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Author Topic: Poets's Directory ("PRINCE GAKI: Part 2" ~ReinAi/GakiKame Ver~ UPDATED: 7/29)  (Read 23756 times)

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AHHHHH!!! :bleed eyes: That was soooooo.......lovely!! I don't know if I should say it was sexy, cuz it was. Or if I should say it was adorable, cuz it was. Love how Ai-chan can't stop leading. :lol: But it was wonderful, I assure you. :wub: :inlove: :heart:
*glomps poets back*
Thanks, it's good to be back.
sexy, cute, lovely... i have no idea how to classify this either xD... we'll just go with lovely then LOL

Such a cute story, I loved it!  :)
And there's going to be a second part, which is nice. Looking forward to it!
(I hope it's going to be as cute as this one!)

Don't know if it'll be as cute... but it's funnier... at least i think it's funnier ^^;



Aww that was so amazingly cute!
Go Ai! muahahaha

 :cow: Go Ai! Go Ai! Go Ai! Now all Gaki has to do is keep acting well ^_^

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :mon zoom: POETS!!!!!!!!!!*falls to the floor and  :mon blood:* Prince Gaki and Princess Ai/Prince Ai? XD This was brilliantly good :mon lovelaff: You even included the picture I adore so much. These 2 look awesomely good as a couple don't they? Ai isn't the only one who sees Gaki in a whole new light now cuz I did too after the Cinde related news and stuff got released. There is gonna be a KameMame version too? make me so blissful. 

 :shocked: for a moment there I thought you were attacking me LOL. Silly me  :oops: . Glad you really liked it, hope you like the second one just as much ^_^

OMG! so cool! made me squeal~  XD XD  :wub: :wub: :wub:
so cute~ TakaGaki  :wub:

I made you squeal XD... that's awesome!

lovely  :yep:
Indeed ^_^

Firstly, having the pic at the start like that sets the scene so sweetly :mon lovelaff:
You just captured everything that is so charming about TakaGaki absolutely perfectly! OMG, when I was reading I was
thinking "why the hell don't you write them more often missy, it's incredible!".

Naaaaah, I don't know if I do so well with takagaki... this story just came out nice ^^;;;;... it might not happen again :fear:

That part was just so utterly genuine and cute  :mon inluv: I could picture that exactly, right down to Risa's tone and facial expression :heart:
Risa.. always soo nice <3

Oh wouldn't it be just so perfect if during an actual performance of this, the suaveness of Prince Gaki finally hits Ai and she goes completely blank for a short time just staring at her prince charming and everyone is in complete silence just watch the two of stare into each other's eyes like the whole world has disappeared around them  :mon inluv: Yeah I'm in TakaGaki overload tonight  :gmon twirl:

That might actually be fun to write about XD

*waits, not quite as anxiously as everyone else, for the next part* :P
awwwwwwwwwwwww, well I hope you read it ^_^
Rika <3 So funneh

Offline poets

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PRINCE GAKI: ReinAi/GakiKame ver.

‘Stop smiling stop SMILING STOP SMILING!!’ Reina’s grip on her script became tighter and her eyes narrower as she glared at the fairytale couple dancing. She didn’t like one bit the fact that her sweet innocent honest leader girlfriend had to swoon every other scene she had with Prince Gaki. It stabbed her insides every time she thought about it. Reina took a deep breath, in an attempt to calm her self down. She glanced over to the side, deciding it’d be best to stop visually torturing herself. To her anxiety’s relief, she wasn’t the only having a hard time with this. Eri seemed to be in the same predicament as her. Suddenly Eri too glanced away, like if she was trying to ignore the developing scene in front of her, she quickly caught Reina’s eyes. They gave each other a sympathetic look and shrug. They were very well aware of the long frustrating road ahead of them. They were barely in the rehearsal stage of it all, once the performances came around things would start to be more serious and look much more real.

“Okay!" the Director, sitting next to the choreographer, called out. “Let’s do this scene once more. Everyone take your positions once more”. Eri and Reina regrouped with one another and took a short walk to the back of the room, where their starting position was at.

“I don’t know about you, but if we have to repeat this scene any more I’m going to have a meltdown” Reina angrily stomped.

“I know…” Eri sighed “What makes it unbearable is Gaki’s smile.” She rolled her eyes and bit her lip. “I hate it, she looks to happy. I mean, she doesn’t look THAT happy when she and I are together.” She bawled up her hands. Reina looked at her amused.

“Eri, I don’t know if you’ve notice but… Gaki is ALWAYS smiling” Reina chuckled. “There’s nothing special or different about her smile right now” Eri seemed to slightly relax. They finally reached their destination “The one that’s smiling too much is not your girlfriend… it’s mine” she drawled and ground her teeth “Ai giggles when ever Gaki gets too much into character. Like if she enjoys seeing Gaki tie her hair up in that Nouveau pony tail,  get all charming and debonair, see her posture change to a more masculine one… you know what I mean, Eri?” She turned to look at her companion but to her displeasure her fictional sister had now turned into a drooling fool, her tongue basically hanging out, and her eyes were all starry like as she stared at Risa.

Reina exasperatingly sighed. “Alright girls… here we go! START!” the director said loudly and everyone once again resumed their roles in the particular scene. As the step-sisters walked by the smiling couple, Reina focused her eyes on the Prince ‘Hmph, I bet you think you’re suddenly a hot shot. Well you’re not and you’re not that charming as a Prince either’ the jealous yankii couldn’t help but be a hater. As she brushed pass them, Risa unexpectedly looked up at her. Inwardly Reina was shocked and wanted to look away but she had a point to get across and stared back even more defiantly. Due to choreography, Risa had to twirl and switch direction but she quickly looked at the glaring Reina once more. It was clear to her that if looks could kill, Reina would’ve led her to her final resting place. Then, out of the blue she gave a charismatic grin and winked at Reina. To her amusement, Reina blushed in shock and quickly looked away. For the remainder of the scene the Yankii rokkie avoided eye contact with the handsome Risa. ‘Okay, maybe she is a little charming when she gets into character’ she displeasingly admitted.  “And stop!” the director called out “Okay girls, that was good. You all did a lot better after the first five times we acted this out.” An audible sigh of relief and satisfaction could be heard through out the room. The director smiled at their exhaustion and glanced at his watch. “It’s getting pretty late… so let’s call it a day. We’ll see each other tomorrow, same place, same time” They all would’ve clapped from happiness but they were much more concerned with going home than demonstrating their feelings.

“Gaki-san” Eri ran to the awaiting hand of her lover. As their fingers touched Gaki quickly spun the turtle into her arms. Eri giggled and smiled widely. Her inhibitions quickly disappearing even if tomorrow she’d once again gain them back. “It’s not fair, when are you and me gonna rehearse our dance?” Eri looked down and with a pout. She could feel her sub-leader chuckle and sweetly caress her head.

“How about we hold our own private rehearsal?” Gaki suggested. A flicker of naughtiness flashed in Eri’s eyes as she blinked.

“I’m going to get my stuff now so we can leave. My parents won’t be home for another three hours. If we hurry, we can enjoy ourselves and rehearse all we want” She squealed at her ingenuity while Risa gave an agreeing nod. As Eri walked away from her girlfriend, Reina was being approached by hers. She shamelessly checked Ai out, making her eyes wander up and down every curve of that body that willingly belonged to her. She ran her tongue over her teeth and rubbed her chin cockily as an opened armed Leader came closer to her.

“Damn, my woman looked good dancing” she whispered in her ear as she casually wrapped her arms around her. She closed her eyes and breathed her hard working scent in. When she reopened them she caught a swaying Risa looking straight at her. Risa then raised her hand and gave a quick wave. Reina couldn’t deicide between flipping her off or waving back. Instead, she opted for hugging Ai tightly and mouthing ‘MINE’ to a waving Risa.

The enthusiastic wave slowed down and stopped. Risa’s smile slid off her face as she brought her hand back down. She looked, at first, confused and then as if realizing what Reina meant, she got mad. Suddenly Eri’s head popped up under Risa’s arm. She rapidly said something and started to push Risa towards the door. As they exited the room, Risa once more glanced back Reina, she passionately pointed a finger at Eri and mouthed ‘MINE’ then pointed a finger towards Ai and mouthed ‘EW’ and with that, walked out of the room, head high and back straight.

A low growl rumbled in Reina’s throat. “Um, babe…” Ai breathlessly stated.

“Wha… ehem, I mean, what?” Reina’s toned started mean but she quickly changed to a softer tone.

“You’re cutting my air supply. Could you loosen up bit?” Reina quickly looked down at them realizing just how tight she was holding the short haired girl.

“I’m sooooo sorry” an apologetic look came over her face. “Breath, okay? Breath…” she fanned her hands at Ai’s slightly blue-ish face.

Ai inhaled and exhaled and finally caught her breath “Phew… that was close, they almost had to use my understudy if you hadn’t let go” her chest still rose and dropped with her slight gasps for air. “What was that about?” she suspiciously looked at Reina.

“Um… nothing, it was nothing.” Reina wouldn’t dare tell Ai the truth. The long conversation they had that day when the roles were assigned was still fresh in her memory. All they talked about was her jealousy and how she would have to control herself.

“Oh really…?”  A knowing look from Ai stared back at her.

“Ano… yeah” Reina glanced around nervously. Ai slowly approached her.

“So, let’s get this straight. You’re perfectly fine with the new script change they made?” The leader cocked her eyebrow.

Reina slightly tilted her head to the left “Suuuure?”

“Oh… WOW!” Ai looked impressed “I’m pleasantly surprised. I was positive you’d have an issue with it. I guess I was wrong” She smiled at Reina. “That type of change deserves a reward” Ai quickly looked around the room, it was basically empty now. Only a few members were left and they were vigorously going over their lines. She looked back at Reina and smiled. “How about I give it to you now?” She started lean in for a kiss. Reina too began to lean in but her brain couldn’t resist but start to think once more. ‘Why would Ai be so shocked that I’m not upset? Maybe I should ask cause maybe I just should be upset.’

“Wait” Reina said. Ai faltered forward.

“What a way to kill the mood” Ai stood straight once more. “Wait for what?”

“What was the announcement?… With so many changes I might not remember” Reina tried to ask as casually as possible.

“There was only one, silly” Ai placed her hand on Reina’s skirt and had it playfully crawl up to her collar bone. “How about we just kiss and then I tell you?”

“No, I think you should tell me now” Reina’s curiosity intensified.

“Aha!” a knowing glare erupted from the Leader’s eyes. “I knew it, you didn’t hear when the director said that the stage kiss between me and Gaki had to be as realistic as possible and that now we had to literally kiss each other” Reina heard something break in her and quickly she became enraged.

“NO!” she stated loudly. “No way in HELL am I going to allow my, and I repeat, MY GIRLFRIEND act a la “Melodies” PV with Prince flipping Gaki.”

“Reina” Ai’s tone was steady and definitive. She wanted Reina to stop and to stop it now.

“No, Ai… I won’t stand for it. Don’t think I haven’t seen how you stare at her. A kiss would be fatal.” Jealousy and irrationality was all that dominated Reina’s brain.

“Reina, this is ridiculous!” Ai scolded.  The younger girl quickly grabbed the other’s hands and kissed them.

“I can’t run the chance of losing you” she whispered and looked up at Ai with glistening eyes. “Do you have any clue how long it took me to finally get you?” the genuine feeling coming from her tone emotionally killed Ai. The chosen Cindy couldn’t hold it in any longer. What Reina had just told her was too precious to answer back with words. She leaned in and kissed Reina fully on the lips.

“You’re incredible sometimes” Ai pressed her forehead against her girlfriends. “So much that I now have a confession for you” Reina looked puzzled. “There was no script change. We will not be kissing.” Suddenly, Reina let go of her hands and stepped back at bit.

“You tricked me?”

“No, not really, I wanted to prove my point! I saw the way you looked at Gaki as you passed by us. That was unbelievably rude!” Ai scolded. “I expected better from you, especially after our conversation. You have no excuse to be behaving like that, I don’t see Eri acting like that” Ai pointed out.

“Ha! That’s what you think.” Reina folded her arms angrily.

“Oh really now?” she looked surprised. “Well, I’m not too worried. I’m sure Gaki will clear things up” She stated knowingly.

“WTF, Ai!?!?! What you just did was wrong. Now that’s rude” Reina walked up to Ai.

“The reason is for your sanity. Do you know how much of a good job you do acting out this role?” Ai informed.

“You don’t say?” Reina smiled proudly, momentarily forgetting her anger.

"Don’t get to happy, the only reason you two act it out so well is because you are genuinely jealous” She placed a hand on her hip “and you shouldn’t be”

“I hate that you say it so easy, like if actually doing it was that easy” The yankii sighed.

“It’s just a matter of trust.” Ai shrugged.

“Yeah, right” Reina pouted. Ai rolled her eyes and decided to approach her sad yankii. She sweetly rubbed Reina’s upper arms and slightly slouched down to catch her eye and wonky eye.

“Rei~~na~~~” She cutely shook her “you know you can trust me. Even if Gaki tried to hook up with me… you know I wouldn’t leave you.” She flashed a reassuring smile. Reina too finally cracked a smile at her, which led to another tight embrace between the two.

“You’re right” she stated. “Today I can say I was convinced that Gaki wouldn’t try to hook up with you”

“Aww that’s sweet. So you trust Gaki too?” Ai innocently asked.

“No, she just told me that you were “ew” to her” Reina pecked her shoulder..

“Aww Gaki thinks I’m… WHAT?!?! Gaki told you I’m EW??” She pushed Reina back in shock.


“Okay I’m tired” the Mame slumped forward.

“It’s getting late. You should call your mom and tell her you’re going to sleep over” The turtle sweetly suggested.

“I can’t, you know that every time I stay to sleep over we end up arriving super late. It’s better if only you arrive super late” The gokkie joked. Her girlfriend frowned and dragged her feet as she walked to her sleeping bed.

 “Ii nee~” Eri exhaled and threw herself on to the matress.

“What’s good?” Risa threw her self next to her.

“Being Cinderella” she comfortably turned to her side, tucking her hands under her head. “I’m so jealous” She frowned.

“Kame…” she too turned to her side and smoothed Eri’s hair behind her ear. “Come here” she snaked her arms under the rokkie and brought her closer, Eri comfortably rested her head on Risa’s shoulder “You know I love you, right?” the chosen step sister nodded a yes. “and in my eyes, you’re my only Cinderella”

“I know, I know… believe me, I know” Eri spoke up. “But that doesn’t mean I have to like you being all fake rabu-rabu with Ai. Sometimes I feel you smile just a little too much at her” she puckered her lips sadly.

“Nani?” Risa was shocked.

“I don’t mean all the time, but when you’re rehearsing…well” Eri winced.

“But Kame… I’m supposed to be looking and smiling at her. I’m in love with her”

“What?!?” Eri shot up in to a kneeling position. Risa burst out into laughter at her reaction.

“Hahahah Eri hahaha Oh My God hahaa your reaction level even beat mine” Risa suddenly had a coughing fit and had to gasp for air. Eri rushed over to her side and patted her back.

“Serves you right to choke” she fiercely pounded on the other’s back.

“Okay, okay, stop, you’re going to make a lung come out” Eri ceased her beating. “Anyways, when I said ‘I’m in love with her’, I meant that my character is. I mean, it is ‘Cinderella - The Musical’… not the ‘Turtle Step Sister – The Musical’.” Risa rationalized.

“Now THAT would be a play I’d love to be in… at least you’d be smiling more at me.” The slightly younger girl slouched down. “I’m sorry Gaki, I know I’m being troublesome to you. I wish I didn’t feel like this”

“Listen, I know it’s bugging you, but don’t worry… I know someone who’s worse than you” Risa scowled at the memory. “At least you’re not behaving like Reina, man she upset me today. You know what she did?” Eri shook her head. “She death glared me, like if she’s Miki-san or something, and then as we were getting ready to leave, she hugged Ai and said ‘Mine’ like if she was warning me.” She puffed her cheeks.

“So what did you do?”

“I called her “ew” and then claimed you as mine. Honestly, why the hell would I want Ai when I have you? ” Gaki nodded, unexpectedly she was full on jumped by Eri and attacked by hundreds of kisses.

“That *kiss* was *kiss* the best *kiss* answer EVER *big kiss*” Eri expressed her happiness.

‘Well, at least that got her into a better mood’ Gaki thought to her self. Out of the blue, her back pocket started to vibrate. She reached into it and pulled it out. She had received an image text from Ai.

Here’s your EW
-vengeful Takahashi-Sama >=(

A picture of a mad puffy cheek Ai threateningly holding Risa’s favorite manga over a lit match, which was being held by a smiling Reina, flashed on the small screen of her cell phone.

A glass breaking “NOOOOOO” screeched its way through the streets of Tokyo.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 09:19:11 PM by poets »
Rika <3 So funneh

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OMG, I have tears in my eyes!! XD Both from the cuteness and laughter! I must say, I think this beats the Takagaki one! :shocked: Dude, if Reina's shooting angry eye beams, Gaki should just shoot some mayuge beams back! :lol: The "EW" was epic, epic I tell you. Both couples are so cute. Reina is a damn jealous mofo! 8) But that's hot and I like it. Gakikame are nothing but fluff. :wub: Sure they have sex or whatever but to me, it could never be anything but gentle. Which is beyond adorable for me. AHHHH! I'm having trouble describing how much I like this again.... XD

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Soo sad... :cry:


Before reading ReinAi/GakiKame ver: The pic... the story... so cute~~ :heart: :heart: And Ai-chan just can't stop being the leader XD I love it  :inlove:

After redaing the ReinAi/GakiKame ver.: I have mixed feelings about all this but still it was cute :roll:

PRINCE GAKI: ReinAi/GakiKame ver.

Yeah...I liked better this part :lol: And the pic fits perfectly :D

Reina couldn’t deicide between flipping her off or waving back. Instead, she opted for hugging Ai tightly and mouthing ‘MINE’ to a waving Risa.

That was sooo hot and awesome! XD Reina just steals the show :D Yay for the Yankii vision again! :lol:

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Jealous Reina and Eri = HI-LARIOUS!!!
 :mon lmao: :mon lmao: :mon lmao:

“Gaki-san” Eri ran to the awaiting hand of her lover. As their fingers touched Gaki quickly spun the turtle into her arms. Eri giggled and smiled widely. Her inhibitions quickly disappearing even if tomorrow she’d once again gain them back. “It’s not fair, when are you and me gonna rehearse our dance?” Eri looked down and with a pout. She could feel her sub-leader chuckle and sweetly caress her head.

“How about we hold our own private rehearsal?” Gaki suggested. A flicker of naughtiness flashed in Eri’s eyes as she blinked.

“I’m going to get my stuff now so we can leave. My parents won’t be home for another three hours. If we hurry, we can enjoy ourselves and rehearse all we want” She squealed at her ingenuity while Risa gave an agreeing nod.
Eri = :(
Risa =
Eri =  :?.....:w00t:

When she reopened them she caught a swaying Risa looking straight at her. Risa then raised her hand and gave a quick wave. Reina couldn’t deicide between flipping her off or waving back. Instead, she opted for hugging Ai tightly and mouthing ‘MINE’ to a waving Risa.

The enthusiastic wave slowed down and stopped. Risa’s smile slid off her face as she brought her hand back down. She looked, at first, confused and then as if realizing what Reina meant, she got mad. Suddenly Eri’s head popped up under Risa’s arm. She rapidly said something and started to push Risa towards the door. As they exited the room, Risa once more glanced back Reina, she passionately pointed a finger at Eri and mouthed ‘MINE’ then pointed a finger towards Ai and mouthed ‘EW’ and with that, walked out of the room, head high and back straight.

A low growl rumbled in Reina’s throat. “Um, babe…” Ai breathlessly stated.

“Wha… ehem, I mean, what?” Reina’s toned started mean but she quickly changed to a softer tone.

“You’re cutting my air supply. Could you loosen up bit?” Reina quickly looked down at them realizing just how tight she was holding the short haired girl.

“I knew it, you didn’t hear when the director said that the stage kiss between me and Gaki had to be as realistic as possible and that now we had to literally kiss each other” Reina heard something break in her and quickly she became enraged.
Aichan = :hee:
Reina =  :mon mad:

Aichan has a point here that Reina should give her a bit more credit/trust. Even if Risa were trying to put the moves on her, it doesn't mean that Aichan would automatically fall for it and leave Reina.

Though it probably is pretty sweet watching her be all worried and knowing that she loves her so much that she's able to freak out like this and such.

So you trust Gaki too?” Ai innocently asked.

“No, she just told me that you were “ew” to her” Reina pecked her shoulder..

“Aww Gaki thinks I’m… WHAT?!?! Gaki told you I’m EW??” She pushed Reina back in shock.
Aichan =  :gmon sing:
Reina =  :gmon bang:
Aichan =  :stunned:


“Okay I’m tired” the Mame slumped forward.
WOOOO! :hump:

“It’s getting late. You should call your mom and tell her you’re going to sleep over” The turtle sweetly suggested.

“I can’t, you know that every time I stay to sleep over we end up arriving super late. It’s better if only you arrive super late”
:twisted: :rockon:

“I don’t mean all the time, but when you’re rehearsing…well” Eri winced.

“But Kame… I’m supposed to be looking and smiling at her. I’m in love with her”

“What?!?” Eri shot up in to a kneeling position. Risa burst out into laughter at her reaction.

“Hahahah Eri hahaha Oh My God hahaa your reaction level even beat mine”
Eri =  :mon whimper:
Risa =  :bigdeal:
Eri =  :mon wtf:
Risa =  :on lol:

“So what did you do?”

“I called her “ew” and then claimed you as mine. Honestly, why the hell would I want Ai when I have you? ” Gaki nodded, unexpectedly she was full on jumped by Eri and attacked by hundreds of kisses.

“That *kiss* was *kiss* the best *kiss* answer EVER *big kiss*” Eri expressed her happiness.
:lol: Awwwwwwwwwwwww...

Out of the blue, her back pocket started to vibrate. She reached into it and pulled it out. She had received an image text from Ai.

Here’s your EW
-vengeful Takahashi-Sama >=(

A picture of a mad puffy cheek Ai threateningly holding Risa’s favorite manga over a lit match, which was being held by a smiling Reina, flashed on the small screen of her cell phone.

A glass breaking “NOOOOOO” screeched its way through the streets of Tokyo.
Aichan =  :angry1:
Reina =  :mon evil:
Risa =  :pleeease:

Wait though, why does Aichan have Risa's favourite manga?  8)

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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The pic matches the story soooo much  :lol:
Reina is so much more jealous than Eri, lol. But their jealousy is kinda cute, so no problem...  :yep:
The "Takahashi-sama" at the end was priceless, never imagined her like that!

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Out of the blue, her back pocket started to vibrate. She reached into it and pulled it out. She had received an image text from Ai.

Here’s your EW
-vengeful Takahashi-Sama >=(

A picture of a mad puffy cheek Ai threateningly holding Risa’s favorite manga over a lit match, which was being held by a smiling Reina, flashed on the small screen of her cell phone.

A glass breaking “NOOOOOO” screeched its way through the streets of Tokyo.

Takahashi-sama:  :mon mad:
Reina:  :cow: (in her mind lol)
Gaki-san:  :mon scare:

Poor Gaki-san, but I love that part XD
But, the more important question is, what is the manga and why does Ai have it? xD
Morning Musume Fairy Tales!
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That was great  :lol:  I just love "Takahashi-sama's" text.  :mon annoy:

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~woo~~~... that was ... hmm... i don't know... ... i can't think of a word... ... ... *word for now* AWESOME!!!! (pronounced as OSAM)

... i liked it... i liked it a lot... i preferred takagaki for a while but this... this is making me reconsider...

great job!

thanks for the awesomeness!

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Oh poets, I have to say this right now. I don't care if half (or maybe more) of the forum reads this but I adore you!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: I really like this new fic since it's so funny (TanaKamei getting jealous, TakaGaki mine+Ewwww reactions), and the bit with Reina getting shocked by how charming Risa is was pure gold. The satisfying fluffiness helped too :D

There are a few areas you have in here that are similiar to ideas I was mulling over for a 3rd Cinde series fic. I guess somehow we started thinking alike. It's definitely a good thing since that means more TakaGaki/KameMame fics coming up? ;)

“It’s just a matter of trust.” Ai shrugged.
For some reason I read that as It's a matter of lust. It was an honest mistake!! :lol:

I still can't get over how good this is. Okay, that's it. The time has come for me to print out your fics. I only ever did that for Estrea's. Are you happy?

PS: Awww, how could I bear to attack you? Hmmm, did that come out wrong? XD

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Hahaha! What's wrong with Aichan? She shouldn't be so mad at being considered EW, unless... Nah! She just shouldn't be mad. XD

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PRINCE GAKI: TAKAGAKI ver.  :mon kissy: "I like it that much"

PRINCE GAKI: ReinAi/GakiKame ver.

Reina couldn’t deicide between flipping her off or waving back. Instead, she opted for hugging Ai tightly and mouthing ‘MINE’ to a waving Risa.

The enthusiastic wave slowed down and stopped. Risa’s smile slid off her face as she brought her hand back down. She looked, at first, confused and then as if realizing what Reina meant, she got mad. Suddenly Eri’s head popped up under Risa’s arm. She rapidly said something and started to push Risa towards the door. As they exited the room, Risa once more glanced back Reina, she passionately pointed a finger at Eri and mouthed ‘MINE’ then pointed a finger towards Ai and mouthed ‘EW’ and with that, walked out of the room, head high and back straight.

lol! you get infinite kisses for that one XD  Someone should start a thread titled "the funniest things you've seen a fanfiction writer write" and then we can quote you a whole bunch of times =D

Offline KonaKaga

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*Drops down from the sky*
I just came back down from heaven to tell you that that was awesome! XD I loved all of it. The fingerpointing misunderstanding was hilarious. I can't believe Ai is threatening to set Risa's favourite manga on fire :lol: I love the picture as well, Eri and Reina really do look jealous.
I'm going to read this over and over and over. :wub:
*Flys back up to heaven*

Credit to Clamy-san!
Visit my blog!

Offline heyyouhiya

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Oh my gah that was like the best thing ever
I can't wait for the third part!

Offline lollipopgirl

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Excuse me while I recover from the awesomeness that I just read :w00t:

*recovery time*

Alrighty, I'm good :D
Ok, first of all, OMG OMG OMG OMG... I hope you're sitting down for this... Ready?... You just made me really like GakiKame AND I... umm...*cough*... I liked this better than the TakaGaki one (maybe) :o Oooh yeah, see how awesome you are :P

Jealous Reina was so mighty hot there XD but but but, Gaki 'Ew'ed, how utterly rude of her  :angry:
I totally love the pic at the start, I never noticed the look on TanaKame's faces before, how freakin' perfect :rofl:
I really like the different kinds of relationship between the two pairs... Ai's way of dealing with Reina's jealous is like "gaaawd, stop overreacting, you know nothing will happen  :roll:" and it works coz it's exactly what Reina needs to hear. Then you have Gaki's approach "*insert sweet, caring, reassuring words here*" which is just so romantic and gorgeous and charming and...  :mon inluv: and of course, as if Eri could resist that... I doubt anyone could  :wub:

I love your work so very very much! :heart: :heart: :heart:

Now time for some of my fave parts :D

“Ai giggles when ever Gaki gets too much into character. Like if she enjoys seeing Gaki tie her hair up in that Nouveau pony tail,  get all charming and debonair, see her posture change to a more masculine one… you know what I mean, Eri?” She turned to look at her companion but to her displeasure her fictional sister had now turned into a drooling fool, her tongue basically hanging out, and her eyes were all starry like as she stared at Risa.
XD Oh Eri, you're like Gaki's little love-sick puppy dog!

As Eri walked away from her girlfriend, Reina was being approached by hers. She shamelessly checked Ai out, making her eyes wander up and down every curve of that body that willingly belonged to her. She ran her tongue over her teeth and rubbed her chin cockily as an opened armed Leader came closer to her.

“Damn, my woman looked good dancing” she whispered in her ear as she casually wrapped her arms around her. She closed her eyes and breathed her hard working scent in.
I love Reina like that, so damn smexy :drool:

When she reopened them she caught a swaying Risa looking straight at her. Risa then raised her hand and gave a quick wave. Reina couldn’t deicide between flipping her off or waving back. Instead, she opted for hugging Ai tightly and mouthing ‘MINE’ to a waving Risa.
So totally full of awesome, and Gaki's response equally as great :rofl: How DO you come up with these things I wonder!? :P

“I’m sooooo sorry” an apologetic look came over her face. “Breath, okay? Breath…” she fanned her hands at Ai’s slightly blue-ish face.
:rofl: :lol:

“NO!” she stated loudly. “No way in HELL am I going to allow my, and I repeat, MY GIRLFRIEND act a la “Melodies” PV with Prince flipping Gaki.”
OMG... That's gotta be one of the best lines I have ever read in H!P fanfic  :mon lmao:
But you have a tendency to make it on the list of funny lines a lot.

“I can’t run the chance of losing you” she whispered and looked up at Ai with glistening eyes. “Do you have any clue how long it took me to finally get you?” the genuine feeling coming from her tone emotionally killed Ai. The chosen Cindy couldn’t hold it in any longer. What Reina had just told her was too precious to answer back with words. She leaned in and kissed Reina fully on the lips.
AWWWWWWWWWWWW  :mon lovelaff:

“But Kame… I’m supposed to be looking and smiling at her. I’m in love with her”

“What?!?” Eri shot up in to a kneeling position. Risa burst out into laughter at her reaction.

“Hahahah Eri hahaha Oh My God hahaa your reaction level even beat mine” Risa suddenly had a coughing fit and had to gasp for air. Eri rushed over to her side and patted her back.
:wahaha: *starts choking in laughter along with Gaki*
Of course Eri, if Gaki was to tell yo she was madly in love with Ai, she is bound to do so with THAT much ease... Silly billy!  :monk gboy:
“I called her “ew” and then claimed you as mine. Honestly, why the hell would I want Ai when I have you? ” Gaki nodded, unexpectedly she was full on jumped by Eri and attacked by hundreds of kisses.

“That *kiss* was *kiss* the best *kiss* answer EVER *big kiss*” Eri expressed her happiness.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!  :mon lovelaff:

Here’s your EW
-vengeful Takahashi-Sama >=(

A picture of a mad puffy cheek Ai threateningly holding Risa’s favorite manga over a lit match, which was being held by a smiling Reina, flashed on the small screen of her cell phone.

A glass breaking “NOOOOOO” screeched its way through the streets of Tokyo.
And we have a winner!!!  :mon lmao:
I don't need to say how brilliant that part is... you've got enough praise for it already :lol:

Next fic/chapter thing pleeeease~! :D :heart: :wub:

Offline kRisZ

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When she reopened them she caught a swaying Risa looking straight at her. Risa then raised her hand and gave a quick wave. Reina couldn’t deicide between flipping her off or waving back. Instead, she opted for hugging Ai tightly and mouthing ‘MINE’ to a waving Risa.

The enthusiastic wave slowed down and stopped. Risa’s smile slid off her face as she brought her hand back down. She looked, at first, confused and then as if realizing what Reina meant, she got mad. Suddenly Eri’s head popped up under Risa’s arm. She rapidly said something and started to push Risa towards the door. As they exited the room, Risa once more glanced back Reina, she passionately pointed a finger at Eri and mouthed ‘MINE’ then pointed a finger towards Ai and mouthed ‘EW’ and with that, walked out of the room, head high and back straight.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

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