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Author Topic: Runaway from the Past  (Read 318197 times)

Offline gloopip

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #100 on: May 29, 2008, 04:52:07 PM »
YAY UPDATE!!! :otomerika:  :cow: :muffin:

Mai ran to where Rika sat and examined her closely. “Oh my… She is kawaii indeed… Ayaka wasn’t lying… Yoshiko, you are so lucky to have a super kawaii girlf— ITAI!“ Hitomi stepped on her toe. “— girl… staying with you at home. She must have been filling your flat with pure kawaiiness …”

Rika just had a puzzled look on her face as she had no idea of what was going on. She stole glances at Hitomi who looked so… so… so… much like an executive. She felt her cheeks getting warmer as Hitomi placed a hand on her shoulder. “Rika, this is Satoda Mai and Mai, this is Ishikawa Rika”

mai = :mon misch:
yossy =   :mon pissed:
rika =  :dunno:

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #101 on: May 29, 2008, 04:54:00 PM »
your update is so kawaii  :inlove:

Offline tru_harmony

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #102 on: May 29, 2008, 05:07:12 PM »
last update for tonight...

Mai led Rika to another set of double doors “Vice president for Marketing” the sign on the door said. Mai looked back to see her new assistant. “I’m sorry if our first bonding moment would have to be work related.”

Rika’s smile told Mai that she didn’t mind.

“I’m so envious of Ayaka. She got to spend days with you-- shopping with you, cooking with you; but me, I’m stuck to this office, working!” Mai complained. She pushed the doors open and let Rika in. Her office wasn’t as huge as Hitomi’s but was still impressive. Mai walked to a cart full of folders, “Anyway, about work, Yoshiko called you here because I badly need help… See, some fool of a deliveryman got these folders mixed up. I’ve sorted through them before but thanks to that fool, I’m back to square one. So I have to re-sort them and re-arrange them. These are the old marketing portfolios of PubCor. Most of these are classified so I can’t let other employees see them. Yoshiko thought you could do the job so she chose you to help me,”

Hitomi chose me…. Rika blushed at the thought but tried not to let Mai notice by looking through the folders. Mai thought that Rika was just so eager to help her. She didn’t notice the reddening of Rika’s cheeks.

“Hold it right there! Some of them were aborted and never used so we have to weed those out. Matsuura Motors wants a copy of each portfolio before they sign the contract next week just to be sure that there will be no conflicts of interest.”

Rika nodded and wrote down on her sketchpad “How can I tell apart the ones to be included from the ones to be weeded out?”

“Oh, you’re such a smart girl! The ones we don’t need have a red stamp mark on the upper-right corner. Put the ones we need on the desk, and those we don’t in this box.” pointing to a big cardboard box on the floor. “It’s a really simple task. It’s just that these things are classified information…”

Rika sat herself down on a chair and went to work right away. It was pretty simple. Red stamp: box; No stamp: desk. Mai was at the desk putting the portfolios in proper order.

Red – box, red –box, red-box, none-desk, none-desk, none-desk, red-box, none-desk, red-box… red… ?

Rika barely read the titles until a thick one with a red stamp at the corner got her attention. The folder had “Ishikawa CorPrint – Yoshizawa PubCom Merger Ad written in bold letters in front. CorPrint was a known name to her because her family owned it until it fell into bankruptcy in 2002. The folder was dated June of 2002. The red stamp told her that the merger did not push through. But she already knew that even without the red stamp. A merger with Yoshizawa PubCom? Her father never mentioned this to them at home back then. Rika placed it on her lap. Her father never even mentioned the name Yoshizawa at home. But she will have to worry about it after they get their work done.

After only about two and a half hours, the seemingly endless stack of paper disappeared. The cart was now empty. Mai sighed in relief “Thank God you’re here. I never would’ve seen the end of it if Yoshiko didn’t call for you. Thank you so much. Anyway, since we’re done here, I better bring you back to Yoshiko’s office,” She seemed pretty anxious to see you this morning.

Mai took out a white paper bag from behind her desk. “Here this is for you. It’s a gift from me. I hoped you like it,” She handed the paper bag to Rika, took her other hand. “Let’s go.” She said with a smile.

In the rush of the moment, Rika left a folder out of place. It fell to the floor: the one with the header “Ishikawa CorPrint – Yoshizawa PubCom Merger”; and was forgotten by its finder.

Offline lollipopgirl

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #103 on: May 29, 2008, 06:09:50 PM »
Wooooow, this fic is really intriguing me! I haven't even read the new chapters yet coz I'm savouring it and you said no more for 24 hours :cry:
Btw, I'm not (or wasn't) an IshiYoshi fan, but you make them so romantic! Love Yossy in this fic :heart:

Oh, something that was a few chapters back now but i really wanted to comment on is, do you happen to be a tennis fan? :P They watched the French Open at this time of the year, surely that is more then a coincidence that you used FO and not some other Grand slam :lol:
If you are, I love you! :wub: H!P AND Tennis fan, doesn't get much better than that :lol:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #104 on: May 29, 2008, 06:42:28 PM »
I love how like all Mai and Ayaka can say about Rika is that shes cute XD hilarious

The plot thickens..and I must say that I completely love the whole business aspect of it
I think I told you before....but some of the like businessy details with the names and stuff really make this interesting
keep it up

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #105 on: May 30, 2008, 12:44:10 AM »
I'm sorry for all the confusion about my schedule.

Mai just couldn’t resist complementing Rika and her kawaiiness in everything. She just went on and on  and on and on like Ayaka this morning at the condo elevator. Speak of the devil, Ayaka stepped in to the room followed by Ayumi who just kept her head down low. What on earth am I doing in the president’s office with the company big bosses? I just wanted to see Rika.

Ayaka was surprised to see Mai and Rika already in the office “O, Maichan … You’re done already?”

“Yeah… it was easy…”

“Easy? Didn’t you say just this morning that you’d be finished only after 10,000 years?”

Mai was annoyed at Ayaka’s reminder “Well, that was before, Rika-chan came… She’s such a miracle!” now facing Rika “Thank you so much, Rika… I didn’t think Yoshiko’s idea would help but you just saved me!”

Rika just smiled with some slight embarrassment. I really didn’t do much…

Ayaka looked at Ayumi awkwardly standing behind her, “Shibata, it seems to us that you know Rika-chan…”

“Hai. We were doubles partners and best friends in middle school and high school”

Rika nodded in affirmation and took out her sketchpad. “Tennis.”

“But we haven’t seen each other for a long time…”

“Well, who knew you’d find each other here? It really is a small world, after all.” Mai rested her head on the couch.

Ayaka walked to the door “Well, there’s only one person who’s not here yet…” like a psychic.

Hitomi steps into the room, surprised that a crowd has already gathered in her office.

“Yoshiko, where were you? We’ve been waiting here for a while…”

“I just had to finish something down stairs…”

“Well, anyway, I want you to meet the senior accountant I was telling you about the other day. This is Shibata Ayumi” Ayumi bowed low to the company president.

“It’s nice to meet you,” barely glancing at Ayumi. Hitomi didn’t really do well with introductions like this. She slowly walked to Rika.

Noticing Hitomi’s disinterest in meeting her most valued employee, Ayaka melodically declared “She just happens to be Rika’s high school best friend.”

“Oh?” catching Hitomi’s full attention.

Looking down on the floor, Ayumi just nodded.

Ayaka started walking around Hitomi playfully hinting, “Aren’t you even going to thank her for doing my job while I was at your house with Rika?”

Ayumi felt like her head was ran over by the LRT(Light Rail Transport, local railway in Manila). The information digestion was slow and excruciating. What? Rika-chan staying at the president’s house with the vice president for finance?

Hitomi was stumped. Ayaka really was pushing it. Finally, Hitomi asked Ayumi “May we invite you to dinner?”

Ayumi didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know…” Dinner with the bosses? The big three?!?! She hesitated.

“Come on, Shibata, you don’t have to be shy. It’s just us.” Ayaka insisted. “after all, you are a senior employee yourself.” Rika walked to Ayumi’s side and placed her hand on her friend’s shoulder.

‘Just us?’ What do you mean’ just us?’ Ayumi kept her voice low “Thank you, Kimura-san, I will join you.”

Hitomi immediately took Rika’s hand, somewhat possessively. “Rika-chan will be riding with me.”

“We already know that Yoshiko… You can be pretty selfish at times.” Mai teased. “We’ll take Ayaka’s car”

Hitomi let go of Rika’s hand turned her back on them and started walking away before somebody notices the redness of her cheeks. “Rika… let’s go.”

Rika looked back to Ayumi and smiled apologetically.

“It’s okay, we’ll still see each other at the restaurant.”

Rika followed Hitomi to the elevator.

“They’re kawaii together, aren’t they?” Ayaka remarked.

“Perfect match…”

Ayumi just nodded along, confused. The company president just called my best friend ‘Rika-chan  in the office… PERFECT MATCH!?!?!

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #106 on: May 30, 2008, 01:46:35 AM »
I bet Ayumi knows something about the Rika's past that Yossi and the rest shouldn't know...something that is other than the rape incident. Ok, she didn't get raped technically. :D

Good job keep it up :P

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #107 on: May 30, 2008, 02:53:23 AM »
In Ayaka’s car, Ayaka and Ayumi were in the back seat and an annoyed Mai was driving. “Why do I have to drive?”

“Because I have to orient Ayumi here,” turning to look at Ayumi, “It’s okay for me to call you Ayumi, right.”

Ayumi was looking down at her knees “Yes, Kimura-san.” She was still quite shy around them. Any wrong move, they could fire her if they wanted to.

“Come on, we’re not in the office anymore. Call me Ayaka.”

“Okay, Ayaka-san.”

“O--kay… anyway… about Rika-chan… She’s been staying at Hitomi’s place for these past few days. You may have noticed that she isn’t speaking… Actually she hasn’t spoken a word since Hitomi found her”


“Yes, Hitomi found her the other night… Actually, rescued is a more appropriate term…”

Ayaka simply told her the state Rika was in when Hitomi brought her home. No elaborate details, no medical check up, no test results. Just the bruises and the man in the van. Ayumi covered her mouth with her hand in shock. Ayumi listened intently, getting worried about Rika.

“That’s why I wanted to ask you if you know how Rika ended up here in this country… We barely know anything about her.”

Ayumi faced Ayaka, “… In our senior year, Rika’s father committed suicide because their business crashed into bankruptcy… After our graduation, she just disappeared. That was around five years ago. She didn’t even tell me where she went. I was really worried about her and tried to find her in Japan even while I was studying in the university. After asking around, I heard that her stepmother might have taken her to the Philippines. That’s why I decided to work for the company when the main office was moved here. I figured that I could find her. I planned to resign and go back to Japan because I thought she wasn’t here. I’ve spent three years in this country looking for her.”

Ayaka smiled. “… It’s good that you saw her in the office today. I would’ve lost my best employee.”

Ayumi looked away embarrassed. Best employee? My job is safe! Ayumi wanted to faint.

“Anyway, thank you for that information… By any chance, do you recall her stepmother’s name?”

“Mayumi. That’s her name. I remember because, well, it’s just one letter more than mine. She married Rika’s father when we were 12.”

Ishikawa Mayumi… Hitomi would really be interested in that…
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 03:46:55 PM by tru_harmony »

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #108 on: May 30, 2008, 04:54:36 AM »
Wow you update sooo fast o.O it's impressive.  I'm really suprised how quickly Rika is adjusting after her torment, makes me wonder if she's purposely blocking the bad memories away just like her voice.  There may be a lot of baggage she's hiding from the others...

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #109 on: May 30, 2008, 05:08:09 AM »
sugee! nice updates! So shiba and rika have been friends for a while huh... But still rika doesn't talk.. Does she even realize that she can't speak?
Well yossie is keeping charmy all to herself :D

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Offline gloopip

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #110 on: May 30, 2008, 05:17:22 AM »
whoa that's a shock, rikas father committed suicide!? poor rika :cry:

Ishikawa Mayumi… Hitomi would really be interested in that…
i wonder why.... :mon dunno:

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #111 on: May 30, 2008, 05:19:36 AM »

Ishikawa Mayumi… Hitomi would really be interested in that…
i wonder why.... :mon dunno:

So that Yossi can get the 'Eyes' to check on her?
Now does Yossi have any mafia background?

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #112 on: May 30, 2008, 05:23:06 AM »
that's interesting

mayumi ishikawa... *search* xD

possesive yossy, i love her  :wub:

ayaka and ayumi? could it be?  :inlove:

waiting next chapter! :P

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #113 on: May 30, 2008, 10:39:50 AM »

ayaka and ayumi? could it be?  :inlove:

rofl, I thought the same thing, I was like "hmm looks like the shyness might not just be because of the position.....maybe *gasp* Awwwwwwww lil Shibata has a wittle cwush! Kawaiiiii!!!!!!!"

 I love the story! It's so interesting! I hope you update again soon because I love your quick updates! It's awesome to come home from an exam to a new chapter or three! I think most people prefer it, even if they don't get to squeeze in between posts to say what they think, and besides nothing is keeping them from posting about it later. I mean, if they mind it so much then they should just stop reading and stio trying to change you. I personally love them. I don't care if you post one chapter or one million, I still love this story and will keep reading it untill it finishes. :D

 Hope you don't wear yourself out doing all todays' stuff tomorow as well as tomorows' stuff? Anyway, have fun, don't overdo it, stay safe and such, and I will be here waiting for an update...... Why do I have the feeling that when I click "Post" I will be redirected to a screen saying "While you wwere replying, 6 new replies have been posted" or something..oh well, if something like that happens, I hope that at least one of them is a new chapter.

  This lunch date seems interesting....hmm, I wonder if Yoshi will keep being overprotective/possesive and smother Rika or if she will be cool..... also I think she will be calling the eyes very soon, with a bit of info. And who knows? Something valuable might surface.....maybe....I think it will though.
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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #114 on: May 30, 2008, 11:56:14 AM »

Hitomi and Rika arrive at the restaurant first. Hitomi approached the podium. “We have a reservation.”

The waiter took out the logbook. “Your name, sir?”

Rika smiled. Like her, other people mistake Hitomi for a guy. She really is kakkoi.

“Yoshizawa. I reserved a table for four, but can you make it for five? ” Hitomi took Rika’s arm in hers. Rika blushed as the "couple" turned heads by the restaurant entrance.

He looked down on the list, with scrutiny and found the name. “Right this way, sir.”

Rika looked around her. The ambiance, the appearance, the smell and the music told her that they were in a really fine restaurant and Rika hasn’t eaten in one since 2001! I hope I remember which fork to use first.

They were led to a dimly lit table. Hitomi offered Rika a chair and nudged it closer to the table like a true gentleman. She then took the seat on Rika’s left.

Hitomi looked at waiter, “We have company yet to arrive”

“Yes, sir… I will escort them here as soon as they arrive… I hope you and the Madame would enjoy tonight.” The waiter stepped back, turned and walked away. Hitomi was now more comfortable that she and Rika were alone.

“Rika… Thank you for coming to the office today”

Rika got her sketchbook from her bag. “You’re welcome. It was nice to finally meet Mai and to see Ayumi again. Thank you for taking us out to dinner with you”

“… I wouldn’t want to not eat at home if you had cooked dinner… at least, since we’re both here, I wouldn’t miss your cooking… … …I’m glad that you enjoyed working with Mai… She almost cried when the papers got mixed up…”

Rika’s just so red now. Hopefully, Hitomi wouldn’t notice because of the dim lights, “I’m happy that I got to help her.” 

The waiter showed up again with Ayaka, Mai and Ayumi. Ayumi sat on Rika’s right, Mai on Hitomi’s left and Ayaka between Mai and Ayumi.

Hitomi ordered a rib-eye steak for herself, some pasta for Mai, Salisbury steak for Ayaka, beef tongue for Ayumi and gambas for Rika who really just wanted to have salad but Hitomi insisted that she order something heavy.

Rika pouted at Hitomi “I won’t be able to finish it”

“I’ll eat whatever you can’t…okay?”

Rika took out her “OK” sign.

“Kawaii!” Mai and Ayaka exclaimed together.

Hitomi was proud. “She made that herself…” She patted Rika on the back.

“That’s clever…” Ayaka took the sign from Rika.

“I know… I told her so myself…”

Ayumi was silent. She felt strange seeing Rika like that, not speaking and being all buddy-buddy and sweet with three of the most important young people in the world economy. Kawaii!? They’ve said that about Rika for the nth time! She just gazed at Rika who didn’t seem to notice.

Hitomi noticed her gazing at Rika “Ayumi, if you want to spend time with Rika tonight, you can sleep over at our place”

Rika was surprised. Our place?

Ayumi was surprised at the offer and was pleased that it was made but she declined “I’m sorry but I can’t tonight, I have to do something at home tonight” she lied.

“Aww, don’t you want to have a heart to heart talk with Rika?” Ayaka said, quite disappointed.

“Maybe some other time…” Even though she wanted to talk to Rika, too many things have happened. She didn’t know where to start if she was to talk to Rika after finding out part of what she went through from Ayaka.

A waiter came with their ordered food.

“Oi, the food’s here!” Mai said, excited.

“Ittedakemasu!!!” the four exclaimed together.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2008, 12:04:35 PM by tru_harmony »

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #115 on: May 30, 2008, 12:36:24 PM »
a short update just to end our hero's day...

After the meal, the group walked out to the parking lot.

“Yoshiko, we better get going…” Ayaka said.

“Thank you, Mai, Ayaka, Ayumi. I hope you enjoyed dinner”

“Yes, Thank you Yoshizawa-san…” Ayumi bowed down low.

“You’re Rika’s friend. That makes you my friend too. You don’t have to be so formal since we’re not in the office. Just call me Yocchan”

“Okay, Yo-san. Thank you for the meal and for taking care of Rika-chan.”

“… ... You are welcome. Well then, we’ll see you guys later”

Ayaka unlocked the doors her car “Yoshiko, don’t forget. Tomorrow is a Sunday. The office is closed. Okay?” Ayaka reminded Hitomi who sometimes forgets that Sunday is the company rest day. “Only Mai has work on Sundays.” Ayaka added poking at Mai.

“Don’t remind me…” Mai said, annoyed.

“Well then, Rika and I will be going on ahead of you,” She unlocked the doors of her Z4. Hitomi opened the door for Rika. Hitomi closed the door as soon as Rika was safely inside. After getting in the car herself and having started the engine, the two said their farewells to their friends and drove away.

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #116 on: May 30, 2008, 01:15:36 PM »
Wow, Yossie and Rika sound so much like a couple! Rika is the only one surprised by that 'Our place'. As Ayaka said, Yossie is quite dense here. But its sweet.  :wub: Lol Shiba is feeling awkward..  XD It is surprising for this stuff to happen at one day!

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #117 on: May 30, 2008, 01:19:35 PM »
another long day for our hero...

Rika woke up earlier than usual. She couldn’t sleep right. Like the past nights, she could not forget her Auntie Mayumi. After five years of staying in the Philippines with her Auntie, Rika got used to the people, food, language, the heat, the typhoons and the floods. Her Auntie was her best bud here for the first four years. But in the fifth… …Why did she change? Didn’t she hear me scream? Didn’t she hear me say no? Didn’t she see what he did to me? What he did to me…

Rika closed her eyes tighter hoping to block the images of a man he once trusted. She remembered it all. The smell of alcohol and smoke in the room . She sat up not wanting to feel his weight on her again and that strong punch he gave her at the stomach that left her unconscious. She tried to block her ears with her hands. She didn’t want to hear Auntie Mayumi’s voice. Puta ka talaga! Napakalandi mo! Pati Tito Dan mo, pinatos mo! Dapat pagkakitaan mo na lang ‘yang kalandian mo imbes na mang-agaw ka! (You are such a whore. You’re such a flirt! You even seduced your Uncle Dan! Why don’t you try earning a living with your flirtatiousness instead of stealing someone else’s man?)

 Rika wept silently. She didn’t want to wake Hitomi with her sobs. I didn’t seduce him! I was sleeping! Didn’t you see? She bit a finger to keep herself from screaming. All the voices in her head—she has to block them from her thoughts again, just like the past few days, before Hitomi wakes up.

Hitomi… Rika’s thoughts turned to her savior. She gave Rika new clothes, a nice room, a place to live in, new friends... almost a new life.Why is she doing all this for me? Rika thought about the past week. When Hitomi woke me up from my nightmare, when she asked me to stay with her, when she took my arm in hers at the restaurant and called her condo “our place”, does Hitomi really want me in her life that much?

She thought about how little she knew about Hitomi and how little she has allowed Hitomi to know about her. It has been terribly impolite for her to be keeping so many things from a person who has saved her and taken her under her wing. Hitomi’s been taking good care of her without demanding for anything in return.

Should I let her know?

Rika knew that she was falling for Hitomi. She felt her heart beat faster every time she thought of Hitomi. But the thought of having to reveal herself fully to Hitomi scared her from the prospect of falling in love.

Rika proceeded to the bathroom and washed the tears away. With them, she temporarily washed away the voices and thoughts from her mind. Positive thinking. She managed to put a fresh smile on her face hoping that it would make Hitomi’s day happy.

Walking out of her room, Rika went straight to the kitchen. She didn’t know what to prepare for breakfast. She has already prepared pancakes, bacon and eggs with bagel, French toast, ham and egg sandwich, bagel with cream cheese… Hmm... She walked to the refrigerator. Taking a small container with cold steamed rice. Aha!

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #118 on: May 30, 2008, 03:43:22 PM »
Taking a small container with cold steamed rice. Aha!
Fried rice?

I don't want to sound like a broken something but I really do like your writing, makes me  :lol: XD :drool: :wub: :( :inlove: :muffin:  :yep: :roll: :? :P :w00t: :heart: :cow: :otomerika: O0 :love: :heart: :inlove: and it feels good after a long tiring day, I hope you won't get tired of creating one  :)

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Re: Runaway from the Past
« Reply #119 on: May 30, 2008, 03:55:41 PM »
^right-o! what breakfast did rika cook for hitomi this sunday morning? read on to find out!!!

Hitomi woke up to a strange smell. Is that… garlic? She walked to the dining table where Rika was sitting, waiting for her.

Rika took out the sketchbook “Good morning”

“Good morning, Rika… What did you cook for breakfast?”


“Eh? What’s that?”

TAPa (something similar to beef jerky), SInangag (garlic fried rice), itLOG ( fried egg in this case, sunny side up)”

“Sugoi. I’ve never had that before… Where’d you get the tapa?”

”Ayaka brought it with her the other day”

Hitomi observed how Rika ate her tapsilog. She pierced the center of the egg. Egg yolk, still in liquid form flowed out. Rika scooped out the yolk and mixed it with her fried rice. She then cut a small piece of tapa and egg white and ate it with the yolk-drenched rice. Hitomi imitated Rika as she did not know how to eat tapsilog.

“It’s delicious. Where did you learn to fry rice like this?”

“my stepmother taught me when I got here five years ago.”
Rika breathed in deep… spilling beans is hard…

“Oh… She must be a good cook… ”

Hitomi ate 3 cups of fried rice, two eggs and three pieces of tapa.

“Thank you for that wonderful breakfast” Hitomi smiled at Rika. “I’ll just clean this up…”

Rika stopped her, shaking her head and pointing to herself. Let me do it.

“No, Rika. Let me. You’ve been cooking for almost the whole week. At least let me do this.”

Rika conceded and stepped back to give Hitomi room to take the used dishes to the sink.

“Just wait for me in the living room. Okay?”

Rika walked off to the living room.

At the sink, Hitomi was pleased that Rika opened up a bit about herself. So, she was here five years ago…Hitomi didn’t want to force Rika into talking about things she might not be comfortable with. But that was an interesting tidbit. And a stepmother…

Back in the living room, Rika paced about. Am I ready to tell her about my past? Rika thought hard. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn’t notice Hitomi come to the living room until Rika bumped into her sending them both to the floor, Rika fell on top of Hitomi.

“Are you okay?” Hitomi asked feeling a bit awkward at the position they're in right now.

A shocked and embarrassed Rika just nodded as she stood up.

“You looked pretty serious pacing about here.” Hitomi commented as she got up as well.

“I’m sorry, Hitomi”

“What were you thinking about anyway?”

“I thought there are some things about me that you have to know especially that I am living in your place”

“Well, there are things I do want to know about you but if you don’t want to talk about them, it’s okay with me. I respect your privacy.”

“Thank you for that. But I still want to tell you some things about me”

“Okay. But we better sit” Hitomi motioned to the couch.

Rika placed the sketchbook on her lap and Hitomi sat down beside her, reading along what she wrote down. “I’m from Kanagawa. My father was a business man and my mother was the concert pianist, Ishikawa Yumiko. I had two older sisters. When I was 10, we got into a car accident. My mother and both of my sisters” A teardrop fell on the sketchpad. Rika began crying.

Hitomi took the sketchpad and marker from Rika’s hands and placed them on the coffee table. Rika, like a child held onto Hitomi and cried on her shoulder. Hitomi said nothing and put her arms around Rika.

The spell of silence was broken by the ringing of the phone. Hitomi let go of Rika and went to answer the phone

“Yoshiko. It’s Mai”

“What’s up?”

“I’m here at the office. Your father just called.”

“What did he say?”

“He called to tell me that he and Matsuura-san are about to board the plane to here.”

“Nani?! Isn’t he in Hong Kong?”

“Yes. It seems he already met up with Matsuura-san in Hong Kong.”

“When did he call?”

“Just before I called you. The plane will arrive in about one and a half hour… and I think I might have found something of interest to you… I’ll tell you later…”

“… Okay… Bring your van. Meet me here. I’ll call Ayaka. Bye.” Hitomi hung up and dialed Ayaka’s number.

“Moshi moshi…”

“Ayaka, it’s me. Make reservations at the Peninsula Hotel for Matsuura Aya. Ask for the best suite, a double room and a conference room. Also make reservations for a single room at the Bayview Hotel. Bring your car and meet us at the airport.”

What on earth is he thinking?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 05:39:59 AM by tru_harmony »

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