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Author Topic: Ultimate Seme  (Read 7729 times)

Offline ringo-hime

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Ultimate Seme
« on: July 09, 2008, 01:17:40 PM »
This is a Collaboration Fic with Mr.Bubbles.  :P
Hope someone likes it.  :sweatdrop:

The space around her was burning. Her breathing was heavy and she felt sweat on her brow. No time to wipe it away. There were so many of them. One suddenly appeared right in front of her, a huge space cruiser. It filled the void with laser blasts and she was forced to pull hard on the stick to avoid. Sayumi pushed hard on the fire button. Flying along the side of the cruiser spraying it with fire. One tower, two, if she could just get the third and it would be finished. The screen suddenly lit up with blinking red light screaming 'warning! Warning!' Damn fighters, she had missiles locked on her. She tried to get away but it was to late. There was an explosion and a bright light. Only two words were left on the screen.
'Game over'
“Aw, come on! That's unfair!”
She slammed her hands on the bored. The sound from the arcade came back into her mind as she came back to reality.
“Hey u still go 56 903 points Shige not bad.” Risa looked over her shoulder. “Think u can beat that Ai?”
Ai sat down in the flight chair next to Sayumi.
“I donno. She is close to a highscore.”
“Come on now, show her what u can do.”
“A contest? What price.” Ai looked at Sayumi.
“Well if u can beat me I'll... um... treat me crepe, ok?”
“Um.. ok fair enough, but if I win...” Ai's face changed into a broad smile. “U give me a kiss.”
Sayumis face felt like if it was on fire. But she recovered quickly, she had been close to high score, Ai couldn't beat her anyway.
Ai smiled and pulled up a couple of 100 yen coins, putting them in the machine.

Sayumi and Risa stared at the screen in amazement. Ai leaned back putting her hand on her neck.
'123 654 points, new High score'
“You owe me a kiss.”
Sayumi felt her face turn a bright pink.

She hurried across the street, Ai was right behind her. Rain was poring all over the city. Couldn't she let it go, there was people all around.
“I'm still waiting.” Ai said in an amused tone.
Sayumi tried to hide her blushing face with the umbrella.


"But..people might see us.." i protested as she puckered her lips playfully.
"OK, then..." she dragged my like a doll.

Before i could even realize it, i was at her place..eating dinner.

"'d you like my cooking?" she asked as she refilled my glass with juice.

"Hmm..good..but mine better.." my face went smug.

"Hahaha..yours?..nono..i dnt think so.." she laughed.

"Kamei loves my cooking!" i stated.

"So thats why she often looks pale.." she tried not to laugh.

I pouted and did my best to look real angry.

" still owe me a kiss remember?" she had that intense look on her face.

I blushed as i remembered.

" the evil bunny gettin shy?" She placed her hands on my lap.

My whole body went rigid

"so..wheres my kiss?.." she placed her finger on my chin.

I closed my eyes.

I felt her lips on mine.

i shut my mouth tight.

She started to move her lips unto mine.

its not that it was my first.

but it felt different from Kameis kisses.

Its sensual yet fiery.

Her tongue made its way to my mouth,

how amazing i gave her access.

We started to make-out like mad.

She sarted to unbutton my pink blouse and started to bite my ever so exposed neck.

My whole body started to get fervent.

She stopped and said, " face looks so erotic.." she Kissed me once more in the lips.

I blushed and pushed away.


"Nothing..come on.." she inched closer to me.

"no!..I tried to button my blouse.

"I know you love me.." she seized my wrists and put me down.

"stop!" i tried to fight.

She did love Ai, but this was all to much, to sudden. It was wrong wasn't it? But if it was... Then
why did it feel so good?
Ai had forced her down on her chair and was now standing over her, holding both her hands,
gently kissing her neck. Sayumis breathing was heavy. Her body felt so weak. She couldn't
resist let herself feel it. It did feel go.
"I... ah.. thought it was only one kiss...?"
"Well..." Ai made a small pause. "This is intrest."
Sayumi let her eyes fall shut. Her body was trembling, she wasn't fighing any more. Something
still told her that this was wrong, bur she was relutant to listen. She wasn't sure did she want this?
Maybe she did.
But just as that thought arows in her mind Ai let go of her hands and the kissing stopped.
Sayumi opened her eyes. Ai camly walked back and sat down on her chair. She stared at her,
she didn't understand.
"Dept payed." Ai siply said, smiling at her. "Want some more or should we call it a night?"
Ai was gesturing towards the food. Sayumi just looked at her. What happen just now.
She wasn't sure if she should be relived or sad. Had she wanted to go fouth?
"Hope I didn't make u to uncofterble." Ai said the smile on her face was emberessed and she scrached
her head. "U did owe me."
"A-ah... well that's .. ok." Sayumi didn't know what to say, Ai had changed so suddenly.
"I-it... wasn't... um bad or anything...?" What was she saying?
"Haha!" Ai just laughed. "Don't worry u'll get to lose to me some other time I promiss."
Sayumi's face was on fire and she quickly took a big sip of juice. Her feelings were
so confued at the moment. Ai didn't do anything more through their night together. And
Sayumi left her place just as confused.

Sweet Kiss
Aika was standing in Shinyuku Kouen Park. She had a basket in her hands, standing on toe looking
around. There, finally.
"Hey, leader!"
Ai came walking up to her, she was wereing a light flowery dress and sunglasses.
"Haha, you don't have to call me that." Ai said.
"But I like it, it fits you."
"Really?" Ai bluched a bit as they began walking.
"Haha, I does. Made u obento!"
"That's nice of u, really u didn't have.."
"No no, really I wanted to."
Ai laughed she wasn't getting away was she, well Aika was a rather good cook. They found a nice patch
of shade under a chaery tree. The put a blanket on the ground and sat down.

"Gosh im really hungry..wonder what you made.." Aichan started to open the bentou box.
"i know you'll like it!" Aika smiled as she prepared drinks.
"Ahh! Kawaii! Monkey riceballs!" Aichan poked the riceball with her chopsticks.
"I told you.." Aika took one and put them in her mouth.
"haha..but you know wats cuter than this riceballs?" Aichan scooted beside Aika.
"Ha-hai?" Aichan was too close to Aika.
"You." Aichan flirted.
"" Aika's ears started to turn red.
"Oh?..your ears are red..are you ok?" Aichan tilted her head to the side to look at Aikas ears.
"ah..Eh.." Aika tried to hide her ears.
"Hey,wats wrong?" Aichan was now confused.
"Its just cold i guess..." Aika made an excuse.
"is that so..." Aichan made her way behind Aika.
"Ano..lea-i mean Aichan?.." Aika was still covering her ears.
"Let me warm you up.." Aichan whipered to Aika ears, making her shudder.
Aichans arms wrapped around Aikas shoulders.
Aichan was carressing Aikas arms , or should we say, body.
"feeling any better?" Aichan asked.
"Ha-hai..." Aika was still in shock.
"Good, now im seriously hungry.." Aichan went back to her original place and started massaging her tummy.
" about we start to eat now?" Aika proposed.
"OK..but my hands are all tired...feed me will you?" Aichan leaned and opened her mouth.
"Eh?..uh..if you say so.."Aika hesitated at first.
"aww come on. im really hungry here.." Aichan frowned.
"Ok..Say ah!" Aika was holding her chopsticks towards Aichans mouth.
"ah~" Aichan opened her mouth and chewed on her yummy food.
"Oishii~" Aichan squeeled.
"Thanks.." Aika blushed.
"Hey..wat about the cake you made?..i want to taste them.." Ai pointed at the small box beside Aika.
"How.." Aika trailed.
"how did i know?..insticts i guess.." Ai smiled.
"Ok..I dnt know if it tastes good though..havent tasted it yet.." Aika opened the box revealing a Chocolate cake.
"Oh..chocolate cake.." Ai drooled.
"here.." Aika fed Ai with a spoonful of cake.
"ahhh!~"Ai opened her mouth once again.
being fed my her kouhai is just heavenly.
"ah!..scrumptious!" Aichan licked the icing from her lips.
Aika couldnt take her eyes off Ai's lips.
"re-really?" Aika stuttered.
"ah..yes..wanna taste them?.." Ai asked.
"UH..i yea..i think i should do that.." Before Aika could get cake from the box, Ai pressed her lips on her Kouhais.
Ai kissed her gently, but her tongue made its way to Aika mout imediately as Aika gasped.
Ai masssaged Aikas tongue.
Aika could taste the chocolate, she started to kiss back.
though not really knowing how to.
As Ai breaked the kiss, Aika blushed and thought,
That it was tasty.
"So how'd you like the cake?" Ai smiled and blushed a bit.
"Uhm..tasty..both we're tasty.." Aika joined her Senpai in blushing.
"so you liked the kiss too?" Ai luaghed a little, not wanting to embarras her young kouhai.
"Hai.." Aika bowed her head down trying to hide her embarrasment.
"No need to be embarrased..we can always have picnics like this.." Ai tried to lighten up the youngers mood.
Ai held up her hand to her mouth, hiding a ywan. Aika looked at her smiling.
"AW, I'm sorry dragging u up this early. I had forgott u were recording last night."
"No-ah-no.. that's ok."
Aika help Ai lay down. Ai laughed when Aika placed her head in her lap. Ai's tired body was aching and
laying down flet really good. She sighed and closed her eyes. Aika looked down at her, her hands moved
gently arcoss Ai's face, moving a few strands of hair from it. The clouds above move silently casting
their shadow over them as she sat there staring down into the beautful lines of her senior's face.
"Ah." Ai sighed. "We had to do the dance two times extra.. Haha, I'm such a srewup."
"No your not." she gently let her figers move across the face. She was enchanted by the beauty.
"Haha, yeah I am. Steping right in stead of left, bumping right into Reina."
Aika smiled, she wondered how many times she would have had to redo.
"So when did u get home?"
"Like 01:00 something." Ai let out a small yawn.
"Whaa... ouch."
"It's ok really."
Aika kept her eyes on her all the time. The leder of morning musume, it was rough enough. but with all the
tv-shows and High Kings she had it hard. Aika almost felt a bit bad dragging her out on her free day.
"I'm sorry." She said again.
Ai didn't answer.
Aika leaned over her. She was breathing slowly, her eyes closed. She was asleep. Aika moved a bit closer.
Dear leder, dear Ai. Her eyes fixated on Ai's lips. So soft, she thought. She moved yet a bit closer.
She had to feel them again.

Joy Ride
Eri was walking along the street. She enjoyed walking from the studio, it was nice weather. She had alway
thought of this as a quiet neighborhood, with it sleepy setting and narrow streets. But the calm surrounding
was suddenly shattered by a loud noise. A thundering MC engin. Eri heared it coming a long way ahead. She
hoped it wouldn't come her way. but it did come her way. She tried to blend in with the surounding as the
MC came up behind her. But to her horror it seemed to slow down.
Oh, no. She though. She didn't want some thoug hitting on her.
The horn made her jump. It playe the most anoing melody, that only yankiis could find to their liking.
She tried to keep walking.
"Hey Eri!" The voice was familjer. "It's me!"
She looked around. What a shock.
"Ai! Wha-What... why."
"Haha, I bougth a bike. Wanna ride?"

"A bike?..for what?" Eri asked as she stepped out to see Ai clearly.
"Hmm..i dnt know..i just wanted to try to ride a bike for a change..." Ai beamed at Eri.
" that so..." Eri was facinated by the bike.
" wanna ride?" Ai patted the space behind her.
"Uh..sure.." Eri paused and thought about it .
"hEy! comin or what?" Ai was getting inpatient.
"Ah! yea!" Eri jerked her head as she hopped on behind Ai.
'Ok . here we go.." Ai revved the engine.
"uhm.dont go fast ok?" Eri tugged on Ais jacket.
"Fast?..haha..put on your helmet." Ai laughed.
"Uh..right." Eri put on her helmet.
"you set?..this is gonna be a rough ride..." Ai chuckled.
Before Eri could react, Ai sped up.
"waaa!!" Eri shrieked as she suddenly held unto Ai.
"Woah..aggresive huh?" Ai joked.
"Ah, im sorry.." Eri loosened her clinging on Ai.
"Its ok..wats better? to hold on tight to me or fall off the bike?" Ai still teasing Eri.
Eri blushed,
"fall off the bike.." she said her thoughts out loud.
"haha..really? why?.." Ai slowed down as they were cruisin near the small river.
"Uh...i mean..ehh.." Eri was now flustered.
Ai completely stopped the bike.
Eri immediately hopped off and faced the river.
"Hey look! the sun is setting!" Eri was so excited she forgot how flustered she was a while ago.
Ai looked up to see,the sky shaded with red blue and yellow colors, its was really beautiful.
"this is breathtaking right Ai-chan?" Eri looked back at Ai.
"Hn.." Ai nodded still looking at the sky.
"is something wrong?.." Eri peered at Aichan.
"Hmm? just much more amazing with you beside me.." Ai snaked her arms into Eri's waist.
Eri blushed once more.
"ah.."Eri tried to say something.
"shh.." Ai fingers grazed Eri's pink cheeks.
Eri felt her heart ricocheting in her chest.
"Oh my..are you blushing?..or is it the color of the sunsetting?.." Ai scanned Eri's face.
She could see how Eri was trying her best to say something. After a few seconds of silencee.
A swift motion from Eri came.
Ai realized that Eri kissed her.
A small smie formed on Ais lips.
Eri breaked away, still flushing.
"I always knew you had it in you..." Ai nuaghtyly fondled with Eris brown locks.
"i didnt mean to.." Eri tried to squirm away from Ais arms.
"No escape.." Ai kissed her once again, in a much more sultry way.
Eri was hesitant at first, but soon she was caught up with Ai's lustful actions. that she kissed back fiercely.
Eri's hands were starting to roam Ai's clothed body.
Ai stopped her,
"not here..." Ai looked around.
"hmmm?" Eri had a hazy look on her face.
"Well, there are people around still. Let's go somewhere more privat. If u don't mind."
"No no, that's ok." Eri was still a bit unsertan. She hid a yawn behind her hand.
"Aw." Ai smiled at her. "It's a bit of drive, hope u bear it."
"That's ok." Eri moved her arms around Ai waist again, she lead in close agains Ai's back.
The bike fired up ones again and Ai push away driving off into the oncoming night. The power full sound
seemed like sweet humming to Eri as she sat there listing to Ai's heart beat through her back. It had
been a long day and she felt her eyes closing on her. Soon it was all a smoth humming mix into her world
as she fell out of reality and in to dreams.
The next thing she knew everything a still. It was soft, warm and every part of her felt good. A small
tickling sensation agains her nose awoke her. The room came into view. A small dimly lit room that still
seem bright to her eyes. She was laying in a bed in smooth, clean sheets. Ai was laying next to her on
her elbows. Ai's finger was right over her nose, she had been moving her finger back and forth over har
nose. Eri looked around in confustion.
"Don't worry we're at my place." Ai said smiling. "U fell asleep."
"Oh i carryed u up." Ai put her lips together gently blowing against Eri's bear shoulder.
Eri suddenly felt she was missing cloathes and hastily looked under the sheets. No not nude at least.
She was still wereing her underwere and a top but the rest was gone.
"Haha, I took the librety of andressing u a bit."
Eri cheeks burnt red. The thought of Ai undressing her made her all dizzy.
"Don't worry u can undress me some other time."
The image appeared in her head. Herself slowly removeing Ai cloaths.
"Well I'm gonna let you get some sleep, we have an early day tomorrow."
Eri was almost a bit dissapointed but still relived. She really like Ai, but all this intimate things
was new to her and a bit scary still. She rather take it slow.
"Do I dear sleep next to u?" She said with a bit of a grim smile. "I mean who knows what u'll do to me?"
Ai laughed then looked at her with a playful smile.
"U do know u've been sleeping for some time. Who knows what I've already done to u."
Eri looked down at her feet. Now her whole face was burning.
Ai hand moved around Eri's face turning it back to her. Ai kissed her again. A long, warm kiss. Ai layed
down Eri's head against the pillow. The wordless emotion from the kiss moved along her entire body. When
their lips seperated it left her wanting more.
"Worry not, I'm gonna let u sleep."
Eri regretted a bit wish to be alowed a undissturbed sleep. Be carefull what u wish for, she told herself.
Ai left her side reaching for the light. It felt lonely, being left like that. Eri tugged at Ai's pajamas
shirt, moving the silky habric in between her fingers. Darkness fell over them and it felt cold. But in the
darkness She felt how Ai's arms closed around her. She smiled. In Ai's warm imbrace she felt safe. She
wasn't alone or cold any more. It was all gone. it was all right.
With Ai here it was all right.

Morning Swim
The sun was standing high in the sky. The beach was white and empty. It was still pretty early and Risa
was hopeing to have it all to her self. She walk over the beach up to the rock leading out of the shallows
and into the ocean. She jumped from rock to rock all the way out to the very point of the the rocks.
She looked around, she saw no one. She quickly undressed she had wanted to take a nude swim all sinse thay
came to okinawa.
the water felt so nice. She swam around the rock. Letting herself float in the cool water.
She almost jumped out of the water, there was someone was coming. Out on the rocks. What should she do.
She ducked behind the rock in the water.
"Eh? What's this." Oh no it was Ai.
"What's Risa's cloathes doing her...?"
Risa didn't see but she could hear Ai pick up her cloths and turn around walking away. No, she had to do
"Hey! Wait."
"Risa!? What are u doing?"
Risa peered over the rock and she could see that Ai knew perfectly well what she was doing, with that smile.
"Could u just give me my cloths?"
"Oh." Ai looked down on them, smiling. "And what do I get for that?"

"Uhm..My leftover cookies?" Risa was starting to get cold.
"I wouldnt want your leftover cookies.."Ai was swinging Risa's clothes.
"OK!OK!..uhmm..a box of my manga collection?"Risa was still hiding behind the rock shivering.
"too busy to read manga..if u got nothing else..i'll get going now.." Ai turned around and and slowly walked away from the nude and shivering Risa.
"Wait! ok,ok..wat do you want??!!" Risa was about to cry.
"Dont cry My dear Nii Nii.." Ai turned around with that fervent look in her eyes.
"Please..just tell me what you want.." Risa's hair was now dry.
"What i want?..are you sure?.." Ai smirked as she kicked her sandals off her feet.
"yes! watever you want..i just wanna get out of here..its so cold! pleaseee!!" Risa was seriosuly shivering right now.
"Ok.Ok..." Ai doved and swam towards Risa who now has her jaws dropped.
"What are you doing?!"Risa asked, as Ai wrapped her her arms around her naked body.
"What i want..." Ai started to kiss Risa's neck.
"But-" Risa couldnt continue, everytime she tries to say something, a moan would come out her mouth.
"This is wat i wnt.." Ai's hand covered every part of Risa's body.
As Ai dominated Risas body, Risa was taking part of the war between their tongues.
Risa was kissing Ai torridly.
Risas moans where being muffled by Ai tongue and mouth.
Ai broke the kiss and started to nibble on Risas lips.
Risa was feeling hot. She didnt care if she was naked, but she pressed herself unto Ai.
"I want more.." Risa grinded her body on Ai.
Ai could feel Risas bare skin touch her.
"Are.." "you.." " sure?" Ai was sucking and bitin on Risas neck.
Risa nodded, not wanting another stupid moan escape her lips.
Ai pushed Risa.
Risa winced but was soon replaced by another sexy groan.

"OH hey! look! Risa senpais clothes!..and Ai senpais sandals?.." Both the girls on the surface of th water stopped.
"Hmm..wonder where they are.." another voice said.
"well..maybe its not Risa senpais..lets leave it..come on! lets play there!" the voice started to face out.

"Where were we?.." Risa put her arms around Ais neck.
Ai pulled away and started to swim to land.
Leaving a dissapointed Risa still naked.
"hey..come on..coast is clear." Ai told her.
Risa swam towards Ai who was already on land putting on her sandals.
Ai handed Risa her clothes, as she helped Risa up.
"wow.." Ai was grazed at Risas nude body.
"hey! dont look!.." Risa turned around and started to dress up.
"hey you very wet.." Risa fixed her messy hair.
"arent you?.." Ai sneered.
Risa blushed as she remembered what the both of them were doing a while ago.
"Oh, come let's get warm."

"Here." Ai pulled a towle over her head, rubbing her wet hair.
They were back at the hotel, Ai had found them some robes that she had wrapped them in.
"I'm sorry. Letting u get all cold." Ai rubbed her hands along Risa's arms, warming her.
Ai had somehow changed suddenly. She wasn't passionate and dominent anymore but careing and freindly. Risa
figured she had got a bit carried away and she seem to regret it a bit. But then again that would go for
herself as well. Now a bit after, the wild emotions settling, they does were a bit emberessed, avoiding
eachothers eyes as Ai tended to her. But suddenly she felt a tuk on the towel around her neck. She looked
up only to see Ai's face. The kiss came very suddenly. It was a difftent kiss from before, it was gental
and kind. Ai left her lips longing for more.
"Any warmer?" Ai smiled at her.
They sat down in the sofa, poring up some tea for them. Sayumi walked into the room. She looked at them
sitting their in the sofa talking, laughing, drinking tea. then she looked at the robes.
"Ok, what have u two been up to?"'
"Oh just an early morning swim." They both laughed.

"Ur not really supose to show so much neck." Eri said poking the beared skin.
"Oh come on, I like it that way." Reina shook her off.
They were walking down the park towards the water further down. They were both wearing their most exlusive
yukatas. Night was falling over them as they went.
"It looks a bit cheep, you know."
"Let's just find the others before the fireworks starts. We're already late."
Reina picked up the pace.
"Hey look their's Risa and Junjun." Eri ran off towards the candystand where the namned two were buying
ringo ame, but Reina didn't move.
She looked ahead on the road. The beauty was breathtaking, the silky fabric, the paper umbrealla, the
diskretly painted face. Ai stood in the middle on the road, staring out into the distance. Reina couldn't
tear her eyes off her. Ai's face turned towards her, as if she had felt Reina's eyes.
"Reina." Ai face lit up. "Care for a walk?"

"Uh.ah sure" Reina said as she kept her facade on.
Ai treaded to Reina.
Reina was twiddling with her sleeves as she watched Ai walk towards her.
"you look extra cute tonight.." Ai playfully pinched Reina on the nose.
Reina flinched at Ai's action, she felt blood rushing to her head particulary to her cheeks.
Ai slowly managed to slip her hand on Reinas.
"ikkou?.." Ai and Reina started to wander around, not knowing where their feet were leading them.
"uhm..." Reina tried to start a conversation.
"Hmm?" Ai still holding unto Reina's hand, titled her head.
"Have you heard of the new Chinese Restaurant near the studio?" Reina mentally scolded herself for asking such an absurd question.
"Restaurant? really, im kinda busy.." Ai shook her head and glanced at her.
"right, you have a lot of duties being a leader..."Reina atried to avoid the glance from her Leader.
Reina was so nervous right now.
No one really knew Reina had such feelings for The Great Prince Takahashi.
Neither did she, Reina only realized these feelings a few months back...

It was another shooting for Moutube.
Reina was terribly late.
As she entered the dressing room, she saw Kamei in a suit.
"hi Reina!" she greeted the late member.
"Uh, this the outfit for the newest episode of moutube?.." Reina walked to a cubicle and started to undress.
"Yes! know.Leader Ai really looks cool in the suit!!" another kouhai squeeled.
"Oh yes she does!" Koharu said to Mittsi.
Reina shrugged and looked at the suit infront of her.
" anyone there?" Reina asked as she heard the laughter of her kouhais fade out.
"obviously.." Reina sighed.
She walked out of her cubicle only clad in her red and black matching undies.
She whistled a random tone as she looked at herself in the big mirror in the corner of the room.
Reina started to do poses, from cute to sexy.
She was having fun, until she heard the door open.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Ai asked as she closed the door.
"Uhm..nothing.." Reina hid behind the couch.
"i can still see you..and your gorgeous body." Ai pointed at the big mirror, theres was s reflection of Reina sitting behind the couch.
"Im sorry for being late.." Reina stood and bowed and imideately went back to her cubicle.
"forgiven..but why were you playing around knowing that ur late?" Ai started to interogate Reina.
"UHm..." Reina put on her suit as fast as she could.
"Ok, forget that question.." Ai suddenly appeared behind Reina inside the cubicle.
"WOah! are you some kind of a ninja?!" Reina leapt in suprise.
"No not really..your just really slow.." Ai leaned on the wall of the small cubicle.
"You know if you get out of here, it'd be faster..." Reina was having a hard time buttoning her shirt.
"i can help you.."Ai managed to slip herself next to Reinas body.
"Ah!" Reina squeaked.
"You smell good.." Ai sniffed as she glided her hands around Reina.
Reina was shocked at the sudden movement her leader made.
"Uhm..i really have to hurry..we're late.." Reina stammered as Ai lightly nipped on her ears.
Ai stopped from her tracks, "you're right.."...
Reina exhaled as Ai stopped and walked out of the cubicle.
"I'll get going now." AI said as she closed the door.
Reina hurriedly fixed herself.
She looked at herself in the big mirror, she touched her ear andn blushed.
" late!" she ran out of the door and headed for the studio.

" still remember?.." Ai looked at me.
"eh?..remembe what?" I pulled my other arm to my face as i tried to cover my blushing face.
" let me get you to remember.." Ai pulled Reina close to her and nipped on her ears.
Reina couldnt say anything, she grasped on Ais arms.
"hey...i wont hurt you.." Ais husky voice made Reina feel hot.
"you're such a tease.." Reina's yankii reflexes was suddenly turned on.
Reina leaned in and kissed Ai, pushing her unto a random tree.
"Im not Gaki-san..." Reina started to yank the collar of Ais yukata.
"So the rumors were true.." Ai smirked as she enjoyed Reinas kisses.
"hn." Reina started to feed herself on Ai's soft neck,biting and sucking.
Even though Ai loves dominating, she just loves the way Reina tyranizes her.
She felt especially good, when Reina bites her.
Ai loves the feeling of Reinas fangs piercing her skin.
Reina started to move her hands, groping Ais firm ass.
Ai felt Reinas hot tongue travel from her neck to her collarbone.
Ai let ouT a torrid sigh.
Reina stopped and grinned as she took on Ais lips, lasciviously exploring Ais mouth with her tongue.
Ai moaned in pure bliss.

The beautiful fireworks display, echoed on the skies.

Ai started to grow impatient as she sees Reinas bare neck.
Ai suddenly chara changed and turned into the dominating Ai.
In a rapid move she had Reina on her post-position.
before Reina could let out an exasperated moan, Ai kissed her and showed her how a Takahashi handles things.
Before Reina knew it she was groaning on Ais every touch and action.
No matter how uncomftable teh tree trunk was, Ai gave her the feeling of heaven and hell.
Ai was not as gentle anymore, she started to press herself unto Reina, making her back get crashed in the hard and rough surface of the tree.
Reina winced but got it replaced by another moan.
Ai was devouring Reinas perfect jawline as she had one of her hand on Reinas neck pulling her closer.
The younger decided to rip her yukata and wrap her leg on Ais waist to support her weight and haul her closer if it was still possible.
Reina cringed as she felt Ais nails scratch her neck.
Ai ignored the pain she caused her Kouhai, and started to caress Reinas bare legs.
The feeling of Ais fingers roaming on Reinas thighs made her, cry in pleasure.
"I love you Ai.." Reina got the words she's been wanting to say out of her mouth.
Ai halted her actions.

Reina looked at Ai. Her eyes. She tried to look away but she couldn't. Why did she have to say that! Ai
backed away, leting Reina stand down from the tree. Ai wasn't angry, she wasn't repullsed. But still it
hurt to see her eyes look at her. Pity? Ai didn't love her did she.
"Reina..." Ai began.
"No, don't say it!" Reina felt tears coming to her eyes. "I... it was... I mean you... you don't have to.
I already know, so please don't say it."
"No Reina." Ai ones again appraosed, but she truned away. "Lisen."
Reian didn't want to hear. She didn't want to know what she was to Ai, it didn't matter. Becouse to her Ai
"Reina." Ai was had grabbed her hand. "Look at me."
Reina did want to, she didn't want to see Ai eyes filled with pity for her, but she couldn't do but follow
Ai's diriction. She truned her head. But the eyes she stared into wasn't filled with pity and nore did they
hate her. Ai's eyes were wet with tears. the tears ran down her cheeks but Ai was smiling.
"Reina... do u know..." Ai sniffed. "Do u know how happy u make me by saying that? But..."
She didn't love her did she. It was ok Ai u don't was to say it.
"I love u Reina." Ai's hand trembled, Reina just stared at her. She could bearly understand, but there was
something else. "But u need to understand..."
"U don't have to say u love me... if u don't." Reina was crying as well.
"No no I do, but..." Ai hickuped, crying herder. "I'm sorry Reina I didn't mean to hurt u."
"It.. would have been easier if u didn't love me... cuz..."
"But how... I never cared what u felt for me... as long as i could be with u..."
Ai held onto her shoulder her head bowed over her.
"I... I don't only love you..." Ai reised her head. "I love u all!"
Reina didn't know what to say or what to think. The word didn't seem to mean anthing to her. Of course Ai
loved the others as well. She loved them to but...
"I love u all dearly. U understand? I love non of u more! it can't be just us! Do understand?"
She understod. Ai was speciall to her. But to Ai they were all speciall. What did she feel about that?
It was funny, she would have though it would have hurt more. But it didn't. It didn't hurt much. So what
if she didn't have Ai for herself? it was somehow ok. maybe cuz she love the others as well or maybe cuz
she had feared losing Ai one and for all. Ai did love her, that was the important part.
"I'm sorry!" Ai sniffed again.
Reina raised her head.
"Silly." She wiped away her tears. "I love u! But so do we all! I can't be so selfish."
Ai chucked, also wiping away her tears.
Reina wondered. Did she really belive what she just said. Could she go about sharing Ai with the others?
It would hurt, she knew that. But for Ai... it was ok. it wasn't great but it was ok. She could stand a
bit of pain for her sake.

they came back out of the woods quite some time later.
"Hey look. there they are." Eri said to Risa.
"haha, yea."
the two hurryed up to them.
"Hey, did we miss the fireworks?"
"Eh, sort of. Whatever did u do to u cloths!?" Eri stared at them in chock.
They looked down on them selfs. Damn, it was mess. They both felt as their faces turn a deeper red.
"Ah-hum!" Risa coughed. "Eri would u provide some cover for us."
Eri stood infront of them as Risa tended to them.
"Damn it u to." Risa laughed. "Both ur obi:s are on backwards, tied on the front. Haha."
They both stared down on their feet.
"Haha, there all done."
"um, u don't need to metion this to anyone do u?"
"What like Yu-chan?"
"YEah... yes..."
"Haha, don't worry. Let's go, treat me some ringo ame, will u?"

Quite the Catch
Junjun gazed up at the sun. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. There was a gental breaze swepped over them.
She was sitting in a fold up chair at the river side, Ai was sitting next to her. They were both holding a
fishing rod each. Sitting there watching float skip on the water surface.
"Why did you want to meet her?" She felt it was a bit rude to ask but this was all a bit out of the blue.
"Well, though we needed a bit of rest, no?" Ai sat leaning back in the chair, her sun hat covering most of
her face.
"Well yeah." But she couldn't help wondering why only the two of them.
"We haven't had much time to talk just the two of us." Could Ai read her mind, or was she that obviouse?
"Thought it'll be nice to get away from the other a bit."
Well it was nice Junjun thought. The wather was nice. The suroundings were quiet and Ai was often good
companie. Junjun realxed a bit more, losening her grip on the fishing pole. She closed her eyes leting
the sun shine on her, letting wind caress her. She slowly dozed off.

Junjun felt warm, she opened her eyes a bit. She found herself sleeping on the arms of none other than her hot leader. She was afraid to make a single move, not wanting the girl she admired the most know shes awake.
"had a nice sleep?" Ai suddenly looked down to her kouhai.
"Uhm..yes, what happened?" Junjun hid her blushing face.
"well, we were talking then suddenly you dropped your fishing pole and fell from your chair..." Ai giggled as she remembered everything.
"Is that so..but why am i here?"Junjun was looking at her senpai in such a confused way.
" i making you feel uncomfortable?.."Ai slowly took her arms off her kouhai.
Junjun didnt say anything, she felt really hollow as the warmth left her body.
Ai stood there looking embarrassed by her actions.
"No, i like...i like it." Junjun tugged on Ai's shirt blushing.
Ai looked down with this sheepish grin on her face.
"Why didnt you say so earlier..." Ai sat next to Junjun.
"i..uh.."Junjun couldnt say anything to her senpai.
"i've been waiting for this moment to be alone with you..." Ai storked Junjuns hair.
"wh-why..?" the kouhai bowed her head, hiding the blush on her face.
Junjun didnt know what to do, as her senpai stroked her hair and was saying sweet things to her.
"And most of're really funny and sweet.." Ai now had her head on Junjuns lap, looking into at her with those cunning orbs.
Junjun was too lost in those beatiful eyes she didnt know what to do. As if she was a lost child in a department store confused with her surroundings.
She asked questions to herlself.
Ai who was being kind like a department store crew, helped the little girl to find her mother.
Junjun woke from her trance, as she felt the soft warm lips of her senpai press lightly unto hers.
Ai broke from the kiss, before she could say anything Junjun kissed her.
Ai now had her geniune smile thinking, 'this was the most innocent and sweet kiss she ever had.'
the senpai sure was enjoying every little bit of the kiss.
Junjun broke and hugged Ai , "Thank you Takahashi Ai.."
Ai was confounded, "Wh-what do you mean..?"
"I..Junjun of Morning Musumes 8th Gen will retire form being an idol." Junjun stood up.
"Why?...did i do something wrong?" Ai wanted to cry, but she had to be strong as the current leader of MM.
"No,no, didnt do anything wrong Ai.." Junjun held Ais hand re-asuring her that nothing was wrong.
"Then..why?.." her eyes started to get red as tears started to form in hey eyes.
"Why?....i met someone..." Ai wasnt sure of wat to say.
Junjun just looked at her senpai, Ai nodded gesturing her to go on.
"He's perfect...i dnt know..but whenever im with him, i feel so free. whenever im tired form our dance lessons he comes and give me energy....He's presence in my life makes everything perfect." Junjun got carried away by her speech about the person she loves.
Ai stared at her, for a moment Junjun thought Ai was angry.
"I,understand." Ai looked away from Junjun.
"Im sorry..." Junjun bowed.
"It's ok...if you want to live you life in love and as you wish..." Ai still had the stern look on her face.
Junjun always respected Ai, not only as a leader but as a person.
"you know, i always had a crush on you.." Junjun smiled sheepishly.
"Is it really the right time to confess? this a hint that you want me to take you from that guy you fell deeply inlove with?" Ai joked grinning.
"Maybe...not!" Junjun stuck her tongue out.
"'re tempting me.." Ai traced Junjuns lips.

"Ok, tell me about him." Ai was sitting in Junjun's lap in one of their chairs.
"This guy. what's he like."
"Oh... well..." Junjun scrached her head. She first seemed a bit truobeled, but then smiled. "He is kind
and caring."
"Yeah, ok. What does he like like."
"Well... he is really hansome at times..."
"At times? Not allways?"
"Haha, he is really just cute most of the time."
"Oh sounds good... eyes?"
"Yes, he's got two of them."
"Haha. No seriously."
She looked deep into Ai's eyes.
"Deep and dreamy." She stared into the dark jawels. "The kind that you simply lose yourself in."
"Really...?" Ai slimed as she looked down on Junjun. "Lips?"
"Eh...?" Junjun's eyes suddenly flew down on her lips. "Exuse me..?"
"You have kissed, have you no?"
"Yeah..." Junjun had to look down, blushing. "Their soft and..."
She leaned closer to Ai, her eyes fix upon the pink lips.
"And...?" Ai laughed slightly, seeing Junjun move closer.
"And... eh..." Her lips were on the virge of toughing when she reazied what she was doing and froze. "Ah...!"
"Haha. So he's yours through and through?"
"Well... thast the problem."
"Oh... well that's no good. Have you told him how you feel."
"Yeah... but, he... he seemed a bit uncofreble one the subject."
"Not good at all. Do you really think he will be faithful to you?"
"To be honest... I think he is a bit of a player."
"A player!?" Ai laughed. "You sure about this guy?"
"Well there is no one like him."
"Oh, but that's not enough. Dear Junjun, litsen to my advise. No matter how charming this guy seems, don't
quit for his sake if your not sure of what he feels."
Junjun looked up at Ai's face again.
"What does he think of me...?" She said to herself.
"Well hehe... He probely finds you irrisistable." Ai gazed dreamely at her gently caressing her hair. "But
I don't think he would want you to quit for his sake... If really cares about you."
Junjun stared off in the distance leaning her head in her hand.
"Maybe your right..." Their faces had slowly started moving closer again. Junjun closed her eyes as their
mouth were about to conect. "Whoa!"
There was a sudden pull on the fishing pole. They both had to grabb it and pull.
"Wow! Has to be a big one."
They pulled hard. As the fish was almost at the surface the line snapped.
"WHoa!" They both fell backwards.
"Damn it so close."
They both laughed.
"Don't quit." Ai said suddenly serious. "For my sake."
"Well maybe for your sake..."

Funny face

Linlin looked at her watch the buss should be here by now... The buss stop was empty and there were few
people on the street. Sunday moring after all. oh, there. The buss came around the corner. It neetly stoped
in front of her.
Let's see now, somewhere in the back. Linlin held her hand to her mouth. In the next row to the back sat a
girl in sunglasses and a scarf wrapped around her head. She looked so supitios, cleary in discise. Linlin
walked up to her. She stopped. The girl glered at her, as if trying to scare her away. Was this the wrong
person? The tug on her sleeve made her jump.
"Linlin, I'm over here." She looked around at the girl she just walked by.
Long blonde hair, who was this, she wondered. But then she saw from under the hat, two familjer eyes.
"Ai-san!? Is that you?"
Ai laughed as Linlin sat down.
"What? I didn't recognise you."
"Haha, that ok. It was just... haha... your face."
"Oh." Linlin blushed looking down in her lap. "Why did u wanna meet here?"
"Well thought I needed so time just the two of us, you being a newer member. Thought we could use some
Linlin looked around, there weren't that many people on the buss but she wouldn't call it private.
"Haha, don't worry." Ai said seeing her confused look. "The place we're going is a bit more privat. I think
you will like it."

"hi-mi-tsu~" Ai winked.
Linlin couldnt deny that she likes her leader alot.
She admires Ai alot.
Sometimes she even finds herself gawking at Ai.
+who wouldnt?+ she asked herself
+I mean, she so perfect..sure tsunku said Reina was the perfect Momusu..but in skills,looks and attitude im sure she'd beat Reina hands down..+ she glanced at Ai who was looking out the window,
+come on..she has a nice body+ Linlin started to look down at Ais body.
+not so good fashion sense..but cute..+ Linlin smiled as she touched the hem of Ais clothes.
+She has such spellbinding eyes..+ Linlin wanted to see Ais eyes.
+Nice skin..+ Linlin reached out to Ais hand but stopped herself.
+and look at those lips..i wanna touch them..+ linlin blushed of the thought.
+ i wonder where she's taking me..+ Linlin loooked out the window and saw trees and nature.
the bus stopped,she looked at Ai.
Ai stood and held her hands, Ai then led her out of the bus and into the nature.
"SO..what dya think?" Ai smiled broadly at her.
"Uhmm...i dnt think im properply dressed for this.." Linlin looked at her dress and shoes.
"dont worry..theres an easy path..^^ " Ai held out her hand a put on the peace sign.
"UHm..if you say so.." Linlin was still worried about her clothes.
"SO..lets go!" Ai was like a kid, she hugged Linlins arms and dragged her to the entrance.
As Ai happily dragged her through the woods, Linlin was in deep thought.
"Hey!..look at the flowers.." Ai tugged on Linlins arms.
This took Linlin off her deep thinking.
"Ah...yes it is.." Linlin tried to say it naturally
"i wanted to talk to you..because.."Ai faced her kouhai.
"you're a happy and positive girl.." Ai smiled.
"but recently..i seem too there something troubling you?" Ai had the warm look in her eyes.
Linlin avoided Ai's eyes not wanting to break down and cry, they were just like theirs..
"Hey, its ok.. you can tell me.." Ai squeezed Linlin hand.
Linlin hung her head low, "but..."
"Im here, not as a leader nor a senpai..but as a fr-friend.." Ai flinched as she said the last word.
There was a moment of silence,
no one moved...
Linlin slowly held her head up high...
the shadows of the trees shielding her from the blinding rays of the sun.
"I miss my family.." Linlin started to cry.
Ai was shocked as the 17 year old girl cried.
"Im sorry..." Ai apologized as she held the girl close to her.
Linlin couldnt stop her crying.
"I just wanted to help.." Ai was caressing the youngers back.
Linlin was holding unto Ai's shirt , sobbing like a kid.
"Im here...not as a leader,not as a senpai,not as a friend..but as Takahashi Ai..." Ai kissed her head lightly.
After those words, Linlins breathing normalizes and her sobbing stopped.
"I, im thankful to have such a wonderful leader,senpai and friend..." She sniffed and hugged Ai.
"now..its time to have some fun.." Ai had this silly grin on her face as she patted her kouhais head.
Ai swept Linlin from her feet and dragged her to a stream.
Ai started splashing water at Linlin who was standing oblivious of what her face looks like at the moment.
Ai broke into laughter and fell on the water as she saw Linlins funny face.
Linlin stood there soaking wet with a confused look on her face.
"EH?..why..?"Linlin looked at her senpai who was on the water laughing her ass off.
"haha-ur-haha-face-haha-its..funny.." Ai was now red in the face and has tears on her eyes as she laughed at her kouhai.

"U make the funnyes faces, u know that?" Ai got up and walked up to her.
She stared at Ai coming closer, what was she doing? She now stood so close to her. Ai grinned, wrapping her
armes around her.
"Don't be sad." Ai said turning serious for a moment. "I know we can't replace your family, but we'll try
and be as a good family for u as possible."
Linlin was almost at tears again hering this. She was about to answer. About to say that they, Ai
espessilly, were the best family she could have hope to find. But Ai didn't let her. It came so suddenly
The soft lips she had so longed for pressed against hers. What a lovely feeling filled her. She felt like
she was floating, which was lucky for she felt like she was no longer able to stand. Her body suddenly weak.
The kiss broke the next moment. She looked at Ai again. She stared at Ai's face. That playful, devious, grinn.
She knew what was coming before it happened. Ai's grip around her tightened and with a great push Ai threw
them both into the water.

Some time had gone by. Linlin sat on the grass next to Ai, their clothes drying in the sun.
"Are u still sad?"
"Well... no, not really. It's nice to feel wanted."
"Belive me, you are." Ai leaned her head on Linlin's shoulder putting a kiss on her cheek.
Linlin blushed again.
"but I must say i'm a bit concerned."
"Really? About what?"
"About them letting us on the buss like this!" She looked down on herself. "We're a mess and soaking wet."
"Haha! Didn't think of that."
"A bit irrisponsible I think..."
"Yeah, I guess your right. well we'll just have to sneak on then."
Ai grinned at her again. She gave the impresison that she had a perfectly good idea of how.
Oh boy, Linlin though. Here we go.

Don't worry, I don't bite...
She had her eyes fixed on her senpai's back. The old dirt road flowed below her feet as they ran along it.
Rise feilds on both sides the road seem to stretch out for eternity. Did Ai really run this far dayly? Well,
being leader kept her busy, not letting her out on the country side much but she had said that when ever she
had the least bit of time off she'd take Shinkansen away from the city. Kohaur herself prefered the gym but
a bit of fresh air was nice for exchange.
"Not falling behind, are u?" Ai asked.
"No, hardly." Koharu panted. "I'll race u if that's what u want."
"Ah, I don't know. Not much for raceing..."
"Well ok." Koharu picked up the pace and ran up beside Ai. "Then u won't mind me beating u to that big tree."
She took off at a high speed towards a large tree aome hundred meters ahead. To her suprise Ai kept step
with her.
"Are u sure about this?"
"Oh yeah. The loser will owe the other one."
"If u say so."
Koharu pushed as hard as she could, trying to got a good head start. She felt confident.

She panted hard as she reached the tree. How did this happen? Ai was standing leaning against the tree
trunk, smirking.
"I guess u own me one then."
As Koharu caught her breath she pointed a finger accusingly at Ai.
"you cheated! theres no way you could out run me!"
Ai raised an eyebrow at the finger pointing at her,
"Oh, and wat makes u say that?.."
"I...uh." Koharu panicked.
"Cat got your tongue?.." Ai chuckled.
"You have shorter legs!" Koharu stood truimphly.
Ai looked at her legs then to KOharu, she then sulked.
Koharu gasped as she saw her leader sitting behind the tree sulking at how her legs are.
She decided to walk to her leader, she sat and faced her.
Koharu could hear Ai sobbing lightly,
"Ano,Ai-chan..." Koharu started.
Ai stopped sobbing, Koharu stiffened.
Koharu then felt Ais hands push her down the grass,
Ai flashed her a mischievious smirk, that could make any person go jelly.
"So, my legs are short huh?" there was a glint of evilness on Ais orbs.
"i,uh.." Koharu stuttered as she looked in fear at her Senpai/leader.
Ai slowly ran her fingers down KOharus slender legs.
She shivered at this contact.
"hey, guess what..." Ai blew on Koharus ear.
"Ha-hai?" Koharu was now scared of her leader who was on top of her.
Ais head lowered to her kohais neck,
Koharu felt Ais hot breath travel to her neck, she shuddered.
Ai opened her mouth and lightly sinked her teeth on her kouhais sweet smelling neck.
KOha tried to push her leader off her, but she was pinned.
"OH no, i dnt think so.." Ai grinned showing off her fangs.
"eh?.ah?..." Koha blinked as she looked at her leader.
"yes koharu, im a vampire.." Ai smiled with such confidence.
"vampire?..wahh?" koha panicked .
"Im hungry, from all he running.." Ai took off Kohas ponytail.
"no, please..." KOha had tears on her eyes.
"Now,now..this wont hurt ... much.." Ai licked KOhas cold neck,
KOha grasped on the grass and shut her eyes as she waited for Ais teeth to sink into her skin.
she waited but nothing came.
KOharu heard a laugh that rmeind her of TsuboTsubo man.
she opened her eyes and saw Ai laughing her ass off.
"you seriously believed me?!" Ai was rolling on the floor laughing.
KOha started to cry, Ai noticed and stopped her laughter.
"hey..KOha-chan...." Ai sat beside her crying kouhai.
Koha didnt answer but continued her crying.
"Im sorry...ok?"Ai wrapped her arms around her sobbing kouhai.
All that Koha did was nod.
Ai raised Kohas head to face her, she wiped her tears.
"You knnow, i can always be ur vampire if u want..." Ai smirked as she placed a small kiss on koha red nose.
Koha shook her head, "i want a prince.." she replied with her small croaky voice.
"A prince it is then.." She beamed at her as she carried her bridal style back to the cabin.
Koha put her arms around Ais neck, she pulled her closer and kissed her cheeks, "thanks Ai-chan." Ai blushed at the thank you kiss her kouhai gave her.
"you're welcome my princess.." Ai kissed Kohas forehead as the younger girl drifted to droolworld.

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2008, 03:55:13 PM »
LOL Ai is the Ultimate Seme XD I've read this on a different site somewhere before, but either way, great job! Seems like everoyone wants some Ai either way XD
My fave bit?
My whole body started to get fervent.

She stopped and said, " face looks so erotic.." she Kissed me once more in the lips.

Credit to Clamy-san!
Visit my blog!

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2008, 04:53:51 PM »
This was great! XD I love Ai-chan! She's getting everyone! :muffin:
« Last Edit: July 10, 2008, 02:59:43 AM by strawb3rrykream »

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2008, 05:26:36 PM »
@ KonaKaga hmm. maybe the person i made this with posted it there. or sth.  oh yea. i love that line too.  XD though i was the one who made that crazy line..  :P
@strawb3rrykream OMG! thanks for reading. XD everyone loves Ai-chan ne?  :wub:

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2008, 02:58:42 AM »
All hail Aichan, the new pimp-meister of MM.  :thumbsup: :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2008, 03:21:58 AM »
OMG I love this PIMP ai-chan *0* your fic was great I was: aww in Sweet Kiss then OMFG  :mon bleed2: in morning Swim and then aww again I love RenAi part  I almost cry xD :heart:

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2008, 03:45:22 AM »
Forgot to add that Reina's yukata sounds hot! :twisted: mmmm, neck :drool:
End perviness! :lol:

Offline lil_hamz

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2008, 06:38:56 AM »
Oh my...Ai-chan :lol: There are so many of these stories and I haven't finished reading them all yet but I get the general idea. Ai-chan is a naughty one here XD

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2008, 12:19:21 PM »
thnks for those replies minna! made me smile for the first time today. XD

@ JFC > yes xD Ai seme is the best .  XD
@ . Mikoto > ahh thanks! ^^ haha. i like Morning Swim XD
@ strawb3rrykream> yes it is hot.
@ lil_hamz > thanks for reading. haha. finish it when you get the time or sth.  :)

Offline sweeety

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2008, 03:53:33 PM »
hmmm how come a certain little brat doesn't get to go all the way but Reina does? I demand a perv! I'll wait the two years for it! GJ regardless. I like your style and thank you for telling me what is a UUke and Semen
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

Offline peti-chan

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2008, 04:38:35 PM »
Ai-chan...the ultimate seme.... :mon blood: :mon bleed2: Thank you for that....:farofflook:

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2008, 06:45:03 PM »
 :twisted: nice! love how Ai-chan a little player  :lol:

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2008, 07:13:08 AM »
@ sweeety > haha. a perv?.. uhh.. maybe  :twisted: and its Uke and Seme.  :lol:
@ peti-chan >welcome. happy u liked it XD
@ shadowolf8 > ohh.. yes.. Ai Seme is the besst!  :shakeit:

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2008, 09:44:36 AM »
Step back Yoshi, Ai's the pimp now  :pimp:
I have a porcupine called zazoom, he leaves his scent on peoples' graves.

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2008, 08:02:54 PM »
:shocked: ai x sayu then ai x aika then
... oh I get the title now :twisted: Go! eye don't stop till you've conquered the all
 :wub: yay takagaki love

Ai is definitely the Ultimate Seme
No one on the corner got swagga like us!

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2008, 06:37:38 PM »

Dude yossy's gotta watch her back now
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2008, 03:44:15 AM »
:w00t: That was so cool :lol:
BUT, why did really like the Sayu/Ai more then the TakaGaki? :o

Offline CrypticShadow8

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2008, 02:59:33 AM »
After watching the pimp Ai performance of Mr. Moonlight from their new concert this story seems even more believable. :pimp:

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Re: Ultimate Seme
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2008, 09:26:31 AM »
After watching the pimp Ai performance of Mr. Moonlight from their new concert this story seems even more believable. :pimp:

haha you said it =D
i liked the takagaki one the best though xD
takagaki = <3 (:

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