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Author Topic: [07/02-07/05] Morning Musume @ Anime Expo (Schedule/Who's Down P.1)  (Read 296345 times)

Offline cool_kickin_dude

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Re: [07/02-07/05] Morning Musume @ Anime Expo (Schedule/Who's Down P.1)
« Reply #1020 on: February 04, 2010, 05:16:30 AM »
Day 4

The long road to Little Tokyo(or how I survived without getting killed in the process)

Honestly, this was one of the most troublesome and scary parts of the trip. Unfortunately, I had to make this trip alone. I walked all around, getting lost several times and wondering if i would ever make it back. I basically had to get back to the Expo, find the Kino booth and get directions there. After writing them down, I set off again.

I can't recall how long it took me to get there, but it certainly lasted me almost a good 30-45 minute walk to get there. Course, I really wanted to get one of those Rika Fanta Furufuru shakers, but sadly to no avail. I remember walking a good ways in the middle of everybody talking Spanish. It was during that time that I was sick with worry, knowing I might get killed out there. I knew I wanted to ask for help, but I was still upset from the day before that I couldn't do anything at that point.

After what seemed like forever, I finally made it. Let's say that Little Tokyo lives up to its name. It's real small.

I'm not sure if it had the restaurant that the guys ate there, but I know there was a Kino bookstore. Inside, it had the latest UTB magazine and even some current Berryz cd's. Should have bought one at the time. I left empty-handed and made the long, winding and frustrating road back to the expo.

Before that, went inside Fatima store and got some Mikan Pocky(yes, the MM song Mikan now reminds me of Mikan pocky's and they taste real good). Went back to the expo and stopped at the Kino booth and bought some cd's. Bought Aya's Naked Songs and Double Rainbow cd's. Also went ahead and bought Ayu's A Best cd's(both black and white). Went to another booth and bought Attack the Gas Station on DVD(been wanting to see that for quite awhile). Also bought a couple of Japanese DS games and left the booths.

Finally met up with everybody as we set off for Rock N' Fish. Had some great music, but not much in the food. They gave me the wrong food, btu I couldn't say anything. Didn't want to cause a ruckus any more than I had the past few days. Besides, I wasn't much hungry anyway.

Now, the only real good part of the trip..the one thing that might helped me out. My own personal Slurpee quest.

Offline cool_kickin_dude

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Re: [07/02-07/05] Morning Musume @ Anime Expo (Schedule/Who's Down P.1)
« Reply #1021 on: February 07, 2010, 10:32:30 PM »
My two personal Slurpee quest(The only malebonding I've had)

In the months before AX, I always wanted to go to a 7-11 and get a Slurpee. Also wanted to get a Big Gulp as well. During the arrival, I saw a 7-11 before making my way to the Expo. The next day, I tried to find it. Luckily, I was talking to someone who stopped me from getting completely lost in the city.

However, nothing compared to what happened on the last night in LA.

After we left Rock'N Fish. We said goodbye to dinny and others before making ourselves there. Ping decided to have my picture taken holding the 7-11 sign, Vanna White style. Of course, they filmed the whole thing as well. I have to say, I looked fat during that time.

Went inside and it had everything I was looking for. Went to the Slurpee stand and got me a cup and began to drink. We filmed the entire experience and went back to the hotel for awhile. Then, we decided to go back as Big Freaky wanted to go as well. We went back and had another Slurpee. Got a Big Gulp and a hot dog(Big Bite) as well. Went back to the hotel and some gay couple was making fun of me because I had a hot dog in my hand. Went in Dai and Jab's room for awhile, just laughing it up. Honestly, it was really about the only fun I had during that time. I feel horrible for it being the only part. Went to my room and watched GoodFellas in spanish language for awhile and feel asleep.

* * * * * * * *
The next morning, packed up and began to leave LA. Got some breakfast and began to make the long journey back home. I honestly didn't want to leave. So many things I really wanted to do, but I couldn't do anything. Drove all the way back home and felt a hole inside of me that hasn't really been filled to this day. Even with Jab's passing, I felt like I let him down as well as everyone on here.

* * * * * * * *

Was it worth it?Well, on one hand, I needed to get away from everybody at home. Course, at the same time, I blame myself for messing up the trip. Again, you don't realize how much I how to do to make this trip worth it. Too bad I never got to go to In-N-Out burger.

Will I go again?I don't know. I can't say if I would or not. They do have an Alo!Hello party this summer. I still have two weeks off this summer. It just concerns if things will change.

I do owe a lot of thanks and a lot of apologies to everyone. Sorry if this story is bad than all the good ones out there. Hopefully, someone will read this and understand. It still hurts to this day with Jab gone and sometimes it's my fault for not spending any time. My whole thing with H!P has changed significantly and it hurts too. I'm sometimes jealous and everything over things.

I swore I wouldn't do this story, but I decided to do it for everyone. Hopefully you guys can forgive me. Honestly, I'm not sure if anybody will come back or we'll do another meetup this year, but once again, I'm sorry.

Offline chibilolli

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Re: [07/02-07/05] Morning Musume @ Anime Expo (Schedule/Who's Down P.1)
« Reply #1022 on: June 19, 2010, 03:16:35 AM »
Sorry to bump an old topic - and quote myself to boot - but...

We're gonna make our own MM @ AX 2009 JPH!P DOKYU WORLD TOUR video so look out for it guys! :halo:
I'll definitely download this once it is released :twothumbs
Has the DOKYU for the LA tour been released yet? I really want to see it!
I apologise if it has and I haven't looked hard enough :sweatdrop:

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Re: [07/02-07/05] Morning Musume @ Anime Expo (Schedule/Who's Down P.1)
« Reply #1023 on: June 19, 2010, 07:52:25 AM »
Has the DOKYU for the LA tour been released yet? I really want to see it!
I apologise if it has and I haven't looked hard enough :sweatdrop:

Not yet, we have to coordinate our videos still, and everyone is pretty busy. Patience! :)

No worries, we'll announce it when it does get released. Usually here and / or the World Tour thread in HiP Joint

Offline chibilolli

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Re: [07/02-07/05] Morning Musume @ Anime Expo (Schedule/Who's Down P.1)
« Reply #1024 on: June 19, 2010, 03:40:02 PM »
^ Ideal, thank you :twothumbs

...and sorry *bows*

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