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Author Topic: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"  (Read 21613 times)

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #40 on: September 28, 2008, 05:16:34 AM »

Morning Musume Concert 08/09/27 Kanagawa Day

Morning Musume Concert 08/09/27 Kanagawa Night

(Credits to forum)
 :wub: Mitsi is pure love.

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #41 on: September 28, 2008, 12:50:13 PM »
WOW!! thanks!!

MICCHII SOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2008, 05:59:28 PM »
i'm not sure from ch2

micchii solo song >.<

詞・曲:つんく♂ 唄:光井愛佳

今は私の魅力に 気付かぬ鈍感な人
まあね確かにあなたの後ろ チョロチョロしてるだけだもん

好きなことばかりあなた 電話こそたまにあるが
先輩の集まりがあり 一緒に行くぞと連れられ
自分の彼女と紹介をされ 嬉しかった

今は私の魅力に 気付かぬ鈍感な人
まあね確かにあなたの後ろ チョロチョロしてるだけだもん
だけどあなたの魅力は わたしがいるそのほうが
もっとたくましい 時に優しく
輝くはずよ 永遠に

きっといつかは二人で もっと分かち合えるまで
私黙ってあなたの後ろ チョロチョロしてるつもりです
そして二人は寄り添い 手と手をつなぎ歩くの
遠い未来に起こるすべてを 乗り越えながら歩きたい

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Offline BigDnm01

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #43 on: October 02, 2008, 01:25:55 AM »
Tour stats:
  • 35 concerts
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  • 14 locations all over Japan

The full list in text:
Kanagawa - ハーモニーホール座間

Kanagawa - ハーモニーホール座間

Kagoshima - 鹿児島市民文化ホール

Saga - 佐賀市文化会館

Aichi, Nagoya - 名古屋市公会堂

Aichi, Nagoya - 名古屋市公会堂

Gunma - 群馬県民会館

Toyama - 富山市芸術文化ホール オーバードホール

Nagano - 長野市民会館

Tokyo - 東京厚生年金会館

Tokyo - 東京厚生年金会館

Tokyo - 東京厚生年金会館

Tokyo - 八王子市民会館

Hiroshima - 広島厚生年金会館

Tottori - 米子コンベンションセンター

Chiba - 千葉県文化会館

Niigata - 新潟県民会館

Osaka - 梅田芸術劇場

Osaka - 梅田芸術劇場

what's the capacity for each venue?
I'm just curious how many would attend each concert and what would be the total tickets sold?

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #44 on: October 02, 2008, 07:48:51 AM »
I found this with the help of Wikipedia(ja) and Google.

date(s) / venue / max seats
09/27(土)/09/28(日) ハーモニーホール座間 大ホール : 1,310
10/04(土) 鹿児島市民文化ホール 第1ホール : 1,990
10/05(日) 佐賀市文化会館 大ホール : 1,811
10/12(日)/10/13(月) 名古屋市公会堂 大ホール : 1,994
10/18(土) 群馬県民会館 大ホール : 1,994
10/25(土) 富山市芸術文化ホール オーバードホール : 2,200
10/26(日) 長野市民会館 : 1,816
11/01(土)/11/02(日)/11/03(月) 東京厚生年金会館 : 2,062
11/08(土) 八王子市民会館 : 1,870
11/15(土) 広島厚生年金会館 : 2,001
11/16(日) 米子コンベンションセンター : 2,004
11/23(日) 千葉県文化会館 大ホール : 1787
11/24(月) 新潟県民会館 大ホール : 1,730
11/29(土)/11/30(日) 梅田芸術劇場 メインホール : 1,905

Note: not all seats may be available for guests during the concerts.

Morning Musume does not perform at the bigger venues this tour, such as the Saitama Super Arena, Yokohama Arena, Yoyogi Stadium or Nippon Budokan. The smaller venues have the advantage of a more intimate setting. The audience is on average closer to the performers than, say, in an arena.

Ticket sales numbers can be considered sensitive business information and are seldom disclosed. The only thing you'll see from time to time is a "sold out" note.

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #45 on: October 03, 2008, 02:18:34 AM »
^Thanks for the info. 

I admit, I'm one of the people that was irritated that MoMusu and H!P play in such small venue when many others play in a much bigger venues.  But after thinking about it, I believe that a small venue is much more intimate and personal.  While big venues are nice, but the more people there, the less u feel important, you're like just one in the crowd... A small venue, even if ur far away, but since there's not that much people around (compare to big arena), you feel special in a way and seems to feel like you're up close and personal, like you're acknowledged by the artist(s)/idol. 
Think of it this way.  If in a small group, just even a one second glance from your fav. idol would do wonders for you, such great feeling. 
But it's kinda different when in a big arena, where when an artist look in your direction, they're probably 1)can't see you 2) too many people around, 3)hard to feel acknowledge. 
At least that's how I feel. 

Also, the artist(s) would not be sooo overwhelmed by the huge crowd.  The artist can easily get connected and feels friendly with a small group of fans/audience then have to feel like you have to acknowledge an huge arena full of people.  There is also a lot of pressure and stress that comes with a huge crowd.  A small crowd would make it less stressful and less of a burden, at least that's how I feel.

So have H!P doing small concerts does have it purpose, and the fans would probably get alot more out of it, personally, like great feelings and memories.

But would that said, I would also love it to see them once again perform in big arena often. 
I just hate to think that they can't, more like they choose not to.

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2008, 06:07:24 PM »
Hmm, should I buy a T-shirt or a towel? I hella want something but I'm slightly low on funds. I'm going for the generic (not specific members) ones because personally, I don't think the design is that bad and the hardest decision is which girl to choose! :lol: Because I pretty much like everyone!!!

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #47 on: October 14, 2008, 10:12:47 AM »
Ok, I'm getting annoyed with another forum that I've been trying to post concert reviews and such on, so I'm going to post what I think about this concert here. :P It's long, which those of you who have seen me around the fanfic section know is normal for me, and if there's some place else it should be, let me know... Funnily though, a few things I say relate to the conversation going on here too. :) Anyway, here goes...

Alright, so I went to the Momusu concert in Nagoya last night, and since I have a strong desire to keep a journal of my experiences, I am going to do so here with a bit of a review. :) I also tried to make a recording, but it didn't turn out too well... I hoped to at least get Aichan's Mushoku Toumei na Mama de performance... Anyway, onto the thoughts!

The concert began with a "first act" of Manoeri playing her piano and singing her new single. It was a bit boring, but probably mainly because it was the first time I'd heard it. I'll say this for her though - she's a good little performer with both the piano playing and singing. She definitely has the kawaii thing going on. XD There are a few parts that were catchy to the song... this was my first time hearing it.

Then Momusu finally came out and started with Sono Bamen de Bibiccha Ikenai Jan! It was a great crowd-warmer song, and got things rolling pretty well. :) First I think I'll explain a little bit about the atmosphere... The concert hall was actually rather small I thought, so even though I had a rather bad seat (third floor near the side), I was still able to see quite well and even make out the girl's faces. Not sure if any of them noticed the gaijin swinging blue glowsticks though. XD

Mikan was also fun, though even after hearing it in the concert I'm still not feeling it a whole lot. I thought it might be more fun at concert, but if anything I might actually have been disappointed. The self-introductions were great, but boy were the girls messing up their lines last night! Junjun can be expected since she's still learning Japanese (though you'd hardly tell hearing her speak it - she's even got the slang and such down now. I said it before and I'll say it again - even though Linlin new more when they joined, I think Jun has far surpassed her. Maybe Lin's working more on her singing... not to say she's bad at Japanese of course). Aichan however should not be making mistakes. XD Ah the pressures of being leader...

Pepper Keibu really got things started for me. The dance and attitude the girls put on in the performance was just awesome for me. Now, a lot has been said about the Eri dance solo in TOP, though it was actually rather short (if still awesome), and the next few songs don't strike any huge chords of remembrance for me. XD Once we got to Purple Wind though, it became quite awesome for me again. Speaking of the Kamei dance solo, in this song each of the girls who sang it (Aichan, Gaki-san, Koharu, Aika, Jun, Lin) had a short dance solo, and it was great seeing their moves. Aichan was of course outstanding, though what surprised me was JunJun - that girl definitely has some moves too! It almost seemed like she started break dancing on stage... Through this among other factors, JunJun definitely shot up in my perception after last night. :) :heart: The MC in this segment was fun as well with JunJun getting teased by the other members for forgetting their names! Apparently she has trouble confusing "Mittsi" with "Michishige"... She even made the mistake during the show. :P

Then the Rokkies came out and sang Lemon Iro to Milk Tea, which ended up seeming mostly like an Eri solo. She sang one of the verses, and then most of the rest too... In some ways they really seemed to be pushing Eri in this concert. Anyway, it was cute as that song always is when they sing it. :heart: Their MC segment afterward was also quite entertaining. This concert was held in a hall that figureheads Tsurumai Park, one of the larger parks in the Nagoya city area. Apparently the girls went to lunch yesterday in the park, and Reina was asking them about something unusual she saw. XD Eri and Sayu couldn't guess for the life of them - putting it together word by word - but eventually (after what felt like 10 minutes) they made it. XD Anyway, was a great nod to Nagoya, which is starting to feel a bit like home to me. :)

Afterward, Koharu came out to sing Tan Tan Taan!, and while I hadn't heard the single prior to the concert, it hardly impressed me in the slightest. They showed the PV on the TV screens in the background though, and Kikkawa was cute as always. :heart: Afterward, Mittsi sang her solo, which she actually looked quite good in, although I didn't know the song. This actually started a point where I didn't know the songs for a while... The next JUMP song I didn't either, and didn't really get into all that much, though I suppose it's lively. :lol:

But then...

I didn't see the Gaki solo because this probably being the evening concert, but instead Aichan came out to sing Mushoku Toumei na Mama de... Now, I love this song, and seeing Aichan sing it so incredibly beautifully was just... beautiful. I really wish the recording worked out, but I imagine there are others around here that picked it up, no? Still, I don't imagine you can get the beauty until a better quality version comes out.

After this were a few more songs I didn't know, but one especially struck my memory - the Koi no Dial 6700. It begins with a bunch of "Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin Rin!"s, during which LinLin led the dance and pointed to herseslf the whole time. XD The same lyric came up at several other points in the song too, with her doing the same thing... It was quite amusing, and nice seeing LinLin getting some nice attention. :) She looked quite pretty last night. The dance for that song was also entertaining.

Eventually was the requisite leader/subleader MC, followed by a return to songs I know! :lol: Souda We're Alive had a rather new sound to it that I actually quite liked (it seemed more metallic-sounding), and Onna ni Sachi Are was one of the times I really got into the music (because I looove that song). Roman with Aichan, Gaki and Reina leads was of course awesome, and Koko ni Iruzee was fun... but since in this hall the seats were insanely close together, it was hard really to jump around too much. XD I was also sitting between a Japanese guy who was also at his first MM concert (and so shy), and a girl who I think barely moved throughout the entire show. So... yeah, not much in the movement department. I had to make do with my hands mainly. XD

The last song before the encore was Resonant Blue, and wow... For the first time, I think the difference between watching a concert on DVD and live like this really hit me. The song, the lights, the girls, the dance just totally took me over and it felt like the whole concert hall was even smaller than it was. Instead of just watching the girls, it felt like I was just in a club dancing with them... not in the up-close and gropey kind of way, but in the way that you know that you and the girl(s) are feeling exactly the same thing at that moment - there's nothing but the music and the dance, and that's what music and this performance is all about. You might notice I said "girl" with "s" in parens above. Well, it's because throughout most of the concert I couldn't help staring at Reina... Of course me being me that's probably a given, but she just seemed to be having so much more fun than most of the others, and just likes always moving and making up her own little dances when one's not already choreographed... :blush: Yeah, paired with my many calls throughout the night of "Reina!" almost exclusively, I've apparently got it bad. XD And everyone I talked to at the concert knew it too haha. A guy afterward even gave me a Reina keychain because he had noticed... Ah... it was definitely a night of memories.

Anyway, I digress. The encore break seemed to stretch on f o r e v e r, but finally the girls came back out. The first song was fun, but mainly just to watch, and the MC farewell actually was one of the more entertaining ones I'd seen - Reina once again called out the Chinese girls and interrupted the whole thing with a rather lengthy conversation. Poor things. They seem to get picked on so much... Aozora finished things off wonderfully with great fan participation (though unfortunately because of the tightness of the seats no conga lines... but the girls didn't do it either on the small stage), and afterward I left the hall to chants from the wota on the first floor to those further up of "OtsukaReina!" and "OSayuminasai!"

Ah... memories. Goodness I write so long. But you who've ventured into 4th Station know me - this is what I do. XD

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #48 on: October 14, 2008, 12:37:32 PM »
Solo version of 'Tan Tan Taan!'?

I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THAT :heart: (on dvd, haha)

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #49 on: October 15, 2008, 09:56:45 PM »
Great review, rokun.  It sounds really exciting and a great experience.
I really hope that I could attend a MoMusu concert myself soon, but I'd see no chance of that... :sad:   

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #50 on: November 03, 2008, 07:39:00 AM »
I just got woken up to the best present from the mailman ever. Tickets to the concert! I had entirely forgotten, even as he was handing them to me I'm like "... but the winter concerts aren't until January?" and then I remembered. Going to Yonago, booyah. Fifth row too, awesome. I don't think I've ever been that close for a Momusu concert.

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2008, 06:32:22 AM »
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo noice! :rockon:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #52 on: November 05, 2008, 06:21:32 PM »

haha that's great, I'm totally going to use that.

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #53 on: November 16, 2008, 12:40:15 PM »
Back from the concert. Was about three metres from the stage. Awesome. I haven't been to a Momusu concert in about two years, so it was nice to see them on stage (just them) again. I was blown away by Junjun, her Japanese has improved so much since I last heard her speak. Although she got a bit lost at the end trying to say something and the other girls had to help her.

There were quite a few women and kids at this concert, which was surprising. Gaki made note during the last MC of this gorgeous little girl (she had to have been only one or two) who was dancing up the top and they had all the cameras on her. CUTE.

Good fun. Taka's solo was AMAZING.

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2008, 10:46:32 PM »
i soooo cant wait for this dvd.
is there a release date yet?

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #55 on: December 02, 2008, 07:03:59 PM »
Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Aki ~Resonant LIVE~ DVD
Release date: 2009-01-28
Catalog number: EPBE-5318
Price: 3,990 yen

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #56 on: December 03, 2008, 12:08:34 PM »

Question. Where is the song that Taka/Gaki/Reina sing from? It's not the covers album, and I haven't heard it anywhere else.

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #57 on: December 03, 2008, 06:30:43 PM »
The song Gaki Ai-chan and Reina sing is called "Take off is now". I think its going to be part of their new album along with Mitsui's solo song and "Guru Guru Jump".
Fany Power<3

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Re: [Tour] Morning Musume Concert Tour 2008 Autumn "Resonant LIVE"
« Reply #59 on: January 07, 2009, 06:21:06 PM »
I like the 'sideways' cover, but I don't really like the font and lay-out that much. Doesn't matter, content is more important!

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