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Author Topic: Death Games(Berryz Fic) + One Shots Thread [Death Games - II]  (Read 9719 times)

Offline Demon Eyes

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Death Games(Berryz Fic) + One Shots Thread [Death Games - II]
« on: January 13, 2009, 02:33:51 AM »
Hi, :D

This is now my One shot thread.

Thanks to rokun's kick in the butt, I am gonna attempt some more.

I will also try some other pairing as well but first, Miki x Reina until someone else writes about them. This is like tier advertising thread.


1. Love Confession Challenge - below.
2. My Queen
3. Death Games: Part 1 Part 2

All copyrighted material in this story is not mine.

Love Confession Challenge
By Demon Eyes

“Welcome back everyone, and to those who are just joining us, we welcome you to the new Hello Project Programme called...Let us say it together everyone.” The announcer and host to be of the newly started project urges everyone present.

“Evening Berryz!”

Excited voices ring out all over.

“Yes, Evening Berryz. It is supposedly Berryz Kobo’s answer to Morning Musume’s longest running Hello Morning broadcast. Also as the title suggests, it is to run during the evening hours as opposed to Hello Morning that runs in the morning. I also take this opportunity to announce that I will be hosting Evening Berryz. Yay!”

“Oh great! Now we have to put up with you even here?! That’s just great Nakazawa-san!” A voice deadpans amidst the congratulating claps. The one it is directed at hears it clear as day but really, almost everyone present couldn’t miss it seeing as the one who has spoken is none other than...

“Zip it Cool Aniki Fujimoto-san. You don’t see me being all jolly that I have to put up with you Musumes now do you?” A vein pops up on top of Nakazawa-san’s head.

Laughter breaks out from both parties of Morning Musume and Berryz Kobo. A quick comment confirming just how similar Nakazawa-san and Fujimoto-san are thanks to Niigaki-san doesn’t help any.

“Moving on, as the opening episode, we have the Morning Musume as guests seeing as they claim to be the flag ship of Hello Project. And, according to themselves, they are here to prove that they still hold the title despite the Berryz’s climbing popularity.
Are they really still with it or are they just talk? We are here today to find out the truth.

Morning Musume versus Berryz Kobo.

Those who are just joining us, we have already gone through the first two challenges of the three set and we have already gone through the third half way. To cut things short, the first challenge was ‘brawn’ which was obviously won by the Morning Musume - what with Ogawa-san, Fujimoto-san and Yoshizawa-san in there.” Here, our host Nakazawa-san chuckles and receives a Miki glare.

The second challenge, which was in academics, was interestingly won by our young group Berryz Kobo.” Nakazawa-san stares at the Morning group.

“You girls are dumb. You really need to study more.” Nakazawa-san makes the right decision to avert her eyes after the comment for the glares are wall-penetrating.

“Things got more interesting as we entered the third challenge which was confessions of love. Three couples were selected from each side and were to confess love to one another and the more convincing the more points you get.

I would say that so far, the Tsugunaga/Shimizu pair have been really convincing. They were great to an extent that I thought they had been serious. And we all know what's up with Ogawa-san and Yoshizawa-san. Great job you four.” Claps of appraisal ring out all over when Nakazawa-san pauses.

“But then we get to the really interesting pairs. To...Tokunaga-san, perhaps you should’ve let Natsuyaki-san do the confessing!”  Nakazawa-san’s attempts at stilling her giggles fail miserably as she breaks out in her palm. The two concerned girls could do nothing but try and get under their chairs even more.

“But that was nothing compared to Kamei-san’s confession to Takahashi-san. Can we please have a replay?” They all turn to the screen and once the play back is done, everyone is on the floor, even the camera shakes telling us that the crew weren’t spared as well.

“Ah...God, that was priceless. Just when I think you couldn’t surprise me anymore, you do just that Kamei-san. I think I might start to worship you.” Poor Kamei-san had gone and done it again. Do the exact opposite of what she intended, which for reasons unknown to her, always tickles people’s funny bones.

Everyone has red faces trying to recover from the Kamei Laughing gas bomb. Even Tanaka-san who usually only smiles was just getting back from the floor she had been pounding to control her laughter.

“Today has been really great so far, hasn’t it? And with that we head into our last round of the third challenge. We still have the Fujimoto/Tanaka and Kumai/Sugaya pairs to go. Kumai-san, Sugaya-san, please step up. You are next.”

The mentioned girls start to whisper to themselves when they make it to the stage. After coming to a decision, they face the audience. Kumai-san speaks first.

“The back-story is, we have been friends for a long time but in the past few weeks Yuri-chan - my self – has been distant and acting strangely towards her best friend Risa-chin – Sugaya-san – here.

Finally having had enough, Risa-chin confronts Yuri-chan and they head to the school roof to get to the bottom of things. They have been talking for a while so we join them when the conversation is getting quite heated.”

“I...I just want to know why you have been distant lately Yuri-chan. Why are you avoiding me?” Sugaya-san suddenly jumps in with a very passionately loud voice. A few present are actually taken by surprise. Even Kumai-san’s eyes widen a little and she steps back though we aren’t sure if she is acting or actually taken aback. There is fire in Risa-chin’s eyes even though they are misty from holding back tears.

“You want to know? You really want to know?” Kumai-san is in Yuri-chan mode.

“Yes!” Risa-chin answers in a frustrated voice as the emotions get to her.

“It’s because I love you.”


“I love you Risa-chin. I am in love with you.”

More silence follows. No one dares even let a breath out.

“If you...If you really love me, then why would you be avoiding me? Shouldn’t you be doing the exact opposite? Shouldn’t we be closer instead?” Risa-chin lowers her eyes after she is able to respond to the unexpected answer from Yuri-chan.
It was the best response she could think of to break the silence as comfortably as she could. Comfortable was the least state she is in.

“I was avoiding you because I was afraid, okay? I was afraid.” Yuri-chan lowers her eyes in shame because she has never let her weak self show when she is around Risa-chin.

“What are you afraid of Yuri-chan?” They had been friends since kindergarten. To Risa-chin, Yuri-chan is the strongest person she knows.

“ sun...” Is all Risa-chin can make out when Yuri-chan opens her mouth.


Everyone else straighten themselves trying to stretch their ears more than is possible. The room is full of heated excitement and many more feelings.

“You are my sun. You know what they say about getting close to the sun.” Here Yuri-chan pauses dramatically before continuing.
“But it is not that I was afraid of burning that I stayed away from you. It is because I know that when I get close, you too will want to get close and when I burn, I would leave a stain on you. I don’t want that.

I don’t want to leave a stain on you. You should be pure forever as you are now. Blindingly right without a stain that I for sure know will leave.

And I know you well enough to know that were I to tell you how I feel, you would return those feelings even if you didn’t understand them. Not just yet. And I guess that is my fault in some way seeing as I always chased away any boy that dared come close to you.”

Breaths can be heard being sucked in by all the girls and crew present at this spectacular display of (fake?) love, as Yuri-chan pauses to reach in her pockets for something.

It’s a necklace that she had been donning not long ago but had removed to use in the performance. There is a beautiful red gen hanging from its center.

“I don’t want you to say a strong word as love just yet no matter how much I want to hear it. So I will let you choose if you want to give it a try. I will come as far as this red rock – Mars – and you may come and meet me - If you don’t mind the stain.”

Yuri-chan holds out her hands with the necklace laying opened in her fingers. Though she says that, there is some fear in her eyes. Fear of perhaps rejection.

As an answer, Risa-chin doesn’t waste even a second moving the first foot then the next until she is right in front of Yuri-chan. She reaches a hand out to stoke said girl’s neck.

“Silly Yuri-chan. It is just a stain after all.” She smiles.

A bigger smile and emotions break out on Yuri-chan’s face and she seems most eager to put the necklace around her Risa-chin’s neck.

They hug as closure to their performance.

Nothing happens for a while until Nakazawa-san notices that the two girls are staring at her looking sheepish and very red in the face.

She decides to start clapping as she waits for her voice to come back to her. The others come to their senses too and then whistles, cheers and cries of amazement break out.

After some long praises, Nakazawa-san decides to break it up or they would really sleep there. “Wow! Just...Wow! That was so damn amazing. I was almost convinced there that you were confessing for real Kumai-san.”

Kumai Yurina could only try to stop her face from going aflame for real.

“And you Sugaya-san, how could you take that in and manage to hold yourself back?!”

“Wait a second Boss. What exactly have you been expecting her to do you geezer?” It is Fujimoto’s home run to Nakazawa-san’s earlier pitcher.

As for Sugaya-san’s reaction, let’s just say that Kumai-chan is stronger than Sugaya-san both physically and emotionally.

“Oh don’t act all innocent on me Fujimoto. You know exactly what I mean and while we are on the subject, you are up with Tanaka-san.

As things stand, I would say that you are losing so you better put up a better show, as much as I doubt that.”
“Hmnp. I will show you.”

In a different room but the same building, the president of Hello Project Mr. Tsunku had his eyes glued on his live feed from the broadcasting room. The only thought on his great mind was...

“Why didn’t I think of this sooner?”

Back to the other room, Fujimoto-san is just done quietly apologizing to Tanaka-san who looks confused by the action. The taller and slightly larger girl clears her throat as she straightens up, only one foot away from Tanaka-san.

“Re---Rei-chan...” She began and at the same time placing her hands on the smaller girl’s shoulders. She acts nervous which is thankfully picked up on by her partner judging from the sound of her answer.

“Yes Fujimoto-san?” Tanaka stammers out the name as she decides to stick with ‘Fujimoto-san.’

“I want you Rei-chan.”

“Wh...What are you saying Fujimoto-san!?” Tanaka-san starts to get more nervous queue the fire and another unexplainable look that took over Fujimoto-san’s eyes.

“I want you so very much Rei-chan.

I want to cut you up. Dissect you into tiny pieces. Crush you and break you down to your cellular level. Study every last stretch of your atoms under the microscope even though I am no scientist.”

A very big gulp is heard all over the room. It’s from Tanaka-san. She is very sure she is not in character anymore. She tries very hard to get back into the acting as Fujimoto-san opens her mouth to continue.

“I want to know everything – everything – about you.”

The crazy look of perhaps a mad scientist disappeared so fast that Tanaka was wondering if it had been there at all. Only to be just as fast replaced by a more dangerous one.

It’s a kind of look that was a hungry lion to have expressions, would be the look it would have just before it pounces on the dear.
To the fellow members of Musume, it is the kind that Konno-san gave that poor foreign pudding that they had the previous Christmas while they were in Hawaii.

A gulp that is out of anything but fear rises out of the smaller girl’s throat when Fujimoto-san licks her lips in a very disturbing way.

“I want to eat you up. I want to eat the whole of you up very slowly so that I can savor and record every different taste of every different and last inch of your body. That oh so very sexy and proportioned just right body.

Soup from the crushed bones that shape you up so right would taste out of this world I know.

I have never craved onigiri as I do when I look at that lovely hair of yours that I know would make the perfect ingredient instead of sea weed.

I want to devour you.

Every. Last. Inch. Of. You.”

And here Fujimoto makes an exaggerated sigh as she lowers her eyes and when they come back up, they look different. Not that dangerous or weird look again and yet, not the calming kind different.

There is so much love in them and so much sorrow. Tanaka-san wishes it was someone else in her shoes right at the moment because she has no idea how to take these emotions in.

‘It’s just an act’. She keeps telling herself. But her body does not listen.

“I want to do all that when I am around you.

I know that if I were to actually do those things, I wouldn’t have you anymore no matter how enjoyable the moment. I get really scared when I think like that.

But now I understand. I know that this is how precious you are to me.

I know that no matter how long it may be I will always wake up with this need.

The need for you.”

The part of the look in Fujimoto-san’s eyes that has been sorrow converts into love. Now there is so much love in her eyes that everyone gasps.

The Fujimoto look they are seeing has never been shown before. Even the crew men behind the cameras remove their heads from behind the lens to confirm that what they are seeing is indeed real.

Tanaka just wants this thing - Confession game – whatever it is to just end. Her body is doing weird things that she has no idea what to do with them. All she knows is that she has to use the rest room.

Nakazawa-san who was trying her hardest to get her voice to work so that she can warn Fujimoto that they are live on TV and many kids are probably watching and thus to turn the stuff level down, is betrayed by her body. Instead her head leans forward for more attention.

“I love you Rei-chan.”

This time a killer smile joined the love-filled face of Fujimoto-san and sucking in of breaths is all everyone can do to stop something, anything stupid from coming out of their mouths.

“I love you.”

And so, when the usual glare/stare comes back to Fujimoto-san’s face, albeit a somewhat satisfied smirk in place, no one knows what to do with what they are feeling at the moment.

“E...Excuse me. I have to use the bathroom.” - Except one.

Tanaka-san’s exit is the flip switch to let out their reactions.

“OhMyGodOhMyGodOhMyGod!” Mishishige-san’s first words after that sum up all others’ quite perfectly.

They are struck dumb and Fujimoto-san is left to fight for oxygen as all her comrades decide that hugging her to death is the best way to express their feelings.

“A...Aniki. Please let me join you.

Either you are the greatest actress or there is something you aren’t telling us.”

“Wouldn’t you like to know, Nakazawa-san.” The very I showed you look that is sent her way is not missed by Nakazawa-san.

“I think it is best that we leave the comments of these last two couples until after the show ends.

Somehow I have a feeling that had we been off air, ‘chu’s would be flying everywhere.

Anyway, with that, let the Love Radar show us the score for the third and last challenge.”

Everyone turns towards the big screen that begins to flicker and these are the ranking for all;

“And with that, I apologize to Berryz Kobo for having to take the penalty reward on the debut of their show but the winners are, the Morning Musume.”

Everyone cheers.

“Perhaps you aren’t quite as bad as I thought.” - Nakazawa-san chimes in, not one to ever miss an opportunity.

At this point, Tanaka-san comes back. She takes her seat that is next to her partner for the third challenge.

The calmness that she has managed to salvage while away from her goes back out the way she has come.

“Are you alright Tanaka-san?” the host ask as a little worried. She knows she would’ve acted the same if not worse than the girl had she been in her shoes.

“Yeah, I am good now. I just needed to use the restroom is all.”

“Okay then. I am sorry but we will have you drink this new Potato juice as your punishment Berryz. Please step forward.”

As the younger group of girls make their way to the center with twisted faces, Fujimoto-san leans in close to Tanaka to whisper into her ear.

“Are you sure you are okay? I am really sorry if I made you that uneasy.”

The older girl looks really sorry that Tanaka manages an assuring smile as she nods and answers that she is quite alright.

“You just took me by surprise is all. But...”


“Ah, it’s nothing really.”

Fujimoto raises an eyebrow.

“Well, if you are sure.”


Tanaka turns her attention back to the event going on. She is anything but alright though she knows that she will be.
What she doesn’t know of is the talk that Nakazawa-san postponed for later when they are not in front of cameras.


« Last Edit: February 03, 2009, 02:30:37 PM by Demon Eyes »

Offline WinterAir

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2009, 04:29:57 AM »
wow this is interesting. and the pairings are nice and fresh :) haha funny and interesting... evening berryz... haha kinda interesting how you tredge into areas that can get... controversial? haha. but indeed and interesting and well written story ^^ is this a oneshot? >.< it's just that the ending leaves me wondering... even though we can leave it to our imagination + I really want to find out the love confession eri did to ai-chan >.< agh I really wanna know lol
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 04:32:48 AM by WinterAir »

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2009, 04:45:39 AM » do know that "aniki" is a Japanese term used to address males? It's similar to saying "bro".
:hip blink:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2009, 04:47:02 PM »
wow this is interesting. and the pairings are nice and fresh :) haha funny and interesting... evening berryz... haha kinda interesting how you tredge into areas that can get... controversial? haha.

One word - Mikitty! :twisted:

but indeed and interesting and well written story ^^ is this a oneshot? >.< it's just that the ending leaves me wondering... even though we can leave it to our imagination + I really want to find out the love confession eri did to ai-chan >.< agh I really wanna know lol

So sorry. I don't think I could pull off the other pairings and I really don't want to degrade Miki and Reina. I want to leave it to professional first as I said at the beginning but if there is no luck, Darth Demon Eyes will awaken again and we might have more Miki/Reina or Yurina/Risako madness.

Thank you very much for reading first story of mine...and reviewing. :) do know that "aniki" is a Japanese term used to address males? It's similar to saying "bro".
:hip blink:

First, thanks for reading. :)

Second, I didn't make the Cool-Aniki up. She was called that in one of the Hello morning episodes though I can't remember which exactly.

I too wanted to change it to Aneki but I decided to leave the original, after all, nothing about Mikitty is normal... :twisted:

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2009, 08:17:05 PM »
I too wanted to change it to Aneki but I decided to leave the original, after all, nothing about Mikitty is normal... :twisted:
True...and we love her for it. :lol:

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2009, 10:05:39 PM »
lmao man I love this fic! It's so funny! I liked it a lot and enjoyed every bit of it. You should make more like this. The part with Miki and Reina I was like wow! lol and I never thought of that pairing! I want to see how Eri told her feelings for Ai! it would have been great. :D

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2009, 06:55:59 AM »
I'm with Shige! Miki-sama gave me the creeps, but I loved it! XD
And lol @ Reina rushing to the bathroom...  :lol:

Offline Demon Eyes

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2009, 08:56:02 AM »
lmao man I love this fic! It's so funny! I liked it a lot and enjoyed every bit of it. You should make more like this. The part with Miki and Reina I was like wow! lol and I never thought of that pairing! I want to see how Eri told her feelings for Ai! it would have been great. :D

Thank you for reading it and I am glad you liked it.

I have started a new series but is in the Dark Side of things.

I wrote the fic and yet even I find the Reina x Miki part creepy.

Oh Mikitty, why are you so awesome!

I am hoping to have some Eri x Ai loving in my new fic but seeing as they are to be step sisters (oops, spoilers)...

I'm with Shige! Miki-sama gave me the creeps, but I loved it! XD
And lol @ Reina rushing to the bathroom...  :lol:

And that is why we all love Miki-sama.

She is so blunt she is awesome!

Thank you everyone for reading my first H!P fic.

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2009, 11:14:05 AM »
You should definitely write more. This was quite good, and I even burst out laughing at some points. :) Nice to see that freshness you've talked about. Don't keep putting yourself down saying you should leave it to so-called "professionals"!

That said, I see you did write a bit more, so I'll be reading that when I get the chance too. ;) Just keep it up.

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2009, 09:14:38 PM »
Oh rokun, you are too good to me.

I am really happy you read this and actually had a laugh  (Hopefully not about my suckiness)

Well, I started a series and hopefully it will be up to standard though I am worried about messing up Miki's personality seeing as I am writing in her POV.

Perhaps I should change that later.

And Oh!

I be still waiting for more Reina x Miki goodness from you... ;)

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2009, 12:15:20 AM »
Hi there. :on cny1:

Here is yet another Miki x Reina  :on asmo: shortie that I have written thanks to rokun's and others' encouragement.

BTW, while in that subject, is Charmie Reina's nick?

Anyway, this short is supposed to take place during that H!M episode when Koharu-chan meets the gang.

Let's get it on...

My Queen

By Demon Eyes


“Which team do you want to join Koharu-chan?”

It is Kusumi Koharu’s first Hello Morning episode. She has just joined Morning Musume.

“Yoshizawa-san’s team.”

She answers without even skipping a beat.

There is whining from the other team because they wanted the cute newbie for themselves.

“Well with Miki-chan there, it’s to be expected.”

Ishikawa Rika who is on the other team seems to know the basis for Koharu-chan’s decision.

“What do you mean?”

“Kusumi-san talked about you in one of her auditions. She practically worships you. Though I don’t know why?”

Mikitty raises a brow in wonder as she turns to the new girl.

‘She is pretty cute.’ The sub leader thinks.

Miki licks her lips when her new victim starts to skip to their side. A quick plan formulates in her sharp mind within the short time it took the energetic youngest Musume to get to her.

As if things couldn’t go better, Koharu-chan stops right in front of Miki and seeing that she is slightly taller than Miki, she was almost blocked out of view.

‘She is making it so easy.’

Then the plan is set in motion.

First, Miki places her hands on the slender young waist in front of her. Then making as is she is trying to move the new girl out of the way, Miki guides her to the side between herself and Reina.

Enter phase two of the plan.

Placing her foot at an angle Koharu who is moving backwards is tripped on it and starts falling back first.

Enter the final step in the plan.


Mikitty mock screams and reaches out as if to save the falling girl but instead now Koharu-chan is falling face first.

Mikitty decides to use both hands and grabs onto the girl, saving her ten centimeters or so from the cement.


“Are you alright Koharu-chan?”

“Ah yes. Thank you Fujimoto-san.”

“No problem.”



There is an adorable blush on the young cheeks and Mikitty raises a brow as if she has no idea what’s wrong.

The girl looks down to her chest to find two hands capping her there.

Making as if she just realized it Mikitty released the girl and stood up quickly, faking apologies too.

Everyone had a laugh except one, who had different reactions from everybody else.

At the beginning she was suspiciously eying Mikitty then soon after there was anger and then blinking as if she was surprised by her reaction.

Shaking her head to clear it, Reina pushes the thoughts to the back and gets into today’s events. She must be mistaken.



Much later when she returns from the bathroom to rejoin her friends and partners in the relaxing room, she stops cold.

The new girl is squirming in Mikitty’s lap while the former tickling her to death. While everyone is ignoring this and playing cards, somehow it rubs Reina the wrong way.

“What are you doing?”

The sudden raised voice gets everyone’s attention.

Miki realizing that she is being addressed decides to answer.

“What does it look like? I am giving our new comer a warm welcome.”

And Miki continues her attack while Koharu sheds more tears of laughter.

“You...You pervert” She hasn’t even been with us for half a day and you’ve already got your grabby hands on her!”

Reina points an accusing finger at Miki who stops her attack at this sudden stranger in the young Yankee’s place.

“Geez what’s up with you?”

She didn’t know. Reina didn’t know the answer to that either but she felt like blowing up right now.

“I saw you earlier. I know you did it on purpose - feeling her up and everything.”


I always feel everyone up and you never complain even when it’s you.”

Reina stopped for s second. She almost got her senses back...Almost.

“She is fuckin’ thirteen! And did I mention that she has only been with us for a few hours?”

“Um Tanaka, perhaps you should calm down...”

Yoshizawa-san the ever calm leader decided to intervene in this bizarre event.


She gets yelled at for her trouble.

Not wanting anymore she just raises her arm in surrender. Mikitty can take care of herself anyway.

“I know that. Besides it’s not like I am having sex with her or something.”

And then an idea hits Miki and turns to look at the flustered Koharu who is just getting her breath back - Only to lose it again when her idol teases her again.

“But if Koharu-chan wants that then I have no objections.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

“I err...erm...”

The new girl is all she can remember from the words she’s learned for thirteen years.

Before anyone knows what’s happening, a loud clapping sound echoes in the room.

Everyone is staring in shock at Mikitty’s angled face and Reina’s angled arm.

She has just slapped Fujimoto Miki. No one has ever slapped Fujimoto Miki. Even Reina’s eyes widen in shock at her own actions.

You could hear a pin drop as they waited for the reaction.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Eyes of lava and shock stared up into slightly frightened wonky ones that quickly change back to anger and now there is some tears trying to escape them.


Is all Reina can get out before she runs out of the room. Yes, running out of the room. Her, running!

What the hell is wrong with her?

She tries to fight back tears but fails miserably as she runs to her room.

“Are you okay Fujimoto-san?” Nice Koharu-chan worries as she raises a small hand to tentatively touch the now red check. She can’t help think that she is the cause of this.

“I am sorry. It’s my fault.”

“No, don’t apologize Koharu-chan. You did nothing wrong.

Geez, what’s wrong with Tanakachi? Is she on period or something?”

Miki reasons as she lets Koharu’s warm hand caress away the sting and looks to where Reina has escaped to.

“Hmm...I see...So it’s like that.”

“You know something Yossie?”

“Probably but I don’t think I have the right to tell you.

Why don’t you go talk to her?”

Mikitty gives Yossie a look but she isn’t dumb. She knows she is the source of the mess so she has to clean it up anyway.

“Sorry Koharu-chan. I will be back soon.” She says as she takes the opportunity to feel the girl up by running her fingers on top of the developing breasts while she helps Koharu to her feet.


She smiles as she walks to Reina’s room she shares with Eri here at the agency.

“Hey Reina, can we talk?”

Miki says after she knocks on the door three times.

There is no reply so she knocks again.

“Come on I know you’re in there.”

A muffled sound from the other side of the door answers her.

“Go away.”

“Come on, we have to talk.”

“There is nothing to talk about.”

She isn’t making this easy.

“Well, seeing as no one’s ever slapped me until now, I would say that there is definitely something to talk about.”

There is silence but Miki waits. Seconds later the door clicks but doesn’t open.

Miki turns the knob to test it and it turns. She lets herself in.

Walking in farther past the bathroom, she finds the girl lying face down on her bed.

The first thing she notices of course is that fine as...err...butt. Miki enjoys the view until she hears sniffing.

“Are you crying?”

“NO! Why would I be?”


Miki gets closer and sits on the side of the bed at Reina’s mid section.

She waits for the girl to get herself together and speak first, which isn’t long.

“I am sorry I slapped you.

It’s just that, these past few days I’ve been...And today I just kinda snapped.”

Reina finally lifts her head to sit but her eyes are hidden by her hair.

“You said ‘a couple of days’ but anyone would think that it has to do with Koharu-chan. What is wrong?”

“I...I don’t know. I just...don’t like her...much.”

Her sentence dies out because she knows that Miki likes the new girl, if her actions are any indication.

“Why not? She seems like a nice girl, who actually likes me better than Yossie – I still can’t get over that by the way, and she feels...nice...”

Miki almost salivated while reminiscing the feeling.

Such a fresh feeling.

“I was jealous.”

Miki blinks as if she didn’t get that quite right.


“I don’t know why but I was jealous. I felt like...I don’t she is replacing me...or taking something from me...or something.”

Miki is thinking at the speed of light.

“What do you mean?” or not.

“Well you know how I tend to stay away from people. I find it hard to get along with other and feeling this...this great difference between me and others doesn’t help.

But you are different. Even if it was for your weird hobbies, you got close to me. I feel connected with you than anyone else.

I even don’t mind you touching me now very much but then she came along and...And we haven’t even talked today at all. You’re giving all your attention to her. I...I...urg...I don’t know. I feel stupid right now.”

Just as she thought.

“I think I know what’s wrong Reina but don’t worry. There is no reason to be jealous.

You are still my favorite.

If I am King and her my concubine, then you Reina are my Queen.”

She pounces on Reina to save her the impending blush and starts to tickle her and bring back that smile she likes to look at so much.

'Wait a damn minute.


"So you are planning to sleep with her?!”

Miki pulls back. She didn’t think Reina would get her metaphor, even if she only gets one.

“I...err...don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Miki starts for the door running.

“Get back here you perverted King. I am gonna kill you.”

Miki just laughs as she heads back to the others.

“You will have to catch me first my Queen.”

While she ran she was thinking of the predicament to come. On one hand she has Reina’s developing crush and on the other, a really nice concubine to look forward to.

‘Oh the choices one has to make!’ Miki thinks as she disappears down the corridor with a laughing Reina on her tail.

~ FIN ~

« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 10:16:07 AM by Demon Eyes »

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Re: Love Confessions Challenge
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2009, 06:57:08 AM »
BTW, while in that subject, is Charmie Reina's nick?
Nope. It's spelled "Charmy", and it is Rika's nickname.

Reina doesn't really have a nickname, per se. Risa calls her "Tanakacchi", but she's the only one that does so. The rest of the members simply refer to her by "Reina(-chan)" or "Tanaka(-san)".

My Queen
Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...someone's jealous that SHE'S not the one getting "Miki'd". :lol:

While she ran she was thinking of the predicament to come. On one hand she has Reina’s developing crush and on the other, a really nice concubine to look forward to.

‘Oh the choices one has to make!’ Miki thinks as she disappears down the corridor with a laughing Reina on her tail.
Oh, how torn she must be to have to choose.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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Uh, Rika sounded almost jealous there. Maybe she wanted some of that Koharu love, too... :P  :otomerika:

I bet Reina was extremely confused over her jealousy. She's a Yankee, and yankees don't get jealous over brats. :lol: But, I guess that in RL she was really mad at Koha for stealing her baby musume role.  :yep:

But, no Yuko this time? I almost expected her to come and slap them both silly for arguing over Koha. :P

Offline Demon Eyes

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Uh, Rika sounded almost jealous there. Maybe she wanted some of that Koharu love, too... :P  :otomerika:


I bet Reina was extremely confused over her jealousy. She's a Yankee, and yankees don't get jealous over brats. :lol: But, I guess that in RL she was really mad at Koha for stealing her baby musume role.  :yep:

She was. Which is why she blew up and all.

But, no Yuko this time? I almost expected her to come and slap them both silly for arguing over Koha. :P

It isn't quite easy to write three yankiis in one shot, right? :sweatdrop:

Thanks for reading and reviewing by the way.


Thank you for the info.

As for the choices thingie, I think you know that I threw that in for kicks, right? ;)

And next shot should be on the Berryz side...i think.

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Re: The One Shot thread - Death Games A Berryz Fic [Part 1]
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2009, 02:57:45 PM »
Okay, here is the Berryz side of things.

I am gonna make this into a kind of series but seeing as it's all crack, I shall put it into here.

Basically, the girls die one after another either killed by each other or...something.

The first part says goodbye to Kumai-chan.

I am so sorry Kumai-chan. but I think you know that I love you best in Berryz and only second to Miki-sama in all of H!P.

Here we go....

Death Games

By Demon Eyes

Disclaimer: Overflow owns School Days.


It was morning and everyone was on a hurry to get somewhere - Some going to work some to schools and others to other places.

Kumai Yurina and Sugaya Risako were two of the ones going to School. They lived in the same area so they always went to schools together and had been friends since young.

They were best friends.

Yurina was telling Risako of the comedy she had seen the night before on DVD and poor Risako was cracking up so much she had to lean on her friend’s shoulder for support.

Yurina put her arm that wasn’t holding her bag around Risako to make sure she was safe from falling.

To others they probably looked like a couple or something but most of their school mates knew of how close they were so they had gotten used to seeing them close. Not to leave out the fact that Risako was already seeing someone.

One classmate in particular though wasn’t very fond of the closeness. It might have to do with the fact that she was that someone that went out with Risako.

The two girls almost bumped into her but Yurina stopped in time and Risako who had her eyes closed almost stumbled forward.

She was saved by her best friend who held onto her more firmly.

Confused by the sudden stop Risako looked up to her tall friend for an explanation, which she got in no time.

Yurina for her part gulped when she saw the girl in front of them. For some reason the tall girl always felt a certain amount of animosity towards her from...


-   The girl who was standing there in front of them and her best friend’s girlfriend.

 That fact always hurt and it hurt no less at that moment.

Risako completely oblivious to the atmosphere smiled sweetly at her temporary girlfriend – Yes, just temporary.

She had been suddenly confessed to by her other friend and as the nice girl she was, she let them try it out for three weeks to see how everything went.

They would spend all their breaks at school together and even after school, the times that Risako couldn’t spend with Yuri-chan.

She was actually starting to miss her best friend. The only time they hang out together these days was in the morning when they walked to school together.

“Good morning MiyaMiya.”

Risako put on her smile as she greeted her girlfriend but made one mistake - A mistake that perhaps would’ve prevented the following events from occurring.

The mistake was that she still held onto that...that friend of hers. Her Risako didn’t go over to her and give her a hug or something. It was the last straw. Why had she agreed to go out if she was even going to try and act the part.

Miyabi reached into her school bag.

Her eyes were blank the whole time Yurina had seen them that morning.

Everything happened so fast everything was so still it was almost like time had stopped.

To Risako, it was like she was watching one of those action movies of her best friend where they best parts went in slow motions and you appreciated the scene to its fullest.

Miyabi pulled out a very large kitchen saw - The kind that you would see in butcher shops. This same scary utensil then found its way to Yuri-chan’s neck.

Risako watched in shocking wonder as MiyaMiya placed the thing on her best friend’s neck and then very slowly pulled back and away.

At first nothing happened then the large sleeve of the black coat Yuri-chan was wearing started to tear where the saw had been placed.

Risako almost sighed in relief when she saw no blood, which she had been expecting but then Yuri-chan put her hand to the tear. After that it was like living a nightmare.

First those lovely fingers turned one by one red with trails of blood then it gushed out like it was escaping a high pressurized container and Risako didn’t even blink as her face was painted with blood ink.

Her eyes that were now red as well followed the figure of Yuri-chan as she fell gracefully even in the situation, to the concrete bridge they were standing on.

There were screams all around and people shouting ‘ambulance’ and what not but they sounded so far away, like they were the dream.

She watched as her Yuri-chan’s eyes slowly but surely lost their spark that she loved so much – the park she always looked forward to seeing the next morning and every morning forever...

Yurina felt at peace. She thought of no better way to die than when you were looking into the eyes of the one thing most important to you.

She was at peace and the only regret she had was that Risa-chan would be so terribly saddened by her death.

The last thing she was and would forever be all she remembered was those beautiful green eyes that somewhat looked red at the moment though that might have do with her blooding going into her own eyes and the mad laughter of the cause of her death.
To Be Continued...

« Last Edit: January 27, 2009, 03:03:28 PM by Demon Eyes »

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Re: Death Games(Berryz Fic) + One Shots Thread [Death Games - II]
« Reply #15 on: February 03, 2009, 02:29:58 PM »
Here is the second part.

Risako get her revenge(?)

Death Games



“Come now Natsuyaki-san, you are only making matters worse by keeping quiet. We can’t help you if you don’t talk to us.” Detective Yoshizawa of the Upfront Police Department tried.

On her side standing there over her was her partner Ishikawa Rika-san. The two law enforcers knew that there was nothing that could spare the teenager years in prisoner but they needed to put something in the report.

Well if she was to talk, they might get something to help and cut down o the years but the girl was just not opening her mouth.
To tell the truth, Ishikawa was scared of the girl, if only a little. It might have to do with those eyes - The eyes that showed no emotion even after committing such a crime.

Yoshizawa leaned back in her chair and got out a pack of cigarettes. She took one out and placed it in her mouth. Getting a lighter out, she was about to light the stick when she remembered that she wasn’t alone.

“Mind if I smoke?”All the detainee did was lift her head to stare into the detective’s eyes?  Her eyes seemed to say “I have just killed one of my friends and you think I care if you smoke?!” So Yoshizawa-san only laughed a little before lighting her cigar.

She took a long deserved drag on it as she relaxed. It was going to be a long day.


The sun was up in the clear sky. The temperature normal was and humidity on the right levels. All in all the weather was almost close to perfection.

It was too perfect for such a day - Too fine for such an occasion.

But in some fine way, it was almost fitting for her departure from this world.

Kumai Yurina was dead. She was in the box right in front of Sugaya Risako. All her friends and family and Yuri-Chan’s family and friends were present. Some teachers and other students that Risako didn’t know were also present.

It seems like her Yuri-chan was loved by a lot of people. Everyone was in tears probably thinking of how they would never get to see the lovely smile her best friend owned. That they would never hear her lovely strange voice that was a combination of both high and deep.

When the priest was done with his part, anyone who had something to say goodbye words said them, all the while adding to the emotional turmoil and thus creating more tears.

There was a long pause when the speeches were finished and it was time to lower the coffin. Everyone turned to her with confused eyes from those who knew her. It seemed like they were waiting for her to say her goodbyes most of all.

Risako almost laughed at them. She turned and walked away trying to hold in her giggles. It wouldn’t do to laugh at a funeral after all, right?

Murmurs and burning eyes followed her as she disappeared out of sight. The funeral concluded without her and she never went to the sleepover at Yuri-Chan’s house.

Why should she? After all, her Yuri-chan was staying over with her at her place. And seeing as her parents would be over at Yuri-Chan’s they would be alone.

Perhaps she would be able to tell her best friend her true feelings after all.


Later that night, Risako had just laid out the dishes of food on the dining table.

“Yuri-chan, dinner is ready. Come and get it while it’s hot.”She was really happy. She felt like a housewife at the moment – Preparing dinner for her love while the said person was in the living room watching TV. Yes, they were like a married couple.
She got embarrassed from the thought and covered her burning cheeks.

“Is something the matter Rii-chan? Your face is all red!”

“Huh? Oh no no no! Nothing is the matter. Come let’s eat before it gets cold.” Risako sad down and tried to will the blush away.

She watched as Yuri-chan tasted the soup first then took a piece of potato between her lovely pink lips.

“So, how is it?”

“It’s great Rii-chan. I keep telling you that you are very good during lunch don’t I? I wasn’t lying when I said your bentos were the best.”

“I...I am glad you like it. If you...If you don’t mind I can make your lunches from now on too.” Damn it, that blush was back full force now.

“Really? Thank you very much. I am really bad at cooking so you would be helping me out. I don’t want to over-work my Mom too. She already does so much.”

Risako didn’t answer but nibbled at her food in silence. She thought that it might be time to tell her friend now how she truly felt about her.

“Ne Yuri-chan, there is something I’ve been meaning to tell you. It’s very important.

The truth is that I have someone I really like. No...Not like but love. It isn’t MiyaMiya if that is whom you were thinking of.
The person I love is...” Risako pauses to look up into the lovely eyes of her true love so that her feelings are not only heard but seen as well.

Only to find the seat in front of her empty.

“Yuri-chan? Where did you go?” She got up and walked into the living room. There was nothing but an empty room with a dead Television screen.

Risako paused, she was sure she heard the TV while still in the Dining room. Shaking it off she continued to the bedrooms all the while calling Yurina’s name but only silence answered her.

She thought that maybe Yuri-chan had gone to the bathroom so she went over and knocked. No answer that time as well. She tried the door – it was open so she entered, only to find yet again and empty and this time dark room.

Something flashed in her mind.

She was laughing from her heart as Yuri-chan told her of the movie she had seen the previous night. She had her arm around Yuri-Chan’s as they made their way to school then they saw MiyaMiya there waiting for them?

Risako’s wind pipes contracted, making it difficult to breath.

She fell to her knees just inside her bathroom.

Everything came back to her as she struggled to make sense of all of it as well as fighting to breath.

The fateful day two days ago came back to her and she felt like she was reliving the same specific moment once again.

Yuri-Chan’s body falling, still graceful even in its last moment of functionality. The beautiful eyes that she looked forward to see every next morning as they lost their live but still held their charm – Still pulling her in.

Then watching as the school uniform and sweater slowly but fatefully changed colours as if magically from their normal to a deep red.

She would never see or feel all that again.

Everything finally made unwanted sense. Her lungs remembered how to function even as she wouldn’t have cared either way.
So she let everything set in. She let everything out.


Risako woke up the next day not remembering when she fell asleep. Her clothes and face were all stiff from the dried tears.
She felt completely and utterly empty.

She didn’t know what to do so she just lay there. Her hands started moving as if on their own. First they stretched out like a soaring bird’s feathers then came down and made their way up in motion of flying.

Her left hand then came into contact with something on its way to join the right above her head.

Finally her brain jump started and she sat up. She turned and saw what her left hand had come into contact with.

It was a book. A Black book with the words “DEATH NOTE” written in white on the front cover lay there is her bathroom.

Her mind having gotten a purpose moved the hand to grab the book and give it a closer look.

She flipped the pages but they were empty.

She turned the book to look at the back and found some writing there at last.

“If the full name of a person is written in this book, that person shall die within a minute.

If the means of death isn’t specified, the person will die of a heart attack.”

Risako’s dead eyes stared at the book for a few seconds before carelessly dropping it on the floor.

She lay back down but her brain was active so it started doing what it does best – Think.

What was she to do? She felt like her life was meaningless. Who was she to live for now? What did other people who lost their loved ones do?

She thought if those movies that Yuri-chan used to bring over on their sleepovers.

Revenge. They took revenge.

But how was she to take her revenge? Yuri-Chan’s killer was in the hands of the police. There was no way they would let her near the killer.

She was not thinking of her friend and once girl friend at all. All she knew of was the killer who took away her raison d’être.
Then it clicked.

She looked back at the Black book on the floor.

Her mouth pulled sideways in a smile.


“So here we are again today. I am sorry to say this but this will be our last conversation Natsuyaki-san. If you don’t talk you are to be transferred to confinement until the last court ruling where after you will be sent to prison.”

Detective Yoshizawa tried to see if the mention of prison would at least scare the school girl into talking but the results were the same.

The detective looked to her partner and sighed. She was about to stand up in defeat when their charge finally spoke.

“Wait. I know that I will gain nothing from talking but I tell you what you want to know.”

After an exchange of glances, Yoshizawa-tantei sat back down.

“Alright then. But first I will say that you will gain something from talking. First, you are under age so prison for life is out of the question. Nest, depending on your defense, you might cut a few years off or very luckily found not guilty.”Yoshizawa-san thought though that seeing as there were a lot of witnesses, that was most unlikely.

“First please tell me why you would do such a thing.”

“I...I was in love with...?!!”

“What? What’s wrong Natsuyaki-san?”The detective asked in panic as the girl grabbed at her chest and supported herself on the table.

The two women stood up and ran to the girl’s side, who was at looking to be in worst shape by the second.

“Quick, call Yaguchi-sensei in here.” The detective asked of her partner who wasted no time in flying out of the door.

The girl started to excrete substance from her mouth and nose and her body shook so much even the detective was getting chills. After agonizing seconds of shouting about a doctor, the girl went suddenly stiff.

Her eyes were bloodshot red and the pupils rolled back. The face was not a pretty sight to see.

The silence was broken by the arrival of Yaguchi-sensei who only pausing for a split second, ran over to the two and quickly looked over the girl.

“There is no pulse.”

When no answer came, she thought the ones present hadn’t heard her.

“She is dead.”


To Be Continued...

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