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Author Topic: Nanchatte Renai [25/7 - Bonus Ending: Full Circle]  (Read 64723 times)

Offline Estrea

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Nanchatte Renai [25/7 - Bonus Ending: Full Circle]
« on: August 29, 2009, 11:24:03 PM »
I asked Yuuchan to move this story out of the sandbox since it was becoming more a series than a one shot yeah. Thanks Yuuchan!

But yeah, Nanchatte Renai. :D


Nanchatte Renai

"Yes, that's it, smile. Good, very good, another one please!"

The repeated flashes of a camera would have blinded any amateur, but the person in question was hardly, if at all, fazed by the attention. With a practiced pout at the lens, young fashion model Tanaka Reina presented yet another perfect picture for the photographer, soon to grace the front cover of yet another teen’s magazine.

"Otsukare~" Reina nodded casually to the staff as she walked into the dressing room to change out of her outfit and back into her street clothes. Not that it was that much of a difference, given that her own fashion style was every bit as trendy as what she was supposed to be modelling.

Dressed to kill, Reina paused only briefly to check her makeup in the wide mirror provided in the room, before heading out with a confident stride.

The combination of her appearance and attitude was electric; heads turned as men and women alike paused to watch her passing. Reina ignored them with her usual ease. She was used to the attention, rather enjoyed it to some degree. It added to her already considerable ego, giving her even more confidence in her own charms.

"Hey! Tanaka!" A deep, vaguely familiar voice called out from behind her. She turned, trying to place the voice in her memories, and then the face came into view.

He was cute in a pretty boy sort of way. Dark tousled hair, suave look, a sparkling smile. Just like any one of the dozens of up and coming young male models from the agency. Honestly, Reina sometimes wondered how she managed to even tell them apart as the days rolled by.

He jogged to catch up with her, an impishly flirtatious grin on his face. He was good-looking; she would give him that, and definitely passed her standards in terms of coolness. At the moment though, she was busily fishing for his name in her mind. The bright smile she gave betrayed no hint of her internal thought processes, however.

"Kyohei-kun, nice to see you again. How are you?" Her reply was effusive, giving no sign of the fact that she had all but forgotten his name only moments ago. His smile grew wider at the recognition, and he fell into step beside the much smaller Reina.

"Fine, and you? Are you free later? We could have dinner..." He invited with a look in his eye that Reina thought she recognized. Inwardly, she rolled her eyes as she mentally completed the words left unsaid in his sentence. '...and head to bed afterwards, right?'

Really, men could be so predictable sometimes. Reina had had her fair share of conquests in the game of seduction, and she knew well the rules of the game. She could read people like an open book in such situations, and play with them as easily as if they were within the palm of her hand.

All things given, Kyohei wouldn't be such a bad catch to land for the night. He was handsome, cool-looking, and he was interested. Reina wasn't interested in commitment, and neither was he. It would be the perfect one-off fling.

Unfortunately, Reina simply wasn't in the mood for games tonight. All the usual antics required for participation in this game, much as it was routine for her, gave her no excitement at the prospect of it. Somehow, being able to predict his game pattern made it all too boring for her. And Reina didn't like being bored.

"Dinner sounds really good..." Putting on her best girlish enthusiasm, she watched him beam in anticipation, then completed her sentence. "...but I'm afraid that I already have something on tonight." The light faded out of his eyes, and Reina resisted the urge to smirk, instead summoning her cutest 'I'm so sorry' smile.

"Maybe another time then?" At least he knew when he was rejected. Reina respected that. His tone was light enough to save his dignity without making him sound too desperate, and they parted ways without a backward glance.

With a sigh, Reina stood listlessly in the lobby, waiting for the elevator to reach her floor. The predictable rounds of her life made her restless, and even her clandestine activities were beginning to lose their appeal to some extent.

Sure, the sex was still fun, but it was only for the moment. In the darkness, with the even breathing of whoever her bed partner happened to be for the night rumbling next to her, she could neither see herself nor feel the reality of her life. It all felt so...pointless. Empty.

The hands of the clock moving steadily clockwise, always in precise intervals, running round the face with predictable regularity. Over and over, the mundane routines that made up her life. Just as the hands moved from point to point, so did she leap from one encounter to the next, one much like the other, except with a different face, and at a different time.

Restless. That was how she felt. The surge that kept her moving, always onward, never looking back. Something that kept her from settling down, that vague urge that always pushed her to go further, move on. It was more than a compulsion; it felt like a hunger that could not be sated, a thirst that could not be quenched. Always reaching out, yet grasping nothing. But always searching.

Reina did not know what she was looking for. She was not made for deep thought, nor equipped for mindful contemplation of her inner being. She was a person who lived outside herself; with too many things she kept a secret within, even to herself. She only knew that she was not satisfied, not with all the brief attachments she had experienced in her life thus far.

Yet she did not yearn for commitment, did not buy into the concept of love eternal, could not bring herself to believe in an unbreakable bond that could link two wholly separate people together. The very idea seemed like a collar, a noose even, to her carefree spirit. She could not, and would not, allow herself to be tied down that way. It would diminish what it meant to be her.

"Reina?" A friendly voice broke her out of her reverie, and Reina started at the sound of her own name. A pair of chocolate eyes stared directly into her own, almost precisely at eye level.

This time she did not have to hesitate to remember the name. This was one person that had a bookmark in her life, someone who was almost as free-spirited as her, and probably even more stubborn.

"Ai-chan!" Her smile was genuine this time, and she allowed herself to be pulled into the now open elevator by her older friend. and senpai in the industry. They were a matched set, in terms of height and build, and in their shared reputations within their line. No one else could match their records in jumping from one relationship to another, if one night stands were even recognized as relationships in the first place.

Takahashi Ai, actress and model, was a petite beauty much like Reina herself was. The similarities ended there though. Reina cultivated a haughty, cat-like aura of untouchability, a presence that demanded that you approach her...but only on her own terms. One could never tell if they would be receiving a scratch or a nuzzle from this one kitty cat. Reina was simply unpredictable like that.

Ai, on the other hand, gave off an intensity that both repelled and drew others to her. Some thought she was too serious, but those who knew her knew that she was only so under certain circumstances. She was quiet, and could pass through a place easily without drawing too much attention, something Reina had yet to be able to master. Put simply, Ai could blend; Reina couldn't, and didn't want to. She liked to be noticed, and blending into one's surroundings hardly contributed to that.

Yet both shared the same popularity in attracting the same sort of flies into their respective traps. Different ways of baiting, but both achieved results. Reina drew people to her like ants to honey, taking her pick from the many arrayed before her; whereas Ai picked her targets carefully beforehand, snapping them up before they even realized that they had been completely trapped.

In a way, they were kindred spirits. Reina felt that Ai was definitely a friend, well, more at times. They had not been above experimenting with each other on occasion, just to see how well the other played. It was a game that saw battles won, but never once had the war been decided.

Truthfully speaking, it was a war that Reina never wanted decided. Things were far more interesting this way.

"Want to come down to my apartment? I don't feel like going out today." Ai invited easily, a relaxed smile on her face. Reina raised an eyebrow.

"No party?" The older grinned in response.

"Too tired." She shrugged helplessly. "The whole of last week was totally booked, so I guess I deserve a rest today."

Reina understood immediately. Their own personal code never failed them. Reina knew exactly what the other girl meant. What she didn't know, however, was Ai's exact intentions. Not that she intended to ask; finding out was half the fun.

"And I'm your best choice for company?" Reina teased lightly, knocking Ai playfully in the side with her elbow. Ai chuckled.

"Nah, you just happen to live nearby."

That much was true. Their apartments were only a few blocks apart. They hadn't planned it that way, naturally, and had been wholly surprised the first time they met each other at the convenience store in the area. For all of Tokyo's size, it still seemed to be a small world indeed.

"Awww, so I'm not your first choice after all..." Reina faked a disappointed sigh, watching the flash of mirth in the other girl's eyes. Their usual game, not quite flirting but somewhere on the verge of it, just two girls having fun teasing each other.

"Of course not. You are just someone who understands, that's all." A knowing smile pass between them, oddly comforting in the shared secrets. They didn't have to pretend to be glossy cover girls, not even jaded celebrities. They could just be...themselves. It was refreshing.

"So who's cooking?" Reina asked absently as the elevator doors opened at the ground floor. Ai pondered that for a moment before replying.

"You just said it yourself." A pause, then Reina groaned aloud. It was a game they played. Whoever asked the question first had to answer it, and since it was this particular question, it meant that Reina had to answer doing the cooking herself.

Ai was grinning from ear to ear. "Careless, aren't you?"

"Don't count on it, Takahashi." Reina growled with mock seriousness, her eyes narrowing. Still, it did not completely hide the spark of laughter dancing in them, and they both knew it.

They continued on in friendly banter as they headed back to Ai's place, where Reina, true to her word, did do the cooking....but not without coercing help from a not-so-reluctant Ai. Amazingly, they were actually able to get through the whole process without too much mishap, amidst all the teasing and general goofing around.

Reina had yet to figure out just what Ai wanted with her that night. An invitation to her apartment could be anything from sex to simply watching TV. It was hard to figure out just what exactly the older girl was in the mood for sometimes.

Dinner came and went, and true enough, Ai did mean what she said: that she wanted to rest. And rest she did, lounging in her comfy couch like a lazy tiger, soft music playing in the background with the lights dimmed. Reina was curled up with her on it, the two of them cuddled comfortably in a friendly silence.

There was no awkwardness, nor the sexual tension that preceded any sort of lascivious activity. They simply took comfort in their closeness, not needing to say anything more to reaffirm it, or even question it. It simply was. What was there, a connection, or nothing at all? It did not matter. Only that they both were there, at this time and place.

The silence was broken by the person who had initiated it in the first place, a languorous murmur that hardly disturbed the balance between them.

"Too bad we can't do this here as often next time..." Ai mused aloud, her fingers toying absently with Reina's long black locks. Reina's answer was just as sleepy, with just a hint of curiosity touching her words.


"Gaki-san's coming to the city for work. She'll be moving in with me." Delivered offhandedly, as if it were merely another piece of information to be digested and stored aside, with no need for a great reaction. Somewhat odd for someone whose girlfriend was coming over to live with her. One would have expected her to be more excited.

"Oh? Well, isn't that good? You get to see your sweetheart every day then~"

Reina rolled over slightly, the side of her face pressed against Ai's chest, nestled comfortably there. She could hear the steady heartbeat of the older that way. It was oddly soothing to her.

"Perhaps..." There was just a hint of doubt in her voice, and Reina cracked one eye opened and rolled it lazily upwards to regard her friend. Ai's expression became distant, contemplative.

"I wonder if I'll get bored this way..."

"You're too fickle." Reina declared, yawning widely. She did not perceive the irony in her words, or if she did, she did not care. Ai mimicked her gesture, showing even white teeth in the process.

"Let's get to bed. I'm tired."

And so they did, arms wrapped around each other's waists, nuzzling into each other like affectionate kittens. And they did little more than sleep, all tangled up with each other, like missing halves of a puzzle.

The hands of the clock continue ticking, recording with them every moment of their repetitive lives.


I'm so tired....does it show? XD
« Last Edit: July 24, 2011, 06:26:39 PM by Estrea »


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline Fenrir

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2009, 11:27:03 PM »

First to comment although I did cheat a little. lol

It's a very cute story, but also very melancholy too. Reina and Aibutt are simply just living day to day, repeatedly, all action and no emotion.

Title fits nicely!  :twothumbs *plays song

Offline ShikyoxYaiba

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2009, 11:58:15 PM »
OooOOo... I like. :D Gave off a mellow feeling, and I totally understood the whole "repeating each day" deal. Very nice. x3 I was kinda waiting for someone to write a fic based on the song/title. :3

Offline rndmnwierd

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2009, 05:55:34 PM »
Weird.... It begs a sequel, though I don't usually like RenAi(ness?) I'm interested to see what happens when Gaki-san, playing Ai's GF comes into the picture.

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2009, 07:11:24 PM »
This was cute~ You really seem to capture the repetitive-ness of daily life. ReinAi are so adorable, even if all they have is a little more than friendship...but what really interests me is Ai-chan's "enthusiasm" for Gaki moving in with her. :lol:

Offline Saikami

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2009, 05:23:19 AM »
Nanchatte ReinAi. <3 They make me smile. ^^

I can see how it was inspired by the song. :) I like how they find comfort in one another, even as just (kinda?) friends. :lol: Is there going to be a part two? I'm interested as well with what Gaki-san brings.

PS- Is it sad that Gaki-san moving in makes me a little sad? :nervous
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2009, 07:30:38 AM »
OU I forgot to comment XD

Nanchatte~! *does hand movements*

Seriously dudette... I thought the guy at the beginning (hitting on Reina) was Aichan... I THOUGHT U TOO MAKES THE GIRLS INTO GUYS!! Phew lucky I was wrong XD

Hmm well, next time Aichan could just go over to Ren's house and have a nanchatte renai, with Gaki waiting anxiously at Aichan's ... yikes

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2009, 01:24:40 PM »
I'm with rndmnwierd in this. Ain't very fond of RenAi but this screams for a sequel XD

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2009, 03:06:22 PM »
I'm with Saikami on this...when I reached the part with Gaki I was like...ugh.... XD but it actually makes the whole ReinAi relationship very intriguing. Friends with occasional benefits? :dunno: And if yes then what about TakaGaki? Nanchatte Renai and Ai being (again)the bad guy?Or maybe Gaki has smiliar attitude?XD So yeah, like len.chan and rndmnwierd said it needs sequel :P

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2009, 01:13:53 AM »
Ahh the ReinAi/TakaGaki wars... coming to an Estrea thread near you! :lol: ReinAi seems to be making a bit of a comeback lately with authors like peti-chan returning (and Essy maybe writing again? ^_^;;). In this thread is the first time I've really noticed the distinction between the fan groups though. :lol: Essy, you weren't trying to write a microcosm of the jphip fanfic 'ships community, were you? XD Nanchatte...

Good stuff, as always from you. Whether this or something else, keep it coming. ;) A few of the rest of us have started updating old fics, so it's time for you to do the same too! :D

Oh, and btw, you can count me on the ReinAi front with peti-chan and SaiSai. ;)

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2009, 02:12:03 AM »
Quote from: Estrea
"Awww, so I'm not your first choice after all..."
"Of course not. You are just someone who understands, that's all."
This very much reminds me of something I overheard a classmate say in high school.  She was talking about her weekend with a friend.  "She's not my favourite friend, but she's my best friend," she concluded.  It struck me as quite callous, and this from a girl I kind of looked up to and admired as a really smart, funny, unique individual.  It took me quite a while to figure out what she meant.  In the end, I still think it was a bit of a cold thing to say, but it is true that sometimes the people closest to us are not our first choice for when it comes to calling and hanging out.  There are some friends with whom all you do is party, and there are other friends that you get and that get you.  In the second category, maybe you're complete opposites, but you have one strong point of reference.  You may not hang out every weekend because you have other activities that you take up with other friends, but your close friend is always there when you need someone to understand you.

I'm not sure if this is what you meant to get at with your story (as other have pointed out, there is a prominent theme the day-in, day-out monotony of life), but it gave me pause, made me go "oh...", and made me comment.
Sweet dreams, Jab.  Love you forever.

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2009, 01:56:01 PM »
Woohoo, I'm back!

I see how I've ignited some debate over the whole ReinAi vs TakaGaki dynamic. Hehe. Fun times. I wonder which pairing is more XD Should I make a poll?

Oh and Commie, I'm glad you caught that part. I did mean to explore that part of friendship as well...and all the little things that I don't usually get to do in my other stories. That's what the sandbox is for, after all. XD I know how it's like to have friends I like to hang out with, but they're not my best friend, not really. The distinction is definitely there, so yeah.

Anyway, enough rambling, since there's a part two for you people! XD


Nanchatte Renai - Verse One

Consciousness came slowly, like a fog lifting from one's mind as one forged a path to clarity. A barely heard snuffle, followed by the rustle of soft sheets as Reina rolled over, throwing one arm over her eyes as she yawned widely.

Silence filled the room, a peaceable serenity marred only by the fact that Reina was alone. She had known almost instantly that she had been alone the moment she had rolled over; had Ai still been there, she would have been unable to do so without coming into contact with the other girl.

Ah, that's right, she had work scheduled in the morning...

The thought did not make her feel appreciably better, but that could just have been a result of the residual grogginess from sleep. Turning onto her side, Reina buried her face into the pillow, letting the familiar scent wrap around her senses as the rest of her body twitched into wakefulness.

After several minutes, she finally roused herself from bed, making a half hearted attempt to make the bed, before giving up halfway and stumbling out of the room in a daze. Reina was definitely not a morning person.

She discovered some food left to warm for her in the kitchen, probably the work of Ai. It was something they always did when they had sleepovers. Munching on some omelette, Reina picked up the note Ai had left on the counter, idly glancing through its contents.

It was nothing she had not already anticipated. Sort her dirty clothes into the right baskets, close the windows, and leave the spare key in its usual place. One would think that Reina, being a semi-regular at Ai's place, would know all these things by heart already, but apparently Ai felt the need to remind her. With a shrug, Reina finished up the remainder of her breakfast and headed to shower.

Freshening up definitely made her feel better, and Reina traipsed out of the bathroom feeling distinctly more alert. Wrapped in no more than a towel, she rummaged through Ai's closet for something to wear. It was a good thing that they were approximately the same size. Besides, if memory served, she usually ended up leaving a few articles of her own clothing around here whenever she stayed over. It wouldn't be too difficult to find something to wear.

An hour later, now dressed and all made up, Reina stepped out of Ai's apartment, twirling the spare keys on her index finger. After locking the door, she slipped the keys into their usual spot, humming softly to herself as she left the building.

It was her off day, so she had all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted. Without a real destination in mind, Reina found herself wandering through a shopping district some time later. Shopping was a good way to waste time, and it gave her something to do.

After unconsciously buying yet more boots and assorted accessories for her already large collection, Reina took a turn down the electronics stores, her boots clicking as she trotted past the flashing screens. Some of the shiny new LCD screens gave her pause; for a television addict like her, the quality of the display mattered. Then again, she already had a 60-inch screen at home. It filled up an entire wall, but Reina never regretted the purchase. It made for excellent viewing.

She made another stop by yet another store, with the latest Blu-Ray recorders placed prominently in front. Not being as much a technology fanatic as a certain friend of hers was, Reina generally left the matter of maintaining the higher tech appliances to that same friend. Even her surround sound system was put together by Ai. Reina could probably have called in technicians to do it for her, but hey, if someone she already knew was ready and willing, why not?

"Hey there, can I help you with anything?" A young salesman with blond highlights in his hair greeted Reina enthusiastically. She had paused a moment too long in front of the display, which was what had allowed him the opportunity to accost her.

"Just looking." Reina replied coolly, but she did take another look at the display. Ai had mentioned these new-fangled things to her previously, but she had been distracted during the technical explanations. If memory served, however, the Blu-Ray recorder was probably better than the old VCR she still kept.

The salesman evidently sensed a possible opportunity, since he immediately started pitching the product to her. Despite herself, Reina listened. Minutes later, she was mostly convinced to buy the recorder. The salesman looked obviously pleased at his success when Reina finally acceded to buy the product.

"I'm not too good with this kind of stuff, really." Reina confessed as she signed the purchase form. "My friend usually helps me with it."

"Well, if you need any help, you can always give me a call." He handed her a name card, their hands brushing against each other briefly, before Reina pulled away. He did not seem displeased by the act, and let his eyes linger on her some more. Reina was, after all, a very attractive young woman.

"Do you need any help moving this? I can help you call a taxi." The young man went on to offer. Seeing no harm in the gesture, Reina agreed. Best to have someone else do the dirty work for her. Reina was never one to soil her own hands when it wasn't absolutely necessary.

It was apparent that he was trying to get into her good books. Reina was no amateur at this particular game, and she had seen right through him from his first move. However, she was willing to entertain him...for a while. In all actuality, she wasn't really in the mood to play along with any attempts at flirting. Besides, he wasn't even that handsome.

Resisting the urge to openly roll her eyes at him, she allowed him to help her with the carrying of the box containing her latest well as her assorted other shopping bags. Reina was not above using people to her own advantage.

The moment the taxi arrived and everything was stowed in though, Reina's pleasant (and entirely faked) smile vanished, and she calmly shattered any illusions he had possibly been entertaining over her with callous indifference, before entering the taxi without even a single backward glance.

The things she had to do to get persistent guys away... Reina shook her head. Some of those boys out there didn't even realize just how far out of their league she was. She wished they would just leave her alone, but then again, who would entertain her if they did not try?

Absently pulling out her cell phone, Reina scrolled through her inbox, skipping through a number of messages from several different guys. Some of them just didn't know when to give up.

As if on cue, her phone vibrated again, the message tone singing out. She was about ready to delete it, but the name of the sender prevented her from doing so.

Did you put your clothes in the right baskets?
- 'Lovely'

For safety's sake, Reina had given nicknames to all her contacts in order to prevent their numbers from being stolen should she ever lose her phone. It was a reasonable precaution since she had the contacts of many a celebrity.

With a half smile, her fingers flew over the keypad, composing a rapid reply.

If I said no, will you still come over to install my new Blu-Ray recorder?
- R

And sent. Reina was hardly aware of the grin still playing on her lips at this line of conversation. Talking to Ai like that was always fun. Their mutual teasing was the cornerstone of their friendship.

Sorry, I have to go pick Gaki-san up later at night
- Lovely

Reina paused, her fingers faltering. For lack of anything to say, her reply was short.

- R

With that, she snapped her phone shut, throwing it into her purse without a second thought. For some reason, she really wanted to go out and do something appropriately wild again. It might just distract her from being so bored. She refused to even consider the possibility that she might be just a tad lonely. How could she be? She had so many people she could call if she wanted to go out and play. She had options.

Reaching back for her phone, she scrolled through her contact list and called the first person she saw.

"Hey, do you want to go down to the club later?"


The door clicked open softly, opening and shutting with barely any disturbance. Removing her heels at the entryway, she placed them neatly on one side, peering around for any signs of the occupant.

The apartment was dead silent, and the visitor only added on to it, quietly moving through the place with an easy familiarity. She stepped around the creaky floorboard without even looking, avoided the squeaky floor mat, and did not get her sleeve caught on the hook around the corner.

The place was a mess, as usual. It was not dirty, but it was disorganized. Resisting the urge to tidy things up, Takahashi Ai eyed the place with a look of resignation. It seemed that Reina would never be as neat as she wanted her to be.

The unopened box with Reina's new purchase was by the television, and the bag that Reina had carried with her from work to her place the day before was thrown carelessly onto the couch. Poking her head into Reina's room, she noted the chaos of the bed. Hangers and clothes were thrown all over the place. Shaking her head, Ai retreated from the room, voicing her conclusion.

"She left..."

Evidently, Reina had gone out again after coming home. The signs were all there. Reina's stilettos were not in their usual place in the shoe cupboard, her favourite 'party' purse was gone, and the clothes strewn over her bed was yet another indicator of her haste to get dressed again to go out.

Ai wondered why the girl had not waited. She did say that she had to pick Gaki-san up only later at night. Granted, her cell phone battery had died before she could send the second part of her message. She had originally intended to just tease with the first message, but since the second did not get sent out successfully, she supposed it could not be helped.

"Oh well, since I'm here already..."


She slipped back into her house like a thief in the night, groping in the dark for the light switch. She found it, but not before bumping her knee against the wall. With a muttered oath, she turned the lights on.

Reina squinted to keep the glare out of her eyes, tugging off her heels and chucking them aside. Her clothes were fairly crumpled, with good reason. The last few hours had been fairly active. Speaking of which, she needed a shower. She never liked any reminder of her encounters after they had already passed.

When she reached the living room, she paused. Something was different. Maybe it was the fact that everything was scrupulously neat.

More importantly, her old recorder was inside the opened, and empty, box of her new Blu-Ray player, and in its original place, fully hooked up, was her new purchase. It was even active.

With a strangely heavy feeling in her chest, Reina approached the player and the stack of empty recordable discs next to it that had not been there before. There was a note there as well.

Set the player to record your favourite shows. Don't mess with the settings. Call me if you need anything else.

It was unsigned, but the handwriting and tone was evident enough. Reina ground her teeth together, her fist tightening around the note. A surge of something sharp cut through her, something akin to anger, yet not.

Damn that woman...


And done. That only took 3 hours. XD

Not too happy with this for some reason...hmm...

Comment freely, people!


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

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Offline Saikami

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2009, 01:57:30 PM »
First post~!

Ahh...This is a very interesting story you've got going on here. I really like ReinAi how they are, as close friends who are simply there for one another and understand, yet at the same time it frustrates me. :lol:

Gaki-san seems to unintentionally bring out feelings in Reina, I think it's very realistic of Reina to feel lonely, even if she knows her and Aichan are just friends who understand. It's hard losing someone who simply understands, even if their not your best or closest friend, if they understand you, even the little feeling of losing them (especially to someone else) is very painful. But, of course, it's Reina, so she had to go out and get a distraction from it all, very understandable. Using another person to cover up the fact that your lonely. Nanchatte Renai indeed. :)

I'm expecting this to be continued even more, just so you know :P

Oh yeah, and techie!Aichan for the win. :D
« Last Edit: September 01, 2009, 02:16:26 PM by Saikami »
[All hail AiButt! Sig by Dinny!]

Offline peti-chan

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2009, 04:45:04 PM »
Saikami again we share the same feeling XD

It’s sad that Reina feels lonely though being surrounded by people :cry: Ai is the only person who makes her life more enjoyable, unpredictable and simply livelier in that whole monotony which surrounds her. But Ai actually has also someone else so she isn’t completely depended on Reina and that may hurt the most :( If things were to end between them (because who knows what Gaki knows, thinks and expects from Ai XD) it’s Reina who will lose, feeling even more lonely and…

…who will help her with being up to date with all the tech innovations? XD

Ehh...I just hope nothing like that will happen...and it's sweet that Reina has Ai in her phone saved as Lovely :heart:

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2009, 05:35:03 PM »
The feeling of ‘there is but there is none’ 'there is none but there is', a simple but complex image of life. Why am I feeling lonely now?  XD

Offline badsaints

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #15 on: September 01, 2009, 05:48:40 PM »
Hmm this is deep. I agree with Saikami & Peti-chan here. It's like being alone even when surrounded by people.

Reina & Ai found themselves in each other and they have mutual unspoken understanding of each other's world where no one else can understand, nor do they want anyone else to intrude. So when Risa enters into the picture, it creates uneasiness in their life.

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #16 on: September 01, 2009, 09:13:50 PM »
Mmmmm, poor Reina. People all around her, yet she is still alone and then have all these nanchatte renai to cover it all up. I understand her feelings.

And it's so typical of Ai for her cell phone batter to die on her before she can send out her second message. lol And cause all this emotional roller coaster for the little kitty-kat. But now that Gaki is coming I agree with Badsaints that Gaki is gonna throw a monkey wrench into this smooth running machine between Reinai.

+1 for techieAi. I can totally see her talking about the latest gadgets to bored MM members. :lol:

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2009, 11:59:20 PM »
Wow this is super interesting. Did I mention I don't like this pairing? And yet, I think I want to see them together in the end. Well, maybe, I guess it depends on how Gaki-san is. If she's the 'crazy' girlfriend, then definitely, but if you make her likeable I think my head might explode. You write RenAi so well.

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2009, 06:13:40 AM »
Like everyone else said: this is deep and interesting. Reina reminds me of what I've been through: surrounded by lots of people and yet feel very much alone. Worst for me since I've basically lost contact with all of my friends.

I wonder what kind of person Gaki is going to be and how will affect RenAi.

TanaGaki or RenAi? Usually I'd prefer TanaGaki since I've been used to that pairing and feel more comfortable with it than RenAi (that and I instantly fell in love with it from reading All Aboard). But RenAi is still interesting and I'm slowly liking it. On the other hand, TanaTakaGaki is awesome. *suddenly reminded of The Lines Are Blurred

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Nanchatte Renai
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2009, 03:10:31 AM »
Nanchatte Renai

Are you free later? We could have dinner..." He invited with a look in his eye that Reina thought she recognized. Inwardly, she rolled her eyes as she mentally completed the words left unsaid in his sentence. '...and head to bed afterwards, right?'
See, guys like this with attitudes/lines like that really make me wish we had a "facepalm" smiley here.  :smhid

The predictable rounds of her life made her restless, and even her clandestine activities were beginning to lose their appeal to some extent.

Sure, the sex was still fun, but it was only for the moment. In the darkness, with the even breathing of whoever her bed partner happened to be for the night rumbling next to her, she could neither see herself nor feel the reality of her life. It all felt so...pointless. Empty.
Sounds like the "aloofness" of Reina's life just isn't giving her a sense of satisfaction/fulfillment. She might not realize it right now, but it sounds to me like she's wanting "something more" than just the casual flings to which she's gotten accustomed.

Yet she did not yearn for commitment, did not buy into the concept of love eternal, could not bring herself to believe in an unbreakable bond that could link two wholly separate people together. The very idea seemed like a collar, a noose even, to her carefree spirit. She could not, and would not, allow herself to be tied down that way. It would diminish what it meant to be her.
That's just her head talking. She's obviously never been in a situation/relationship that would have made her feel that strongly, so she doesn't have a clue of how powerful it can really be.

Yet both shared the same popularity in attracting the same sort of flies into their respective traps. Different ways of baiting, but both achieved results. Reina drew people to her like ants to honey, taking her pick from the many arrayed before her; whereas Ai picked her targets carefully beforehand, snapping them up before they even realized that they had been completely trapped.
Is it cheesy if I say "They could "entrap" me anytime" ?

Well bah, I said it anyway. :D

Oh yeah, it's obvious that that's totally NOT flirting.  8)2

Reina had yet to figure out just what Ai wanted with her that night. An invitation to her apartment could be anything from sex to simply watching TV. It was hard to figure out just what exactly the older girl was in the mood for sometimes.
Do I even have to say anything here? XD

"Gaki-san's coming to the city for work. She'll be moving in with me." Delivered offhandedly, as if it were merely another piece of information to be digested and stored aside, with no need for a great reaction. Somewhat odd for someone whose girlfriend was coming over to live with her. One would have expected her to be more excited.
Oh wait a sec? Risa? :?

Aichan's lack of enthusiasm has me concerned. :O

"Let's get to bed. I'm tired."

And so they did, arms wrapped around each other's waists, nuzzling into each other like affectionate kittens. And they did little more than sleep, all tangled up with each other, like missing halves of a puzzle.
I immediately thought of this pic from the Cat Pic Thread. :oops:

Quote from: Estrea
"Awww, so I'm not your first choice after all..."
"Of course not. You are just someone who understands, that's all."
This very much reminds me of something I overheard a classmate say in high school.  She was talking about her weekend with a friend.  "She's not my favourite friend, but she's my best friend," she concluded.  It struck me as quite callous, and this from a girl I kind of looked up to and admired as a really smart, funny, unique individual.  It took me quite a while to figure out what she meant.  In the end, I still think it was a bit of a cold thing to say, but it is true that sometimes the people closest to us are not our first choice for when it comes to calling and hanging out.  There are some friends with whom all you do is party, and there are other friends that you get and that get you.  In the second category, maybe you're complete opposites, but you have one strong point of reference.  You may not hang out every weekend because you have other activities that you take up with other friends, but your close friend is always there when you need someone to understand you.

I'm not sure if this is what you meant to get at with your story (as other have pointed out, there is a prominent theme the day-in, day-out monotony of life), but it gave me pause, made me go "oh...", and made me comment.
That really makes sense to me. Friendships that you form are different/vary from person to person. You've got friends that you'd go party/get drunk with, but that you may not seek advice from. At the same time, you've got friends that you can always go to when something's bothering you, but they may not necessarily be the most socially outgoing people out there.  Many of my friends know that I'm not (nor really ever was) a "partyer", so they don't/won't/haven't really ever invited me out when they were going out to the bar or to any of those crazy house partys (you know, the kind that they have in the movies where the parents are gone for the weekend, and so the kids throw a party and it's standing room only with cars parked on the front lawn and TP dressing the trees, etc). I've no problem if/when I've been left out of situations like that, because they and I both know that that's just not who I am, and that if they did drag me along, that I'd end up being really uncomfortable and that I simply wouldn't like it. However when it came to things like needing advice/help with any problems they may have had, or if they just want to go out and have dinner somewhere and have "normal" conversation (i.e. where you don't have to raise your voice to be able to hear yourself), or if they were looking at making a fairly important purchase and they wanted a second opinion while they shopped around, they knew that they could come to me and that I'd do what I could to help them out.

It isn't absolutely necessary to be able to do everything with each and every one of one's friends.  As long as you're there for one other when the time calls for it, that's all that's needed.

Nanchatte Renai - Verse One

She discovered some food left to warm for her in the kitchen, probably the work of Ai. It was something they always did when they had sleepovers.

Freshening up definitely made her feel better, and Reina traipsed out of the bathroom feeling distinctly more alert. Wrapped in no more than a towel

she rummaged through Ai's closet for something to wear. It was a good thing that they were approximately the same size. Besides, if memory served, she usually ended up leaving a few articles of her own clothing around here whenever she stayed over. It wouldn't be too difficult to find something to wear.
One can't help get the feeling that ReinAi are a lot closer then even they probably realize. :yep:

"Hey there, can I help you with anything?" A young salesman with blond highlights in his hair greeted Reina enthusiastically. She had paused a moment too long in front of the display, which was what had allowed him the opportunity to accost her.
That's how they get'cha!


Resisting the urge to openly roll her eyes at him, she allowed him to help her with the carrying of the box containing her latest well as her assorted other shopping bags. Reina was not above using people to her own advantage.

The moment the taxi arrived and everything was stowed in though, Reina's pleasant (and entirely faked) smile vanished, and she calmly shattered any illusions he had possibly been entertaining over her with callous indifference, before entering the taxi without even a single backward glance.
BURN! :grin:

Reina's reaction to Aichan's last message definitely gives a hint that they (or at the very least Reina) doesn't realize just how close the 2 of them really are.

Reaching back for her phone, she scrolled through her contact list and called the first person she saw.

"Hey, do you want to go down to the club later?
Uh-oh.  :shocked:

The apartment was dead silent, and the visitor only added on to it, quietly moving through the place with an easy familiarity. She stepped around the creaky floorboard without even looking, avoided the squeaky floor mat, and did not get her sleeve caught on the hook around the corner.

The place was a mess, as usual. It was not dirty, but it was disorganized. Resisting the urge to tidy things up, Takahashi Ai eyed the place with a look of resignation. It seemed that Reina would never be as neat as she wanted her to be.
But of course Aichan knows the spot where Reina keeps her spare key.  O0

Evidently, Reina had gone out again after coming home. The signs were all there. Reina's stilettos were not in their usual place in the shoe cupboard, her favourite 'party' purse was gone, and the clothes strewn over her bed was yet another indicator of her haste to get dressed again to go out.

Ai wondered why the girl had not waited.
Probably because she really had wanted Aichan to come over, and that she was upset (though she probably doesn't realize it herself) that Aichan had something else to do instead.

Granted, her cell phone battery had died before she could send the second part of her message. She had originally intended to just tease with the first message, but since the second did not get sent out successfully, she supposed it could not be helped.

"Oh well, since I'm here already..."
Awwwww...she's going to set up the BR player anyway for Reina, isn't she?  :wub:

She slipped back into her house like a thief in the night, groping in the dark for the light switch. She found it, but not before bumping her knee against the wall. With a muttered oath, she turned the lights on.
Funny that Aichan seems to know the layout of Reina's place better than Reina herself does.

Reina squinted to keep the glare out of her eyes, tugging off her heels and chucking them aside. Her clothes were fairly crumpled, with good reason. The last few hours had been fairly active. Speaking of which, she needed a shower. She never liked any reminder of her encounters after they had already passed.
Lemme guess, the number she had called earlier was a dude. :(

I'd have to think that it's almost like she's frustrated. Reina realizes now that even though Aichan had said she was busy, she still made the effort to come by and help. Reina was the one who wanted to spend time with Aichan, but instead, by going out for a booty call, Reina was the one who kept that from happening.

Ooooooooooooooooooooh this is really going to get interesting, to say the least. Moreso when Risa arrives.

JPH!P :heart:'s kuro808, Fushigidane, ChrNo, Jab & marimari. Always.

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