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Author Topic: Runaway from the Past  (Read 318185 times)

Offline JFC

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #660 on: July 31, 2008, 09:00:35 AM »
Now we get to see the scheming start. :yep:

The rapport Hitomi exuded to them convinced Mayumi that this can't be the guy who socked Baldo. She didn't know how Rika bagged this one but what matters now is to prevent herself from groping at this handsome fellow here and plot on how to get Rika back.
Oh PLEASE say that May's not going to find out that Yossi's not a dude until the end of the story (hopefully, as in, when she gets arrested and they haul her ass to jail). The shock on her face would be PRICELESS! XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline tru_harmony

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #661 on: July 31, 2008, 01:35:39 PM »
Ah I wish I had a Yossi :mon cute:
me too... that makes me wonder... does she write theses? hmm... yossui, can you write my thesis for me?

Oh PLEASE say that May's not going to find out that Yossi's not a dude until the end of the story (hopefully, as in, when she gets arrested and they haul her ass to jail). The shock on her face would be PRICELESS! XD
... okay... May's not going to find out that Yossi's not a dude until the end... the question is... which end? XD

right now, my academic brain is dead... so i can't do nothing for my damn thesis...

also, if you've read my frustration rant at the frustration thread, you would've been informed that THERE WILL BE NO UPDATES FROM FRIDAY UNTIL SUNDAY... :( ...  :cry: ...

as much as i want to wait for the others to comment on the previous update before writing a new one, the circumstances and my urge to write before i get thrown to the dumpsite, require me to write now... comments for the previous update are still welcome after this update... ... ...

i just want you all to know that this fic, IshiYoshi, this forum and all you lovely people are some of the things that keep me going... as shallow as this may sound to some people, my life outside this forums is very limited... i've devoted myself to this fic and honestly, as awful as this fic may seem to some people, this is one of the few things left in the world that give me a feeling of fulfillment... your comments and the view count encourage me to live on and hope despite all the frimming wrong things going on in my non-existent life... i am very grateful for your support and appreciation of this word salad entitled Runaway from the Past... I love you all very much even if I don't know you personally... this forum is home, this thread my room... and all of you are welcome here to enjoy yourselves and rest...


Rika was still trembling when they reached the car. It seems she had prepared herself to see Mayumi but not Dan. She was silent. She kept her eyes on the ground. She seemed lost in her own world as if all existence ceased.

"Ka-chan..." Hitomi opened the passenger door of the BMW Z4 but Rika would not step in. Hitomi took the bouquets from Rika's hands and loaded them in the car. Rika did not react-- her tears would not stop falling and she made no effort to wipe them away.

Hitomi embraced her but Rika pulled away. She didn't want to be touched. The trauma resurfaced. The memories she had repressed were coming back to her conscious. She sobbed as she pushed Hitomi away.

"Ka-chan... It's me!" Hitomi persisted and wrapped her arms around Rika despite the latter's protests. "It's me. To-chan..."

But Rika continued to struggle against the embrace. "Wag po...Tito... please!" (Tito, please don't!)

Hitomi only held Rika tighter and closer to herself. "Ka-chan... ... Mahal kita..."

Rika went limp in Hitomi's arms, after realizing what she was doing. "Gomen~..."

Hitomi leaned closer and gently kissed Rika on the lips. "No... I AM sorry... I wasn't able to protect you... from your fears..."

"Let's go home?" Hitomi reached into her pocket, took out a white handkerchief and handed the item to Rika.

Rika wiped the tears away with the handkerchief as she gave Hitomi a nod.


The drive home was smoother than expected. It just took them an hour and fifteen minutes to get home.

In the lift in the condo building, Hitomi took the handkerchief from Rika and folded it into a blindfold. "You okay?"

"Hm... more or less...' Rika weakly replied.

"... Ka~chan~... I still have my surprise for you..." Hitomi spun Rika around and placed the blindfold over her eyes. "You're gonna like it... I promise... So... smile for me..."

Finally, for the first time since leaving the hospital. Rika smiled.

The lift arrived at its destination, its doors opening after the soft toll of the bell. Hitomi led Rika home.

Hitomi was excited. She just remembered the occasion this morning so surprise was just formulated and executed this morning. She quickly opened the door to their home and let Rika in.

"Can I take the blindfold off now, To-chan?"

"No... not yet. Hold on... let me get those sandals off of you..." Hitomi knelt down and removed the sandals from Rika's feet. After getting her own shoes off, she led Rika into the living room.

"Are we there yet?" Rika could only hear the switching on of the lights. By feeling the carpet under her feet, she was sure she was in their living room.

"Almost..." Hitomi placed one hand over the blindfolded pair of eyes and loosened the knot with the other. "Okay..." Hitomi released the blindfold and slowly removed her hand from Rika's eyes.

Rika found herself in the middle of the room, surrounded by innumerable dandelions.

Hitomi hugged her from behind. "Just in case you didn't know, you've been staying here for a month already... This is my gift to you..."

Rika felt giddy. The bouquet was already something in itself but this... this was over the top. "To-chan... don't tell me all these came--"

"--from home..." Hitomi kissed Rika's ear.

"This is too much..."

"You feel better now?"

Rika nodded, a bit embarrassed.

"I'm glad... Ayumi helped me get all the flowers here... She even got us dinner..." Hitomi pointed at the table.

"Where is she?"

"She left when we arrived..."

"Why did you let her leave?"

"Hey, don't look at me. She just stepped out while I was taking off your sandals... Ask her yourself tomorrow after the meeting..."

"I'm excited to see Ken and Seito again..."

"I'm sure, they're as excited as you..."

"... You're all so good to me..." Rika turned around and pulled down Hitomi by the collar of her blouse and kissed her.  "You're such an amazing person..."

"I'm an amazing person? ... I don't know about that... but I know I am a hungry person right now..."

"Food again?"

"Food is important, Ka-chan..."

"But isn't it a bit too important to you?"

"What are you talking about? Food can never be too important..." Hitomi dragged Rika to the table.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHARMY PREVAILS!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #662 on: July 31, 2008, 06:41:20 PM »
Damn, missed an update!
Ooooh, Joseph got Rika when he asked about the bodyguard. She's kind of a crappy liar, but I guess because she doesn't want to have to lie in the first place. And Yossy's being hella competitive! :lol: Oshit, Mayumi and Dan..... :doh: They know what they're doing to her and are torturing her silently. Grrrrr :angry:
Poor Rika, she's just thinking of all the bad stuff. It came up when Dan came and.... :cry: At least Yossy can fix her. The flowers.... :wub: How freakin romantic is that!? Can't wait to hear about the video conference! :D

Offline hotohori

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #663 on: July 31, 2008, 11:38:43 PM »
wow ur fic. is really cooool , i like how it developed
...please keep it up  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

yossie =  :luvluv1: :wriggly: :nya:
rika =  :shy1: :shy2:

me =  :mon angel:

waiting for the next chapter  :prayers:

Offline tru_harmony

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #664 on: August 01, 2008, 01:22:45 AM »
And Yossy's being hella competitive! :lol:
that's very mannish of her... :lol:

The flowers.... :wub: How freakin romantic is that!? Can't wait to hear about the video conference! :D
Perfect timing too...

wow ur fic. is really cooool , i like how it developed
...please keep it up  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

me =  :mon angel:
waiting for the next chapter  :prayers:
wow... thanks... :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: ... i'm glad you like it...
don't be going to heaven on me yet... this fic still has a long way to go...
please be patient... i won't be home for the weekend and i project that i won't have access to a computer so no updates until monday... so no updates till then...

I'm torn whether I should write a pistol shot update before I get thrown into the city dumpsite or not... hmmm...
Apologies to those who missed commenting on the previous updates... time is scarce for me... you can comment all you want over the weekend... :lol: ... I'll miss you guys...

no update now... aww... CHARMY PREVAILS!!!!

Offline JFC

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #665 on: August 01, 2008, 05:31:29 AM »
Know what? That actually works pretty well for me. I'm gonna be gone until Tuesday, so at least this way I'll only have 2 days of updates to catch up on from you instead of 5 days. :lol:

Rika was still trembling when they reached the car. It seems she had prepared herself to see Mayumi but not Dan. She was silent. She kept her eyes on the ground. She seemed lost in her own world as if all existence ceased.
Considering what Dan tried to do to her, it's not surprising that she'd have a hard time dealing with suddenly seeming him. Right now I'm impressed that Yossi didn't pound his face in right there in the hospital (it would have saved him a trip, lulz).

I still have my surprise for you..."


Rika found herself in the middle of the room, surrounded by innumerable dandelions.


"To-chan... don't tell me all these came--"

"--from home..." Hitomi kissed Rika's ear.
Well, when you think about it, it would have been a MUCH better deal (and probably easier too), to get a whole whack of flowers shipped compared to just one bouquet. :P

Still pretty amazing though that she was able to do it. :yep:

Ayumi helped me get all the flowers here... She even got us dinner..." Hitomi pointed at the table.

"Where is she?"

"She left when we arrived..."

"Why did you let her leave?"
Hello? Romantic time alone?

Shiba-chan's pretty damn cool here too. :D


"Food again?"

"Food is important, Ka-chan..."

"But isn't it a bit too important to you?"

"What are you talking about? Food can never be too important..." Hitomi dragged Rika to the table.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline sweeety

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #666 on: August 01, 2008, 02:09:56 PM »
now conserve water to clean off those tears! This sucks! Cause Rika was gonna finally do it with Yoshi but now the trauma has resurfaced and she probably wont let her touch her! MAaaan! This really really sucks!

 anyway, I had this reeeeeeeally long response before you posted this chapter... in fact it was longer than JFCenedy's coment. But I smell foulplay and deceit since I left my computer alone for a minute and it restarted.. so I got angry and didn't post again for a while..... sorry :(

 anyway, I hope you post again soon, I really like this fic and can't wait for the next chapter. And love the mushyness and fluff. I like how they're really close and cuddly and kissy now.

 also, I came up wit a nickname for Chiisato okai okay? I dunno if it's unprecedented but here it is : Chiky! oooh ya! Like it?

 Mahal Kita TruHarmony. I will enjoy tomorow... and not just the story tomorow.. the real actual reality tomorow. anyway, goodnight babe, mwah~
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline kRisZ

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #667 on: August 01, 2008, 02:57:53 PM »
ice cream for breakfast.?.  :mon dunno:

Code: [Select]
Eula sighed heavily, it was obvious that she was disappointed with Rika. "Hindi naman kita mapapakialaman sa desisyon mong yan... Pero alam kong alam mo na hindi tama yang relasyon nyo...Kasalanan yang ginagawa mo... " (I know don't have a say in that  decision of yours... But you know that your relationship with her is wrong... You're commiting a sin...)

so Pinoy  :yep:

Hitomi immediately noticed the flowers on the table. From the looks of the flowers, Hitomi felt that someone's heart was breaking right now. She grinned. Another guy's heart broken, courtesy of Yoshizawa Hitomi.

damn  :lol:

Joseph wished a piano would just fall from the ceiling and crush him to death. Seeing Rika all sweet and lovey-dovey with this girl is killing him. Dapat ako yan! (That should've been me!)

poor guy  XD

Then and there, Joseph started mentally digging his own grave.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

Joseph noticed the uneasainess in Rika's actions and the side glance Hitomi gave him. Although he didn't understand what was going on, he decided to go along whatever the two were doing. It seemed that Rika needed his help.

good job Jo  :yep:

Hitomi embraced her but Rika pulled away. She didn't want to be touched. The trauma resurfaced. The memories she had repressed were coming back to her conscious. She sobbed as she pushed Hitomi away.

"Ka-chan... It's me!" Hitomi persisted and wrapped her arms around Rika despite the latter's protests. "It's me. To-chan..."

But Rika continued to struggle against the embrace. "Wag po...Tito... please!" (Tito, please don't!)

Hitomi only held Rika tighter and closer to herself. "Ka-chan... ... Mahal kita..."

Rika went limp in Hitomi's arms, after realizing what she was doing. "Gomen~..."


Rika found herself in the middle of the room, surrounded by innumerable dandelions.

awww suweeeeeeett   :mon trannie:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHARMY PREVAILS!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

can I say... indeed  :otomerika:

i just want you all to know that this fic, IshiYoshi, this forum and all you lovely people are some of the things that keep me going... as shallow as this may sound to some people, my life outside this forums is very limited... i've devoted myself to this fic and honestly, as awful as this fic may seem to some people, this is one of the few things left in the world that give me a feeling of fulfillment... your comments and the view count encourage me to live on and hope despite all the frimming wrong things going on in my non-existent life... i am very grateful for your support and appreciation of this word salad entitled Runaway from the Past... I love you all very much even if I don't know you personally... this forum is home, this thread my room... and all of you are welcome here to enjoy yourselves and rest...

This is where I go whenever I'm stressed out... thank you  :)

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #668 on: August 03, 2008, 12:53:28 PM »
Joseph closed his eyes. "Kung hindi kayo kayo, hindi mo na kakailanganin ng bantay... Pinapahamak mo lang yung sarili mo e..." (If you aren't together, you wouldn't need a bodyguard... You're just putting yourself in danger...)
As much as I don't like the kid... he has a good point there... It was a bad lie Rika :P

She carefully placed the basket on the table. "These are for your Tita and whoever's gonna stay here for tonight... and Jr in case he wakes up... Dole was nice enough to have one basket sent here every other day..." She walked slowly to Rika who was glued to her chair, her jaw dropped. "~white Japanese dandelions, for you~... carefully picked this morning and shipped directly from home~"
Oh gosh... How incredibly sweet! :wub:

"A... oo nga naman... 09176649311..." (A... right... #)
*rings number*
Damn, Joseph didn't pick up... I couldn't tell him to bugger off :(

Tears slowly formed in her eyes. Nothing can be a worse than this. They were adding insult to injury and they should know it.
Oh god! This is a good test for IshiYoshi though... F*cking arsehole... I really hate that dirty bastard man! :mon headbang:

Hitomi squeezed Rika's hand. The gesture caused Rika to look at Hitomi just as the prince mouthed words that gave Rika the strength to just get through this: "I love you."
Awww... At least Yossy knows the right things to say, even if it isn't quite enough  :heart:

"Rika, iha... Kami muna rerelyebo sayo dito... Hindi pwede si Eula ngayon e, overtime sa trabaho... E wala naman kaming gagawin nitong si Dan... Pwede na kayong umuwi muna..." (Rika, dear... We're going to be your substitutes here... Eula can't make it... overtime at work... Dan and I don't have anything to do anyway... So you can go home now...)
Don't call her dear!!!  :mon fire:

As soon as the door closed, and Mayumi was surely out of sight, Rika cried. Hitomi simply embraced her, assisted her as they walked back to her car and whispered to Rika repetetively. "Don't be afraid... I'm here and I love you..."
Poor Rika... It's a reminder that you can't runaway from the past completely, nor does it just disappear when the sunsets like you hoped!  :mon cry:

i just want you all to know that this fic, IshiYoshi, this forum and all you lovely people are some of the things that keep me going... as shallow as this may sound to some people, my life outside this forums is very limited... i've devoted myself to this fic and honestly, as awful as this fic may seem to some people, this is one of the few things left in the world that give me a feeling of fulfillment... your comments and the view count encourage me to live on and hope despite all the frimming wrong things going on in my non-existent life... i am very grateful for your support and appreciation of this word salad entitled Runaway from the Past... I love you all very much even if I don't know you personally... this forum is home, this thread my room... and all of you are welcome here to enjoy yourselves and rest...
Awww darling... We all love you  :gmon heartu: Whether it sounds shallow to some or not, having a place to escape like this is for you, is incredibly important and I'm glad we can encourage you to keep going with this... I love coming every day to check if there is an update, and even if there isn't, I enjoy seeing what others think of what is going on for our IshiYoshi... You made me a big IshiYoshi fan too (YoMiki still win in my eyes though :P) and I know that would make you happy to hear so thank you~!
Thank you for all the energy and time you put into this place, not just this thread and fic, but the whole forum... When you're feeling down and need a warm hug, just come right here and we'll all embrace you with open arms till your smiling again, well I know I would anyway... I may not be Rika but at least I give good cuddles ;)  :gmon love2: :gmon heartu: :wub: :heart:

Hitomi embraced her but Rika pulled away. She didn't want to be touched. The trauma resurfaced. The memories she had repressed were coming back to her conscious. She sobbed as she pushed Hitomi away.

"Ka-chan... It's me!" Hitomi persisted and wrapped her arms around Rika despite the latter's protests. "It's me. To-chan..."

But Rika continued to struggle against the embrace. "Wag po...Tito... please!" (Tito, please don't!)

Hitomi only held Rika tighter and closer to herself. "Ka-chan... ... Mahal kita..."

Rika went limp in Hitomi's arms, after realizing what she was doing. "Gomen~..."
NOOOOOOO!!! Made me all teary eyed :cry: Don't take a step back Rika, you need Yossy to look to the future with you... There is no way you could get through this alone, let your Prince Charming guide you by the hand... I hope there isn't too many of these moments when Rika gets lost in her past and mistakes Yossy... Could you imagine how much that would rip Yocchan's heart apart with guilt if they were conserving water and that happened  :mon runcry:

Finally, for the first time since leaving the hospital. Rika smiled.
Now that's the Yoshizawa effect :w00t:

Rika found herself in the middle of the room, surrounded by innumerable dandelions.

Hitomi hugged her from behind. "Just in case you didn't know, you've been staying here for a month already... This is my gift to you..."

Rika felt giddy. The bouquet was already something in itself but this... this was over the top. "To-chan... don't tell me all these came--"

"--from home..." Hitomi kissed Rika's ear.
OH... MY... GOD!!! How gorgeously romantic can one person be  :mon lovelaff: :mon inluv: :wriggly: And such perfect timing too... the one day Rika could really use something like this to take her mind off things, gosh, she must feel like she is in heaven when with Yossy and only her :mon angel: She totally deserves it though! :heart:

"... You're all so good to me..." Rika turned around and pulled down Hitomi by the collar of her blouse and kissed her.  "You're such an amazing person..."
Ohhh, sexy dominant Rika... sooo hot!  :drool: She should do that more often, make Yossy weak at the knees... Maybe she should do that when they go to bed tonight, nothing below the chest of course... Don't wanna freak her out too much  :pimp: Or a really really nice relaxing back/shoulder massage... Oh yes, Yossy do that!!! :inlove: :otomerika:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHARMY PREVAILS!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Oh this is what Yossy should do to that scumbag who doesn't even deserve to be mentioned by name:  :mon slapself: and then castrate him! :twisted: I wanna see blood dammit... BLOOOOOOOOD!  :mon evil:

I told ya, I'd give you a big juicy comment  :gmon twirl: :gmon sing: :gmon sweet:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #669 on: August 03, 2008, 09:58:31 PM »
Know what? That actually works pretty well for me. I'm gonna be gone until Tuesday, so at least this way I'll only have 2 days of updates to catch up on from you instead of 5 days. :lol:

Considering what Dan tried to do to her, it's not surprising that she'd have a hard time dealing with suddenly seeming him. Right now I'm impressed that Yossi didn't pound his face in right there in the hospital (it would have saved him a trip, lulz).
face pounding will come later... :lol:

Well, when you think about it, it would have been a MUCH better deal (and probably easier too), to get a whole whack of flowers shipped compared to just one bouquet. :P

Still pretty amazing though that she was able to do it. :yep:
... yossui, good businessman... amazing lover... :yep:

Hello? Romantic time alone?

Shiba-chan's pretty damn cool here too. :D
both points :yep:

food :lol:

now conserve water to clean off those tears! This sucks! Cause Rika was gonna finally do it with Yoshi but now the trauma has resurfaced and she probably wont let her touch her! MAaaan! This really really sucks!
... hmm... we'll see... (i think you get the most "we'll see's" from me... :lol:)

anyway, I had this reeeeeeeally long response before you posted this chapter... in fact it was longer than JFCenedy's coment. But I smell foulplay and deceit since I left my computer alone for a minute and it restarted.. so I got angry and didn't post again for a while..... sorry :(
is there no hope of you posting at least half of that zooper long (longer than JFC's) comment? i'm really curious about what you wrote there...

also, I came up wit a nickname for Chiisato okai okay? I dunno if it's unprecedented but here it is : Chiky! oooh ya! Like it?
pretty good... hmm... at first, sounds a bit awkward but i think it does fit just fine...

Mahal Kita TruHarmony. I will enjoy tomorow... and not just the story tomorow.. the real actual reality tomorow. anyway, goodnight babe, mwah~
mahal din kita, sweeety!

so Pinoy  :yep:
and so frimmin' annoying...

awww suweeeeeeett   :mon trannie:
i love getting this comment...

can I say... indeed  :otomerika:
the basis of the IshiYoshi tru+h

This is where I go whenever I'm stressed out... thank you  :)
thank YOU... :)

Oh gosh... How incredibly sweet! :wub:
and totally over the top expensive

*rings number*
Damn, Joseph didn't pick up... I couldn't tell him to bugger off :(

Oh god! This is a good test for IshiYoshi though... F*cking arsehole... I really hate that dirty bastard man! :mon headbang:
they're frimmin' screwing with Rika's mind...

Awww... At least Yossy knows the right things to say, even if it isn't quite enough  :heart:

Poor Rika... It's a reminder that you can't runaway from the past completely, nor does it just disappear when the sunsets like you hoped!  :mon cry:
hopefully, yossui can help her cope...

Awww darling... We all love you  :gmon heartu: Whether it sounds shallow to some or not, having a place to escape like this is for you, is incredibly important and I'm glad we can encourage you to keep going with this... I love coming every day to check if there is an update, and even if there isn't, I enjoy seeing what others think of what is going on for our IshiYoshi... You made me a big IshiYoshi fan too (YoMiki still win in my eyes though :P) and I know that would make you happy to hear so thank you~!
Thank you for all the energy and time you put into this place, not just this thread and fic, but the whole forum... When you're feeling down and need a warm hug, just come right here and we'll all embrace you with open arms till your smiling again, well I know I would anyway... I may not be Rika but at least I give good cuddles ;)  :gmon love2: :gmon heartu: :wub: :heart:
* tru hugs lollipopgirl
I love you... I love this forum!!!!

NOOOOOOO!!! Made me all teary eyed :cry: Don't take a step back Rika, you need Yossy to look to the future with you... There is no way you could get through this alone, let your Prince Charming guide you by the hand... I hope there isn't too many of these moments when Rika gets lost in her past and mistakes Yossy... Could you imagine how much that would rip Yocchan's heart apart with guilt if they were conserving water and that happened  :mon runcry:
but i think, even if Rika does that while conserving water, Yossui would understand... hmm...

OH... MY... GOD!!! How gorgeously romantic can one person be  :mon lovelaff: :mon inluv: :wriggly: And such perfect timing too... the one day Rika could really use something like this to take her mind off things, gosh, she must feel like she is in heaven when with Yossy and only her :mon angel: She totally deserves it though! :heart:
YEAH!!! :wub:

Ohhh, sexy dominant Rika... sooo hot!  :drool: She should do that more often, make Yossy weak at the knees... Maybe she should do that when they go to bed tonight, nothing below the chest of course... Don't wanna freak her out too much  :pimp: Or a really really nice relaxing back/shoulder massage... Oh yes, Yossy do that!!! :inlove: :otomerika:
while at the citydump, i thought about IshiYoshi conserving water a lot... hmm... should they? hmm...


I told ya, I'd give you a big juicy comment  :gmon twirl: :gmon sing: :gmon sweet:
thanks, girl!

@everyone: thanks for the reads... my life is still a mess but i'm happy you guys are still reading on...

my brain no longer exists... it was successfully melted by the fumes from the dumpsite... super short update, my lame attempt to find a new brain... apologies for the briefest moment of insanity in RFP universe...


Rika ate the meal heartilly. Hitomi restrained herself from eating more than her alloted half. This night was for Rika. Ayumi sure did a lot to make this happen. She picked everything carefully (after demanding a raise for her services) to make sure everything was perfect. She even arranged some of the flowers herself.

After the meal came the mundane task of cleaning up. Rika was already up and about stacking the plates when Hitomi stopped her. "Ka-chan... no."

"We can't just leave these here..."

"I'll clean this up..."

"You'll just put it in the dishwasher..."


"That's not as clean as washing things by hand..."

"Well, my girlfriend deserves my full attention right now... the plates are not my girlfriend..."

"... well... I can wash the dishes and you give me your full attention."

"... No." Hitomi walked over to Rika's side of the table and carried Rika to the couch in the living room.

"To-chan! I can walk, you know?"

"But with that stubborness of yours, I don't think you'll be walking to where I want you to be..."

Rika pouted at Hitomi as her arms encircled the prince's neck.

"Hah. I win!" Hitomi gently laid her down on the couch. "You will wait for me here. Just enjoy the flowers for now..." Hitomi kissed her on the forehead before returning to the kitchen to leave the dishes in the care of their handy-dandy dishwasher.

Rika looked at the dandelions surrounding her. They were really beautiful. Ayumi really knew her. She remembered those little things that made Rika happy. Rika dared not to touch any of the flowers. They were too beautiful. They might lose their beauty under her hand. This specie of dandelions was Rika's favorite. She and her sisters used to plant these in their garden and make garlands and bouquets from the blossoms. Dandelions were the first plants Rika ever planted. And the first time the flowers of her plant bloomed, her sisters baked her a cake.

Rika looked down at her phone. After a second's thought, Rika dialled Ayumi's number.

"Hey, Shichan... Thanks for the flowers... ... they're lovely... yeah... she's in the kitchen... ... ... ... um... ... I think I need some quick advice from you..."


"Ka~chan~" Hitomi made a grand entrance to the living room where she found Rika putting her cellphone on the coffee table. "I'm here~!" Hitomi leaned down to the princess, lying on the couch, planting a blithe kiss on her lips.

"Mm, To-chan... you're done?" Rika got up to free some space on the couch for Hitomi and sat in the traditional kneeling position, just for kicks.

Hitomi quickly took the seat beside Rika. "Yeah..."

"I called Ayumi to thank her for the flowers..."

"Aren't you going to thank me?"

"... hmm... maybe..."

"You've already thanked Ayumi but you're still thinking IF you should thank me? That's unfair!" Hitomi turned her back  with her arms crossed.

"To~chan~ ... don't be like that..." Rika embraced Hitomi tightly from behind. She froze at feeling Rika's breasts pressed on to her back.

Hitomi closed her eyes trying to calm herself down. Shivers went up her spine and her heart was beating wildly. Does she even know what she's doing to me right now? "Ka-chan..." As much as Hitomi enjoyed having Rika close to her like this, this was becoming a bit too awkward.

Silence followed.

Suddenly Hitomi felt her blouse getting wet. She looked over her shoulder but Rika hid her face by looking the other way.

"Ka-chan... Are you crying?" She tried turning around to face Rika but she would not let go of the very, very, very tight hug. Hitomi was surprised at what Rika whispered after kissing her ear.

"To-chan... make me forget... ... about him..."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHARMY PREVAILS!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 10:05:29 PM by tru_harmony »

Offline hotohori

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #670 on: August 03, 2008, 10:57:06 PM »
Aaaaah !!!  XD XD XD XD XD 
Do you have to stop this chapter like this  :OMG: :farofflook: :frustrated:  :ding: :shifty:
Anyway... :hee:

Yossie =  :hip aww: :luvluv2:

Rika =  :shy1: :shy2: :nya:

Shiba-chan =  :glasses:   :hehehe:

Waiting for the next chapter   :luvluv1:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #671 on: August 04, 2008, 01:46:55 AM »
Wow, if Yossy is willing to limit food to herself for Rika, then damn. Rika is definitely something special to her. Yossy's such a prince.... :mon dance: I wonder what she was asking Shiba-chan about? Oh, and Shiba-chan totally deserves that raise for doing all of this!
She froze at feeling Rika's breasts pressed on to her back.
:mon bleed2:
"To-chan... make me forget... ... about him..."
:gmon shy: :gmon tears:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #672 on: August 04, 2008, 03:19:09 AM »
dont tell me the next update is what i've been waiting for
gotta pray now

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #673 on: August 04, 2008, 06:51:05 AM »
"To-chan... make me forget... ... about him..."

WOAH!! :w00t: Is this what we all think it is? Has Rika had a sudden change in heart? If so I wonder if this is the best way to deal with it ( :yep:) Can't wait to find out.

By the way your brain still seems in wonderful working condition to me! :mon loveflower: :heart: :heart:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #674 on: August 04, 2008, 08:20:20 AM »
@hotohori: you have a very emoticonotional comment... thanks...  :stuffed: ... i actually eat comments :on lol:

* tru fetches bucket for SB3K's blood
:on lol:

@firemore: what are you waiting for anyway?

@CrypticShadow8: ... hmm... anyway, if you think my brain's working fine right now, i'll take your word for it...

no update today, I'm waiting for some more people to come home from long trips and what not... :lol:
if you want something to happen, now's the best time to negotiate with me and attempt to convince me... as if it will change anything... :lol: if you think a perv is coming soon, now's the best time to try to get access to the Perv if you haven't gained access yet... :lol: ...

but really, right now, i'm sitting under a waterfall contemplating on Rika and where this insane relationship is heading... hmm... :lol:

one choice is going to bear very heavily on the story later on... :lol: ... maybe not... XD

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHARMY PREVAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 08:40:21 PM by tru_harmony »

Offline gloopip

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #675 on: August 04, 2008, 12:48:39 PM »
:mon fyeah: WELCOME BACK TRU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mon fyeah:

i missed your updates (even if its just 3 days)

"To-chan... make me forget... ... about him..."

WOAH!! :w00t: Is this what we all think it is? Has Rika had a sudden change in heart? If so I wonder if this is the best way to deal with it ( :yep:) Can't wait to find out.

By the way your brain still seems in wonderful working condition to me! :mon loveflower: :heart: :heart:
we're all thinking the same thing :yep: :twisted:

anyway a small gift for ya tru!
my index finger got injured earlier so i'm pretty rusty right now :sweatdrop:


if you want something to happen, now's the best time to negotiate with me and attempt to convince me
7  1444 sets = make our thoughts come true! how 'bout that?  :bingo:

if you think a perv is coming soon, now's the best time to try to get access to the Perv if you haven't gained access yet
so i need to wait for three years to read that chap?!
:fainted: :gyaaah: :err:

« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 12:52:18 PM by gloopip »

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #676 on: August 04, 2008, 07:55:30 PM »
^ when there is a perv chapter, we'll just have to ask tru really nicely to post it on her blog or renai_rev too so that you and strawb3rrykream and any other youngens can read it ;)

now to the chapter... LOVED having the IshiYoshi rabu rabu back :D Yossy's entrance into the room was sooo her, I even told my mother about that part coz I knew she would love it being the Yossy fangirl that she is :P
BUT... Rika nooooooooooooooooooooo! Not like this :cry:
I want the perv chapter as much as the next person, but Rika don't do it for the wrong reasons :( I want her to say yes coz she wants Yossy (which I know she does), not coz she wants to forgot or feels she owes Yocchan anything :(
Yossy isn't that selfish, I have confidence that she will make sure it's for the right reasons and it will be the most romantic thing ever... right tru?  :mon innocent: :P

Oh and WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!!!  :gmon heartu: :gmon hi:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #677 on: August 04, 2008, 08:51:46 PM »
thanks for the warm welcome home... i missed y'all...

hmm... people are negotiating for both sides... :lol:

if it happens, it happens... (Yoshiko will get it from the bffs tomorrow)

if it doesn't happen, it doesn't (or it happens later hahaha)...

romantic? hmm... so many ideas... one fic... hmmm... maybe i should start writing another one... :lol: ... screw the thesis... :lol:

« Last Edit: August 04, 2008, 08:57:03 PM by tru_harmony »

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #678 on: August 04, 2008, 09:04:35 PM »
if it doesn't happen, it doesn't (or it happens later hahaha)...
:lol: at least it will happen :w00t:
Out of interest, what is your thesis on? (thus, what are you studying?)

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #679 on: August 04, 2008, 09:15:39 PM »
woah!!! someone is interested in that !@#$%^& thesis... :lol: ... thanks for at least being curious... :wub:

my thesis is on the masculinity of rock music and how women find their place and speak their own language in music through the underground and indie music scene in the Philippines...
very feminist...

but I really would prefer to write anything on IshiYoshi... but then, it won'e be in the context of the Philippines and the department would like that... :lol:

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