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Author Topic: The Dormitories  (Read 30232 times)

Offline Daisukirika

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The Dormitories
« on: May 05, 2008, 01:21:11 PM »
(I'm just opening the thread for now... later I'll post something about old people prolly just walking by)

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Offline Sancho

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 02:09:14 AM »
Saika Shimei

Loc: Room 106

:: I was strolling at the hallway looking for my assigned room.::

" 106...106... ah there it is. Now the key......... Damn it! I think I lost it again."

:: I check all my pockets and confirm that I really lost my key. So I check all the keys at the paper bag I was carrying.  After a few minutes, I finally found it and immediately open the door. The cool breeze inside the room greeted me. As I walk in, I spend another  few minutes looking for the light switch. After switching it on, I was struck to see what's infront of me.::

" I'll be living here?? This is twice the size I'm renting. Oh look. They even have their own restroom."

:: I was so excited checking out the whole room. It might be simple to others but for me, It's heaven. I do sleep on some hotels when we have projects but never treated it as a home. I walk around and notice a couple of duffel bags near the bed. I walk towds it and found a note. It's my receptionist friend saying that they moved all my stuff from my old apartment but some of the bags contained things that I'll be using on my job.::

" All my stuff? So that's means....... no way!.... Otosan!!!!!"

::Immediately checking all the bags, looking for something that is precious to me.::

"Ah.. There you are."

:: Felt relieve as I hug an old looking wooden box. I stand up, look around, and found an empty space near the TV set.::

" I think that place should be fine."

:: I sat on the floor and opened the box which contained an old Samurai wooden doll. I called it Otosan because it's the last gift I received from my late father. I carefully place it under the TV set, and stand back to check if he looks good. Satisfied, I yawned and walk straight to my bed. I don't feel changing to my pajamas because I might sleep really late if I try to look for it. As I plop to my bed, I glance the cabinet where I put the doll with a smile.::

" Have a pleasant dream.... Otosan."

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2008, 05:22:42 AM »

 After finally reaching her room she fought internally over what to do.....................

 She then decided as she didn't really sleep much anyway she was going to sort out her stuff.
 She put all her clothes away, she put the three romantic novels she brought with her on the cofee table and as she was feeling lazy she left the rest in her bags and just grabbed her toothpaste and toothbrush and went to brush her teeth..   :mon brush:

 After she finished she climbed into bed as she was already in her PJ's and grabbed one of her books..... Unbeknowst to her, the romantic novels she brought and didn't have a chance to read untill now were all hentai. She read about five pages and fell asleep. Too bad the ecchi stuff started happening on the tenth page, far from what she had read. So to her this was simply a story about a schoolgirl who really liked her friend. Little did she know that in the next few pages she was going to get a lot closer to her friend. hehehe  :hiakhiakhiak:

 She rolled over and the book fell open on the twenty third page, right when the two girls were about to ....... err you know..

 Meanwhile she dreamt she was on a field full of flowers :gmon flowers: having a picnic with Mari, feeding her cherries and being fed strawberries and then kissing..... <3   
 :gmon heartu:  :gmon shy:  :gmon sing:

 Then things got a little heated and Yuko slapped herself in her sleep (in real life) and kept muttering 'bad bad yuko baaad girl naughty naughty thoughts.... oh punish me Mari sama aaah what am I saying baaaad bad Yuko....."
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline Yasu

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 12:26:58 AM »
[ ? ]

A man, appearing to be around his 20 to 25 years and pretty tall, was wandering around the third floor of the dormitory, a place still closed to the girls who were going to be occupying that place God knows for what - he didn't know. All he was sure of was that he was looking for someone to give him right instructions, after all, that guy was in Japan mainly for touring.
To just give the basic details of it. A bit puzzled as to why they sent him to that floor, where there was almost no one at that time, he kept wandering and reading whatever paper that was glued to the walls or boards, sometimes checking his clock to be sure he was there at the right time.

Credits for sig and ava: fish hoe, from snm. <3

Offline Sancho

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2008, 03:54:38 AM »
Saika Shimei
Loc: Rm 106

"It's hopeless. I can't sleep."

:: I try to sit up from the bed and scan the room to look for a clock. Pillows and blanket are all over the place as I desperately looking for a decent sleep a few hours ago. Manage to see one , in pink color with Tsunku's picture as a design, hanging above the TV set. ::

" 6:00 am. I guess I should forget sleeping and start my morning ritual."

:: I stand up and move to the place where my doll was. ::

" Ohayo Otosan. "

:: I said with a smile and turn on the TV. I put it on NHK channel and watch for a minute. I look up and saw that Tsunku clock again. It's 6:30. ::

" I should buy a new clock I guess. That one is really disturbing."

:: I stand up from the sofa and head to my unpack stuff to look for my toothbrush, toothpaste, and my Barney designed mug.::

" Hmm..... I wonder if the roof top got the place. I better check it out. I hope it's good.  If not, then I should brush my teeth on that boring washroom."

:: I hang a face towel on my neck. Then put a right amount of toothpaste on my tooth brush. Then a water on my mug. I slip on my slippers and head out of the room, leaving my TV on which I always did on my old apartment.  :mon brush: I started brushing my teeth while walking on the hallway and up to the stairs. As I reach the 3rd floor, my eyes grew wide to see how beautiful the scenery is. I always start my morning that way. Looking at the nice scenery as the sun rise gives me a good mood. I wanted to say like "Sugoi!!!" but I can't. Toothpaste lather are all over my mouth. I scan the place to look for a small drainage but surprise to see an unexpected visitor. What worst is, the intruder is a male. ::

" Whaaaaffffff ffffarrrrrr yoooffff  fffffoowwing fffffiiirrrrr??!!!!!! :barf: "

:: My instinct take over. Resulting the toothpaste lather splatter everywhere. I do a fighting pose, still holding my toothbrush and mug like a weapon.::

Offline sweeety

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2008, 07:54:55 AM »
[Nakazawa Yuko]

 "Nooo, it's ok, I allow you to kiss me"
 "mmmm, strawberry flavoured kisses"
 "You like them two?"


 Yuko awoke with a start, launching her hand off her bed and onto the nightstand, grabbing the alarm clock and throwing it across the room. To her dismay it landed safely on the couch and kept ringing. She quickly got up and smacked it 'off', pausing only to untangle herself from the matress as she did so.

 "Boy, today's gonna be one looong day" she said to herself as she headed toward the shower. She took her toiletries out of her bag and went to work showering and getting dressed. She really didn't like eating breakfast so the time she would've wasted doing that, was spent in the shower. Ten minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, soaking wet and clean as a whiistle..wait, I don't think that analogy is right... anyway

 She walked to her stuff and bent over her lluggage looking for a towel when someone decided to pick that moment to intrude.

 "YUUCHAN~!" she heard being called from outside the door. With no time to spare she dived under the covers of her what I would like to have written but quite frankly she didn't give a fuck. If someone wanted to butt in on her getting dressed then fine, she wont be the one living with disturbingly hot mental images for the rest of her life. So she proceeded to look around the room for a towel as the door clicked open and the intruder invited herself in.

 She didn't say anything, merely smirked facing away from the other, the voice from earlier giving away the identity of the visitor as she let them take in the sight.

 "Why don't you take a picture? It will last longer." she said mockingly, expecting nothing more than pure shock from her friend.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline Yasu

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2008, 09:20:30 PM »
[ ? ]

Having no clue as to what was happening, the guy was amused at watching a girl pose weirdly to him, plus, he was still wondering why she was brushing her teeth up there. They had told him not many people would be in that floor, nor live there yet, and still, there was a woman...? A bit too puzzled, he managed to ask, way too surprised as he tried to calm her down and show he was not... any kind of weirdo, robber or whatever she was thinking.

"Wait, wait! I have absolutely no idea they sent me to this third... floor. Some guy told me to be here, since I was--- You know, forget it. Could you please calm down and tell me who... you are? Please. No fighting involved."

Credits for sig and ava: fish hoe, from snm. <3

Offline Sancho

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2008, 01:21:27 AM »
Fighting Goddess Saika Shimei
Loc: 3rd Floor

It took me a bit few minute before I understand what he just said. Having no sleep at all disorganize my brain function. But even thou he's tall where my high barely reach his chest, handsome, and look nice, I mustn't let my guard down. Any bosozoku knows about that rule.

" Duff moofff."

:: I scan the area again   :mon look:  and found a drainage just beneath my foot. I spit out the lather and pour enough water to clean it out.::

"Don't move. I'm warning you. I might be small but I can kick ass if you know what I'm saying."

:: I'm glad I have my phone with me. I put down the mug and took out the phone. I'm still holding my toothbrush as weapon on my right. I know it's stupid to use a brush as a weapon but it's better than none at all. I immedietly dial Matsamoto's number. The phone started to ring. I keep an eye on him while waiting for Matsamoto to answer.::

"Damn. he's hot."  :hip drool:

:: I mentally kick it out. He is an intruder and my job is to protect this girls. Finally, somebody answer the phone. ::

(Answering machine) : I'm sorry. The master is out. Please leave a message after this beep. Thank you..... *BEEEEEEEEEEEP*.......

"What the F. An answering machine?? Master?? Is he have a little fetish or something?? Oi!! Matsamoto san. Call me immediately pronto! There is an intruder here and he is a male. Got it??"

:: And then I hung up. I slid my phone back to my pocket and start paying attention to the intruder.::

" You said they sent you here. Who sent you? Give me some proof. A letter or something."

:: I said, still in my fighting mode. ::

Offline Yasu

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2008, 05:27:52 AM »
[ ? ]

Okay, that woman is definitely weird, thought him as he watched her do strange actions and talk to someone on the phone. Or something. She didn't even answer him! And now, she wanted to know who told him to be there. She absolutely had no right to make questions, therefore, his only words were.

"Sorry, but you didn't even answer my question... I see no reason to answer yours, then."

He throwed a slight smile at her, seeing then it'd be entertaining to stay there for a while. At least he wasn't alone anymore, and that girl was indeed really fun.

"Are you going to tell me your name now?"

Credits for sig and ava: fish hoe, from snm. <3

Offline Sancho

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2008, 11:59:02 PM »
Starting to get irritated Saika
Loc: 3rd floor

(Mystery guy): "Sorry, but you didn't even answer my question... I see no reason to answer yours, then."

" What the..... You got some nerve to say that. How rude. Your the intruder. And beside, isn't a custom to say the guys name first before a lady? AAHHH!!!! I know!!! You must one of those Wota guys who where here to spy on the girls aren't you?! Huh! I won't let you do that. You may be charming but that won't work on me.

"But he is charming."
::Mentally kick it again.::

"OK you see this?..."

:: I rolled my sleeve up to show my muscles. It's a bit sag for not having a work out lately so I tap it a few times so that he doesn't notice.::

"...I've been training so hard so you mustn't underestimate me. I'm a Karate black belter too.."

"What the hell am I saying? I didn't even have the opportunity to wear the white belt. Ahhh... it doesn't matter. As long as I can shoooo him off then it's fine."

:: That's why I show him some of my kicks. It's lame thou. After I manage to make 10 kicks at least, I stop. It's too tiring after not doing it for almost 6 years. I'm starting to sweat too much so I wipe it out with my towel hanging on my neck. ::

" Haa!!! You see that?! You must be getting nervous. I told you, You mustn't take me lightly."

:: But the guys seems enjoying rather than afraid. He even threw a smile.::

" Hey!!! I'm warning you!!!"

"Damn it!!! He's even cuter when he smile. Ahhhh!!! Focus Saika!!! Focus!!! Don't let his smile get you!! What ever happens, I won't tell my name first. I won't!! I won't!!!  "

" Hey!!! I said don't treat me so lightly!! "

(Mystery guy): "Are you going to tell me your name now?"

" Saika Shimei!! Age 26!! Single!!........... Oh crap. I blew it"

Offline Yasu

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2008, 12:32:53 AM »
[ ? ]

She was funny, and he couldn't stop smiling as soon as she started talking too much or acting weirdly again, but only on the third time she answered her name, along with too much information about herself.

"Aah... Nice to meet you, Saika Shimei... I see you're very energetic."

Saika was older than him, and he still didn't get why she was so... eletric at that time. Wasn't it around 6 in the morning? The guy smiled again with the corner of his mouth, making another question - he didn't intend to tell her what he was doing there exactly, who he was or who brought him there. So, better to keep it on her.

"So... why were you brushing your teeth in the middle of the corridor... In the third floor?"

Credits for sig and ava: fish hoe, from snm. <3

Offline Sancho

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2008, 01:14:49 AM »
Saika Shimei
Loc: 3rd Floor

(Mystery Guy): "So... why were you brushing your teeth in the middle of the corridor... In the third floor?"

" Ahhhh.... There you go again. Another one of your wicked questions. I might slipped from the first time but that won't happen again. I know people like you has some kind of an aura to trick people. Yeah!!!  That's must be so. Ahhh!!! I know!!!! You must be an hypnotist!!! And...."

::I stop my track when the guys happens to smile again. What's worst is the smile is better than before. It's like he is increasing his charm.::

"Hey!!! Stop it will you!! Brushing teeth at the 3rd floor is not of your concern. Mind your own business! What's wrong if I found myself brushing my teeth  at the comfort room too boring. What's wrong if staring at the beautiful scenery at the top of the building while brushing is better! And what's wrong if..... if....."

::I smacked my forehead with my palm after realizing I slipped again to his questions.::

"Damn. It's not my lucky day. This is all your fault!"

:: I said while pointing my toothbrush the guy. ::

Offline Yasu

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2008, 02:03:22 AM »
[ ? ]

He couldn't help but enjoy that well spent time at the third floor of a place he didn't even know - Saika was indeed funny, and entertaining. The reason for her to brush her teeth at that place didn't make much sense, though, but he didn't care.

"Ah... Sorry about that. No need to point your toothbrush at me. I guess I just have this charm..."

Started the guy, smirking smoothly before getting closer to the girl to let her know how he had no intentions whatsoever to hurt anyone, nor to steal anything.

"Hey... Could you please now stop with the self defense thing? It's not like I'd hurt you or something, so I don't think I'm asking too much... I don't even know why I was called here, who lives here, whatever!"

Credits for sig and ava: fish hoe, from snm. <3

Offline Sancho

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2008, 06:17:54 PM »
Saika Shimei

"EEhhhh?? You don't know why you where called here but you still came? Are you some kind of a masochist? You'll just do what other tells you? If I told you to marry me this instance. Will you do it?"

" Ahh. My last words was too daring. And stupid as well. I know it would only comes from the mouth of a dreamer. But I don't mind if he say yes. please say yes. Hahahahaha."

:: I smacked my forehead again for thinking this way.::
:: Thinking ::
" Bad Saika. Be serious. You should be gathering info rather than flirting. Yeah. That's what I should do."

Offline Daisukirika

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #14 on: June 08, 2008, 02:41:34 PM »

:: Walks up the stairs and straight to his friend who is talking to some strange woman. Ignoring the woman he goes straight into a conversation with his friend ::

" Yo, U-know. Where have u been. We just barely got out of that meeting with management in the morning and your exploring work places already? The others went off around town to go look around. I came to find you. "

:: looks around the 3rd floor. At the same time visibly showing his face and features. He can only be described as the male version of Ishikawa Rika when it comes to beauty, but his beauty doesn't mask his arrogance ::

" So this is the Club we gotta work at?" he says with a bitter tone.

" this place isn't even fixed up. AND did u take a chance to see our living conditions here on the second floor... they're no where near the standard of suites we're used to staying at. By the way, that Matsumoto guy gave me a letter for someone name Ms. Shimei. You know where we can find her? I hope she's hot. "

:: Suddenly he takes notices of the girl standing near him ::

"Ugh... who's this...? "

:: the young man pauses for an answer from his friend or the girl ::

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2008, 04:45:48 PM »
Saika Shimei

::I was too busy controlling my insane side when this new guy suddenly show up and started talking to the other guy. Interfering in a conversation without excusing  himself really piss me off.::

"Hey!... you should...."

:: I was saying something but it seems he doesn't heard me. So I try it once more. ::

" OI!!! You should.... "

:: Still ignored. He turn to scan the place. I didn't notice how handsome he was at first because he was standing facing his back at me. I thought that accepting this job wasn't bad after all. But after hearing an insult to these place ticks me off. In my real living condition, this place is heaven. But he treat it like some kind commoner's place.::

" AHEMM!!!!!!...* Cough*......"

:: I accidentally cough when I heard the the magical word or name rather. Matsamoto and my own name. The new comer finally notice my existence.::

(J) : "Ugh... who's this...? "

" How rude. Suddenly jumping in a conversation without even excusing himself. I admit I'm small but I'm not that small that you won't notice me."

:: I said while pointing my toothbrush to him this time. ::

Offline Yasu

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2008, 11:36:44 AM »
[ ? ]

He only laughed comfortably as he watches Saika's reaction to J's words, who had just gotten there and hadn't noticed the smaller girl. Not saying anything yet about how she was the "Ms. Shimei" they had to find; maybe she had a thing for pretty guys, and that was the reason for her staying around.

"You know, J... That Ms. Shimei woman... I'm not really sure if she'll be hot... But I can imagine a pretty funny girl at the moment in my head..."

The guy was definitely having fun with that situation, especially when he looked at Saika's face - She seemed a bit too disappointed, or rather shocked. He couldn't describe her expressions, thus, he went on, telling his group mate the truth about the identity of the woman.

"Well, that girl right there is Ms. Shimei. Why do we need her?"
« Last Edit: June 10, 2008, 05:27:46 PM by Yasu »

Credits for sig and ava: fish hoe, from snm. <3

Offline Sancho

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2008, 03:06:20 AM »
An actress named Saika Shimei

(Mystery Guy) : "You know, J... That Ms. Shimei woman... I'm not really sure if she'll be hot... But I can imagine a pretty funny girl at the moment in my head..."

:: :grr:   Thinking while giving my version of death glare to the Mystery guy.::
"Why that punk. He thinks I'm funny? I don't even have the intention to be one. I'll show him what's funny."

:: What's matter worst is that I sense that he's having a good time while picking on me.::

(Mystery Guy) : "Why do we need her?"

:: That words definitely stab me really hard. But it creates me an opportunity to counter attack to the Mystery guy.  :mon determined: ::

" That's it. After all those years of your love and affections to me, You changed. What happened to you?  :gmon tears: Your not like this before. When we were alone, You always says how pretty and hot I am. And then, when your friend here show up, It's like your a different person."

:: I walk my way towards to the mystery guy while trying to shed a fake tears. When I'm already in front of him, I rest my forehead on his chest and start crying  :mon waterworks: . Of course it's a fake cry. I don't know how their responses look like as I'm really trying to concentrate on my acting skill. But there is one thing I'm sure of. One of them would surely be surprise.::

"How could you do these to me. How could you.... Hu hu hu hu ... How could you.........."

:: I said while pounding my fist on his chest. I'm starting to have fun doing this. Being near to him just like was really great :gmon twirl:  :gmon shy: . I can even smell his perfume. It's too strong thou but I wouldn't mind. I just hope no one from the girls see me doing these kind of stupidity. I'm sure my cool image still intact on their mind. That image will definitely shaterred in a blink of an eye when they see me.::

Offline Yasu

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2008, 04:52:12 AM »
[ ? ]

The guy calmly stepped away from her, having noticed the girl was being way too clingy on him - or something of that sort. He had no idea who she was, and what the heck she was doing.

"Hey, hey, hey... Don't do this and expect anyone to fall into it. J knows I never really dated girls behind the members' backs - plus, they are the ones that have always left me."

He laughed a bit at the end of his own sentence, already having made Saika let go of him.

"Now, let go and let's get this over it. Why did that guy tell us to find you, Ms Saika? Or something. I'm actually kind of lost right now...".

Credits for sig and ava: fish hoe, from snm. <3

Offline Daisukirika

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Re: The Dormitories
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2008, 07:44:04 AM »

:: a bit startled at the little girl pointing a tooth brush at him ::

" Hey, Hey... let's not get too hasty ... "

:: suddenly she starts clinging onto U-know way to much... and they start some sort of fiasco ::

"How could you do these to me. How could you.... Hu hu hu hu ... How could you.........."
the girl says...

"Hey, hey, hey... Don't do this and expect anyone to fall into it. J knows I never really dated girls behind the members' backs plus, they are the ones that have always left me." says U-know in retaliation..

"Now, let go and let's get this over it. Why did that guy tell us to find you, Ms Saika? Or something. I'm actually kind of lost right now...". U-know says turning to face the girl...

:: at this point J decides to intervene before it gets any worse ::

" Whoa whoa... alright.. well here Ms. Shimei, here's a letter i was told to give to you "

:: J hands the lady the letter that was given to him by Matsamoto ::

"By the way, the van with all our stuff is down stairs in the parking... Where should we put our stuff? "

:: J looks at the lady waiting for a response ::
« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 07:47:14 AM by Daisukirika »

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