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Author Topic: Rainy Day Woman  (Read 5712 times)

Offline maverickpanda

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Rainy Day Woman
« on: August 01, 2008, 05:49:05 PM »
NEWBIE ALERT: No im just gonna say that I am in no way shape or form a good writer, but after getting into momusu (which was about a week ago) I was inspired to write a fanfic after a read a bunch of them on the forum. Any and all comments are welcomed anything that would help me if I decide to write more in the future

Title: Rainy day Wo-man
author: maverickpanda
pairing: Yossi Ishi
Note: Inspired while watching the mecha mecha bakajo test extra footage while rainy day man came on in my ipod.
Summary: Yossi is ready to settle in for the when someone knocks at her door

A quiet creak echoed throughout the hotel room as the gentle beads of water fall from the shower head. A body weighed with fatigue stood beneath the shower, welcoming the refreshing chill of the water. Her body shivers as the cold water traces a path along her bare back. She leans forward pressing her forearms against the cold shower tiles, her head hung beneath the shower head, resting her cheek against her arms. “Mahh...nothing like an icy cold shower after a long night,” she thought to herself while a well overdue yawn escaped her lips. Before taking a deep breath her eyelids, heavy with exhaustion, slowly fell while the genteel sensation of the shower rocking her to sleep. Tired eyes quickly opened to the meek knocking at her door.

“I will be right out” bellowed a slightly embarrassed Yossi..

“Who falls asleep in the shower?” Yossi thought to herself while toweling herself dry after turning off the shower. After reaching a satisfactory level of dryness, she threw on her favorite track pants, hanging next to her towel, as well as her favorite jersey. After exiting the shower, Yossi began stumbling through the dark hotel room. After hitting her foot against the edge of the nightstand, she decided to turn on the small desk lamp, tossing her towel onto the floor. Yossi looked at the small digital clock sitting on the nightstand, the display flashing 11:30 PM.

“Who could it be at this hour?” she asked herself as she rubbed her eyes.

Yossi, in a slight daze, trudged towards while she ran her fingers through her hair. Moments before reaching the door, Yossi quickly shook her fingers free from her hair, whipping the excess water from her hair against the hotel walls. After giving her hands a quick wipe across her pants, she opened the door and fell a few steps back as she met the last person who she thought she would see tonight standing on her doorstep. Who would of thought that the star of the evening, Rika Ishikawa, would still be up, let alone at Yossi's door.

“Hey Rika. Why are you still up? I would of imagined that tonight has been tiring, with the graduation and all.” Yossi said quickly, stumbling over her words a bit as she looked at Rika.

“Yossi...can I come in?” she whispered while folding her hands together, her fingers batting against the hem of pajama top while she looked from the floor up to Yossi.

The taller girl's cheek took on a rosy hue while she stepped to the side allowing Rika to enter the dark room. Rika quickly entered the room, the door closing behind her, as Yossi tried to decipher the situation at hand. The older girl made her way over to the window the corner of her eye catching the feint light from the desk lamp. Yossi snapped back to reality, looking over her shoulder seeing Rika sitting on the window sill. Rika turned to the side , resting her shoulder against the window she she gazed out over the city. Yossi turned and began walking towards Rika before noticing that it was raining outside, the rumbling of the heavy drop crashing against the window changed from chaotic noise to a sort of melancholy melody as Yossie stood before Rika.

Rainy Day Man
Rainy Day Man
Rainy Day Man

“I hate the rain.” Rika said bluntly.

Yossi took the seat besides Rika, squeezing between the side of the window and Rika, Rika's back pressing into her shoulder ever so slightly as she situated herself. Yossi sat silent, anxiously picking at the bottom of her jersey, quickly looking to her side at Rika's sterm expression. After what seemed to be hours of silents, Yossi sat up.

“What was it?” Yossie questioned.

“Eh?” Rika responded.

Using her best Rika impersonation, Yossie raised the pitch of her voice while placing a hand over her chest and cleared her throat.

“Falling rain makes me feel blue.” Yossie squeaked with a soft smile.

The older girl's face fell while these six ,seemingly meaningless, words rang in her ear. Rika blushed feverishly at these words, her vision begining to blur as bittersweet tears form at the corner of her eyes. As the tears rolled down Rika's cheek, the playful smile on Yossie's face faded, her heart sinking with every tear. Yossie tilted her head back against the window and closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose between her right thumb and index finger.

“Stupid, stupid, stupid.” She muttered, hitting the back of her head against the window between each word.

“Baka Yocchan.” Rika whispered.

When I thought about the first time (first time)
I thought I found someone who cared for me
but things were not as they appeared to be

The repetitive thudding of Yossi's head against the window paused as she opened her eyes hearing the somewhat play tone in Rika's voice while using that old nickname. The tip of Yossi's ears began to redden,

“Your the only one that ever called me that.” Yossi said under her breath.

Yossie closed her eyes again and coughed into her hand, slightly opening her left eye to examine Rika's face. She was stunned to find a smile on her friends face. Though small, it was enough to alleviate the some of the tension between the two. Yossi always loved Rika's contagious smile, one that can melt the iciest of hearts. Yossi traced the curves of Rika's ruby lips, the heat on her ears intensifying a bit. Yossi pated her cheeks “No, cant think about that now,” she thought to herself as she struggled to tare her eyes away. Yossi bit her lower lip, to divert her attention, and looked up at Rika as she continues to look out into the depths of the rainy night.

“How long has it been Yocchan?” Rika asked, her voice still trembling a bit as she wiped the tears away from her eyes, putting on her bravest face.

Silence, once again, fell over the room. Silent second after silent second ticked away as the air around the two girls became heavy with tension. Rika tightened her folded hands, fidgetting in her seat waiting for Yossi's response. The grim atmosphere surrounding them disappeared the silence shattered with an answer from Yossi.

“Five years. Five long years. Five awful, yet wonderful years.”Yossi answered frankly, chuckling to herself as she wondered how something could be awful but wonderful at the same time.

Rika could feel the tears returning to her, furiously fighting them back, as she heard Yossi's response. Yossi looked toward Rika, as she felt her “princess” shift more to the side, nestling her back against the knight's shoulder, the soft trembling of the emotional princess rumbling through her knight's body. Yossi watched as Rika took in a deep breath, her chest rising and falling with it, while Yossi waited nervously. The older girl tilted her head, resting it comfortable on a the shoulder of a very nervous Yossi.

“Ri...Rika-chan?” Yossi stammered.

“Five years. Five awful yet wonderful years, but why would you remember something like that? Baka Yocchan! Why did you remember something so small, something so small from two years ago from that stupid mecha mecha bakajo test?” Rika inquired.

“Because it was you.” the furiously blushing taller girl muttered.

Rika managed to muster a stifled chuckle as her tears appeared once more. “So many years, and here I am still running to you crying, Why?”

“Well I wa...” Yossi uttered.


“HOW CAN YOU ALWAYS BE SO STRONG? WHY CAN YOU ALWAYS CHEER ME UP WHEN I AM AT MY LOWEST? WHY, DO you treat me so well, when I dont deserve it?” Her hysterical shouting drowning into a quiet murmur behind the veil of tears.

With a heavy conscience and a hoarse throat, Rika coughed frantically trying to catch her breath. Rika shot her head up to look at Yossi, her eyes burning with tears as she stared coldly at the taller girl, pleading with her gaze for the answer she has long waited for.

Rainy day man
On you shoulder I cry
When my first brush with love
left me shaking inside
Rainy day man

“Because...” Yossi whispered simply.

“Because? BECAUSE!” Rika repeated her voice trembling as she winced from the sting of her hoarse throat.

Rika became overwhelmed with emotions, Yossi's stone cold expression coupled with her overly simplistic answer driving her over the edge. A thunderous crack roared through the room, a flash of a hand crashing against a cheek. Rika buried her head into Yossi's shoulder, repeating muffled scream of the word “because”, her left hand pulling roughly on the loose jersey fabric of Yossi's jersey while her right hand beat against Yossi's arm.

Ever since I can remember
Just like a brother you've been strong and true
Always been the one to see me through

Rika's hysterical screams reduced to a quiet whimper, as she found herself embraced by two comforting arms. Yossi raised her right arm, patting Rika's head tenderly, each slender finger running through Rika's silky hair. The hand hat rested on Rika's back pulled her in close, any distance between them disappearing in an instant. The whimpers of the princess fell silent, her body pulsing under Yossi's, to say the very least, electrifying touch. Yossi leaned forward , brushing her cheek against the other girl's tear soaked cheek, and held her lips mere hair lengths from Rika's ear.

“Because...I love you.” Yossi barely whispered into Rika's ear, her body tensing as the confession fell from her lips.

A sharp gasp escaped the older girl's lips as Yossi's warm breath brushed against her ear, the confession leaving the stunned Rika in a daze. Time stood still as Yossi's confession hung in the air. The crash of the beating rain drops now fell on deaf ears, while the world around them slipped away. In a world all their own, the two sat silently facing each other. Rika, laid still against Yossi, the sound of her rumbling heart bellowed as each girl took a deep breath. Wanting to see the expression on Yossi's face, Rika tilted her head upwards, unknowingly ensnared by her Yossi's intense gaze. A soft hand suddenly pressed against Rika's cheek, Yossi's thumb gliding across her slick cheek wiping away some of the tears. All thoughts were lost while Rika nestled her cheek into the soft hand, laying her own over Yossi's holding them tightly, the gentle caress charging every fiber in her body.

“I'm sorry Rika. I always wanted to protect you from the tears of sadness. I am sorry that I have cause you more pain that I have prevented. Just know that no matter what I will always lo...” Yossi said tenderly, her words cut off as Rika pinned her against the window, a dull pain coursing through her head as it crashes against the window.

Rainy day man
You're much more than a friend
I would give anything
Just to see yo again
Rainy day man

The world came rushing back to Yossi when her head ricocheted against the window. In an attempt to dull the pain, she attempted to rub the back of her head, only finding that her hands were pressed against the window above her head, Rika's fingers intertwined with her own. Rika's grip tightened when Yossi tried to break free from her predicament.

“What are you doin...” Yossi asked, abruptly silenced by Rika and the window once again.

Yossi's head bounced off the window once more, wincing a bit as Rika mashed her luscious lips against her own. Any attempt she was making to break free from Rika's clutches stopped as her body became paralyzed with passion. The pinned girl arched her neck upwards, a low moan rumbling from her throat, as Rika greedily devours Yossi's lower lip. Goosebumps washed over Yossi's body, all thought now replaced by the warm sensation of Rika's kiss. As quickly as it started, the Rika broke the kiss, taking in deep breathes of air in an attempt to catch her breath. Yossi's breathing became erratic, her deep breathes calming to soft pants as she looks up at her “assailant.” Her lips puckering slightly wishing to have more, aching with desire as hey eyes continued to trace Rika's every movement. Rika, sealed their lips together, coating her younger friends lips in a heavenly sweetness. Yossi's body buckled with euphoria, once again feeling the sensation of Rika stealing her breath away. Rika let out a moan as she felt Yossi's tongue wrapping around her own, the masterful technique of her friend leaving her in awe. The sweetness from Rika's lips dissipated leaving behind the lingering bitterness of tears. Yossi could feel a streak of moisture rolling down her cheek, not from her own tears, but from Rika's. Rika released Yossi's hand and sat quietly for a few moment weeping before storming out of the room slamming the door behind her. Yossi sat motionless on the window sill, her mind still in a daze from the events that had just unfolded. As she began to ball up her fist, she could feel something in her hand, she looked down only to notice a small crumple piece of paper in her hand. “When did this...Rika must of slipped it in my hand earlier” Yossie thought to herself. On shaky legs Yossie stood up from the window sill, unfolding the crumpled note. (Mr. Moonlight ashite iru yo) the note read. Alone in her thoughts, she could hear the beeping of the alarm clock on her nightstand, “midnight...things will never be the same,” she muttered as she turned to look out the window. Yossi wrapped her arms around herself, clutching the note in her hand as the corner bends back, a glistening tear striking the edge of the note in her hand.

“Falling rain makes me blue.” She uttered to herself as the tears she had held back rolled down her cheek.


(Note: I was looking at a translated form of mr.moonlight and it said that ashite iru yo meant I love you so if im wrong i apologize in advance)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2008, 09:51:54 PM by maverickpanda »

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2008, 01:43:54 AM »
You don't really write like a noob... and ishiyoshi is always freaking win... ALWAYS! I'm glad to see a new person writing them ^_^. looking forward to your stores  :cow: keep'em coming !
Rika <3 So funneh

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2008, 02:44:11 AM »
yay another ishiyoshi fanfic, i hope this is a long fanfic too hehe

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2008, 03:15:19 AM »
You don't really write like a noob... and ishiyoshi is always freaking win... ALWAYS! I'm glad to see a new person writing them ^_^. looking forward to your stores  :cow: keep'em coming !
Poets has said it all! You're a really good writer! There does seem to be a lack of Ishiyoshi (except for tru_harmony, of course :heart:) and I'm happy to see more. I, too, am awaiting more stories. :)

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2008, 06:18:19 AM »
yeah I know I only got into morning musume  like two weeks ago but man Yossi and Rika is my favorite pairing and I feel bad getting into it after he era ended but meh I was always one for oldschool so im going to say that most of my stories are gonna be old pairings cause if it aint broke why fix it.

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2008, 01:56:21 PM »

Offline tru_harmony

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2008, 01:01:02 PM »
AWESOME FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sweet ISHIYOSHI by someone other than me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



... as poets said, you don't write like a noob... (if you want to see how a noob fic looks like, just check out my fic! :lol: )

... thank you fot that... ... ... it really is a beautiful fic...

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2008, 07:16:44 AM »
Damn YOUUUU!!!   :OMG:

I wnat to write like you ... :tantrum:

Good fic, good Ishiyoshi

That phrase from the Mechaike made really like Charmy-san


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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2008, 09:43:37 AM »
tru_harmony you dont write like a noob, and maverickpanda you write wayyyyy much better than i could have done

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2008, 02:46:22 PM »
Thanx everyone for your comments I was a bit apprehensive about writing again after posting this fic but because of the comments (and mostly after reading tru_harmony's fic) I shall write again and make it worthy for the readers


 :pandaaa: <~~~~ adorable

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2008, 05:01:46 PM »
I see your fic and raise you a counterfic!

Offline maverickpanda

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Re: Rainy Day Woman
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2008, 11:07:56 PM »
I am on to you madam, lets see if you can counter fic my latest creation. Muah ha ha ha ha ha ha (soon to be posted)

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