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Author Topic: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia  (Read 36888 times)

Offline cool_kickin_dude

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« Reply #60 on: October 30, 2010, 06:28:34 PM »
^ hope you get to see them mal! :thumbsup

wonder which girls will be there?

Offline maliciel

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« Reply #61 on: October 31, 2010, 01:21:34 PM »
AKS being full of shit and holding out on us. Two weeks away, still no idea who's coming for concert.

Offline Anariel

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« Reply #62 on: November 09, 2010, 03:23:22 PM »

official blog

■Japan Pop-Culture Festival 2010(モスクワ)出演
Japan Pop-Culture Festival 2010
会場:35mm theater

Shizuka Ooya, Asuka Kuramochi, Chisato Nakata, Sayaka Nakaya, Mayumi Uchida, Ayaka Umeda, Reina Fujie, Rumi Yonezawa, Rie Kitahara, Rina Chikano, Yuka Masuda, Miho Miyazaki

My tickets  :jphip:

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« Reply #63 on: November 13, 2010, 06:26:18 AM »
The best 3 days of my life.

When AKB48 arrived, we tried our best to organize a concentrated reception for them. It took some sleuthing, but we found out the terminal and exactly when they arrived. After that it was just a matter of waiting for them. When they came out it was fucking hell breaking loose. People screaming, passing fan letters, taking photos. We at SGP48 managed to get our gifts for them (We had prepared 16 t-shirts for them, the same ones we wore for the reception/concert) given to the manager, and they stowed them away. All of them are way prettier in real-life, and Mariyannu actually walked up to me to take a photo of my sign! Once behind the glass of the arrival hall, and another when she was walking out. I melted right there. She's so beautiful.

Aamin taking a photo of the fans.

Them walking out. You can see Mariyannu pause and pull out her cellphone. That's where I was. The footage was taken by someone else with my camera.

My sign for Mariyannu, that will now be enshrined forever.

The concert was fucking mindblowing. There was an industry-level meeting/seminar just before the concert, and Aki-P was a part of it. I was in school, so I didn't get to go, but apparently some cool shit went down. One guy from SGP48 even got a 2shot/signature from Aki-P. Really regret not skipping school. Meanwhile, I was stuck in a traffic jam and train malfunction fuckery meant I reached there just as Overture was about to play. The concert moved along really quickly. They started with RIVER, Oogoe and Aitakatta. It was really fucking awesome. I don't particularly like RIVER (as some of you may already know), but damn, it is fucking awesome live.

Then they started with the self-introductions. They did this in mostly English, with many of the girls forgetting what they were supposed to say. It was pretty hilarious trying to remind Ayarin that oishii was delicious. Tomo~mi introduced her nickname as Chiyuu, which is awesome and probably because she saw the sign for her. Sato Natsuki shone at this point. She pretty much sounded like a native speaker. She didn't say much, but you can tell she's been working about it. Blows Sayaka out of the water, definitely. Nonaka Misato's part was funny because she forgot how to say 'nickname' and we pretty much just screamed 'Micha!' and then she was like 'Ah! Micha!' before we erupted in cheers. Kana mentioned how they saw all the pink when we received them. We were fucking estatic; they got our shirts and we got mentioned in the MC. It was totally worth the logistical nightmare that followed the ordering of the t-shirts. The girls were really cute, and Mariyannu omg <3.

I don't think I have to tell you which voice I am.

After that they moved on to the next block, consisting of Pajama Drive, Candy and Kimi wa Pegasus. This was a little weird. We never expected the lineup of Mayu/Harugon/Haachan for Pajama Drive, especially since 4/5 of WaRoTa were there. Was really fucking awesome, especially since we got to see Harugon's thighs. Candy was really fucking good, too. Komori/Amina/Kasai pretty much destroyed the stage. I wasn't looking at anyone but Kasai, for pretty obvious reasons. The song is way better when you can see thighs and tummies clearly. Pegasus was expected, but so awesome. Nacchi is a natural performer for sure, and Wasamin didn't look out of place with the rest of the girls.

Then it was time for another MC! This time it was led by Mariyannu (fuck yeah)! They talked about their impressions of Singapore. Micha noted that shopping in Singapore was hard because she didn't really about the money. So she just opened her wallet and made the people take the correct amount from it. That was so lol. The girls thought the girls were 'kawaii' and the people were kind. It was really cute how they tried to speak english as much as possible. Mariya is a great MC! Aamin mock-complained about how everyone only said 'mayuge bo~n'. Then she did it once. So awesome.

The rest of it was just a bunch of singles again: 10nen, Iiwake, Hikoukigumo, HR, Beginner, Ponyshushu. We didn't expect them to bust out Hikoukigumo so early, but they did. We called for encore after HR, each hoping against all hopes that they'd show up in pink. But of course, they didn't. Beginner was cute, Komori took center stage. Was pretty funny, she actually messes up the dances quite often. But Beginner live is great. The concert ended with the usual thanking of the audience. Our plan to sing Chiyuu a birthday song failed because no one led. But she started crying a little towards the end. Maybe she did actually love that we came down to see them ;_;

After the concert it was a mad rush to get a taxi; we knew they had 2 flights to go back to Japan, but they were in different terminals.

We went to Terminal 3 (it had the earlier flight), but the cab trailing the bus saw it turn into Terminal 2, so there was a mad 300m dash to the train linking the two terminals, and then another dash to where they were checking in. They were significantly early, no doubt wanting to avoid fan hordes. We managed to get close to them as they walked into the departure area. Mariyannu saw my 'Mariyannu mata kite ne' sign and waved. Died again. She was so pretty. I wished Tomo~mi a happy birthday and she was like "ah! arigatou'. So cute. They turned around and waved before presenting their passports. And just like that, AKB48 was gone as fast as they had arrived.

It's been an awesome week. 会いに行けるアイドル indeed. Photos by kohilist. Thanks to Kieyuku from Melos no Michi for the setlist. And if there are any other SG fans around, thanks for not being shitty fans and supporting SGP48's initiatives.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 06:54:18 AM by maliciel »

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« Reply #64 on: November 13, 2010, 11:24:12 AM »
Awesome stuff Mal, I'm happy for you  :twothumbs

I was in school, so I didn't get to go

wtf! You could learn more from Aki-P than you can at any school  :lol:

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #65 on: November 13, 2010, 05:12:05 PM »
Make that JPHiP represent x2! Here's how it went for me...

Because of circumstances better discussed elsewhere, my decision to see AKB was pretty last minute. Just within a week to go I decided to wing it and book everything. Disaster struck though as I was sick on Monday and even by Wed I was feeling bad. Work in the day and sleep all night, no time to get excited online.

Friday came and I felt better but the schedule has drained alot of the enthusiasm out of me. It wasn't until halfway in the journey to Singapore that it hit me. Reached the Lion city and made a dash for my return ticket home. Then dashed to Suntec to grab my AKB tickets. Body was soaking wet when I reached the Mall/Hall and a chill came down my spine... as the air conditioning hit me.

I finally found the ticket counter but there was a little gathering in front of it. As I got closer I noticed that it was non other than Akimoto-sensei being surrounded by his slaves fans. I quickly moved towards the crowd but it looked like he had done signing stuff and quickly made off to his lair. He was quick small in stature but that was not surprising. So after that nice distraction, I got my ticket. Sniff... only free standing is all I could afford.

Got my $2 dollar blue glow stick and waited in line for the big show. The doors open and we all moved in. At the free standing area there was a barrier that separated us from the cat A and B seats. I moved quickly to the barrier and had a clear view of the arena. To the left of me were a couple of loud and chatty fans and it was great listening to their banter. To my right was a quiet guy but it seemed like he knew his AKB, just shy. There were a couple of false starts like 2 warnings about no filming and pictures, but once Akimoto-P made his way in and took a seat among the crowd we all knew that "it's not long now".

The lights dimmed and the Oveture never sounded so sweet. The noise, the shouting, the glowsticks, this was how it was suppose to be! The crowd was getting pumped up and when the girls moved into place everybody went crazy! I was also loosing it but then a little disappointment, I was too far away... But nevermind, they're still there in front of me! What would they start with? Komori let us all know with a weak A! K! B~~~~!...... 48! RIVER! I don't think any of us at free standing did any of the mixes (even when some kind soul was passing out instruction papers). The most we did were singing certain lines and making random noises.

The concert list can be dissected any way you want but what I came out with was how much fun waving a glowstick can be. My favorite moment of the concert was when mic stands came out and Heavy Rotation began. It seemed like the song that everyone was singing along to. You know the lines right? I want you, I need you, I love you. Fantastic. Finally I think I get this song. Encore was messy as everyone wanted to do it their way but how can you compare overseas concert virgins to the hardcore 100+ theater show wotas in Japan?

2 final songs and it was all over. Many complain, quiet reasonably, that it was too short. I agree, but how much is enough for us hungry fans? We could had stayed there for another 3 hours easy. Without much of the top members though it would be a waste. I was busy finding my way back to my ride home. AKB withdrawal struck me pretty hard in the hours of the journey. I was hooked. I know now why people pay for this. AKB48 is special.

Offline Datalanche

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #66 on: November 13, 2010, 06:34:07 PM »
Nice reports guys! Glad you have fun!

AKB withdrawal struck me pretty hard in the hours of the journey. I was hooked. I know now why people pay for this. AKB48 is special.

Yup, I felt the same way. In the weeks leading up to their appearance in LA, I thought to myself, "Awesome, I'm going to see AKB48 in concert! 8)" After all was said and done, it was more like "ZOMFG I JUST SAW AKB IN CONCERT OMFGOMFGMOMFG RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE SUPER WIN!11!!!!1! :twothumbs" It really is an experience, especially for those of us in different countries who don't often get to see them.

Offline maliciel

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #67 on: November 13, 2010, 07:03:27 PM »
Yeah the encore call was a bit messy. There were some people who don't really get the concept of timing. Should've hit me up if you wanted some help with tix.

Offline BonKaca

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #68 on: November 14, 2010, 03:05:25 PM »
Make that JPHiP represent x2! Here's how it went for me...

make that 3 with me  :lol:

honestly, i don't have anything to share or report, because that day was soooooooo fukken awrsome,
the best experience in my life yet,
seriously i cannot think clearly until now.
Since i was there in the left corner (and front row of course, my seat was A04) there're so many mind blowing moment,
i can't remember which member who approached me, how many times the members looked at me, how many times they wave their hand,
but what i can remember until now are :

1.Before the concert started, i saw some man with suit walked so fast in front of me, i can tell that they're the staffs. But after a nano second, i saw a man, big man with glasses and grey suit. HEY, that's aki-p, without thinking i shouted "AKIMOTO SAAAAAN" and he just show his left palm  :hand: as he goes by. After that, all fans just started to call aki-p for countless times.
I know, i can't compare that experience to the others who got aki-p's sign and 2 shot, but still to have him response to my call personally, that was too awesome.

2.My group got 2 big waroka posters, (Gyu, and their album).
So at the and of the show, we got harugon and ayarin's attention.
Ayarin showed us some gyu dance, and harugon just smiles and.....  :inlove: nah, i can't describes it.

3.Amina, when i waved my hand to her, she personally waved her hand back to me, and i'm sure of that, and she looked more cute, and not as bulky as we usually seen on photos.

4.komori, there's a moment at the end of the show where komori approached the left corner at the stage. I shouted as loud as i can "KOMORIIII SAAAN", then she looked surprised, and reacting strangely. But she's so cute there.

5.And the best part of the concert was when rabutan, looked into my position (i write that because i'm not sure if she looked at me or the others). and... and... and...  :bleed eyes:  :banghead:
i think that's because i called her name countless time before the show started until i left the venue. And when she introduced herself at jikou shoukai session, i yelled "rabutaaaan daisuki".
So i think that's more than enough to catched her attention.

i apologize for that messed up report, but once again, seriously, i can't remember clearly what was it like.
the 1.5 hours moment back then just too amazing.

Offline maliciel

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #69 on: November 14, 2010, 06:42:02 PM »

Offline SomethingWild

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #70 on: November 14, 2010, 06:48:15 PM »
Awesome!! Huge smile haha. Congrats man  :thumbup

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #71 on: November 17, 2010, 10:27:41 AM »
Macau concert. no pics or vids though. my home internet is cut, and my work PC doesn't even have a USB.
The concert didn't have any souvenirs! :shocked

Can't remember it well. Memorable stuff in point form:
1. Some guy found his friend was there, and they wanted to sit together.
So I swapped my middle-right seat to his exact-middle seat of the same row. Win/Win for both of us.
I kinda feel sorry though. I got an awesome centre view of the stage, where I could see all the action clearly... and google at Rena~ :drool:
But Miichan was over the far right most of the time, and I would've been much closer if I kept the original seat.

2. I sat next to one of the biggest screamers/jumpers of the concert. cool.
Actually, I WAS one of the biggest screamers/jumpers of the concert. Flicked my glowstick like a pro (hehe, amateur HK fans). Tiger, fire, cyber, fiber, diver, viper~ Ja Ja~ (at least that's what I read in one of the guys' cheat sheets) :P

3. AKB+SKE sang Aitakatta and River together at the start (MC said it was supposedly their first time singing those together, including japan. Aitakatta I doubt, but River probably). Aitakatta felt like it was sung like 3-4 times. :lol:

4. All the members had a try at introductions in cantonese/chinese. Most were ok! 2 or 3 were non-understandable, so we kinda just screamed in reply. But they tried. :thumbup
Oya Shizuka scored major points by saying "Tonight, let us all Wey Way Wei" (have fun/go crazy). Honestly, I've never used that line in my entire life. Don't think I ever will either! :bow: And congratulations in going overseas for the first time. :peace:
As for leadership roles, I think Moeno, Umechan and Jurina did a great job in keeping the ball rolling throughout the live.

5. Miichan/KitaRie/Jurina/Kumi doing Endroll.
Miichan's sudden cartwheel/flip was my high point of the concert.

6. Kasai and the Sato sisters (Amina + Suuchan) singing Candy. Death from overcuteness. XD
update: It was Komori, not Suuchan. sorz~ :doh:

7. HR was the biggest crowd pleaser, with all the audience coming together and singing "I want you~~" :twothumbs

8. Kareha no Station :inlove:

9. Two Roses = awesomezzz!!

10. Beginner started. Everyone went mad.

11. There were some mini-squabbles between the fanclubs. End of the day, it took a japanese fan to stand up, make everybody cool down, and have him lead the encore chants. Kinda funny when he stopped us and corrected us "Not Chuu, it's Chiyuu!" :lol:

12. 2 encores. Aitakatta + Ponytail sung at the end with pink 'I :heart: Macau' shirts.

13. Concert lasted around 1.5 hours. And overall, it had a very fulfilling setlist.
I don't mind the collab. SKE sent in their main force, and it was great checking them out with their new single coming out. AKB didn't have the lucky 7, but I'm really happy they got Miichan over. She's one of the earliest members that I liked in AKB, and I feel lucky just to be able to see her perform.

14. I got seasick on the way back. :nervous

Also, a few hours ago I went to the HK AKB Shop for the handshake event. :cow:
The shop items didn't interest me very much, probably cos they're more girl-oriented. I wished the frame of the make-up mirror was for a photo frame. In the end I settled for an HK$80 Miichan flag.

I staged in my mind the night beforehand what I wanted to say. But the members turned out in the total opposite order from what I imagined.
It made me only say 'hello, thank you' to KitaRie and 'Chiyuu' to Kasai. XD

But I did get to say my broken japanese to Miichan:
"Miichan! Honto nee Daisuki~"
(translation = please be my waifu) :wub:

"Ko Le Ka La Mo, O En Shi Masu"
(translation = either "I'll be supporting you from now onwards" or "Miichan, please support me from now onwards". I'm hoping the first one)

So... yay! 2 fun days of AKB'ing~
« Last Edit: November 19, 2010, 04:02:23 AM by winner »

Offline atskv9

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #72 on: November 18, 2010, 12:43:36 AM »

Offline maliciel

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #73 on: November 19, 2010, 10:13:59 AM »

An article about Aki-P and AKB48 on the local paper. Scanned by xyish. First paragraph is fuckin' hilarious.

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #74 on: November 20, 2010, 06:10:13 AM »

Offline maliciel

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #75 on: November 20, 2010, 09:33:47 AM »

Is that your footage? Doesn't seem like there was anyone to welcome them :O

Offline Anariel

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #76 on: November 20, 2010, 09:16:57 PM »
Sorry for bad english and few info and I write only about most importance

Concert includes poniiteru to shushu, heavy rotation, beginner, aitakatta, oogoe diamond, mariya and 2-3 old stage songs i don know  :nervous

Also it includes MC in russian and japanese with translator, IMHO best russian speaker  - Umeda Ayaka, almost all girls spoke something not recogize able, but we support them in any situation  :jphip:

My achievements:

I was in first row in center behind 4-5 little japanese girls with which we share glowsticks. They gave 2 fan letters to Chikarina and she was in 0.5-1.0 meters from me  8)

ALL AKB girls was in 2-3 meters from me during the stage  :)


ALL SHOW I was trying to draw their attention using Names/Nicks and Waves/Yells to them. It was simple because of my place!  :thumbsup

Masuda Yuka - She noticed me after "YUKA DAISUKI". She smiled to me and Waved 2! times and during ALL PERFORMANCE She frequently stare at me and embarass me. Her staring eyes I never forget! She is fucking HAWT and KIND AND CUTE  :inlove:

Umeda Ayaka - She noticed me 2 times! She waved and TEASE ME like "Omg you really like me?" YES!  :oops:

Miyazaki Miho - She noticed me 1 time! She don't waved but TEASE ME like "No,  you have no chances"  XD

Fujie Reina, Chikano Rina, Uchida Mayumi, Rumi Yonezawa - akb girls which noticed me and smiles but I don't sure 100% about it (she stare at my side but I don't catch their look)

Asuka Kuramochi, Ooya Shizuka, Kitahara Rie - girls never noticed me, I think such way. Don't want say bad but Ooya wasn't enjoyed to performance, We had Good Poster for her, but it seems she look and ignore it...She could wave or say something  :nervous
Kitarie performed for all audience  :P
Asuka was almost all time on other side of girls.

Chisato Nakata, Sayaka Nakaya -  girls I don't really care  :nervous

I am confused and full of good feelings, I hope you understand WHAT THE FUCKING AWESOME PERFORMONCE WAS and It seems I am Masuda Yuka FAN  :inlove:

UPD: Best day in my life, now I can die with no worry  XD
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 09:42:54 PM by Anariel »

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #77 on: November 20, 2010, 09:56:30 PM »
Nice one, comrade!  :thumbup Sounds like it was pretty fun. Enjoy your new Yuka oshi.  :D

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #78 on: November 21, 2010, 06:25:32 AM »
Sounds like you had an awesome time Anariel :D  :thumbsup
nice, nice

Offline Anariel

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Re: [News] AKB48 in Singapore, Macau and Russia
« Reply #79 on: November 21, 2010, 11:59:09 AM »
Setlist (not 100% because i don't know good 3-5 songs):
00. overture
02. Ponytail to shushu
03. Kataomoi no taikakusen (B4)
04. Tonari no Banana (H2)
05. Kioku no Dilemma (H2)
06. MARIA (K3)
07. Aitakatta
08. 10nen zakura
10. Oogoe diamond
11. Heavy Rotation
12. Beginner (ENCORE)

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