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Author Topic: The 24+1 Days of Pairings  (Read 16103 times)

Offline JFC

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Re: The 24 Days of Pairings
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2007, 04:01:24 AM »
It's based off of :tantrum: dis smilie ^^
I immediately thought of the H!M skit where policewoman Mari had the hissyfit tantrum. :lol:

Then you had to go and throw in the "We're not Marippe!" bit. XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline AmberSan

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2007, 02:24:19 PM »
i like this couple  :P
and Erika doing the Yaguchi trick was so funny,though it doesen't have the same impact like Yaguchi's, due to the height factor  :lol:

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #22 on: December 15, 2007, 12:43:05 AM »
I'm not a C-ute fan but this chapter is really cute. Redundant am I?  :lol: :lol:

Spamming for Eri/Junjun  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline whytphyre

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2007, 03:40:49 PM »
I'm glad everyone liked that one.

This one's a slight pairing, since I'm not fond of it myself (sorry did the best I could).

It's based off of :whip: this smilie, and it's part of :imdead: this storyline.

Chapter 4 :: Miki No More?

There she was, Matsuura Aya, rooting through her best friend's stuff. What was she looking for? Not even Aya knew what she was really looking for. All she knew, was that the only way she knew how to get anyone's attention is to freak everyone out with something.

It was just too quiet at UFA these days.


Miki's voice startled the younger woman, as she whirled around and grinned at her.

"Mikitan, I thought you went to the bathroom," she replied cheerily.

"And I thought you weren't the type to snoop. I didn't think my scandal was enough to merit that kind of behavior out of you."

She didn't sound angry, more or less teasing the younger soloist.

"Well someone has to be you in front of the camera now that you've fled from it," Aya concluded, wrapping her hands around a box-shaped object, "So I'm sure you won't mind if I borrow a few things."

"Aya... I didn't think people thought I snooped..."

"Well you do. And I want my underpants back."

They were both grinning by now, and Miki had gotten so close, that she pressed against her friend, cornering her against the dresser.

"I hope you're only taking one of those... I happen to like my cigarettes..." she whispered lightly. Aya blinked, and stared down at the box.

"No way! I thought that was just a rumor!"

Miki let out a small laugh and shook her head.

"Nope. Someone, somewhere got it right. I smoke... not like the W Chimney Girl... just every now and then."

She must have had enough self control not to get obsessively addicted to it.

Aya smiled lightly, and Miki went on.

"Ayaya... if you're going to be me... you can't smile like that. I know you have an evil grin somewhere, like you're gonna go molest someone... and I'm serious about only taking one of those... They're expensive..."

Aya set the box aside, after taking one from it and examining it closely. She had never thought to look at one before. They were always so...


And disgusting and Miki, that just didn't get along.

"Mikitan, why do you smoke?"

"I dunno. Makes me feel better," Miki replied with a shrug, "My fans don't care, UFA don't care... so I don't care."

"UFA don't care... what are you, a gangster?"

Miki grinned.

"Nah, it just rolled off the tongue... seriously Aya, wipe that goofy grin off your face. You look like Yocchan."

Aya grinned wider.

"But Mikitan... I don't have to be exactly like you, do I?"

"No, but you could stand to get that smile down."

Aya frowned at this.

"Awww, Mikitan..."

Miki took Aya's arm, and started to waggle it around a bit, like she was a little kid.

"Ayaya, stop acting like Kusumi," she mock-whined. Aya frowned more.

"I am not."

With that, she pouted. Miki laughed heartily, and shook her head.

"Now you're Tanaka, trying to get something out of me... I swear... Ayaya, get that grin off of your face!"

Miki smacked the younger woman on the shoulder, causing the formerly grinning Aya to let out a noise and hold her arm.

"Mikitan! That hurt!"

"You're a wimp too... c'mon, I gotta teach you something... if you're going to impersonate me, you're going to do it right..."

"Without the bunchy grannie panties?"

"Without the bunchy gra-hey! Who told you about that?"

"Yocchan... a long time ago... when she and Mako-chan terrorized you."

"... Ima terrorize them if they don't watch it..."

"... You really have to stop with the gangster talk... it's scaring me..."

Miki grinned, and pushed herself against her best friend again. Aya blushed.

"I hope so. You're completely adorable when you're scared..."

"That just means you're in control... Mikitan..... get your hands off my butt please."

Miki pouted.

"No... off of my butt."

"Ayaya... your butt's just so cute..."

"Well then take a picture of it. It'll last way longer than my cute butt will."

"Cynicism! Now you're getting it!"

"Ha ha. Off my butt."

Finally, Miki obliged, albeit a little reluctantly. Aya grinned, which caused Miki to grin.

"How about some in the bed strategies?"

"What?! Mikitan!?"

"What? I've always wanted to try something with a whip... and no one lets me get close enough these days..."

".... Just give me a lighter..."

"Just go rooting through my purse again. You'll find one."



Miki grinned at the woman again, before advancing once more. This time, however, Aya put a finger on her best friend's lips before she got too close.

"No. Save it for your boyfriend."


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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #24 on: December 15, 2007, 06:11:39 PM »
"No. Save it for your boyfriend."

awwww indeed! it's sad that miki still haves a boyfriend in this... but the fluffiness (and the funny bits) makes it up, at least! miki's behaviour really makes me laugh, especially when aya's involved  :lol:
keep it up!

Offline whytphyre

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #25 on: December 20, 2007, 02:37:16 AM »
Now for a Miyabi/Risako moment of fun ^^;; A one shot, based off of :monk gboy: this icon.

Chapter 5 :: Cute Little Kitties


Risako was prancing around in a little cat outfit, something one of the elder Project members had dared her to do. They said she was too grown up for cute kitty outfits, but she begged to differ.

So now, here she was, in an adorable little cat outfit, complete with paws and tail, scaring all the little Project children away from wanting to be big in the music business.


She flopped down on the couch, next to her fellow groupmate, who seemed to be into some sort of manga.

And not into Risako.

She pouted, and tried again, this time, much closer to her ear.


"GAH! Rii-chan!"

Miyabi toppled backwards, and proceeded to glare at her friend, who stared right back, with a big grin on her face.

"Miyabi-chan! Whaddya think?"

Miaybi stared, as if appalled by what her best friend had on, and, in fact, she was. It didn't look all that bad, to be honest, but she had never seen Risako masquerade around like this at all. Someone must have given her the chance to do so.

She cursed the elder members, who were probably laughing at her right now.

"I don't like it," Miyabi said flatly. Risako pouted lightly.

"But Miyabi-chan!" she squealed, "It's so adorable! C'mon c'mon c'mon!"

"Well it makes you look like a freak."

Risako looked down, but stared up at Miyabi again.

"Miyabi-chan..." she whined, "You're so mean sometimes."

"Yeah... well you look like a fruit sometimes, but I usually don't make this sort of comment about it..."

"I do not look like a -ooo, what kind of fruit?"

Miyabi rolled her eyes.

"Rii-chan, that's not the point..."

"Sure it is!"

"No i-"

"What kind?"

".......... Pineapple. Now shut up and listen to me."

Risako gave her friend the best puppy dog eyes she could pull off. Miyabi grunted.

"Those don't work on me anymore."


"Shut up!"

Risako's eyes went wide, and they started to water as she whimpered lightly. Miyabi sighed, and, after another moment, reached over and gave her friend a kiss on the cheek, causing Risako to let out a noise and stare with wider eyes.

"Miya-chan!" she squeaked, then grinned, "I didn't think you cared so much!"

"... Yeah, well don't get used to it..."

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #26 on: December 20, 2007, 03:11:43 AM »
Awww!! Miya's just a big softy!

Offline mae-chan

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2007, 03:58:35 AM »
kawaiii :heart:

Offline JFC

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #28 on: December 20, 2007, 04:17:45 AM »
"You're so mean sometimes."

"Yeah... well you look like a fruit sometimes, but I usually don't make this sort of comment about it..."

"I do not look like a -ooo, what kind of fruit?"

Miyabi rolled her eyes.

"Rii-chan, that's not the point..."

"Sure it is!"

"No i-"

"What kind?"

".......... Pineapple. Now shut up and listen to me."

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #29 on: December 20, 2007, 02:08:14 PM »
Very moe and sweet. Reminds me of my own little pup.  :grin:

Offline whytphyre

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2007, 04:22:17 AM »
I'm glad ya'll liked that one ^^. This one's a little strange, but I'm working with it anyways.

It's another one shot based off of :mon cweepy: this icon. Enjoy

Chapter 6 :: Muahahahahaha!

The light flickered on abruptly, causing the blonde haired woman to roll over and grunt out a few noises. The brown haired girl pushed her slightly older senpai lightly, in an attempt to wake her up. The elder woman grumbled angrily, smacking a hand against the younger girl's face.

"Go away Gocchin," she grumbled, rolling over again, "Idun wannago out today..."

"But Yocchan," the girl said, in her best, albeit nasally, impression of the elder soloist, "I wanted to play with you today."

"Well too bad... go play with someone else then..." the elder woman grumbled angrily. Pouting, the younger woman sat atop the bed now, and brought her face close to the woman's head.

"But Yocchan, I vant to suck your bluud!" she shouted happily, causing the elder woman to turn her head just in time to see her wide eyed friend's face with a flashlight under it.

"GAH! Konkon!" she shouted, smacking into the wall next to her bed. Konno grinned and giggled.

"Yocchan, you're so cute! I know Mako-chan said you were losing weight before I left, and Mikitty told me not to go near you with food these days... but I didn't think it was that bad..."

Grumbling, Hitomi rubbed her forehead and glared at Konno.

"How did you get in?"

"Mako-chan sent me her old key..."

Hitomi gave her a look, before rolling  back to sleep again.


"Gug... get some sleep..."

"But it's like seven AM! C'mon, you're always up early!"

"Not today. Sleep is good."

Konno pouted, but grinned happily the moment she thought of a good idea, and rolled into bed with her friend, cuddling up right next to her.

"Yocchan, you're so warm."

"Guh... whatever..." Hitomi grumbled, "Just turn off your light, would you?"

Konno stared at the back of her friend's head, and squeaked, before clicking her flashlight off.

"Yocchan, you're no fun," she muttered. Hitomi grumbled something before rolling around to face her friend.

"I am not. I'm just tired..."

"Grumpy!" Konno shouted happily, "Grumpy Grumpy!!!!"

Hitomi grunted, and went to turn back around, before she was stopped by her younger friend.

"No! You're no fun! Be fun!"


Konno let out a meep, and stared, wide eyed, at her friend.

"I didn't go to sleep till like five... it's been a late night. Let. Me. Sleep."

A whine escaped Konno's lips, and a hand was slapped over them. Hitomi glared.

"If you wanna cuddle with me, fine. Cuddle. Silently."



"... I mean... shhh..."

Konno nodded happily, and Hitomi smiled.

"Good... now that that's settled..."

Hitomi pulled her friend into a tight embrace, with a large grin on her lips.

"Let's cuddle."

Offline JFC

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2007, 04:37:10 AM »

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Sancho

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2007, 04:52:26 AM »
There's been a lot of pairing going on from my last post. Risako/Miyabi is cute but I like Yocchan/Konkon better  XD XD.
I guess I enjoy reading stuff with 4th gen members involve.  :muffin: :muffin:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #33 on: December 23, 2007, 10:30:52 AM »
*dies of cute overload*  :heart: :heart: :heart:

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2008, 02:58:00 PM »
 :luvluv1: ah........miya and risako..........doki doki........

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Re: The 24+1 Days of Pairings
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2008, 03:07:33 PM »
 :nya: my god! why did you not continue this fic................continue it....with the other couples! love it!

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