Reina sneezed, since her first reaction was to hide behind the first large object she sees the moment the other girl had any unusual movement. Rather than rushing behind a lamppost then, Sayumi ran headfirst into it.

Finally, she bought a magazine specially to cover her face while walking behind her target. She was sick of hiding behind, or inside things.

“Hmm…” Reina hummed, having a hunch of being followed again and stopped, noticing a shadow coming up from behind her, which she had expected to come up if her intuition was right. She steadied her footing and waited. As predicted, something large rammed into her from behind and then she smirked at the surprised yelp. It feels good to be right.

“… Shit!” Sayumi cried at the impact and pulled down the magazine from her face. Realizing whom she had bumped into while she was pretending to read the magazine, she quickly dropped the object and was ready to bolt.

“Running away, are we?” Reina started and reached back to grab her stalker by the left shoulder. She was pretty sure a person wouldn’t run if it were just an incident or her being oversensitive. Either way, she wants to know why she was being followed.

On instinct, Sayumi immediately straightened her arm and moved forward, easily sliding out of Reina’s grip. Unfortunately for her, the latter was alert and tightened her hold as it nearly releases at the elder’s wrist. She pulled Sayumi towards her, intending to lock the girl’s arm behind her back.

Feeling herself stumbling back and about to trip over her own feet, Sayumi used some quick thinking and adjusted to the momentum Reina had to save herself from falling. When they were closed enough, Sayumi attempted to knock Reina off her feet with her back but once again being countered, Reina took a stride back and took charge of the situation.

As Reina stepped back and their arms stretching out to it’s full length, she managed to turn her opponent around in the process and they were now facing perpendicular to each other, Reina’s right hand having a vice grip on the elder’s left wrist. Sayumi immediately cursed under her breath for her clumsy counters, at the same time irritated by these never before experienced moves from the other. She felt like she was being led along in a dance.

Before anything else could happen, Reina smirked and pulled the older girl towards her, grinning in triumph as she watches the other stumble forward. Sayumi screamed until she fell against Reina feeling her seized arm bend to the back painfully and fingers wrapping tightly against her right elbow.

Tears of pain in her eyes, Sayumi peeked open her eye to find herself face to face with her supposed target, so close she could see the girl’s canines showing proudly. She shifted her eyes up and down and could only see the pale skin of the younger’s face and her facial organs clearly. Being this close in proximity with someone for the first time, Sayumi blushed in embarrassment and anger.

“Ow, let go! You’re hurting me.” Sayumi finally spoke up when she knows that she’s caught and trapped. Reina frowned in annoyance and turned her head to avoid the spit that might just land on her face any second now… but on second thought, a wet face is probably better than turning deaf from being yelled at directly in the ear.

“Just who are you and why were you stalking me?!” Reina yelled back, “I <i>know</i> you were stalking me!” She eyed the girl suspiciously with a piercing gaze.

Sayumi was sure to keep her face as far away from the younger girl as possibly least accidents happen. She gasped at the question and pouted, “You’re so rude!” She turned her head away with her chin pointing up, refusing to answer Reina’s question.

“Me? Rude?! I'll show you rude!” Reina growled at the person she held unwillingly close to herself.

The girls stood there intimately to any watcher’s eye, but they were like a bomb ready to blow. One wouldn’t say a word until she has an apology and the other was so very close to breaking the arm she was gripping on to. So much for not getting into trouble...

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2008, 08:10:32 PM »
I’m sorry Reina-chan, something important came up. Please forgive me, or I’d cook something for dinner instead.

“Isn’t she supposed to be pleading for forgiveness instead of threatening?” Reina stared at the message

“What’s this? Is she upset?” Sayumi whispered to herself and wondered. She had been hiding behind a pillar all day while keeping an eye on Reina’s every move and expression. Noticing that Reina was leaving, she stealthily began to stalk the younger girl.
Knowing Sayu, she'd better be careful of how closely she follows her. No way to know how Reina would react if she caught her following her.

The girl in front of her was different from what she had in mind since they first met. No confidence, no intimidation, Reina appeared just like a normal adolescent and she was despondent and kicking cans and pebbles that obstructed her way. Sayumi on the other hand was growing tired…

She had slipped behind a thrash can when Reina first turned around with suspicion.

She had dived into a bush in a panic when Reina only bent over to fix her shoelace.

She had also bruised her forehead when Reina sneezed, since her first reaction was to hide behind the first large object she sees the moment the other girl had any unusual movement. Rather than rushing behind a lamppost then, Sayumi ran headfirst into it.

Finally, she bought a magazine specially to cover her face while walking behind her target. She was sick of hiding behind, or inside things.

“Hmm…” Reina hummed, having a hunch of being followed again and stopped, noticing a shadow coming up from behind her, which she had expected to come up if her intuition was right. She steadied her footing and waited. As predicted, something large rammed into her from behind and then she smirked at the surprised yelp. It feels good to be right.

“… Shit!” Sayumi cried at the impact and pulled down the magazine from her face. Realizing whom she had bumped into while she was pretending to read the magazine, she quickly dropped the object and was ready to bolt.
Busted.  :rofl:

Before anything else could happen, Reina smirked and pulled the older girl towards her, grinning in triumph as she watches the other stumble forward. Sayumi screamed until she fell against Reina feeling her seized arm bend to the back painfully and fingers wrapping tightly against her right elbow.
Woooo! :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #30 on: January 05, 2008, 01:47:44 AM »
Wow. This is fun. I was thinking of story something like this as well  XD..  Hmmm... a tournament. Is it like some kind of a Fight Club?? I'm starting to think of a chain love interest in this story; Reina - Eri - Gaki - Ai - Sayumi - Reina. But of course, some don't show any sign and Ai - Sayumi is a bit awkward. They only show sister love  :P . Looking forward for more. Good work!!  :D :D

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2008, 06:45:31 AM »
Looks like Sayumi can pretty much handle herself except in this case, an annoyed Reina can be too much for her :lol:

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2008, 02:51:44 AM »
It was suppose to extend into a gakikame scene, but it'll probably take another week or two if I went on, so Aichan takes the chapter.

Chapter 6 – Why do cheaters exist?

Ueno Zoo (because Tokyo Tower is too expensive for a student constantly needing a good place to think), a week after everyone was given plans for the next month and a half, probably less. Preparations spared them no time to be counting down after all, or at least throwing them into a nervous wreck took their mind off the upcoming event anyway. Details were vague, locations were assigned by random, opponents were kept anonymous and life would be grand if they weren't on the edge of their seat with anticipation.

Takahashi Ai threw a breadcrumb into the duck pond, wondering where all the ducks were. While in thought, she unconsciously began to eat the crumbled loaf of bread as well. Maybe the ducks were all sleeping, but who could sleep in such a nice weather? She seriously hoped they weren’t avoiding her, as the speculation itself made her sad. Why was she thinking about ducks anyway?? Sometimes she simply has no clue about herself.

She gingerly tasted the sandy texture of the bread and frowned, feeling bored and maybe a little restless. Sayumi had earlier left her to her own devices almost immediately after school with the excuse of doing a ‘project’ but Ai knew very well that it wasn’t really that. She herself kept track of Sayumi’s homework, for the sake of the girl’s academic survival in the school.

“She’s probably off pestering that girl, whatever her name was.”

Those two did nothing but reminded her of an event from a year ago, give or take a few weeks from the same date as today. It was close to midnight then, and she was in this very zoo after hours. How she came in was… unimportant to reveal.

As mentioned, it was almost twelve on that fateful night in a particular month with a beautiful full moon. Ai sat on the very same bench, waiting as instructed. What she anticipated for never did come, but a commotion downhill definitely caught her attention. Carefully, she headed towards what was going on. Past the penguins and the bears and some more animals that were trying to distract her with their cuteness. When she had finally found her place, she hid behind a signboard to observe.

Right smack in the center of open grounds, two people were fighting furiously and neither seemed too keen on stopping. There was obviously a large man involved, and someone else of a much smaller stature. The man however wasn’t all that he seems to be when he was struck in the head by the other’s shin and another in the abdomen when he landed on the ground, causing him to slide a few meters away. Ai was impressed with the amount of strength in such a small built. The man appeared to be considerably weakened from before she had even arrived.

Everything was looking good for the smaller one, until something unmistakable found its way into the scene. Even if it was traveling at light speed, she could recognize it. An explosive sound came from the dark and was aimed straight at the soon to be victor. Ai heard a scream of pain and a loud thump to the ground. Light from a street lamp shone on the figure and her eyes widened in surprise. There was a girl, slumped over in a pool of blood. She wanted to immediately rush to her aid only to hesitate when the girl’s opponent came back with a limp and a laugh.

“What do you know…” He was slowly regaining his energy. With what strength he had left, he took the advantage and picked the severely injured girl up by her shirt with his already shaking arms, almost desperate to come out the winner. Ai never felt more disgusted in her whole life after witnessing something as despicable as this. He began assaulting the body like a punching bag repeatedly, no mercy or space for sympathy in his mind.

Everything ended with a drop kick and a body slamming into a lamppost hard enough to dent it.

“Postpone the tournament.” Ai was already on her cellphone, giving a call to certain authorities. “No, I don’t care if the elders are going to flip… Stop the tournament. Now.” She ordered strictly in a whisper. She was young and hardly an adult yet, but her words held more weight to these so-called authorities than any other. 

“Anything else?” She repeated what the other line asked. “Yes, look out for a limped participant in the Zoo's vicinity. I know you’re all over the place! Detain the suspect. Shut up, I don’t sound like a police officer!”

She started to argue with her phone, twitching at the giggles of her younger friend from the other line. “Be serious! I got to go.” She looked back up after cutting the line, searching for the two people.

The man was already gone, probably off to meet his next opponent for the night. Unfortunately for him, his cheating efforts were done in vain. Ai was about to check on the assaulted girl but someone had already beaten her to it. Someone was crouched over the body, and she had no idea if that was a friend or foe until she heard crying and begging from the arrival.

”Wake up! Don’t die on me… please.”

She heard fear and anxiety in the other’s voice and figured that she was a friend. Ai knew she shouldn’t be thinking like this, but she decided to leave the two alone, as she trusted the other to be able to handle things well. It was better if she had not exposed herself, considering how suspicious it would be for a girl to be wondering a closed zoo at night. There was also a condition that she must never reveal herself to anyone but the finalist of the tournament. Not about to stay and ponder over organization rules and codes, she turned on her heels and left.

A few days later, she found an article inside the daily papers talking about a school girl being admitted in the hospital half dead and suffering from a bullet wound. There was also something about juvenile delinquents being a bane of society and adults were advised to keep a look out for such adolescents. Due to that incident, there were no results for the previous year’s territorial tournament, which brings Ai back to present day.

It’s been a little less than a year since that day, and she never did find out who that girl was, whether she’s still alive and what ever did happen after that. That was the least of her worries though; she was afraid that the same thing would happen again this year. Everybody wants to be the winner, and there will always be the desperate ones that resort to underhanded means. Sure there are people like the yakuzas taking part, but they knew not to cross the line. Strictly speaking, Takahashi Ai wouldn’t tolerate those who won’t play fair, or quite understand why they wouldn't.

The zoo was almost closing now, and she figured that she had spaced out long enough. After some mental battles with laziness, she stood up to leave.

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2008, 04:04:49 AM »
Ueno Zoo (because Tokyo Tower is too expensive for a student constantly needing a good place to think), a week after everyone was given plans for the next month and a half, probably less. Preparations spared them no time to be counting down after all, or at least throwing them into a nervous wreck took their mind off the upcoming event anyway. Details were vague, locations were assigned by random, opponents were kept anonymous and life would be grand if they weren't on the edge of their seat with anticipation.
Wow, whoever's putting on this tournament sure is pulling out all the stops if they're planning on having multiple locations to hold the matches. Normally one would think it'd be simpler to just pick one big venue and have the whole thing done there.

Sayumi had earlier left her to her own devices almost immediately after school with the excuse of doing a ‘project’ but Ai knew very well that it wasn’t really that. She herself kept track of Sayumi’s homework, for the sake of the girl’s academic survival in the school.
Somehow, that's not surprising at all.  :lol:

“She’s probably off pestering that girl, whatever her name was.”

Those two did nothing but reminded her of an event from a year ago, give or take a few weeks from the same date as today. It was close to midnight then, and she was in this very zoo after hours. How she came in was… unimportant to reveal.


Right smack in the center of open grounds, two people were fighting furiously and neither seemed too keen on stopping.
Whoa, so was this just a random fight, or had Aichan bore witness to a match from the previous year's tournament? :O

Everything was looking good for the smaller one, until something unmistakable found its way into the scene. Even if it was traveling at light speed, she could recognize it. An explosive sound came from the dark and was aimed straight at the soon to be victor. Ai heard a scream of pain and a loud thump to the ground. Light from a street lamp shone on the figure and her eyes widened in surprise. There was a girl, slumped over in a pool of blood. She wanted to immediately rush to her aid only to hesitate when the girl’s opponent came back with a limp and a laugh.
Gunfire!?!? :o 

If this IS a tournament fight that Aichan saw, is the usage of those type of weapons allowed? Seems to me like it would be a cheap way to win.

“Postpone the tournament.” Ai was already on her cellphone, giving a call to certain authorities. “No, I don’t care if the elders are going to flip… Stop the tournament. Now.” She ordered strictly in a whisper. She was young and hardly an adult yet, but her words held more weight to these so-called authorities than any other.
So it WAS a tournament fight that she saw. Was it just coincidence that she was there? By the sounds of things, it almost sounds like she's supposed to be some sort of witness/observer/official for the tournament. How else could she know the number to phone to call for a pause in it or to detain (and possibly discipline/disqualify) a participant?

It’s been a little less than a year since that day, and she never did find out who that girl was, whether she’s still alive and what ever did happen after that. That was the least of her worries though; she was afraid that the same thing would happen again this year.
One major worry would be that the girl or her friend would/could somehow re-enter the tournament this year in some effort to take down the organizers in an act of vengeance.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2008, 04:08:12 AM »
Just finished chapter 5 and 6

Chapter 5 was so cute with Sayu the stalker XD  I wonder who would win...I get the feeling that Sayu is probably stronger since she spends so much time with Ai chan but who knows in this case.  lol I could tell that they are so going to be friends though  :sweat:

as for chapter 6.....woah...

At first I thought the fight was about Sayu..but seeing that Sayu was the one giggling on the phone, I guess it was someone else...doesn't seem like Gaki or Kamei either....or does it...  :smoke: darn you for being mysterious (in such a good way XD) Ai chan doesn't like people that don't play fair....*stares at the title* :scared:

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2008, 04:03:02 PM »
At first I thought the fight was about Sayu.. but seeing that Sayu was the one giggling on the phone, I guess it was someone else...doesn't seem like Gaki or Kamei either....or does it...

 :roll:  :lol:  :P that's all I can say.

Sayu being stronger? *ponders* heh... We may never know.

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2008, 06:18:14 AM »
I get the feeling the badly-injured one was gaki and kame came to help her. That would explain gaki's reaction when she got the invitation again...

“Anything else?” She repeated what the other line asked. “Yes, look out for a limped participant in the Zoo's vicinity. I know you’re all over the place! Detain the suspect. Shut up, I don’t sound like a police officer!”

She started to argue with her phone, twitching at the giggles of her younger friend from the other line.
I like the interaction here :lol: arguing with her phone! Of course you sound like a police officer...what 'detain the suspect'... :lol:

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #37 on: January 28, 2008, 08:20:50 AM »
I worry that the future chapters wouldn't match up with the previous ones :/ I get lost easily after stopping for too long   :sweatdrop:

Chapter 7 – Pain and Memories

“Let go of me, I don’t like being so close to people…” The older girl growled, reminding herself that she was close enough to smell Reina’s sweat, of all things, but still, it wasn’t as unpleasant as what she experiences in crowded trains.

“Fat hope Princess, not until I know why you were following me.”

“Why do you say I’m following you? Can’t I just <i>happen</i> to be walking in the same direction?”

“Oh really? Then where are you heading to?”

“Somewhere that is none of your business!” Sayumi started to struggle violently, her movements strong enough to knock Reina over.   

“Oi, stop that! We’ll both fall!”

“Then. Let. Go! You bloody pervert.” Reina felt a twitch in her eye and promptly let go, lifting her fist to latch onto the other’s collar.

“Who’re you calling a pervert.”

“You’re going to ruin my blouse!”

“I don’t care.”

“Well, I do!” Struggling to release herself from the tight grip, Sayumi did something she never thought she would ever do except to perverts and sickening individuals. Without further thinking she swung her fist inwards, which worked well in returning her freedom.

Free from the painful grip earlier, Sayumi didn’t pay any more attention to Reina as she runs off down the road and into the dark, leaving the younger girl crouched over on the ground with one eye tearing.

“That… blasted…girl. Her punch is like a gorilla’s.” Reina grumbled, watching her offender’s shadow disappear through one eye. This won’t be the last time they meet, and yelling won’t be the only thing she’ll do when she sees Sayumi again.

“Michishige Sayumi, huh?” Reina allowed the words to roll off her tongue, only now remembering the girl’s name from her very first introduction. She had deliberately refused to acknowledged the other’s identity but now she was glad that they went to the same school.

Just around the corner, Sayumi leaned against the wall panting. She still felt the impact of flesh against her fist; a slight tingling feeling in her knuckles sent her gasping.

“Oh my God, why did I do that?!”  She exclaimed, finally realizing that she had long allowed her plans to stray. Furious, Sayumi cursed herself for being stupid and easily distracted. That was her chance, probably her only chance to ever confront the girl and she had let her stubbornness to interfere. Sayumi was quite sure that she can’t go near Reina again now that she knows that the younger was potentially violent and cautious about being followed again.

“Nee-san’s going to kill me if she found out what I did…” She whimpered at the thought while making her way back home, forgetting that she had injured someone.


“I’m home~!” Eri finally got back to her room later than intended after some slight interruption earlier. A teacher had requested for her suddenly on her way back and also took up an hour of her time and she now felt terrible for being late.

“Gaki-san? Aye, why’s the room so dark?” She spoke to no one in particular and felt around to find the switch.  When the lights were back on, she saw Risa curled on the bed snoring quietly with a piece of paper under her. This really wasn’t the time to be sleeping though.

Eri knelt down beside her best friend and blew on her face. It was terribly hard to hold down her giggles when Risa slapped herself to tame the itch, otherwise not even close to waking up yet.

“Risa~” Eri sang again, patting the other on the shoulder repeatedly. “Wake up, you can’t take naps or you’d never wake up on time tomorrow.”

Treating her roommates’ voice as an irritating buzz, Risa wriggled her nose and sniffed before turning to her other side. Being ignored like that made Eri frown, but she can’t do anything to get her revenge. She couldn’t bear to disturb the girl who was sleeping so darn peacefully. Carefully, she peeled the piece of paper that had plastered itself to Risa’s face off and moved over to her own bed to read it, assuming that it was related to what she wanted to discuss about.

It was pretty much everything a participant needed to know to prepare for the territorial tournament, the same as then, and Eri hated it. Or perhaps hate was too strong of a word…

<i>The machine beeps steadily, and that was the only sound she had been listening to all night. Her eyes were growing heavy, fatigue bruising the bottom of her eyes but she made sure to listen to the beeping attentively.

Eri turns to observe her best friend on the bed, covered in plasters and bandages and looking like a complete wreck. The whole room reeked of bitterness and medicine.

Watching Risa breath steadily, the rising and sinking motion of her chest made Eri’s vision waver and blur. The girl was truly tired, having to fend off the press and deal with the police earlier on behalf of the older girl and her parents. On the second that Eri’s head began to fall forward and submit to sleep, the phone started to vibrate.

“Hello? Kamei Eri here.” She spoke tiredly, before noticing the nervous breathing from the other line.

“S-Senpai! Do you know where is Gaki- I mean, Niigaki-senpai?” The person on the other line replied, careful to sound respectful. She didn’t want the older girl to think of her in any negative light.

“Reina?” Eri addressed her junior, and then she took quick glances at the unconscious Risa. “No, I don’t know where she is…” She lied, wanting to keep the condition of their friend under wraps.

“Damn, I wanted her to help me with something.”

“I see. I’ll tell her when I see her then. Anything else, Reina-chan?”

“Uh, no… Thanks Senpai.”

Once the call ended, Eri rubbed her temples and sighed when there was another interruption at the door. Although she said nothing, the person outside took the initiative and opened the door to enter the room. The person was nobody that Eri knew and they wore a cap to hide their appearance, along with a jacket to hide their gender.

“Can I help you? Are you a friend of Risa’s?” Eri asked, growing worried if by any chance the person before her was here to harm her friend again.

“No, sorry but I think I’ve gotten the wrong room.” The figure spoke, giving away their gender by the feminine tone of her voice. Although she claims to have mistaken her destination, she had been looking in the direction of the patient quite seriously since she set foot in the room. The mysterious girl was <b>observing</b> Risa.

“Oh, then…” Eri on the other hand started to watch the mysterious guest with caution. The other was paying unnecessary attention to her best friend and she didn’t like how uncomfortable that behavior made her feel. “Perhaps you should be on your way?”

Despite Eri’s attempt to sound polite, the person was clear that she was demanded to leave. She pulled her eyes away from the unconscious body and there was a thin smile on her face.

“I should. I apologize for disturbing your friend there.” Turning on her heels, she reached for the door and promptly exited. Eri did not drop her glare until she was sure that the other had left... </i>

“Kame… Kame-chan? Takeaway some takoyaki for me…”

Murmurings snapped Eri out of her flashback and she quickly looked over to where her best friend was. Risa was still asleep with a frown on her face, which quickly turned into a blissful look with drool by the corner of her grinning mouth. Seeing the happy expression made Eri smile as well, until she remembered the paper she held on to.

“Gaki-san, are you really going to take part in this? Again?" Eri whispered even though she knew there won't be a reply, for now.

Offline Sukoshi

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #38 on: January 28, 2008, 11:02:53 AM »
oh it was Gaki san  :O  Kyaa! there is no way she should enter again!  ugh unless they don't have a choice in the matter  :-X  seeing how Eri's such a good friend to Risa....I wonder if she'd be crazy enough to enter in place of Gaki san  :sweat:

Offline Grisours

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Re: Fair Play... is not my style.
« Reply #39 on: January 28, 2008, 05:46:40 PM »
So Ai will be angry with Sayumi once she finds out what she did with Reina? I don't know why, though... And poor Gaki-san! I think the stranger at the hospital was Ai, but I'm not sure. Keep it up!  :)

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