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Author Topic: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/31)  (Read 13272 times)

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Re: Forgotten Past(UPDATE 9/16)
« Reply #40 on: September 17, 2010, 03:07:30 PM »
One last kill before she retires, why do I get the feeling that something is gonna go wrong, it allways does when people say stuff like 'just one more kill then I'm done'  :doh:

Hmm I wonder how much of Koha realizes she has become the same as those she despizes? Just a thought.

Offline writerjunkie

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #41 on: January 19, 2011, 08:20:25 AM »
CHAPTER 9: A New Friend...A New Enemy?

“This is your errand?” Risa questioned, as Koharu got out of the car. She looked to the building in front of her and back at Koharu. “A flower shop? You don't strike me as the sensitive type.”

“I-it's...for my girlfriend!” Koharu replied, trying to find a reason to her exclamation. “We in a fight.” Risa smiled at her amused as realization hit Koharu that she had just told Risa she has a girlfriend. “, n-not my girlfriend! She...”

“It's okay. I'm not bothered by your relationship with a girl.” Risa assured. “I think it's cute that you're willing to buy flowers for her to try and apologize to her. I hope your girlfriend accepts them and your apology.”

Koharu blinked. Risa was surprisingly okay with Koharu's relationship and even had a smile of joy on her face when Koharu mentioned her solution to her fake problem.

“Well, I have to go. It was nice seeing you again Koharu. I hope we can talk a little more than we did today. Have a good evening.” Risa waved goodbye and drove the car back into the road again. When the doctor was out of view Koharu crossed the street and walked a few steps to the gun shop she originally intended to visit.


“Niigaki-san you're home~” 

Risa locked the door and turned around unfazed to the unplanned visitor in her house. It was normal to have frequent visits from this guest. It was as if having to see the paperboy every morning except this one didn't deliver paper and would probably scare the paper boy to death if these two were to meet. Risa smiled politely and walked into the living room.

“Hello Maimi-chan. I'm assuming you're hear to give me good news.” Risa replied, in a serious tone.

Maimi scratched the top of her messy head and grinned, a smile that would creepy anyone, but Risa held an emotionless face. It was as if her very sweet and gentle character disappeared the second she entered this home. Maimi let out a freakish giggle and nodded vigorously.

“Of course, If it is what Niigaki-san wishes, Maimi will retrieve it!” Maimi confirmed.

“Thank you. Where is it?” Risa seriously questioned.

Maimi wore an even bigger grin and lifted her arm to point. “It wasn't easy, but Maimi managed to get it into the basement. Don't worry Niigaki-san, no one saw.”

Risa held on a small smile of her own. “Did you get my tools?”

“Yes, all new.” Maimi quickly answered, feeling lively with excitement. “Does this mean that Maimi can...”

Risa look back to her friend and nodded. “Yes, you may, but do not get into trouble or get too close Maimi. Now isn't the time for any foolish measures.” 

Maimi let out a high-pitched giggle and grinned. Excitingly, she hopped over to the living room, but stopped before entering to turn back to her leader. She held a more serious expression, a completely change from her previous emotion, but Risa was used to her mood swings.

“Niigaki-san, did you find out what you needed to about Kusumi-san?” Maimi questioned.

“No, not yet, but I think I'll get there soon.” Risa promised, settling down Maimi's curiosity.

The taller woman began to talk again, filling the living room with loud louder, allowing Risa to attend to her completed command. Swiftly, the skilled doctor walked into the kitchen and to a door stationed in the hall and opened it. She was greeted with darkness, but traveled further down the steps to flick on a switch, shinning the room with light. Silently, the light brown-haired woman walked steady down the steps and  reached the bottom with a smug smirk in place.

“I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.” Risa calmly spoke.

The smile on the twenty-year old's face grew to a much more darker and cruel expression. She didn't waste anytime walking to the center of the basement to release some of her most darkest desires. 


Koharu made a quick retreat out of the gun shop door and was more than happy to leave this time. She had felt uncomfortable. The cause wasn't because of the deadly tools around her. That was never a problem. Guns, swords, and daggers had become a daily tool in her life as long as she can remember.

It was Eri that made the stop odd. While helping the young teenager select weapons, the older girl kept asking questions towards Koharu and the kind she often avoided herself. What seemed to bother the black haired young woman the most was the question Eri asked about Koharu's parents. A question she wasn't sure how to answer and wondered that her very self.

In fact, Koharu can't remember a single memory about her parents or the life she had with any family member for that matter. Although the bloodthirsty killer was certain she had parents since how else would she be born? Biology was not her strong point, but she knew the two components needed to create a child that, however, just wasn't enough. There was a point to try and ponder on such a topic when Koharu, a long ago, spent hours and days, trying to recall a single memory on these two important figures.

Every time Koharu did search for an answer it was always the same, a dead end. Nothing came to her thoughts no matter how hard she tried. And so, Koharu stopped searching. She left the hole empty and learned to live with it. Koharu would just have to be satisfied with waking up one night in the sewers left for dead and on her own alone.

When these old feelings came to her again today from her quick shopping visit, she wanted more than anything to punch Eri in the face just to shut her up. And that was putting it lightly.  Questions in general was something Koharu did not need and nor did they matter. This was her life and that's how it's going to stay.

Koharu stopped in front of the gun shop, noticing the store across from her yet again. It was not her original intention to visit a flower shop. Just looking at such a place disgusted Koharu. She just didn't get the appeal to flowers, or the idea of having a bunch of them in a house to care after. The colors was not interesting to see and the smell the plants give off was not going to change her mind either.

The more she looked it though, the more her thoughts began to change. She wasn't quite sure why it seemed important to enter this store. Perhaps a gut feeling?

All she knew is that what she felt just looking at this place had suddenly attracted her. The tall teenager knew nothing about flowers, but that's what florist are for. Letting out a sigh, Koharu crossed the street to enter unfamiliar ground.

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #42 on: January 19, 2011, 11:15:21 AM »
Well, scary Gaki is definatly a bit freaky, not so much as Maimi, she's just properly messed up in this fic!  :panic:

So Koha is actually going to get some flowers, I wonder why she want's to get some, can it really be a gut feeling?....

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #43 on: January 20, 2011, 12:29:12 AM »
Evil Risa.



Evil Risa?



Evil Risa!? :dizzy: :OMG:


Evil Risa :twisted: :yep: :hehehe:

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #44 on: January 20, 2011, 05:08:49 AM »
Yay, you're working on this fic again!! ^_^

And... Koha is getting some flowers!!  :w00t:  Give them to your bunny, Koha-chan!!  :w00t:

Offline badsaints

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2011, 07:20:03 AM »
Scary Risa :shocked I've been wanting to read Risa as a psychotic character.

Either Risa is a special secret agent employed to get rid of Koharu (but unknown to anybody else) or Risa is also from the dark side bent on revenge or simply wanting to get rid of a rival.

Offline gracula

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #46 on: January 20, 2011, 08:59:12 PM »
okay, so halfway through reading this, I had to go Google Images recent photos of Koharu just so my mental image of her is not as that 14 year old i recall best.

Good thing, because the next chapter was the sex scene. *takes deep breath* okay, you may proceed.

btw, psychotic Risa is  :thumbup

I wonder who the florist is?

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #47 on: January 20, 2011, 11:19:59 PM »
I hope to have another chapter out soon, but it might take a while. I'm sorry that this chapter is too short and boring, but I hope to make the next one longer and more interesting. So, before I forgot, I'll just post this drawing I made for FP.

It isn't that great, but I've improved on proportions so I'm glad. Thats Koha in case no one can see it! XD Bloody...Koha...yeah...

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2011, 11:23:01 PM »
Okay, so I needed to google images Koha as her 14-year old self again just to flush bloody Koha out of my head. It's the dead look in her eyes, not so much the blood i find disturbing.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2011, 11:25:11 PM »
XDDD  :lol:

Well, the fic itself is a bit disturbing I think. Which is why people barely read or find it difficult to comment. I did warn people about the fic in the first chapter!!

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/19)
« Reply #50 on: January 31, 2011, 11:33:04 PM »
CHAPTER 10: A Small Intermission

For the first time when Koharu reached her house she felt nervous, or...she at least thought this queasy feeling in the middle of her stomach was nervousness. If her guess was correct, Koharu also hated this feeling. She had the strangest urge to vomit and she was sure her legs were starting to shake.

What made this emotion even worse was that Koharu was feeling such a thing before entering her home. A place she was sure was supposed to do the exact opposite and make her feel more relaxed. It made the experience of this new emotion all the more worse for the younger girl.

Staring at her house from a safe distance, Koharu knew she can just as easily leave. She could always return back tomorrow morning, but then that would make the bouquet of flowers in her arms worthless. She had to come home.

The consequences would be greater if she didn't come now because she knew Sayumi was waiting for an explanation. That and the smell these flowers gave off started to irritate Koharu. She needed to go inside and dump these flowers out of her hand as soon as possible.

Feeling courage return back into her, Koharu walked to the front door for her home and used her key to unlock the doorway. The walk toward the kitchen was silent and Koharu wasn't sure if that was a good thing, or something she should be concerned about. Sayumi had always been in the living room or kitchen when she waited for Koharu to come back.

Unless Koharu had came home late then Sayumi would be in their bedroom sleeping. This time, Sayumi wasn't anywhere in sight. Slowly walking deeper into the house, Koharu carefully looked around herself as she wondered deeper inside. About to enter the hallway that led to their bedroom, Koharu heard a door open and for a split second light shined into the hallway then disappeared.

The tall teenager stopped walking and waited for the person to step out of their hiding place. She was only slightly relieved when she saw that it was Sayumi who had took a short bathroom break. Koharu sighed, giving herself away and got Sayumi's attention. Koharu watched as Sayumi's face seemed empty as she walked toward her.

The killer held up her bouquet of flowers, ready to present them to her girlfriend as a silent apology. Instead, Koharu received a strong slap to the face that made her whole left cheek burn in pain. When Koharu looked back to her angered girlfriend she realized that she had started to cry.

“Where were you?!” Sayumi shouted. “When I woke up y-you were gone! You didn't answer my calls or leave a note. You just vanished like you didn't want anything to do with me!”

For a moment Koharu remained silent, picking at her brain to find an answer, or better yet, an excuse to her icy behavior. She didn't try to search for a good enough answer because she felt sorry to see Sayumi in tears, but figured it was best to try and show some type of care towards her girlfriend because Sayumi needed it.

Koharu would find it much better to just ignore these emotions because tears and sadness were emotions Koharu felt nothing for the most. She often had a hard time distinguishing between sadness and fear. What fascinated the dark haired teenager more was that she was not able to mimic these two emotions the most.

She could not even feel them. Koharu was only familiar with hatred and impulses. It was difficult for her right now to grab Sayumi by the neck and suffocate her to death the second Koharu was slapped. Her body was brewing with rage and it was new to fight that emotion back for once.

Although Koharu's beastly instincts most kick in, the logical part in Koharu's brain was trying to understand why Sayumi was in such a devastated state. Yes, Koharu had left this morning after her and Sayumi had sex, but the young teenager didn't see the harm in leaving. She had things to do. Some things were just more important than Sayumi sometimes.

“Sayumi...” Koharu started, trying to hide her anger. “I had to do a few errands.”

“How can you be so emotionless?!” Sayumi shouted. “You don't feel even a little guilty for doing something like that? You think it's normal to just have sex with someone just for pleasure and then leave in the morning?”

Koharu looked at Sayumi, still trying to understand why ever word spoken didn't seem to bother her. She found the various expressions and tone of voice Sayumi managed to make in just a single sentence a lot more interesting. Sayumi's round and pale face was lively with various expression Koharu could not identify. It reminded the killer a lot like blinking Christmas lights.

“Couples don't do that Koharu!” Sayumi scolded.

The fascination didn't last long because the longer Sayumi spoke the more annoying Koharu found her. The crazy murder started to get irritated. Various visions flashed in Koharu's mind. They amused Koharu, being that many of them consist of her finding endless ways to shut Sayumi up for good.

They were a lot more entertaining than the lecture she was receiving. Koharu felt a hand on her arm and without thinking she grabbed Sayumi by the neck and slammed her into a wall. The rage disappeared when she heard her girlfriend give out a cry of fear to the sudden attack. Koharu looked at Sayumi, realizing she was choking the older girl.

For once, Sayumi made an expression Koharu knew and the emotion was pain. Koharu released her hand from Sayumi's neck and rushed down the hall. She threw the pile of flowers to the floor and raced to the door.

“Koharu!” Sayumi shouted.

That didn't stop the psychopath from running. She easily made it out the door and to her car. Koharu wasn't leaving because she felt guilty from what she did. It was somewhat relaxing to inflect some type of unsettling emotion into Sayumi. Koharu left because she knew if she stayed any longer her impulse to snap Sayumi's neck would become too strong for her control.

So Koharu left. If she needed to let off some steam she already had the perfect person selected for that purpose. All she had to do was capture this person and bring her to the place Koharu chose as a good enough location where she wouldn't be disturbed. While keeping her eyes on the road, Koharu's hand fumbled with opening the dashboard compartment to see if she's brought the weapon she's chosen.

She stopped the car at the red light and took it as the right time to look at the opened compartment. She grabbed the syringe that nestled inside and took out a small bottle. Skillfully, Koharu placed the needle into the jar and carefully extracted the clear liquid inside the hallow syringe. About half way, Koharu pulled the needle out of the bottle then put everything back inside the glove compartment. Now all she needed was to find her victim and the plan would be complete.


“Stupid Goto-san!” Reina complained. “Just because I'm out here doesn't mean she can send me around the city running errands. I hate food shopping!”

Reina let out a few streams of curses to try and calm herself. She was supposed to be here to calm down and get some fresh air, but instead she's sent to do work. Clutching her bags tigther in her hands, Reina walked faster to head back to base. It was getting late so Maki had ordered Reina to return back.

“Why can't Aika stop eating all the food!? She's way to fat to be eating this much junk food anyway.” Reina grumbled.

She started to laugh, imagining Aika reaction to Reina calling her fat. She knew that Aika would become flustered to such an outburst. Starting to smile, Reina felt a little better about having to come back to the hidden lab once again. Her pride quickly disappeared when she heard a loud scream emit from the alley way she was passing.

Reina's combat training kicked in the second she heard the distress yell and silently dropped her bags. She knew it was dangerous to wonder into an alley way alone, but if she didn't try to help the person being attacked might die. It was a risk Reina would take.

Like a cat hunting it's prey, Reina silently walked into the alley way. Her sense of hearing strained to pick up the lightest sound as her eyes scanned around her for any danger. The walk was silent and nothing else was heard after the scream, which made Reina begin to wonder if there was anyone in here anyway in need of dire assistance. Her doubts were quashed when she heard grunting and shuffling ahead.

The sound of crying was easily heard and Reina quickened her pace. When she reached the noise she froze, surprised from what she saw under the pale light hung underneath a door way. A woman was scattered on the ground, desperately trying to fight her attacker back. She was crying and begging for this person to stop, but they seemed to have no mercy.

The victim was slapped across the face then yelled when she was violently stabbed in the arm. These objects appeared a lot like needles to Reina. The items were yanked out of the woman's arm then put back the attacker's pocket. The dark figure stood above the woman, watching her reaction as her health began to deteriorate and her struggling became less.

“Hey!!” Reina shouted, getting the attacker's attention.

This heartless person turned around, but Reina was unable to get a look at their face. Reina was surprised when she saw that this person didn't run away, but instead stare at Reina, warning her back away. However, the warning didn't last long because the person than charged at Reina, leaving her no choice, but to defend herself. When the attacker was close enough, Reina threw a fist, but was surprised at how easily this person dodged her.

Reina was punched in the gut then grabbed by the arms to be slammed into a brick wall. Reina began to feel lightheaded, but she knew if she didn't fight back she would die too. Desperately, Reina used her arms to push the person back and was able to dodge an on coming fist to her head. The contact of the person's fist smacking the wall didn't seem to effect Reina's attack at all. Reina slipped from the person's grasp and pulled out a baton from her pocket.

She flicked her wrist and the metal rod began to unfold, revealing a six inch baton, ready for use. This also didn't scare the assailant. Instead, a knife of their own was pulled out of the hoodie and was swung. Reina used her baton to deflected the blade and kicked the person in the stomach, stunning them.

Reina knew better than to continue this fight, so seeing her chance she fled. This person was much stronger than her and a lot more skilled than her. The attacker however, didn't want to let Reina go and ran after her, tackling Reina to the ground. She squirmed around trying to make it more difficult to hit her while trying to escape.

A hit still landed to her jaw, almost knocking her unconscious, but the pain of the punch was nothing compared to the sickening sound of her leg snapping. Reina let out a loud scream as the pain ripped through her, paralyzing her. Still holding her baton, Reina gave out one last attempt to fight back and shocked the person with the baton.

A loud grunt was heard as the attacker stumbled back, holding their arm. This person looked at Reina then ran after the lifeless body that laid on the floor. Reina watched this person pick up the body and run away just as Reina passed out.

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/31)
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2011, 04:53:09 AM »
So Reina meets Koharu. I guess she's lucky she lived. And Koharu finally attacks Sayu, but, Le gasp! She feels guilty for it!

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Re: Forgotten Past (UPDATE 1/31)
« Reply #52 on: February 07, 2011, 09:35:58 AM »
Reina needs to carry a telescoping baton that unfolds to longer than 6 inches. No wonder Koharu wasn't scared.  :lol:

Koha/Sayu- interesting counterpoint between sane and insane reactions in a relationship. I think Sayu's wiring is pretty messed up too for her to keep staying. I'd like to see Michishige snap, one of these days.

 :cry: Who's going to find poor Reina now?

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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