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Author Topic: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [FINALE - Ch. 93 - (1/30)]  (Read 360657 times)

Offline kano-chan

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #60 on: September 07, 2010, 12:10:08 AM »
Yeahhh~~!!! :inlove:

She's starting to care! :mon squee:

She's fallin'! :mon inluv:

Good good good! :twothumbs :cow:

Offline sapphire

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #61 on: September 07, 2010, 02:09:15 AM »
Hiya. Sorry that I have not been commenting in a while, I've been busy with school. :depressed:
Anyways, getting on with the comments. I really like how this story is going as of far.
Reina's character is really different from Kokoro no Uta, but not in a bad way. :whistle:
Poor Eri though; the girl she likes doesn't even know her real gender. But that's what makes the story interesting
Hm...Risa's perfectionist character seems rather interesting. I can't put my finger about why it is as of far.
I like Ai's character as the teacher. She suits the role very well.

Please update soon.

Offline Haruka

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #62 on: September 07, 2010, 03:30:30 AM »
Just what I said... I can't miss any day... cause you update >o<

And I miss my comment for the 3rd chapy T_________T

Well our little Reina is obvious a Killer xD cause she really does not want to leave Erik behind XD
God her tlf number >o< that awesome *w*

And Gaki to the rescue =D kick all those wolfs teachers away for our beauty and innocent and lovely and pretty and OMG.... Takahashi- sensei XD

The HELL I want moar *Q*

God!! She knows she's HOT!

Offline kuro808

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #63 on: September 07, 2010, 04:49:32 AM »
Somehow I like this teacher and student relationship, it is quite forbidden too  :lol:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #64 on: September 07, 2010, 03:46:13 PM »
Poor Ai having to deal with the pervy male teachers, Nice plan using Gaki to get her out of it though  :lol:

Gaki get mesmerized by Ai, well she wont be the last person who that happens to :oops :inlove:

Does Gaki get all protective towards Ai at the end of this chapter, not wanting her to be left alone with the pervy teacher, its just too :wub:, Poor Gaki is see a very confusing love for Ai for her in this fic.... :panic:

Offline fallenxangel24952

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #65 on: September 07, 2010, 06:23:27 PM »
 :P aichan is too beautiful dor the perv male teacher  :P
and gakisan goodjob at saving aichan from the male teacher :on GJ:

Offline SarangAi

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #66 on: September 08, 2010, 12:26:28 AM »
@kawaii beam: lol glad you like it~  XD

@Fushigidane: awww i guess you don't like the new plot that much? gomene.. :(

@Tami_Ai: LOL loving the emoticons!!!  XD

@rndmnwierd: oh yes, the start of Risa's mixed feelings.. :D

@aussie: 우와~~ 게니 반갑네요... 한국사람...  XD I write in english because I'm currently not residing in Korea XD

@Michi.Pinku: I actually can't wait to write the ShigeJun :lol:

@kano-chan: oh yes, she's falling.. :wub:

@sapphire: don't worry about it, i've been busy with studying to :P

@Haruka: LOL well i'm getting pretty slow with the updates so... :nervous

@kurosawa87: it's the forbidden element that makes everything more exciting, nee? :twisted:

@oddball: dayum you got the plot down! :w00t:

@fallenxangel: true dat, aichan is much too beautiful XD

sorry guys, this is just a commen replying post..  :nervous
But I'm writing the next chapter as you read this  :D
Hopefully, it'll be up by tonight~ :twothumbs

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

Offline Haruka

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #67 on: September 08, 2010, 02:30:07 AM »
Waaaa... school sucks >.< but just for all the asignatures =S

I remember those days XD I got good days =3 jeje

Take your time >o< I have a Contest at work o_O they made this all the years...

In this case... my plataform have to make a coreography with J.LO's songs XD

ALL MY BODY IS ACHING WITH NO END X_X but I got a solo with a break dance part =D

If I could find a place, maybe I could upload it XD just for your fun *o* you know... all the rehearsals =O
See u~

God!! She knows she's HOT!

Offline SarangAi

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 4 - (9/6)]
« Reply #68 on: September 08, 2010, 05:18:31 AM »
^ Oh yeah, school sucks, no matter what level it is  :smhid
and yeah, post the video! I'm kinda curious now...  :w00t: XD

Here is the next chapter~ I hope you enjoy :D


Chapter 5

   The streetlights flickered on and off as the petit girl walked down her street.  It wasn’t completely dark yet; the sun was setting in the horizon, indicating dinner time.  Reina was feeling hungry, but also lazy to cook.  Maybe she’ll have to settle on another instant ramen…

   Concentrating solely on dinner, the cat-like girl walked up the steps to her white house and inserted the key into the door.  She then twisted her wrist but the lock didn’t turn with it.  Her eyebrows rose up in confusion as she cocked her head to the side.  Was the key stuck?  Reina pulled out her key out and tried the door.  The brass handle turned easily in her hand.  The key was stuck; the lock hadn’t opened because it was already opened.

    Reina quickly slipped her hands off the door handle and took a step back.  She was absolutely sure that she locked the house this morning when she left for school; yet the door handle had turned easily as though it was oiled.  Had she remembered wrong?

   No, she definitely locked the door.  So why was it now open?  Had someone broken in?  Perhaps someone who had a bone to pick with her because of something she did in the past, when she was still the leader of her gang?  Definitely a possibility…

   Deciding to face whoever the intruder was, Reina took a deep breath and opened the door.  She took off her shoes and silently placed her backpack down on the floor.  None of the lights in the hallway was on; but when she turned the corner, she could see the light from the kitchen seeping through the sliding doors with dull glass.  Someone was inside.

   Reina slowly crept up to the door and tried to see who was inside through the distorted glass, without avail.  How dare anyone in their right mind break into her home?  If they think they can top her, the legend Tanaka Reina in any way, they were wrong. 

   Before she could open the kitchen door to reveal the trespasser, Reina felt a presence behind her.  She quickly whirled around and did a roundhouse kick, letting out a yell in the process.  Her ankles were grabbed by someone in the darkness.

   “Woah!” the person yelled.  “Easy there, cool-cat.”

   Reina immediately recognized the person’s voice as her legs were dropped back to the floor.  She scoffed as the dim light from the kitchen started to reveal the person’s face.  It was a girl, much taller than herself, wearing a light orange sweatshirt.  Her hair was braided a little on one side, pulled towards the back of her head to reveal a large earring shaped like a butterfly.  The rest of her smooth black hair traveled down below to her chest.

   “Junjun?” Reina shrilled.  “What the hell are you doing in my house?”

   “Hey, can’t you start by greeting someone with a, ‘hello’?  Maybe a, ‘how are you’?” the panda complained, fixing her bangs.

   “You’re trespassing on Tanaka property right now,” Reina growled.  “I can sue you for that.  How did you get in anyway?  I thought I removed the spare key under the flower pot.”

   “Never underestimate me, Reina,” Junjun grinned.  “A couple paper clips are enough for me to handle your door.  Besides, it wasn’t my idea to come here.  I was just tagging along with them.” 

    She pointed a finger behind the petit girl.  Before Reina could turn around, she jumped with a start as a loud voice rang into her ears.


    Reina whirled around to see her kouhai who had come out from the kitchen.  Her big smile seemed to brighten up the entire room. 

    “Mittsi?” the petit girl shrilled again.  “Wait a minute… if you’re here, that means—“

    “NI HAO!” an equally loud voice greeted from behind the cute kouhai.  A girl with short brown hair popped out from the kitchen.  “How was your day, Senpai?”

    “It was going wonderfully until I found out that three yankiis broke into my house!” Reina said sarcastically while smiling.

    “Aw, don’t be like that, Reina,” Junjun laughed.  “These two just wanted to come and make some dinner for you.  You are their aspiration, after all.”

    “That’s right, Senpai!” Aika grinned.  “Linlin and I made a nice hot meal for you!  I think you’ll enjoy it!”

    That’s when Reina finally noticed that her underclassmen were wearing matching aprons, pink and yellow.  Even their slippers were matching as well as the chain necklaces that hung around their necks.  These two were really getting into this couple thing.  Ever since they realized their mutual feelings for each other, Aika and Linlin were inseparable.  Reina hadn’t seen them do more than kissing on each other’s cheeks, but they still seemed pretty sincere about each other.  How pure, considering they were both gang members. 

    But that was what also made them frightening, in a way.  At first glance, they seemed completely harmless.  But if anybody crossed them, they would soon see that they were not to mess with.  It was a good trait, somehow.  At first, nobody had thought that Aika would be so agile and quick while Linlin would be so skilled in handling knives.  But as soon as their talents were recognized, Reina had accepted them into her gang.  But that was a long time ago…

    “So, how about it?” Junjun offered.  “Go up and change; come have some dinner.  We can talk after.”

    “I still didn’t forgive you for breaking into my home,” Reina reminded.

    “I can live without your forgiveness,” Junjun said nonchalantly, grinning. 

    The panda walked past the kitty and entered the kitchen.  Reina sighed and smiled.  Junjun would never change; she was always such a free person, and always will be.  It seemed as though she had no worries at all.

**  **  ** 

   “I got to say,” Reina sighed contently, “that was a pretty good meal.”

   “Of course it was a good meal,” Aika grinned.  “My Lin is such a good cook~”

   “I could only make it so well because you were helping, Aika~” Linlin cooed back.

   “Oh, put a cork in it,” Reina grumbled, her character reverting in less than a second.

   “It sure beat instant ramen, though,” Junjun laughed.

   “I won’t argue with that…” Reina mumbled under her breath, making all three girls laugh out.

   “Well then, I’ll get started on the dishes,” Linlin announced, getting up from her chair.

   “I’ll help,” Aika said, happily jumping up after her girlfriend.  “Two is better than one, right?”

   “Yup, especially us two together,” Linlin smiled.

   “I think I need some fresh air,” Reina groaned, making a face.  She shot up from her seat and stomped towards the kitchen door that led out into a small patio.

   “Hey, keep the lovebird moment to a minimum, will ya?” Junjun warned her two sidekicks.  As Aika and Linlin just giggled and walked towards the sink, the panda followed her friend outside and closed the door.

   Reina sank down into a crouching position and took in the fresh air; she wasn’t afraid to be in such a position, now that she was out of her school uniform.  She was wearing a dark purple t-shirt with black sweatpants instead.  Her long brown hair still hung straight down her back.  Junjun sat down all the way on the patio and started to rummage through her sweatshirt pocket.  She pulled out a small white box and flipped open the cover.  She held it out to the petit girl.

   “Want some?” she offered. 

   Reina turned to look at the thing that was presented to her, and glared at the panda.

   “You’re really not helping me quit, you know,” she grumbled.  But she pulled out a cigarette anyway and put it in her mouth.  “Why can’t you just offer me gum for once?”

   “You know I only keep gum with me in school,” Junjun grinned, as she lit Reina’s cigarette for her.  She shoved a cigarette of her own in her mouth and lit it as well.  She breathed in a little and then breathed out the smoke. “The gum is only backup in case it seems too obvious that I’ll get caught smoking.”

   “The teachers wouldn’t do anything to you anyway, even if you get caught,” Reina shot back.  “You’re one of the top 10 students in the school; they wouldn’t dare touch you.  You make them look good.”

   “True that,” Junjun laughed.  “The benefit of studying really is amazing, isn’t it?”

   “I don’t even understand how you find the time to study, considering the way you party around town every night,” Reina said, narrowing her eyes. 

   “It’s called natural talent,” the panda joked, tapping her forehead with her index finger.  “I was born a genius.”

   “Yeah, sure,” Reina chuckled.

   For a moment, the two girls sat and smoked in silence.  Reina sighed deeply, and then turned to look at her friend.

   “Let me ask you a question, Jun.”


   “Why do you keep on coming to my house?” Reina asked.  “I quit the gang.  None of you girls have any more business here.”

   “You don’t like it when we come?”

   “It’s not the matter of liking it or not; I just find it peculiar.  You know the first time you guys broke in, I thought you came to give me the punishment that I never got for quitting the gang.”

   “You mean beating you up half-dead?” Junjun laughed softly.

   “Yeah, that,” Reina said flatly.  “When I told you guys I was quitting my yankii life, none of you girls thought to get revenge on me the way gangs usually do.  Why?”

   “Well, you were our leader, Reina,” Junjun said matter-of-factly.  “We couldn’t exactly do anything to you, could we?”

   “But I made you leader before I quit.  You could’ve thrown a couple punches at me.”

   Junjun stared at the ex-yankii’s unwavering eyes.  She then sighed, and twisted the cigarette onto the wooden board of the patio beneath her feet. 

   “You want to know why we keep coming here?” she asked.  Reina stayed silent and waited.  “It’s not because you’re our ex-leader, or because you quit the gang.  It’s because you’re our friend.  It’s because we like you and we like hanging out with you.  That has nothing to do with being a delinquent or not.”

   “… You never cease to amuse me, Jun,” Reina laughed, twisting her own cigarette onto the patio.  “You know, most gang leaders aren’t as soft and happy as you.  You’re definitely something out of the traditional norm.”

   “Oh, you know I can be mean too,” the panda smirked.  “I have to have some bad in me, for you to have accepted me into the group in the first place.  The night you left the group… I didn’t punish you.  But I kind of took it out on other gangs, though.  I was pretty pissed about you quitting, you know.”

   “How many groups did you get?”

   “I didn’t keep track.  Aika and Linlin should know though; they checked the hospital records.”

   “Am I supposed to be happy or sad about that?” Reina asked, raising an eyebrow.

   “They were all hardcore gangs anyway,” Junjun reassured.  “The police was looking for them.  We did the job for them and got out of the scene.”

   “Again, not the traditional norm,” Reina laughed.

   “Hey, let’s stop talking about me,” Junjun complained.  “I have something I want to ask you too.”


   “You have a new boyfriend.”

   “… That’s not a question.”  Reina glared sideways at her Chinese friend, who smirked.

   “We saw you at the park with him today,” Junjun explained.  “He seemed pretty cute.  But I was kind of surprised, because he wasn’t your type at all.  You know, at first glance, I thought he was a girl.”

   “First of all, he’s not my boyfriend,” Reina said.  “And second of all, you’re right.  He’s not my type at all; too pretty, and much too soft.”

   “It seemed like you were having a good time flirting with him, though.”

   “There’s something about him,” the ex-yankii murmured.  “Something that’s different from other boys… but I can’t figure out what it is.  So for now, I’m just keeping close.  I gave him my number.  I guess you can say I’m just playing.”

   “That’s pretty devious,” Junjun whistled.  “Poor guy.”

   “Hey, I didn’t mean ‘playing’ in that sense,” Reina growled.  “I’m saying I’m not that serious about him yet.  But… he’s sweet.  There’s something that attracts me to him.  And I want to find out what it is.”

   “Does he know… about your past?”

   “We only met yesterday, Jun,” the smaller girl said, rolling her eyes.  “That’s not something I tell anyone.”

   “Well, if he seems so special…” Junjun mumbled.  She stretched as she slowly got up to her feet and picked up her cigarette.  “You can do what you want, Reina.  But if he proves to be more than what meets the eye, I think I might want to meet him and see for myself what’s so different about him.”

   “I’ll let you know if we ever get that close,” Reina grinned, also getting up.

   “Ah~ I’m tired!” Junjun yelled, yawning.  “Do you mind if we sleep over tonight?”

   “As long as you guys make breakfast tomorrow morning,” the ex-yankii smiled.  “Or I have to depend on ramen again.”

   “You know, for a rich girl, you don’t exactly live an extravagant life,” the panda groaned.

   “That’s because I’m independent,” Reina sighed.  “Papa pays for all the raw material, but I still have to do my own share of the work to make a living.”

   “… You still call him, ‘Papa’, huh?” Junjun said quietly, smiling a little.

   “… ‘Father’ never sounds right,” Reina whispered.

   “I think it’s a good thing,” the panda comforted.  “It’s something that still connects you two, somehow.”

   “Too bad he doesn’t think to connect us by using the phone,” Reina laughed dryly.

   “He hasn’t forgotten you; trust me,” Junjun whispered.  She then turned around and yelled loudly into the house as she opened the door.  “Hey, Mittsi and Rinko!  We can sleep over if you guys make breakfast tomorrow~!”

   “Deal!  Anything for senpai!” Aika chirped happily from the sink.

   “Anything my girl is okay with, I’m okay with,” Linlin said, receiving a loving gaze from her lover.

   “You guys are using the farthest room from my bedroom,” Reina grumbled as she crossed over the threshold. 

   As she discarded her cigarette into the ashtray on the kitchen table, the petit girl felt the vibration of her phone in her pocket.  She took it out and flipped it open.  There was a new text message.

Today was a lot of fun!
I hope we can hang out again soon~
Oyasumi ^__^

   A gentle smile started to spread on Reina’s lips as she read the text message.  It was only a couple words, but it somehow made her feel much warmer inside. 

   “Something is definitely different about this guy…


I hope that was interesting enough to bring you guys back in... XD
There was a lot of other characters/personalities revealed  :twothumbs
 :byebye: :sleep:

avii&sig by the wonderful kawaii beam~!

Offline kuro808

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #69 on: September 08, 2010, 05:32:08 AM »
Reina used to be a gang leader, changed herself into a working girl and not being spoiled from the father as something must have happened between them, although Jun seems to be looking up to Reina still yet.  I have the wild idea that Eri might change Reina all around that she goes 180 and because of that she finds her confidence in herself through Reina, however its your story so keep it up :thumbsup
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #70 on: September 08, 2010, 05:48:05 AM »
..................YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :w00t: :thumbup
I'm so glad Reina isn't just a normal girl after all ^^ Well, that thought mabe me think she's boring but PHEW she used to have her gang and everything. XD :heart:
Now I might be interested in this one's plot~ :D

Offline kano-chan

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #71 on: September 08, 2010, 05:50:52 AM »
NO. They smoke?? :shocked: Haha..I thought Reina was different in this fic, but she's still pretty much the same with her Yankii ways. :grin:

Eri(ku) is different than other guys because (s)he is a girl..? :lol:

If Reina is determined to find out what it is that attracts her to Eri, I think she'll be able to accept the fact that Eri(ku) is a girl. :mon determined:

Interesting chappie. Now we know Reina used to be miss gang leader... 8)2 I thought Eri would be the strong character in this one. :roll:

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #72 on: September 08, 2010, 06:00:51 AM »
oh snapz they killin the lungs D: not good~! but i like this chappy, it shows us more of reina's backround~

cute linka...remind me never to piss them off XD
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Haruka

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #73 on: September 08, 2010, 06:34:27 AM »
>o< Reina Yankii Mode On =D

Jajajaja I knew it =) it shouldn't be Reina if she doesn't has a gang XD

She knows Eri is more that a friend... She's falling for our turtle *q*

God!! She knows she's HOT!

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #74 on: September 08, 2010, 08:52:13 AM »
I'm am already loving this FF.
TanaKame: Ex-Yankii + ?? I'm not really sure what to call Kamie-san right now :nervous

And of course the TakaGaki: Love how you're going to make it a Teacher/Student relationship.
I'm more interested how you going to get them together. Awkward tension, maybe get them back in that copy room again :lol:, Don't be so mean Gaki-san!  :cry:

“Never regret anything coz at one time it was exactly what u wanted……;))”
-Ayumi Hamasaki
The WrecKreated Co.

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #75 on: September 08, 2010, 09:05:09 AM »
Hiii :gmon hi:

reina yankiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:
Eri.. is different  ..of course !!! She is a Girl :gmon butt: lalalalla :mikilaugh:  xDDDD yes!! :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

I wonder.. reina .. accept to Eri when  know the truth :cry: :cry: :cry:  :gmon tears:

 I wait the next chapter  :gmon twirl:  :pig sleep:

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #76 on: September 08, 2010, 12:55:43 PM »
Hachiki gang members? LinKa love? Yankii Reina with a soft spot for girlboy Eri? Holy crap yes! :cow: I want more! More!!

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #77 on: September 08, 2010, 04:51:13 PM »
Reina is an Ex Yankii then :roll: She handed her power over to Jun, who seems to be like the nicest gang member ever, I wonder if it is just that Jun is freinds with Reina, I wonder if Jun would like her and Reina to be more..... Linka afr funny though, they make a good pair :lol:

Reina thinks there's something different about Eri, well she's not wrong is she :P Jun mentioned that she looked like a girl, I wonder if she is suspicious even if Reina isn't.

Reina seemed really pleased to get the message from Eri, is she falling for ManEri :doh:

One Question however, where is Sayu??? :?

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #78 on: September 08, 2010, 05:37:33 PM »
thats would be nicest gang ever~ :D

somehow i'm so glad that reina isn't one of these nice and innocent girl :sweatdrop:

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Re: Chigatte mo Iin da yo! ~Mainly TanaKame, TakaGaki~ [UPDATE - Ch. 5 - (9/7)]
« Reply #79 on: September 08, 2010, 06:40:40 PM »
I'm way behind in your other fic, so I'm reading this one instead  :D but I will read it one day :yep:

Mama Gaki was way more mature than Mama or Papa Kame.

“Here,” she smiled, “this should make up for his shortage.”

Wait.  Did she just call her “pretty boy” again?

“Kameha, she obviously likes guys, not girls,”
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

“Sensei, aren’t you a little too young to teach?” Risa asked, narrowing her eyes.
Yay! TakaGaki first encounter is very interesting  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t:

“Would you mind staying after school today to do some extra work?  As the class representative, I mean.”
There Fixed  XD

“Sorry, Risa-chan, but I don’t think of you that way.  Oh, I hope we can still stay friends even though I’ve rejected your love—”

See, my real name is, uh… Eriku!  Yeah, it’s Eriku!
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

It wasn’t something she was about to risk.
All for the sake of love.


“It’s just… it’s me.”  Oh shit, that almost sounded like a break-up line
OMG!  :rofl:  :rofl: :rofl: Most fave line so far!   XD

when she was still the leader of her gang
Whoa!  :w00t:

Aika would be so agile and quick while Linlin would be so skilled in handling knives.
Again, whoa!

I thought he was a girl

Very Interesting!

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