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Author Topic: Poets's Directory ("PRINCE GAKI: Part 2" ~ReinAi/GakiKame Ver~ UPDATED: 7/29)  (Read 23908 times)

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Right... so, as the title of this thread informs us all, this is my storage thread. YAY! *claps* I do realize I'm a bit late in the game of "storage threads" but better late then never. See, I wrote this one-shot and was just gonna open another thread for it but I realized that I can't just keep posting random one-shots as new threads all the time =/. I need to be more organize :yep:. Post them up in a single thread.

Aside from creating a 1-shot storage thread for myself, this will also be a directory to all my other stories found in the H!P FanFic section here in JPHIP. I'd like to make it easier for those who are interested in what I've written and wrote. Hence I'll have links to my other fics here in the first page. 

That's pretty much it ^^;... see ya around!

Links to my Stories:
THREE MONTHS[incomplete]
 -Very few things in this world are worse than betrayal and there's no worse betrayal than realizing that the person you thought was your and yours alone... never ever really fully belonged to you. A story that could only told by it's remorseful Miki, an ashamed Gaki and a heart broken Eri and how much it just sux to be in a love triangle.

-This is what happens when ex-morning musume members don't have enough work and get bored, they make BETS! Yossy[aka The Pimp], Miki [Da Playa], Rika [The Princess], Maki [The Heart Breaker], Mako [The Charmer] and an occasionally appearance by Aya, here and there, find themselves entwined in the biggest love game H!P will ever experience. Though on the surface you have an innocent and "reasonable" bet going on... beneath the surface there are secretes they all have and secretes that will come out sooner or later. But the only true question you should really ask yourself is: JUST WHO THE HELL IS GOING TO END UP WITH YOSSY?

Links to 1-shots not found here:
-Pretty simple and cute GAM one-shot <3

-Oh no Yossy is stuck in the middle of a Rika and Miki fight. 

1-shots found on this thread
-Yossy has a confession to make to a friend she hasn't talked to in a while.

-After holding a heart to heart conversation with a certain 8th gen member, Ai finally finds herself a true kohai.

Three Months -Deleted Scene-
-Miki's been touching Nakazawa's stash and the consequences have now caught up

-Ishiyoshi angsty

-It's a "Cinderella The Musical" one shot and this one is centered around Takagaki
« Last Edit: July 29, 2008, 09:04:39 PM by poets »
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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2008, 12:10:12 AM »

Foot steps echoed in a predictable rhythm through out the room with a random shuffle here and an infrequent stumble there. It had been going on for quite a while now and quite frankly everyone was getting either bored or annoyed by it. Thoughts and emotions were now in restless activity; anxiety had started a consistent rise along with its two evil siblings, nervousness and worry. She glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time, trying to relax her self. Sadly though, it had the opposite effect.

“Yocchan, if you don’t stop pacing… I’m leaving” Miki was sitting on the floor up against a wall, her legs sprawled out and her head resting on Ayaka’s conveniently available shoulder. 

“Leave her alone” The Coconut scolded. “You were nervous too” Miki hastily lifted her head, face demonstrating a glare.

That was different” the Hokkaido girl defended herself. “and for what it counts, I did not…” she pointed at the still pacing Yossy “Pace”

“No” the eldest agreed “You kept cussing and punching random, innocent, by standing objects”

“Those objects got in my way” Miki gritted her teeth.

“All I’m saying is that when you’re about to make a love confession you get violent… Yossy gets… well…pacy” 

“Can you two please shut up?! I’m trying to think straight” she placed a hand on her hip. Miki and Ayaka stared up at her, wide eyed, like children who had just been reprimanded for eating desert before their dinner. “Guys, don’t look at me like that” they widened there eyes even more “Seriously stop” they decided to make their eyes water “Moouuuu~ Yamete… you two know I’m a sucker for puppy dog eyes”

“Ok, we’ll stop Yocchan” Miki’s voice was child like. “But you’ll have to give us something to stop” Ayaka nodded along.

“That’s extortion!” Yossy rightfully identified. Tears had now developed in both of her companions’ eyes, at any given moment they could start crying. “Ok, ok, ok, ok, ok” she desperately moved her hands “What do you want, just please don’t start crying” her ex sub-leader whispered something into the English speaker’s ear. They both nodded and giggled conspiratorially. The way they communicated with such evil delight made Yossy fear the possible outcome. Finally, they both nodded in agreement and looked up to a fearing Yoshizawa.

“1, Stop pacing” Ayaka stated

“And 2, let us eavesdrop on your conversation” Miki smiled.

“That’s what I have to do to make you stop crying?!?!?!” Yossy couldn’t believe it.

“Mmhmm” the groper nodded. .

“Oh… well… in that case… CRY!!!” Yossy got mad. “I should’ve never asked you two to come. Instead of helping me… you’re making things worse on me” she stood stiffly.

“Hey now, Yoshiko” Ayaka stood up and placed a hand on Yossy’s shoulder. “We were just playing. Relax, ok” she hugged her tensed friend.

Miki reluctantly stood up as well “Yeah, yeah, no need to get your panties up in a bunch.” She crossed her arms, shifting her weight onto her left foot “We were just joking around… unless you’re gonna do it” she grinned.
“Gah” Yossy sigh. “You’re unbelievable sometimes” she shook her chuckling.

Aisu kuriimu to my purrin~

“Um… Miki” Yossy pointed to a black purse on the floor “Your phone is playing the song where your girlfriend looked like she was trying to audition for the American PlayBoy mansion” Miki looked down at her purse.

Hami dasu bubun wa crazy night baby

“Ahh yes, that fun, fun, fun bunny suit” Childish glee came over Miki “Crazy night indeed, baby” She giggled at her private thoughts.

Aitsu to atsuku maiodoru

“Stop grossing me out and pick up your phone” The uncommon moody Yossy demanded.

Dakishimeraretara crazy night suteki

“Shut up, you’re just jealous I get to play with a bunny girl and you don’t” she bent down and took her phone out. “Moshi Moshi…. Hey there Hot Pants, did you pick her up already?” Yossy and Ayaka waited with anticipation. “Oh you’re here already?” Miki glanced over at Yossy. “Okay, you remember the plan, right Honey Bunny?” she giggled and suddenly stop “No… of course not” she looked serious.

What happened?’ Ayaka soundlessly mouthed to Miki. The sub-captain of Gatas looked at both for them and made a shoo-shoo motion with her hand. Then turned towards the wall and spoke as low as possible.

“No, I understand, and I’m sorry. You know I wouldn’t say demeaning things like that about or to you, just to show off” though she tried her best to say this as hushily as possible, Ayaka and Yossy heard it just fine. An audible snort of laughter ripped through the room, originating from Yoshizawa. Thankfully her laughing was quickly muffled by Ayaka’s hand. “No baby… I know… I won’t… I promise I wont… ok… you’re not mad at me right?... good… blow me a kiss to confirm you’re not mad at me anymore… there you go… alright now returning to the plan” she raised her voice back to normal “You and Mai tell her to come in and wait for you guys in here. You forgot something in the car. Me and Ayaka are now leaving Yossy by her self. Alright, you got it?…. Great, oh and remember, I love you, Smooth Bottom………hello?...Hello?...Rika?!?!... Shit, she hung up” she snapped closed her phone. Miki glanced over to where Yossy and Ayaka were standing a few moments ago, they were now on the floor banging their fists on it while holding their nose and mouth shut trying their best not to laugh out loud.

“OH!! MY!! GOD!!! That was beyond funny” Yossy finally let it out. “Fujimoto Miki… where has your back bone gone” she clapped to her amusement.

“For real! You really got it bad… the only other people I’ve seen dominate you like that is Aya and your mom” Ayaka had stood up and was now helping a giggling Yossy stand as well.

The Glare queen could only glower and simultaneously blush vibrant red. “Yeah, whatever” she picked up her bag and walked towards the door, grabbing hold of Ayaka by the elbow to drag her out as well. “Yocchan, call us when you’re done” She slammed the door but not before Yossy could catch her best friend waving good bye at her. She followed their silhouette as it walked by the window. As she saw the last bit of their shadows walk off the blinds, she started searching the room for the best possible hiding place. She walked up to the table that was set in the middle of the living room and took out a letter from her pocket. Setting it on a visible spot, she lightly traced the name it was addressed to with her finger, smiling at the memories she had spent with her. She laughed at herself as her nail ran over the “a” in the name. She had decided to spell it out in Romaji as opposed to Kanji, taking into consideration the scenario, it only seemed right. “It’s been way to long” she pursed her lips “I hope nothing’s changed” she whispered to herself.

The sound of a key being thrust into its corresponding hole shocked Yossy into a stand. “Crap!” she scolded her self, realizing she hadn’t even searched for a decent hiding place. Due to lack of time Yossy chose the best spot she could at that moment, behind the couch. Just as she jumped over it and dove behind in a single swoop, Mai opened the door causing a stream of sunlight to fill the room.

“Oh no! Mai… I forgot something in the car?” the undeniable voice of Ishikawa Rika floated into the apartment. “Come with me, please”

“Oh, I’ll go with you” the voice of the girl, Yossy had been waiting for, spoke. Her heart skipped a beat.

“Nooo, it’s okay, I’ll go with Rika. You just go in and sit on the couch, we’ll be back” Mai quickly interject.

“Yeah, don’t worry… it is Mai’s car to begin with. She’d know where things tend to turn up” Rika saved the potential spoil.

“Yeah, I’d know where my car hides things” Mai smiled stupidly.

“Well….” Yossy’s object of desire sounded hesitant and confused. “Ok… I’ll just go in then… I am a bit tired” she laughed goofily.

“Good, just relax…nee” Mai shoved her in and closed the door. She stood there staring at the door for a while, before shrugging and walking towards the couch. The slap of her sandals against her heel matched Yossy’s breathing. Suddenly the spring’s twang informed the hiding girl that the other had sat down. Yossy, painfully slow, stretched her head up and peeked over the couch. She caught a glimpse of her crush’s hair, it was now medium length and its current color was brown. Some of the hair, somehow, ended up tucked in her collar; the girl ran her hands under the bulk and released it. Its light scent of squash flowed over to Yossy’s nose; the familiar smell set her senses a blaze. Her eyes rolled back and became half lidded as a silly smile spread ‘Aa~ she still smells the same’ she internally squealed.

“What the….” The mystery girl sounded stunned. She had finally seen the sealed envelope on the table. It was a letter, a letter addressed to her specifically, a letter meant for her, Ogawa Makoto. Yossy quickly ducked once more. The sound of the letter being opened made the hider’s heart race at full speed. “Dear Makoto” the recent returnee read out loud.

She’s reading it out loud!!?’ The ex-leader of Morning Musume made a WTF face. ‘No one who’s normal reads a letter out loud in a private room’ she shook her head. Truth be told though, under normal circumstances Yossy wouldn’t really care, but the fact that the letter was written by her and expressed some of her most intimate feelings changed the whole thing around.

“Hi, hope you’re genki.” Makoto continued “It’s been a while since we’ve spoken, too long to be honest.  So long in fact, that I’ve had a lot of time to think about things, but before we get into that, I want to say the following: I’m so happy you’ve returned to Japan safe and sound and in one piece. I hope your family’s doing well and that everything has been running smoothing so far. Great, now that I said that… I can freely say what I want to say now.” She giggled at the last sentence “The day you left was one of the hardest days of my life and one of the most confusing. Seeing you walk through the gates that led to the plane that would be flying you away from me caused many different emotions to arise. At first I felt hate… I hated you. I hated you for all the addiction you had caused me, how our plans for the future suddenly shifted and changed when you decided to leave the country. I hated that plane for flying you… I wanted to break its wings off, but when I thought about the money I would have to pay to repair, I decided not to. Then I felt disappointment, I was disappointed in my self for having allowed my self get to that level. You know me, Mako-chan, I don’t let people get close to me, but the ones I do, I treasure my whole life. Then I felt sadness and loneliness. Knowing that your face would not be there to greet me every other day caused an unbearable amount of pain in me. I was missing you so strongly already and you hadn’t even boarded on to your plane yet.

“Mako-chan, when you left I entered a deep funk, I missed you so much it hurt. I’m sorry that I never wrote to you… I just could never bring my self to do it. I know that’s not an excuse but it’s the truth. There is an English saying, maybe you’ve heard it by now, but it goes: Distance makes the heart grow fonder. Meaning that when you are away from your most precious things you miss them deeply and acknowledge their absence, you acknowledge it so much that when you are reunited with it, you vow never to let it go again. Makoto Ogawa…I want to tell you that you are my most precious thing in this world… and I acknowledged you absence so much that I never want you leaving my side again.

“Last time we saw each other, there were several things left unspoken… when I got into the cab that day you left, I made a promise to my self. Next time I saw you I would say what I should’ve said 1 and half year?s? ago.

Yours always,
Yoshizawa Hitomi” A slight heaviness could be heard from Makoto’s voice. The crying Yossy had expected was there. It was such a typical trait for the ranks of 5gen members. “Oh Yossy” Mako whispered. Hearing the sound of her name made it feel like her cue. She slowly stood up and gazed down at the clueless gokkie. She leaned forward and covered the other’s eyes. “What the hell?” Mako shrieked.

“I missed you” Yossy spoke into her ear. Mako stopped moving.


“Now, what have I told you about calling me that in private?” she felt as her Kohai’s face transformed into a smiling one.

“Hitomi-chan!!!” She jumped around and finally, for the first time in endless months, Yossy saw that smile she loved so much again. Mako pounced her, jumping over the sofa. “Hitomi-chan… it’s really you” She hugged her sempai as tight as possible. Yossy, with out hesitation, hugged her back. The sensation of holding her once more in her arms caused Yossy to inhale deeply.

“Damn, did I miss you” she whispered.

“I missed you too” Mako answered back.

After a few moments they let go of each other, Yossy ran her hands through Mako’s hair. “Makoto” she gulped “Now that I have you here, in front of me and alone, I want to tell you something important” Mako stared into her eyes with anticipation. “You…you forgot your house keys at rehearsal last time you were there” The anticipation changed to bemusement in a single blink.

“OK, that’s it… I’m leaving” Mako turned to leave but was pulled back at full force by Yossy. The moment their bodies collided back into an embrace Yossy quickly said what she wanted to say.

“Mako, I love you” Mako’s heart stopped. “I love you so much” For the first time in her life Mako was hearing Yossy cry lightly “And I never want you to leave again with out knowing that” Ogawa slowly slid her arms around Yossy’s waist.

“I never will” she confirmed “I’ll always remember”

Yossy let her go and stared down at her tenderly. “Mako…” the younger bit her lip “Mako I think…” she leaned down a bit

“Mmhmm” Mako stood as straight as possible.

“I’m think I’m about...” she leaned down closer.


“I’m going to kiss you” and with those final words Makoto suddenly felt her body burst with electricity as the lips she too had wanted to kiss her were finally doing it. Just as slow as its initiation, the kiss was stopped. The recently arrived girl exhaled what felt to be tension away.

“I love you” Ogawa Makoto reciprocated. At that point, the front door bust open and four women fell on the floor on top of each other.

“You…you didn’t lock the door?” Yoshizawa asked.

“I didn’t think I’d have to” Mako innocently answered. The four women were now scrambling back up and dusting off the dirt.

“Well” Miki started, then abruptly dodged a flying shoe “WTF? Yocchan!!!” 

“I told you guys not to eavesdrop” She reprimanded.

“No, I’m saying WTF at you wearing your shoes in Mai’s apartment. Shame on you!” Miki mocked “By the way, hi Mako… glad you’re back”

“I can’t believe this… everyone OUT” the tallest one shouted.

“What do you mean, out?” Mai spoke up. “This is my house!” she reminded Yossy.

“What ever, I was leaving anyways” Miki shrugged “After seeing that, me and Baka Mitai here” Miki pointed at Rika “want to spend some quality time together”

“Miki!!” Rika shouted, upset at that “baka mitai” reference.

“Yup, that’s exactly what you’ll be saying later today” Fujimoto winked at her. Out of the blue Rika just grabbed her and they both made a dash to the stairs. They had somewhere to be and something very intimate to do.

“Okay… that just creep me out” Ayaka nodded. “Mai, let’s go get some ice cream and leave these two alone for a bit” Ayaka glanced over to Yomako and winked at them.

“Bu-But this is my house” Mai pouted.

“I know, Maicchin… but I want some ice cream… so let’s go get some, nee”

“Fine…. But remember this is my house” the Country Musume stated. The Coconut Musume put her arm around her, forcing her to walk out the door.

“Yes, yes, I know… your house” She closed the door and left the still embracing each other couple alone. Mako, then, ran like a wild dog to lock the door, Yossy following close behind.

“Make sure it’s well locked” Yossy requested.

“It is” Mako turned to find Yossy extremely close to her, she slightly blushed.

“So… should we pick off from where it stopped?” Yossy suggested.

“No, let’s fast forward a bit” Mako grabbed her by the collar and dragged her down. They kissed once more… but this one was much naughtier and far from over.

A/N: I forgot to mention, i wrote this in honor of Mako's return XD
« Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 04:07:12 AM by poets »
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2008, 03:11:03 AM »
omg!! This is really a good homage to Mako's return. You made my love for YoMako grows up again LOL

Moreover, I'm still laughing at Charmikitty interaction (hontouuu really really funny!!) and Mai's "THIS IS MY HOUSE" ROLF

great job  :cow:

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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2008, 03:16:23 AM »
and btw...I've never liked YoMako
So the fact that I even read this story (once I figured out it was Mako when you said the stuff about writting the name in romanji given the circumstance) is amazing
But it was so incredibly sweet!
and XD I love how you pair up Rika and Miki
That whole conversation was hilarious...and the trying to boast with the demeaning words sounds like something Miki would do XD


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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2008, 04:03:14 AM »
Holy geez, Rika has Miki whipped. XD

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2008, 11:33:51 AM »
Yossy and Mako-chan were so cute in this story :wub: and Rika & Miki are just awesome :on lol: It's the funniest couple ever  :lol:

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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2008, 04:29:45 PM »
That was gold! I love the whole pacing thing at the beginning. So funny! And how Miki still teases Rika mercilessly....but begs for forgiveness afterwards! Mako and Yossy are cute! Poor Mai, she's all "It's my house!!!!" When she talked about knowing where her car hid things, I laughed hella bad! :rofl:
Need more charmikitty, Yomako (or whatever you call them) and MAI!!! Or should I say Satoda MAN!!!! :grin:

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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2008, 05:57:13 PM »
Me too  :heart: Charmikitty because their tandem  in this story (and Dating an Ex...) is just :lol: it feels new and extraordinary

and Yay! for YoMako  and it deserves a :cow: and a  :cow: and a  :cow:

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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2008, 08:15:05 PM »
Awww, you know I love your writing, and you've got me yet again! I'm not really a YoMako fan (that's all unrequited love baby!), but you got me adoring them here! :heart:

Its so hilarious how you always try to throw random Charmikitty moments in whenever you can in all your fics (you even did in 3 months, it was just the other Miki :P )... Those two are the funniest couple ever! XD

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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2008, 11:04:51 PM »
omg!! This is really a good homage to Mako's return. You made my love for YoMako grows up again LOL

Moreover, I'm still laughing at Charmikitty interaction (hontouuu really really funny!!) and Mai's "THIS IS MY HOUSE" ROLF

great job  :cow:
Thanks, glad you thought it was a good homage. I HAD to do something for her return.

and btw...I've never liked YoMako
So the fact that I even read this story (once I figured out it was Mako when you said the stuff about writting the name in romanji given the circumstance) is amazing
But it was so incredibly sweet!
and XD I love how you pair up Rika and Miki
That whole conversation was hilarious...and the trying to boast with the demeaning words sounds like something Miki would do XD


WOO I'm glad you kept reading XD!!1 URESHII~  and yeah that does seem like something she would do.

Holy geez, Rika has Miki whipped. XD

Yossy and Mako-chan were so cute in this story :wub: and Rika & Miki are just awesome :on lol: It's the funniest couple ever  :lol:

You really think they're the funniest couple ever XD ?... yeah i like them too *looks at siggy* i like them alot ^_^

That was gold! I love the whole pacing thing at the beginning. So funny! And how Miki still teases Rika mercilessly....but begs for forgiveness afterwards! Mako and Yossy are cute! Poor Mai, she's all "It's my house!!!!" When she talked about knowing where her car hid things, I laughed hella bad! :rofl:
Need more charmikitty, Yomako (or whatever you call them) and MAI!!! Or should I say Satoda MAN!!!! :grin:


Me too  :heart: Charmikitty because their tandem  in this story (and Dating an Ex...) is just :lol: it feels new and extraordinary

and Yay! for YoMako  and it deserves a :cow: and a  :cow: and a  :cow:

Charmikitty does feel new and extraordinary... nice choice of words ;)

Awww, you know I love your writing, and you've got me yet again! I'm not really a YoMako fan (that's all unrequited love baby!), but you got me adoring them here! :heart:

Its so hilarious how you always try to throw random Charmikitty moments in whenever you can in all your fics (you even did in 3 months, it was just the other Miki :P )... Those two are the funniest couple ever! XD

Yeah, I'm not much of a Yomako writer either... (sorry to any YOMAKO fans that i disappointed with the lack of anything in the story) But like i said, i REALLY wanted to do something for her return... what better way than a love confession WOO :wub:

and WOW i hadn't done the connection with rika and the other miki... AND I'M THE WRITER... now that's embarrasing  :sweatdrop: ... i usually refere to the other Miki as korekore. Quick story on that little detail, originally I had Rika with an unknown person but my beta <3 mentioned korekore. My reaction to that was simliar to:  " :shock: are you srs? ". Then she showed me some cute korekoreXrika moments and i succumbed to the idea.
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Poets's Directory (Place for my 1-shots)
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2008, 05:24:21 AM »
The Satoda Man thing is from the Gatas fan club tour in 2006 (I think?) During an event, Yossy was talking about how they were writing something while on the plane. Mai was hella tired and not thinking straight. So she wrote her name as Satoda Man! And Yossy was like :dunno: then :on lol:
I just thought it was funny... :P

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Re: Poets's Directory ("Ai-chan's kohai" UPDATED: 6/18)
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2008, 06:02:33 AM »
A/N: Thanks to a special someone... I've really started to notice Ai and Lin2's relationship. I really like it... really really really like it. I don't see it as a couple type of relationship though... I view it more like natural SempaiXKohai interaction. Any who, I couldn't get this idea out of my head so I just had to write this down, you can sorta say it's mix of all the things I've heard and seen them do. Hope you enjoy, really worked heard on it... ask my beta  :sweatdrops:... my poor beta, I promise you I must drive her insane sometimes.


"Ai-chan's Kohai"

“Not again” Linlin exhaled as she threw her self unto the unmade bed, clutching her chest as her body rebounded on the mattress’ springs. She shut her eyes tight, attempting to create an impervious barrier that would keep her menacing warm tears at bay. She then bit into her lip, in a futile struggle to dim the unbearable emotional pain with physical pain. Disconsolately, these methods, as other before them, were now completely ineffective. She released her chest and consolably rested the hand on her face, while the other helped her reposition herself on her side. Bringing her knees up to her chest, LinLin started to feel the salty, hot, liquid substance leak out from the corners of her eyes. A suffocating constraint grabbed a hold her chest, as knots simultaneously developed in her throat and pit of her stomach. She held her breath and her abdominal convulsed with desire to release the pent up tears. A cough accompanied with a gasp of air were the only indicators of her momentary choke and quickly became the decisive elements that lead her to give up on this vain effort to keep it all in, she finally ceased all exertion to not cry and commenced to audibly weep into the cotton sheets of the hotel room’s bed. “Papa…Mama” were the most masochistic words she bawled out through a cycle of wails and gasps.

It had been a little over a year now since the 17 year old Lin left her mother country, China, and arrived in Japan, full of unadulterated hopes and pure untainted dreams. Thought of, by many close relatives, as naïve and inexperienced, she promised herself to always rely on her passion and utter will power to push her self with resolved motivation. Month after month she proved to those who knew her just how important her goal was. In dance, she gave it her all, in song, she gave it her all, to performing, she gave it her all and never once did she forget to smile while she bared her idol soul on stage. Finally, and thankfully, her hard work was noticed and paid back with a wonderful bequest. The result of her competence and tenacity landed her a most desired spot on the Hello!Project’s flag ship group, Morning Musume.

Yet, ironically, the Chinese teenager couldn’t help but cry every other day. The heavy price she had to pay was a burden she was relentlessly reminded of on a daily basis. The burden’s presence, its core essences was something that surrounded her. Whenever a child cried and parent came to aid it, the conversation of the members around her, at the end of the day when she opened her door to an empty apartment, with nothing more than a cold bed and an unused kitchen greeting her.   

knock knock knock

The sudden pound oh her hotel room door startled her out of her sorrow. She quickly sat up, wiping her tears away. Sliding off of the bed, she walked her way to the large mirror that sat on her counter. While fixing her hair she performed a few breathing exercises, hoping they would cover up her crying voice.

knock knock knock another impatient round of pounds on her door.

“Just who is it at this time?” she talked out loud. “ONE MOMENT PLEASE, WHO IS IT?” she hollered at the door.

“Room Service” an unnatural squeaky voice answered. Linlin looked over at the door suspiciously. Convinced she looked normal now, she walked over to the door. Mumbling to herself as she flung it wide open.

“There must be a mistake I didn’t… order… room service…..” she eyed the person nervously. They had their face covered with the bags they were carrying, bags that contained chips and ready-to-eat crepes and all sorts of snacks. Her breathing quickened as she thought of the negative possibilities. How could she have been so dumb to just open the door like that, this could be a crazed fan.

“Kombanwa~” suddenly a familiar smiling face pushed it self through the bags. “Thought you might want some company, I brought food” she shook the bags. 

“Oh, Takahashi-san” Linlin leaned against her door relieved. “Takahashi-san, you scared me” Ai looked at her perplexed.

“I’m not that bad looking at night, am I?” she giggled.   

“No no no no no, not all. Honto ni Gomenasai, that was not the message I wanted to get across” the 8th gen member bowed several times.

“It’s okay, I’m just picking on” the leader laughed. “Um…” Ai eyes looked left then right “do you plan on inviting me in or should we eat this out here?” she tried to make a joke.

“Oh! Please come in, come in.” she stepped to the side, making room for the 5th gen member to walk in. “The room is a bit messy” she blushed.

“It’s okay, you should see Eri’s” Ai remarked as she placed the bags on the counter. “Ok, I have chips, pocky, soda, ready-to-eat crepes, cookies and yogurt. Everything that our managers have forbidden us to eat right now” She gave Linlin a mischievous grin.

“Leader, is this okay to eat right now? Are you sure?” Linlin closed the door with a worried expression. It was the first time she had a surprise visit from the group’s leader, much less have her in her hotel room with snacks they weren’t allowed to eat during tour dates. She wasn’t sure if Takahashi-san was genuinely serious or if this was some kind of test.

“Daijoubu, special occasions require special rule breaking” Ai flashed her a wink. “That was something Fujimoto-san taught me” Linlin walked back to her bed and quickly start it to fix it. “Aa, I’m sorry, were you sleeping Linlin? Shoot I knew I should’ve called before barging in on you. I’m really sorry” Ai apologized.

“Honestly, no, I wasn’t going to sleep. I’m actually glad you came” she spread the covers evenly and placed the pillows at its head. “Got my mind off of things I didn’t really want to think about” she then sat on the neatly made bed.

“Oh?” The leader asked.

“Yeah” Linlin cast her eyes downward for a moments “But don’t concern yourself with that, Takahashi-san, you have other things to worry about, much more important things to worry about.” She glanced back up and caught her leader staring at her intensely.

“Linlin, don’t say stuff like that” Ai was using her authority voice. “Making sure that all the members are o.k. is very important to me. We can’t function properly as a group if we’re not united and how can we be united if we can’t support you in your time of need.” With a stern concerned face Ai chastised Linlin “If that’s the way you think, then I’m worried. Please promise me, that if ever there is something that is bothering you, you’ll tell me” Linlin couldn’t blink, it scared and moved her to see her leader like that. More moved than scared, of course. Her response to Takahashi was quick tight nod. “Good” Ai then returned to taking out the snacks.

“Uh, what’s the special occasion?” Linlin tried to direct the conversation into a different course.

“Well… it’s both yours and Junjun’s first concert” Ai answered.

“So you’ve already visited elder sister Junjun?” Linlin asked.

“Not exactly”

“Not yet? Would you like me to call her and invite her to this special occasion?” Linlin placed her hand on the phone.

“No, that’s not necessary” Ai grabbed two bags of chips and yogurt. She walked back to Linlin’s bed and sat on it. “I wanted to talk to you privately, to be honest” she handed over the forbidden snacks to her kohai.

“You did?” she grabbed the snacks and sat up in the bed. Nervousness was spreading through her. It was rare when a Sempai wanted to talk to you in private, it usually meant a scolding of some sort.

“Yeah” Ai opened her yogurt.

“A-About what?” Linlin anxiously opened her chips “Did I do something wrong? Did I upset someone? Do I need to relearn Sexy Boy again?” Ai had scooped some yogurt into her mouth. With spoon still in mouth she glanced over at Linlin and busted out laughing.

“I really hope I didn’t give you guys a hard time about that” she scratched the back of head.

“No, not at all! It was very educational. I learned a lot about joint movement. Thank you very much” Linlin’s honest eyes proved her response was genuine and true. Ai studied her closely for a moment. There was always that something about Linlin that Ai liked and she had just pinpointed it. It was her authenticity. Linlin was different from the other 8th gen members; it was always easy to teach her. The youngest of the Chinese members was always respectful, tactful, wanting to learn and always listening to what was instructed. A very hard worker who strived for a goal no matter what and that was something Takahashi could easily relate to. She wasn’t like Aika, with an attitude, a good one, but an attitude nonetheless; the kid always has an independent air about her. Linlin wasn’t like Junjun either, who, due to the similarity in age, certain slip ups were addressed with more respect. In the leaders eyes all members younger than her were kohais by placement but there was always something that makes the kohai title never really stick, she would always end up seeing them all as coworkers and friends.

Ai herself could never really understand her own logic when it came down to this but she understood her emotions. The leader had never felt she was someone’s senior, there were always others around her who did a much better job at the sempai game. Members who the kohais always flocked to, such as Yuko, Kei, Abe, Yaguchi, Yoshizawa, Ishikawa, Makoto, Gaki and now even members who were, by placement, considered her kohais were better sempais than she… Eri, Reina and Sayu. It was an embarrassment that only she could feel. Her insecurities of being a useless senior were only magnified that day Yoshizawa Hitomi put her and Sayumi under a Sempai test. She failed miserably while Sayu passed with flying colors. Till this day she wondered why she didn’t pick the white cape. At the end of the day though, Ai-chan knew it wasn’t completely her fault she didn’t feel a mentor-like bond to any of the other members.

Despite all of this, she did feel an odd connection with linlin. One she didn’t feel with the rest of juniors. She felt a potential of some kind.

“Ano… Takahashi-san” Linlin’s voice blinked Ai-chan out of her deep thought. “Is there something you wish to tell me?”

“Why do you ask?” Ai took another spoonful of yogurt. ‘Great! It’s now warm, how long was I out this time?’ she thought to herself.

“You’ve been blankly staring at me for about five minutes now, it seems like you want to say something” the younger girl unknowingly answered Ai’s question.

“Well, yes, there is something” Ai set her warm yogurt on the night table. “Linlin, I’ve been noticing something lately about you. You’re very genki and light hearted.”

“Arigatou Gozaimasu” the poodle ear wearing member bowed.

“But… every so often, a sad look appears on your face. Not only I have noticed it, Gaki-san has also caught on to this. We know something’s troubling you and I’d like very much to know what it is. It concerns me very deeply” Ai explained. The younger looked away from her Leader and tried to search for some satisfying response but being the bad liar she was, she quickly gave up on her search.

“Are you sure you want to know? I can guarantee you it’s minor and insignificant” Linlin warned. Ai nodded a yes. She took a deep breath and finally answered “I miss my family, I miss them all very much. Coming from such a tight nit family, everyday I’m apart from them is hard for me. Even now, after a year of being in this country, it still hurts like if I just left China.” Lin continued on venting, it hadn’t been her intention to spill out so many of her private thought and emotions, but like a dam that holds up water, once it’s broke down, the water just keeps coming out. Ai made sure to sit motionless and expressionless as she listened carefully to the other’s story. When Lin cried, Ai comforted, when Lin joked, she smiled, when Lin rationalized, Ai admired.

“Linlin” Ai said “I’m sorry” She wiped away the junior’s tear, and then placed a reassuring hand on the 8th gen’s head. “I wish… there was something I could do or say that would make the situation better” she helplessly bit the inside of her cheek. “But for what it counts, I’m glad you’re here and personally, I believe your family completely understands and supports what you’ve done. They too have sacrificed a lot by letting you live here. Make sure to make them feel it was worth the distance and do your best off and on stage, nee?” She smiled soothingly. Linlin looked up at her and tears once more developed.

“Thank you sempai, thank you very much” she bowed deeply. “You’re the first person to make me feel better about this” she bowed once more. It did good to Takahashi’s heart to see a grateful kohai.

“Now, Now… since that is out of the way… let’s watch some T.V” Ai grabbed the remote and switched it on. That night was filled with deep heart to heart conversations; they spoke for hours about topics and experiences and watched T.V while eating all the “forbidden” snacks.

“Well, I guess it’s time for me to go back to my room. Tomorrow will be a tough day.” Ai stood up and was walked to the door by Linlin. As she opened the door to exit, she turned around and hugged Linlin. “Listen, I want you to know that after tonight… I don’t want you to view me just as your Leader, view me more like your sempai. Whenever you need me, I promise I’ll be there.” She released Linlin and poked her head.

Lin stared back slightly confused “Demo, I thought you were my sempai either way”

“True, but…” The older tried to explain it. “You are my kohai” were the only words that could properly express her thought. Lin opened her mouth to speak but chose not to, deciding that asking for an explanation would probably lead to more confusing.

She opted to just nod “Hai, sempai” She grinned at her leader and closed the door to her room.

Ai stood there for a moment, then turned and walked to her room with a bounce and a sense of completion. She opened the door to her dark room, dressed into her PJs and crawled into bed. “Gaki” she slipped in closer to her lover, wrapping her arm around the still body.

“Oh, you’re back, how did it go?” the groggy fifth gen asked.

“Guess what?” she kissed her sub leader’s neck.

“What?” she asked.

“I finally have a kohai” She smiled. 


A/N: and of course I HAD TO ADD a little something something at the end  ;)

« Last Edit: June 18, 2008, 08:27:57 AM by poets »
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Re: Poets's Directory ("Ai-chan's kohai" UPDATED: 6/18)
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2008, 06:30:16 AM »
Awww, that was so cute! I never really noticed any relationship between them...maybe I need to pay better attention. But poor Linlin! :( I hope she (and Junjun) don't actually cry at night. That would be heartbreaking. But if they do, they have a group full of caring members, more than willing to lend a shoulder to cry on. And Ai-chan kissing Gaki-s neck at the end= :drool:

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Re: Poets's Directory ("Ai-chan's kohai" UPDATED: 6/18)
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2008, 07:13:27 AM »
Aichan's learning that there are many ways to be "leader". Helping out the other members, even if it's just by being there, is definitely one of the more important ways.  :)

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Poets's Directory ("Ai-chan's kohai" UPDATED: 6/18)
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2008, 10:53:03 AM »
Hmmm... I've also never noticed relationship between LinLin and Ai :mon dunno: but I really enjoyed that story :) Ai was so caring and kind leader (or rather sempai)  :wub: and somehow I come to like LinLin more after reading this  :D

A/N: and of course I HAD TO ADD a little something something at the end  ;)

Soo glad that you did...  :wriggly:

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Re: Poets's Directory ("Ai-chan's kohai" UPDATED: 6/18)
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2008, 06:41:30 PM »
You guys really haven't seen LIN2XAI interaction? :(

The accounts I can recall are:

-There's a moment in an H!P concert where Takahashi exits the stage and has Lin2 to the side of her. Ai waves to the camera and then puts her arm around Lin2 while she walks away form the camera.

-There is also that interview that Jun2 and Lin2 had, in which they were asked to give their opinion about their leader. Lin2 talks about how Ai randomly comes around her and pokes her head.

-Lin also mentions (in the same interview) that once they were in concert and she was feeling really lonely, apparently Ai noticed hew depression and later that night visited Lin2's room. They talked, watched tv and Ai cheered her up. (you can tell where i got the inspiration for this story ^^;)

-In the latest back stage footage (MM in korea, if you haven't watched it.... what the heck are you waiting for) at the end of the concert you see Ai holding Lin2's hand and basically dragging her off camera (which i've noticed Ai has a tendency to do that with certain other members ^^;)

basically I've never really seen Ai behave that way with other members so... yeah XD
« Last Edit: June 19, 2008, 06:00:04 AM by poets »
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Re: Poets's Directory ("Ai-chan's kohai" UPDATED: 6/18)
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2008, 04:33:52 AM »
^ Awww, now you mention it like that, I have noticed the Lin/Ai stuff... She is such a good leader :D
It is like she is being a big, caring sister and not something else, which is so sweet... YAY for Ai. I really thinks she is enjoying it :D

And when Ai drags other members off by the hand *cough* Gaki *cough* she has a mischevous look on her face that she doesn't have with Lin (thank goodness)... Refer to H!P boxset07 backstage
Its funny how we can all read so much in to little things just to match what we want to believe :lol:

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Re: Poets's Directory ("Ai-chan's kohai" UPDATED: 6/18)
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2008, 12:02:48 PM »
Great fic ^^
I liked how you've portrayed Linlin. I've started to notice her more recently(too bad she doesen't :'( ) have many fans  and I also liked that relationship she has with leader, i'm glad you've written a oneshot about that..

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Re: Poets's Directory ("Three Months -DELETED SCENE-" UPDATED: 6/30)
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2008, 08:21:03 AM »
A/N: So, I just had the Epilogue of Three Months beta'd for the first round. I still have to tweak here and there but it's done. Sadly though, not all the scenes I wanted to show made the cut. This scene here was cut ;_; because it basically ruined the flow of the story... but I liked it so much I decided to keep it and post it as a "deleted" scene.

As for those of you who haven't read THREE MONTHS... here's a link : THREE MONTHS

"Nakazawa's Stash"

“You sneaky, troublesome snake of a BRAT” a demon-like voice rumbled through the corridor.

“Yuko! Nooooo stop” the sound of foot steps running as fast as possible could be heard loud and clear. “There’s no need for violence, Nakazawa!”

“I know it’s you! You’ve been touching my stash” BAM that sounded resonated through the walls. “You figured out my secret!” another loud crash.

Steps went quicker and louder. “That was close, DAMMIT! If you’re gonna hit me, avoid the face!” 

“I’ll hit whatever the Goddamn hell I fee like hitting” a ducking Fujimoto made an appearance, as did a baseball bat that swung dangerously close to her head. Fujimoto fell to the floor and began to crawl backwards.  Nakazawa slammed her hand on the corner of the wall and pulled herself forward. “You’ve been going in there every two to three weeks! You take my good stuff which is at the back and leave the spiked crappy shit in the front! You mix it up and make it seem like you took the crappy shit… next thing I know I drank that bad liquor and wake up in horrible headaches. THAT IS UNECCEPTALBE” She furiously wrapped both her hands around the base of the bat, pulled it up over her head and slammed it down with all her might. Fujimoto was narrowly missed, she had opened her legs and the bat missed her knees completely. She turned around on and scrambled to her feet.

“Nakazawa! Nakazawa!” she lifted her hands up and made stop motions with them. “How do you know it was me, it could’ve been anyone” she shrugged and laughed nervously.

“Really?” Nakazawa gave a low growl. She lifted the bat over her shoulder and walked casually to the backing up Fujimoto. “Name a person” Fujimoto looked around trying to think of a name, but in her nervous state she had even forgotten her own name. She quickly glanced behind her and saw someone, immediately their name popped in her head.

“Sayumi… IT WAS SAYUMI!” she stated confidently.

“Oh, so it was her?” a face of realization came over the older woman.

“Yes, yes it was them” Miki nodded incoherently

“Well, I guess, I’m sorry Fujimoto. Didn’t mean to almost kill you, this is all a major misunderstanding. You can go back to Yoshizawa then.” She moved aside giving space for Miki to go by.

“A-are you serious?” Miki looked relieved.

“No, I WAS LYYYINNNGG” She took her bat, swinging it once more at the ex-soloist. Sayu starred in shock as Nakazawa kept trying to hit Fujimoto.

“How do you know it was me?” Miki rolled over to the side, rapidly standing to her feet again.

“I installed cameras and caught you doing it, TWICE!!! So I know it was you all the other times.” She lifted the bat, but it slipped out of her hands. She quickly looked back to Fujimoto “Don’t you dare think I need a bat to have my way with you” and the chase began once more. As they bobbed, weaved and rebounded off the turns and corners of the corridor, they ran past a puzzled Yoshizawa, who after staring at them blankly, figured it all out. 

“So that’s where all the good liquor came from” Yossy laughed as she ran her hand through her hair.

A/N: As for THREE MONTH's epilogue... it's on its finally stages and should but posted up with in the next few days.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2008, 08:28:37 AM by poets »
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Re: Poets's Directory ("Three Months -DELETED SCENE-" UPDATED: 6/30)
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2008, 09:19:57 AM »
lol that was quite humorous XD  For a second I thought the bunny was sure to get it XD  Can't wait for the epilogue!

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