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Author Topic: Nocturne [13/02 - Epilogue (END)]  (Read 113840 times)

Offline stefy

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Re: Nocturne [File #23]
« Reply #320 on: May 26, 2009, 11:46:55 AM »
wow, you guys like to pressurize her a lot huh?

chill~ she's writin, she's writin~ XD

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Re: Nocturne [File #23]
« Reply #321 on: May 27, 2009, 09:09:56 AM »
^No, no pressure. I dunno what you're talking about. >_> My feelings are genuine. ;_;


How about this, to make up for it, I dedicate my 300th post to this thread. I was saving it for Aichan's thread, too. D8
NOW YOU OWE ME A GOOD PERV ESTREA. Take your time with writing chapter 24. :D

I'll throw in a bonus, just to keep things happy and lulz.

Captions quoted from Estrea.
FYI: Cat on the left belongs to my friend, kitten on my right is mine.

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Re: Nocturne [File #23]
« Reply #322 on: May 27, 2009, 09:29:04 AM »
^ O_O

that was kinda funny? but... CATS!!!

*runs away*

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Re: Nocturne [File #23]
« Reply #323 on: May 27, 2009, 09:46:40 AM »
Doesn't remind you of Ai and Reina? Ai giving "the look" and Reina being a freaked out kitten? XD

Oh and...

« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 10:04:47 AM by rev2hd »

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Re: Nocturne [File #23]
« Reply #324 on: May 27, 2009, 10:06:01 AM »
Forgive me for my extended absence! *bows down*

And LOL at the discussion that took place. XD I feel loved. In a weird sort of way. XD

Comment replies! Yes, you know what that means by now!

Saikami: I wanted Ta-kun to be ichiban bad guy too, but he doesn't suit that role very well. Lol. I'm glad you like the girls in bikinis (who wouldn't?). I agree, we need a ReinAi emoticon. Haha. Homophobic-gay Reina is epic win. XD More of that in the coming chapter, I promise! Yeah, it pains me to write Eri in a non-spacey way, but well, that's how the ball rolls. This isn't quite the last we see of her though, I have plans. XD Dancing panda! Haha, suits you. :3

kawaii beam: Ai is up to no good. But we all knew that. XD Sorry for the wait!

Fenrir: Youuuuuu! Youuuuuuuuuuu! Ran off to bed just when I finished the chapter. ;_; Oh well. XD Poor Reina, yes. Fodder for evil!Ai. XD Eri has her own agenda, that's for for what that is, it's a secret! XD

writerjunkie: Reina won't go crazy. She'll just be pretty darn pissed off. As usual. :lol: Glad to know you read it too! :) Thanks. :D

Ichigo-chan: There's always more than meets the eye in my stories. I feel like I left a lot out even though everything's kinda clear and shiny in my head. Haha. I'll get round to it...someday. Heh. XD Yeah, who can stay away from hot girls in bikinis? XD Mad Reina is fun. So fun to tease. Hurhur. Rumors are a given! Hoho. Eri sure is quite a character here. XD

SxY: Yeah, I love the ReinAi interaction. Irritated kitty cat FTW. I got hit by a basketball once. That was not fun either. The assassin program huh...if there's enough request for backstory I might expand on it, but at this rate, there's not much need to delve too heavily into the whole thing. Heh. It's not the last we're seeing of Eri, I assure you, but as to how she is involved later on, well, you'll have to wait and see. XD

kRisZ: Yes it is. :D

JFC: Aichan's replaceability...well, let's just say that Yuuka isn't the only candidate in the running. She's just the one that's directly under Takeda's responsibility. :P As for ReinAi, yes, I'm looking forward to some angry passion from them too. These two fit that role so perfectly. Hehe. Eri does seem to have stepped into her father's role pretty well, doesn't she? Heh. Makes her seeming airheadedness before seem like a pose. I wonder how that is. XD

lil_hamz: Why is it that you feel the need to have everyone either pair up or die together??? Haha.

ringo-hime: Yuuka's development is fun, yes. XD As for Eri, who knows? And why is everyone so optimistic? XDDD

Sukoshi: Yeah it doesn't sound like good news for Aichan indeed, hmm...the motives of the company? It's all about the money! Yeah. XD Supply and demand yo. XD Who knows what will happen in the future? Heh. Meh, you're such an Eri fangirl...then again, I'm an Ai fangirl, so I can't exactly point fingers. Lol. There's more to Eri than we know. XD You didn't read the special chapter? It was hot, no evil in it at all! Rather cute, actually...haha. Yeah, grumpy bear Reina is adorable. And yes Ai does rather seem like a stalker, doesn't she? Heh. I'm glad you like the metaphor. :D These little things make me happy. I kinda skipped over a bit of intervening time again, but yeah, it's not important which is why I skipped over them in the first place. Heh. You'll see.

rainer: There you are! Don't worry, I kinda vanished from updating here for a while too. ^^; Evil Ai is evil, which is...good? :lol: Oh, you'll see what happens. *inserts evil cackle* XD

rev2hd: DINNY. DINNY. DINNY!!!! You crack me up, yes you do. I didn't know the withdrawal symptoms were this bad, I apologize! :lol: And cute kitty pic. Hehe. Thanks for the 300th post! I know it meant a lot to you. :P Fine you'll get a good perv eventually.

stefy: Lol, your cat phobia at work. Reminds you of that black cat near your house? XD And thanks for defending me btw. XD

And now on to some editing before I post. :3


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Re: Nocturne [File #23]
« Reply #325 on: May 27, 2009, 10:09:22 AM »

Offline Estrea

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Re: Nocturne [File #23]
« Reply #326 on: May 27, 2009, 10:12:20 AM »
File #24

The sharp rap of metal on wood jolted her out of a perfectly good daydream, and Tanaka Reina could only glare at the malicious offender that had so rudely intruded on her personal time.

"Tanaka, since you have decided to show up for my class today, you'd better stay awake and pay attention!" That drill sergeant of a teacher barked out, cuffing Reina lightly across the side of her head. Reina glared balefully back at him, rubbing at her head and muttering under her breath.

"What was that?" His tone was threatening, and he did not seem at all intimidated by the death glare aimed his way, nor frightened of Reina's formidable reputation in the school. He was one of the very few who treated Reina like the student she was, and not the daughter of an influential (and illegally so) family.

That, if nothing else, earned the grudging respect of the young girl. Reina was not so petty a person as to call in the big guns (aka her brothers and their assorted cronies) on every little violation, and she could live with the occasional scolding. It was rather refreshing, actually.

"Nothing, sensei." Her tone was suitably grumpy, but she did sit up straighter and attempt to pay attention. Not that it particularly mattered, since she could just buy notes off someone else later. Reina would rather cram at her own pace than be forced to sit through a boring class.

Absently twirling her pen around, Reina looked out of the window. She could feel a few eyes on her, no doubt those of her classmates. People tended to pay attention to her, for one reason or another. Not that she minded, she rather enjoyed it, as a matter of fact.

Of late though, the attention was just a little on the annoying side, since she could easily hear the assorted rumors about her floating around the school ever since they returned from the trip to Hawaii. Reina was usually quite well tuned in to the gossip grapevine, but when it came to unpleasant things, she had quite a knack at ignoring them entirely.

Still, it was impossible to be completely blind to the fact, but Reina knew better than to try and stop it herself. A rumor, once it has taken hold, would not be so easily squelched. She knew that from personal experience. Best to let it die down on its own, which was why Reina was lying low for the time being and not making any excessive moves that would spawn even more ridiculous rumors.

Oh, she knew what had started those rumors, of course. If she ever saw that aggravating woman again, she would personally wring her neck. Slowly. Painfully. With nails extended and sharpened.

Reina could be very vindictive when the occasion called for it.

The bell rang, and after the overbearing teacher finished up whatever he had to say, they were free to go. Break would last a while, and Reina quietly made her way past the torrent of girly chatter and slipped up to the roof of the gym building. She had long since picked the lock of that access door, and it had become her personal hideout on school grounds.

Only those who were in her inner circle at school knew about it, and that inner circle was few and far between. Reina did not trust people easily, and those who won her confidence were remarkable people in themselves. Even then, each of them probably had their own secrets to keep, and no one in that circle begrudged them for it. Such was only normal for them.

Reina had been looking forward to spending the whole of break time in blissful silence and tranquility, but unfortunately, fate and sheer bad luck conspired to ruin her contemplation.

"Tanaka-senpai! I knew I'd find you here..." A voice huffed as Reina looked up irritably at the new arrival. As she had half expected, it was one of her friends.

Younger than her, but already very much taller, Umeda Erika was her junior, but also her friend. If nothing else, both of them were into the same sort of things and could click well. That was reason enough to be close to her, and Erika was tight-lipped enough not to leak any secrets they might possibly share. That and, she was fun to be around. Reina liked that in a person.

"So what's going on out there?" Reina asked grouchily, putting her lunchbox aside. Erika plopped down on the floor next to her, her appearance more or less immaculate. If nothing else, this was one girl who was almost just as fashionable and trendy as Reina herself was. That was one of the reasons why they got along so well.

"Oh, the usual. Gossip, backbiting, more gossip, pointless chatter, and did I mention a lot of gossip?" Erika also produced her own lunchbox, starting to unwrap the package. Reina eyed her critically for a moment.

"So you just randomly decided to come eat with me? How gracious of you." Her voice was sarcastic, but lacked true venom. Erika grinned, stealing an egg roll from Reina's lunchbox.

"Don't be such a grumpy bear. You haven't even heard what they're talking about you out there yet." Reina retaliated for the theft of her egg roll by pinching a slice of salmon, rolling her eyes at the same time.

"Do I want to know?" Erika grinned at Reina's exasperated expression.

"Probably not, but I'm going to tell you anyway." The younger girl seemed to be on the verge of exploding in laughter, if the mad grin on her face meant anything.

"Go ahead, enjoy yourself." Reina muttered, munching on a sushi roll sulkily.

"Well, Nishida from my class was saying that she heard from her senpai--unnamed, unfortunately; that you were sleeping around with strangers for money, which is why you always have branded stuff with you."

Reina didn't even bat an eye at that. "Old rumor. That's been going around for ages."

"And that you've had three abortions since middle school and was arrested for teenage prostitution."

Reina paused. "I was arrested, but for a totally different reason. The rest are all made up."

Erika nodded. "I'm just getting started. Wait till you hear the next one."

"I can hardly wait." Reina shot back, rolling her eyes skyward as she deftly stole a piece of tuna from Erika's lunchbox.

"Sugawara from class A said that you were having an affair with Nogami-sensei because he's always softer on you..."

Reina choked on her tuna. "What?" She swallowed, clearing her throat as she pondered aloud. "Now that's a new did that happen?"

Erika shrugged. "Those girls have a fertile imagination. You would think that they have nothing better to do, the way they invent these stories."

"Still, old man Nogami? Please. I have better taste than that." Reina rolled her eyes again. Erika laughed. "I know you do. But what can I do? They just love speculating about you."

"Eh, I can't stop them. Let them have their fun." Reina said dismissively, waving her chopsticks around. "I won't have to deal with them for much longer at any rate."

"True. Just a few more months before you graduate." Erika nodded, starting to eat again. Reina raised an eyebrow. "Is that it?"

"Well, there is something else..." Erika said evasively, fiddling around with her food for a bit. Reina's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"What is it?"

"Promise that you won't hurt me first." Erika said quickly. Reina grumbled a bit, but agreed.

"Fine, I won't hurt you, but I won't guarantee the safety of any others." Erika looked mildly relieved at that.

"Good, I don't care about the others." Reina snorted. Erika let out a breath, gathering her thoughts.

"Iwashima from your class said that you took advantage of a girl that you met in Hawaii and that you were also vulgar and abusive and..."

"WHAT?!" Reina quite literally exploded, nearly jabbing Erika in the eye with her chopsticks. Erika ducked, scrambling away to a semi-safe distance.

"That is totally untrue!!!" Reina ranted, waving her arms around, her eyelid twitching furiously. "I am most definitely NOT in any way related to that, that...rude, perverted spawn of hell! And I am NOT GAY!"

Erika stared at her. "So there is such a person and you do know her? Iwashima wasn't making it up?"

Reina gagged on her own spit. "NO! I mean, that bitch Iwashima is just lying! I definitely do not know such a person! Lies, I say! LIES!"

"You know, you're hardly making a case for yourself here..." Erika muttered half to herself, even as Reina ranted on about how she would never be involved with a girl, that she most definitely did not know that sadistic creep who was out to ruin her life, and that she would kill her if she ever saw her again... Erika raised an eyebrow at the last declaration.

"If you say meet her 'again', doesn't that imply that you've met her 'before'?" Erika pointed out, taking care to retreat a few more steps away from an irate Reina. Reina twitched violently at the remark, snapping her chopsticks in half in her fist. Erika moved back some more.

"It was a mistake! Nothing happened! I don't even know her! It's's just..."

Erika blinked when Reina suddenly choked, tears brimming in the older girl's eyes. In between one angry sob and the next, Reina continued.

"I-I haven't even gotten to date a boy seriously for long, not without my family finding out and getting rid of him, and then she comes along and...and..."

Erika's jaw dropped as Reina crumpled into a bawling heap. Quickly, she hurried over and awkwardly patted her senior on the shoulder. Reina sniffed pitifully, curling into herself.

"So she...uh, did something to you?" Erika ventured cautiously, not wanting to set Reina off on more crying or ranting, or both. Reina bit her lip, her eyes red and swollen, and nodded slightly.

"So, far?" It was a fairly important question. Reina winced, shaking a bit.

"I wasn't wearing anything when I woke up, and then she..." Her voice was very small, and seemed choked towards the end. Erika winced sympathetically, tentatively reaching out to hug the smaller Reina comfortingly.

"It's over now, it's ok..." The younger girl coaxed gently, seeming far more mature than her age would imply. "At least you won't get pregnant since it's a girl." She joked half-heartedly.

"Piss off." Reina muttered back, though it sounded weaker than usual. She sniffed again, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand.

"If you tell anyone about this, I will hunt you down and make you wish that you've never been born." There was a definite hint of steel in Reina's tone, and her eyes glimmered dangerously. Erika nodded, mimicking a zipper sealing up her lips with her hand.

"Your secret's safe with me." Erika patted her own chest confidently, then paused, cocking her head to one side as she eyed Reina speculatively. Reina glared back.


Erika hummed thoughtfully, prudently backing away as she said.

"So, how did it feel with a girl? Good, I hope?" Her grin was decidedly evil. Reina's eyes bugged out, then narrowed to mere slits as she growled.

"Umeda, you're dead."


"Ah, I feel better~"

"How is it that violence improves your mood?" A red-faced Takeda huffed from the floor from where Ai had put him only seconds ago. The girl in question dusted her hands off professionally, turning wide, innocent eyes at her brother.

"Isn't that how you raised me, onii-chan?" Takeda sighed. He couldn't exactly refute that. He had, in fact, raised her to kill. What better defense could she have employed?

"So, how was your vacation?" He inquired curiously, standing up with a wince. Ai had not pulled any punches, and he was sure that his neck would be in desperate need of an ice pack later.

"Fun." Ai replied succinctly, picking up her towel and wiping her face with it. Takeda handed her a bottle of water, which she took, but did not drink from immediately.

"Anything worth mentioning?" The older man gingerly touched the sore area on his neck and shoulders, wincing at the touch. Ai set down the bottle and calmly reached for an ice pack, handing it to him.

"I met a girl." Takeda rolled the ice pack on his neck, while raising an eyebrow.

"Why am I not surprised?" Ai grinned, winking roguishly.

"And I didn't do anything to her."

Takeda paused, then turned to look at her fully. Ai continued smirking as she unscrewed the bottle. Her erstwhile brother seemed to be honestly surprised by that.

"You...didn't?" Ai glanced at him.

"What, you think I can't keep my hands to myself?" Takeda laughed heartily.

"Of course you can, but for what reason would you do that now?"

Ai shrugged, staring into the bottle. "She was unconscious. It's no fun doing something to someone who isn't even aware of it." Then she smirked again. "Although I bet she thinks I did something. It was fun watching her explode."

Takeda snorted, taking another bottle for himself and drinking. Ai watched him idly, taking little sips from her own bottle. She seemed somewhat distracted.

"So how's the cleanup effort?" She asked, settling on the floor of the practice room. Takeda shrugged.

"Not too messy, but you might still want to lie low for a bit. Word's out that your last fling is still keeping an eye out for you. You sure left an impression on her." He eyed her critically. "Try to keep it professional next time. You tend to mix fun into work a bit too much."

Ai mock saluted him, sticking her tongue out at the same time. "I got the job done. That's what counts." She stretched lazily. "Though I kinda miss the old days where it was just kill and move on." She paused. "Is Yuuka doing that now?"

Takeda nodded. "We letting her handle simple cases for now. Fairly standard gangland assassinations, not too many complications. She's doing pretty well."

Ai bobbed her head in agreement. "Probably helps that she looks like such a cute little kid that no one expects her to be up to anything."

"Kind of reminds me of you, once upon a time..." Takeda sighed dramatically. "All wide eyed and adorable, like a cute puppy. And then you grew up..."

Ai rolled her eyes. "Don't do that, you sound like an old man." She flicked her ponytail over her shoulder carelessly, staring around the room as her mind wandered again. Takeda laughed.

"At least you're still adaptable. I think you can still pass off as a high schooler if you really wanted to..." He teased her gently, and Ai frowned.

"Ugh, please, now you sound like a pervert." She paused. "Wait, you are a pervert."

"Be nice." The older man said mildly. He walked over to a table by the side of the room, picking up his folder and flipping through it.

"Which reminds me, you're going to have to show up for a party tonight."

Ai groaned out loud. "Can't I get out of it? I do have to lie low like you said..."

Takeda ignored the puppy eyed look by the simple expedience of facing his back against it. Out of sight, out of mind. "No can do, kid. Father said that you have to show up."

"Urk..." Ai stood up sulkily. "There goes my evening of peace and quiet..."

"You have to wear a dress." Takeda added with an innocent little smile. "And I get to pick it."




"I said, Tanaka-san, that due to poor attendance records, I'm afraid that the school has decided that you need to repeat a year to make up for it."

Reina gripped the edges of the table tightly, her nails digging into the wood. She couldn't believe her ears. Stuck in school for another year? The nightmare.

"But my exam results...!"

"...are of a passing grade, but if you think that's the only thing that allows you to graduate, you are sadly mistaken." The principal, a stern-looking woman in her early 40s, seemed like the very incarnate of hell to the shellshocked Reina at the moment.

"But...but...!" Reina tried to find some plausible defense for herself, but came up empty. She had in fact skipped classes with impunity throughout the school year, and without good reason. She had simply done as she liked, and now she was paying the price for it.

"If you have nothing else to add, you may leave now." The bespectacled woman paused. "And please try to keep a decent attendance record this time around, Tanaka."

"..." Struck speechless, Reina could only walk blankly out of the principal's office. In a daze, she somehow managed to navigate the hallways without running into anyone. Not even the murmurs of her watching schoolmates managed to jolt her out of her stunned state.

In the end, it was her cellphone that brought her out of it. Home, it read. That usually mean "dad". Her father, despite being feared by many, was at the core an overprotective father who doted on his only daughter. Sons were nice, but Reina was the only daughter he had. That meant that he paid very close attention to her most of the time, and Reina couldn't decide if that was a good thing or not at times.

"Yes daddy, I'm coming home. No, I don't need an escort. Yes daddy. No daddy. I'm fine. Yes. I know. I know. Alright. I'll be there. See you later." Reina simply went through the usual ritual of answering the call in her usual way, her mouth producing responses without filtering them through her mind.

She would learn to regret that habit soon enough.


This takes place a little while after the Hawaii trip. I skipped over the not so important parts. Heh. Rumors are fun~

We'll see what happens next. >3

EDIT: You did it again. Congratulations? Lol. Make it a triple decker and dibs! :P
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 01:54:40 PM by Estrea »


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Offline stefy

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #327 on: May 27, 2009, 10:54:58 AM »
yay~ first!

Lol. Reina's rumors are way hideous/hilarious! The ErikaxReina friendship is so amusing! Erika's afraid of Reina and yet she dares to ask such a question lol.

Struck speechless, Reina could only walk blankly out of the principal's office. In a daze, she somehow manage to navigate the hallways without running into anyone. Not even the murmurs of her watching schoolmates managed to jolt her out of her stunned state.
Man.. I know that feeling verrrrryyyyy well.. Poor Reina!

btw... DON'T REMIND ME OF THAT STUPID BLACK CAT EVA! It still wanders around at the car park okay! :ph43r:.... 
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 10:58:07 AM by stefy »

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #328 on: May 27, 2009, 01:41:24 PM »
reina's rumor were XD XD..poor reina  :lol:
and aichan gonna show up for a party and in a dress :wub: :wub:
i bet it gonna be a great party for her..XD
i guessin either she will met reina or eri there.. :lol:

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #329 on: May 27, 2009, 02:15:21 PM »
nothing happened   :lol:  and Reina's   :scolding:  :frustrated: over nothing...  Ai's such a tease  :on lol:

"Umeda, you're dead."

 :lol: can't blame Umeda though for asking  XD

Parteyyy... I wonder what's in there and who's going to be there, perhaps Reina.?.  or both Reina and Eri and Ai will bring Sayu along.?. That would be a blast   XD

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #330 on: May 27, 2009, 02:21:28 PM »
Good god XD  I was gonna laugh at stefy for being afraid of a little kitty cat...until I reached over my keyboard to move my earphones...only to see triple 6s on the reply screen :stoned:  (I hope it's from accidentally hitting the number key in the process...) I'm creeped out.  no. mocking. the. black. cat.  :ph43r:

as for the special say it's cute?!  Evil I can pass up on sometimes but cuteness?  Ugh~ the temptation XD  Too lazy to get cookie access though~  *cough cough* send it to me la~ XD
:on study:--->:mon blood:


lol you know one of these days someone's gonna write a story about Reina coming from a nice, loving, "respectable" family, and no ones gonna buy it XD

"That is totally untrue!!!" Reina ranted, waving her arms around, her eyelid twitching furiously. "I am most definitely NOT in any way related to that, that...rude, perverted spawn of hell! And I am NOT GAY!"

then you see Reina dancing and singing that she's not gay, with girlie underwear on her head, while the rest of her class witnesses the whole affair.  oops XD  hana kimi moment slipped in there XD

ouch Reina's has to repeat a year?!  Wow...that harsh sucks.  Now she'll be the scary older kid XD  It'll be so messed up if Ai chan decides to enroll.  then they'll both be the scary older kids XD

OOo! party party!  Can't wait for the cat fight!  or maybe Eri will be there too!  3 way showdown! :O  and maybe Sayu's the date.  I can see everyone getting in on this party except Gaki.  poor Gaki, always so left out XD

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #331 on: May 27, 2009, 03:55:16 PM »
You made me spit on my computer screen....from laughing at the TanaUme convo. XD God, Reina is the kind of person I'd want to be friends with. Somehow, her intimidating-ness is endearing. :P I like all the rumors~~ Gave me a really good laugh. And Ume-chan is my new favorite C-utie, though Nakki isn't too far behind. :grin: Oh yes, Ume-chan, it was good. :P J/K nothing happened....
Ai-chan is so...I don't know what the word I'm looking for is. She's very efficient in her work, but she often seems quite light-hearted about it once the job is done. It's not a bad thing but it worries me, for some reason.
Oh noes, Reina-chan can't graduate?! :P Her Daddy's calling about a certain party, isn't he? 8)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2009, 03:08:01 AM by strawb3rrykream »

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #332 on: May 27, 2009, 08:45:02 PM »
oh yay you updated! Lmao the rumors were funny, but damn the rumor about her and Ai I wonder how that will turn out. Damn Ai is as evil as ever. She just wanted Reina to think they slept together?! Damn. lol I kinda like how Ai is in this fic though. lol She's interesting. I also like the scenes that have her with Reina. Those are amusing. lol Great chapter  :thumbsup I can't wait for the next one!

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #333 on: May 28, 2009, 12:01:18 AM »
File #24

Heh, dude sounds like he treats his students the same way I do, reps and/or anything from outside the classroom mean nothing. The classroom is the sensei's domain, pure and simple.

He was one of the very few who treated Reina like the student she was, and not the daughter of an influential (and illegally so) family.

That, if nothing else, earned the grudging respect of the young girl. Reina was not so petty a person as to call in the big guns (aka her brothers and their assorted cronies) on every little violation, and she could live with the occasional scolding. It was rather refreshing, actually.
Ah, of course there has to be more to Reina's "yankii" background here.   Makes one wonder (just a bit) if she would still be like this if she came from a more "normal" family (i.e. one that didn't have the ability to send in a bunch of goons whenever something didn't go their way).

It's going to be interesting to see what happens when Aichan finds out Reina's background (because you know she will). :yep:

Heh, that kind of thing happens when a hottie like Aichan is sucking your face and then you proceed to scream out that you never want to see her again. :D

Still, it was impossible to be completely blind to the fact, but Reina knew better than to try and stop it herself. A rumor, once it has taken hold, would not be so easily squelched. She knew that from personal experience. Best to let it die down on its own, which was why Reina was lying low for the time being and not making any excessive moves that would spawn even more ridiculous rumors.
Generally speaking, that's quite true. Giving it attention will only fuel it to last longer. Ignoring it will give the impression that the falsehood is so obvious that it's not even worth dignifying with a response.

The bell rang, and after the overbearing teacher finished up whatever he had to say, they were free to go. Break would last a while, and Reina quietly made her way past the torrent of girly chatter and slipped up to the roof of the gym building. She had long since picked the lock of that access door, and it had become her personal hideout on school grounds.

Only those who were in her inner circle at school knew about it, and that inner circle was few and far between. Reina did not trust people easily, and those who won her confidence were remarkable people in themselves. Even then, each of them probably had their own secrets to keep, and no one in that circle begrudged them for it. Such was only normal for them.
In other words, Reina's not the only person attending that school who comes from..."a unique" background.  8)

In a way it's funny, in a way it's worrisome, and in yet another way it's admirable the way that Reina's able to brush all of these off so easily. She knows that there's little she can do about what others will say or think, and that what's important is that she DOES have control over how she will react to what's being said herself.

Ok, brace yourselves.  :sweatdrop:

"That is totally untrue!!!" Reina ranted, waving her arms around, her eyelid twitching furiously. "I am most definitely NOT in any way related to that, that...rude, perverted spawn of hell!
Oshit! :o

And I am NOT GAY!"
Sorry, but just picturing Reina's spazzing in this scene...XD

"If you say meet her 'again', doesn't that imply that you've met her 'before'?" Erika pointed out, taking care to retreat a few more steps away from an irate Reina. Reina twitched violently at the remark, snapping her chopsticks in half in her fist. Erika moved back some more.
Careful're friends and all, but do you really want to risk the wrath of Reina?

Reina =  :grr:
Umeda =  :mon curtain:

"It was a mistake! Nothing happened! I don't even know her! It's's just..."

Erika blinked when Reina suddenly choked, tears brimming in the older girl's eyes. In between one angry sob and the next, Reina continued.

"I-I haven't even gotten to date a boy seriously for long, not without my family finding out and getting rid of him, and then she comes along and...and..."

Erika's jaw dropped as Reina crumpled into a bawling heap. Quickly, she hurried over and awkwardly patted her senior on the shoulder. Reina sniffed pitifully, curling into herself.

"So she...uh, did something to you?" Erika ventured cautiously, not wanting to set Reina off on more crying or ranting, or both. Reina bit her lip, her eyes red and swollen, and nodded slightly.

"So, far?" It was a fairly important question. Reina winced, shaking a bit.

"I wasn't wearing anything when I woke up, and then she..." Her voice was very small, and seemed choked towards the end. Erika winced sympathetically, tentatively reaching out to hug the smaller Reina comfortingly.

"It's over now, it's ok..." The younger girl coaxed gently, seeming far more mature than her age would imply.
Eeeeep.  She still thinks that Aichan and her did the Hawaiian Hula together after she got hammered at that bar when all Aichan really did was save her from those idiots and take her back to her hotel room to sleep off the booze.   :shocked

"At least you won't get pregnant since it's a girl." She joked half-heartedly.

"Piss off." Reina muttered back, though it sounded weaker than usual. She sniffed again, wiping at her eyes with the back of her hand.
Attempt to lighten the mood...semi-successful. :P

Erika hummed thoughtfully, prudently backing away as she said.

"So, how did it feel with a girl? Good, I hope?" Her grin was decidedly evil. Reina's eyes bugged out, then narrowed to mere slits as she growled.

"Umeda, you're dead."

C'mon, she was bound to ask sooner or later.

"Ah, I feel better~"

"How is it that violence improves your mood?" A red-faced Takeda huffed from the floor from where Ai had put him only seconds ago. The girl in question dusted her hands off professionally, turning wide, innocent eyes at her brother.

"Isn't that how you raised me, onii-chan?" Takeda sighed. He couldn't exactly refute that. He had, in fact, raised her to kill. What better defense could she have employed?
Aichan's response seemed to be part smart-aleck, part "don't know any better".  Considering how Takeda was the one who raised her and brought her into "his world", yeah, he shouldn't be surprised.

Wow, even Takeda's surprised that Aichan could keep from being a horndog! :lol:

Ai shrugged, staring into the bottle. "She was unconscious. It's no fun doing something to someone who isn't even aware of it." Then she smirked again. "Although I bet she thinks I did something. It was fun watching her explode."

"So how's the cleanup effort?" She asked, settling on the floor of the practice room. Takeda shrugged.

"Not too messy, but you might still want to lie low for a bit. Word's out that your last fling is still keeping an eye out for you. You sure left an impression on her." He eyed her critically. "Try to keep it professional next time. You tend to mix fun into work a bit too much."
Eri's pretty tenacious now, isn't she? Well, as long as she still believes the frame-job that Aichan and Yuuka did, then we'll know that it's just because she wants Aichan again (which, c'mon, ain't that bad of a reason). :twisted:

"I got the job done. That's what counts." She stretched lazily. "Though I kinda miss the old days where it was just kill and move on." She paused. "Is Yuuka doing that now?"

Takeda nodded. "We letting her handle simple cases for now. Fairly standard gangland assassinations, not too many complications. She's doing pretty well."
Awwww...good for Yuukarin.  :oops:

Ai bobbed her head in agreement. "Probably helps that she looks like such a cute little kid that no one expects her to be up to anything."

"Kind of reminds me of you, once upon a time..." Takeda sighed dramatically. "All wide eyed and adorable, like a cute puppy. And then you grew up..."
...and became a major sexy hottie. :hump:

Takeda laughed.

"At least you're still adaptable. I think you can still pass off as a high schooler if you really wanted to..." He teased her gently, and Ai frowned.

"Ugh, please, now you sound like a pervert." She paused. "Wait, you are a pervert."
They do say that it takes one to know one.

"Which reminds me, you're going to have to show up for a party tonight."

Ai groaned out loud. "Can't I get out of it? I do have to lie low like you said..."

Takeda ignored the puppy eyed look by the simple expedience of facing his back against it. Out of sight, out of mind. "No can do, kid. Father said that you have to show up."

"Urk..." Ai stood up sulkily. "There goes my evening of peace and quiet..."

"You have to wear a dress." Takeda added with an innocent little smile. "And I get to pick it."

Oooooooooooh hell yeah. :drool:


"I said, Tanaka-san, that due to poor attendance records, I'm afraid that the school has decided that you need to repeat a year to make up for it."


"But...but...!" Reina tried to find some plausible defense for herself, but came up empty. She had in fact skipped classes with impunity throughout the school year, and without good reason. She had simply done as she liked, and now she was paying the price for it.
Oh boy...everyone had better stay out of Reina's way. 

Really though, Reina does have to take some blame here for skipping out as much as she did.  Regardless of test/exam results, most high schools have a policy stating that school credits will be forfeited if a student misses "X" amount of classes.  While they can't force you to attend, they CAN make you face consequences for NOT attending. Students have to get that through their heads early, seeing as how it's things are in real life. If you don't show up to do your job/work, guess what? You're fired.  8)

"Daddy's little girl", eh? It's going to be interesting to see how he reacts to the news that the school is keeping Reina back a year. :O

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #334 on: May 28, 2009, 12:30:58 AM »
yay for takaxume love~! XDD and good to see that ai had fun with reina eventhough she realy didnt do anythingXDD i cant wait for the next one~! X3
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #335 on: May 28, 2009, 03:47:23 AM »
But I had work the next day!!!!!!! :o Next time I'll stay up until you finish!!!! And then I will do a Rev Sammich! XD

But so glad I'm home. Hehehe. Umeda! I would have never thought it would be her. XD  Man, Reina gets shafted again. XD Do I sense another meet up between ReinAi or even better AiEri? :o

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #336 on: May 28, 2009, 03:06:18 PM »
wa yey lol~

Reina And Erika was cute. XD hehe. Rumorssss  :P

So whats gonna happen to Reina now?  :w00t:

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #337 on: May 31, 2009, 06:00:29 AM »
I'm back, and so are you.  XD

So, Eri's still looking for Ai? Let's just hope that when she does find Ai-chan, she'll not pester Ai. As much as my love for AiEri has grown much through your story, I'd prefer TakaGaki more.   :P

Reina's hot. (Not in that pervertic way. :hehehe: ) Heh. Her rumours were.. entertaining. Very, I'll emphasise.  :kekeke:

I might not be able to check up often, but you better update often~ Or else.. :mon evil:

TanaKameiShige. IshiYoshi. <3

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #338 on: July 10, 2009, 08:01:27 PM »
What an exciting fanfic! You just can't stop reading once you've started XD (Hungry for more khrm krhm :mon noodle: :D)
Hahaha Ai-chan making Reina crazy :lol: I wonder what Eri will do if she finds Ai-chan :shocked:
I loved the chapter where Ai-chan and Yuuka went to eat ice cream and Eri was there~ :D

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Re: Nocturne [File #24]
« Reply #339 on: September 22, 2009, 07:47:43 PM »
*sneaks in*

I wonder if anyone still remembers this fic. :lol:

Oh well, comment replies first!

stefy: I enjoyed the rumors too. XD And you know, I kind of based her situation on yours...:P

alwaysYou: Aichan always has fun. XD This story is all about her having fun. Those poor girls...XD

kRisZ: Yes, the best part is that nothing happened. XD Ai just likes mindfucking other people. Wonder if Reina would even believe her if Ai told her the truth lol.

Sukoshi: All fear the black cat! :lol: I'm glad you enjoyed the "special" chapter. :P I intend to write Reina into a perfectly normal family one day, and nobody believing her...XD Yeah repeating a year sucks...poor Reina. XD Party will be fun. :3

Ichigo-chan: I wanna be friends with Reina too! :D Ai-chan's very flippant, I think that's the word you're looking for. Either that or just frivolous. :lol: She doesn't take things too seriously... And yes, the party party party~ :3

writerjunkie: And yes I update again! After an admittedly lengthy absence...can anyone forgive me??? XD Sorry about the long wait.

JFC: I want to answer everything, but I'm lazy. XD Cool that you agree with the teacher since you're one yourself. :3 Reina looks a lot like a bad girl, but i don't really think she's that bad. XD Reina interests me, that she does. :3 And I'm just rambling now...

kawaii beam: Ai has her own ways of having fun. :D Not always fun for others though... though Sayu might beg to differ. XD

Fenrir: Well, you get to read this when you eventually wake up. XD Hope you enjoy. :D

ringo-hime: Rumors are great. XD You'll see what happens to Reina next...

rainer: Are you back yet? :D I disappeared for a while... I can't say what's my favorite pairing for Ai, although I have a definite soft spot for either ReinAi or TakaGaki....AiEri is kind of like a side dish for me. :lol: I look forward to when you comment! :P

Fushigidane: Hi hi! Welcome to the thread! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hope to see you around more often. :3

Annnnnd new chapter coming up. :3 Anyone looking forward to it? XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

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