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Author Topic: Whip cream and Handcuffs Chapter 19  (Read 50613 times)

Offline strawb3rrykream

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YAY! I'm right!
Anyway, this ch was :dunno:  :on lol: :luvluv2: I think I like the Charmikitty! They should just hook up, cuz apparently Yossy already has a girl! But I do want to find out who she is......

Offline sweeety

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*cheers* Makoto Makoto Makoto~ or it could be Maki, but assuming she has already graduated they probably wouldn't be able to see each other everyday.

 Now I hope Yoshi stays with her girlfriend and we get some Charmikity action!~ so now crying charmikity.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline Kreuz_Asakura

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It would be great if Yossy's girlfriend is Maki :w00t: 
hahaha Charmikitty interaction was so funny :lol: 
waiting for the next chapter...

Offline takagakifan

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and im back  :muffin: and this chapter was... DELICIOUS im loving the charmikkity... though i agree i think the phone call between Yossie and "pookie" is fake she new miki and rika were eavesdropping
No one on the corner got swagga like us!

Offline Yukari

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i want a new chapter  :fainted:

Offline wings4dreams

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tru_harmony:   :lol: yes I made Yossy a total spaz on the phone.  I've noticed that no matter how cool I think my friends are the minute they're on the phone with a boyfriend\girlfriend they turn into mushy wubby dubby "! :heart: u" "no I :heart: :heart: you more, tee hee!" people.  Its disgusting.  :hip burp:

DHG: Thank you!! *sigh* my first 'A' :farofflook: .   ;)

JFC: That's right, now enter's the mysterious pookie, things just got a whole lot harder for Charmkitty... :twisted:

Yukari :  Another Miki vote!  I don't take voting into account since I already know where I'm gonna go with this, but I like seeing who you guys are cheering for.  :hee:  b/t/w sorry it takes so long for me to post, I work like crazy, especally now that it is summer time in florida, and when you are a safari guide at a themepark your hours mutiply...

kRisZ : The phone convo fake?! That's a great idea! :kekeke: buuut it wouldn't fit into my plans to really make Rika and Miki suffer...then again...hmmm...(takes that plot device into consideration). :hehehe:   

zay05ohayou: lol!! I was hoping it would sound naughty enough without being too obvious that that is what I was trying to do...

strawb3rrykream: Ah yes, I have that effect on people...let me guess:  :dunno: = did wings forget her medication?  :on lol: = lol, who knew there was accually this type of person out there who doesn't even have good grammer or spelling yet still tries to makes fics. and  :luvluv2: = charmkitty *sigh*

sweeety:  oo~ great guesses :gmon bang: , makes me want to start a new game. the pookie!  Duh duh duuuuuuh!!!!

Kreuz_Asakura:  soo... :glasses: so far its Maki:2 Makoto:1 for the ' the Pookie! Duh duh duuuuuh!!!' game.  As far as charmkitty goes, I'm having alot of fun writing them, so you can expect a lot more interaction between them as we progress.  I hope it continues to entertain...

takagakifan:  DELICIOUS?  :mon noodle: Yay, baby! :mon cigar: with 1\2 the calories and no unpleasent aftertaste neither...*thinks*  okay, maybe some unpleasent aftertaste... :mon ghost:.  soo you have no idea what I'm talking about!? Ha!
Yeah, neither... :dunno:

anyways enough ranting, here's the next part...


Whispering, giggling, telling someone else's secrets, gossip…Rika loved these things, but not when she was the brunt of it.  After stressing all night about whether or not her and Miki's presumed romp in bed was going to be on everyone's lips, Rika finally found sleep when she just excepted the fact that…yes, people will talk, and yes the gossip would spread like wild fire.  Even though her gut wrenched that Yossy was mistakenly thinking Miki and her were a couple, she knew she had no choice but to face tomorrow head-on and get it over with.  When she got up the next morning she found things weren't nearly what she thought they would be…

…they were much, much worse.

The minute she walked in to the busy and loud cafeteria all conversation in the entire room stopped, seriously, you could hear a pin drop.  Every eye focused on her for a second and then everyone started whispering heatedly to each other and it didn't take a genius to figure out what they were talking about.  Cheeks flaming, Rika made her way to the breakfast bar and tried not to think about all the eyes that were piercing into her back. 

When she walked back out to the tables she looked around for Shibata, not seeing her friend, she headed in the back of the room to sit at an unoccupied table.  Even though she could have easily sat next to Yossy, she just couldn't face that girl after finding out she had a girlfriend.  It hurt too much.  Instead she wanted to sit somewhere away from all the wagging tongues and judgmental stares.

Rika heard everyone quiet down for a second time and knew without looking up that Miki had just entered.  She starred down at her food in contemplation. 'well, at least I don't have to worry about Miki bothering me this morning.  She'll probably sit on the opposite side of the room to avoid suspicion…'

Someone pounded on her back. 

"Rika? How are you?"  Miki asked her in a booming, overly chipper voice.

Rika looked at her dumfounded. "Go away…"  she hissed real low.  Rika quickly glanced around and saw the tables nearest to her were quietly tying to hear every word Miki was saying, not that that was difficult, Miki was practicly shouting.  Rika groaned.

"Hahahah! Look at that dour face. Someone didn't get enough sleep last night. Eh, Rika-chan? Eh? Ehhh? "  Miki nudged her, her voice was so loud in Rika's burning ears.  "Mind if I sit here?  'Course you don't."  Miki sat down in the chair closest to Rika's.  "Here! I brought you a present! My room key!  The very thing you came for last night, although we ended up rolling around on the bed before you left…"  Miki laughed merrily at her.

"Nooo..."  Rika clutched at her burning cheeks.  She kicked the other girl under the table.  "Listen to yourself, idiot!!"

"Ow! What's your problem?!  I'm trying to be nice, dammit!!" 

"Everyone can here you! They're going to think something's between us…" Rika whispered.

Mik blinked at her.  "They already do.  So? Let them talk…"  Miki lowered her voice and leaned her face closely to Rika's.  "…because there are more important things to worry about…"

"They're gonna kiss!!!"  Someone shouted.

"Ah!"  Rika shoved Miki away practically in tears.  "It's not true!!!!"

Miki turned to glare at whoever it was that shouted out.  "Listen here, you wanna be backup dancing pedo wack off inducing trollop!! I can f@#$ing kiss who I want when I want and I don't need your nose shoved up my @$$ about it, that's what crackpots like Friday are for!! Get a life, and leave mine the H311 alone!"

"Here, here!"  Yossy called out clapping. 

Soon everyone in the room was cheering even the girl Miki went off on.  She was nodding her head and saying to her friend, "well, she is right…"

Miki nodded satisfied and sat back down. "Sooo….where were we…?"  She asked looking at the girl next to her who was currently repeatedly pounding her head on the table and muttering something unintelligible under her breath. Miki caught Rika's hair in her hand stopping the self-destructive actions of the other girl. She put her lips right next to Rika's ear.  "I have a way of finding out who this 'pookie' is…but the two of us will have to work together..."

Rika swatted the other girl's hand off her hair and gave her her utmost attention, "I'm listening." 

Miki looked at the red mark on Rika's forehead and laughed.  She pressed a finger to the spot.  "Sometimes you can be so funny."

"Will you please get to the point!"  Rika bemoaned, hands flying up to cover the mark self-consciously.

"Okay," Miki said lowering her voice to a whisper.  "We both know that Yossy is meeting 'Pookie' sometime tomorrow.  The problem is we don't know where or when, so I'm thinking we should follow her around in true 'The Spy Who Shagged Me' fashion.  I've already got it figured out," Miki reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Rika.  "This is Yossy's schedule for tomorrow, from rehearsals to the afternoon and evening concerts, now I've blocked off times that I can trail her in blue and the times that I can't I've marked in red.  If you can get the rest of the time slots, being with the gatas and all, we will be able to keep an eye on her.  By the end of the day we'll know who Yossy's with and get revenge!  That b!@#4 Pookie won't know what hit her…"

"Hmm…" Rika looked at the schedule critically, "I can cover most of the rest, but there's a problem.  This slot here in the afternoon from one to four, I won't be able to watch her then…"

Miki cursed angrily.  "That's a pretty big blind spot."

"I can watch half of it." A voice stated over the plotting girls' shoulders.  Both of them started in surprise at the intruder.

"Shiba-chan!"  Rika exclaimed at her best friend.

Miki raised an eyebrow.  "Were you eavesdropping on us just now?"

Shibata smiled happily. "Yep, I knew you weren't really Rika's lover she would've told me, so I wanted to find out what you two were really up to…by the way the melons have a break between the times of two to four, but that would still leave the one to two time slot unwatched."  Shibata sat down on the other side of Rika, excited about playing in their spying game.

Rika hugged her friend affectionately, "Thanks, Ayumi!"

Miki snapped her fingers suddenly.  "I got it! I'll ask Aya! The soloists are given a lot more leeway to laze about then the rest of us, so she might have that time to spare!"  Miki scanned her eyes around the room.  "Where is that girl anyways?"  Spotting Aya chatting a few tables away, Miki stood up.  "'Scuse me…" She walked over to Aya's table and without saying a word, she tipped her friend's chair back and began to drag her away.

"Um, guess I'll see you guys later, bye." Aya said to the girls she had been sitting with.

Miki's arms became tired about half way and she ended up letting the chair go.  She rubbed her aching arms pitifully.

Aya laughed at her friend.  "Aw, you were almost cool there…"

Miki laughed. "Common, Aya, join me at my table.  There's something I need to ask you."

Once Aya was seated in the last chair, she was quickly relayed the situation and asked if she could cover the spare time slot.  "Of course, In fact I have all three hours available…"

Shibata nodded, "Okay, then why don't you hang out with me for the first couple of hours and the last hour you'll do alone."

Aya nodded at her.  "Actually, I would prefer that, I've never spied on anyone before."

Miki clapped her hands.  "Alright, now that we got that settled there are still a few things to go over, so let's meet together at Rika's room in about twenty minutes we'll discus minor details there."

Rika looked at Miki oddly.  "Wait, why my room?"

Miki gave the other girl a half lidded glare.  "Did you forget who's room mine conjoins with?  It wouldn't do for us to talk about our plan with the chance Yossy could overhear."

"Oh, you're right….and my neighbor, Konno, is not likely to care what we're saying…"

"Then it's settled."


20 minutes later…

"Um, Rika…"

"Yes, Aya."

"…uh…do you ever clean your room?"

Shibata burst out laughing.  "This girl is that messiest person I know!!  Her 'wifey' skills need lots of work, heh, have you ever tasted her cooking? She's…mfph!"

Rika clamped a hand over her friend's mouth.  She laughed nervously.  "Really, Shiba-chan, I don't think this is the time to discuss such things…"

"That's right." Miki stated.  "Time for debriefing, rule number one, we all have cell phones so lets put them to good use.  If it is your time slot to spy, make sure you send out constant texts to give others a clear idea of what you're seeing and what Yossy is doing. Rule number two, if any of us have extra time we are to meet up with the current spy, after all two sets of eyes are better then one. Finally rule number three is, should you figure out who 'pookie' is you are to immediately send out a group text revealing the identity and then you should leave your post and head back to base, which will be Rika's room, and we will decide what to do with this chick then.  We all clear?"

The other girls nodded.

"Good! So let's get this ball rolling!  Rika you'll have first watch, good luck."

Rika giggled.  "Is this where I'm supposed to say 'Aye, aye, Captain'?"

"Ha! I'm drill sergeant to the likes of you!  Piss me off Ishikawa and I'll make you drop and give me twenty screaming 'I like it! I love it! I want some more of it! Make it hurt drill sergeant! Make it hurt~!!'  Got it, Cheeky?!"

Rika paled while Aya and Ayumi were laughing it up. 

"You know, Tan," Aya said through her mirth. "No matter what you say it always ends up sounding perverted! Hahaha!!"

Miki threw her hands in the air.  "I can't work with all this insubordination!"

Ayumi clapped her hands excitedly.  "Hey! Lets do that thing where everyone puts there hands in the middle and yells 'defense' or whatever!"  She held out her hand palm down.

Rika frowned.  "Uh, Shiba-chan I love you and all, but this isn't a futsal match so…" Rika trailed off when she saw Aya place her hand on Ayumi's and Miki placed hers shortly after.  With a resigned sigh, Rika put her hand on top.  "Okay but what should we yell?"

Miki grinned.  "'Pookie' of course…heh, everyone ready? On the count of three…one…two…three…"

"POOKIE!" They all shouted before bursting into laughter.

Miki pumped a fist in the air.  "Yeah! Operation 'Pookie' is a go!"
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 11:52:45 PM by wings4dreams »

Offline tru_harmony

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*everybody speculating about charmikitty*


"They're gonna kiss!!!"  Someone shouted.

i'm actually that someone...

"Here, here!"  Yossy called out clapping. 

even yossui supports charmikitty

*rika-miki-shiba-ayaya spy squad*

something i'm really looking forward to... they should make a unit

"That's right." Miki stated.  "Time for debriefing, rule number one, we all have cell phones so lets put them to good use.  If it is your time slot to spy, make sure you send out constant texts to give others a clear idea of what you're seeing and what Yossy is doing. Rule number two, if any of us have extra time we are to meet up with the current spy, after all two sets of eyes are better then one. Finally rule number three is, should you figure out who 'pookie' is you are to immediately send out a group text revealing the identity and then you should leave your post and head back to base, which will be Rika's room, and we will decide what to do with this chick then.  We all clear?"

Miki is a good planner... .... ... POOKIE!!!
« Last Edit: June 04, 2008, 11:36:02 PM by tru_harmony »

Offline JFC

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Cafeteria scenes FTW! :lol:

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND Shiba-chan joins in the game! :w00t:

Spotting Aya chatting a few tables away, Miki stood up.  "'Scuse me…" She walked over to Aya's table and without saying a word, she tipped her friend's chair back and began to drag her away.

"Um, guess I'll see you guys later, bye." Aya said to the girls she had been sitting with.
THAT'S SO AWESOME!!! :on lol:

"Um, Rika…"

"Yes, Aya."

"…uh…do you ever clean your room?"

Shibata burst out laughing.  "This girl is that messiest person I know!!  Her 'wifey' skills need lots of work, heh, have you ever tasted her cooking? She's…mfph!"
Rika's "wifey" skillz!  :rofl:

"Good! So let's get this ball rolling!  Rika you'll have first watch, good luck."

Rika giggled.  "Is this where I'm supposed to say 'Aye, aye, Captain'?"

"Ha! I'm drill sergeant to the likes of you!  Piss me off Ishikawa and I'll make you drop and give me twenty screaming 'I like it! I love it! I want some more of it! Make it hurt drill sergeant! Make it hurt~!!'  Got it, Cheeky?!"

Rika paled while Aya and Ayumi were laughing it up.

"You know, Tan," Aya said through her mirth. "No matter what you say it always ends up sounding perverted! Hahaha!!"
That's our Miki-sama!

Ayumi clapped her hands excitedly.  "Hey! Lets do that thing where everyone puts there hands in the middle and yells 'defense' or whatever!"  She held out her hand palm down.

Rika frowned.  "Uh, Shiba-chan I love you and all, but this isn't a futsal match so…" Rika trailed off when she saw Aya place her hand on Ayumi's and Miki placed hers shortly after.  With a resigned sigh, Rika put her hand on top.  "Okay but what should we yell?"

Miki grinned.  "'Pookie' of course…heh, everyone ready? On the count of three…one…two…three…"

"POOKIE!" They all shouted before bursting into laughter.
That's so cute! XD


JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline Yukari

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nice chapter!!

maujajaja spy, they are crazy!  :mon XD:

miki is a pervert!! yep yep  :mon lmao:

i want to know who is pookie too!

Offline sweeety

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YEY! operation Pookie is a go!
 GJ, new chap, yey! took you long enuff...tsk, shame! Lol, jks, it's great that you updated this. Unlike some people who say "this is an inbetween fic" and then two or three chapters in that awesome sounding fic they move on to the next fic and skip the inbetween....shame~! anywayz, GJ, have fun and stuff like that......... Im in too bad a mood to comment saying anything better...can't even think of anything nice other than that I like the chapter.
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline kRisZ

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I think it's my first time to read a Charmikitty fic and I'm loving it, wait... is it a Charmikitty fic?  :grin:

Offline strawb3rrykream

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I didn't mean my other comment that way at all! I love your writing! In fact, the  :dunno: was for all the questions I had, the  :on lol: was for all the funny stuff and the  :luvluv2: was for the charmikitty! So you got one right!
This was an awesome chapter! I loveeeee charmikitty! So awesomeness! And I thought it was cool that Aya and Shiba-chan were willing to help. That's what bffs are for!!!

Offline wings4dreams

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i'm actually that someone...
Aha! I thought it might've been you!  :P

JFC : Miki-sama rulez!!! :rockon:

Yukari : sadly you won't find out who Pookie is untill this whole thing is almost over...why?...cause I'm eeeeevillll!!! :ding:

sweeety:  I'm sorry your in a bad mood...would it help if I were to randomly kill koharu at some point in this fic? :shifty:

kRisZ: to charmkitty or not to charmkitty that is the question...but next chapter I might...wellll~ :hee:

strawb3rrykream: oops! I didn't see your comment until just now...sorry,  :sweat: and yes I know they weren't what I said they were...I'm just random and do all kinds of weird stuff that even I don't understand. lol

this is a quick filler chapter the next one I plan to be a lot of fun...and maybe even some lemony freshness...


Okay this spy thing is officially a disaster and operation pookie is sunk…Miki's head was pounding like crazy.  This mission was failing for a number of reasons…

First of all, perhaps the type of text that was to be sent out should have been better specified.  Aya was constantly sending text and pics that had absolutely nothing to do with the mission. 

Second, it turns out that Shibata is pretty tactless, when asked what Yossy is doing, Shibata would get out of hiding and go and ask her… Argh!

Third, Rika kept sending out lots of false alarms, apparently anytime Yossy would talk to anything female Rika would immediately assume that she was Pookie, but would quickly take it back after saying something like…'oh, guess its not Yuko after all…she just wanted to borrow a pen…'

Fourth, all this spying was incredibly boring…

And the icing on the cake was when she snuck away from her own scheduled activities to join Aya and Ayumi on their last hour, but when she found them in some bushes hidden some feet away from the pool that Yossy was milling at.  It appeared that spying was the last thing on their minds…

Miki gave them a death glare and noted that they hadn't even acknowledged her presence yet. In her most sickly, sweet voice she said,  "Gee, it must be awfully hard to see the pool with your faces pressed so close together like that…"

The two of them shot apart in surprise.  Ayumi looked absolutely horrified at getting 'caught' while Aya looked amused.

Ayumi waved a hand at Miki.  "It just kinda happened!  We didn't mean…"

Aya interrupted.  "Enough with the glaring, Miki-tan, friends kiss sometimes it’s a perfectly natural occurrence. It is not unheard of for two girls who like each other in a 'friendly' manner, to want to show that affection innocently with a little physically intimacy. You should know, you kiss me all the time, remember yesterday?" 

Miki glare didn't waver. "Hmmm…good speech, so I assume that that was 'friendship tongue' I just saw, right?"

Aya laughed and nudged Ayumi.  "We're busted."  Turning to Miki she raised an eyebrow.  "I guess this means we're fired?"

Miki nodded.  "…Soo fired."

Ayumi stood and helped Aya to her feet.  "Oh well, guess we weren't cut out to be spies…"

Aya shrugged, "at least we got 'friendship tongue' out of it…"   They both said their goodbyes to Miki and headed out… with Shibata asking Aya if she liked bubble tea because she knew this place…

Miki tuned them out and focused on Yossy who was pacing back and forth and checking her watch every few minutes…"Who are you waiting for…" she murmured.

"Duh, that's why were stalking her…" Rika whispered as she crouched next to Miki.

Miki rolled her eyes. "Thank you captain obvious, so why're you here? Don't you have that one thing…?"

Rika shrugged.  "I told them I had a tummy ache."  She looked around.  "Where are Shiba-chan and Aya?  Aren't they supposed to be here?"

"I fired them."

"What? Why?"

"Too much 'friendship tongue'..."

Rika looked at her blankly.  "What's…?"

"Shhh! She's coming this way!

The two crouched down low in the bushes.

As Yossy neared the two girls hiding, they could hear her talking to herself…

"Aw man, she's never late. I wonder if something happened…" then quieter.  "…I hope she's all right…maybe…" turning Yossy began to pace back to the front of the pool, her words could no longer be heard.

"That B@#$h stood her up!" Miki hissed heatedly.

"Poor Yochan…" Rika murmured sadly.

The two began to quietly observe Yossy from the distance when someone suddenly sank down next to them.  "What are you guys doing?" a gentle voiced asked.

"Hey, Konkon," Miki said without looking back.  "We're just spying on Yossy, and how are you doing?"

"Pretty good, I have the day off and was looking for something to do."

"Well, don't take up spying," Rika muttered dourly.  "It sounds more fun then it actually is."

Konno's big, round eyes focused curiously on her senior.  "If you say so, Ishikawa-san…" she patted her duffel bag.  "I'm gonna get changed, and head to the beach, see you guys later."  Just as quickly as she appeared she left.

"Weird girl…" Miki murmured.  After a few more minutes Miki saw Yossy began to approach there general direction. "op! Yossy's coming this way again!" her and Rika sunk low and both signaled the other by quietly putting a finger on their mouth.

As Yossy neared them her phone went off, and she quickly answered it, "Hello? Baby?  What happened?...


…Aw, that's too bad…


…sure, tonight sounds good... 


…I've never heard of this place, it sounds exotic, is it a trail in the mountain or something?...


…Ah, well I've never heard of that type of flower before…




…it only grows on that part of the mountain, sounds cool, so I'll just meet you there…


…yeah, watching the sunset sounds so romantic…


okay I'll see you then,…


…yup, love you too, bye….


…What?  Why?  I only called you that the first time as a joke…


…okay…bye bye, Pookie."    Yossy laughed and clicked her phone off. "That girl gets stranger and stranger…"  Whistling happily, Yossy left the pool and headed back inside the hotel.

Miki and Rika ambled out of their hiding spots, both staring at where Yossy had just exited.

"Well, at least we know more then last time…we know that the when is the sunset..." Rika observed.

"Yeah, but we still don't know the where. Crap, if only there was some kinda 'smart' girl we could ask to help us figure out what the flower was they were talking about…" Miki pondered but paused when she saw Konno making her way out of the hotel wearing a very cute bikini.  "Bingo."  Grabbing Rika's arm, she headed over to the unassuming girl walking merrily away from the pool and heading to the beach.

As they neared the other girl, Rika wrenched her arm from Miki's grasp and proceded to cup her hands over her mouth. "KooonKoooon~!" she called out.

Konno stopped in her tracks and looked to see who called. The other two were just catching up.  "Hi Ishikawa-san, Fujimoto-san, are you guys going to finish your fun spy date at the beach now?"

Rika froze mid wave "W-We're not…We…weren't…"

Smooth as silk Miki wrapped an arm around the younger girl's shoulder.  "Common, beautiful, why would I date an uncouth girl like that, when I can have a smexy girl like you? Hm?"  Miki winked and blew the now blushing Konno a kiss.

"Hey!!"  Rika cried insulted, but was ignored.

"Nice try Fujimoto-san, but I'm kinda seeing someone right now…"  Konno murmured timidly.

Rika pushed Miki rudely out of the way, eager to learn more about this juicy gossip.  "Really?! Who!?" her question wasn't answered, however, as she was dragged away by Miki.

Miki once again placed an arm around Konno's shoulder. "See what I mean? Completely uncouth…"

Konno giggled.  "You guys are so funny…"

Miki gave her a cheeky grin, "Anyways me and Rika were having a small quarrel over some trivia and I wondered if you would help us?"

Konno's eyes lit up at the mention of the word 'trivia'.  "I'll help if I can…" she stated humbly.

"Great." Miki poked Rika in the shoulder.  "This dummy here didn't believe me when I told her that there was a flower that only grows on a certain mountain here in Hawaii, she thinks that’s impossible, and of course I need to prove her wrong, but I can't recall what flower or mountain it is can you help us? I'd like to take her," Miki jerks her thumb over her shoulder to indicate Rika. ", there to see it so she'll know I wasn't lying."

Konno pursed her lips in thought her eyes drifting to the side as if looking for the answer over Miki's shoulder.  "Aha!"  she cried.  "I know it!  Its the Ya'hua* flower that grows on the nearby Wanawa* Mountain over there…" she pointed. "For some mysterious reason, it only grows on the north east part of the mountain…but I wouldn't recommend going there, it's very tricky and a rather long journey, you guys could end up badly lost…"

(* b/t/w In case its not obvious, I made both of those names up, I'm not very familiar with Hawaii and am too lazy to look it up…also the flower thing is probably not true…)

Miki snorted.  "Nah that would never happen…" suddenly thunder rumbled from out of no where.

The three glanced up to see some storm clouds far, far in the distance.

Konno shook her head at the sound.  "baaad omen…"
« Last Edit: June 06, 2008, 04:49:12 AM by wings4dreams »

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Re: Whip cream and Handcuffs ch6
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2008, 02:32:18 AM »
friendship tongue!?!?!?!?!?!?!


this pookie character is going to make charmikitty possible... *starts to dismantle mountain trail signs and replaces them with misleading signs....*

baaad omen... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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Re: Whip cream and Handcuffs ch6
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2008, 02:43:09 AM »
lol Ayumi and Aya now that's hot...............good excuse friendship tongue...........shame there isn't much of that in H!P lol. Not a bad filler chapter.

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Re: Whip cream and Handcuffs ch6
« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2008, 02:44:23 AM »
^^ i think someone's gone a little crazy :P
Thats alright, we still love crazy tru :heart:

I don't think i have commented on this story & its been brought to my attention that I should comment on the fics I read more often... So I've been reading from when you started it and looooove it! :D
Miki is perfectly Mikish :wub: Stop fighting it Rika, you know Miki is up for anything ;)
I want to know Pookie now :cry: But I do hope its Maki... or maybe Nacchi :lol:
And who could the Kon be seeing i wonder...

Btw, you have one of the coolest jobs in the world *jealous*

Oh and Ayu/Aya, unexpected but cute :wub:

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Re: Whip cream and Handcuffs ch6
« Reply #36 on: June 06, 2008, 03:00:07 AM »
why do i feel like konkon is the infamous "pookie" hmm....
*tries to picture konkon and yossie* :mon huh2:
*shrugs* Yossie looks good with anyone :mon determined:

charmikitty getting lost in the mountains thus giving them a reason to "discover" one another would be FANTABULOUS!!
No one on the corner got swagga like us!

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Re: Whip cream and Handcuffs ch6
« Reply #37 on: June 06, 2008, 04:48:55 AM »
why do i feel like konkon is the infamous "pookie" hmm....
*tries to picture konkon and yossie* :mon huh2:
*shrugs* Yossie looks good with anyone :mon determined:

charmikitty getting lost in the mountains thus giving them a reason to "discover" one another would be FANTABULOUS!!

i was thinking the same things!!  :mon wtf:

pookie pookie pookie  :mon pissed: could be konkon?? O.ó

waiting next chapter!

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Re: Whip cream and Handcuffs ch6
« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2008, 06:39:32 PM »
why do i feel like konkon is the infamous "pookie" hmm....
*tries to picture konkon and yossie* :mon huh2:
*shrugs* Yossie looks good with anyone :mon determined:

charmikitty getting lost in the mountains thus giving them a reason to "discover" one another would be FANTABULOUS!!

i was thinking the same things!!  :mon wtf: :gmon twirl:

pookie pookie pookie  :mon pissed: could be konkon?? O.ó

waiting next chapter!

OMG, me three    :gmon twirl:

oh, guess its not Yuko after all…she just wanted to borrow a pen…'

"Too much 'friendship tongue'..."

 :on lol:

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Re: Whip cream and Handcuffs ch6
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2008, 06:44:47 PM »
I read this, but I don't seem to have commented. Anyway, friendship tongue is  :heart: and  :wahaha:!!!!!!!! For some reason, I can see Aya sending random pics! Konkon is so cute! And we still haven't met Pookie! Damn, I just chuckled as I wrote that! POOOOOKIE!!!!  XD I think it's Konkon too but it kinda seems weird.... :bigdeal:

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