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Author Topic: F.Y.I 29 - Recurring Moments  (Read 125537 times)

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: F.Y.I. 03 - Blue Love
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2008, 08:54:55 AM »
She better survive damnit  :(

I really like when you delve into Yossuis thought process
Those parts are especially well written in my opinion

Offline zay05ohayou

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Re: F.Y.I. 03 - Blue Love
« Reply #21 on: May 26, 2008, 12:56:58 PM »
O__O uwaah! Miki! its great dat Yossies back but Miki!
Miki! is it Rika with za rope?

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

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Re: F.Y.I. 03 - Blue Love
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2008, 02:14:29 PM »
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO POOOOOOOOOOOR MIKITAN! TOMOROW I SHALL MARY THEE! I HOPE YOU MAKE IT TILL THEN! HAving a horrible night now. My mum came home and started bitching again. She really is horrible.. aparently if I don't get straight A's I wont get to look at the computer again let alone touch it because that's what's expected of me. Good God I hate her. She's like Hitler with a second ball or something. lol. Anyway, hanging off the edge off my seat waiting for the next chapter.. Oh crap I fell..... anyway see ya...... luv you, mwah, see you in the early afternoon. lol Ganbare Tito san
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: F.Y.I. 03 - Blue Love
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2008, 04:31:51 PM »
 :hiakhiakhiak: i loved the ending

So I'm guessing that the sequel is going to be more of an ishiyoshi with a little gam on the side... which i should have picked up on when you had mentioned the whole FYI F.Y.I is fyI  :P I'm really slow that way... as for yossie I hope she can express her feelings to rika so she(Rika) doesn't kill off all of H!P in a fit of jealousy :mon mad:

@sweeety:  YAY your mom sounds like my mom except shes not home most of the time so I get hours of computer time  :mon beam:... before I hear the door unlock and I rush to look busy with school work  :mon study: or else she steals that little cord that hooks up the to the internet AND takes my laptop so I'm completely internet-less  its like good god woman I'm 18yrs old leave me be  :mon whine:
No one on the corner got swagga like us!

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Re: F.Y.I. 03 - Blue Love
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2008, 06:43:40 PM »
stop acting like a jerk! please!!!! :pleeease: yossie loves you damnit! :scolding:

Offline tito

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Re: F.Y.I. 03 - Blue Love
« Reply #25 on: May 27, 2008, 03:29:03 AM »
I really like when you delve into Yossuis thought process
Those parts are especially well written in my opinion
Thanks a lot. It makes me feel really happy especially when I enjoy reading your stories so so much!  :P I enjoyed writing that part quite a bit  :)

:hiakhiakhiak: i loved the ending

So I'm guessing that the sequel is going to be more of an ishiyoshi with a little gam on the side... which i should have picked up on when you had mentioned the whole FYI F.Y.I is fyI  :P

Completely right but GAM will be something more than just a little :D

@sweeety: I thought your mum will be satisfied with the pizza you made..Straight 'A's? She sets such high standards for you. If my mum does that, I will never get to touch my comp ever again.  XD

Actually I'm quite interested to know: Who do you think is the one with the rope?  :hee:

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: F.Y.I. 03 - Blue Love
« Reply #26 on: May 27, 2008, 03:33:36 AM »
^ I think its Yossui for some reason
like I guess
If I was in Yossuis position and I thought Rika was going to do something I would try and choke Miki until she passed out
then keep her safe

but it would make the most sense for it to be Rika...
Just part of me keeps screaming ITS YOSSUI

Offline tito

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Re: F.Y.I. 03 - Blue Love
« Reply #27 on: May 28, 2008, 03:03:46 AM »
This chapter has pretty much reference back to Gomattou. I wonder if you guys have forgotten about what happened then  :(


Chapter 4

Soul mate~Stalemate (It rhymes!  :pandaaa:)

December 6 (5.05pm)
“Miki, I love you. Hang in there. I love you...” The familiar voice and silhouette faded and all that she could see was darkness.
“What happened? Geez, it’s dark here,” Risa commented more to herself than to anyone else as she stepped into the storeroom after hearing the loud bang. As soon as her eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, she caught a glimpse of the ex-subleader in the corner of the room. She was unconscious and there was blood on her head. She had never been in such a situation before and was instantly thrown into a panic state. Oh my god, is she still alive? What should I do? Oh yes, I should call for help!

Just as when she was about to scream, she heard a shriek behind her. It was Eri. Risa made her way towards Eri and asked out of concern, “What happened?”

Tears welled up in the younger girl’s eyes. “I hit something just as I rushed in here because I thought something had happened…and it hurts!” Eri showed Risa her right wrist.

Even though it was dark, Risa could see that there was blood on it. “Something happened to Mikitty over there. I’ll get help and you stay here and don’t move around, clumsy turtle.”

“Someone should just switch on the lights in here,” Yuko spoke sternly. “What happened? Some clumsy girl slipped on banana again?”

As Yuko entered the room, the lights were on as if it was on cue. Kei, Natsumi and Ai followed closely behind her. Her initial nonchalant look turned worried when she saw Miki lying in a corner. She rushed towards the unconscious girl and immediately placed her fingers beneath Miki’s nose. Thank god, she’s still breathing. “Girls, I think we need help here. Kei, Natsumi, let’s get the girl out of here and Ai and Risa, go and find Rika and get the First Aid Kit while I inform the rest that the game has been terminated.” The girls stood there, shocked. “Go, carry up!” Kei and Natsumi approached Miki and carried her up.

“Is someone looking for me?”

“Rika, it’s great that you’re here finally. Go and grab the First Aid Kit. This is your place,” Yuko commanded.

“I was the one who switched on the lights. What happened?”

“Something bad happened to Mikitty. Stop talking and get moving!” Rika grinned and left the room.

As she strolled down the corridor, someone grabbed her from behind. “Just what on earth do you think you are doing?” she hollered.

“Yossie, don’t grab me like that. It hurts. I’m getting the First Aid Kit.”

“At the speed you are walking, she will be dead by the time you get back!”

“Let her be dead then. You’re too worked up.” If I am the one being assaulted, will you care so much?

Yossie avoided eye contact with her. “Hey why did you attack her?”

“I didn’t.”

“Stop lying.”

“I’m not.”

“You are.”

“You just don’t trust me.”

“Did you trust me when you went about strangling her?”

“She was strangled?”

“Don’t act dumb.”

“I’m not.”

Yossie looked straight into Rika’s eyes and spoke softly, “Listen up, Rika. There’s nothing between Miki and I. Nothing. The only reason why I stopped you from carrying out the stinky plan was because I love you and I don’t want you to be hurt.”

“Why do you even act as if you care? Now that you mentioned about it, how much I wish that there’s something between the 2 of you. How much I wish that it pains you to see her getting hurt. How much-”

Yossie could no longer control her temper and slapped Rika hard on her right cheek which she usually kissed. Yossie shouted, “At least she was willing to sacrifice her life for the one she loved and I admire her for that! What about you? You’re just being childish and have you ever thought of how I feel now?” Rika ran off with tears in her eyes. After she was a distance away, Yossie murmured, “I’m sorry Rika.” For the 2nd time in the day, Yossie could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Why did you wish for me to be in pain? Was that the true reason behind the attack? I would rather prefer you to be seeking for revenge for me though I’m not for the idea. At least it’s because you love me. Do you love me?

Rika ran towards the unused room which had the First Aid Kit and slammed the door hard behind her. I’m sorry Yossie, I shouldn’t have spoken like that. Why can’t you trust me? You were angry when you spoke to me just now. Was that a true indication that you love her? Was it just admiration or was it love? Do you love me?

December 6 (5.32pm)

Miki stirred in her sleep and she muttered, “Aya, are you there? I need you…”

“I’m Ai, not Aya,” Ai, who was instructed to stay to take care of Miki, replied.

“Aya, I’m sorry for all that I’ve said. Please forgive me.”

“I’m not Aya,” Ai repeated.

“Forgive me, Aya…” Tears were welling up in Miki’s eyes.

It was apparent to Ai that the girl with the rope-mark on her neck didn’t hear her. All she could do was to hold Miki’s hands and pray that she would be fine. Too much had happened over the past month and Miki almost lost her life for the second time. She wondered, “Why are all these things happening to Miki? Why did Reina attack her? Why didn’t Tsunku tell us why Reina did so? He mentioned that it was alcohol but it seemed more like an excuse than anything else. All along, it was evident that Reina loathed Miki. Why were Yossie and Maki involved and how were they involved? Who is the assaulter this time around?” She gazed at the sleeping girl in front of her and wondered just how much answers she had to her questions.

“Aya…” Her thoughts were disrupted once more and she smiled at the love-sick girl. Getting the answers from her didn’t seem as important as doing something else that seemed just. For a moment, she didn’t care whether she would get a lashing from Yuko as she took out the phone that she kept illegally and started dialing a rather unfamiliar number.


Yuko called Kei, Mari and Kaori for a meeting in her room right after they had phoned for the ambulance and tucked Miki in. Yuko decided not to beat around the bush and asked, “Mari, did you do it?”

Mari laughed. “Come on, I’m too short to do that!”

“No, I mean, did anyone of you here plan for it in any ways?”

“Yuko, why do you just interrogate us? Do you honestly believe that those younger girls are innocent? Look what happened over the past month-” Mari’s eyes widened. Oops, I just let it out of the bag.

“That’s where I’m getting at. I know you girls are playing detective seeking for the truth about the whole incident which landed the 3 girls behind the bars. I guess none of us was satisfied by what Tsunku said and you girls wanted to use this opportunity to find out more.”

Kei frowned as if in deep thoughts for some time before she spoke, “Seriously Yuu-chan, don’t you think that Fujimoto Miki is more than just a victim in it? We are talking about Goto, Yoshizawa and Tanaka here and not any other girls.”

Mari added, “Goddamnit, the videos given to the police weren’t even revealed to the public. I wonder how much Tsunku paid them. Anyway they shouldn’t contain much useful evidence since Yoshizawa is already out.”

Yuko spoke sternly, “Okay, I know this whole case has got you girls’ attention but I have yet got to my point. Was the assault on Miki part of your plan to find out more about the incident?”

Kaori shook her head. “I don’t know what you think of us, Yuu-chan, but we won’t risk her life just to get some information from it. And by the way, does it help us to attack her in any way?”

Yuko smiled. “God knows. Maybe you were torturing her because she refused to say.”

The 3 girls laughed. Kaori replied, “Oh come on, only the Great Nakazawa Yuko can think of such things.”

“Thanks for your compliment. I can’t believe that you have such an agenda during our annual gathering. Guess only Nacchi and I are doing something proper and innocent.”

Kaori laughed. “I know Nacchi is genuinely trying to give everyone a good time here. But as for you, you are just messing the girls around!”

“No, I’m trying to help them.”

“Many girls’ innocence had been eroded by you! How long are you planning to keep this up?”

“As long as Morning Musume last. Those girls obviously like each other so I just offer them a rope and said, ‘Between the 2 of you, there’s no friendship but love. Tie yourselves up with something that is more lasting. Take it or leave it.’ It really works. See last year, I was pairing Eri with…who was it?”

Kei laughed. “Reina. The Great Nakazawa Matchmaker had too many cases that she couldn’t remember her clients.”

Kaori nodded in agreement. “This year she’s tying Junjun and Aika. Oh yes, I heard you telling Junjun all about it but have you told Aika?’

Yuko’s eyes widened. “Shit, I haven’t!” The 3 other girls in the room didn’t seem at all surprised by her answer.
December 6 (5.50pm)

In the living room, the Morning Musume girls, except the leader who was taking care of Miki gathered, as instructed by Yuko. As they had nothing to do before the older members arrived for the urgent meeting, they started speculating about the earlier incident. Risa started the ball rolling by asking, “Who do you think is the one behind the rope?”

Eri answered, “Will it be a stranger, maybe a big Otaku?”

“You mean someone from the outside?” Risa asked. Eri nodded. “It’s possible but that person must have pretty good knowledge of what’s going on in here or else that person will just pop in the middle of a meeting or something.”

Aika added, “I agree with Gaki-san. Even if it’s a stranger, someone in here must have helped. Or maybe the assaulter is among us.”

Sayumi gaped. “It must be! First she starts with putting the banana-”

Risa laughed. “Oh please, don’t mention about the banana. It’s too hilarious.” Sayumi pouted and started rambling about the pain she was suffering from.

“Eri, is your hand getting any better?” Aika asked. Eri nodded and waved to Aika with her injured hand which had the bandage around its wrist.

The doorbell rang. The girls looked at each other and they had the same thought. Was that the assaulter? It rang again. No one dared to move. Was that person planning to kill them all? It rang for the 3rd time. That person probably was impatient by now. They could hear footsteps rushing towards the door and Ai was shouting, “Give me a moment please!”

 :mon heh: Trust Rika?  :P 2nd mysterious... :lol:
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 03:12:56 AM by tito »

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

Offline zay05ohayou

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Re: F.Y.I. 04 - Soul mate~Stalemate
« Reply #28 on: May 28, 2008, 03:40:54 AM »
Eh.. Now im doubting if Rika actually did it.. But it still makes me think Charmikitty.. XD
Does Yossie really love Miki? The way she's acting i couldn't tell, either she does and is guilty of admitting it cause of Rika, or Rika is getting her to think of it otherwise..

Ishiyoshi~ DEF.DIVA~ GAM~ hANGRY&ANGRY <33

Offline Yukari

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Re: F.Y.I. 04 - Soul mate~Stalemate
« Reply #29 on: May 28, 2008, 03:50:29 AM »
The bad girl is Eri, because she likes Reina, so she get a revenge!!!!  :mon zoom:

i'm delirious  :mon scare:

i would like that yossie love miki, but i think it won't be like that  :mon cry:

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Re: F.Y.I. 04 - Soul mate~Stalemate
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2008, 04:24:38 AM »
The bad girl is Eri, because she likes Reina, so she get a revenge!!!!

i think yukari's right! maybe eri's also seeking for revenge :twisted:

Offline tito

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Re: F.Y.I. 04 - Soul mate~Stalemate
« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2008, 04:42:19 AM »
Eh.. Now im doubting if Rika actually did it.. But it still makes me think Charmikitty..
Does Yossie really love Miki? The way she's acting i couldn't tell, either she does and is guilty of admitting it cause of Rika, or Rika is getting her to think of it otherwise..

Yeah~You're thinking the way I want the readers to think :D I'm not going to say much about what Yossie thinks here because after all she is 'mysterious' :lol: I promise to reveal more in the next chaps   :k-wink:

The bad girl is Eri, because she likes Reina, so she get a revenge!!!!

i'm delirious 

i would like that yossie love miki, but i think it won't be like that

Guess I've given too many hints in here  XD Hmm, it won't be a she-is-the-mastermind-planning-it-all like in Gomattou but rather one thing leads to another. What I want to say is it's not the end yet (far from it)  :mon corn: (I'm getting hungry :lol: )

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: F.Y.I. 04 - Soul mate~Stalemate
« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2008, 04:49:39 AM »
Guess I've given too many hints in here  XD Hmm, it won't be a she-is-the-mastermind-planning-it-all like in Gomattou but rather one thing leads to another. What I want to say is it's not the end yet (far from it)  :mon corn: (I'm getting hungry :lol: )

i love F.Y.I, so i'm happy that the end is far away in the time :mon lovelaff:

so, i was right?? it's a miracle!!  :mon XD:

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Re: F.Y.I. 04 - Soul mate~Stalemate
« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2008, 06:36:27 AM »
Props to Aichan for having the good sense to secretly keep her phone for emergencies like this. :yep:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: F.Y.I. 04 - Soul mate~Stalemate
« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2008, 10:31:12 AM »
Yey,new chap. I hope you keep it up buddy, can't wait for the next.

 Ok, I know who did it and why. Its pretty obvious.. You left three clues. ANd its safe to say it was Eri, and she did it for Reina cause they are together.
 Now about ishiyoshi. It seems like RIka is purposely pushing Yoshi away. Yoshi keeps trying to reconcilliate but it is her that keeps pushing her away cause she thinks yoshi doesn't love her. But Yoshi keeps coming  back and saying she does. So why does she keep pushing her away? I know but you will have to wait and see. mwahahaha
 GJ, keep it up. I wonder if Miki will put the clues together. Also I want you to write what happened with the phone call. I wanna know what she told Aya and if the person at the door is her or the ambulance people.
 You're doing great kid. Keep it up.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: F.Y.I. 04 - Soul mate~Stalemate
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2008, 11:30:52 AM »
YAY! new chap~
cnt wait for the person on the door. :w00t:

Offline tito

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Re: F.Y.I.05 - Bridge
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2008, 02:17:37 AM »
@JFC: Actually I got the 'secretly kept phone' from your earlier comments. Thanks  :)
@sweeety: Yeah, wrote about the phone call.  :wub:
@ringo-hime: The person at the door is........*shan't spoil*  :P
Hope that I'm not posting too fast...


Chapter 5


December 6 (5.51pm)

“Miki, are you still asleep?” she asked as she neared the ever charming girl. The door to her room was left open and she was surprised that Miki was lying there alone.

Miki stirred and she murmured, “I love you…”

She flinched. Did she just say ‘I love you’? Probably she meant ‘I love you Aya’. “You’re so love-sick Miki even in a semi-conscious state,” she commented as she sat on the chair beside the bed.

“Aya,” Miki spoke rather weakly just as her eyes opened. It was clearly evident that she was disappointed at the identity of the person sitting beside her.

“You’re finally awake.” Miki didn’t reply. “How are you feeling?”

“A lot better, thanks Yossie.”

“You’re welcome.” The 2 girls fell into silence for sometime before Yossie asked, “So who do you think did this to you?”

“You,” Miki replied in a fragile voice.

Yossie laughed. “Oh come on!”

“It can’t be. With your strength, I would have been dead. Probably you get someone weaker to do it instead. Smart move.”

Yossie looked away from her and gazed at the sky which was already dark now. Winter was obviously coming. Yossie spoke softly, “Miki, I’m really sorry for what I’ve done. I’ve never wanted to seek revenge or anything because I reaped what I sowed. I can’t forgive myself. I was not a good friend at all. I’m sorry.”

For the first time since her graduation concert, she was moved by what Yossie said. Yossie had spoken with such sincerity and trueness that she felt like saying, “It’s fine. I forgive you for all that you’ve done.” Instead, she said with tears in her eyes, “I just feel quite cheated by what you have done.”

You ought to feel that way. “I’m sorry.”

“Let’s not talk about the past anymore. What’s up between Rika and you?”

Let’s not talk about the past? Miki, what do you mean by that? Have you forgiven me? A person like me has no right to seek forgiveness…How did you know something happened between Rika and me? Yossie scratched her head. “We had a…quarrel.”

“Lovers’ tiff?”

“No,” Yossie hesitated for a while before she said, “I slapped her.”

“You did?”

Yossie nodded. “She was being ridiculous and she thought that there was something between-”

“Miki-tan! Are you okay?” Aya rushed into the room and interrupted the conversation they had rather abruptly. Ai was following closely behind.

Miki smiled and tried to wave at Aya in her rather fragile state. “I’m fine, Ayachan. How did you get here? Yuko will never agree on you intruding a Morning Musume gathering.”

Ai answered, “I phoned Aya using my handphone.”

Miki laughed. “Oh I see, the current MM leader illegally kept her phone…”


“Ai, let’s get out of here. I think they need private time alone,” Yossie interrupted. As she left the room, she turned back and glanced at Miki for one last time before she closed the door. She smiled to herself. You seem so much happier with Aya around you. I’m glad that you’re ok, Miki. Among the H!P members, I feel most comfortable talking to you. You seem to know everything but you never say more than necessary to show off your knowledge. Can we ever be friends again?

After they left the room, despite her weariness, Miki tried to speak in her chirpiest voice, “Aya-chan! I miss you so much!”

Aya held her hands in hers and replied, “I miss you too, Miki-tan. Oh gosh, who did this to you? Are you sure you are fine?”

Miki laughed. “I’m still alive and kicking. I’ve a feeling I know who the culprit is but I’m too tired now to confront that person.”

“I think you should rest. I’ll keep you company here. Sleep tight.”

Miki closed her eyes as instructed by Aya. As saying went, “It was always darkest before dawn.” To Miki, Aya was the dawn. She regarded the gathering up till now and the incident that almost killed her to be the darkest period. It seemed too good to be true that Aya was beside her now. It seemed more like a dream than reality. Miki murmured, “Aya-chan, am I dreaming?”

“No, you aren’t,” Aya spoke reassuringly.

“Aya-chan, I love you.”

“Miki-tan, I love you.” Aya kissed Miki on her forehead.

“Aya-chan, before I lost conscious earlier, I saw an image of you telling me to hang in there.”

Aya laughed. “What does that mean?”

“It shows that you’re an angel.” Aya didn’t reply as she was at a loss for words. Pick-up lines weren’t her forte. Silence descended upon them for some time before Miki asked the sensitive question, “What have you done with the letter?”

“I did nothing. I will do anything that you want me to do with it,” Aya replied.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, anyway Tsunku sent you a similar letter regarding Reina.”

“Did you throw it away?”

“Nope, it’s your decision after all.” Miki nodded. Silence fell between them once again. Aya gazed through the window at the dark sky with a bright star hanging there. To Aya, Miki was the bright star in her life and everything else could be regarded as the less important darkness. Miki lighted up all aspects of her life and gave her meaning in her career as well as life. She thought about how she flagged a taxi and told the driver that she would pay him twice the cab fare if he could reach there in less than half an hour after she received Ai’s phone call. Indeed, he was a fast and reckless driver and he only took 18 minutes. It was dangerous and it might have cost her life but she didn’t care. Ai made it sound as though it would be the last chance for her to see Miki…


“Ai-chan, what’s up?”

“Miki was strangled and she’s now calling for you in a semi-conscious state. I tried talking to her but it was to no avail. She keeps on calling you and…she is very weak. She is saying  things like, ‘Forgive me Aya’ and she-”

“Okay, I’ll be there in a moment time.”

“Do you have the address-”Aya had already hung up.

“I was never angry at you to start with, Miki-tan,” Aya spoke softly with tears welling up in her eyes. There was no response. “Miki-tan?” Aya quickly placed her fingers beneath Miki’s nose. She’s still breathing…She gazed at the sleeping girl and smiled. Although this was the same girl whom she befriended with years ago, she seemed so much different now both physically and mentally. Physically, she seemed more weathered and she seemed far more exhausted than before. Mentally, she had been tortured all these while by Aya herself and those pain and agony had made her a different girl. I love you no matter who you become and what happen between us in the future. I’ll not make you suffer anymore. I promise. Let’s cross the bridge of life hand in hand together.


December 6 (5.58pm)

Ai and Yossie made their way back to the living room in silence. Ai didn’t know what to say and Yossie didn’t want to speak as she tried to memorize every single line that Miki and her exchanged earlier. In the past, she wouldn’t have done this but now it was different. To be able to talk to Miki seemed a big thing to her now. “Hi! We’re back!” Ai announced as she stepped into the room. Yossie could sense that Ai was so much more at ease with the current MM members than with her. It made logical sense as she was a criminal. Even though it was part of history already, she still regarded herself as a criminal as she couldn’t forgive herself. She couldn’t quite cross the bridge that linked her past and present and she needed some help. But no one seemed to want to help her. No one.

“Ai-chan! You should have told us you phoned Aya. We were so frightened when the doorbell rang. We thought it was the assaulter,” Kusumi spoke.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know what you girls were thinking of,” Ai apologized.

Yossie thought, “If Miki is the leader, she will ask Kusumi to shut up and leave MM if she’s scared. I don’t even think Kusumi will dare to say such things right into her face. Oh well, maybe she’ll make a fierce and horrible leader and terrify the younger girls…why am I trying to convince myself that what I did was just? No matter what, it doesn’t give me a right to do that. Not to a friend.”

Ai walked towards Eri and asked out of concern, “How is your hand? Why are you so clumsy?”

Eri smiled and replied, “It’s getting better but it’s still quite painful. I’m sorry that I’ve made everyone worry for me.” I know the girls are nice people but they are just asking for the sake of asking. If you are here, you’ll make sure that I don’t even get a chance to lift my hand. You’ll talk about everything and make me laugh so much that I can forget about the physical pain. How’re you? I believe that you will agree with what I’ve done for you. She’s a witch! She ought to be killed…the pain that I feel on my wrist is incomparable with the pain that I’m suffering from in my heart. I’m alone even though there are so many people around me. I’m alone because you are not here.

Aika whined, “When are the seniors coming?”

Risa replied, “I don’t know. I don’t think anyone knows.”

Junjun gazed blankly at the girl in front of her. A couple of hours ago, I was able to converse normally with you but now, I can’t even find a starter. You suddenly seem so much prettier than before. Yuko-sama is right, friends don’t stare at each other. What do you think of me? Do you like me with the same intensity? How will you feel towards me if you know that I like you? I want some form of fairy-tale like the one between Rika and Yossie to exist between us. I want to you to share your sorrow and happiness with me. I know you’re younger than me in terms of age but I’m never so comfortable with someone before…is this love?

The door swung open and Yuko, Kaori, Kei and Mari entered the room.
I wonder what you guys think of this chapter  :roll: Quite curious to know: where do you think this story is heading to?  :pandaaa:
« Last Edit: May 29, 2008, 02:39:23 PM by tito »

'Separation is the beginning of a meeting. Fear not of it.'

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Re: F.Y.I.05 - Bridge
« Reply #37 on: May 29, 2008, 03:58:01 AM »
OMG. so it was ERI.. XD..poor Reina..LOL.
Ohh..Junjun... :D

YAY! it was AYA.. :muffin:...

and omg. poor rika..since she didnt do it..

WELL,, i'll still cheer for KAMEI!..mwahah..go KAMEI~ :cow:

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Re: F.Y.I.05 - Bridge
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2008, 04:59:46 AM »

so aya interrumped miki and yossy, no~~  :fainted:

eri is madly in love, that's interesting  :hehehe:

and... junjun, just lovely  :luvluv1:

waiting next chapter

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Re: F.Y.I.05 - Bridge
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2008, 05:00:43 AM »





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