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Author Topic: The Red Heart [Chapter Three]  (Read 4092 times)

Offline Joyo-Girl

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The Red Heart [Chapter Three]
« on: August 13, 2009, 12:49:03 PM »
This is a total re-write of my original fic Destiny/Fate. I'm not sure if I was ever completely happy with it, so I decided to give it another shot.
The Red Heart is practically a brand new fic. I'm using much of the same characterisations and some features still stand, but there are new characters and proper backstories now. The prologue is quite similar to the first time around and quite short, but I need to post something to make sure I actually continue writing it  :lol:

So please, enjoy.


Kamei Eri hated school.
It utterly bored her. She didn't enjoy any of the lessons and never found herself really socially gelling with any of the other students, the only one she could semi-stand on a regular basis was Yuki, the girl who sat next to her, and maybe that was because she never really said much.
Tuesdays were boring. In the same way that side-boards were boring - they interest some people but are ultimately useless. Eri had always wished that something interesting would happen to her for once in her life but she wasn't expecting the pre-cursor to mayhem to come in the form of a knock at her classroom door
Behind it stood a girl. A new girl.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." The new girl called politely into the room. "I do hope I'm not disturbing."

"Not at all Takahashi-san. Why don't you introduce yourself to your new classmates?"

'Takahashi-san' nodded and Eri watched her, intrigued by how happy she seemed to be to be in school.

"Well," she began as she stood at the front of the room two hands clasped lightly in front of her, her bag slung over her shoulder. "My name is Takahashi Ai. I've just moved to Tokyo and I'm sure that you will take very good care of me."
Eri shook her head at how cookie cutter this new girl seemed to be, as she bowed briefly to the teacher and moved towards the spare seat across the room from her. Taking out her notebook and sitting down Takahashi Ai scanned the room and Eri could almost feel her eyes settled on her back and suddenly Eri felt the temperature around her drop several degrees. She tried to ignore it but throughout the lessons all she could pay attention to was the odd sensation of being stared at. Eventually Eri gave up and turned around to look at the creepy new girl.
Takahashi Ai had a stern concentrated expression on her face as Eri met her eyes. She didn't flinch or look away like Eri was expecting her to but instead she stared deeper. Eri wanted desperately to look away, but something wouldn't let her and it definitely wasn't her pride.
It wasn't until Ai herself broke the eye-contact that Eri realised just how long she'd been staring across the room for. And that she definitely had the beginnings of a headache coming on.

Eri decided at that second that she would steer well clear of Takahashi Ai.


School was over and Eri was deep in confusion about this new girl. She had a really bad feeling about this - who would stare at someone they'd never met for so long? And why couldn't Eri break the stare herself? It was almost as though she wasn't allowed to and it didn't feel good. In fact it felt awful and the resulting headache had forced her to take herself off to the nurse's office for some form of remedy.
For some reason, despite how uneasy she felt Eri found herself walking home the long way and in her state of deep reflection hadn't noticed that someone was following her.
Well, at least not until they leapt at her.
Eri didn't even try to stop the scream that she felt ripping from her lungs as her assailant spun her into a nearby wall. Her head cracked painfully against the concrete and she felt her eyes spin in protest before she started to slump to the ground. Her mysterious attacker didn't give her the luxury of being horizontal as they pulled her up again. Eri groaned with the effort to remain concious.
Opening her eyes slowly revealed that the person with a steel grip on her shoulders was actually a woman, a woman who should not have had the physical strength to pin her against a wall. But it wasn't the girls' tiny frame and ridiculous strength that were her current fixation, no it was the dangerous glow in her eyes.
Literally. They were glowing green and Eri couldn't help but scream weakly as her field of vision started to darken. She would never forget that face.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 12:45:43 AM by Joyo-Girl »
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Offline badsaints

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Re: The Red Heart [Prologue]
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2009, 06:09:40 PM »
Oooh interesting. Something's up with Aichan huh

Eri decided at that second that she would steer well clear of Takahashi Ai.
You can never escape from the magnetism of Takahashi Ai  :smhid

Opening her eyes slowly revealed that the person with a steel grip on her shoulders was actually a woman, a woman who should not have had the physical strength to pin her against a wall.
Is the woman Ai? :?

Literally. They were glowing green and Eri couldn't help but scream weakly as her field of vision started to darken. She would never forget that face.
Or one of the Eriens? :lol:

Offline Joyo-Girl

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Re: The Red Heart [Prologue]
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2009, 11:33:34 PM »
badsaints - I can tell you for free that it's not Ai. Who is it? You'll have to find out  :thumbsup

Chapter One

It was like swimming in syrup.
Eri was trying to wake up but there was something inside her that wanted her to stay asleep. And it was hard to fight it. She felt cold and hot at the same time and was dully aware of being wrapped in something, but the sensation faded in and out so she couldn't be sure. A blanket maybe? Pieces of her memory wanted to slip together, to join into one and make sense, but she was too drowsy to try to encourage them and so her head remained fuzzy.

It was the strangest feeling, to be numb once and then over-sensitive for the next minute but when light and consciousness finally seeped back into Eri's mind, she found that she would much rather stay asleep. Despite the syrupy feeling. Pain was the first thing she remembered. How to be in pain. Her head ached and she could tell that there was a large swelling on the back, but she couldn't remember why.
That is, not much of why. She remembered being thrown into a wall, feeling her shoulders bruise... and those glowing eyes.

The room Eri awakened to was entirely unfamiliar. The walls were too white and the bed uncomfortable but she was glad to be lying down, as the second she tried to sit up a swift dizziness hit her. It turned out that she was cocooned in an overly quilted blanket and it was restricting her movement quite a bit but she was more concerned with figuring out where she was to lament the fact that she couldn't move her arms.
Her senses were closer to full strength after ten minutes of staring at the ceiling and she was about to make a move to detangle herself from the blanket when the door opened.
And in stepped Takahashi Ai.
"You!" Was the first thing that left Eri's lips. The shock and the disuse of her voice combined to form a sound that was a lot less accurate than intended. The Takahashi girl just smiled.
"Good, you're awake. I brought you something to drink." And surely enough she was holding a glass of what looked like some sort of fruit juice. Mistrust pervaded Eri's thoughts but Ai looked genuine enough.
Eri made a grab for the glass and practically poured it down her throat. Ai looked a little amused by this, but said nothing.
"Is this your house?" Eri muttered, testing her voice.
"Mhmm," Ai nodded "this is the spare room. We haven't decorated yet, hence the lack of colour."
"Oh... Wait! Why am I here?"
Ai bit her lip and glanced away from Eri. "I... I found you, unconscious. The alley's not far from here and I don't know where you live."
"Someone attacked me." Eri said simply, looking at her hands. Ai nodded again and the silence became awkward.
A loud thud from what Eri assumed was downstairs disturbed the quiet and Eri looked up to Ai in question.
"Probably Aika-"
"Your sister?"
"No," she said with a laugh. "A friend, she's been living with me for a few years."
"Oh. Um... well, thank you Takahashi-san, but I suppose I should be going home." Eri struggled with the blanket and stood up not realising that she was only dressed in a nightgown. Ai laughed as Eri's face turned quite red.
"Your stuff's downstairs. I'll go get it for you and then you can go."

It turned out that Eri had been unconscious for a little over a day. By the time she got back home it was dark again and she realised that she didn't want to sleep. There was no way she was going back to school for a few days - in fact there was no way she'd be motivated to leave the house unless the sun was dead set in the middle of the sky.
The night was going by slowly and Eri couldn't force herself to drift off. Eventually she gave up and did the one thing she hoped she'd never be bored enough to do of her own volition. Study...
Surprisingly, the time started to move faster when she opened her books and she hoped that wasn't from any form of enjoyment.
It three a.m. when the first crash came. Eri jumped and then immediately stilled.
The second crash was closer and was swiftly followed by a third crash and the glass in the window beside her shattered. Eri threw herself to the ground and covered her head with both arms as the shards scattered across her bedroom. She could feel the edges grazing her arms and it stung like hell.
When the glass stopped bouncing around she looked up and slowly got up and moved towards the door.
She peered into the living room. There was three people there. Two men and a woman and they were hell bent on destroying her home. Eri pressed herself against the wall, hardly daring to breathe.

Peeking around the wall again Eri found that there her front door had been torn off it's hinges and was now lying in two pieces on the floor. That was one of the crashes, Eri supposed as she planned her escape route. With the door displaced the route to the outside, and hopefully safety, was clear.

And Eri took it.

She ran straight for the door alerting the intruders to her presence. Eri heard a shout from behind her, but she ignored it and kept moving.

It all happened in half a second. Eri found herself pitching forwards, her arms flailing, and crashed into the floor, then she felt two sets of hands on her ankles and she was being dragged backwards into the house. And she was screaming bloody murder hoping that someone would hear and come to her aid.

When she could recognise the carpeting in her living room she was lifted up and for the second time in just as many days she found herself thrown into a wall. This time the hands didn't grab her shoulders. No, this time she was seized around the throat and Eri moved her hands to try and peel the fingers away from her neck but her assailant was too strong.

But when the attacker leaned forwards, Eri gasped and her arms dropped - all will to fight suddenly fleeing her body.

Green, her eyes were glowing green. And her shoulders tingled in recognition of the grip that was now around her neck. This was the same woman who had attacked her previously, and she didn't look to be in any better of a mood. "Stay away from Takahashi." The green-eyed woman growled into Eri's face. Eri couldn't respond but it didn't look like this woman was looking for an answer.
The woman shifted and Eri felt her grab her right arm and pull it upwards. She watched in horror as her unusual attacker raised the wrist to her face and bit swiftly into it. Eri felt a searing burn as the teeth broke the flesh on the inside of her wrist.
Eri made a choked sound of pain and tried to fight against the iron grip around her neck, trying to wrench her arm away from the woman's mouth. The woman silenced her with a green glare and continued to bite. Eri felt light headed as she watched her blood well around her attacker's mouth and drip to the floor and white spots started blocking her eyesight.
Finally, when Eri felt that she might not survive this the woman pulled away with a long final lick to the wound. Eri could see that her whole mouth was painted crimson but the woman didn't seem to be bothered by it. Feeling sick at the sight, Eri was barely listening when the woman made her final threat.
"If I ever see you with Takahashi again, you won't be so lucky."
Then suddenly she was gone, taking the other two with her.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 03:45:53 PM by Joyo-Girl »
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Offline kRisZ

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter One]
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2009, 01:36:29 PM »
*waits for the next chapter*

Offline badsaints

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter One]
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2009, 04:17:25 PM »
No way! How dare she hurts my turtle!  :angry: *Hunting the stupid alien down* :angry:

Now I really want to know whats up with Aichan :?

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter One]
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2009, 10:07:58 PM »
The very first sentence of the Prologue caught my attention so I had to keep reading. :lol: But OMG so much violence inflicted on sweet innocent Eri :OMG: Hope that's the last of it. I wonder who's this glowing eyed woman  :angry:

Offline Joyo-Girl

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter One]
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2009, 02:15:31 PM »
Here's Chapter Two. It took me longer than I thought it would and there's a lot of dialogue but we're moving the plot along.

kRisZ- Here you go ^^ Hope you like it.
badsaints- I know! How very dare she XD. Ai-chan's motivations are a little bit hazy at the moment but they will become clear eventually.
DO Me DO Me- I thought it was a good way to kick off the story - write about what you know and all that... The violence will slow down for a bit but it will pick up again. I'm setting the tone here  :twothumbs

Chapter Two

"Are you one of them!?"
Eri let out a yell of pain wondering how she had become the center of all attacks.
Currently, Takahashi Ai was gripping her wrist tightly and Eri could feel the hesitant healing that had taken place over the past few days was quickly coming undone. In fact, she could see the white bandages beginning to stain a brilliant red. Eri had taken that woman's advice and stayed away from Ai. If only Ai had done the same.
The older girl had burst into her home only a few minutes ago and wouldn't stop asking the same question.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Eri gasped as she felt the arm twist.
"Really?" Ai asked scathingly in disbelief. "Then what's this?" She ripped the bandages off and Eri yelped as she felt the last layer of fabric clip the newly opened wound.
"Are you one of them?" She asked again, punctuating each word with a sharp scratch.
"One of who?!" Eri yelled desperately.
Ai grunted in frustration. "The Nos. The Nos! This is their mark, why would you have it if you weren't one of them?"
Eri's hand was dropped sharply and she felt herself being pushed into her couch. She cradled her wrist and did her best to stem the bleeding but there wasn't much she could do without her first aid kit, and that was in the kitchen, and she didn't want to turn her back on the terrifying woman in front of her. Ai was muttering to herself in a low voice and Eri, despite trying her best, couldn't hear what she was saying.
"What happened Eri? Why do you have that bite?"
Bite? How did she know it was a bite?
"Ah- I was att-"
"You were attacked, I know this. Who? Why? What did they say?" Ai leaned over and placed both hands on Eri's shoulders.
"I don't know- It was a woman... She told me- told me to stay away... from you."
Ai's eyes flashed with surprise and suspicion. And then she stormed out of the room, knocking over a blue vase as she did so. Eri dropped off the couch onto her knees to pick up the glass and winced when a shard poked into her finger. A quick inspection determined that Eri wouldn't have to deal with any more blood.
"I'll do that."
Eri looked up in surprise.
"I thought you'd left."
"No," Said Ai shaking her head. "I was just looking to see if you have a first aid kit." She shook the green box in her hand with a half-smile before moving over the couch and sitting down. "Come here Eri, I'll fix your arm for you."
Eri started to shake her head but the thought of having to throw anymore blood-stained clothes away made her stop. She followed Ai's route to the couch hesitantly and sat on the opposite end.
"Eri, you'll have to sit closer. I want to help you and apologise."
Eri shifted up a little bit and said nothing when Ai started to clean the wound. She winced occassionally but let the silence hang in the air.
"I'm sorry," Said Ai finally. "I shouldn't have confronted you this way. It was a mistake and I hope you will forgive me."
"Only if you tell me why."
"I have to ask you a question, and no matter how ridiculous it is, you have to promise me you won't laugh."
The girl in question promised hesitantly, her curiosity winning over her suspicion. She waited for a moment, but Ai said nothing taking her time to figure out how to phrase it.
"Are you a vampire?"
Eri sat dumbstruck. She was tempted to laugh but she heard the serious tone with which the question was asked and she didn't dare to. Ai continued to stare Eri directly in the face, waiting for an answer.
"Er... no?" At least, she didn't think so.
Ai tied a tight knot in the new bandages and replaced all the items in the first aid kit. "Then you need to come with me." She said as she stood up.
"What? Don't be stupid!"

"I know who attacked you and if you don't come with me, they'll try again."

"So I'll go to the police!"

"They can't protect you from Vampires."

Now Eri did laugh, a loud full laugh. "Stop saying that, vampires don't exist."

Ai shook her head whilst staring at her shoes.

"They do," She said without raising her head only just loudly enough for Eri to hear. "and I'm one."

She looked up from her shoes and Eri covered her own mouth with her hand to stop herself from screaming.

Takahashi's eyes were yellow - and glowing.
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Offline ringo-hime

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Two]
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2009, 03:15:19 PM »
yay vampires!  :twothumbs

Offline badsaints

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Two]
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2009, 05:10:00 PM »
"So I'll go to the police!"

"They can't protect you from Vampires."
Maybe Eri can call Buffy instead (bad joke i know :lol:)

Takahashi's eyes were yellow - and glowing.
Aichan is a vampire! Yayyyyyy!

I've read Destiny/Fate way before but this seems very promising. Can't wait for next chapter :yep:

Offline kRisZ

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Two]
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2009, 04:07:04 PM »
"They do," She said without raising her head only just loudly enough for Eri to hear. "and I'm one."

She looked up from her shoes and Eri covered her own mouth with her hand to stop herself from screaming.

Takahashi's eyes were yellow - and glowing.

It's like I was watching a favorite TV series with TBC at the bottom, a very nice way of ending the chapter

kRisZ- Here you go ^^ Hope you like it.

I like it a lot   :yep:  Thank you ^^

Offline Joyo-Girl

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Two]
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2009, 12:43:49 AM »
Umm, this is slightly shorter than I'd like it to be but, eh, it's an update :)

ringo-hime - Yay, indeed. It's fun playing around with myths.
badsaints - I was incredibly tempted to make a "Who you gonna call?" joke ^^ What did you think of Destiny/Fate? I had some issues with plot holes so it all went dead on me...
kRisZ - I'm so very glad you like it! And yeah, I always try to end in a sort of dramatic way. It's a habit, I like impact!

Chapter Three

Eri ran.
If what Ai said was true she didn't think she had a reason to trust her. Vampires? If they existed one had attacked her, bitten her arm, warned her to stay away from Takahashi Ai. That woman with green eyes was obviously dangerous and Eri fully intended to follow her warnings. She didn't want to see what would happen if the threats were followed through.
Running was all well and good, but without a destination Eri could feel herself getting lost. Every street was getting unfamiliar and the idea of navigating the city in the dark, as it was getting later, wasn't appealing so Eri made a slow decision to go home again and hope that Ai had left.
She walked quickly, just shy of running, back in the direction she had come from.
Wrapping her arms around herself and keeping to lit and populated areas kept her mind at ease as she weaved her way back home. But she was less than lucky when she got there.

Her lights were on and they hadn't been on when she'd sped out at full speed, so that could only mean that Takahashi Ai, the vampire, was still there.
She took a left and made her way towards a close by park, planning on sitting there for a while. Hopefully if Ai thought she wasn't going home, she'd leave and Eri could go back to an empty house. The park wasn't completely deserted, there were a few teenagers hanging around in groups and a few kids and parents making the most out of some free time at twilight but it felt lonely enough.
Vampires? Honestly! Eri thought to herself as she dropped herself onto a bench. It was cold and slightly damp but that was the last thing on her mind. I can't believe I'm even considering this.

She felt a presence beside her and looked sideways to see a petite girl with pigtails, cradling her head in her palms and looking curiously at her.
"Hello?" Eri asked slowly. The girl smiled widely at her.
"I've been following you for five blocks now, I thought you might have noticed me sooner."
"What? Following me?"
The girl held her hand out waiting for it to be shook. "The name's Tanaka Reina, nice to finally meet you."
Eri deliberately kept her hand at her side and regarded Reina with tangible suspicion.
"You've been following me."
"Mmhmm" the girl replied, her smile unmoved but her hand no longer held expectantly in the air. "You looked sad." She shrugged, as if it was normal to follow someone who looked upset. Feeling a little stunned, Eri murmured a soft thank you and stared at a large tree across the way, trying to ignore the stranger sat beside her.
Neither of them tried to start a conversation after that and Eri was very intrigued by this odd girl. Who followed someone they'd never met before just because they looked sad?
'I just attract weirdos.' Eri thought sadly.
"You never told me your name, you know." Reina said, twirling her hair thoughtfully. "It's only polite."
A brief pause occurs before Eri conceded. "Kamei Eri." The other girl looked delighted at the new piece of information. She immediately jumped up and grabbed Eri's uninjured arm, pulling her up with her. Eri stumbled a little, nearly falling into the stranger, but was dragged out of the park by Reina.
"It's late," she said by way of explanation. "you should get home."

Eri chose not to reply but Reina stepped up to the plate by filling the silence with various talk about the weather and schoolwork and the buildings they were passing. She was used to tuning out, but for some reason she found herself humming and nodding, genuinely listening to what this Reina girl was saying.

By the time they'd reached Eri's home it was well past midnight and Eri was starting to feel lethargic. Reina, however, was obviously hitting her stride as her energy seemed to increase with each passing minute.

Saying goodbye took a number of minutes and Eri was too tired to care when Reina seized her mobile, inputted her number and called herself. It didn't seem like losing contact with her new friend was much of an option when Reina saved the number with a bright smile.

It wasn't until Eri settled into bed and was about to drop into dreamland that she let herself wonder. When they were walking back from the park, Reina had always been a step ahead.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2009, 11:27:57 AM by Joyo-Girl »
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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Three]
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2009, 04:12:25 AM »
Reina knows how to make an entrance.

I hope she doesn't try any funny business :lol:

Offline kRisZ

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Three]
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2009, 04:37:48 PM »
When they were walking back from the park, Reina had always been a step ahead.


Offline badsaints

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Three]
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2009, 08:39:04 AM »
'I just attract weirdos.' Eri thought sadly.
That's coz you're weird yourself? XD

Saying goodbye took a number of minutes and Eri was too tired to care when Reina seized her mobile, inputted her number and called herself. It didn't seem like losing contact with her new friend was much of an option when Reina saved the number with a bright smile.
Way to go! 8)

I liked Destiny/Fate but I'll keep an open mind for this story :D It's been interesting so far :thumbsup

Offline Joyo-Girl

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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Three]
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2009, 02:38:15 AM »
Status Update.

I usually try to have chapters posted up every few days but today I've really badly hurt my wrist and it's turning into hell to type, so Ch.4 will take a little longer, while I wait for my wrist to stop rebelling everytime I move.

To add some more point to this, here are some comment responses.

slasha - Funny business eh? I wouldn't know what you mean. *whistles innocently*
kRisZ - Hmm indeed, but you'll have to wait to find out why.
badsaints - Eri the Weirdo Magnet, ne? Most of this story is quite different from D/F, it's mainly just the universe that's the same. I've also added a few characters, plus a super special cameo character just because I wanted to add her in - but she won't really appear for a long time.
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Re: The Red Heart [Chapter Three]
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2009, 04:42:34 AM »
Oh I was reading your fic and this it's so interesting, I wanna read more chapter and
I really hope that you're better ( your wrist   :cry: )

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