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Author Topic: Embers from the Campfire [My One and Only (SayaIshi Graduation Special)]  (Read 25162 times)

Offline Tundra Wind

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Yakimochi Pt. 2 - 12/6]
« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2010, 05:21:12 AM »
*prances in* Procrastination~~ Well, might as well comment as I reread the two-shot.

Am I allowed to make the comment longer than the fic? XD I'll just resist the urge to do that.

“I read your blog yesterday…” Saki replied, trying to suppress the pricking thorn of the girl’s attitude.

“Yeah?” she replied in the same manner. “Don’t you always?”
  :mon spit: ...I have the urge to glare at my computer screen now but I'll resist the urge since it's Miya that said it.

Silence followed a moment after that while Saki tried to deal with the combination of her words and tone. Eventually she replied chidingly, and only a bit spastically, “What? Do you think I spend all my time just reading your blog?”

“Yes,” she replied shortly, and Saki wondered if there was a bit of amusement in her voice now too.
  :on lol: Can't help but laugh when they take shots at each other. I still have a slight urge to glare but it's dying down.

“Yes you are,” Miya said, grinning now. “You so are. You forget I know you too well.”

“Maybe you think you do,” Saki shot back. “You don’t know everything about me, after all…” She hoped the lie sounded somewhat convincing; it was something she just wasn’t very good at.
:mon evillaff: Jealousy is wonderful for the fangirl within me.  :mon inluv: So if Miya knows everything about Saki, does Saki know everything about Miya? I guess not if she's this suspicious of Miya with Chisa.

“We went to a park… went shopping… ate yakiniku.”
“Yakiniku?” Saki asked innocently.

“Yeah, it was quite a date,” Miya continued, nodding seriously. “The dessert was to die for…”
Miya is just too good at teasing people. Imagining Captain's face asking that makes me go :mon lovelaff:

“I bet that made your hands cold, ne?” she replied cutely, glancing up to Saki’s eyes again as her fingers softly yet firmly stroked along her still-moist skin. “I’m trying to help warm them up.” Eventually she stopped her caresses, but kept her hands lightly atop Saki’s. “Do you want another drink?”
  :shy2: :shy1: :luvluv2: :mon angel: <--- So this is what happens when my fangirl is completely released and I can't find the proper monkey to express just how much my brain is going "Kyaa~~!"  I just love little cute moments.

Before she could get to them though, Miya whisked them away for the trash. “’Always clean up after yourself’, right?” she quoted, then smiled. “Sometimes, you’re just Captain, you know.”
I'll restrain myself from repeating all the smileys from above and just put  :wub:. Saki's position as Captain can be so useful for fluff.

Surprisingly this time, Miya’s smirk widened. “Yeah,” she replied bemusedly. “I can’t wait to watch yours.”
  :mon evillaff: :mon fu: :mon thumb: It reminds me of ChrNo's comics.

“You’re late,” Saki said from within the muffler wrapped just below her nose. Her glasses and stocking hat with puffy purple ball on top completed the winter look.
She just sounds like a cute little ball of fluff now.   :heart: I miss the Serend mini-blogs and it's mass of pictures of MiyaSaki and of Captain with glasses.

“Overnight. We’ll also take the nomihoudai option.”
  :mon spit:

The girl glanced up at them skeptically, but a manager strode up and whispered quick instructions into her ear. Her eyes widened slightly, but she nodded with a quick “Hai.” As the manager stood straight again and bowed to them, Miyabi gave him a familiar smile.
Oh? A familiar smile?  :mon dance:

“By how you were looking at the manager,” Saki replied calmly, “I thought I should order something manly.” As she raised the glass to her lips, their eyes connected and both girls fell into giggling.
  :mon lmao: I just found this really funny for some reason. It reminds me though that I can never settle on who would be the "man" in this pairing.

“What kind of dessert did you, um, actually have with Chissa?” When Miyabi became silent and stopped stroking her hair, she adjusted to look querulously up at her, moving back as she did so to sit up against her leg, or basically in her lap.
  :mon cute: <- I can totally imagine Captain's face like this. Btw, :mon inluv: for Saki sitting in Miya's lap.

Saki smiled faintly, but seeming content after her fill of beer. “No,” she replied plainly. “Not when one of them is her. And when the other is you.” She reached up to play with Miyabi’s collar, watching her fingers lazily. “Besides, I know you too well. You wouldn’t tell me anything at first, and although it seemed you were just teasing later, I had a feeling you weren’t. At least completely.”
So they both do know each other too well. I'll translate that as "their love is mutual" because I want it to be. :mon determined:

“Actually…” she said in a half-whisper. Miyabi thought she felt the girl’s heartbeat accelerate through their close contact. “I’m probably just a bit naughty…” she breathed, “But the thought of it gets me... excited.”
  :mon ehh:  :mon wind: You made Miya openly admit to Saki that she's a bit naughty.  :mon mischief:

She paused for a moment, and Miyabi could feel the measured breaths against her neck. “So she was close to you now… like this?”

“Mmm…” Miyabi confirmed, in what came out almost as a moan. Now suddenly a bit more interested in continuing the story, she managed her full voice again. “She started moving gently against me, as if she could sense my tension and was trying to soothe me, her hand on my shoulder and her leg over my own, and the next thing I knew I felt her lips press against my throat.”
  :mon evillaff: So dangerous... Captain is even more skilled than Miya. It makes me almost feel like rereading Suki Yo, Captain.

“You’ll always be my Nattchan…


Looking back into that angelic face in front of her, Miyabi couldn’t help but curl her lips into a small smile. “Of course…” she responded tenderly. Again, at the moment, was there anything she could refuse this girl?
  :mon lovelaff: No... :mon inluv:... must resist urge to spam smileys....  :mon angel: Oh and I fixed the sentence for you. XD

“Yeah,” Saki replied, but when the other girl made to sit up Saki pulled her back down and held her close, pressing her head up into her chest again.
The girl smiled sleepily. “I hope you feel a little better now.” Saki giggled in response, and just nodded.
  :mon inluv: :mon innocent: I demand more MiyaSaki from you!!!  :mon cute:

Miya shook her head. “I have a later one, remember? Chii and I are hanging out today, so I’m just gonna head home before meeting up with her. Hey, you have some rice cakes still, don’t you?” she asked, and reached her hand into Saki’s bag. “Yakimochi wo kudasai ♪” she requested, smiling, and after pulling a wrapped cake out waved and turned toward her station. “Mata ne~”
  :mon cry: Miya and other girls. At least Captain seems to hold a special place in her heart.

Hey, this post actually ended up shorter than I thought it would. I guess that means I restrained myself quite a bit. :mon sweat:

Now it's time to go read and comment on the Sword update ~~  :mon rush:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Over the Rainbow - 1/2]
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2011, 10:38:53 PM »
Awww Windy, thanks for the wonderfully fangirlish comment! :lol: Figured comments were done on that fic...

Anyway, here's something else. :lol: This is actually a bit of a sequel to "Buono! Forever", as you'll probably figure out while reading it. There's actually another, extended version of this that isn't, shall we say, "appropriate" to post here, but if anyone requests me through a comment or PM, I may PM it to you. ^^;

The initial inspiration for this was a picture posted in Airi's thread, but even if you figure out which one, don't ask me how this came from it. :lol: Anyway enough talk. Onward~

Over the Rainbow

Airi ran through the halls of the studio, grinning widely at any confused staff member she came across, searching for a target she knew was hidden somewhere within these walls. She finally reached a room where within a few girls spun and jumped in dance rehearsal.

Bursting through the door, her eyes locked on the girl she’d been seeking. “Miya!!” she cried as the girls stopped their dancing and looked over at her in surprise.

“Airi,” the girl replied, and Airi’s grin only widened as her eyes sparkled. It seemed like she hadn’t seen the girl in forever… or at least until the last Buono! tour had ended in August. That day had been incredible in so many ways… but since then she almost wondered whether she had just imagined it all. She was prone to doing that kind of thing at times. “What’s up? Are you all right?”

“Oh I’m better than all right!” Airi beamed, and marched up to take Miyabi’s wrist in her hands, bowing quick smiling apologies to Shimizu-san and Sudou-san for stealing their fellow member before dragging the older girl out the door.

“Airi, what is it!?” Miyabi said, now a bit exasperatedly as Airi let her lean back against the wall just outside the room.

For her part, Airi just beamed up into the other’s face. “I just heard from Momo,” she said finally. “A new Buono! single has been arranged! It’s going to continue!!”

“Oh yeah,” Miyabi said neutrally. “I heard that from Momo this morning.” Then she reached up and rapped her knuckles lightly on Airi’s head. “You do remember Momo and I are in the same group and see each other often, right?”

“B-but…” Airi replied, her grin fading, “Isn’t it so exciting!? We get to work together again!!”

“Yeah,” Miyabi said, looking around, though no one seemed to be in the hall with them. Then finally she donned a light smile. “For sure, it is. Why did you come pull me out of the middle of dance rehearsal to tell me about it though? I think we’ve got vocal practice for the new single later in the week, if I remember the schedule right…”

“Well…” Airi said, now feeling a bit of her balloon bursting. “I just wanted to share the news with you as soon as I could. I mean,” she continued hurriedly as she became more anxious, “I thought you’d be happier that we’d, you know, be spending more time together again…”

She became less sure by the second as her thoughts developed more and more. She’d been so excited by the news, she hadn’t thought… After all, that was an amazing evening at the concert, but she’d hardly even talked to the girl since. Who knows, she might have even forgotten what happened!!

“Airi…” Miyabi said, now sounding a bit uncomfortable herself. “Is this about what happened after that last concert?”

She did remember!

“…No,” was what she responded though, looking down.

“I was trying to comfort you, reassure you that things weren’t going to be bad – and you see they aren’t now, right? Then we got caught up in the moment…”

“Mmm…” Airi replied glumly.

“Did you think it was more than that?”

Airi clenched her teeth. She’d tried not to listen to the stories from the other Berryz, as she’d only seem warmth and friendliness from the girl herself – even besides that day – but she now realized how Miyabi could really be quite cruel.

“Of course not,” she managed in a small voice. “Like you said, you were just comforting me. I guess I should thank you for that – you were right, of course.”

The girl was silent for a moment, and Airi was beginning to wish she’d just go back in to her rehearsal. Then she found a hand on her hip.

When she looked back up into the girl’s face, she found dark eyes gazing earnestly back at her. “…Did you want it to be more than that?” she asked. Airi just stared.

“I guess?” she replied. “I mean, I don’t know. You kissed me, and you seemed to like kissing me with as many times as you did it, and Momo said she’d take care of us, and we were late to our meeting, and…” She trailed off. One of these days she really had to stop rambling so much.

When she looked back into the girl’s face, she found Miyabi smiling back at her. “Well we knew then that we wouldn’t be around each other as much after the tour was done. In the weeks after I never heard from you, so I figured you… I mean, you’re Airi. You’re the most talented, cutest girl in Hello! Pro. I thought maybe kissing you had been a mistake.”

Now it was her turn to look down with a light blush, but Airi felt her smile return as she gazed into the gently sweat-beaded face, some of her light brownish locks stuck lightly to her forehead, the rest of her hair tied back tidily into a ponytail out the back. Raising a long-fingered hand she brushed some of it out of Miyabi’s face, causing the girl to look back up at her.

“You think that much of me?” she asked. She left it at that though; Airi was generally one to have only a tiny bit of humility. “I don’t know what to do when it comes to dating or anything. After it happened I didn’t know what to say in a mail or call. I kept wanting to, but I never got one from you, and I guess… well… I just never did.”

“Dating?” Miyabi asked bemusedly, and Airi glanced back up to her and blushed.

“Well, you know…” Airi said nervously. “Girls, or boys… or whatever. I mean, no one had ever kissed me like that before…”

Suddenly the door opened, and Airi felt the hand fall quickly away from her waist. She quickly backed up a step herself in reflex.

“Miya?” Shimizu-san asked, peeking her head out. “Are you coming back to rehearsal? We only have about fifteen more minutes before…”

“Yeah,” the girl in front of Airi responded. “I’ll head back in a minute, okay?”

“Okay,” Shimizu-san said, and with a curious glance at Airi, vanished back into the room, the door swinging shut behind her.

“Do you like me?” Miyabi asked suddenly, and Airi flushed again. The girl was definitely blunt about these things!

“Like you?” Airi asked, as if the words were odd to her. “Um…” Miyabi was staring intently into her face.

“I’ve known you for a long time,” Miyabi explained. “We were really just kids in Aa! after all.”

Airi smiled in reminiscence. “Mhm.”

“Still,” Miyabi continued, “Even at that time I really idolized you. Of course it was completely innocent back then. I mean, I was like ten at the time.”

Airi felt herself blushing again. She never knew the girl felt that way about her. They’d been working together for so long she’d come to think of her like just another classmate – at about the same point in their training, and having a lot of the same experiences. Miyabi was also almost two years older. In fact, shouldn’t it then be the other way around!? Airi had always respected the other’s apparent maturity.

“I guess it never really faded, even when we got placed into different groups,” the girl said again, bringing Airi out of her thoughts. “Although now…” She bit her lip as she gazed rather appraisingly into Airi’s face. “I think I just now really realized it, but I don’t think it’s all that innocent anymore…”

Airi blushed, looking down to try and hide her face. “Wh-” she began unsteadily. “What do you mean?”

Suddenly the girl seemed to get distracted, and glanced anxiously toward the closed door beside them. She reached up to grip Airi by the shoulders though, leaning toward her insistently. “Please, be honest,” she said earnestly, Airi blinking up at her. “I want to know. Do you like me?”

Glancing back into Miyabi’s face, that face which she knew from long ago could be so intense, so… striking, and the girl who’d always been so kind to her, respecting her, caring for her like a little sister… the girl who said she had idolized her… Glancing into her face, she felt herself taken by the girl just as she had been back in that dressing room.

“Yes…” she replied softly, then spoke a bit more confidently, if still with quite a blush at the words which came out, “Yes Miya, I like you. I like you a lot…”

Relief seemed to wash across the girl’s face, and Miyabi smiled before leaning forward to whisper into her ear, “Would you like to celebrate the new Buono! single with me?” Airi tried to breathe slowly, hearing the girl’s words yet being distracted by their sudden proximity.

She nodded.

“Come by my house after dinner tonight,” Miyabi continued in her whisper. “Bring fresh clothes. We’ll have a sleepover, ne?”

Before Airi could process the girl’s words, she pulled back. “Well I’ll see you later, okay?” she said cheerfully. “I gotta get back to rehearsal or Captain’s gonna be on my ass… Take care!” And with a wink, she disappeared back into the room as well.

Airi just stood for a few minutes in that spot, staring dumbly at the wall. What… exactly had she just agreed to? She didn’t know, but when she realized she’d be spending time with Miyabi again, she grinned and started skipping down the hall.

Staring at the numbers on the door, Airi took a deep breath before knocking and trying to suppress any outward showing of her nervousness. It was only a moment before the door swung open and Miyabi stood smiling back at her. Airi took in the girl’s appearance – she was dressed casually, but in a red Buono! shirt and short denim shorts with a too-long belt buckled at the waist. Bowing awkwardly, Airi walked in, Miyabi taking her jacket as she straightened her own loose blouse and patched bell-bottom jeans.

“Glad you made it!” Miyabi said, hanging up her coat.

Airi took a glance around the living room; it seemed only vaguely familiar to her since she thought she hadn’t been here in years… perhaps even since C-ute was formed. “Of course. You don’t think I’d renege on a fun night with you, would I? Plus it’s been too long!”

“I agree,” she agreed, and the two girls faced each other, Miyabi beaming at her. Suddenly feeling a bit nervous again, and also the silence of the room, she glanced toward the kitchen. “Did your parents already go to bed?”

“They aren’t here tonight,” Miyabi replied, still smiling at her. “Dad’s in Osaka on business, and mom’s off visiting family. She asked me to go with her, but I didn’t wanna miss work.” Her face turned ponderous for a moment. “For once I’m glad of having work…”

Airi smiled wider, trying to hide her increasing embarrassment and ignore what the girl might mean by that. If Miya’s parents were gone, then that meant they were alone in the house. They’d be alone all night in this house together… It was odd. She never used to worry about things like that when she visited friends, but tonight something really set her on edge.

“Here,” Miyabi said, reaching for her bag, “I’ll take this up to my room.” She turned to head up the stairs, but glanced back wryly. “I don’t suppose you remember the way, do you?”

Deciding to forget deeper thoughts at the moment, Airi let out a giggle before running after Miyabi. The girl yelped and tried to escape quickly up the stairs, Airi just swiping at her shoelaces in her incoordination.

Eventually she caught up to the girl in her room, where Miyabi tossed her bag to the side before she finally launched herself and tackled her to the side of the bed, causing them both to fall hard to the floor next to it. They giggled as they crawled up onto the bed in an attempt to regain their posture, and Airi leaned to laugh into Miyabi’s shoulder. This caused the other girl to fall back onto the bed, and Airi found herself grinning down above her, herself fully on top of the bed, but Miyabi still with her legs hanging off the side.

Airi’s laughter faded as she stared down into Miyabi’s eyes dancing with their playfulness, and she somehow began to feel self-conscious.

“S-sorry…” she murmured, letting out a short nervous giggle again, and tried to pull back to let the girl up. However, she was halted by the girl’s hands gripping at her arms.

“Don’t go,” Miyabi said, still smiling. The smile still seemed natural, but Airi thought she caught a hint of uncertainty in the other as well. “I like you here.”

“Where?” Airi asked, glancing around the room.

Miyabi let out a short, cute giggle, and extended her arms around Airi’s shoulders. “Here in my arms, silly.” Then she paused, and continued in a quieter voice, “And with me in my bed, too.”

Airi swallowed. This isn’t happening… This isn’t happening…

“What are you talking about?” she said out loud with an innocent smile. “I’ve slept with you here before.”

“But that was years ago,” Miyabi said. Her smile seemed to fade, but Airi thought now it almost seemed just… content? The girl’s breathing also slowed. “It’s different having you here now. Especially now we’ve…” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “I’m not alone here… am I?”

Airi swallowed again, taking in a breath, and finally decided she needed to deal with the reality of the situation. “No,” she replied quietly. “I said I like you, didn’t I? I know what that means too. I’m just…” She looked away self-consciously again.

Miyabi’s hand fell back to touch her chin, and turn her eyes back down to hers. “Do you want to be with me?” she asked Airi gently.

After a moment, Airi nodded slowly.

Miyabi seemed to be looking for more, but she continued confidently, if still with a tinge of nervousness. “Airi, I… I meant it when I said I liked you in my bed. I want you in my bed. I want… you.”

Feeling the tension rise slowly between them at the girl’s words, Airi widened her lips in a smile. “You’re right. It’s different now than when we were kids.”

“If you don’t want to, that’s okay,” Miyabi said quickly, but Airi laid a finger to her lips and shook her head.

“I may have not let myself think of it, but somehow I really knew something like this might happen tonight.”

She let her eyes drift between the other’s, and then down to her lips. She also became very aware of the girl exuding warmth beneath her, her chest rising and falling slowly with each breath. She felt a warm ball down in her belly which rose slowly up her body into her throat. If she did this, she could become even closer to that enticing heat below her. If she did this, she would be giving her own body to another. Amazingly, even if she’d heard it from others and innocently sung about it herself in so many songs, she found the thoughts excited her more than she’d imagined.

After all, if it was anything like those kisses in the dressing room…

She smiled down at Miyabi, a true genuine smile this time of content that matched the one which had been reflected back at her. “So are you going to kiss me or not?”

Then, with a grin of her own and eyes suddenly sparkling, Miyabi pulled her head down until their lips met to begin their adventure.

A phone ringing brought Airi out of an unusually pleasant and relaxed slumber, but she woke up to find herself cradled in the arms of another. After stupidly staring through the early morning light at the girl lying beside her, the phone continuing to ring, she reached out a long arm to the end table to pick up the cell. Its touch felt odd, but then she’d just woken up. Flipping it open, she pressed it to her ear.

“Moshi moshi…” she said tiredly.

“…Hello?” came the high-pitched reply.

“Ohayo,” Airi greeted again.

“…Who is this?”

“Um, Suzuki Airi,” she said, becoming a bit irritated as she wondered what the other’s problem was. If a stupid sales call woke her up again…

“Airi-chan!?” came a quick response. “Why are you answering Miya’s phone?”

“Um…” Airi said, blinking. Whose phone? Then she took a look again at the girl lying next to her. She stirred slightly, and Airi felt arms wrap tightly around her again.

“Mmm…” the girl mumbled. “Airi… who is it?”

“Oh my god!” came the voice on the other end again. “You guys didn’t!” Suddenly Airi recognized who it was. “You did it, didn’t you?”

Before Airi could figure out how to respond again, she felt the phone being taken away from her by one of the arms which encircled her chest.

“Momo, is that you?” Miyabi muttered as she pressed the phone to her own ear. Airi held happily still in the other’s embrace. “I’ll get back to you later, okay? I’m gonna have sex with my girlfriend again before we come into work. Ja ne~ Bye bye.”

And the phone clicked shut.

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Over the Rainbow - 1/2]
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2011, 01:26:15 AM »
Wow. :lol: Still not much of a Kids fan, but it's you so I read. Short and sweet and Yay Buono!

“I’ll get back to you later, okay? I’m gonna have sex with my girlfriend again before we come into work. Ja ne~ Bye bye.”
:lol: :lol: XD XD Omg, can imagine Momo's face.

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Over the Rainbow - 1/2]
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2011, 06:51:54 AM »
1/2, huh?  I can't wait to see part 2 of this. :D

Miya/Airi fluff is nice to see. ^_^ I like your one-shots and your short fics with Miya in them... She doesn't get the enormous amounts of drama you put her through in your epic fics. XD

And, I hate to be a copycat, but as rndmnweird quoted, this really is the best line in the fic.

“I’ll get back to you later, okay? I’m gonna have sex with my girlfriend again before we come into work. Ja ne~ Bye bye.”

It just made me lol so much  :lol:  At least it was Momoko who called.  I wonder how awkward it would be been if it had been Captain or someone else calling. XD

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Over the Rainbow - 1/2]
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2011, 02:44:30 PM »
my biggest fear is answering the wrong phone morning after. Aggressive Miya, by no means a new element in fic, is very refreshing to see in this story.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline ayase909

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Over the Rainbow - 1/2]
« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2011, 05:20:30 PM »
OMG! :OMG: :OMG: :OMG: Miya and Airi continuation :luvluv2: :luvluv2: :luvluv2:.....i could die in happiness now! :imdead: kidding  :on ksweat:

it's been so long since the last i read something about them.....arigatou, author-san!  :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

Airi's so cute here, acting all shy  :shy1: :shy1: :shy1: and Miya, kool as always eh? :onionwhip: :onionwhip: :onionwhip: a lil tsundere too..... :nya:

write more something like this again author-san, more fluff? :luvluv1: te-hee and more Momo appearance coz the story will be more hilarious if the peach girl is present.... :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha:

Miya was like  :on bleed: :on bleed: :on bleed: here.....

ne, author-san, i don't mind if you'll share the extended version to me  :hehehe: :hehehe: :hehehe:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Over the Rainbow - 1/2]
« Reply #46 on: January 04, 2011, 11:46:01 AM »
You know rokun I've all ways liked the way you write Airi/Miya and this is another fine examaple of it!  :twothumbs

I love the way you portay their confession to one another, how the both sort of stumble along till they get to thier confessin of love for each other, If it ever did happen somehow I feel like it would happen this way....

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #47 on: January 10, 2011, 04:51:00 AM »
*runs and hides from everyone but Windy, ayase, and anonymousdowner :ph43r:*

Fourth Ember

Sankaku Berryz

“Otsukare-desu!” Miyabi said into the camera, wiping the sweat off her face as she trotted down to the dressing rooms. She gave a smile and a wave too before turning a corner. Today was a crazy day, with the exciting announcements of the ninth generation members of Morning Musume. The new girls were so cute!!! She hoped she had the chance to get to know them a bit before the tour was over.

Upon reaching the dressing room ahead of the others she tried fixing her hair a bit as they trickled in. Chinami and Yurina were joking around, Maasa chatting with Saki just behind. Risako brought up the rear, taking her time as usual in her “elegant girl” attitude.

She caught a glance through the mirror though as Risako caught up to Saki and Maasa, and then whispered something into Saki’s ear. The reason it caught her attention was because as she whispered, the girl seemed to glance at her. Afterward, Saki gave a nod and patted Maasa’s shoulder before coming over to her.

“Ne~, Miya,” the girl said, smiling. “Do you have plans for tonight?”

“No,” Miyabi replied, her mood picking up. “You wanna do something?” She’d really enjoyed all the time she was able to spend with her best friend lately, and was excited at the thought of a small after-party with her.

“Well,” the girl replied, “Rii-chan and I were thinking of going to an izakaya, and I… I was wondering if you’d like to come along too.”

Miyabi’s eyebrows furrowed as she saw a bit of pink blossom in the other’s cheeks. “Rii-chan too?” That was different; normally just it was just the two of them when they hung out, at least when it wasn’t the full group. After thinking about it a second though she thought it wasn’t a bad idea. It was always enjoyable being with Risako too, and it felt like it had been forever since she’d hung out with their youngest member.

“Yeah,” Saki replied, still seeming a bit nervous about something. “We just thought it would be a good opportunity for the three of us to… hang out together, you know?”

Finishing with her hair for the moment, Miyabi smiled over to her friend. “It sounds like fun!” she told her, and her Captain’s smile brightened again before the girl turned back to the mirror to brush at her makeup with a removal pad.

Even though she wasn’t fully aware of it, Miyabi’s eyes lingered on the girl’s face, and especially her cherry lips, before she turned back to her own after-concert dressing-down. Still, she felt a smile on her face at the girl’s presence next to her. Being beside Saki was always… soothing, especially recently for some reason.

A little while later, after parting with the other H!P members, the three girls giggled as they walked down the street, chattering between the brims of their flat hats and the mufflers which covered their chins in the early-January cold. Miyabi really felt glad she accepted the invitation, as it honestly was wonderful to hang out with two of her closest friends. It truly did seem like forever since she’d last done something with Risako.

“So do you guys have a place picked out for dinner?” Miyabi asked as they huddled close together for warmth as they walked.

“It’s just a place we discovered a little while ago,” Saki replied, exchanging a knowing look with Risako. Once again Miyabi got a strange feeling. “It doesn’t look like anything special, but the food’s delicious. It also feels a bit private.”

“You’ve been there before?” Miyabi asked, frowning at both of the girls.

“Mhm,” Risako replied. “We found it one time after I came from a Himuro Ibu performance near here. Saki-chan had come to meet me afterward.”

Since when had Risako started calling her Saki-chan? Miyabi wondered, peering suspiciously at the two girls beside her. “I didn’t know you two had been hanging out lately.”

“It’s only been for the last few weeks,” Risako said, smiling over at Saki, and they left it at that as the girl changed the subject to the type of food they sold at the place they were going. Miyabi’s questions still lingered in her mind, however.

Soon though Miyabi was enjoying the food her friends had described as they sat on cushions around a low, round table that was divided from the rest of the restaurant by curtains. “This really is good!” Miyabi praised as she finished the last in a tray of yakitori, and afterward sat back on her hands to stretch out a little. As she stretched her legs under the table however, she bumped into those of the others and made a quiet apology. The other two girls just giggled though, and when Miyabi realized what she was feeling at her feet, she stifled a blush.

The others’ legs were stretched out as well, though she knew there wasn’t enough room for it despite their heights. Even more, she could feel their legs moving slowly, right next to each other… and against each other…

Suddenly, their eyes connecting, Saki leaned forward to reach a hand across the table toward Risako. The other girl nodded at her, and Risako reached out as well to take the hand in her own.

“Um…” Miyabi said, glancing from the hands up into the faces of each of her friends. She wasn’t seeing what she thought she saw… was she?

“Miya,” Risako said, finally turning her eyes in her direction. “You might’ve figured it out by now, but there’s another reason Saki invited you to come here with us tonight.”

Miyabi swallowed, and Saki continued, smiling now between her and Risako. “Miya, you’re my best friend. You’re the person who I’ve maybe felt the closest to for a few years now.”

“Same here,” Risako added. “Although maybe I haven’t seen you too much lately, you were really my first friend in Berryz.”

“That’s… nice,” Miyabi said, a crooked smile coming to her face in her embarrassment. “I’m happy you think of me that way... I feel, er, close to you guys too.”

Saki’s smile faded slightly. “Even so, or maybe because of that,” the girl said, “I didn’t really know how to tell you before. But…” She smiled again at Risako. Miyabi’s eyes drifted down to their hands at the middle of the table again, the fingers of each girl tenderly caressing those of the other. “Rii-chan and I had a long talk the other night, and together we decided on what we thought we’d like best.”

Miyabi’s eyes had been widening the whole conversation, both from the girls’ words and their actions toward each other. “Are… are you guys dating?” she asked, her voice grown faint.

The smiles in response were all the confirmation she needed, but Saki nodded. “We’ve been seeing each other for a few weeks now,” she said, looking into the other’s eyes. “Since just before we found this izakaya. That’s part of the reason we wanted to come back here now, with you…”

“Wow,” Miyabi replied, gazing wide-eyed between her two friends. “That’s just… That’s… Wow.” She really didn’t know what to say; for some reason she had the strangest feeling. It couldn’t be jealousy… These were her closest friends! But dating…! She sometimes wondered what it would be like to have a boyfriend, but she never imagined Saki-chan would… and with Risako…!

“How did it start?” she asked finally.

Risako giggled.

“Well,” Saki said, grinning over at the other. “It was our last tour date in Kanagawa. Remember Rii-chan invited us over to her house?”

Miyabi nodded. She’d always enjoyed hanging out with Risako’s family, and with the rest of the Berryz it was always a fun time since her mom, aside from cooking wonderful food, always thought up interesting games for them to play too.

“Well,” Saki continued, still grinning, “When we were playing a game – Rii-chan, do you remember what it was?”

Risako shook her head. “I think I got too distracted to remember,” she said. “I wonder why…” Then she fell into giggling again.

“I guess you weren’t the only one,” Saki said with a mischievous glint in her eye. “Anyway,” she continued turning back to Miyabi, “Rii-chan was the first one out of the game, and had gone up to her room. We thought she’d just gone to get something. It wasn’t long before I was out too though, and decided I’d go up to keep her company.”

“It was so embarrassing…” Risako said, blushing.

“Hey! I haven’t even gotten to that part yet!” Saki shot back in amused annoyance.

“Mhm…” Risako murmured in her amused response.

“When I got up there, I saw she was at her computer. When I came closer, I realized she was looking through the making-of preview for my photobook that I’d brought with me to show her parents!”

“I was mortified!” Risako chimed in. “It was such bad luck…”

“Yep,” Saki said, capturing the other’s eyes again. “At that moment the scene she had up was the one where I was taking off my dress above that bikini which looked like underwear. Remember?”

That last question was intended for Miyabi, and she nodded numbly. She almost blushed herself upon remembering a gif focusing completely on that scene someone had mailed her from an internet forum. It had taken awhile before she could stop staring at it.

Perhaps it really was jealousy she was feeling at the moment…

“Anyway,” Saki continued, “I cleared my throat, and Rii-chan gave the cutest little cry and jumped in her seat.”

“Embarrassing, I tell you…” Risako said, looking down but with the smile still playing at her lips. With the light pink flush in her cheeks, Miyabi thought she looked quite cute to match Saki’s story.

“I just had to poke fun at her, so I teased her about liking to watch the other members taking their clothes off. ‘But it’s just you!’ she’d said.” Saki paused a second for a breath before continuing on, seeming excited to have reached this point in the story. “Of course I couldn’t let that go either, and was like, ‘Ohh, so it’s me you like seeing with my clothes off. Well then…’ And then I started to lift my shirt, meaning to just torture her a bit by like pulling it halfway up or something, but she just screeched and jumped up, grabbing at my shirt to try and pull it back down. But then…”

Risako blushed a deeper red as Saki’s description unfolded, though Miyabi was just becoming dazed. “I’m so uncoordinated…” the younger girl bemoaned, “I grabbed her boobs instead!!”

That caused the two of them to fall into laughter, and Miyabi even cracked a smile at the sudden lightness.

“I was just shocked!” Saki went on, trying to stifle her laughter as she spoke. “I stood there, my hands still holding my shirt halfway up, her hands at my chest…”

“I was mortified,” Risako said again, commenting on her part in the fiasco.

“’Um… Risako…’ I’d said, and looked up into her eyes. That was the fateful moment, because when I saw her beautiful eyes just so struck with emotion, and combined with an odd tingle from what her hands were doing… I don’t know what came over me, but I just rose up on tiptoe and kissed her right on the lips!”

“She kissed me!” Risako exclaimed dreamily, staring into the other girl’s face the same way.

“It didn’t last,” Saki continued, “Since Chinami had apparently also just lost downstairs, and came up to see what we were doing. But that was enough…”

“Mhm,” Risako said with a smile. “She called me later that night and we had a long talk, and decided to try and meet up more, and…”

“That was another thing,” Saki pondered bemusedly, “Another reason I never told you, or anyone else. Rii-chan and I were really just hanging out together more. Only…” she blushed. “Only with more kissing involved… among other things.”

Miyabi decided not to ask about those ‘other things’, and instead swallowed again before speaking. “Wow, that’s… that’s quite a story. I’m… you know… I’m happy for you…” She wondered why inside she didn’t really echo that sentiment though. “And it’s okay you didn’t tell me. I’m glad you did now.”

“You’re the first one we have,” Risako said, and Saki nodded.

“Yes,” the older girl replied. “Although, there was also another reason we wanted to bring you here to talk …”

“Oh?” Miyabi asked wispily, still trying to straighten out her thoughts.

Saki gave a very pointed, determined look at Risako, and after staring back just as intently a moment, the younger nodded. Then Saki released her hands and scooted over to Miyabi, now taking a gentle hold of Miyabi’s arm.

“Rii-chan and I have enjoyed being together,” she said in a soothing voice, stroking Miyabi’s arm lightly. Miyabi’s eyes were locked on the girl’s fingers, and her nerves on the tingling sensation they were torturously evoking in her skin. “But… you know… for some reason it still felt like something was missing. And for both of us.”

Then, to Miyabi’s heightening amazement and anxiety, Risako slid up to her other side and took hold of her other arm. The younger girl’s touch perhaps wasn’t as gentle, but it was firm. “We talked about it,” she said, and Miyabi noticed her catch Saki’s eyes across her chest, “And although we enjoyed being with each other, we also… since you mean so much to both of us, we… we wanted to be with you.”

“What…?” Miyabi said, swallowing again. Her collar was suddenly feeling very tight as a warm feeling shot up and down her body at the proximity of both girls, and she swallowed again while she still could. “What are you saying…?”

She looked to both girls as they gazed back at her, but then saw them look at each other again. They both leaned forward in front of her and, just centimeters before her nose, met in a kiss. Miyabi’s eyes crossed as she couldn’t help but stare, and as the kiss lingered – it was definitely not a very innocent one – she felt the heat rise fully up into her face.

When the two parted, Miyabi was happy to see light blushes in their features as well; they were hard to miss as close as they all were together. Then she felt movement at her left side, and Saki moved up slowly to straddle her left leg. She lifted her hand to Miyabi’s face to turn it toward her, and then pulled her closer as she leaned in to her lips.

Miyabi’s eyes widened as her Captain began to kiss her eagerly, her other hand wrapping around her side as she pressed into it. After a moment Miyabi’s eyes drifted closed as they began to fully make out, Saki’s tongue slipping gently between her lips.

Miyabi groaned softly as she enjoyed the warmth pressing up against her, and she forgot where she was for a moment until noticing another pleasant sensation on the right side of her neck. Gradually she remembered that in addition to the girl kissing her Risako was pressed up to other side as well, and the younger girl was obviously now kissing along her neck. When she got to her ear, and when Miyabi felt another tongue flick inside it, she managed to pull away from Saki and catch a breath.

“What…” she breathed, as her Captain now kissed wetly down her cheek to the other side of her neck, “What are you…”

“Shh,” Risako whispered, laying a finger to her lips. The girl moved to look into her eyes now too, as well as straddle her right leg firmly. She was smiling pleasantly. “Just enjoy us for a minute.” Then Risako leaned in to initiate a deep kiss of her own while Saki played just above her shoulder.

After a while – there was no way Miyabi could tell how long – both girls still sat comfortably on each of her legs, caressing her as well as each other. Miyabi, for her part, was completely flummoxed. That potentially jealous feeling was gone, and in its place was fulfilled contentment at having the two people who meant the most to her so close… not to mention having also just made out with both of them.

“So what do you think?” Saki asked in a demure voice as she twirled a finger in a strand of Miyabi’s hair.

“Mmm?” Miyabi murmured, still vacant of most thoughts. She heard Risako giggle.

“Well I know it may not be very conventional, and we may not be able to tell anyone…” Saki purred in response, “But…”

“Would you be our girlfriend?” Risako asked. “It’d just be so much more… exciting… for all three of us to be together, don’t you think?” The other two girls gazed at each other lustily as she spoke.

Miyabi, amazed at what was coming out of their youngest member’s mouth, finally regained some of her wits. However, looking into the eyes of both of them, those eyes baring themselves as if to say she only had to reach out and take each of them, and they’d be hers… Also, feeling their bodies warmly pressed up against her… she realized she only had one response.

“I’m a really lucky girl… aren’t I?”

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #48 on: January 10, 2011, 07:05:44 AM »
And that's how rokun solved the dreaded MiyaSaki vs MiyaRi debate! XD

I know when I got to the part where Saki and Risako were getting all cuddly on Miya my face went :w00t:

But still, in the beginning, it kinda felt like the Jaws theme should be playing.

She caught a glance through the mirror though as Risako caught up to Saki and Maasa, and then whispered something into Saki’s ear. The reason it caught her attention was because as she whispered, the girl seemed to glance at her. Afterward, Saki gave a nod and patted Maasa’s shoulder before coming over to her.
Dun Dun

Saki replied, exchanging a knowing look with Risako. Once again Miyabi got a strange feeling.
Dun Dun

Since when had Risako started calling her Saki-chan? Miyabi wondered, peering suspiciously at the two girls beside her.
Dun Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun

Miyabi said, glancing from the hands up into the faces of each of her friends. She wasn’t seeing what she thought she saw… was she?
Dunna dun

Then Saki released her hands and scooted over to Miyabi, now taking a gentle hold of Miyabi’s arm.
Gah! I see the fin!

Miyabi’s eyes widened as her Captain began to kiss her eagerly,
This would be the part where the shark swallows the little tiny fishing boat. XD

Haha, oo~kay, I'm done. Good night. :lol:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2011, 08:13:19 AM »
I really thought Miya was having a dream as soon as I read that Captain and Risako had been hooking up. XD
My favorite part had to be when Captain and Risako were telling Miya of how they first got together. They sounded like a married couple telling the story of how they first met. I got a little shy reading that part :lol:

Miya seems to be the star of many fics in your Campfire, just as Aichan is the star in Essy's Sandbox. I like, I like.
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2011, 08:39:13 AM »
As weird as this may sound I can't wait to read the sequel (if there is one  XD) lol

This deff took care of my ''which one is better MiyaSaki or MiyaRii'' problem haha

Great story, can't wait to read more from you

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2011, 09:19:51 AM »
Harem ending. I knew it!!

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2011, 09:32:29 AM »
Honestly, I didn't think you would actually write this.  :lol:

Anyways,  :mon angel: This one-shot deserves some squealing from the fangirl within me so... Monkey time!~  :mon dance: :mon roll:

She caught a glance through the mirror though as Risako caught up to Saki and Maasa, and then whispered something into Saki’s ear. The reason it caught her attention was because as she whispered, the girl seemed to glance at her. Afterward, Saki gave a nod and patted Maasa’s shoulder before coming over to her.
And so it begins.  :mon evillaff:

She caught a glance through the mirror though as Risako caught up to Saki and Maasa, and then whispered something into Saki’s ear. The reason it caught her attention was because as she whispered, the girl seemed to glance at her. Afterward, Saki gave a nod and patted Maasa’s shoulder before coming over to her.
If I didn't know what this one-shot was about, I would probably be questioning like crazy about why Risako was whispering to Saki about something Miyabi-related..... but I do know so again  :mon evillaff:

Even though she wasn’t fully aware of it, Miyabi’s eyes lingered on the girl’s face, and especially her cherry lips, before she turned back to her own after-concert dressing-down. Still, she felt a smile on her face at the girl’s presence next to her. Being beside Saki was always… soothing, especially recently for some reason.
:mon inluv: You know I had to quote this one.  :mon determined: Cute MiyaSaki love still overpowers all.

Since when had Risako started calling her Saki-chan? Miyabi wondered, peering suspiciously at the two girls beside her. “I didn’t know you two had been hanging out lately.”
  :mon squee: She picked that up. You know that voice in the back of my head was telling me to believe that Miyabi is jealous at this point. Let's see... if I didn't know anything, I would be going  :mon spit: and  :mon dunno: at this point with possible fangirling while glaring a bit at the same time.

The others’ legs were stretched out as well, though she knew there wasn’t enough room for it despite their heights. Even more, she could feel their legs moving slowly, right next to each other… and against each other…
That's such an awkward moment for Miya. It's a funny moment to me though.  :mon fan: At this point, I would've probably been going  :mon duh: and  :mon speechless:

“Wow,” Miyabi replied, gazing wide-eyed between her two friends. “That’s just… That’s… Wow.” She really didn’t know what to say; for some reason she had the strangest feeling. It couldn’t be jealousy… These were her closest friends! But dating…! She sometimes wondered what it would be like to have a boyfriend, but she never imagined Saki-chan would… and with Risako…!
Wouldn't be right if she wasn't jealous. :mon determined:

“Yep,” Saki said, capturing the other’s eyes again. “At that moment the scene she had up was the one where I was taking off my dress above that bikini which looked like underwear. Remember?”
  :mon sigh: Such a horrid bikini. I really did like it better when she had her dress on. Yeah, couldn't help mentioning this. :lol:

That last question was intended for Miyabi, and she nodded numbly. She almost blushed herself upon remembering a gif focusing completely on that scene someone had mailed her from an internet forum. It had taken awhile before she could stop staring at it.

Perhaps it really was jealousy she was feeling at the moment…
Captain's PB has just been really useful, hasn't it? And it hasn't even been released yet. XD My mental image of how Miyabi would be seeing that gif is something like  :mon huh2: :mon duh: :mon oshitwc: :mon blood:  :mon innocent: + maybe her going  :mon scare: and :mon suspect: after realizing that others besides her would see it. Geez... it's like I'm telling a story through monkeys.  :mon sweat:

“I just had to poke fun at her, so I teased her about liking to watch the other members taking their clothes off. ‘But it’s just you!’ she’d said.” Saki paused a second for a breath before continuing on, seeming excited to have reached this point in the story. “Of course I couldn’t let that go either, and was like, ‘Ohh, so it’s me you like seeing with my clothes off. Well then…’ And then I started to lift my shirt, meaning to just torture her a bit by like pulling it halfway up or something, but she just screeched and jumped up, grabbing at my shirt to try and pull it back down. But then…”

Risako blushed a deeper red as Saki’s description unfolded, though Miyabi was just becoming dazed. “I’m so uncoordinated…” the younger girl bemoaned, “I grabbed her boobs instead!!”
:mon oshitwc: You really did make Saki quite naughty here. And :mon lmao: at Risako's wonderful fail moment.

She looked to both girls as they gazed back at her, but then saw them look at each other again. They both leaned forward in front of her and, just centimeters before her nose, met in a kiss. Miyabi’s eyes crossed as she couldn’t help but stare, and as the kiss lingered – it was definitely not a very innocent one – she felt the heat rise fully up into her face.
So awkward to have two people you know intensely kissing in front of your face but...  :mon evillaff:

Alright, there'd be way too much random fangirling if I quoted more + my brain is dying more than usual right now so I'll just end with this next one.  :lol:

“I’m a really lucky girl… aren’t I?”
  :mon determined: Need I say anything about this besides "Hell yeah?" Although, having just Captain should be enough to make her a really lucky girl. <- The biased fangirl appeared again.

This threesome came out well. It just wouldn't have been the same if Captain and Risako were just sharing Miyabi.  :mon thumb:

There's your monkey-filled comment. Now it's time for me to return to my lurking for a while.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 09:46:15 AM by Tundra Wind »

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2011, 12:13:59 PM »
Well, that was.... odd, but definatly enjoyable at the same time, as people have said it seems like a sensible solution to the whole Miya/Saki Miya/Rii debate as well  :lol:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #54 on: January 10, 2011, 04:13:29 PM »
i've been reading your fics and i have to say i really enjoyed your fics. good job!
though i like miyasaki the most, i also like other miya pairings (miyairi, miyarii) is it bad? ^^
and miya is definitely a very lucky girl... lol...

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2011, 08:00:25 PM »
sorry i missed out on this one :lol:

been kinda busy doing.... other stuff

anyways that was pretty cool how rii just opened up the relationship to add Miya although with possibility of rejection, Miya still accepts :lol:
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #56 on: January 11, 2011, 02:21:20 AM »
*runs and hides from everyone but Windy, ayase, and anonymousdowner :ph43r:*
okay, :bingo: when i read that, i already had suspicions  :hehehe: :hehehe: :hehehe:

the time Saki invited Miya together with Rii, i figured it out already :hee: and i was like grinning from ear to ear.....  :kekeke: :kekeke: :kekeke:

this is just too great  :onionwhip: :onionwhip: :onionwhip: i was giggling while reading this y'know?  :on lol: i was like imagining Miya's face and her reaction when the two suddenly kissed in front of her :wahaha: :wahaha: :wahaha:, and when the three of them started to  :on bleed: :on bleed: :on bleed:

author-san, you should put something like this in your BB fic  :shifty: :shifty: :shifty:

ne, :on ksweat: ne,  :on ksweat: how about something like this again but between Airi and Rii,  :on cny1: :on cny1: :on cny1: i want to see a competition of these two young prodigies  :nya: though i want them to end up with Miya  :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak: :hiakhiakhiak:

author-san, this story is saikyou.... :on GJ: :on GJ: :on GJ:

Moar.. :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

PS: though the word Sankau should already a gave away, right?  :glasses:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #57 on: January 13, 2011, 03:17:07 PM »
Ohmygaahhhhhh!!!  :mon scare: :mon scare: :w00t: did you just wrote that?!!! lol..  I couldn't stop giggling, might take a while before I get that scene out of mind, and I'm not complaining?!  :P

 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: glad you found an ingenious solution to that problem. Now solve more. Hahaha.. :lol:

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Sankaku Berryz]
« Reply #58 on: February 03, 2011, 01:42:48 PM »
AH!!!! O____O

I was actually enjoying this Saki/Rii since I already thought about it and had been seeing Saki being closer to Rii recently since she has more pictures with Miya or Rii, than Chii.
I already love Saki/Rii but haven't read any fic like it. :D Rokun! Why didn't you tell me? After all that we've been through....  :cry: Lol. Dramatic much?  :P

But now, Saki/Miya/Rii?  :heart: :heart: Loving it~ :D Haven't even considered Captain to share Miya with Rii or vice versa.  :nervous

Great, great, great! I love this fic~  :twothumbs

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Re: Embers from the Campfire [Nobody Knew: 9/29/2011]
« Reply #59 on: September 30, 2011, 03:29:31 AM »
This is another Essy inspired fic :lol: It may seem like it has some holes, but it is really just a glimpse...
If anyone's still around here, I hope you enjoy it. :)

Fifth Ember

Nobody Knew

Laughter from late night revelers echoed from down Takeshita Street as two girls approached each other below a streetlamp outside Harajuku station. Both were now comfortably settled into autumn attire, although that meant something very different for each of them.

The colors were similar – a mixture of washed-out grays and browns and navy blue, but the older by a few years wore a dress that carried nearly down to her ankles as well as an off-white knitted jacket. The other, relatively the same size though younger, boasted a denim jacket over a thin black nylon tank with stainless steel studs up and down its straps. The belted skirt over thin sweatpants carried barely to mid-thigh.

“Are you all right with this?” the elder spoke, peering concernedly into the eyes of the other glistening above her white mask. They still seemed a bit dark and puffy.

“I’m dealing,” the other replied. “Holding everything in until it’s all over comes with some unexpected… effects.”

The older girl smiled. “You always were a crybaby when it came down to it.”

“Hey, I saw someone else up there bawling her eyes out at least as much!”

“Ah, but I didn’t disappear nearly right away afterward.”

“Shut up,” the younger pouted, the other still smiling.

That smile adopted a nervous tension though when she prompted once again, “If you don’t want to do this now, there will be other places. It seems they always have availability.”

“Ai-chan,” Reina Tanaka replied to her in almost a low growl, “If I don’t finally have you completely to myself tonight, I am literally going to kill someone. And it may end up being one of our new oh-so-cute kouhai.”

Ai Takahashi giggled at that, then stopped immediately. No. Killing new kouhai was a bad thing, a bad… But then her protective sense was stymied in remembering once again that she was no longer their leader, the one they’d come to. She was no longer anyone’s leader, and she wondered if anyone would ever come to her for something again. If anyone would ever…

“Come on then,” she said quickly before she broke down again herself. Reina looked skeptically at her, though she ignored it. The girl was too good at picking up on her moods. “We’ve kept them waiting in the office long enough as it is.” And she began walking down the wide street paralleling the station toward Yoyogi Park.

Reina quickly jumped to keep pace with her, only reaching back to rub her thigh muscle once. Ai knew she had soreness at times after a long concert. “They’re an upper-scale business, Ai-chan,” the younger girl explained once again matter-of-factly. “Someone’s available at the front desk twenty-four hours a day.”

Perhaps, Ai thought. Still, she was worried about causing trouble to others. She wanted to make a good impression on those who she’d hopefully be in the care of for a long while, after all.

When they reached the park, Reina broke away from her and detoured slowly off the sidewalk toward a fountain that was shut off for the night, sitting down on a bench overlooking it. There were a few other people who became visible on the paths around them from time to time, but at this hour it was generally deserted.

With a sigh, after she had stopped to watch what her companion would do, Ai walked over and sat beside Reina on the bench. Reina held her bag tightly in her lap as she stared hard at the slightly rippling water in the fountain pool.

“What’s the matter?” Ai asked simply this time, deciding not to once again pursue whether the other’s mind was still made up.

“Ai-chan, if I do this…” Reina replied hesitantly. “If I do this, I won’t be a kid anymore.”

“I know what you mean,” Ai said, touching the tips of her fingers to the other’s arm. “It’s the same for me.”

Reina turned to her, peering a moment into her eyes before shaking her head. “No. You’re already past that. You’ve graduated. You’re not an idol anymore. You were a leader… and you’ve even graduated that. I’ve been nothing. Just a kid.”

“That’s not true,” Ai responded. “You’ve been doing this for eight years too. You led Aa! right from the beginning. Airi-chan and Miyabi depended on you. Then there was High-King.”

Reina gave her a skeptical look. “I was hardly a leader then. They were even my senpai, after all! As for High-King… Well, as much as I loved the recognition, you can’t be serious. You were there too.”

“It was actually nice being able to relax and let someone else handle things for once,” Ai replied insistently. “I could just focus on my performance.”

“Like that’s something you don’t do anyway,” Reina retorted. “Besides, Yuukarin, Saki-chan, Maimi-chan… It’s you they look up to. With you around I could really be nothing more than a figurehead. Not that I mind being that, mind you,” she added importantly.

“Even if that was true, it won’t be the case any longer,” Ai said gently.

Reina stared at her for a time, then looked away as if fishing for a response. “Gaki-san will be leader then,” she mumbled.

Ai took a deep breath and sat back. The subject just became a bit touchier again. “They won’t look up to her in the same way,” she said quietly, though she was very reluctant to do so. “You know that.”

“Why do you always get quiet when talking to me about her?” Reina asked suddenly.

Ai now was the one staring back in reply.

“What… are you talking about?” she asked, a bit dumbly.

“Gaki-san,” Reina replied bluntly. “You just started getting quiet when I mentioned her.”

“I…” Ai stumbled, “Um…” This is why she never liked boasting about herself. But she didn’t see what that had to do with Risa.

“I’m only kidding,” Reina chided with a toothy grin, poking at her arm. “You are too predictable, you know. I need to work on making you more confident in yourself.”

But I am confident in myself! Ai told herself, silently offended. I just don’t think I’m necessarily better than anyone else!

“Come on,” Reina said, suddenly standing up and pulling Ai to her feet as well. She was still grinning. “Let’s go buy an apartment.”

After finally reaching the station beside the park and taking the Oedo line to Roppongi, the girls walked in to the center office of building two of Roppongi hills and approached the desk.

“May I help you?” the receptionist asked. Despite the late hour – nearly eleven at night now – the area hummed quietly with activity. The low sound of some business programming emanated from a TV in front of some couches – Reina eyed it carefully – and a counter was still stocked with snacks beside elegant-looking pots of tea.

“Yes,” Ai replied. “I am Takahashi Ai.” She pointed to her companion. “And this is Tanaka Reina. I apologize for bothering you at this late hour, but we’d like to finalize our leasing contract and move in to the apartment we’ve reserved.”

As she spoke, she was very conscious of Reina eyeing her now, a small smirk at the corner of her mouth garnishing an expression that almost seemed impressed. Ai just tried not to fumble with her words.

“Ah, yes,” the attendant replied. “I was told you would be arriving. If you will allow me to retrieve the manager, he will be excited to take care of you.”

“We’re in your care,” Ai hastily said with a bow of her head. She was pleased to see Reina give a small nod as well, though that smirk certainly didn’t go away.

A half hour or so later, Ai fumbled with the shiny new keys in her hand at the door of the apartment they had just bought together. She’d almost completely stressed herself out over the paperwork and signing the contract for so much money, to where now it felt like her nerves were almost completely shot.

“Here,” Reina said impatiently, and grabbed for Ai’s hand to hold her fingers steady enough to find the right key. When it fit into the lock and the door began swinging open, the girl muttered bemusedly, “Will I have to do everything for you?”

When they stepped inside, Ai stared. Of course she’d seen the plan and a model before, but actually being here, in a house that was hers – theirs, she immediately corrected herself – and seeing all the furniture laid out in a very appealing fashion, smelling the scent of new upholstery and fresh paint, made her feel like crying again. It really was almost too much, all in one night, but it was what they had agreed… what they had looked forward to.

Her emotions were quickly stunted however as Reina dropped her bag on a shelf in the entryway and kicked her shoes off, running into the large living area atop the pristine carpeting. “Oh my god, Ai-chan!” she cried. “Look at this TV!!”

Fully jolted out of her thoughts, Ai meticulously slipped out of her own shoes and followed slowly into the room to find Reina staring with sparkling eyes at a huge flat-panel TV mounted to the wall opposite the seating.

Breaking out of her own trance, Reina desperately searched around before finding a remote control on an end table. She sighed blissfully as the lamp there flicked on by itself at her movement, and once again as she tossed her jacket over a chair and dropped into the couch to turn on the TV. Ai watched as she flipped through the channels, perusing the current offerings.

Reina flipped open her cell phone to check the time. “Ah! Our Music is on! Almost perfect timing…” She dropped the cell phone and remote onto the end table before sitting back to fix her eyes on the screen.

Taking a deep breath, somehow feeling amused, Ai carefully removed her jacket and draped it atop Reina’s before sitting quietly in the very soft, plush chair beside the couch. “So are you going to sit here and watch TV all night after we’ve just moved into our new apartment?” she asked the girl only a touch cynically.

Reina glanced her way and blinked as if surprised to see her there. “Oh, Ai-chan,” she said. Then looking longingly back at the TV, she picked up the remote and flicked it off. “I’m sorry. It’s just so… big… and nice… and big…”

“Yep,” Ai said, now appraising the screen herself. “It will be wonderful for my video games.”

Reina’s scandalized glare in return was priceless. Though of course, Ai could have reacted exactly the same. Watching grainy dramas was truly a waste of high definition, after all. Instead, she rose from the chair. Stifling a groan at leaving its comfort, she sidled in to Reina’s left on the couch and cuddled up to her, slipping an arm around her waist. This was much better than the chair.

She felt Reina tense up at the intimacy, and so rubbed gently at her right side in an attempt to calm her. “You don’t have to worry anymore,” she cooed gently. “It’s all over.”

“It is, isn’t it?” Reina asked, looking up into her face. “We’re here… and you’re not an idol anymore.”

“Mhm,” Ai replied, trying to nuzzle into the girl’s neck. “You know, it’s almost funny,” She really had been waiting for this so long. In her current exhausted state the girl’s scent almost felt intoxicating to her. “I always thought the first one I’d move in with would be Risa.”

Suddenly the girl beside her was tense again, and she began pulling away. “What did you say?” she asked in a low voice.

Ai blinked. “Huh?” She tried to think. What did she just say?

“You said you thought you’d be moving in with Risa.”

“Oh,” I replied. “Yeah. It’s just like… that’d seem so natural.”

“Natural,” Reina said, now fully extricating herself from Ai’s embrace. “Unlike it is with me?”

“What?” Ai asked, flabbergasted. “Of course not. But it is different with you.”

“So why’d you move in with me then?” Reina’s voice was monotone with each question asked, her firecracker mood certainly not seeming to improve.

Ai stared. Had the girl been holding this in the whole time as well, just like her tears?

“Well?” Reina pulled her legs up to her chest and hugged them tightly, crossing her arms as she peered sharply over them at Ai.

Ai took a breath. “Gaki-san’s my best friend,” she said carefully, making sure the right words came out. “We’ve been with each other for ten years now. It felt like we’d always do everything together.”

“Does it feel that way now?” Reina asked, tone unchanged.

Ai held her breath, searching for how to explain. “Well… I grew up.”

Reina’s eyes now narrowed into a more curious expression.

“Friends are great,” Ai continued. “They’re necessary. But who I want to be with, all the time, is someone that excites me. Someone that always interests me. Someone who gets me differently from anyone else.”

For the first time since she began questioning her, Reina broke eye contact, looking down as a light flush started in her cheeks. Ai reached out to touch her arm again, and felt a tingle at the touch of skin where she’d only felt denim before.

“I love Risa, but I want you, Reina,” Ai pleaded, gazing intensely into her face as she became more and more focused. “I feel like you’re who I want by my side also for those times I can’t just let loose and goof around. I feel like I want my life to be with you – when I’m asleep, when I’m brushing my teeth…” Now she looked down at the feel of a blush coming on, though it was something she wanted to get out. “…When I’m bathing…”

Reina looked back up at that, and watched her for a moment. When Ai wondered how long she could stand it, the girl let a thin smirk show. “Ai-chan,” the girl said playfully, “I think that’s the naughtiest thing you’ve ever said to me.”

Taking a deep breath, in no small part of relief, Ai smiled back at her. “The first of many I hope,” she said, letting a mischievous grin of her own show.

Then, with no warning, the girl let her legs drop and scooted over to Ai, gripping her shoulders lightly as she leaned in for a kiss. Ai, surprised at first, after a moment lifted her own hands to the girl’s waist as she returned the kiss before they pulled slowly apart.

They looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before Ai started looking around them again. “You know,” she said. “I still have the feeling that someone could pop up and see us.”

“But they won’t,” Reina said with a smile, and then her eyes looked past Ai for an instant before she stood up and brushed past her shoulder.

Ai turned to see the girl walk toward the curtained windows. She seemed confused at not finding anything to pull them apart with, and Ai glanced at the remote control Reina had left on the end table. Grinning, she picked it up. Finding what she thought she was looking for, she pushed the button.

A small squawk told her she’d chosen correctly, and the curtains hummed softly as they pulled themselves apart. Reina stared at them a moment before turning to Ai-chan. When she opened her mouth for a question though, it died at her lips as she turned back agog to the window.

Standing again herself after watching Reina just stare for a minute or so, Ai walked over to join her. She’d heard what to expect, but once again, seeing it herself took her breath away.

The night-time view of city lights splayed out below them, with the familiar landmark of Tokyo Tower pointing high above even the heights where they resided toward the far right. Below it was the dark patch of the park, but it was the lights of the buildings and the traffic on the streets below that mesmerized her.

“Isn’t this incredible?” Reina asked, apparently having had time to recover from the shock. “And I thought we’d stayed in decent hotels before…”

Ai just nodded.

“You know we’ll have this view every day and every night for…”

“For years and years,” Ai finished, and Reina turned to see Ai smiling at her. “But the view I’m enjoying right now is what I’ll treasure the most.”

When Reina blushed, Ai stepped forward to take her into her arms, and the two hugged each other tightly as they continued gazing out into the night. Reina held her desperately close, and Ai stroked the girl’s hair in a slow, soothing manner.

“Do you think you’ll really miss being an idol?” Reina asked quietly after who knew how long.

“Of course I will,” Ai said. “I’ll miss everything about it. But I’ll still be doing what I love.”

She felt Reina move, and pulled back to where they gazed into each other’s faces once again. “And who you love, right?” Reina asked, her lip twitching again.

Ai blushed. “Mou… You’re horrible.”

Reina leaned in to kiss her, and the two girls made out tenderly in front of the window, holding each other close the whole time. When they were finished, Ai glanced out the window tentatively. “You know, it almost does feel like we’re still out in public doing this right here. After all, we can see the whole city.”

“Yeah,” Reina replied, turning Ai’s face back to hers with a finger to her chin, “but they can’t see us.”

Ai looked into her eyes again, thinking about how she’ll be spending perhaps… hopefully… the rest of her life with the girl in her arms. She noticed there was something in Reina’s eyes, a question she wanted to ask. She had a feeling she knew what it was.

“There’s one room we haven’t checked out yet,” Reina said meekly. She was so cute when she was being shy.

“Oh?” Ai asked, as usual between them playing dumb.

She felt Reina picking at the back of her shirt, and the girl started chewing lightly on her bottom lip in nervousness.

“Reina,” Ai said, pre-empting the girl. The lip-chewing stopped. “Would you like to check out our bed with me?”

Reina smiled and nodded, and the two girls walked hand-in-hand to the bedroom. When they arrived, the bed they saw inside was larger than they’d ever seen before. It was made up precisely, the bedspread a stylish red and black pattern over white sheets.

Ai let go of the other’s hand, this amazing piece of comfortableness looking so inviting after perhaps the longest day of her life, and she crawled onto it before dropping to her stomach, her cheek on the pillow, and closed her eyes as she spread her arms and legs out on it to give herself complete relaxation. Even when she did that, she barely covered half of its surface.

After a moment she felt Reina apparently crawl onto the bed too, but instead of doing as Ai did, the younger girl crawled on top of her and used her as if she was a pillow. When she nuzzled her face into Ai’s neck to kiss it lightly, Ai rolled over to view the girl above her.

For a moment they just looked at each other again.

“So…” Reina said softly, nervousness showing in her eyes.

“So,” Ai replied just as quietly. She lifted her arms to wrap around the girl.

“I guess you’re tired, right?” Reina asked, doing a fine tap dance.

“Mhm,” Ai replied, smiling up at her girlfriend.

“Well I guess we should get some sleep then,” Reina said, and acted like she would roll to the other side of the bed. However, Ai held her fast above her.

The two girls stared into each other’s eyes another long moment before Ai pulled Reina’s head down and into another kiss. They made out again tenderly, intimately, as they had done a few times before in one or the other’s smaller bed. However, this was markedly different.

Ai coaxed Reina’s tongue out of her mouth with her own, and they explored each other. Eventually Ai’s hands began doing the same, and she moved one slowly down Reina’s body past her belt. She held it there lightly a moment as their kiss continued before finding the hem of her short skirt and pulling it up. It eventually overlapped her belt and Ai slid her hand back down over the girl’s thin, tight sweats. When she squeezed, the girl cried out softly in the kiss and reflexively spread her knees to either side of Ai’s legs, but when Ai dared to dip her fingers tentatively down between her thighs, she felt the girl tense and pull herself away from the kiss.

“I’m sorry,” Ai said, quickly pulling her hand out and dropping it to her side. “I got lost in the moment. If you don’t want to…”

Reina looked back at her seriously before shaking her head. “It’s not that,” she said. “It’s… You’re the first girl I’ve um… I’ve not had an um… girlfriend… before. Kissing you is one thing, but…”

Ai smiled. “It’s a little weird, isn’t it?”

Reina nodded.

“It’s okay,” Ai said. “We can take our time. We have plenty of it now, after all. Or even…” Her self-consciousness was getting to her again. “We don’t have to do this at all. I really just want you here with me.”

She stopped babbling when Reina laid a finger to her mouth. “I do too,” the girl said, now smiling herself. “Do you…” she swallowed, showing her nervousness again. “Do you want to have sex with me?”

Ai looked into her eyes a long while before finally nodding, amazed she wasn’t also blushing. “I want to love you, Reina,” she said intensely, ignoring the girl’s crudeness while at the same time loving it, before pulling the girl back down to her.

A while later, they lay beneath the sheet with the bedspread all the way at the foot, entwined in each other’s nakedness as they made out unlike ever before. When their lips parted, they gazed lovingly into each other’s eyes amid shared pleasure and the heat and dampness surrounding them… as well as the fresh smell of everything else.

Unable to stop touching Reina, Ai leaned down into her neck to give it long, slow kisses. “So do you think you’ll be all right loving me?” she murmured as she kissed.

Reina giggled softly, and Ai loved feeling the vibration in her throat with her lips. “I think I’ll survive,” she said, and Ai felt her thin legs entwine to squeeze tightly around one of Ai’s own. “Although… do you think it’ll be all right if I tell everyone about us now?”

Ai stopped the kissing, though kept her face at the other’s throat. “It doesn’t matter to me,” she said. “I’m not an idol anymore.” She grinned against Reina’s neck.

Reina gave a quick growl. “You know I’ve got you in a very vulnerable position right now, right?”

Now Ai lifted her head up to look into the other’s eyes. They were still shining. “Somehow I think I’ll survive,” she said, still grinning.

Their giggles carried out into the night, twenty-eight floors above the ground. It was yet to be seen whether twenty-eight floors was high enough to find paradise.

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