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Author Topic: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Nami/Ray, Nami/Acchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 184358 times)

Offline taenylove

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Added Drabble: Reason Number 1)
« Reply #280 on: June 30, 2014, 06:08:32 PM »
Woaaaah! I really love PoF
A really really really good fanfic!
Good job author-san!~  :)

Offline crosteks

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Added Drabble: Reason Number 1)
« Reply #281 on: October 11, 2014, 03:24:03 PM »
 :ptam-wub: :ptam-wub: :ptam-ok: :ptam-ok: :ptam-ok: :ptam-ok:
Thank you so mush for this POF story i really like it,,
and this is my no.1 favorite story I was searching for story of Kai/Ray or Nami?Ray
and this is it I found your Story I'm very Glad that I search your POF your a Goo writer for me
and can't wait for you Sequel of POF.. I really like Nami/Ray I love them..
For making sequel about Atsumina it's ok But please in the end I want Nami/Ray (HaNami) couple
To be Happy Couple Pairing And Get marry to if it Possible too...
 :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :kneelbow: :tama-lotsaluv: :tama-lotsaluv: :tama-lotsaluv: :tama-lotsaluv:
 :k-thrilled: :k-thrilled: :k-thrilled: Thank you Again for this wonderful Story :k-thrilled: :k-thrilled: :k-thrilled: :k-thrilled:
« Last Edit: November 14, 2014, 09:47:45 AM by crosteks »

Offline Drakon

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Added Drabble: Reason Number 1)
« Reply #282 on: December 09, 2014, 09:52:26 PM »
A really interesting what Ray did with Yuu ?!
And when there will be new stories about favorite heroes?

Offline Saint0angel

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Added Drabble: Reason Number 1)
« Reply #283 on: September 14, 2015, 12:30:18 AM »
Akb48 and Mendol crossover. This actually came to me a couple of months ago but I can't write it on FFN.  :nervous Decided to just write it here on the mean time. I'm going for comedy and a bit of drama.

Pairings: Nami/Ray, Nami/Acchan (?)


Chapter 1

The lights are bright. The stage is set. You can feel the hot rays of the spotlight as it covers you. You can hear the crowd roar as you try to catch your breath after performing your single. It’s a typical day for an idol. It’s a typical day for us three.

“Th-Thank you so much!”

I glanced at Riku who was smiling at the crowd. Kuu was also smiling, his eyes a bit teary. I couldn’t help but smile too as I looked at the crowd. They were either chanting our group or chanting our individual names. Hearing those cheers feels pretty awesome.

My eyes wander at the crowd. I wasn’t particularly looking at anything, but then my wandering eyes stopped at a figure at the back. The figure was looking directly at me, smiling. Giving me a smile that feels like it was only meant for me. Somehow, I can’t hear the crowd anymore as I stare at her. She caught my attention and it seems that she noticed it. She’s saying something that I can’t figure out.


I mumbled out wanting to know what she’s saying. She smiled and said something again. I can’t read it. I’m not good at reading lips. It’s frustrating because I want to know what she’s saying. I took a step forward at the stage ignoring the looks that I know Riku and Kuu are giving me. I just want to know what she’s saying.

Still smiling, she put both her hands on the side of her mouth, took a deep breath and yelled.



I suddenly jerked forward as I opened my eyes and fell on the ground.


I mumbled rubbing my sore butt.

“Are you alright?”

I turned my attention at the person who woke me up and found Asahi looking at me worriedly. She offered her hand and I took it as I stood up.

“Why did you have to yell so loud?”

“I’m sorry. You weren’t waking up. Shaking you doesn’t seem to work so I decided to just yell at you. It’s either that or I pinch your nose to prevent you from breathing, then I put a whole bunch of marshmallows on your mouth as what Hinata suggested since she said that you sleep like the dead.”

She smirked and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Hinata’s jokes can be evil at times. 

“Well thanks for not doing that.”

“I was very tempted to do that really. But knowing you, you’d kill both of us if we did that.”

“How right you are.”

“Anyway, I just woke you up to say that it’s already 3:45pm. 15 minutes till rehearsal again.”

“Oh. Thanks for the wake up call.”

“No problem.”

She nodded and went out of the room. I slowly stretched trying to awaken my still sleepy body. I glanced at the clock and noticed that it’s 3:50pm. I’ve got 10 minutes to walk there. Plenty of time not to be late.

I got out of the room and made my way towards the rehearsal room. I couldn’t help but smile thankful for Asahi’s wake-up call. When I got in the room, everyone were either stretching, talking or just moving around. It still amazes me seeing so many girls in one big room. But then again, It’s been almost a year since the three of us joined AKB48.

It’s been almost a year since the Persona disbanded.

Almost a year since we dressed up as guys.
Almost a year since we were faked shot at the parking lot.
Almost a year since I admitted to Ray that I was a girl.
And it’s almost a year since she cried that night and looked at me with so much disgust in her eyes as she ran away from me.


Offline dark-atrox

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Re: [AKB48 x Mendol] The Price of Fame (Added Drabble: Reason Number 1)
« Reply #284 on: January 25, 2016, 10:58:23 PM »
It's been so long since the last time i left a comment here  :P  (or visit the page  :nervous ) But my love for Ray and Nami is still alive hence I'm here now nyahahaha  :lol: :lol: :lol: And that drabble Reason was like a glimpse for a SEQUEL ( yeah, still waiting for that  XD )

Anyway, Hinata calling Ray Hana-chan makes me laugh, idk why  :lol: :lol: :lol:
More of this  Ray/Nami with the Yuko for more craziness  :w00t:

and Akimashite Omedetou FoF-san....hishashibburi ne?  :)

PS: Update soon....And please PM me if u posted the Sequel hahaha  XD :lol: :P :nervous (I barely visit the page now :nervous)

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