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Author Topic: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3  (Read 7408 times)

Offline Shipyon

  • Nya~ Nya~
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[Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« on: December 20, 2009, 12:25:41 AM »
Extreme love Chapter 1

One day. My name is ichiro Takahashi. i just broke up with my girlfriend. Then I curious about going to in to a hostress club. I go in and I find out, I totally underage. I sit down. I hope no one catch me.

I see a girl come in. She give me her card. Her name is Sayaka Ichisawa.

I say" Hi! I love your name"

Sayaka say" Thanks you, Why are you here, i know you are underage and i will let you go tonight"

I say" well, I broke up wiht my girlfriend"

Then she give me a drink. Then she say "What do you think you do wrong."

I say "I bored her? I don't know"

She start to laugh. She give me a kiss on the lip. I say"What that for"

Sayaka say" you look cute"

Why don't you come to my place, then I go to her house. i see she just have a tv set and cough .
Chapter 2

I am in sayaka's house. i think her house is simple, I like it. She ask me "Is it okay? you be my boyfriend? because i am a gangster!!!"

I shocked at first. But I still like her

I say" I will be a gangster too and i will do anything for protect you."

Her tear start dropping.

I say" Don't cry"

She hug me. i kissed her in her lip.

I say" Where i can join the gang? being me to your boss tomorrow."

Sayaka say" Are you sure?" I nobbed

Tomorrow. I see the boss.

Chapter 3

I see the boss. Her boss like a strong men, wear black suit and a glasses

The boss say" You can join us and I give you first mission."

The boss say" okay!!! I want you to spy on our rival club. The leader name is Ai Asami. Get her trust you and tell everything you know!!!"

I ask" Will Sayaka come help me?"

The boss say" She will do something important. It is to ship weapon to China, Shanghai for me."

I say ok. Rge boss show me the apartmeny there have two guy. One named Umi and one named Hiroto.

Umi and Hiroto say" we are your informer and project you from getting shot and caught."

Then, One guy come in. He name is Reita

Reita say" you can tell everything you know to me."

Then, I walk into the club. I ask to see the leader.

She ask me" What being you here."

I say" I want to join."

She say "Welcome to the club, Cute boy." She kissed me on the face

She say" you will follow me directly."

I say" Yes Ma'am." I still thinking of Sayaka

After that. She being me in to a room in the club. She give me some beer. She suddenly give me a kiss on the lip. I am surprise.

She say" You look like this is your first time."

I say" Yes it is."

She say" Don't be shy." She rub on my chest.

After that. I go back to my apartment. Umi and Hitoro ask me how is it.

I say" She liked me."

They say" You are amazing, work hard."

Then, I go in to my bed. Thinking of Sayaka. After 15 minute, I fall to sleep

Chapter 4

Next day, I go in to the bar again. When I first go in. i get call by the leader. I go in and she give me some gun and being me to a gun training center. She say" I will training you as my helper." I think should I accept it.

She say" I know what you are thinking. You scare you will get shot. I will cover you. If it is really happen. I will die for you. It because I love you." i didn't say anything. Just thinking of Sayaka.

Then. I start shotting. i miss alot. She show me how good she is. I see her all hit almsot around the middle.

I say" thanks you for showing me."

Ai say" you are welcome, this is just the first time you will get better."

Ai say" want to come to my home." I have no choice only say yes.

She being me to her home. i see her home is big. there have alot of body guard. She get into the bed home with me. I see her have alot of gun and skeleton stuff. I feel dark her room.

Suddenly, She give a smoke tell me to try it. I say I don't wanna try it.

She say" you such a little baby. How cute." Then, She start to smoke into my face. I cough...

I say" Please don't do that is making me sick." She laugh.

Then, She give me a kiss on the lip. Then, I give her a deep kiss. It because my mission is get her to trush me. This keep like 6 minute. Her lip is so soft.

She say" you are good." My face turn all red...

Then, One of the body guard, yelled at us saying the dinner si ready. Then we go to the dinner table. There have a big candle and she tell everyone to back off. We start to eat. She start to ask me question.

She say" How old are you? I am 18."

I say" I am 16, why are you so young I through you like 20."

She say" I join the club when I am 15. what your hobbie?."

I say" Ummm... I like Music, drawing and computer."

She say" you are cute. I only like you and killing people."

She say" you are the cutest. I am so in love with you. But If you betray you. I will make you scream to dead."

I start to feel scare. Then I say" I will never betray you."

She say" good boy."

After that. I say good bye to her. Then, I go to see Reita.

Chapter 5

I go see Reita. I ask he how is Sayaka.

I ask "How is her doing?"

He say" Sayaka is doing fine. She pretty good doing that. How is your mission?"

I say" She is really trushed me and she say like me, see tell me lot of her stuff. I don't really spy more and betray her."

He say" you liker her? What about Sayaka."

I say" I mean as a friend. She really poor."

He say" you are too weak. I have to tell you that if you finish the mission. The boss say let you quit the club. It because Sayaka ask to quit the club before she go."

I say" Is this true." He nobbed

I say" Ok, I will keep working on it and finish as fast as possible."

He say" Becareful don't over do it, you might get yourself kill." I nobbed.

Then, I go home and thinking how fast I can finish the mission as fast as possible. But I scare of Ai will find out and kill me. But I think I can't die yet. Then I go to sleep.

Chapter 6

Next day, I go to the gun center and start training. After the training. Hina being me to a spa. I go in to the spa first. Later Hina come in with a nake body and Hina put my hand on her boobs. My face is turn really red.

I say" Stop it please."

Hina say" Don't be afraid, come on baby, don't be shy on me."

Hina body is warm. I feel really hot and thinking of Sayaka. I tell her that I am going to change. She laugh at me.

Hina say" You need to work on this." My face turn red again. After this. Hina annouce everyone that I move to her house. I start to think this is not good. What should I do to run away and who going to save me. She suddenly kiss me.

I say" What that for."

Hina say" What are you thinking. I was trying to talk to you."

I say" I just feel tired."

Hina say" Ok... I am going to give me some bodyguard to protect you."

I start to think did she find out I am a spy. Hina say why do you look so worry. I say is nothing to worry about. later, She being me to a place. The place is like a warehouse. Then a guy being a bag. i see her poke inside the bag. The bag spill something like white powder.

I ask" What is that."

Hina say" It is drug. Want to try some." I am shocked.I say" it's okay, i don't want it."

Then, she being me to a club. She start to drink the beer. While she eat the whole bag of white powder. She tell me to drink it. I say No. Then, She start to go hyper. She sit on my lap give me a big kiss. We kissed a long time. After that my face is all red.

She fall at sleep. Then, I being to her home. After I get a call from Reita. I go alone. At first. The bodyguard say they go with me. I command them to stay here to look after Hina.

When I see Reita.

Chapter 7

I see Reita...

I say" I have some bad news."

Reita say "What is the bad news."

I say " She make me move to her house and she send me some bodyguard. I just lucky to come out to see you."

Reita say "This is bad. Becareful she might already find out."

Suddenly I see sayaka come. I am susprised.

I ask "Why is sayaka is here."

Sayaka say " I finish my job and is just waiting for you to finish." We hugged.

I say " I will be finish the job fast."

Sayaka saay "take it slowly. I know you are in trouble. Be careful."

Reita say "Before you go. When you get time, you call me and i will come here to meet you."

I say "Hiya, I love you Sayaka." I kissed her on the lip.

Then, I go back to Hina house. When I go back to house. Hina is already wake up and she ask me where I go.
Chapter 8

When I go back. I see her wake up and she ask me, where did I go.

I say "I jsut go take a walk."

Hina say "Okay... But don't walk out of my sight again."

I say "Hiya."

Later, i go to sleep.

Next day. I go to training again. Hina come in and see how is my shooting skill.

Hina say "you are ready."

I say "Ready for what."

Hina say " We are going to have awar with the rival club." i am shocked

I say "Can I not go."

Hina say "you have to go. I will protect you." I nobbed

In the night. We go in to a back street. I see the other club. Both side start shooting at each other. I see people get shot. I try to find a place to hide. Hina follow me.

Hina say "I am sorry to being you here. I know you are scare." She kissed my forehead.

I say "It's okay."

We go back to the house. I see lot of the bodyguard is injury. I really scare of blood.

Hina say "Cover your eyes and i will walk into the beg."

Then. Hina walk with me to the beg and gone to sleep.

Chapter 9

Next day, I wake up. I eat breakfast with Hina. We have a egg and a toaster for breakfast. It is really tasty.

Hina say "How is the breakfast."

I say "The breakfast is tasty."

Then, Hina being me to the warehouse again. The time I see lot of gun. After she check all the gun. She being me to the Airport.

Hina say "This is my father."

I say "Hi, Uncle."

Hina's father say "Who is that?"

Hina say "Hiro, My new boyfriend."

Hina's father say "He look cute. He fit you."

I see him wear blacksuit, glasses and he is the boss of this club. After we go back to the house. Then, I heard Hina and her father conversation.

Hina's father say " He fit you. But he look like he hiding something."

Hina say "I do know he hiding something. But I know that I am opening his heart."

Hina's father say "Well, ok. He look like child to me. This is cute. Nice choose. But be careful he might be a spy." I start to feel worry.

Hina say "No way. he will be a spy."

They walk out. I walk away. I walk to the TV room. Pretend I am watching TV. Hina walk up to me. She give me a kiss. Hina's father say we're going out for dinner. We go to a Itaily restaurant. It is pretty yummy.

I say "It is really yummy."

Hina say "It is true. It yummy. I heard that you don't smoke, drink, eat drug and you don't shoot. you are weak." I was sweating...

Hina say "I don't care. I love him."

After the dinner. We go home. We go to sleep. After they all sleep. I go to the washroom and phone Reita.

I say "We are meeting up."

I sneak out. I meet Reita and Sayaka, I hugged and kissed Sayaka.

I say " I only get few house and I have to go back."

Reita say "Ok!!!."

I say "Today, They get some gun and Hina's father is back. He testing me."

Reita and Sayaka say" This is bad. We have to pull you out."

I say "It is okay."

Reita say "No, we are pulling you out in next gang war. You are in danger.

Reita say "We will attack their warehouse and I know they will have a big gun shipped to them next Monday. They will come and have a war there and we will pull you out from there." I nobbed

Then, I kissed Sayaka on the lip. After that I go back. Go to sleep with Hina. I think how lucky I nevre get find out and I almost can quit and live peace with Hina

Chapter 10

After a week, Today is the day that I finally can have some peace. I see her packing lot of money to get ready for the trade. I pretend I don't know.

I ask "Where we going and what the money are for."

Hina say "We are going to for a trade for gun."

After a hour. We go to the warehouse. I am really nervous. It is time. I see Hina give the money to the dealer and he give Hina the weapon. I heard gun shot sound and I see them shooting at us. I see Reita and Sayaka. We start to find a way to run.

Then, Hina see me run with them. She being 20 man and chasing after us. Reita and Sayak starting shooting.

Hina say "you are really a spy traitor. Don't run."

I say "I am sorry."

She aim the gun at Sayaka. She shoot the ballet at Sayaka. I pull her over. Missed. Reita shot at her. But one of her bodyguard take over. Hina shooted at Reita's head. He die right away. We run and run.

After 10 miunte. We get surround.

I say "Jump down to the wather. This is the only way."

We jumed down to the water. We swim down 3 feet. Then, they start shooting down to the water. After 2 miunte. They think we are dead. We swim to the hide out to see the Boss.

Boss say "You guy can go. Here is the ticket to portland."

We get to the airport run to the loading area. The plane take off. We are so happy. We decide to live in a place call Seaside. A city that is in the coastline and a really beautiful beach that, It is a peace place to live. We live happily forever.

The end

Author: Mitsu
Made up story
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 06:13:36 PM by Shipyon »

Offline Shipyon

  • Nya~ Nya~
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Re: Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 12:42:32 AM »
Extreme love 2 chapter 1

One year later. we living peacefully in seaside, oregan. We opened a cafe. Sayaka is the boss. I am the cooker. We live happily. But we find out Hina been after us for a while. I heard my friends say there been after us for a year now and I heard Hina's gang expand their company to this side. The purpose is after us. I discuss this with Sayaka

I Say: What should we do. She is here

Sayaka say: Who is here?

I say: Hina.

Sayaka say: This is bad. She might come after you.

Suddenly. There have some people come in. I go check it out. It is Hina

Hina Shout: I know you two is inside there somwhere.

Hina commend her gang member to search for us inside. We trying to hide from them. But at last they find us and we start to run. They chase after us.

Hina say: You are lucky to run away 1 year ago and now you will not run away.

They keep chasing and shot at us and I get hit on the right leg. But we still running after 10 minute. i can;t run anymore. I can't run anymore and we get caught.

Hina say: Can't run anymore?

Then there the police come and Hina drag me away and I see Sayaka successfully run away. We seprate one more time. She drag me in to the car.

Hina say: I won't kill you!!! I will make you mine. you are too cute.

She put a collar on my neck and the collar it can electricshock people. So I can't run away. I wonder where Sayaka go. Trying to get me back?

I ask: Why do you come after us and How long you know I am in here?

Hina say: i know this seem 1 year ago. I ahve spy on other clan.

I ask: Are you angry at me?

Hina say: I really angry at you. But if you are good. I will treat you good.

I start to sweat.

Hina ask: you look really scare of me?

I didn't answer her. She laugh at me and say I am useless. But she say I have a cute and childish face. I go back to her house and she make me sleep with her. I know that if I don't be good. i will dead. so i have to try to make her happy...

Chapter 2

Next day, I wake up early. Hina being me to the air port. I wonder where are we going. So I ask her.

I ask: Where are we going?

Hina say: We are going back to Tokyo

I say: Why are we going back to tokyo

Hina say: Tokyo is where we come from.

Then, we go in the plane. The plane take off. We in the plane for around 13 hour. I didn't do anything just sleeping.

After 13 hours. we arrive to Tokyo arrice to Hina house. I see her mom and father.

Hina's father say: Why are you still love him

Hina say: It because he cute

Hina's mother say: Well. I think i will let you

Hina's father say: Okay. your mother let you. I let you

Hina look really happy because i can stay. But I think this is bad because I want to be with Sayaka.

Nightime, we eat dinner together and I heard Sayaka go back to the old gang try to save me. Hina look pretty angry...

Hina shout: How dare her.

I say: Just let me go

*Hina punched me in the face*

Hina say: No!!! You are mine

Then. we keep eating our dinner, Watch tv, bath together and go to sleep.

Chapter 3

Next day. Hina being me a place like Par and she go to a meeting room and tell me to wait outside. I start to wonder what they talking about. 1 hour later. She come out and I ask her what they discuss.

I ask: What are you guys talking about

Hina say: You don't need to know

I say: Please tell me!!! Don't tell me you are going after Sayaka...

*Hina point a gun to me on my head* and she say: You don't need to know.

I go slient. then, She being me to a resturant. we ordered some food. we share the food. I eat really less. She ask me why I need so less.

Hina ask: You not hungry?

I say: Ya. I gues I not hungry.

Hina say: your face don't look so good. scare that I kill Sayaka?

I din't not answer her. She laugh at me and ask Why I like her so much. I don't answer again and she being to a shopping mall. on the way to the mall. i just feel so pissed off.

We shopping for 3 hour. She buy a lot of stuff. Then she beinbg me to a place like a back street and I see two guys and a girl. The girl's body is like get beat up or something like that. I look again. it is Sayaka. I scream and cried.

I shout at Hina: Why you doing this

Hina say: I want to tell you that. if you don't obey me!!! I will kill her.

*I raise my fist and my fist go toward hina*

Suddenly. One of her man point a gun on her head. Hina just have a evil smile on her face. I put my fist down and I jsut tell her I oby her.

Hina say: Good boy. Both of you put her in a safe place and give her food

She being me back to the house and I go to sleep right away.

Chapter 4

Next day, I am feel so sad. I can't go anywhere. i just want to go to see Sayaka. I ask Hina to let me see Sayaka.

I ask: Can i go see Sayaka?

Hina say: No! not now. We are going to eat

I say: I don't want to car.

Hina say: You have to eat and you have to listen to me! you know what happen if you don't listen.

*Hina drag me in to the car*

After 15 minute. Hina being me to a Italian restaurant. She order a "Salad" and a "chicken soup".She tell me to. But I didn't eat. I not really feel hugry. She eat all the food. I never talk to her in the whole time.

I ask: Can I go see Sayaka now?

Hina say: No!!! Stop asking

*thinking about Morning Musume- Shounenganai Yume oibito*

After that she being me to a karoke place and she start singing "Guardian 4- party time"

Pa Pa Pia
Pa Pa Pia
pa Pa Pia

You make me a sweet girl

Pa Pa pia
Pa Pa Pia
Pa Pa Pia

yume mitai

After few hour. She stop singing and just start drinking and I ask her is it time to go to see Sayaka.

I ask: Can I go see Sayaka now?

Hina say: Ok!!! It is time

*On the way, i am thinking of the song Morning Musume- Naichou Kamo*

She hide Sayaka in a house that look really old. I run inside and people say she not eating. I grab the food and I start feed her and I cry while she is eating. She put her hand on my face and tell me to stop crying and she white off my tear on my face. After 15 minute. She finish her dinner and Hina tell me to go. I hugged her.

On the way to Hina's house I see Hina's face look really angry. I just thinking of when Sayaka eating that look. I can't hold my tear. I cried out. But when I think of Sayaka tell me stop crying. i stop crying and white off the tear off my face. After 20 minute. I back to Hina's house. I take a shower, Brush my teeth and go to sleep.

Chapter 5

Next day. I wake up. I find out Hina take off all my shirt and pant and do something with my body. I run off the bed. I really angry at her. I call her wake up and ask what she do to me.

I ask: What you do to me

hina say: you are too cute

*Hina is touching my private part*

*I push her hand away*

*Hina hugged me*

Hina say: Don't be shy

I say: I don't like it! Please don't do that again

Hina say: Fine! I will killl her

I say: No please. I will listen to you

Hina say: Good boy

After that. I go take a shower. i eat breakfast with her. The breakfast is some rice and a soup. After we finish the breakfast. She being me to a shopping mall. But this time she shop stuff for me. She buy a hair bang for my head and she make me wear it right away. She make my hair like Antic cafe- Bou. The hair band have two long ear like rabbit. Then, she buy a shirt and I wear it too.

After that. she being me to go to see Sayaka. I see her is starting to look really skinny. I start to feed her. She say I look cute today. My tear start dropping again. Sayaka tell stop crying like a baby.

I say: You have to eat. I don't want to see you getting skinny

Sayaka say: okay.

*I hugged Sayaka*

Hina whisper to me say: The other gang have some spy in Hina's house and they will help you get out of there

*She give me the information*

After that. We go back to Hina's house and start think of a plan to get out of here with the spy and save Sayaka. Hina say she will be cooking today. She walk to the kitchen and she start cooking and I go over to the spy.

I say: I know you three is the spy. Can you help me.

Spys say: Yes! We are. I am Saugri. She is Mai and Suguri.

I say: Can two of you ask to go to Sayaka's hide out to protect her.

Suguri say: Ok. we will try.

Then, they go over to Hina and ask to go to take care Sayaka

Suguri say: Can we and Mariko go to the hostage's house.

Hina say: you come ask the the right time. Those two over there say Sayaka is hard to take care. You two girl can go over there. you two go switch with the people over there.

Mariko say: Yes.

I feel really happy. Just thinking of one step closer to get out of here. Hina say the dinner is ready. I run over and start eating the food. The food is some beef, fish and noodle. The soup is miso soup. The food is tasty because I am really happy today. After the dinner. i go take a bath and go sleep with Hina

Chapter 6

Next day. I wake up. She did the same thing to me. I really pissed off. But i didn't shout at her. I jsut go take a shower. Suddenly. Hina hugged me from the back. Hina help put the soap and help me washed off. After 30 minute. Shw help me dress up. This tiume I dress up at viviD ko-ki. She say I look cute.

After that. We eat our breakfast. The breakfast is some taco and a milk. After breakfast. She go clean the dishes. I go over to Mai.

I say: We should think of a plan soon

Mai say: I am working on it.

I say: Okay!!! I guess I work on it too.

5 minute later. Hina come out and she being me to a gun training center and wait for her. She start shooting the target. I see her every shot is almost in the center. I think this is hard to escape because her shooting skill is good. After 1 hour. She being me to the beach. i just sit there and watch the sky.

Hina ask: Why don't you play with me?

I say: I want to watch the blue sky. It is pretty.

*She sit back and watch the sky with me*

We watch the sky for few minute later. We not be carefully fell at sleep. 2 hour later. we wake up. After that. She being me to see Sayaka. Mariko and Suguri say that she being eating. i really glad and I feed the dinner to her and start feeding her.

I whisper: We are thinking of a plan now

Sayaka say: Okay!!! You look so cute.

* I start crying again*

*Sayaka white off my tear*

Sayaka say: Please don't cry. You such a cry baby. that why I love you.

I say: i will try not to cry

After that. i back to Hina's house and she start cooking. After 30 minute. The dinner is ready. The dinner is some vegetable and a bowl of rice. After the dinner. We eat some fruit and we take a shower. Go to sleep with Hina.

Story by: Mitsu
Made up story

Chapter 7

Next day. My shoulder still hurt. I go down and start eating breakfast. After the breakfast. Hina give me some pain killer to eat. That make my shoulder don't feel any pain. She ask me how I think about stay with Hina. I walk away. She punch me on my shoulder. It is really hurt.

Hina say: Don't walk away

*My tear start dropping*

*Hina laugh at me so hard*

*I walk to the room*

Hina ask: Why are you running from me?

*I didn't answer her*

*I walk away and go to the TV room*

Hina follow me into the room and she drag me to the car. She being me to a book store. She buy a few book that cost her 25000 yen. I buy a book that cost me 1000 yen. After that. we go on the car.

*In the car, I jsut thinking how I run away from home and then into something like this*

After 15 minute. She being me to a spainish resturant. She order something and want to share with me. But I didn't anything because my shoulder is really painful. She ask why I don't eat.

Hina ask: Why don't you eat?

*I never answer back*

*Hina pay the bill*

After the dinner. She being me to see Sayaka. I go in and I get the dinner start to feed Sayaka. She ask me what happen to my shoulder. I tell her is nothing. But Hina tell her everything.

*Sayaka's tear start dropping*

*I hug her and start crying with her*

After 30 minute. We stop crying and we white off each other face. I say I will be ok. She nobbed. I whisper to her I will try again. She say: No. I say this time will be success and i give her a kiss. After that I go back to Hina house and eat a pain killer and go to sleep

Chapter 8

Next day. i wake up. My shoulder feel so pain. I go eat a pain killer. But I after that. i run to the washroom and start throwing up and Mai come in and ask what happen. I say I just feel pain and feel sick. Hina come in and put my hand on my head. I go have a fever and I go to see doctor.

The doctor say: you have a really fever and did you eat?

I say: I haven't eat a lot recently.

The doctor say: i will give you some pill and eat more.

Then. I go to get the pill and I go back to the house with Hina. I eat a little bit and I eat the pill and I go to sleep.

After 2 hour. I wake up. Hina make me eat something. I eat a bread. After that. I watch tv a little bit.

Hina say: Are you okay?

I say: Is nothing.

Hina say: that a lie. you scare pain

*I didn't answer it*

I just eat the pain killer and pill and go to sleep. After 1 hour. I wake up. My fever's temperature is still really high is like 105. It is getting worst. I start to feel Dizzy. I eat the dinner. But I don't feel really hungry. But I try to eat all of it. At last. I eat a big half and I eat the pill and go to sleep

Chapter 9

Next day. I wake up. I still have a little fever is like 98. I eat some breakfast and have the pain killer and Pill. I go to sleep. After 3 hour. i wake up. I don't have fever anymore. But my shoulder is still in a pain.

Hina say: Let go out

*Hina drag me to the car*

After 40 minute. she being to a warehouse again and this time. they are buying Drug.... Hina tell me to learn how to check the drug. I see her how she say thing and how she buy the drug. After that. Hina ask me did I learn anything. I didn't answer her.

After that. She being me to see Sayaka.

Sayaka Say: I heard you sick

I say: I am ok now.

*I feed her the dinner*

I whisper: I get a plan. I will sneak out of the house and tell Mariko and Suguri meet me at the beach ok?

Hina whisper back: Ok!!!

After 15 minute. She finish the lunch. I hugged her and go back to Hina's house. Hina go cook again.

*Hina go to the kitchen*

*I go over to Mai*

I say: We will trying to sneak out of the house tonight and meet them in the beach

Mai say: Ok!!!

After 30 minute. The dinner is ready. I go eat. After that I take a shower. After shower. I go sleep with Hina. 2 hour later. Hina sleep so deep. I go to the hallway see Mai. When we are in the entrance. Hina gang already there. Mai get her gun out already start shooting. But we almost out of the entrance. But i get caught. Mai run away.

I Say: Run to the meeting place. I will be fine

Hina say: try to run away.

I say: Why don't you kill me

Hina say: No! I won't

*I just feel so disappointed*

My thinking: I should use my fighting skill to get out of here. But I should Hide it for now. If i need to use it. I use it.

Here is a little past about Ichigo. Ichigo start learning Judo seem 5 year old and he can use he Judo style beat as least 40 guy. But Ichigo one time get betray by her ex-girlfriend and Ichigo fight with the guy that cheat on his ex-girlfriend and Ichigo lost the fight and he say He never use he Judo style again. So he just be a weak guy. But he say that if he need to use it. He use it.

After that. Hina get a phone call and they report to her that Sayaka and the girl that take care of her is the spy and they run away. Hina say you know it from the beginning and you plan out this, I am so angry. She so angry and start kicking me. I didn't fight back just let her kick me. After 2 minute.Hina drag him back to the sleeping room and Continue to sleep. I just can't sleep. But after 3 hour later. I go to sleep

Chapter 10

Next day. I wake up. I find out that. She us a rope tie my hand and my leg. I really susprise. I shout and call Hina in and I ask her why she do something like this to me.

I ask: Why are you do something like this to me?

Hina say: I don't want you to run away

*She licked my face*

*I never answer back*

*She un-tie the rope*

Hina say: i will un-tie the rope. Next time I will do that to you

*I didn't answer back*

I go to eat breakfast first. The breakfast is some soup and sushi. After the breakfast. She being me to a kung fu club

Hina say: you want a try?

I say: No thanks.

*Hina start to attack me*

*I try to dodge it*

*She punched on my face*

*I fall down and I start nosebleed*

Hina say: I am sorry.

She introduce the teacher to me. She tell me to start train. I say No to her because this is a Judo club. But I have no chose and start to pretend I don't know. After a while. The teacher pull her out and I secretly follow her. They start talking

The master say: He seem to know Judo. But I think it might be not true... It might be fake or he just hiding it.

Hina say: What!? No way!!! he such a scary cat and cry baby

The master say: It might be it. he get potential.

Hina say: That might be it.

*They walk out*

*I run back and start pretending again*

After 3 hour. I go back to Hina's house and She cook the food. After 30 minute. The dinner is ready. We go to eat. The dinner is yummy. After the dinner. I take a shower and go to sleep

Chapter 11

Next day. I wake up. I find out that. She us a rope tie my hand and my leg. I really susprise. I shout and call Hina in and I ask her why she do something like this to me.

I ask: Why are you do something like this to me?

Hina say: I don't want you to run away

*She licked my face*

*I never answer back*

*She un-tie the rope*

Hina say: i will un-tie the rope. Next time I will do that to you

*I didn't answer back*

I go to eat breakfast first. The breakfast is some soup and sushi. After the breakfast. She being me to a kung fu club

Hina say: you want a try?

I say: No thanks.

*Hina start to attack me*

*I try to dodge it*

*She punched on my face*

*I fall down and I start nosebleed*

Hina say: I am sorry.

She introduce the teacher to me. She tell me to start train. I say No to her because this is a Judo club. But I have no chose and start to pretend I don't know. After a while. The teacher pull her out and I secretly follow her. They start talking

The master say: He seem to know Judo. But I think it might be not true... It might be fake or he just hiding it.

Hina say: What!? No way!!! he such a scary cat and cry baby

The master say: It might be it. he get potential.

Hina say: That might be it.

*They walk out*

*I run back and start pretending again*

After 3 hour. I go back to Hina's house and She cook the food. After 30 minute. The dinner is ready. We go to eat. The dinner is yummy. After the dinner. I take a shower and go to sleep

Chapter 12

Next day. I wake up. My hand still really hurt. I go down the stair and try to use my left hand to eat. But still too hard. I drop the dish. I start feel really pissed off. Then, Hina come down and she start feed me.

Hina say: It your hand still hurt?

*I didn't answer*

Hina say: Don't be like that.

After that. She being me to the car. we get on the car and she order the driver to drive us to Kyoto. I wonder why we have to go to Kyoto.

I ask: why we go to kyoto?

Hina say: I just want spent time with you

*I didn't answer*

After 2 hour and a half. we are in Kyoto. we go in to a Hotel and we rent a room. we put the thing inside. After that. She being me to see the famous "Kyoto castle". I see it. It look really cool

Hina ask: How is it?

*I didn't answer*

Hina ask: What if I own this place?

*I didn't answer again*

Hina say: You are not answering again. Oh well. I am going to own this castle. It cost me 100,005,0 yen. But is worth it.

*I didn't answer

After that. She being me to a restaurant. we order some food. We share it. I eat a little. After that I go back to the hotel. Take a shower and go to sleep

Chapter 13

Next day, I wake up. I go eat breakfast with Hina. I try to eat with my left hand again/ This tiem. i can use it. But I need to eat slowly. I think I can use my left to do anything.

After that. She being me to a shopping mall. She start to shop. She buy 4 head band. 2 for me and 2 for herself. She buy a big teddy bear to give me at a present. She buy some book for me. After that. we go to watch movie. We watch 3 movie. The movie is bad. I don't like it

Hina say: you don't like horror movie?

*I didin't answer*

*Hina laugh at me*

After that. She being me to a ice-cream shop. I order a strawberry ice-cream and she order a blueberry Ice-cream. We start eating it. I think the ice-cream is not that yummy because Sayaka is not beside me.

Hina ask: What are you thinking?

I say: Nothing

Hina say: Miss Sayaka?

*I didn't answer*

After that. She being me to a small park. We start to walk the path. in the park. there have a lot of Sakura. Last time. i see Sakura. I was with Sayaka.After that. We go to eat. in the car.

*I start to think of Morning Musume- Aruituru*

Hina say: Why don't you take to me?

*I didn't answer*

Hina say: Fine.

After that. She being me to a resturant. It is a sushi resturant. We order something. we start eat it. I ear really less. After that. We pay the bill and go back to hotel. After I go back. I take a shower and go to sleep

Chapter 14

Next day. I go down eat breakfast. I eat my breakfast. After breakfast. I walk back to the room. There have a strange girl and try to talk to me. I ask her is she trying to talk to me.

I ask: Are you trying to talk to me?

The girl say: My name is Maki. I am from the other gang.

I say: What are you doing here?

Maki say: I am come here to help you. They are waiting for you at the kyoto castle.

After that.we try to sneak out. In outside. Hina find out. We are trying to run

Hina ask: Where are you two going?

Maki say: Crap, they find out.

The guard surround us. I go up to the guard and start fight and Maki help me. I take down around 20 people. We find a way out. We start to run the castle. they chase after us.

Hina say: How do you know Judo?

I turn back and say: I seal my style been 4 year. I use it because I want to be with Sayaka and I am not that useless as you think.

Hina say: you bustard. you are not running away.

We run, run and run. we run to a dead end. I start to fight the guard. Maki help me. I take down around 30 guard and suddenly Hina come up to me and use a fist to hit me. I dodge and hit her back. she dogde too and we start fighting. we fight at least 10 minute.

Maki say: i can't handle it anymore. It is time to finish it.

I use a secret move the master teach me and Hina is down. She fainted. The guard move up and take care of her. After this. we run to the castle. I see Sayaka

I say: Sayaka! I am here.

Sayaka say: I miss you so much

Maki ask: Why did you tell us. you know Judo?

I say: let get out of here. i will explain later.

We go to the airport. we buy the ticket of London, England. The plane take off. we are so happy. After 2 month we buy the house and we own a restaurant. Sayaka is the boss. Suguri and Mai is the chef. Mariko and Maki is the waiter and they support me to go to school.

In the other side. Hina is so angry.

Hina say: I won't lose to Ichigo next time.

*She command the guard to find Ichigo*

Hina say: i won't let you run next time.

The end

Story by: Mitsu
Made up story

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Re: Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2009, 12:45:36 AM »
wow a lot on the update eh? you should introduce yourself mang
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 12:49:05 AM »
Extreme love 3 Chapter 1

3 year later. We are in London living peaceful. One day, I go to school at usual. I am in class. Suddenly. The door opened. I see the principal and he look so scared. I see his head have a gun and there have a girl come out. It was Hina. Suddenly. there have a man point a gun at my head.

The man say: please come with me.

The teacher ask: What happen?

Hina say: He is a Traitor. I am here to being him back. That all. If you not come. we will them all

*I walked out of my seat*

I follow Hina to the car. In the car. she put a gun in my head.

She whisper to me: I want to shot you in the head now. But I won't do that. If you want a fight. Let do it. But you will lose.

She being me to a house and She put me in a room and she lock the door. In the room. There have a lot of nasty stuff. they start to climb into my body. I am really scared and I scream and tell them to open it. But Hina say if you obey me. I say to her i will obey her.

*She open the door*

She ask: How is it?

I say: bad.

*She laughed*

In Sayaka side. After they heard the news. they start to find the information about where Ichigo is. They find the place and they call Hina out.

*Hina come out*

Sayaka: Give Ichgio back.

Hina say: No! I am not. He say he will obey me

Sayaka: You bustard. You make him.

Then. they start to fight. After 10 minute. they fight so fiercel. But there still too many of them. They get hurt and they start to run. They throw a smoke bomb and get away. After that. I feel so sad and I go take a shower and go to sleep.

Chapter 2

Next day. I wake up. I find out no one is in the house. I try to sneak out of the house. But when I get outside. They suddenly come out. There a man behide my back have a gun point in my head.

Hina say: Still thinking to sneaking out.

*I grab the guy in the hand and I flipped him*

I start to run and I fight off everyone. But there too many of them. Suddenly. Hina come up to me and she use her fist try to hit on my head. I dodged. After 40 minute. Hina flipped me and I fainted.

Hina say: I tell you. I will win

*She command her troops being me back to the room*

I get back to the room. I see her face so mad. she start to hit me. I didn't fight back. she hit me a few time and she stopped.

Hina say: I give you a warning. If you try to run away again. I will kill you.

*I didn't answer back*

*I white off my blood*

I walk away and I go to watch tv. But suddenly Hina drag me to the car. we go to the shopping mall. She buy me some shirt, Some pant and some head bang. After that. She drag me to to a resturant. We order some food. After 15 minute. The food come. We starting to eat it. After 25 minute. We finish eating it. We pay the bill. The bill cost $50. After the bill she drag me back to the car. We back to the house. I take a shower and go to sleep.

Here is some past of Ichigo. Actually Ichigo is come from a rich family. Ichigo is come from a rich family. His mom is a top singer and his father is a famous Go player in Japan. He have 9 Dan. They have a lot of money. Ichigo already join a visual kei band and have a 9 dan player level. But one time Ichigo liked a punk girl and Ichigo's parent know about it and him don't want him to date that girl. But he really like the girl and run away until now.

Chapter 3

Next day. I wake up. Hina is cooked some breakfast for me and she tell me to brush my teeth. After I brush my teeth. I eat the breakfast. After that. She being to a par. In the par. She being me to a room. She order her bodyguard to being some beer and She start drinking it. Suddenly. She jump on me.

Hina ask: Remember the first time we meet?

*I didn't answer*

She grabbed on my neck and say: Come on baby! Don't be like that!

She start do nasty thing on me. I try to push her away. She just getting nasty. Suddenly. I not be carefully pushed her down. I help her get back up. She get so angry and she start to hit me. After a few minute. She drag me back to the car. But when they go outside at the par. Sayaka being her old gang to rescue me and start to fire at each other. She drag me to the car and her bodyguard protect her to the car. She get on the car and the car open. Then, we get away. In the car...

Hina say: Haha, Sayaka try to rescue you! No way! I won't let her! you just too cute.

*I didn't answer her*

After that. she being me back to the house and we go back inside. Suddenly, She push me to the sofa and tell the guard to watch over me. She go to cook. After 45 minute. She finish cooking. we start to eat. I eat really less. She tell me to eat more. But I can't eat it and I go to watch tv. Then, She walk over to me.

Hina ask: Still angry?

I say: Not really.

After a hour. I finish watching tv and go take a shower. Then, we go to sleep.

Chapter 4

Next day, I wake up. I eat my breakfast, After the breakfast. She being me to the Airport. I see her buy the ticket to Tokyo again and she tell me that we are going back to Japan. We go on the plane and the plane take off. On the plane. Hina try to talk to me. I didn't answer her. I just sleeping. After 10 hour. we get off the plane. The car take us to Hina's house. We go inside to the house. I see Hina's father.

*Hina's father point a gun in my head*

Hina say: Dad, what are you doing.

Hina's father say: Going to kill him!

Hina say: No! Please

Hina's dad say: But he run away 2 time.

Hina say: Please.

Hina's mom say: This is between him and Hina. we should be in with this

Hina say: Yeah!

Hina's dad say: Okay.

*They walk away*

I see Hina really mad at me. I walk away. Suddenly, Hina point a gun at me. She really mad and she say don't make them disappoint. I say ok! She raise her fist almost hit on me. She calm herself down and she drag me to the home and tell me to sleep. After 3 hour. I wake up.

Hina say: wake up. get ready to eat

*I go to the dinner room*

I see the food, we start to eat. After we finish the dinner. Hina's mom call me

I say: Yes?

Hina's mom say: Can you make her happy? She never find a boy like you

I say: Well. No because I have my love already.

Hina's mom say: I know she is pushing you. but, she really like you. Please you are the only one can make her happy.

I say: I know she a rich people. All rich people are like that.I know how it feel. I am rich before.

Hina's mom say: You were?

I say: Yeah! I come from a rich family. My mom is a famous singer and my dad is professional Go player

Hina's mom say: Why you run away?

I say: It because I liked a punk girl and they don't like it. I run away

Hina's mom say: Okay! But I don't want she run away please. she my only daughter.

I say: Well... I will take the request

Hina's mom say: Thanks you

After that. I take a shower and go to sleep

Chapter 5

Next day. Hina call me to wake up. She say she cook some breakfast. I go eat the breakfast. After the breakfast. I see Hina talk in the phone. She tell me to wait. After a while. She come out.

Hina say: i know your background now! You are rich before because you run away from home.

I Say: How do you know that?

Hina say: It because I call people to find your background

I say: you bastard.

Hina say: HAHA, Look like we are the same kind. Why don't you like me

*I didn't answer*

Hina say: I know your father is a professional Go palyer and mother is a famous singer and you are a soloist and professional Go player. Then, You quit the job. If you are good I will get your professional Go player and soloist back.

I say: No thanks

*Hina grab my neck so hard*

Hina say: You have to obey me

I say: No!

*Hina grab me more hard on the neck*

*Hina's mom see this and come*

Hina's mom say: Please stop! You will kill him

*SHe stopped grab my neck*

Hina's mom say: Remember what you promise me

I say: Fine

*Hina's mom walk away*

I say: I am sorry I will help you

Hina say: good boy! you and me can make a strongest gang in the world.

After that. Hina cook thje dinner. After a hour. She finish cooking. It is a really yummy dinner. We start to eat it. Suddenly. Hina's father say I have start to know how to be the boss of the gang and he say I can be the next boss after he die. I say Yessir. After the dinner. I take a shower and go to sleep.

Chapter 6

Next day. I wake up. I go to eat breakfast. After the breakfast. Hina's father call me into his room. He just left me some book. He tell me to read it. After that. I start to read it. After a while. I understand how it the gang work. Suddenly, There have a girl come in.

The girl say: My name is Takahashi Aika. Sayaka sent me here.

I say: Really?!

Aika say: Come with me. They are waiting in Airport.

We sneak out. But when we walk up to outside. Hina and her man surround us. Suddenly, Aika point a gun at my head. After that, She being me to her father. In the way. i really scared. In the room. Hina's father punch me on the face. i fall in the ground. He put a in knife in front of me. That really scare me. Then, he step on my head.

Hina's father say: Me and my daughter is around the same level as your father and you. I play your father before. He pretty god. beat me a lot. i won't let you beat my daughter and me. You know I just test you. You make me so disappoint. I trust you and you still trying to escape. I give you a warning. if you trying to do that again. I will chop off your hand and both leg.

I say: Yessir

*I walk out*

*Hina come to me*

*SHe slap on my face so hard*

Hina say: You make me so disappoint me. I will not give you anything to eat.

I sadly walk back to my room and go to sleep

Chapter 7

Next day. I wake up. Hina is beside me. I get up. I see Hina look really sad. I pat on her head, I out up a cute face and ask her why she so sad

I ask: why are you so sad?

Hina say: I just feel sorry for I slap you yesterday.

I say: I am sorry too.

*I hugged him*

We go to eat breakfast. I see Hina's father.

I say: I am sorry.

Hina's father pat my head and say: It's okay. just don't disappoint us again.

After that. The real spy run back to the other gang. She report in.

Sayaka: How is him?

The spy say: He turned to that side

Sayaka say: What?!

Ino say: You trust the wrong person. even I like him

Sayaka say: Sister. no way she will do that

The spy say: I haven't finish yet. Hina's mother have talked with Ichigo

*The spy say the whole thing and say about the escape thing.

Sayaka and Ino say: That bustard.

Ino say: I really want to share ichigo with me. But he like to be with you more

Sayaka say: Well. you know.

Here is some past. Ino is the boss of the gang and Sayaka is Ino's little sister. they run the gang together and both two of them really like Ichigo.

In other side. I am eating dinner with Hina. They talk a lot and laugh a lot. after dinner. We take shower and go to sleep.

CHapter 8

Next day. I wake up early and I go to the tv room watch tv. After half hour. Hina wake up too. Hina's mother cook the some breakfast for me. After breakfast. Hina say she want to watch some movie. We go to the mall. we go watched 1 movie. It really good.

I say: I really like teh movie

Hina say: Yeah! It is really good because I am with you

*I give her a soft smile*

I ask: you want to go to eat?

Hina say: Sure!!!

We go into a sushi resturant. We look at the menu first. After 5 minute. we start to order. We order some sushi. We waited about 15 minute. The food come and we start eat it. After 30 minute. We finish the food. In the way. I see there have a show going on. I see my mom is the host of the show. That make me think back before the time I run away.

Hina ask: What is it?

*I point my figure at the woman*

Hina say: oh!!! you miss your mom. I will go home with you.

I say: I am fine. I don't want to go home.

Hina say: Ok!!!

After that. we go home. I am so tired. I take a hot shower and go to sleep. I have a good dream. I dream about I go home with Sayaka, my mom happy about it, marry her and have a family. Make me have a good sleep.

Chapter 9

It is a new day. I get up around 12:00 pm. Hina wake up eariler than me. She tell me to eat breakfast. I eat the breakfast. It is pretty good. After breakfast. I go to the book room and start reading some of their collection. Suddenly. Hina's father come in.

Hina's father say: Love my collection?

I say: I really like it. There have all kind of book.

Hina's father say: That good. If you be a good boy. you can read all my book.

I say: Yessir!

Hina's father say: I want a game of Go with you.

*Hina father get the Go board out*

We start to play. We think a lot. But I find out that Hina's father is almost the same level as my father. it is really hard. After 3 hour. I resign becase he too strong. Total 269 move.

Hina's father say: You are pretty strong. Your move really like your father. Your father teach you well.

I say: Thanks you

Hina's father say: I have a feeling you can surpass me and your father. I have high hope on you. You going to be this clan next boss

I say: I not interested to become the boss. I just want a simple and plain life.

Hina's father say: Oh well. I can't force you. Please think about it.

*Hina come in*

Hina ask: What are you two doing?

I say: We just playing a game of Go

Hina say: That good

Hina's father pat on my shoulder and say: I have high hopes on you.

*Hina father walk out*

Hina's mother say: Dinner is ready.

We go to the dinner room and start eating the dinner. After a hour. we finish eating and start to take. We talk a lot of thing. I know more about Hina family and her. But I didn't tak anything about me. After that. I go take a really warm bath and go to get a good night sleep. I get a really good sleep.

Chapter 10

Next day. I wake up. I see Hina is sleep really deep and I see that look and I kinda liked her somehow. I call her to wake up. She wake up. She give me a nice smile. We go to eat breakfast. The breakfast is some fish, rice and soup. I start eating it. It really tasty. After breakfast. Hina's father call Hina to have a talk alone. I wait outside. Suddenly. I see a girl try to talk to me.

I ask: What do you want?

The spy say: I am from other gang. My name is Misaki,

I ask: Should I trust you?

Misaki say: You can trust me. see

I say: Ok! I will trust you this time

Misaki say: We'll find a chance to get out of here.

I say: I have a plan to get out of here without a fight.

Misaki say: That good.

I say: I know Hina really like me. I kind a like her too. I think Sayaka will understand and will accept it. Let those two share me. The plan is make Hina shout with her father and make Hina want to run away with us.

Misaki say: That a pretty good plan.

Suddenly. Hina come out and I see her not happy. I ask what happen. She say she have a shout with him about not involve of the gang war anymore and she say she want to run away from here. Then, We try to sneak out of the us. no one caught us. After a while. They find out. Hina's mom understand it. Hina's father just being so angry. In other side. We run to the ohter gang and we say what happen and they understand it.

Sayaka say: You are a lucky man. Ino, Hina and me will share you.

I say: Eh!? Why ino?

Ino say: I like you seem first time I saw you.

*They hugged me*

After that. Hina's father being his gang to the bar and they shout at each other a little bit and they start to shoot at each other. After a hour. They stopped shooting at each other and go back to the bar. After a while. They cook some food. I start to eat it. After 40 minute. We finish eating.

Hina say: My fatehr won't understand.

Ino say: I think he will understand soon

After that. We go to take a hot bath and go to sleep.

Here is some other fact about ichigo. Ichigo is a half Japanese and half Garmeny. Ichigo live in Berlin until 13. Ichigo is really good at English, japanese and German. Ichigo's father is all Japanese and Ichigo's mom is Half Japanese and Half Garmeny. So I am 1/4 Germany
Chapter 11 (End)

Next day. i wake up. They call me into the meeting room. I go in to the room. Hina tell me that she get a plan and finish her's father gang one for all. They tell me after that they will live at noraml people.

I ask: What the plan.

Hina say: I have to tie up you three for fake to able to get close to my father.

I say: Ok

Hina say: This time the whole gang will be fake surrender. The sign is when i shot at my father head and you guy start moving. But i think they will surrender so quickily.

I say: Ok

Hina say: After that. My mom will take care of the two gang.

After that. We tied ourself lossly. After 3 hour. We go into the house. Hina's father really happy about it.

Hina's father say: Well. Well. What we have here.

*Suddenly. Hina being a gun out and shot at her father head*

*The bullet go into his head and he fall down*

*We get up and they all surrender so quickly*

After a few day. We settle Hina's gang and Hina and Ino gang handed to Hina's mother hand. From now on this two gang are together. After the work. We live normally. We buy a house. After a year. I marry to them. After that. we open a book store and I finishing my school. We live happily for ever

The end

Story: Mitsu
Made up story

« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 03:56:41 AM by Shipyon »

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Re: Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2009, 01:58:39 AM »

interesting mang
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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2009, 06:14:54 PM »
Excuse me. Actually this story the whole thing is create by me. It is not my AKB fan fic. actually is jsut fiction. i create the character and storyline

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2009, 06:40:52 PM »
^ I know, its just interesting when the story comes together
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2009, 08:22:46 AM »
^ :). Extreme love 3 will have a really interesting end and it will be my best fiction that write. This story is my all time favorite of my writing  :heart:

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2009, 09:05:30 AM »
thumbs up!  :otomerika:

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2009, 10:21:18 AM »
^Thanks you  :love:

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2009, 05:43:19 PM »
Extreme love 3 chapter 6 updated

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2009, 04:04:58 AM »
New chapter updated

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2009, 01:55:54 AM »
CHapter 8 updated

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2009, 03:08:19 AM »
I like the descriptive areas in your stories now keep it up
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2009, 07:10:31 AM »
Thx you  :heart:

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2009, 05:56:08 PM »
New chapter updated

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2009, 06:52:17 PM »
you receive but no giving  XD
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2009, 07:28:32 PM »
^I don't understand  :nervous

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2009, 07:40:27 PM »
you know about her but they don't know about you
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: [Shipyon's own fiction]Extreme love 1,2,3
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2009, 08:56:10 PM »
LOL :shakeit:

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