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Author Topic: Mutant Musume!!  (Read 60509 times)

Offline JFC

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Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #60 on: March 20, 2007, 06:53:01 AM »
Quote from: glcorps2002;333090
Why must the good and misunderstood die in the name of evil?

(Cause thats how we want it!)
Because it keeps us comin' back for more. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Sancho

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Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #61 on: March 21, 2007, 09:58:32 PM »
You made the overlord a good villian. Good work! That's how I like Antagonist character should be. Doing bad things with reason. Summer break is coming up. I hope You and Saku finish everything before the next school semester comes up. XD

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #62 on: April 13, 2007, 03:42:02 AM »
Chapter 37- Explosive Anger

Ayaka stood on the ground floor of the hanger, inside TV Tokyo. She was waving 2 brightly
orange colored flight sticks, guiding Momokos plane into the hanger. Her plane was coming
down vertically from an opening in the TV Tokyos rooftop.

"Steady, keep her steady." Ayaka said into her headset.

Momokos palms sweated, her heart beat hard and fast, sweat also dotted her forehead and
under her nose. It was a terrifying idea, trying to land an enormous airplane, downwards,
onto a small runway.

"How am I doing?" Momoko asked, her right hand shaking against her throttle stick.

"Your doing good, just keep this pace and you'll be down in a few more seconds." replied

Momokos plane neared the hanger floor, the large exhaust jets blew hot wind into the
hanger, that spread in all directions as it hit the floor. Miyabi and Risako watched on from the
right side of the hanger, next to their own planes.

"I think I preferred the take-off to the landing part of this whole procedure." said Miyabi, she
then chuckled.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. We're able to take off smoothly enough. But there's no room
and no possible way to land normally, we have to put the jet into hover, position it over the
large landing hole, and THEN bring it down into the hanger." said Risako.

Momokos jet then touched down, her loud roaring engines powering down, until they were
silent. Ayaka began to walk over to Momokos jet, pulling back her long yellow sleeve of her
engineers coveralls, checking her watch.

"5 minutes, 32 seconds." said Ayaka, into her headset.

"Hey, give me a break. It's not easy to land something this big in a flash." replied Momoko,
her jets left side door began to open, a long black ladder descended from the bottom of the
door, to the ground. And one by one the girls began to exit the jet. First was Megumi
Murakami, followed by Saki Nakajima, then Saki Shimizu, then Chisato Okai, and lastly. The
Pilot Momoko descended the staircase, finally placing her feet on solid ground once again.

Momoko slowly pulled off her white flight helmet, and gave her head a shake, her hair wet
with sweat.

"I'm exhausted." said Momoko, Miyabi and Risako nodded in agreement.

"Let's all go back, and get some grub." Miyabi said, everyone nodded eagerly in agreement,
everyone broke off into a run, back to the upper levels of TV Tokyo.

Momoko stopped in her tracks, looking back, she saw Ayaka. Putting on her tool belt and
work gloves.

"Aren't you coming with us?" asked Momoko, Ayaka shook her head.

"Nope, I'd like to. But remember, I'm the head mechanic. I have a job to do right now, I need
to refuel, repair and service these aircraft." Ayaka said, pulling down a pair of black framed,
clear glass goggles.

"Alright then, I'll see you later." said Momoko, she then ran back up to the upper levels of TV
Tokyo, heading to the cafeteria.

Upon arrival, she saw that the Morning Musume members, Country Musume, Yuko Nakazawa
and Kaori Iida were there as well.

"Lots of people sure are eating right now." thought Momoko, as she headed to the food
trays. She grabbed a tray, and began to pile on foods of all sorts. Soon her tray was full,
Momoko then looked around for a spot to sit.

She saw her flight crew sitting at one table and began to walk towards them.

"Momoko!" barked Nakazawa, Momoko jumped in surprise, turing around she saw Nakazawa
standing behind her.

"Progress report, how was your test flight?" asked Nakazawa, "Are these planes ready for

Momoko quickly set her tray down on the nearest table, stood up straight and saluted
Commander Nakazawa.

"Yes Ma'am!" shouted Momoko, "Our test flight was successful and we're ready for active
service anytime now."

"Very good, that is all I wanted to know." said Nakazawa, returning to her table.

"Why does her voice always frighten me so much?" thought Momoko, shuddering in fear as
she picked up her tray and continued back to the table she was going to sit at.

"Hey Yossi!" shouted Kamei, "Could you pass the ketchup!"

But Yossi was too busy talking to Reina Tanaka, Kamei tried again but Yossi didn't even turn
to look at her.

"Guess she didn't hear you." said Konno Asami, Kamei turned to look at her and smirked.

"Wow Konno, now I see why everyone thinks your a genius, your very observant." joked
Kamei, Konno gave her a playful shove.

"Well, like they always say, 'If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself.'"
said Kamei, she then stood up and place her hands on the table.

"What are you going to do?" asked Konno, but just as she finished that sentence, Kamei
began to change. Her body growing smaller and smaller, changing into some kind of animal.

"Kamei stop!, stop it!." said Konno, her eyes darting back and forth between Commander
Nakazawas table and Kamei. "Your going to get into trouble."

Kamei finished transforming, she had changed into a long white ferret. Ferret Kamei then
turned her little head back at Konno and winked at her. She then began to scamper quickly
across the table.

Koharu screamed as she saw a long white ferret moving swiftly passed her, Takahashi
screamed next, then Sayumi.

"What's going on?" asked Yossi, she then looked down at the table and saw a small animal
crawling swiftly towards her.

"Yikes!" screamed Yossi as she quickly slide her chair away from the table and stood up,
Reina getting up as well.

Ferret Kamei then reached the ketchup bottle, the small creature stood on it's hind legs and
wrapped it's small front arms around the neck of the ketchup bottle.

"Everyone!, stand back!" yelled Nakazawa, everyone jumped up from the table and backed
away. Nakazawa then grabbed her beer bottle by the bottle neck and lifted it off the table,
the bottle began to glow bright red in color. She then brought the bottle back to give it a

"Wait!" screamed Konno, "That's Kamei-san!"

Kaori Iidas eyes shot wide open, and she reached out her left hand and tried to stop
Nakazawa from throwing the bottle at Kamei.

However, she only manged to stop Nakazawas arm halfway through her throw and the bottle
flew from her hands and flew over the table, missing Ferret Kamei. It then slammed into the
wall and exploded in a large red flash of brilliant energy, smoke began to fill the air, as fires
began to spread in the building.

"Fire!" screamed Yossi, "There's a fire in the building!!"

Everyone began to panic, but just then, Ai Kago and Nozomi Tsuji entered the room, there
were 2 small fires buring.

They looked at each other, nodded to each other and split up. Kago ran towards one the fires
and stood infront of it, she positioned her hands infront of her and lowered her palms down
towards the fire. The fire began to die down, Tsuji ran towards the other fire.

She raised her right arm and aimed it at the fire, a blast of white cold air escaped from her
hands and flew towards the fire. The fire was quickly extinguished, ice crystals formed on the
wall where the fire was.

"KAMEI-CHAN!!" roared Nakazawa, everyone jumped in surprise. Ferret Kamei stood up on
her hind legs, she then quickly changed into a small pigeon and tried to fly away.

Asami from Country Musume stepped forward and raised her right hand, she then stared at
Kamei as she was flying away. Pigeon Kamei then turned around and flew back towards
Asami, Asami held out her arm and Pigeon Kamei landed on her forearm, cooing softly.
Asami stroked Pigeon Kamei on the head.

"Good girl." said Asami, she then walked over to Commander Nakazawa and presented her
with Pigeon Kamei.

"Change back into human form NOW!!" roared Nakazawa, Pigeon Kamei then changed into
human form.

"Whoa!" squeaked Kamei, "What did you do to me?"

"Nothing yet, but I will!" growled Nakazawa.

"Not you, I was talking about Asami." said Kamei, all the H!P members in the room giggled and chuckled, Nakazawa lowered her head and shook it back and

"It was weird, after I changed into a pigeon, it was like I lost total control of my body. It just
moved on it's own, and I couldn't control it."

"Simple." said Asami, "I have the power to control animals and speak to them."

"Really!?!" said Kamei, Asami nodded.

"You were changed into an animal, So it ment you had an animal brain. Which I could control
when you tried to run away from Nakazawa." said Asami, "I was able to stop you and bring
you face your punishment."

"Oh..." said Kamei, lowering her head.

"But, what about Nakazawa?" asked Kamei, everyone then turned to Nakazawa. Everyone
eager to hear Nakazawas explanation of her powers.

"Alright, I'll take the time to tell all of you what my powers are." said Nakazawa, her voice
alittle more calm this time. Everyone then gathered around Nakazawa.

"I have the power to charge, any object I touch, with kinetic energy. Causing them to
explode." said Nakazawa "Your lucky I didn't charge that beer bottle with more energy,
otherwise we all could of been toasted."

Everyone laughed, causing the mood to lighten. Nakazawa lowered her head and smiled.

"I guess it was a pretty funny incident." chuckled Nakazawa, everyone laughed harder. "Just
don't let it happen again, ok?"

Kamei nodded, then saluted her commander. Everyone then went back to eating, amazed at
the new powers that were revealed.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #63 on: April 13, 2007, 03:24:39 PM »
Chapter 38- The War begins

At the destroyed Mutant Brotherhood compound, the last of the brotherhood mutants who were
absent during the attack on the compound were just arriving. The entire compound was filled
with crying, sobbing brotherhood mutants. Many who had lost family, friends and other loved
ones during the attack.

Fujimoto, Syther and flea sat on the steps of the destroyed school, looking sadly at the many
heartbroken mutants.

"What did we do to deserve this..." said Fujimoto, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Nothing, the humans have gone too far." said Syther, flea nodded in agreement.

"They didn't have to slaughter helpless mutant women and children!!." said Flea, shaking in

Fujimoto then looked over and saw Seraph, sitting cross-legged, seemingly meditating.
His large black, feathered wings spread out, his hands together in his lap. His eyes closed as well.

"I still have no idea what happened to our Angel, or Arch-Angel for that matter." said Fujimoto,
the others looked over at Seraph and nodded.

"I think I may have an idea." said a voice, everyone looked behind them and saw Overlord
standing above them.

"How?" asked Fujimoto, Overlord sat down next to Fujimoto and the others.

"Look at Seraph, what do you see?" said Overlord, everyone looked at Seraph and thought for a

"His facial features still look like Angels, but his wings and body are different." said Flea.

"Yes, but everything about him seems mixed right?" said Overlord, everyone nodded.

"I think he and Arch Angel somehow fused together, I can see features of Angel, as well as
features of Arch Angel." said Syther.

"And I believe they have, For as long as I've known Angel and Arch Angel. The two were always
in constant conflict." Said overlord, everyone nodded, agreeing. "As you all know, Angel stands
up to his name. He's kind, forgiving and has all the features you'd find in a saint."

"I've never seen him get angry or lose his temper...ever." said Flea.

"While Arch Angel possesses all the negative qualities of a man. He's cruel, cold hearted and is
in a word...evil." said Overlord, the others nodded.

"But, they both had one thing in common. Both of them loved, adored and respected Deluge."
continued Overlord, everyone nodded, seeing Overlords point.

"So when she was a pain they both felt, a sadness and extreme anger they both shared."
stated Fujimoto.

"Yes, I believe for that one of the first times in their existence...they both felt and agreed on the
same feelings and emotions. Therefore, they became one." said Overlord.
"I also believe, that what were looking at is the next stage of mutant evolution."

"How so?" asked Fujimoto.

"Look at Seraph, He's become bigger, stronger, faster." said overlord, "All of this caused by his
grief and extreme anger.".

"Yes...I see it." said Syther.

"And have any of you ever used your powers when you were angry or mad?" asked overlord,
everyone nodded their heads.

"Yes, I have." said Fujimoto.

"Mutant powers are doubled, even tripled when used with anger or hatred." said Overlord,
"Angel and Arch Angel were already powerful mutants, but the anger they unleashed must of
increased their power so much, they jumped into the next stage of mutant evolution...A Super

"A Super Mutant?" asked Fujimoto.

"Supposedly mythical." Said Flea, "I've only ever heard about it in stories."

"They are mutants who accend to a whole nother level of power, power beyond belief." said
Syther, "almost god like."

"I guess we're now looking at the mythical Super Mutant..." said Overlord, the others shivered
and nodded in agreement.

Just then Quake slowly walked out of the school, his head looking down at the ground, blood on
the front of his T-shirt.

"Quake..." said Flea.

Quake raised his head and looked at the others, dried tears on his cheeks, his eyes displaying
great sadness and loss. He then walked up to Fujimoto and opened raised his hand to her.
Fujimoto stood up and looked down at his hand, he then opened his hand. In his hand was a glass
D-shaped vial of water, a red chain attached to it.

"What's this?" asked Fujimoto.

"This belonged to Deluge, I'm sure she would of wanted you to have it." said Quake, Fujimoto
held up her hands.

"No no, you keep it." said Fujimoto, Quake shook his head.

"I've know Deluge for years, as did everyone else." said Quake, "All of us have precious,
unforgettable memories of her.", everyone nodded.

"You didn't know her for very long, so you keep it to remember her by." said Quake, Fujimoto bit
her bottom lip, then held out her hand. Quake placed the D-shaped vial of water into Fujimotos
hand, and used his freehand to close her hand around it.

"I promise, I'll keep it safe." said Fujimoto, she then gave Quake a hug, Syther and Flea joined in
as well.

"I'm going to miss her so much..." sobbed Flea, everyone began to cry on each others shoulders.

Overlord then moved to the center of the destroyed brotherhood compound, he then jumped up onto one of the destoryed human tanks.

"Brothers and Sisters, hear me!" shouted Overlord, everyone in the compound turned their
attention to Overlord.

"It is clear now, that the humans, wish to exterminate our kind from the face of the earth."
shouted overlord, everyone shouted angrily in agreement.

Seraph then opened his eyes and stood up, Fujimoto and the others looked over at him as he
began to make his way to where they were standing. He then stood beside Fujimoto and crossed
his large muscular arms across his chest as Overlord continue speaking.

"From the time I first discovered that I was a mutant, I knew that human kind would never accept
me or any other mutant into their society." said Overlord, everyone shouted in agreement again.

"But now, these humans, these Homo Sapiens have gone too far!. They've begun arresting our
kind, even killing our kind!!." continued overlord, Anger began to fill the brotherhood mutants
hearts as they listened to Overlords speech. "This unprovoked attack on our Mutant haven is
unforgivable!. Innocent Mutant men, women and children's blood has been spilled, by the evil
human beings. And now, the souls of the dearly departed SCREAM FOR REVENGE!"

All the brotherhood mutants raised their arms and cheered.

"The price paid for this tragedy, will be paid back in human blood!" screamed Overlord,
everyone in the compound cheered even louder. "If these humans want war, we'll give them a
war!. And when the dust settles and the smoke has cleared, Mutant kind, not human will
dominate this county!!." shouted overlord, everyone cheered again

"As of this moment, we are at war with the human race!!" Shouted overlord, raising his hands
above his head. Everyone cheered their loudest and began jumping up and down.

"One of our brave brotherhood mutants bravely sacrificed his life, by charging a tank and placing
a tracking beacon underneath it's hull." said Overlord, "This will be where we make our first
assault against the humans. The Assault will be lead by our new Super Mutant, Seraph!.", Seraph
then left Fujimotos side and walked over to Overlord and stood beside him. Whispers and gasps
filled the air.

"A super mutant...." some students whispered.

"It can't be.." said some more.

"Now let us march...TO WAR!!!" screamed Overlord.

Everyone cheered loudly, Overlord stepped down from the destroyed Tank and began to
leave the Mutant Brotherhood, Seraph by his side. All of the Mutant Brotherhood Mutants
following close behind him as well. Flea, Syther and Quake all got up quickly and began to
follow the others.

Fujimoto looked down at Deluges necklace, then wrapped her fingers around it. Anger began to
fill her heart as well.

"I'll avenge you Deluge, I swear it!" said Fujimoto, Angrily. She then got up and began to follow
everyone out of the compound.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #64 on: April 15, 2007, 06:24:04 PM »
Chapter 39- Mutants strike back

Commander Kage was in the officers building, inside the middle of the military base, which was
stationed at Takayama city. He was busy talking to his wife and young daughter.

"Daddy, when are you coming home?" said little Sayaka, Commander Kages 9 year old daughter.

"I'll be home soon, I promise." said Commander Kage.

Outside the wind began to pick up, dark storm clouds began rolling down from the surrounding
hill tops as well. Thunder began to clap, bright flashes of lightning filled the sky.

"Looks like one wicked storms coming in." said a young Japanese soldier, his partner nodded his

Just then a bolt of lightning descended from the sky, and struck a nearby tank.

"Whoa!" cried the soldier, they both looked at the tank. A large black scorch mark on the side of
the green colored tank was visible.

"What are the odds we'd get to witness something like that?" said the soldier.

"I dunno, but don't worry." chuckled his partner, "Lightning never strikes the same place twice.",
both he and his partner began to laugh.

Suddenly another bolt of lightning hit the tank in the same place, then another and another,
however there was no thunder to accompany the lightning.

"What the hell is going on!" shouted the soldier, "Where's the thunder?"

Dozens of bolts of lightning began to descend from the sky, striking military jeeps, tanks and the
surrounding buildings. Suddenly, an enormous chuck of rock began to descend from the clouds.
It look like an entire mountain had been taken from the ground and was slowly flying towards the
city. The two soldiers eyes opened wide with fear, they then ran back into the base and one of
them slammed his palm against a large red button. Loud sirens then began to blare, soldiers
quickly rushing out of the nearby military barracks and other buildings.

All of them gathered together with their weapons and military vehicles in the center of the
military base, their heads tilted up towards the enormous flying mountain. All of them chattering
loudly in disbelief.

Commander Kage rushed to a nearby window, overlooking the military base. Phone still in his
hand, outside the sight he saw set fear into his heart.

"Oh my god..." said Commander Kage softly.

"Sayaka, quickly, put your mother on the phone." said Kage, a few moments later a womans・
voice answered.

"What's the matter dear?" asked Kages wife, Hime.

"Listen very carefully, I want you and little Sayaka to get into my truck, and leave Takayama as
quickly as you can!" said Kage, hurriedly.

"What's going on?" asked Hime.

"No time to explain, you'll see once you leave the house." said Kage, "Please, leave NOW!",
Kage then switched off the phone, grabbed his flake jacket, rifle and helmet and headed outside.

The flying mountain came to a halt above the city center, then began to descend towards the ground. It then made hard contact with the ground. Landing right in the middle of Takayama City, crushing buildings,
flattening houses, and people. Dust was sent high up into the sky, people crying out in fear.

The storm overhead began to get worse, long streaks of lightning flying across the sky, loud
booms of thunder as well.

When the dust settled and began to disappear, everyone in the city and military base looked back
at the mountain, sitting in the middle of the city. Kage raised some binoculars to his eyes and
looked at the mountain. On top of it, were hundreds and hundreds of people.

But when he saw Seraph, with his large dark wings extended, a large sword in his hand. He knew
they were not people, but an army of mutants.

Back on top of the Mountain, Overlord looked down at the city. He grinned ear to ear as he heard
the thousands of people screaming in fear below.

"My Brothers and Sisters, GO NOW!" screamed overlord, "Remember your Slain Mutant
Brothers and Sisters from our Mutant Haven. Show these humans the same mercy they showed
our kind...NONE!!"

The entire mutant army cheered loudly, then all at once, they began to advance outwards in every
direction in a 360 degree pattern from the top of the mountain, down the
slopes, towards the City.

Commander Kage slowly lowered the binoculars, "It can't be...he promised to spare us." though
Kage to himself. But he quickly shook his head, then waved his hand forward.

"CHARGE!" screamed Kage, he and all of his soldiers and Military vehicles began to charge
towards the mountain.

Syther was rushing down the slopes towards the city, next to Quake and Flea, as they neared the
city streets, Syther drew his hand back, created 4 very large, explosive sythers. The sythes were
stacked on top of each other, he then threw his hands forward in a sweeping motion, the sythes
left his hands and spun towards the city like boomer rangs. They then made contact with city
buildings and streets, blowing them to shreds.

All around the mountain, energy beams, fireballs, long streaks of electricity began to appear, all
of them flying towards the city. All around the city, enormous explosions began to appear,
destroying the city in large chunks at a time.

Overlord looked down from atop the mountain, surveying the devastation with great please. The
entire ground below was in utter chaos. People fleeing, being killed by the mutant army without
mercy. Buildings, filled with people were being blown up by long multi-colored energy beams
from the mutant army.

The human army then began to enter the city, large tanks rolled down the city streets, soldiers
running next to them. The tanks then stopped, and pointed their turrets towards the large
mountain, then began to open fire. Tank shells began to pelt the side of the mountain, mutant
soldiers being blown up.

Soldiers continued their charge towards the mutant army, As they got closer they began to open
fire. Thousands of tiny red glowing bullets filled the sky, flying towards the mutant army. The
two armies locked in a vicious battle.

Commander Kage watched in horror from behind the column of tanks, his soldiers being
slaughtered with ease by this new and much more powerful mutant army.

A large group of 25 soldiers continued to fire at the mutant army, one of the soldiers looked up at
the sky and saw what looked like an enormous flying bird, but as it got closer he saw that it was a
mutant with wings.

Seraph then dived down towards the soldiers, then flew in-between them, hacking and slashing
with his sword as he passed by them. As he flew back towards the sky, the entire group of human
soldiers fell to the ground in bits and pieces. Seraph looked back and laughed evilly.

Flea was jumping around, landing on top of soldiers, crushing them. He then grabbed an M-16,
lept into the air and began to fire down at soldiers on the ground as he flew through the air.

Quake charged through the city streets, towards to tanks as they continued to fire at the mutant
army. He then stopped, raised his hands in front of him. The ground began to shake and tremble,
a large crack formed in the middle of the city street, which continued towards the column of
tanks. The crack ran right underneath the tanks, Quake then quickly moved his hands apart. The
street split into two, and the tanks fell into the open street. Quake quickly moved his hands back
towards each other, clapping his palms together. And the street closed up once again, but with the
tanks still inside, crushing them.

"We need Air support NOW!" shouted Kage, 15 helicopters then began to take off from the
military base and fly towards the city.

Fujimoto saw them coming as she was fighting, she then concentrated hard and a wall of
lightning descended from the sky, forming in front of the approaching helicopters.

"Turn hard now!" screamed the lead helicopter pilot, he and 5 of his fellow pilots turned left and
right, narrowly avoiding slamming into the wall of lightning, however 6 other helicopters weren't
so lucky, as they slammed into the wall and exploded. 4 others were far enough that they
managed to stop and come to a hover just short of the wall.

"That was close." said the pilot, breathing a sigh of relief.

But they were now sitting ducks for Fujimoto to pick off, and she did. She made a dozen more
lightning bolts descend from the sky, just above the hovering helicopters. The bolts then struck
the helicopters and they exploded.

The lead helicopter pilot lead his 5 remaining fellow pilots towards the mutant army, the ground
below then lit up as mutants on the ground began to fire up at the approaching helicopters.
Beams of energy, balls of fire, bolts of blue electricity and spheres of energy flew by the
helicopters. The helicopters weaving left and right, trying to avoid all of the incoming fire.

A long blue beam of energy flew up from the ground and slammed into one of the helicopters,
blowing it up. A stream of fire engulfed another helicopter and it dropped from the sky like a
stone. A large pink sphere of energy cut off the tail rotor of another helicopter and it began to
spiral out of the sky, slamming into a nearby building and exploding.

"It's no use, we can't stand up to these mutants." cried the lead pilot, "Retreat!, retreat!!"

He and his last remaining pilot then quickly turned around and began to fly away. The lead
helicopter pilot looked out his window and saw Seraph quickly approaching, Seraph then flew into the
spinning rotors, holding his hands out in front of him, the rotors slammed into his hands, but he
remained firm and took the impact like it was nothing. With the rotors now destroyed, the
helicopter dropped from the sky and slammed into the ground, exploding into an enormous

The last remaining pilot tried to turn hard and escape, but Seraph grabbed the retreating
helicopter by the tail, and spun it hard left and slammed it into a building. He then slowly
descended down towards the ground and landed, laughing evilly.

Commander Kage dropped his radio, jumped into a nearby jeep and tried to drive away. But
Overlord stepped in front of his jeep, held out his hand and stopped the jeep cold in it's tracks.
Commander Kage flew forward and slammed his head into the windshield.

Overlord shook his hand, then slowly walked over to the drivers side door and opened it.
Commander Kage slowly turned his head, his forehead covered in blood and looked at Overlord.

Overlord reached in and grabbed Commander Kage by the throat, dragging him out of the
vehicle. He raised him up, applying a choke hold to his throat.

"Why?" Kage choked out, gasping for air.

"What can I say." laughed Overlord. "You are...human after all."

He then threw Commander Kage up into the sky, brought his hands above his head and two balls
of red energy formed in his hands, then fired these into long continuous beams of energy, which
then slammed into Commander Kage, he screamed in pain as the beams carried him higher and
higher into the sky and then, finally exploded and filled the sky with red light.

All was then quiet, the human army eliminated, the entire city completely destroyed and in ruins.

Fujimoto walked through the destroyed streets of Takayama city, stepping over the bodies of
thousands of dead civilians. But didn't feel any remorse, as she wrapped her hands around the
D-shaped vial of water around her neck, her eyes glowing red with anger.

She then heard a small whimper, she turned around and saw a small red shoe, coming out of a broken window, of an overturned truck. As she walked towards it, the shoe then disappeared into the truck. Fujimoto
closed her fist, electricity flowing around her fist. She then quickly opened the door and looked

She saw a small human child sitting on the overturned trucks rooftop, holding the hand of a
woman. The woman was upside down, still buckled in her seat. She had her eyes closed, and
Fujimoto could see no signs of life from her.

"Mommy..." said the child softly, trying to shake her awake. "Mommy, please get up."

Fujimoto then unclenched her fist and the electricity disappeared.

The small child pulled her legs up to her chest and continued to hold onto her dead mothers hand,
the child began to cry softly and was shaking in fear. Fujimoto then pulled her head out of the
truck and closed the door. As she slowly walked away, she looked back at the truck.

"I'm not going to be a total monster." though Fujimoto, she then left the child and headed back to
the mountain, where the entire mutant army was gathered, celebrating their victory.

"Well done my students, you've done your deceased mutant brothers and sisters proudly.
Vengeance is ours!!" shouted Overlord, raising his hands over his head. "Now come, let us head
back to our Compound and bury our dead."

The entire mutant army climbed back onto the mountain, Fujimoto getting on as well. Quake
then ran to the top and raised his hands above his head and concentrated. The entire ground
began to shake and rumble, the mountain then raised off the ground and began to climb back into
the sky. Fujimoto concentrated and caused the sky to cloud up, concealing the entire mountain in
the sky.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2007, 06:44:11 PM by Tyler_Wood_2005 »

Offline JFC

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #65 on: April 15, 2007, 09:16:44 PM »
"I'm not going to be a total monster." though Fujimoto
Glad to see Miki hasn't totaly given in to her grief and anger.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #66 on: April 16, 2007, 03:46:05 AM »
Chapter 40- Heroes turned Villians

Yurina was quickly making her way to the S.M.A.Ts meeting room. Once she got there, she
threw open the door, sitting at the meeting table were Yuko Nakazawa, Yoshizawa Hitomi and
Rika Ishikawa.

"What is it?" asked Nakazawa, Yurina was bent over, hands on her knees trying to catch her

"I don't really know, but it's not good at all." panted Yurina, "I intercepted radio transmissions
from a small city, Takayama, located north east of Tokyo.", Yurina still breathing heavily, sweat
on her forehead as well.

"Calm down Yurina." said Nakazawa, "Now tell me, what's so special about these

"It was chaotic, mass panic." said Yurina, "Reports of a massive attack launched against the city,
the people on the radios screaming for help. And then..."

"Then what?" asked Yoshizawa, Yurina lowered her head, shaking it back and forth.

"Silence...complete, and total silence." said Yurina, "Just as quickly as I picked up these
transmissions, did they cease."

Everyone gasped, "Alright, that does it." said Nakazawa, she then stood up from the table.

"Radio all S.M.A.T members, tell them all to head down to the hanger, we're going to investigate
and lend our help."

The S.M.A.T leaders stood up, saluted Nakazawa and quickly left the room to fulfill her orders.

Down in the hanger, Ayaka was busy finishing up service on the S.M.A.T jets, suddenly the large
hanger entrance doors began to open. Ayaka looked over, and much to her surprise, the entire
S.M.A.T forces were rushing through the doors and towards the aircraft.

Ayaka approached Nakazawa, and saluted her.

"What's going on?" asked Ayaka, wiping her oily hands on a cloth.

"There was some kind of massive attack on Takayama city, we need to get out there right away
and investigate." said Nakazawa, "How soon can we take off?"

Ayaka smiled, "I just finished servicing these Aircraft, So they're ready to go whenever you are."

"Good." said Nakazawa, "Alright everyone!, climb on board your assigned aircraft and prepare to
move out."

The Berryz and H!P kids climbed on board their aircraft first, followed by the S.M.A.Ts
members, who all split up and climbed into the S.M.A.T passengers compartments underneath
the S.M.A.T aircraft.

Ayaka was on the ground, waving Momokos jet into position on the launch track. Her jet slowly
moved down the runway, towards the launch catapult. The front gear then locked into the
catapult, Ayaka inspecting it thoroughly before moving to Miyabis jet. Which had just finished
locking into the launch catapult as well, followed by Risakos.

Inside Momokos aircraft, down in the passengers compartment, Chisato Okai was just finishing
up explaining how to lower the restraining devices and brace for takeoff. Chisato was the
Passenger compartments attendant.

Konno Asami was sitting in her seat, tapping the ground with her right foot repeatedly.

"Konno!, cut it out!" said Ogawa, becoming more and more annoyed by the constant tapping.

"I can't help it!" cried Konno, "I hate flying!"

Everyone in the compartment looked over at Konno.

"Thanks for telling us that just now." said Yoshizawa, "I would of gotten on another jet if I had
known I'd be riding with a girl who's afraid of flying."

Everyone laughed out loud, and nodded their heads.

"It's ok Konno, we're safe in the Momokos hands. She's the Pilot." said Reina.

Everyone in the Cockpit gasped.

"Momokos flying this thing!!" screamed Sayumi, "I want off, I want off!"

Just then a voice came on, over the Passengers compartment overhead speaker.

"Alright, everyone prepare to take off." said Momoko, "We'll be launching in 2 minutes."

Everyone pulled down their roller coaster styled restraining devices and locked them into their
seats. The engines of the large aircraft began to come to life, starting off softly, then building up
to a loud roaring sound. The entire aircraft began to shake, the S.M.A.T girls all whimpering in
fear, some of with them hands together praying.

"Ok brace yourselves." said Momoko, "3....2....1 LIFTOFF!"

The S.M.A.T girls were pushed back into their seats as the aircraft took off, the interior of the
passengers compartment shaking violently back and forth. The whole aircraft then began to tilt
upwards as the aircraft entered the launch tunnel. Within seconds, the aircraft exited the launch
tunnel and began to gain altitude. The shaking stopped, the aircraft flying much smoother as it
climbed into the sky.

"Well that wasn't so bad." said Ogawa, she looked over at Konno who's eyes were wide open, a
petrified expression on her face. "you alright Konno?"

"Yeah...I'm fine, thank you." said Konno, still looking terrified.

Momoko tilted her aircraft to the left and began to make her first pass over TV Tokyo, waiting to
link up with Miyabi and Risako as soon as they were out of launch tunnel and into the sky. As
she flew overhead, Miyabis jet exited the launch tunnel at great speed and climbed into the sky.
Momoko flew over to Miyabi and they met up and joined formation.

"How did your passengers hold out?" asked Momoko as she looked out of her cockpit over at

"I'm not to sure, but I think we'll have a few full barf bags." joked Miyabi, Momoko laughed.

"Ok, let's make our last pass over TV Tokyo and join up with Risako as soon as she's out." said

"Roger that." said Miyabi, she and Momoko then flew back towards TV Tokyo on their last pass.
Just as they were nearing TV Tokyo, they saw Risakos jet leave the launch tunnel, gain altitude,
and then joined up with Miyabi and Risako in triangle formation. Momoko in the lead.

"Ok, let's head over to Takayama, full throttle." said Momoko, she then pushed her throttle stick
all the way to the max and the jet blasted off towards Takayama city.

Soon all three jets were just a few miles away from Takayama, but they could already see large
columns of black smoke rising into the sky, bright fires burning in the distance as well.

"Oh no..." said Momoko softly, she then pressed a small white button on her control board and
the speaker in the passengers compartment came on.

"Nakazawa, you might want to see this." said Momoko, she then pressed a green button on her
control panel, a TV screen inside the compartment switched on. Presenting a live video feed from
a camera positioned underneath Momokos jet nose cone.

Loud gasps and worried chatter filled the passenger compartment.

"That can't be Takayama city...can it?" asked Reina.

"Of course it is..." said Nakazawa.

As Momokos jet got closer to the city, she eased her throttle back, the jets slowing down.
Momoko made one pass over the small city, staring out of her cockpit at the destroyed city that
used to be Takayama.

"Momoko!" said Nakazawa.

"Yes ma'am?" asked Momoko.

"Radio Miyabi and Risako." said Nakazawa, "Tell Miyabi to set down at the West end of the city,
and tell Risako to set down at the north end. We'll land in the city center."

"Yes Ma'am." said Momoko, she then told Miyabi and Risako, Nakazawas order. The three
aircraft then split up and headed to a different area of the city.

Momoko switched her aircraft into hover mode once she found a clear spot to land in the city
center. She then lowered her landing gear and eased her aircraft down towards the ground, soon
her aircraft made soft contact with the ground. Momoko powered down her aircraft, then pulled
down a black lever, which opened the passengers compartment doors.

All of the S.M.A.T members exited the passengers compartment, what they saw shocked them.

as far as the eye could see, were dead civilians, destroyed buildings and fires burning out of

Nakazawa lowered her head and took a deep breath, "Alright everyone, file out and search for
survivors. But be on your guard, we don't know if the attackers are still here or not."

The twenty girls from Momokos aircraft, which included all of Morning Musume, Country
Musume, Yuko Nakazawa, Kaori Iida, and Biyuuden all spread out and began to search the
destroyed city.

They searched in groups of three, Country Musume was one group, Biyuuden was it's own group.
While Konno, Ogawa and Risa made up another group of three. Yoshizawa being the leader of
Morning Musume, stayed with Yuko Nakazawa and Kaori Iida. Sayumi, Reina Tanaka, and Eri
Kamei made another group. While Takahashi and Koharu made a group of 2.

Takahashi and Koharu ran through the city streets, in disbelief at the destroyed city.

"Is there anybody out there!" screamed Koharu, but she was only met with silence. The two girls
then continued to search.

In another section of the city, was Konno, Ogawa and Risas group.

"This is terrible." said Ogawa. "who would do such a thing?"

"I dunno, but to murder innocent civilians is awful, they weren't even armed." said Konno as she
checked on the dead bodies, searching for any signs of life from any of them.

Yuko Nakazawa, Kaori Iida and Yossi were climbing up a charred black building, trying to get a
better view of the city. After climbing 4 stories up, they could go no further, they knew the
building used to be much taller, but the rest of the building was missing, destroyed by some
unknown force.

As Yuko stepped out onto a ledge, she looked out at the city of Takayama, the only voices she
heard were those of the S.M.A.T members down below, searching for survivors.

"I came here once..." said Nakazawa, "I visited this city a few months back."

Kaori Iida stood beside her and place her hand on Nakazawas shoulder.

"It was a beautiful city, not crowded like Tokyo, with very welcoming and friendly people." said
Nakazawa, "What kind of monsters would destroy such a beautiful and peaceful city!"

Just then a voice came on over Nakazawas radio, that was attached to her waist.

"Commander Nakazawa!" said Rika Ishikawas voice.

Nakazawa took the radio off her hip and moved it to her mouth, "Yes, what is it?" asked

"You better come to our location...we found something disturbing." said Rika Ishikawa.

"Ok, switch on your locator beacon and we'll be right there." said Nakazawa, she then pulled out
a small GPS like device and turned it on, a small map of Takayama city came on the screen. A
tiny green dot appeared on the screen not too far from Nakazawas location. Nakazawa, Yossi and
Kaori Iida began to make their way towards the dot, where Rika Ishikawas group was.

Soon they met up with Rika Ishikawas search party.

"Ok, what is it?" asked Nakazawa, Rika Ishikawa took a step the left and motioned her hand
towards a brick wall of a destroyed building, a large mound of dead civilians was in-front of it.
But most disturbing of all, was that, written on the brick wall was a message.

"Death to all humans!" was written in human blood, beside the message was a large black flag, a
crimson red horse shoed shaped symbol was in the center, "Mutant Brotherhood." was also
written on the flag.

"Oh no..." said Nakazawa

Meanwhile, Country Musume was continuing their search for survivors, Mai lead her group
through the silent city streets, carefully stepping over dead bodies. Just then she heard a sound, a
soft whimpering sound.

"Do you hear that?" asked Mai, the others nodded their head and listened even more carefully.

"It's coming from over there." said Miuna, pointing towards an over turned truck. The three girls
then rushed over to the truck.

Mai opened the door and looked inside, she saw a terrified little girl, the first sign of life they had
seen since they arrived in the devastated city. The child moved away from the door, and towards
her dead mother, huddling up next to her.

Mai reached her hand into the truck, "It's alright, we're here to help you." said Mai, the child
shook her head.

"No!, no!, go away!!" cried the child, Mai tried to slowly reach in and grab ahold of the child, but
she kicked Mais hand away with her foot.

"We're the good guys." said Asami, "We're with the Special Mutant Assistance Team."

"Mutant!?" cried the child, "Go away!, your just like them!!"

"Like who?" asked Miuna.

"The ones who came here, the ones who destroyed our city." said the child "Mutants!"

"Mutants attacked your city?" asked Mai, the child nodded her head quickly and glared at Mai
and the others.

"But we're not like them, we're good mutants." said Miuna, "We just want to help you."

just then Mais' radio came on, "This is Commander Nakazawa to all S.M.A.T members, head
back to the aircraft, we're leaving NOW!"

"But Commander, we found a survivor." said Mai.

"I said NOW!!" roared Nakazawa, "We should never of come here!."

"Yes ma'am." said Mai, she then turned off her radio and tried to convince the child once more to
come with them.

"Please, we have to get you out of here." pleaded Mai, the child shook her head.

"Go away Mutants!" cried the child, grabbing the arm of her dead mother.

Miuna and Asami then heard a sound, soft at first, but quickly getting louder. Suddenly a large
black helicopter flew overhead, followed by 2 more.

"Let's go Mai!" said Asami, Mai Satoda sighed sadly then nodded her head.

"That's your mother, isn't it?" asked Mai, the child glared angrily then turned away.

"I'm so sorry." said Mai sadly, she then pulled her head out of the truck and closed the door.

Mai then waved her two comrades back towards the aircraft, but as Miuna was about to leave,
she heard dog barking softly. She looked over and saw a miniature dashund tugging against it's
collar, trying to pull itself free from it's leash. As Miuna looked over, she saw a human hand
sticking out from a pile of rubble that must of fallen from a building onto the dogs owner.

Miuna then ran towards the dog and knelt down beside it, the dog began to whine and beg.
Miuna then unhooked the leash hook that was attached to the dogs collar, picked up the small
dog and held onto it as she ran back to the aircraft.

Nakazawa was standing outside the passenger compartment of Momokos aircraft as it was
powering up, waving into the compartment as they arrived. Everyone was onboard now, except
for Country Musume.

Nakazawa looked up at the sky and saw 3 black helicopters circling the city, spotlights aimed at
the ground. When she turned her eyes back to the ground, she saw the 3 members of country
Musume running towards them.

"Come on!!" cried Nakazawa.

Suddenly a black helicopters spotlight flashed down on the 3 girls, and without warning, began to
open fire on the 3 girls. Bullets began to pelt the ground all around Mai, Asami and Miuna. Mai
then screamed in pain as 7 bullets passed through both of her legs, the helicopter then stopped
firing as it passed over them.

Miuna and Asami stopped in their tracks and looked back at Mai.

"Just go!, I'll be alright!" yelled Mai, the wounds on her legs began to heal, but not fast enough
for her to get up and follow the others.

"Come on, RUN!!" screamed Nakazawa, Asami and Miuna looked at Mai once more, then
turned around and continued to run back towards the S.M.A.T aircraft, climbed aboard and
jumped into their seats, Nakazawa looked at Mai on the ground then shouted into the intercom.

"Lift off!!" shouted Nakazawa, the passenger compartment doors began to close. She then took
her seat and strapped in as the Momokos jet quickly began to lift off from the ground and climb
into the sky.

The black helicopter spun around and began to fly back towards the Mai, whose wounds were
fully healed now. The helicopter came to hover over her as 2 human soldiers jumped down to the
ground and pointed their guns at Mai Satoda. Mai held her hands up and surrendered.

Momoko, Miyabi and Risakos jets then joined up once again in triangle formation and flew back
towards Tokyo full throttle.

"What happened?" asked Konno, "Where's Mai Satoda?"

"She's gone..." said Nakazawa, "She was captured."

"Why?" asked Reina.

"It turns out, that mutants attacked and destroyed that city." said Nakazawa, "I believe we made a
grave mistake, heading out to investigate what happened."

"They'll think we did it..." said Kaori.

Asami was crying, while Miuna held her head low, the puppy whimpering in her hands.

"Why did you bring that thing onboard?" asked Nakazawa, annoyed by the puppies constant

"Please Nakazawa, I'm all this puppy has in the world. It's owner was dead, and I just couldn't
leave it." pleaded Miuna, holding the puppy against her body, stroking it's head.

Nakazawa held her hand against her forehead, then nodded her head.

"Alright, I'll let you keep it." said Nakazawa, as it was something to occupy her mind from the
pain of losing a friend.

Back at Takayama City, Mai Satoda was being lead forcefully by the soldiers who had captured
her, towards a column of tanks.

"Move you mutant scum!" shouted the soldier, as he pushed Mai hard with the butt of his rifle.
Mai stumbled, but regain her balance as she continued to walk.

As she neared the tanks and human soldiers, a jeep drove up and stopped in-front of Mai Satoda.
3 high ranking military officers then climbed down and approached Mai, glaring angrily at her. Mais
heart beat fast with fear, knowing she was in terrible danger.

Offline JFC

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #67 on: April 17, 2007, 12:20:35 AM »
"It's ok Konno, we're safe in the Momokos hands. She's the Pilot." said Reina.

Everyone in the Cockpit gasped.

"Momokos flying this thing!!" screamed Sayumi, "I want off, I want off!"


"How did your passengers hold out?" asked Momoko as she looked out of her cockpit over at

"I'm not to sure, but I think we'll have a few full barf bags." joked Miyabi, Momoko laughed.

"Come on, RUN!!" screamed Nakazawa, Asami and Miuna looked at Mai once more, then
turned around and continued to run back towards the S.M.A.T aircraft, climbed aboard and
jumped into their seats, Nakazawa looked at Mai on the ground then shouted into the intercom.

"Lift off!!" shouted Nakazawa, the passenger compartment doors began to close.
Oh shit...

Back at Takayama City, Mai Satoda was being lead forcefully by the soldiers who had captured
her, towards a column of tanks.

"Move you mutant scum!" shouted the soldier, as he pushed Mai hard with the butt of his rifle.
Mai stumbled, but regain her balance as she continued to walk.

As she neared the tanks and human soldiers, a jeep drove up and stopped in-front of Mai Satoda.
3 high ranking military officers then climbed down and approached Mai, glaring angrily at her. Mais
heart beat fast with fear, knowing she was in terrible danger.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit...:o

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #68 on: April 23, 2007, 03:04:08 PM »
Chapter 41- Wanted Criminals

Mai Satoda sat huddled in the corner of a temporary set up Jail cell, in a tent on the outskirts of
Takayama city. She rocked her self back and forth, her heart beating hard and fast as each second
ticked by.

2 human soldiers entered the tent and walked up to the jail cell, Mai standing up and facing the
soldiers. One soldier began unlocking the door, while another reached down to his belt. And
then, without warning, shot Mai with a tazer. The barbs sunk into her skin and she began to get
electrocuted, falling to the floor and shaking violently on the ground as electricity flowed through
her body.

The soldiers then entered the jail cell, put hand cuffs on Mais wrists, picked her up and began to
carry her outside.

"No sudden movements, or I'll taze you again." growled one of the soldiers, Mai nodded her head
and continued to walk.

She was taken into a large green military tent. Inside were 3 high ranking officers sitting at a
table, a large metal chair with restraining devices was positioned in front of the table. The 2
soldiers forced Mai Satoda down into the chair, putting her wrists into binding cuffs on each arm
of the chair. 2 more binding devices were attached to her ankles.

One of the high ranking officers then got up from the table and walked over to Mai, looking
down at her as she looked up at him. He looked her up and down and walked around her twice.

"Frightening, isn't it?" he asked his fellow officers, "Here we have a captured mutant. But she
passes for human on all accounts. She looks like a human, feels like a human, even smells like a
human.", the other 2 officers nodded.

"Unless...I do this!" said the officer, he then took out his sidearm pistol, aim it down at Mais leg
and fired off a round.

Mai screamed in pain and clenched her teeth together, the two officers quickly stood up.

"Are you mad?!" asked another officer.

The officer who shot Mai, pointed down at Mais leg. Her wound began to heal up and within a
few seconds, her gunshot wound was all healed up. No scar or other visible mark could be seen.
The two officers gasped and looked at her in disbelief.

Mai held her head down and began to cry, the officer standing next to her knelt down and
brought his face close to hers.

"Now, we're going to ask you some questions." said the officer, "And I want the truth, otherwise,
that gunshot will feel like a tickle compared to what we have in store for you."

Meanwhile, back in Tokyo. The prime minister of Japan was finishing looking through a report
of the attack on Takayama city, by a mutant army. Included in the report, were black and white
photos of dead civilians, destroyed city blocks, and the anti-human message "Death to all

"How many dead?" asked the Prime Minister, his hands and voice shaking.

A high ranking army general, held his head down. "over 65,000" he said, "And that's not
including the entire military base that was wiped out."

"Such a tragedy..." said the prime minister.

"That's not all sir." said the General, he pulled out another photo, it was a picture of an S.M.A.T
aircraft, set down in the city.

"What's this?" asked the prime minister.

"Through research and investigations, we learned that this is a private police force, hired by the
Tokyo Police Chief." said the General.

"And you believe it was them?" asked the prime minister

"We believe they were part of it." said the general, "We have an eye witness, General Kages
daughter survived the attack, and positively ID壇 a member of the mutant army who attacked the

He then pulled out a Hello!Project glossy Photo of Miki Fujimoto and set it down on the table.

"The S.M.A.T force is made up of girls from a music empire called "Hello!Project.", which this
Miki Fujimoto is apart of." said the General, he then pulled various photos of other Hello!Project
photo sets. Which included Melon Kinenbi, Berryz Koubou, C-ute and Country Musume.

"And lastly, is this photo." said the General, setting down a group photo of the Morning Musume
girls, with Miki Fujimotos face circled with a black marker.

The Prime Minister, picked up the photo of the identified mutant and the photo set of Miki
Fujimoto with the Morning Musume group and compared them.

"Yes, I see the resemblance." said the Prime Minister.

"Sir, this is a very dangerous situation." said the general, "I ask that you call upon all the forces of
Japan. Army, Navy and Airforce, as well as our reserves. And have them report to active duty

The Prime Minister put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands, slowly shaking
his head back and forth.

"This country has seen war once, I had hope and prayed all my life. That we would never see
another one." said the Prime Minister, he then sat up and took a deep breath.

"Very well, I will make a televised announcement as soon as possible." said the Prime Minister.

Back at TV Tokyo, all the members of the S.M.A.T forces were gathered together in the
gymnasium, talking amongst each other. Yuko Nakazawa then entered the room, walked to a
small podium. Everyone became silent as Yuko Nakazawa began her speech.

"My fellow S.M.A.T members. As you all know, earlier we set out to investigate a massive
attack on an innocent city. It may shock you to know, that the town was not attack by a foreign
army, not even a human army. But by a Mutant army." said Nakazawa, everyone gasped.

"Further more, we lost a member of our forces. Mai Saotda was captured by the human army
earlier. I have no doubt in my mind, that since we were spotted at the scene of the attack. And the
fact that we're mutants, they'll think that it was us who did it."

"No!, that's not fair!" cried Konno Asami, "We dedicated our lives to protecting humanity."

"Is all that effort now wasted?" asked Ogawa.

"I do not know, but I will phone the Tokyo Police chief, and plead him to hear our explanation
for being at Takayama City." said Nakazawa, "As for now, I order all of you. To go home, pack
whatever belongs you wish to bring with you and report back to TV Tokyo as soon as possible."

"What for?" asked Koharu, Nakazawa looked down.

"If the police chief doesn't believe us about our innocence. They may come to arrest us, we need
to be prepared to leave Tokyo..." said Nakazawa, everyone nodded their heads.

"That is all. DISMISSED!" shouted Nakazawa

Everyone then began to leave the gymnasium and then the building. All of them got into their
seperate vehicles and began to drive home.

Nakazawa sat in her private office inside of TV Tokyo, as she sat down, she stared at the black
telephone on her desk. She began to move her hand towards the phone, but clenched her hand in
a fist and pulled it back. She couldn't phone right now, she was too nervous and scared.

she got up, walked over to a small cooler and pulled out a beer. After twisting off the cap, she put
the bottle to her lips and chugged the beer down in 10 seconds. She belched, then reached in,
grabbed 2 more beer bottles. Walked back to her desk, sat down and twisted off the cap of one of
her beers. She took a swig then sat back in her chair.

"How am I going to get us out of this one?" thought Nakazawa, continuing to drink her beer.

Back in Tokyo, Aya Matsuura was finishing packing some necessary supplies and other
belongings into a big black backpack.

" couldn't of been part of the mutant attack on the Human city...could you?"
Matsuura thought to herself, she flung her heavy backpack across one shoulder and headed
outside to her car.

At the destroyed Mutant Brotherhood compound. Fujimoto, Syther, Quake and Flea has just
finished burying Deluge in a 6 foot deep grave.

"Just can't believe she's really gone..." said Quake, lowering his head.

Fujimoto walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a warm

"I know how much you loved her." said Fujimoto, Quake nodded. "But I know for a fact, that she
loved you just as much."

Everyone then gathered together and shared a big group hug. Just then, Fujimoto saw Seraph
walking towards the group. Upon reaching them, he knelt down next to Deluges grave, lowered
his head and said a small prayer. He then took off a decorative metal necklace he always wore,
and put it over the Cross that marked Deluges grave.

Seraph then stood up, closed his eyes and exhaled deeply. And just like that, he changed back
into Angel. Fujimoto and the others let out a surprised gasp, Angel turned his head to Fujimoto.
He had tears in his eyes, which then began to fall down his cheeks.

Fujimoto quickly ran up to him and wrapped him up in a strong bear hug.

"Angel!!" Fujimoto said, looking up at him, extremely happy to see her boyfriend back as his old
self once again.

Angel hugged Fujimoto back, then walked over to the others and hugged all of them.

"Angel!, so good to have you back!" said Flea, Angel smiled and rubbed his hand on top of Fleas
head, messing up his hair.

"And it's good to be back." said Angel.

"My students!" called out Overlord, everyone began to gather around him.

"Now that we have buried our fallen brothers and sisters, and destroyed the humans that took
their lives. Let us head to Hokkaido, to head to our new home." said Overlord.

"New home?" asked Fujimoto.

"Yes, you did not think this compound was the only one did you?" asked Overlord, Fujimoto
shook her head.

"We have mutant havens all over to Japan. This was our biggest and best one, but we still have
more out there." said Overlord. "We shall head to Hokkaido now and rejoin another Brotherhood
Compound, and begin preparations to destroy all the other humans across Japan."

"I understand." said Fujimoto.

"That is all, dismissed." said Overlord, and the students all began to go back to what they were
doing earlier.

"Fujimoto!" said Overlord, Fujimoto returned to his side.

"You did a very good job at Takayama City, You and your friends were the greatest fighters of
all. So, as a reward. I will let you return to Tokyo for one last visit of the city." said Overlord.

"Thank you sir!" said Fujimoto, Overlord smiled back at her.

"You've earned it." said Overlord.

Fujimoto returned to her friends and told them the good news, but none of them wished to return
to the city.

"Please guys, I really need to go back to Tokyo one more time." said Fujimoto.

"Need to say my goodbye to Matsuura..." Fujimoto thought to herself.

"Alright, I'll come with you." said Angel, Fujimoto smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much!" said Fujimoto, she and Angel then walked hand in hand towards one of
the Brotherhoods sports cars, got in and began to drive back to Tokyo City.

Back at TV Tokyo, Yuko Nakazawa just finished her 3rd beer, and was beginning to feel a buzz
coming on. Now was the time to call the Police Chief. She was no longer nervous and felt ready.

She picked up the phone and began to dial Tokyo Police Stations. After 2 rings a female officers
voice responded.

"Tokyo Police Department, how may I help you?" said the officer.

"I need to speak with the Police Chief, it's extremely urgent." said Nakazawa.

"Alright, one moment please." said the officer, Nakazawa heard a click, and for a few moments,
there was silence. Then the police chief answered.

"Hello?" said the Police Chief.

"This is Commander Nakazawa of the Special Mutant Assistance Team." said Nakazawa, "I have
an urgent matter I need to speak with you about."

"Before you do that, I suggest you turn on your TV. There's an emergency announcement from
the Prime Minister of Japan happening." said the Police Chief.

Nakazawas eyes shot open, she quickly picked up the remote control on her desk and clicked the
on button. And a TV across the room switched on.

Nakazawa picked up the phone in one hand and walked over to the TV and stood in front of it,
receiver still against her ear.

"My fellow countrymen, earlier this evening, the peaceful city of Takayama...was destroyed by a
mutant army." said the Prime Minister, "The entire city is now in ruins. Schools, churches,
hospitals, everything was completely destroyed. The city had a population of over 65,000
innocent people. All of whom were ruthlessly killed."

Nakazawa dropped the phone and continued to stare at the TV screen.

"However, we managed to find one survivor, a small child. She has helped us identify one of the

The Prime Minister then held up a large glossy Photo of Miki Fujimoto. The camera zoomed in
on it.

"Miki Fujimoto, was clearly and unmistakably identified as being part of this mutant army. Also,
members of a recently discovered secret police force in Tokyo. Were also discovered at
Takayama city by our emergency response units."

The Prime Minister then held up a group photo of Morning Musume.

"As you can see here, Miki Fujimoto is a member of Morning Musume, she and every other
member in this photo were seen at Takayama city."

"Oh no..." said Nakazawa.

"Now, exercising my full power as Prime Minister, I call upon the armed forces of Japan. Army,
Navy, Airforce, I call upon all of Japans soldiers and reserves to arms. All of you are to report to
active duty immediately.

Secondly, I now call upon the entire Tokyo Police arrest every, single member of Hello
Project. They are criminals and must be treated as such, we will punish those who have taken so
many innocent lives this day."

Nakazawa screamed and dropped to her knees, pulling at her hair.

"Nakazawa!, Nakazawa!" said the Police Chiefs voice, from the receiver on the phone.

Nakazawa quickly picked up the receiver.

"They can't be serious!, we're innocent!!" screamed Nakazawa, "We didn't have anything to do
with that attack!!"

"What were you doing at the city anyways?" asked the police chief.

"We only went there to help, we've dedicated our entire lives to protecting the weak and helpless.
Believe me, we're on your side!!"

The police chief sighed, "Nakazawa...even if I believed you. I have absolutely no choice in this
matter. The Prime Minister, the man with the most power in the country...has given me an order.
I must obey."

"You can't do this!" screamed Nakazawa.

"Believe me, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do for you." said the Police Chief.

"No!" said Nakazawa, she then heard a click through the receiver, then silence. The police Chief
had hung up on her.

"NNNOOO!!!" cried Nakazawa, throwing the phone across the room.

At Tokyo Police headquarters, the Police Chief, sat in his chair. He then picked up his radio and
brought it close to his lips.

He closed his eyes and sighed, "This is Police Chief Hamada, to all units city wide. You are
ordered to arrest and apprehend any and all Hello Project members you come across."

"Non-lethal force only!" said Chief Hamada, "These girls are idols, the last thing we need is the
dead body of a Japanese Idol on the news."

Nakazawa ran down the hall, trying to find Kaori Iida.

"Iida-san!!" yelled Nakazawa, Kaori Iida rounded a corner and quickly approached Nakazawa.

"What's wrong?" asked Kaori

"The Police Chief has just put out an arrest warrant for all of us. Where are the other girls?"
asked Nakazawa.

"You sent them home, they must still be out in the city." said Kaori.

"We have to contact them somehow, get them all back here A.S.A.P" said Nakazawa

"Ok, I can do that." said Kaori, she then closed her eyes and held out her hand.

"Take my hand Nakazawa."

Nakazawa obeyed and took Kaori Iidas hand.

"Now, all you have to do is think about what you want to say, and they'll hear you telepathically"
said Kaori.

"This is Commander Nakazawa to all members of the S.M.A.T forces." thought Nakazawa.

"Whoa!" cried Eri Kamei, who was in a convenience store buying some treats. People around her
looked and stared. Kamei picked up the items she dropped and put them back on the shelf.

All across the city, every member of Hello Project could hear Nakazawas voice in their heads.

"I need all of you to drop what your doing, and report back to TV Tokyo right now!!, the police
have been ordered to arrest all of us. They believe it was us who destroyed Takayama City. Now
all of you are in danger, so get back here NOW!"

Risa Niigaki was in her bedroom at home, she dropped her backpack full of her belongings and
was on her way out.

"Risa-chan!" called out Risas mother, Risa went to go see her.

" it true?" asked Risas mother, "Did you help destroy Takayama city?"

"No mother, I swear it." said Risa, she then ran up to her mother and wrapped her arms around
her, giving her a hug.

"Good-bye mother, I love you so much!!"

Risa ran out of the kitchen, then out the front door of her house and down the street. Back to TV

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #69 on: April 23, 2007, 08:14:36 PM »
And so the witch-hunt begins. :o

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #70 on: April 24, 2007, 12:39:39 AM »
That's fucked up man!

Offline ferrar1

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #71 on: April 24, 2007, 01:35:13 AM »
expected outcome, but i feel sad.

at least the x-men had a representative within the government, now where will the H!P girls go..

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #72 on: April 24, 2007, 03:00:20 AM »
And so the witch-hunt begins. :o

Thanks, I think you just gave me the title of the newest chapter tommorow. Fits perfect for whats going to happen.

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #73 on: April 25, 2007, 05:45:42 AM »
^ Glad to be of service dude. :D

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #74 on: April 27, 2007, 12:05:35 AM »
Chapter 42- Witch Hunt begins part 1

Throughout all of Tokyo, Police officers reported to active duty. Even those on holidays and
those off duty reported back onto active duty. It was the largest police activity in the history of
Tokyo. Over 60,000 police officers were officially on duty as of now.

An additional 20,000 civilian personal were also on duty right now. Even Tokyos Special Riot
police force of 20,000 officers were helping out as well in the hunt for Hello Project members.

All together, 100,000 police officers and civilian personal were out and about, searching for any
Hello Project members they could find.

"All units in position." said Captain Matsumoto, "Ready to begin search on your order."

"Very well." said Chief of Police Hamada, "Commence search."

"Yes sir." said Captain Matsumoto, he then switched his radio to a channel that every officer in
Tokyo was listening in on.

"All units, begin search NOW!"

And all at once, over one thousand police vehicles, ranging from police cars, patty wagons and
motorcycles began to drive through the streets of Tokyo. Thousands of officers on foot and
16,000 on horseback, stationed throughout Tokyos districts began their ground search. 50 Police
and Civilian helicopters flew through the sky, searching the streets below.

Momoko, Maasa, and Saki ducked behind a garbage dumpster as a police helicopter flew
overhead. Shining it's searchlight into the dark alley, as the light got closer, the girls huddled
together even tighter and held their breath. The light shone over the dumpster, but the pilot didn't
see them and began to move on.

"This is insane!" cried Momoko, stepping back into the alley, "After all we've done for them,
they think we're murders!"

"And the fact that we aren't even mutants, makes this even more unfair!." said Maasa.

"Ok, that's enough fighting for now." said Saki, "We need to find way to get back to TV Tokyo

Saki then began to lead her group through the back alleys, very slowly and cautiously. Her group
was in Shibuya, they needed to get to Minato where TV Tokyo was located.

Aya Matsuura ditched her blue sports car after spotting a search group of over 500 officers
marching down the street towards her. She ran for her life through the streets of Roppongi, she
spotted an dark side street and darted down it. She then sat down and began to catch her breath.

"I've never seen this many police officers on the streets in my entire life!" thought Matsuura, she
buried her head in her hands.

"Where ever you are, I pray that your safe Miki-chan." thought Matsuura.

Just then a police helicopter quickly flew over head, then came to a hover just above Matsuura. It
shone it's spotlight down on her and Matsuura froze in terror.

Panicked, she began to run down the alley, then ran out into the street. But as she looked around,
she saw 2 police bikes speeding towards her. Another police car came drifting around the corner,
it's sirens and lights flashing brightly. She tried to turn around and run the other way, but an army
of 200 Riot Police were marching towards her, banging their batons against their large shields.

As Matsuura looked around her, she was surrounded.

"I've got no choice, I didn't want to have to do this." thought Matsuura.

She then opened her palms and 2 balls of bright yellow energy formed in her hands, she then
began to levitate off the ground, into the sky. After she was above the buildings, she tilted her
body forward and pointed her hands behind her. She began to fly at great speed over Tokyo,
leaving a trail of glowing yellow energy, like a jet trail in the sky.

In Meguro, Koharu Kusumi was running down the streets as fast as she could.

"Can't catch me, Can't catch me!!" Koharu shouted, she was having the time of her life. For she
could easily phase though any solid object or person with her mutant powers. She was not scared
or worried at all, it was almost a game to her.

2 officers on horseback began to chase after Koharu. Koharu checked over her shoulder as she
continued to run, then smiled. She quickly changed direction and began to run towards a
building. As she neared it, the two officers chasing her looked at each. The girl did not slow
down as she got closer and closer to the wall.

"I don't think she's going to turn!!" shouted one of the officers, the other nodded. They then
pulled back on the reigns and brought their horses to a halt as Koharu ran into the wall and

Koharu then passed through the other side, looked over her shoulder and smiled, for she had lost
her pursuers with great ease. A police car and a large group of 100 officers then blocked the next
street as Koharu ran towards them.

The officers pulled out special bean bag shotguns and pepper ball filled paintball guns, all of
them took aim at Koharu as she continued to charge them.

"Stop or we will open fire!!" Shouted one of the officer, into a megaphone. Koharu continued on
without even slowing down.

"Fire fire!!" shouted the officer, and dozens of bean bags and hundreds of pepper balls began to
fly towards Koharu, yet they all passed through her body and did no harm to her at all. Koharu
then reached the large group of officers and began to pass right through their bodies. Once she
was through the entire group, she quickly turned around, waved to them and stuck out her
tongue. She then laughed and continued to head back to TV Tokyo.

Eri Kamei flew through the sky in Pigeon form, she had little to fear of being captured. For she
easily blended in with the thousands of pigeons that inhabited Tokyo. As she set down on the
side of a building, she had TV Tokyo in her sights.

But she looked down at the street below. After seeing hundreds of police officers marching up
and down the streets, she became worried for her friends.

"I can't return just yet." Thought Eri Kamei, "I should try and find some of my friends first and
see if I can help them in anyway."

And with that, Kamei Pigeon flew off from the side of the building and began to fly over the
streets of Tokyo, searching down below for any of her friends or other members of Hello Project.

Back at TV Tokyo, Nakazawa waited outside with Kaori Iida.

"I hope they all get here ok..." said Nakazawa, Kaori nodded.

Just then they saw Abe Natsumi running as fast as she could towards TV Tokyo, following
behind her were the members of Melon Kinenbi. Nakazawa smiled brightly as she saw some of
her friends were safe and sound.

"How many have returned?" asked Nacchi, gasping for breath.

"Your the first ones." said Nakazawa.

"It's lucky for us, that after you told us to go home, we remained in Minato to grab something to
eat." said Shibata

"Yeah, your lucky I suggested it." said Murata.

"Ok, you guys head inside, we'll wait out here for everyone else." said Nakazawa, Nacchi and the
Melon Kinenbi girls nodded and headed inside.

"It's not going to take them much longer for the police to get here." said Kaori.

"Yeah I know, but it's strange." said Nakazawa, "I would of thought that the Police Chief would
of sent his units to TV Tokyo, our headquarters first."

"Guess he's not all that bad then." said Kaori.

"No, he's buying us time by not coming here first." said Nakazawa.

In Harajuku, Miuna and Asami from Country Musume were carefully walking through Takeshita
Dori. Miuna had the small puppy she rescued earlier clutched in her hands, protecting it.

"Why do you insist on bringing that dog along?" asked Asami, annoyed by it.

"What can I say, I have an extremely soft spot for dogs. I just couldn't leave it behind." said

As they got to the end of Takeshita dori, near Harajuku station, 6 police officers on horseback
spotted them.

"Oh no!" said Miuna.

"There!" said one of the officers, "It's 2 members from Hello Project!"

"Arrest them!!" shouted another, and they all kicked their horses and began to charge towards
them, batons in hand.

"We've got to get out of here!" shouted Miuna, and she turned around and began to run away. But
she quickly looked over her shoulder and saw that Asami wasn't following, she was standing her

Asami raised her left hand and closed her eyes, "Please, hear me gentle horses." she thought. And
the horses ears raised up as they continued to gallop towards her, Asami was communicating
with them telepathically.

"We are not your enemy, and we need your help." though Asami, the horses getting closer and
closer to her. Miuna watched on, confused as to why Asami wasn't running away.

"Please, help us...I beg of you." thought Asami, just then the horses all came to a stop, just 10
feet away from Asami.

"What in the!" said one of the officers, he and the others began to kick their horses, trying to get
them to charge forward again.

The officers horses then began to buck back and forth, kicking their hind legs wildly into the air.
The police officers held on for dear life, but were then thrown from their saddles. Landing hard
in the street.

2 horses then gallop towards Asami and Miuna, one stopped next to Asami and she climbed on
it, the other then reached Miuna and she to climbed on the horses back. Asami looked back at the
other horses behind her, she smiled at them.

"Thank you." thought Asami, the horses neighed and bobbed their heads up and down. Asami
and Miuna then began to ride back to TV Tokyo as fast as they could on horseback.

Offline ferrar1

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #75 on: April 27, 2007, 01:44:16 AM »
Chapter 42- Witch Hunt begins part 1

And with that, Kamei Pigeon flew off from the side of the building and began to fly over the
streets of Tokyo, searching down below for any of her friends or other members of Hello Project.

I want 1 now !!!

Chapter 42- Witch Hunt begins part 1
"Thank you." thought Asami, the horses neighed and bobbed their heads up and down. Asami
and Miuna then began to ride back to TV Tokyo as fast as they could on horseback.

That just made me love Asami even more, how fitting her powers are since she loves animals.

4th Pic of Eri courtesy of t-motion's gallery ~ Sangokushi Taisen anyone ? ~ Lame attempt at a personal blog ~

Offline JFC

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #76 on: April 27, 2007, 05:29:06 AM »
"All units in position." said Captain Matsumoto, "Ready to begin search on your order."
Well, the cops and riot squad at least have professional training, and can be trusted to obey the order to use only "non-lethal" force. The civilians, however, can be a problem. They're under no such orders, and are more likely to do something stupid. Granted, they're trying to protect their family and friends, but to have 20 000 non-trained civilians participating in something like this, it can get ugly really fast.

In Meguro, Koharu Kusumi was running down the streets as fast as she could.

"Can't catch me, Can't catch me!!" Koharu shouted, she was having the time of her life. For she
could easily phase though any solid object or person with her mutant powers. She was not scared
or worried at all, it was almost a game to her.
Koharu's taking an awfully big risk here. Even with her phasing ability to help her evade pursuers and avoid attacks, she still shouldn't be so...blatant about where she is. The whole point here is to get back safely, WITHOUT bringing the entire police force with you.

As Matsuura looked around her, she was surrounded.

"I've got no choice, I didn't want to have to do this." thought Matsuura.

She then opened her palms and 2 balls of bright yellow energy formed in her hands, she then
began to levitate off the ground, into the sky. After she was above the buildings, she tilted her
body forward and pointed her hands behind her. She began to fly at great speed over Tokyo,
leaving a trail of glowing yellow energy, like a jet trail in the sky.
For some reason I pictured this as a big electric bolt. Perhaps Aya's the Lightening to Miki's Thunder.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #77 on: April 27, 2007, 11:58:27 AM »
I don't think it's Koharu you have to worry about brining the police to TV Tokyo, if you look at that last line on the 3rd quote you did. ;) ;) ;)

And you'll see why I added those civilians later, and your right about them being'll see later. >:D

Offline JFC

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #78 on: April 28, 2007, 09:31:44 PM »
I don't think it's Koharu you have to worry about brining the police to TV Tokyo, if you look at that last line on the 3rd quote you did. ;) ;) ;)
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh crud.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Tyler_Wood_2005

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Re: Mutant Musume!!
« Reply #79 on: May 05, 2007, 06:17:34 AM »
Chapter 43- Witch hunt begins Part 2

The police continued to hunt down any Hello Project members they could find. Many were
spotted, but none were taken prisoner as of yet. Inside Tokyo Police headquarters, General
Hasagawa, Supreme Commander of Japans armed forces was inside the operations room, looking
at a digital map of Tokyo. All over the map, were small blue dots, each indicating where and
when a Hello Project member was spotted.

"Sir, we just spotted another Hello Project member in Odaiba, heading northwest." said a
communications officer. General Hasagawa jotted that noted down on his clipboard.

"Another has been spotted in Shinagawa, heading north sir!!." said another communications
officer. And again Hasagawa jotted this information down on his clipboard.

"That makes 15 members we've spotted so far." said Hasagawa, he walked over to the large
digital map of Tokyo. But as he looked at the locations and information on his clipboard, he
noticed something strange.

"Major Yamasaki!." called out Hasagawa, and a younger officer quickly reported to Hasagawas

"Look at both of these, and see if you notice anything strange." said Hasagawa, the Major took
the clip board from his Commander, looked over the info, then at the digital map of Tokyo.

"Yes, I see it sir." said Yamasaki.

"All these Hello Project members are heading in the same direction, towards some unknown
location." said Hasagawa, he took a blue marker off the table, and began to mark down arrows,
starting from the blue dots of spotted H!P members and pointing in the direction they were

"We saw one in Shibuya heading South East." said Hasagawa, drawing an arrow going south

"And another in Odaiba heading North West." continue Hasagawa, drawing another arrow.

"Two more from Harajuku heading South East as well."

"Another in Shimbashi heading West." said Hasawaga, as he continued to draw arrows, he
noticed they were all converging to a spot in the middle of Tokyo.

"It looks like they're all heading for Minato-ku." said Yamasaki, Hasagawa nodded. Both of their
eyes shifted towards Chief of Police Hamada, who was sitting in a large black chair, drinking a
coffee. He didn't seem at all interested in what was going on with the hunt for Hello Project

"I think he knows something we don't sir." said Yamasaki, Hasagawa nodded. Both of them then
walked over to Police Chief Hamada.

"Chief Hamada, do you know why all these Hello Project members seem to be heading to
Minato-ku?" asked Hasagawa, Police Chief Hamada just shrugged.

"You got me." lied Hamada, trying to buy as much time for the S.M.A.T members as he could.

"You know something, now I demand that you tell me!!" yelled Hasagawa, surprising all the
officers and military personal in the room.

Hamada stood up, buttoned the top button of his police uniform and put on his police cap, "I
don't need to tell you anything." said Hamada, "The police of Tokyo are an independent force,
free from military rule. So you, have no power over me."

Hasagawa growled angrily, "Maybe I don't...but I know someone who does." said Hasagawa. He
then proceeded over to the telephone, picked it up and began to punch in a number.

"You'll have to answer to the Prime Minister if not me." said Hasagawa.

"Perhaps, but until he orders me, I do not have to tell you a thing." said Hamada.

"Please girls...get back to your headquarters as fast as you can, times running out." thought
Hamada to himself.

Back in Tokyo, Risako was running down the street, an army of Riot police hot on her tail.

"Can't keep this up much longer." thought Risako, huffing and puffing for air as she continued to
run down the street. She then stopped in her tracks as she noticed another large army of Riot
police infront of her, once they spotted her they too began to charge at Risako.

"Uh oh...trapped." thought Risako, the riot police closing in on her from all sides.

Soon she was completely surrounded by riot police, they all stopped just a few feet from her and
held their shields infront of them. Risako was terrified as she looked all around her, grimmed
faced officers staring back at her.

Suddenly there was an ear piercing screech, Risako and all the officers put their hands to their
ears and cried out in pain. Risakos eyes shot up towards the nights sky and she saw an enormous
eagle in the sky. The eagle then flapped its' wings once more and went into a steep dive towards
the ground, charging at Risako.

Risako screamed in terror then turned to run. But the eagle grabbed Risako by both the arms with
it's large talons, then began to flap its' wings and take to the sky.

Risako kicked and screamed as the eagle flew through the sky, the eagle banked to the right and
began to fly towards a nearby building. Once it was over the rooftop, the eagle beat its wings
hard and came to a hover, it then let go of Risako and she dropped to the hard concrete a few feet

Risako laid on the ground for a moment, stunned. She quickly sat up and turned around to face
the large eagle. Her eyes grew wide as she watched the eagle begin to shrink, then change into a
human form. In a few seconds Eri Kamei appeared in human form.

"You ok?" asked Kamei, Risakos mouth remained open.

"Yeah...I am." said Risako, "and thanks."

Kamei nodded, "No problem." said Kamei, "Now just wait right here, I'll be right back. I noticed
Chinami and Miyabi on the ground back there."

"Ok, please go and pick them up." said Risako, Kamei nodded, then she began to turn into an
eagle once again. Once she was in eagle form, she quickly took to the sky and flew back to pick
up Miyabi and Chinami.

Back at TV Tokyo, Miuna and Asami had just returned and were reporting to Nakazawa.

"We're back!." said Miuna as she jumped down from her horse, Asami quickly following.

"Ok, quickly head inside with the others." said Nakazawa.

"Who's all here?" asked Asami.

"Abe Natsumi, All of the Melon Kinenbi girls, Reina Tanaka, Ai Takahashi, Ogawa, Konno
Asami, Sayumi, the Biyuuden girls, and all the members of C-ute." said Kaori.

"And you girls of course." said Nakazawa.

"That's great, no one's been captured yet!." said Asami.

"Yeah, but there's still alot of members out there." said Nakazawa.

"All we can do is hope and pray that they all get here safely." said Kaori.

"Right." said Miuna, "We'll lets head inside.", she and Asami then headed inside TV Tokyo.

"Nakazawa, our most important member, Ayaka still isn't here." said Kaori.

"I know." said Nakazawa.

"What if she doesn't get here, our plan will fail." said Kaori.

"I know that as well." said Nakazawa, "But I just know she'll make it. She has to, otherwise, we
won't be able to get our aircraft refueled, repaired and ready to launch."

"I'm more worried of what will happen if none of our pilots make it back." said Kaori. "No one
else besides them knows how to fly those aircraft."

"There's alot at risk here." said Nakazawa "But this is all we can hope for."

Back in Tokyo, Chimani and Miyabi were finally up on the rooftop with Risako.

"Ok, now, Chinami, once I change, I want you to climb on my back. I'll try and carry Miyabi and
Risako in my claws." ordered Kamei, she then changed back into eagle form. Chinami obediently
climbed onto Eagle Kameis back. Kamei began to fly her wings then rose off the ground, she
then reached down with her large talons and grabbed Risako with one of her claws and Miyabi
with the other. Kamei then began to fly back to TV Tokyo, carrying the 3 girls with her.

Back at Police headquarters, Commander Hasagawa finally finished his conversation with the
Prime Minister.

"Ok, put this on speaker phone." said the Prime Minister, Hasagawa pushed the speaker button
then hung up the hand held phone.

"Police Chief Hamada, I order you to release any and all information you know about these Hello
Project girls." ordered the Prime Minister.

"Very well, I believe they are all heading to TV Tokyo in Minato-ku." replied Hamada.

"And you knew this all along?" asked the PM.

"Yes sir, I did." said Hamada.

"Then why didn't you act on this, why didn't you send the entire police force to TV Tokyo." asked
the PM.

"Sir, you ordered me to search the city for these girls, but you did not specify where and how I
commence the search." said Hamada, "So, I did not disobey your order."

"Well, as Prime Minister, I hear by relieve you of your duties." said the PM, Hamada just nodded
his head. "I now turn control of the entire police force over to General Hasagawa, send all the
officers to TV Tokyo NOW!"

"Yes sir!" said Hasagawa, he then hung up the phone.

Police Chief Hamada sighed, then took off his silver badge and threw it on the table.

"You have no idea what your doing." said Hamada, "These girls are heros, they've helped us
arrest countless criminals and crime bosses all over Tokyo."

"I bet they were just gaining your trust, brain washing you into believing they were on your side."
said Hasagawa, "So they could prepare for war right under your very nose."

"That's where your wrong." said Hamada, "I know these girls and I don't believe they are the
criminals you believe them to be."

Hamada then began to leave the room, "Officers, Arrest that man!" shouted Hasagawa. And two
young officers quickly approached Hamada, one took out a pair of handcuffs, while the other
removed Hamadas sidearm.

"I'm sorry sir." whispered one of the officers, hamada nodded.

"I know, your just doing your job." said Hamada, hands now cuffed behind his back. "But, I do
believe I get my one phone call."

Hasagawa thought for a moment, then nodded his head. The two young officers then took
Hamada to his jail cell, but on the way, they stopped by some pay phones. One of the officers
took the reciever off the hook, and inserted some money into the phone, while the other uncuffed
Hamadas hands.

The officers then respectfully stepped back a few paces and let Hamada have his privacy.
Hamada quickly dialed Yuko Nakazawas cell phone number.

Back at TV Tokyo, Eri Kamei had just arrived with Chinami, Miyabi and Risako. She set them
on the ground, then changed back into human form.

"Ok, now that they're safe, I'm off to find others." said Kamei.

"NO!" said Nakazawa, "We can't risk losing you, we need all the S.M.A.T members we can get. I
order you to remain here."

"But..." protested Kamei.

"Your Commander gave you an order!" shouted Kaori "And you will obey it."

"Y...yes ma'am." said Kamei, she and the other girls headed inside.

Just then Yuko Nakazawas Cell Phone began to ring, she quickly dug it out of her pocket and
answered it.

"Hello?" asked Nakazawa.

"Nakazawa-san!, I'm sorry, I tried to hold the officers off as long as I could." said Hamada "But
I've just been relieved of my command and the police are now run by General Hasagawa of the
armed forces. And they're all headed towards TV Tokyo RIGHT NOW!"

JPHiP Radio (15/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Kim Ah Joong - Maria