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Author Topic: One Week [Epilogue - One Night]  (Read 45188 times)

Offline KonaKaga

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One Week [Epilogue - One Night]
« on: August 14, 2008, 03:27:57 AM »
Well, I thought that I'd have a shot at a chaptered story. I'll try and include Risa's thinking because it's fun to write it XD I'll try and update my nursery (lol) but I might be concentrating on this a bit more.


One Week
The Confession

Ever since I had decided to tell Eri how I felt about her, time seemed to pass by very slowly. Usually the days went by so fast…
“Ok! Good work everyone, that’s a wrap!” the producer’s voice informed. Good jobs and thank you’s echoed about. We had just finished recording two episodes of Haromoni@. Why two? Because we were getting a break of nine days. Usually I don’t like such long breaks, but with the musical recently finished I felt like I deserved one. But most of all because of what I was about to do. If Eri rejected me then I could be by myself. If she accepted then, well…I hadn’t thought that far, as cliché as it sounded.
All of us began to head for our dressing rooms. I quickly latched my arms around one of hers and asked in a voice only loud enough for her to hear, “Can I talk to you alone?”
Turning her head to look at me in the eye, she nodded.
“Get changed first, then come through to my dressing room.”

I have no idea how long or short it took me to get changed, I just remember arriving outside of her room. I calmed down my breathing before opening the door and walking in. I felt my breath catch in my throat. So much for those breathing exercises.
“Ahh, Gaki-san. Can you help me? The zip got stuck…” she said, tugging at the zip on her costume to prove her point.
“Only you could do something like this,” I remarked playfully before walking over to her. I was very nervous. I mean the zip’s on the front of the costume, and it was stuck half way down…
“But these things are so uncomfortable! And they’re kind of cheap…” she whined, moving away her hands so I could free the zip. I had to agree with her there. Those blue, green and pink outfits that they made us wear were kind of cheap and they were uncomfortable. I tugged at the zip trying to move it but it just wouldn’t budge. I tried again. It still wouldn’t move.
“Maybe you should use a mayuge beam on it,” she jokingly suggested. I did one and we both laughed.
Ok, now let’s try it,” I sarcastically said. I held the zip and dragged it down. It unzipped. We stared into each other’s eyes for several moments before we both burst out laughing. What were the odds? After the laughter died down, she finished getting changed and sat beside me on the couch in her room.
“So, what did you want to talk about?”
I felt my nervousness come rushing back to me. This was it; now or never. Eri was giving me that cute yet curious look she always does whenever I tell her that I want to talk to her in private. I’ve wanted to say this for so long…
“K-Kame,” I began, my voice shaking. She noticed immediately and took my hands in her own.  “I’m-“
Are you pregnant?
 “…Huh? What?! No! No, I’m not pregnant!”
Eri let out a sigh. “Phew, okay. What is it?”
I gave her a crooked grin. She was doing that to make me feel more relaxed, to make it easier for me to tell her, to make my problem not seem as big as it was. But I still had to tell her.
“Kame, this is really important to me, and it’s taken me a lot of courage to be able to say it, so please listen carefully okay?”
She nodded, her attention completely on me. I could feel her gently stroking my hands in a calming motion.
“I’m gay,” I suddenly blurted out before I could stop myself. Eri smiled at me.
“That’s okay, I kind of thought so. You being gay changes absolutely nothing between us.”
Well things were going well so far. I took a breath, signalling that I had more to say. She looked at me, waiting for what I had to add.
“I like you.”
She blinked.
“As in I like you,” I repeated.
She blinked again. The silence that fell only raised the pounding of my heart.
“…Wow,” she breathed out. I felt her hands move in mine, but never leave. I guess that she wouldn’t know what to do with them if she did. “I’m not sure what to say…”
“Say something, please?”
“I, uh…uh,” she tried to process what was happening.
I began to feel nauseous. “Please, anything!” I begged.
Eri was confused, it was easy to tell by way her eyes searched my face. Every time she looked like she was about to say something, her mouth always shut.
“I’m so shocked at the moment; I can’t think. I can’t reply to you,” she said finally.
“It’s okay…”
“No it’s not! You need an answer.” She pouted stubbornly. “Gaki-san, can you give me half an hour to think about this?”
A chance maybe? She hadn’t rejected me yet, but then again she hadn’t exactly jumped at the chance.
“Take as long as you need,” I said. I quickly checked that my legs would be stable enough to at least get me back to my own room. Standing up, I wavered slightly, but I instantly corrected myself.
“I’ll be in my room,” I informed her, before walking out. I stole a quick glance back at her while I was closing the door. She really was confused, scared even. I wish that I could turn back time; back to before I had feelings for her. But I can’t so I’m going to have to face life as it comes at me.

I pathetically collapsed onto my couch and let out a long but muffled “Arrgh” into a cushion. I lay there for a while. Looking up at the clock on one of my walls I moaned. What felt like 10 minutes had in fact only been two minutes.
“I guess I better find something to do…” I said aloud to myself. I grabbed a random manga out of my bag and began to read. It didn’t fill me up like usual. Burrowing into my bag again, I took out a notebook and a pencil and began to scribble down whatever came to mind. Some words, some doodles, I turned over the paper and ended up retracing a lazy eight. Crumpling up the paper, I threw it behind me. It landed perfectly in the bin. I smiled for a second. I guess practise does make perfect. My impatience came flooding back when I took note of the name of the Moutube segment; “GakiKame Art Theatre”. Somehow I knew that if I thinked about enough things, that they would all somehow be connected to her. I tore out several other sheets of paper and continued to scribble. This time the things I drew made no sense. A rock somehow riding a Penny Farthing, a cloud with headphones, a hamburger blowing it’s…well it doesn’t have a nose, so it was blowing its tomato (?) on a tissue. Maybe I should see a doctor… On other pieces of paper I randomly wrote. Crumpling up the paper, I threw it at the bin, and missed. I lay my head back on the cushion, closing my eyes, enjoying the silence momentarily. Immediately I shot up and leapt for the paper, trying to unfold it without ripping it apart. I scanned my eyes over the paper until I found one that made my heart jump.
Kamei Eri.
I immediately re-crumpled the paper and placed it back in the bin.
“Kame,” I breathed out. Eri locked the door behind her, giving us privacy, although most of the people had left the building. She sat down on the couch. She looked at the small coffee table in front of the couch and stifled a laugh.
“Is that what you’ve been doing to pass time?” she asked in a high pitched, humour filled voice. I felt my cheeks heat up ever so slightly.
“These are as bad as mine!” she exclaimed pointing at the hamburger.
“They’re not that bad!” I weakly defended. Eri continued to laugh, and I quickly joined her. That girl has an infectious laugh. It’s like the laugh itself is laughing gas. We both calmed down rather quickly, we still had something to settle. I sat across the couch from Eri.
“Are you sure you’ve thought this through?” I asked. She nodded.
“Gaki-san, I’ve never been confessed to by a girl before…heck, I’ve never been confessed to by a guy before,” she said.
“I’m sorry, it must have been surprising,” I apologised.
“Yeah, it really was…”
“I’m sorry,” I repeated. I really wanted to yell. I wanted to get all of this nervousness out of me. But I didn’t, I could see that she was trying really hard.
“I’ve thought about dating girls a few times but each time I thought about it I became scared of myself. I had no idea if I was wrong for thinking those things. So I’ve been ignoring it.”
I nodded in understanding. I was exactly like that when I first thought about it. You don’t know why you’re thinking those things and you become scared of yourself; scared that everyone’s going to run away. Scared to be alone.
“But when you confessed to me, everything came rushing back. I’ve never had a problem with gays; it’s just that I was unsure about myself. I’ve been thinking over various things, like our jobs, our future; stuff along those lines. But I realised that those things were irrelevant. It was just about us. I don’t know if what I feel for you is more than friendship, I’m sorry.”
“O-Oh…” I felt my heart clenching up.
“But,” she continued.
“But?” I echoed.
“You are a very important person to me, and I feel like I need to give us a chance,” she said. I swallowed roughly.
“So, I’m going to give you one week,” Eri stated “I’ll be your girlfriend for one week. After that I’ll give you my answer. Is that okay?”
“That’s fine with me.” I moved over to her side of the couch and hugged her. “Thank-you. Thank-you so much.”
I had one week to prove to Eri that I was the one for her. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. She was trying so hard for me. I had to try my best as well. I felt her hugging me back
“Thank-you.” I said again. “Thank-you…”
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 11:37:25 PM by KonaKaga »

Credit to Clamy-san!
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Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 03:39:38 AM »
This story already sounds like a winner to me! I can't wait for more!

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 03:49:46 AM »
One word: Awww. :shy2: This is incredibly cute. Go Gaki-san! Make her yours in a week! :onioncheer:

Offline Blubber-Nugget

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 04:08:26 AM »
I've already fallen in love with this fic :wub:

My two favourite parts would definetely have to be:
“K-Kame,” I began, my voice shaking. She noticed immediately and took my hands in her own.  “I’m-“
Are you pregnant?
 “…Huh? What?! No! No, I’m not pregnant!”
:lol: That was hilarious.

a hamburger blowing it’s…well it doesn’t have a nose, so it was blowing its tomato (?) on a tissue.

Lol, what were you thinking about when you wrote that?! XD

I can't wait for the next chapter!

Offline strawb3rrykream

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 05:11:49 AM »
YAYAYAYAY!!! I'm liking this! Gaki-san, pregnant?! XD I really can't see her jeopardizing her job like that, at least not anytime soon. At least Kame-chan's giving her a chance!
Can't wait for more!! :wub:

Offline JFC

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2008, 10:02:42 AM »
“K-Kame,” I began, my voice shaking. She noticed immediately and took my hands in her own.  “I’m-“
“Are you pregnant?”
 “…Huh? What?! No! No, I’m not pregnant!”

“I’m gay,” I suddenly blurted out before I could stop myself. Eri smiled at me.
“That’s okay, I kind of thought so. You being gay changes absolutely nothing between us.”
Risa = :mon sweat:
Eri =  :hee:

“I like you.”
She blinked.
Risa = :mon whimper:
Eri =  :mon one:

“As in I like you,” I repeated.
She blinked again. The silence that fell only raised the pounding of my heart.
“…Wow,” she breathed out.
Risa =  :mon love:
Eri = :gmon blonde:

Rest of it...awwwwwwwwwwwwww... :oops:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2008, 12:33:17 PM »
The title is "One Week"? That means at least 7 chapters?!?!? *flies to the sky*
Ok, I know I'm thinking too much, but that's the usual for me. My thoughts are just not as funny as Sukoshi's :D
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~~~ happy happy dim-sum steaming in a pot~~~~~ Oops, sorry about that crazed moment. I'm just too happy. And that is a real song btw XD

UPDATE soon!!

Offline ringo-hime

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2008, 05:02:12 PM »
omg, cool. one week!!  XD

LOL @ im gay XD  XD

Offline Grisours

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2008, 06:55:00 PM »
When someone wants to talk seriously with me, I always ask if they're pregnant, being a girl or not.  :grin:
I liked the plot, am curious to see how it all turns out. Keep it up!

Offline anuskyna

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2008, 07:56:39 PM »
aaa~ this is just,,, so cute~~ keep writing pleasee nice job~  :w00t: :w00t:

one week- cool~ Ganbare~  :inlove:

Offline KonaKaga

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2008, 11:12:26 PM »
Wow, lots of comments! :wub: Thank-you! I didn't think that this would get many readers :sweatdrop:

@heyyouhiya - A winner? I don't know XD
@ShikyoxYaiba - Let's see if she can make Eri hers in a week!
@Blubber-Nugget  - I wasn't thinking much! I just closed my eyes and pop, there it was!
@strawb3rrykream - I doubt she would do that as well. After all, she's with Eri so she can't :P
@JFC -  :lol: Great choice of emotes!
@lil_hamz - XD I wanna hear that song! Although I don't really like dim-sum that much... You seem really happy, so I'll take that as a compliment?
@ringo-hime - Thank-you :D
@Grisours - LOL, so do I! XD It always lightens the mood.
@anuskyna - Your first post was for me? :w00t: I'm honoured! XD

Thanks again everyone!
Day One

All I could think about was how today was going to go. Today was the last day of work, but we didn’t actually have to work. It’s kind of pointless but it’s just out of courtesy that we all go. I wonder if she’s going to act differently… I wonder if I’m going to act differently! We’re girlfriends, but we’re not really, are we? Ahh, I’ve got to stop stressing out over the small things. Maybe I should wear my lucky pants… Ok, maybe I just shouldn’t think too much today.
“Are you going to eat here?” my mum asked. I shook my head.
“I’ll eat at work,” I replied.
“Okay, let’s go then.”
Me and my mum locked the house, and got into our car. Within 20 minutes I was outside the main Up-Front building.
“I’ll see you later!” I called to my mum. She waved and drove off. I took a deep breath before walking into the building. I only had one thought stuck in my head.
Day one.

I greeted several people on the way to my room. Everyone seemed to be happy and relaxed; they wouldn’t need work too much for the next nine days. I put my key in the lock of my door and turned it. It was already unlocked. That meant someone was or had been in my room. I opened the door and stared in shock at what I saw.
“Ahh, Risa-chan, good morning! I arrived early so I thought that I’d get us breakfast!” Eri happily squealed, bouncing her way over to me.
Did she just call me Risa-chan?! Ok, breathe! In, out, in, out.
“M-Morning,” I stuttered out. I’m so smooth.
“Oh, are you that surprised, Risa-chan?” Eri pouted playfully, blowing up her cheeks.
“W-Well, it’s not like you to be early,” I teased. Her eyes looked up at me expectantly. “…Eri?”
She immediately smiled. Grabbing my hand, she took me over to the coffee table where various breakfast foods lay about. Picking up a strawberry, she held it towards me. I lifted up my hand to take it, but the strawberry was pulled away. I looked at a smirking Eri.
“Ah ah ah,” she said wagging a finger at me. I blushed. Eri again held the fruit in front of me. I opened my mouth and took a bite. I shyly began to chew. She was smiling at me with a faint blush playing on her cheeks. She’s trying so hard. I had to try as well.
“It’s delicious,” I complimented.
I picked up a grape.
“Say ahh,”
She did as commanded and opened her mouth.
I placed the grape in her mouth and she began to chew it. She licked her lips after she finished.
“Mmm, tasty.”
Stop staring at her lips! Stop! But they look so tasty…mmm.
“Risa-chan, how long do you plan to stare at me?” she asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and diverted my gaze. I nervously rubbed the back of my head.
“Eheh, sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. Now, let’s eat!”
We ate the rest of our breakfast, casually chatting about other members and recent concerts.

When we finished eating and sat back on the couch, I spotted a drop of syrup on her chin; maple to be exact. No, bad Risa! Don’t think of her photo book MAPLE!
“Eri, you’ve got a drop of maple syrup on your chin,” I informed. Eri wiped at her chin but missed it.
“Did I get it?” she asked.
“N-No. Here, let me get it,” I said. I leaned forward until our faces were almost touching. I licked the syrup off. I pulled back and saw a very red Eri. Her eyes were open in shock. Oh no, I really shouldn’t have done that. I’ve already screwed up and-
Eri let out a very shy giggle.
“Risa-chan’s goofy,” she commented. I felt relief cover me. At least she wasn’t angry or scared.
“You’re saying that to me?”
“What are you implying?”
“Exactly what I said.”
“I’m not goofy!”
“In your own world.”
We both stared at each other, but we were smiling at the same time. I guess you really could call both of us goofy. I felt my smile get even bigger. It was only the very beginning of day one, and I was having loads of fun. The next 7 days would be the best in my entire life. I felt my smile disappear. What about after the week was up? What happens if I can’t prove myself to her? Agh, stupid brain, ruining my happiness.
“So, what do you want to do, Risa-chan?” Eri asked.
“Anything that you want to do,” I replied.
“I know that, but isn’t there anything that you want to do?”
I thought.
“Well, I was thinking, since we don’t really have to do anything today, that maybe we could go for a walk?” I suggested.
“A walk sounds nice. I’ve not just wandered around for a while now,” Eri said.

After informing the reception that we were going out for a bit, Eri and I headed for the park nearby. I looped my arm around Eri’s, and Eri smiled. We were surprised to see that inside the park, there were many street acts. There was a person dressed up as a statue, a man swallowing swords, a woman and her dog doing tricks. The usual, everyday, run of the mil type acts. We quickly got bored of the acts and wandered down to one of the few ponds in the park. It was quiet and very beautiful. I took off my jumper and placed it on the ground so that Eri could sit on the ground without getting grass stains or dirt. We were underneath a tree, giving us shade from the sun.
“I think that your role as the prince in the musical really rubbed off on you,” Eri teased.
“Of course, and you are my princess.”
Eri sat down and patted the empty space next to her. I sat down on the remaining space of the jumper. Nothing was said; we just observed the nature around us. Occasionally a cicada would begin to make noise that only seemed to heighten the peaceful environment.
“Nee, Risa-chan.”
“Thank-you for brining me here, it’s beautiful,” she breathed out dreamily.
“But not as beautiful as you,” I whispered into her ear. She let out a giggle.
“You’re such a charmer.”
I felt Eri rest her head on my shoulder.
“Tired?” I asked.
“Yeah, I spent all night thinking about today,” she explained.
I thought that I was meant to be the one who didn’t get a wink of sleep because of this. Well, I actually didn’t sleep that much either. I began to hum a peaceful tune. She quickly fell asleep. I continued to hum as I gazed at her sleeping face. Kawaii. It was moments like these that made me fall in love with her in the first place. Just ones where we were together. We didn’t have to be kissing or doing other things. Just to be with her was pure happiness. I wonder how she feels about me... I know that she’s giving 100% to be my girlfriend, but how does she feel? Maybe I should ask her sometime…


“Where were you two?” Reina asked. I saw her looking at our linked hands.
“At the park,” Eri replied. “It was so pretty!”
Reina looked at me.
“It was,” I said. Reina took another look at our hands.
“Ahh, whatever, I don’t care,” Reina retorted before walking off.
“I wonder what’s wrong with her,” I asked as I watched Reina trudge away.
“She’s probably annoyed that she has to come here today when she doesn’t really need to.”
I nodded. It seemed very Reina like to do that.
Sayu suddenly appeared where Reina had stood moments before.
“So, did you have fun?”
“Yup! Lots!” Eri informed her best friend. I stared at the two of them as they quickly chatted about me and Eri’s walk.
“Did I miss something?” I asked confused.
“I know that Eri is your girlfriend,” Sayu stated, smiling. “Way to go!”
I looked at Eri for a second.
“R-Right, thanks,” I said.
“Well, I’ll leave you two alone for the next week. I have something of my own to do as well,” Sayu said before bouncing off in the direction Reina left. “Oh, Reina!~”

Eri and I retreated to her room after lunch was over. We lay on her bed, facing each other. For some time we just played with each others hair and hands.
“You like playing with my hair don’t you?” Eri asked. I nodded.
“It smells nice,” I complimented. Eri blushed.
“It’ll take more than that to cuddle with me,” she said.
“Oh really?” I asked mischievously. She nodded. I quickly began an attack, tickling her sides. Her eyes immediately shot open and she began to squeal. Her legs and arms flailed about in an attempt to stop me, but she couldn’t control them.
“S-s-st….ahahah! St-st-up!”
I smiled in amusement.
“What did you say?”
“S-Stop! Pu- pl-ple!” she squealed. “Please!"
I stopped.
“Mou, Risa-chan, you’re mean!”
I raised my hands.
“Ahh! I‘m sorry! I take it back!”
I let out a laugh, she was so sweet. I pulled her towards me and wrapped my arms around her. At first she thought I was going to tickle her again, but she quickly settled into my embrace. At first I felt shy about her face being so close to mine, but I adjusted to it. We stared into each others eyes. Her eyes are so pretty up close as well.
“They’re like pools of diamonds. Sparkly, pretty, rare and unbeatable.”
She stared at me.
“What?” I asked.
“You think my eyes are that pretty?”
Oh crap, I spoke my thoughts aloud.
“Of course. They’re like stars in a night sky.”
Her face was red. Shy shyly thanked me and then she kissed me on my cheek. I felt my face go red as well. I think I’ve blushed more today than in my entire life. She smiled to me and I smiled back. Ahh, heaven is a place on Earth. I think that it’s fair enough to say: Day one. Success.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2008, 02:00:04 AM by KonaKaga »

Credit to Clamy-san!
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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2008, 11:40:17 PM »
Oh, I could get used to this!!! I love love love love it!! BTW, I wrote a Gakikame perv at Renai Revolution on LJ. See what you've done to me!?! XD

Lucky pants? As in underpants?? :mon misch: Whoa, Risa-chan?!?!?! :mon lovelaff: They are so damn cute together~~~~ But damn hot when Gaki licked the syrup off her chin!! :mon XD: But I want them to do other things!!! :mon whimper: Dude, what's eating Reina? Wait, I know!! [bgcolor=#090000]Sayu is!!![/bgcolor] God, that was a bad one! :mon evil: This is awesome-ness, I tell you!!! One week will be over too fast! :mon annoy:

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2008, 11:52:20 PM »
*scribbles "success" all over day one of a random week-long calendar* xD

...Lucky pants. Lucky...pants. Pants. Hehehe...I wonder just what "luck" they'd bring. :hehehe: I lol'd at the MAPLE syrup. Can't deny how beautiful Eri is. And what's up with Reina? It couldn't be...[bgcolor=#000000]Jealousy? *legasp*[/bgcolor] Or so it seemed the first time I read over it. O.o

Wai~ I can't wait 'til Day Two. Great job. ^_^

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #13 on: August 15, 2008, 12:45:10 AM »
Day one. Success.
I agree :D
Is Reina jealous? Or is she just frustrated...? XD
I love this story so much! I'm just gonna sit here until the next update comes! :shifty:

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #14 on: August 15, 2008, 12:49:15 AM »


When we finished eating and sat back on the couch, I spotted a drop of syrup on her chin; maple to be exact. No, bad Risa! Don’t think of her photo book MAPLE!
TOO LATE!  :cow:

“Did I get it?” she asked.
“N-No. Here, let me get it,” I said. I leaned forward until our faces were almost touching. I licked the syrup off. I pulled back and saw a very red Eri. Her eyes were open in shock.

“Nee, Risa-chan.”
“Thank-you for brining me here, it’s beautiful,” she breathed out dreamily.
“But not as beautiful as you,” I whispered into her ear. She let out a giggle.
“You’re such a charmer.”
Smooooooooooooooooth.  8)

“Where were you two?” Reina asked. I saw her looking at our linked hands.
“At the park,” Eri replied. “It was so pretty!”
Reina looked at me.
“It was,” I said. Reina took another look at our hands.
“Ahh, whatever, I don’t care,” Reina retorted before walking off.
Wuh-oh. Reina's eyes are turning green, methinks.

Sayu suddenly appeared where Reina had stood moments before.
“So, did you have fun?”
Sayu = :gmon sing:

“Yup! Lots!” Eri informed her best friend. I stared at the two of them as they quickly chatted about me and Eri’s walk.
Eri =  :gmon shy:

“Did I miss something?” I asked confused.
Risa = :gmon blonde:

“I know that Eri is your girlfriend,” Sayu stated, smiling. “Way to go!”
I looked at Eri for a second.
“R-Right, thanks,” I said.
Sayu =  :gmon hot:
Risa =  :mon huh2:
Eri =  :gmon sweet:

“Well, I’ll leave you two alone for the next week. I have something of my own to do as well,” Sayu said before bouncing off in the direction Reina left.
Sayu = :gmon witch:

We stared into each others eyes. Her eyes are so pretty up close as well.
“They’re like pools of diamonds. Sparkly, pretty, rare and unbeatable.”
She stared at me.
“What?” I asked.
“You think my eyes are that pretty?”
Oh crap, I spoke my thoughts aloud.
“Of course. They’re like stars in a night sky.”
/me needs some crackers to go wit dis cheeze it's so good!  XD

Her face was red. Shy shyly thanked me and then she kissed me on my cheek. I felt my face go red as well. I think I’ve blushed more today than in my entire life. She smiled to me and I smiled back. Ahh, heaven is a place on Earth. I think that it’s fair enough to say: Day one. Success.

Dude, what's eating Reina? Wait, I know!! [bgcolor=#090000]Sayu is!!![/bgcolor] God, that was a bad one! :mon evil:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: One Week [The Confession]
« Reply #15 on: August 15, 2008, 12:58:09 PM »
Oooo I think I'm liking all these tittles that relate to time XD  3 Months and 6 Months were awesome so I have high hopes for this story even if it's only related by title+Gakikame goodness XD

but after reading day 0 and day 1...I must say your story is already earning all kinds of goody points =)

Right now it's very happy happy...good going Risa...she'll just have to wear those lucky pants for 1 week straight  :lol:

but seeing as it's all happy happy my brain is trying to work out the possible conflict...hmmm....*ponders*

I scanned my eyes over the paper until I found one that made my heart jump.
Kamei Eri.

wonder if it will have anything to do with the piece of paper...unless that really was just trash ^_^;

I was expecting our dear bunny girl to be all jealous over the relationship but seeing as she happily hopped off looking for a grumpy kitty cat, I guess that's not the case XD

well I'm out of ideas so I'll just have to impatiently wait and see =D

@Hammy san:  lol I don't think anyone can beat your funny thoughts this time, I mean there's no way I can beat out happy happy dim-sum steam pot!  btw I got the weirdest things when I tried to google that...all of them not being a song but rather things that are horrible yummy king crab...XD

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2008, 01:30:43 PM »
coool! >____< i love it.. so sweet.

cant wait for day 2 !!!! >_____<

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #17 on: August 15, 2008, 02:34:27 PM »
The confession

“I’m gay,” I suddenly blurted out before I could stop myself. Eri smiled at me.
I just couldn't help but LOL at that sentence .. Gaki behaves like Kame here, blurting out her thoughts and being . well.. quite blunt..

Anyway an interesting start . The idea of Kame was so "Kame-ish"  XD .

Day one
Kame calling Gaki "Risa-chan" and the latter calling Kame "Eri".. it's just getting better   8)
lol Sayu knows about their "relationship" , and being ok with it, no jealousy, or maybe she just has her eyes on someone else *cough*Reina*cough* .
And Gaki being romantic by blurting out about Kame's eyes  :wub: ..

Can't wait to see how this'll continue  :muffin:
« Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 07:07:36 AM by AmberSan »

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2008, 03:00:51 PM »
oh oh oh oh  :drool: :drool: more more! :inlove: keep writing pleasee  :wub: :wub: you're very very nice writing! Ganbaree pleasee~~

Offline heyyouhiya

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Re: One Week [Day One]
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2008, 04:22:41 PM »
Awwww so cute! I can't wait for the next day!!!

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