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Author Topic: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)  (Read 34804 times)

Offline Fushigidane

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2010, 11:48:26 PM »
Jabronisaur, KAKKOII! :thumbup :D :jphip: :heart:
What did I do yesterday? I did my best to be nice to everyone I met. ^^ Helped a friend's dad to keep the house clean XD
Tried not to be rude when I normally would. :) Actually shared some candies with people I normally don't treasure enough. ^^"
I had earlier gotten someone's expectations high, then later today after telling the person I couldn't fulfill them I tought about it and told the person I was sorry.
Enjoyed the day to the fullest and shared happiness with irl ppl as much as I could. ^^
 :hipheart: :heart: :jphip:  :up :up :up :thumbup :heart:

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2010, 11:59:33 PM »
Let's see...I held open a door for someone today. :lol: Slow start but I'll be out tonight, so hopefully I have the opportunity to do good things~

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2010, 12:57:04 AM »
Hello All!  On  behalf of my parents and myself I would truly like to thank you all for the tribute to my little Bro Tim!  I think it's great that you all saw the best in him.  He was a great brother and a great friend.  The world could be a lesser place with out him except that all of you remember him in spirit and choose to carry on his memory!  I don't have the words to thank you for that.  Tim loved you guys and you were a big part of his life.  My parents and I are SO happy you chose to remember him this day.

JAB will live on in our memories!

Much Love to you all!


Thank you for your words Chuck, it means a lot because we wanted to honor Jab in the best possible way. We at JPHiP spread our love and goodwill to you and your parents.

Tim was and always will be a part of the community, his legacy emblazoned forever in our hearts.

One Love,



Just one good deed, love message and positive gesture goes a long way!

I spread love to everyone of the friends I don't talk to enough on twitter and facebook cuz pimpin ain't easy, to make time for everyone, it is what Jab always did.

At every fast food and store I went to this afternoon, dropped donations into their coffers.

Nite is still young....

If you are on TWITTER. Please drop a #jabronisaur hash tag to your shout outs to Jab.


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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2010, 01:45:47 AM »
ok um, I have been letting people vent to me, which is good they need it. and I don't mind, I am keeping my brother happy by having yummy food for him... I also have been smiling and just having peaceful thoughts..

I am sorry I dont get out much anymore. :( I wish I could do more..  I will keep on keepin on tho...

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2010, 02:08:00 AM »
I bought my nephews a toy each, helped my sister out with a problem she had on her laptop, helped my parents with the shopping and made coffee for the family. I wanted to get out there and actually do something for someone other than my family though, but the opportunities just didn't arise. I'm strongly considering the prospect of donating blood, which I've never done before.

Offline cromartiedropout

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2010, 02:54:53 AM »
I wasn't around for Jabronisaur, but I've seen his posts around the forum and I feel as though, through all of you, that he was a dear friend.  RIP Jabronisaur, my thoughts go out to your family and we HiPsterz will always keep you in our hearts <3

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2010, 04:17:33 AM »
I can't believe it's been this long. I still miss Jabs and our talks about FFIV and Zeppelin.

Today I helped an old lady with a computer at the library who really had no idea how to work one. I thought she was maybe a non-traditional student working on a paper... turns out? She just loves to write and was trying to write a short story to send to a publisher. She sat and talked to me about her hobby and how in love with it she was and it totally warmed my heart, especially since I got to help her get her things situated. I ended up not charging her for her prints because she was just that awesome.

I also helped a friend feel better after a "friend break-up." Those are always harsh.

I gave Minier-Wheat words of encouragement, because she's stuck at yearbook camp and is miserable.

I got in a bad mood, but then remembered the day and immediately began working on it. <3

Miss you, Tim.

::Rest in Peace, Jabs. You'll be forever missed. <3::

Offline Deft-Monkey

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2010, 04:20:48 AM »
So yesterday, I did a few more things in the evening:

* Told my English tutor that she could take a break by missing out on my lesson next week because she's heavily overworked.
* The I was being chummy with the guy sharing my lesson yesterday who I'd never met before.
* Spent time with my sister and mother, watching television and chatting with them in the living room.
* Gave my dog a good dose of TLC
* Sent a happy message to someone on formspring who I don't think likes me very much. I linked a couple of videos as well. Her response was basically, "LOL what the hell is this?!" I sent her another message telling her about the significance of today and she replied saying that now knowing that, she'd go and watch the videos. I hope they brightened her day a little because her response made me feel really good inside.

It's not Friday 16th anymore where I am, but I'm still going to make the effort to keep going and extend my friendship and positivity to others. For you, Jab :jphip:

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #28 on: July 17, 2010, 04:22:49 AM »
My list. For Jab <3

Made sure to ask co-workers about their day.
Took dog for extra, early-morning walk - gotta be nice to animals too!
Extra smiles for everyone.
Helped customer find a book she absolutely had to have - even though I usually stay in the back and don't work with customers.
Helped Spanish speaking customer w/ my own limited Spanish skills.
Introduced myself to new co-worker and got to know him a bit today.
Co-worker had her last day today - so made an extra trip after work to give her a gift.
Took my wife out for a nice dinner.
Talked and joked around with the waiter.
Gave waiter extra good tip.
Made damn sure to say please and thank you to everyone - within reason.
Didn't allow bad drivers to get me down. (Doesn't count probably)

I'll be continuing this tomorrow - needs to be a way of life for me.

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2010, 05:02:30 AM »
Didn't do alot since most of my day was driving to CA.

Tweeted some nice stuff to people??

I bought some of the supplies my sister needed for her SPAM MUSUBI...Yum :drool:

Offline daigong

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #30 on: July 17, 2010, 11:14:19 AM »

We are so proud of everyone who made the effort, who gave tributes, because this is what we're all about. The JPHiP Spirit is alive and well with Jab leading the way from up above!!!

Jabronisaur is part of The Foundation of JPH!P and to members old and new, he will always and forever be a part of the history that is JPH!P - he embodies the ideal HiPster one who makes everyone feel welcome and carries that positive attitude.

Thank you to The Marks Family for blessing us with this great man. Thank you HiPstaz for giving your all to him and making this community what it is today.

We made Jabby proud for years and years to come.  :D

So let's step our game up!! JPHiP 1,000 Good Deeds Challenge:

Started by shirenu, we continue to spread The Spirit of Jabronisaur throughout the year, please take part!

Offline writerserenyty

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2010, 06:49:24 PM »
I joined JPHiP too late and thus wasn't lucky to know Jabronisaur, but this shows how amazing of a community JPHiP is, to celebrate an amazing person who did so much to this website; he was an amazing person.

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #32 on: July 17, 2010, 10:29:24 PM »
I went out last night a bought some ice-cream for myself and my mom. I carried it by myself, and it dripped in the car, but I got it to her in one piece and she enjoyed it.
"Under the beautiful blue sky"

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2010, 06:43:17 AM »
well, it took me a while to find the words to post, but here goes...

I have to admit, I actually was dreading this day. I hated it, but I knew I had to move on..

I was at a restaurant tonight waiting for my food for 30 minutes, but it gave me time to reflect on what had happened the past couple of months. It actually began to turn for me right now. I looked around and saw the people talking to others and it made me realize one thing: It feels good to be alive right now.

You see, after Jab died, it really dawned on me that last night when me, dai, BigFreaky and him were in the room, none of us realized it was the last time I would see him. I even thought part of it was my fault when he died. Sure, I saw him a couple of times before that night, but I was so angry and selfish of myself because of what happened at AX(not getting autographs was one of the factors), that I didn't want to enjoy the rest of the time. It made me not want to go to AX this year, but I did.

The thing was:I had a great time. There was one reason why:It was all because of Jab.

Even though we didn't have many people, the point is, I had a great time and not let some of the bad things let me down. It made me even become an AKB48 fan as well.

But the thing that made it good was on the last night, I went to the Mayfair a couple of times after midnight and just relived some of the memories of the previous year(our Slurpee run). I remember walking back to my hotel and getting ready to leave, thinking one thing:Jab wanted me to enjoy myself and mostly, he wanted me to keep going in life.

As I'm writing this now, the whole thing is coming back into my mind again. What had been a personal tragedy for me, became retribution. I can now go on, knowing I made Jab proud by enjoying life and positivity the way it supposed to be.

So thank you Tim and everybody here at JPH!P. I took your positivity for granted for almost a year with fake smiles, but no more. Now, I can move foward and celebrate your legacy. Love you guys! :jphip:

Offline Deft-Monkey

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #34 on: July 18, 2010, 08:35:57 AM »
^ Man CKD, that was really inspirational, thank you!!! :banana: :hipheart:

I'd give you 1000 thanks if I could!! It's really good to see fellow hipstaz turning their lives around and being positive!! The spirit of Jab lives on with us :jphip: :jphip: :jphip:

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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #35 on: July 18, 2010, 01:59:12 PM »
400th post...couldn't decide where to spend it, so I decided to come here.

I'm another person who didn't "exist" when Jab was still around, so perhaps I'm not as directly impacted as most everyone else here, but seeing how much of an impression he's left on this site and everyone who knew him gives me a very positive impression of the man and what it would've been like if I had the chance to meet him. I've never lost anyone due to death, so I can only imagine how devastating this loss was, especially considering how awesome this place is now, but I have lost a lot of friends in recent years due to petty squabbles and misunderstandings that got out of hand, so this is something that really puts my own life into perspective and gives me something to strive for regarding future friendships.

I haven't really been out of the house much lately, so I honored his memory a bit late by only doing something yesterday. I visited my grandfather and took him to a hardware store so he could buy some things he needed for his kitchen sink and look for other stuff. Even though my cousin who lives in the same house as him was home and should have been available for this kind of thing, said cousin was still asleep into the late afternoon, so I stepped up in his "absence", and it was only fitting I did so since my grandfather really enjoys riding in my car. In retrospect I really didn't do much (or at least it feels that way), but small things like that are all my grandfather asks of others nowadays, so it was the least I could do for someone else.

RIP Jabronisaur. I wish I could've known you or honored you better, but at the very least I wanna thank you for helping to build such a great and welcoming community here at JPH!P. :jphip:
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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2010, 03:42:42 PM »


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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2010, 10:39:48 AM »
Perseverance and positivity conquers fear and negativity.

Atta boy CKD. I'm glad Jab and the JPH!P Mentality has gotten through to you. No more tears man! Sometimes it takes the hard way to realize that what is good for you is right in front of you. I challenge you to find another community that has really drilled the idea of being positive into your head. Boy, welcome to the road to redemption. Life is what YOU make of it. Keep it up dude!

Indeed, mode, JTRI, Deft - just taking a little time for our friends and family instead of just fapping away at porn goes a long way. Next thing you know it'll be like one month, then two months, two years since u last talked to that friend. I made my efforts with  twitter and facebook messages lol, and it felt good. Too bad I got drunk lol

I learned a lot from Jabronisaur, writerserenyty - and those who didn't get to know him, he lives on through his posts, videos, and radio shows and through the memories from those who knew him. ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS JAB!! with every positive action and good deed, we make him proud. It wasn't Jab never had problems himself, but he always was strong. In 2008, we were supposed to meet up in Florida, but he couldn't make it because his brother was sick. Jab held his family together, like a rock. Yet through the ordeal, he had the time to give us suggestions of where to go in Florida and always had messages of encouragement. Always a big presence on the forums and esp. IRC. Hell, Jab kept me in my place whenever I would go too crazy XD Like when I played maliciel's karaoke songs, Jab was like "Stop embarrassing him" and was pissed, so I vowed never to do it again. Jab made daigong a better man, and JPHiP a better place.

So no matter how big or small, just making one person happy is the step to the world being a better place. I'm a preach it, and Jab will tease me, but he will be there right by my side waving the :hipheart: flag!

JPHiP BABY! Keep The Jab Movement going!! You can check out:

JPHiP 1,000 Good Deeds Challenge
Give Me Hope! > Fuck My Life - Stories of Inspiration and Miracles!


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Re: Be Like Jabronisaur Day (July 16, 2010)
« Reply #38 on: July 20, 2010, 06:56:33 AM »
That's really awesome ckd. Keep on this path, I think it is a good one for you. :) I'm also glad you were able to enjoy AKB48 this year. I saw you after you got your autographs and you were ecstatic. Nice job! :thumbup Don't forget to have a peek at SKE48, too. ;) :thumbup I'm glad to see you doing better. To be perfectly honest, I see a lot of myself in you sometimes. We're similar in that we're a bit stubborn to get positive, yet can be pretty easy to get down emotionally. Both of us just gotta keep fighting, having fun with H!P, AKB, idols, and most importantly our friends here, and not let negativity drag us into the pits. It ain't worth it, man. We're better than that shit, and I'm happy you are starting to see that.

I don't have much to say about Jab since a lot of my jphip "life" has been in the AKBar. I saw his postings and he seemed like a cool guy but I don't think we ever corresponded. I saw him in passing at AX09 a few times and he looked like he was having a blast with you guys. One thing I see clearly from these responses is how instrumental he was to the jphip formula. His positivity obviously had a downright profound impact on many, if not most, veterans on this forum. I'm sure that we're all aware of how this Japanese and Korean pop fandom can be. Heck, any fandom on the internet. People are quick to snap and troll and argue over hobbies that are supposed to be fun distractions from our every day lives and bring us a little bit of joy, not divide us or make us fight. This site is different. Here, people tend to coexist and share thoughts in a fun way, yet we can also have more serious discussions over the idols and music of our choice, sometimes agreeing sometimes not, but be civil about it and learn and grow. That's something I really like, and people like Jab made that atmosphere come to life. That's how it seems to me anyway.

I think my best way of honoring a guy like Jab is to try and have fun with and keep that atmosphere going by chatting it up, sharing AKB thoughts and media, and maybe even the occasional insane poll in the perv section. :lol:

My thoughts remain with his friends and family.

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