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Author Topic: Pink Vitriol (AtsuMina - COMPLETED) + Sequel - CHAPTER 4 (3/10/2012)  (Read 105761 times)

Offline bou-j525

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List of Chapters: Pink Vitriol                                              List of Chapters: Pink Vitriol, Sequel
Prologue                                                                               Prologue
Chapter 1                                                                             Chapter 1
Chapter 2                                                                             Chapter 2
Chapter 3                                                                             Chapter 3
Chapter 4                                                                             Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Last chapter)
What is Pink Vitriol
Summary of every chapter

I decided to change the title of this fic for “Pink Vitriol”. It’s a translation from a French short story title I read at school, “Vitriol rose”.
Vitriol means acid. Pink is the color pink. These words are contradictions to each other. A pink acid? It doesn’t exist. Acid hurts and can kill someone while pink is more something about joy and love. This is exactly what Takamina will have to go through: pain and love. That’s why I thought the title was better.

Hello everybody!

Here's the preface of my new (horrible) fic XD TakAcchan of course... Not that I don't like others, just that everybody (you know  who you are) suddenly decided to do a NamixRay fanfic, so I wanted to change xD
Sorry for the mistakes, English isn't my native language!

Preface, Takamina POV

-Congratulation! Everybody screams.
I hear applauses from everywhere. I can also hear someone saying:
-I love you!
It’s weird, isn’t it? There’s a lot of fan who tell us that they love us. Some even ask us to go out with them. It’s weird. When you think about it, they don’t even know who we really are. They don’t know the real me, nobody does. Nobody does… except her, the girl who’s in front of the stage, smiling and crying at the same time. I don’t know if she’s happy or not… I’m clapping for her. It’s the start of something new for her. There are balloons everywhere. Flowers too. We just finished our performance in the theatre. We’re celebrating her birthday. The birthday of the girl who knows the real me.

If someone arrived now, he would probably think we’re just having fun, celebrating like friends would do. We do, of course, but there’s something more. And I still don’t know if her tears are from happiness or sadness. I don’t know if the smile she has on her face is a real one. She’s looking at me. We’re both looking at each other. Then, she turns around and bows to the crowd. I’m smiling now. I’m smiling for her. I can still hear everybody screams. But this time, it’s different. The words are different.
Again… I hear this word again. There’s something following this word. I don’t want to hear it. She’s still laughing and crying. She’s not looking at me anymore. I’m smiling again, walking by her side in front of the stage. I can hear everything now.
-Congratulation for your graduation!
I’m crying.

End of preface.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 04:09:33 PM by sophcaro »

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2010, 12:21:43 AM »
Omg~ its may be the intro only or something but you have me hooked... I can feel the emotion in it~! Please PLEASE continue and update soon.... you might make my head explode from thinking about this story too much... xD  :panic: XD

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2010, 04:18:57 AM »
 :w00t: :w00t: nice intro bou-j525 maaaan.... please update as soon as possible.... :yep: :yep:

Offline shahi

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2010, 05:09:04 PM »
wow  :wub: takacchan fanfic  :heart: update soon

Offline dee1711

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2010, 12:40:48 PM »
BOU-J525!!!   :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: you're saving my life!! Yeah, you know why is it.. Even if the preface is about the time I think I can't bear..but as long as it just a fic, then... GO FOR IT!!

Looking forward to your update.  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #5 on: October 31, 2010, 06:05:24 PM »
 :shocked I've never thought there would be so many answers !
Thanks you all!!!
But now it seems that I have much more pressure on me  :nervous
Again, sorry for the mistakes.

Chapter 1

It was 9 in the morning and Takahashi Minami was recording with Haruna and Miichan for the new single of No Sleeves. They were working hard to finish it as fast as possible because Takamina had an interview after. The small girl didn’t really want to work today. She knew AKB48 was really important, but somehow she just couldn’t feel it today. The part of her who wanted to give her maximum was still sleeping in her body.

Haruna felt the same way. She had learned a bad new yesterday. She knew she couldn’t tell the others about it now, so she pretended to be a little sick. Of course, she wasn’t and could still work well, but she had something else in her mind. Yuko had told her something because she trusted her. She couldn’t just tell everyone like if there was nothing.

Miichan was probably the only one between the three who wanted to work. She had nothing bad in her mind and she felt that the new single of their group would be the best one. She did her best, but seeing her two friends unhappy depressed her. She knew why they weren’t happy. Well, for Takamina, she knew. For Haruna, she didn’t know what could bother her so much. She tried to be funny and so on, but her two friends didn’t react a lot.

Finally, the three of them just worked as usual, trying to do their best in order to make the best single ever. At the end, tired of seeing them that way, Miichan said:

“So, what will you do now?”

“I don’t know.” Haruna said without really answering the question.

“I’m going to do my interview, and then sleep.” Takamina said.

Miichan sighed. It wasn’t funny to be with them when they were so depressed. But she was worried for her friends and tried to know a bit more about what bothered them.

“Why are you so mad, guys? I thought you were happy to work on this single together. You know it’s been a long time since we worked only the three of us.”

“I am.” Haruna answered, trying to look a bit more positive. “I really like singing with you, it’s just that I don’t feel good today. I think I ate something bad… I was fine until yesterday.”

“I’m fine Miichan, don’t worry about me. I probably didn’t sleep well yesterday.” Takamina said as she smiled to her friend. “Don’t worry…”

Miichan didn’t believe them at all. Haruna had the look “I don’t want to talk about it” on her face while Takamina had the “I told you I was fine, but it’s a lie” one. She didn’t like to see them this way, but she knew there was nothing she could really do. She didn’t know what Haruna had and in Takamina’s situation… It was too complicated. She had already tried her best. Of course, Takamina was glad about it, but it didn’t resolve the problem she had.

“Do you think we should go to eat together?” Miichan asked.

Haruna didn’t answer. She was deep in thought.

“I think you should go home,” Takamina suggested. “It’s rare you have some time for yourself, you should rest a little. Tomorrow, we have a crazy day.”


“You know, with the recording of AKBingo and so on…” Takamina added with a smile.

Knowing her friend was too polite to say “no”, she agreed with her. Miichan didn’t want to bother her. If Takamina wanted to be alone, well she would. But there was no way she would leave Haruna. Something in her mind told her to not leave her alone. She felt that her friend needed all the support she could have. Miichan said goodbye to her ex-captain as she followed Haruna. The tall girl didn’t want her to follow her. She pretended to have something more important to do than eating and ran away while Miichan was wondering what it could be. What could be more important than eating? Didn’t Haruna know that they could die if they didn’t eat?

Meanwhile, Takamina was walking slowly. She had to prepare for another interview. She didn’t want to. She really liked AKB48, as much as before, but somehow… Today she didn’t want to do anything. Her cell phone rang.

“I’m sorry to ask it so suddenly!
I need help with the new choreography.
Could you help me next time?

Takamina sighed. Of course she would help her. She was the captain and wanted to do all she could do to help her friends and team members.

“Ok, we’ll work on it.

“Thank you!!! I leave it to you!”

Takamina smiled. She would always be there for the others members. She has been there before and would still be until her graduation. Speaking of it… When would it be? She knew her dream was to become a singer, but at the same time, she felt that her time hasn’t come yet. She still had things to do as a part of AKB48. Her team needed her. She liked to help them, no doubt about it. But she knew someday she would have to choose between her team and her career. She knew what her choice would be, but it was hard for her. She’d rather not think about it.

She looked at the sky. Nothing had changed since she had joined AKB48. It had been a long time. The others members still called her when they needed help, there was still the senbatsu election, AKBingo never stop being recorded, the new single was coming up soon… Nothing had changed.

She stopped at a conbini for a second. She wanted to eat something. While she was waiting for her bento to be heat up, she looked at the magazines. As usual, some were talking about bad news, such as an earthquake somewhere in the world. Some were talking about AKB48 and she was glad about it. The idol group had become more popular than ever, which was a little surprising, especially with what had happened last year. Then she saw an article about Flumpool, a Japanese group she liked a lot, and decided to buy it.


Takamina began to eat as she opened the magazine. She turned the pages until she found the article she was looking for. She read it. As she finished her food, she closed the magazine. She left it there as she was going to recycle her garbage. When she came back, the wind had turned the pages. She looked at it and saw an interview. She blinked. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t seen it before. It was the latest interview about this person. Takamina smiled as she saw the picture. She read the title. “A gravure Idol and famous actress talks about her past!” She read some sentences.
“I miss my old life.”
“I think I’m one of the luckiest people in the world!”
“If I had the choice, I wouldn’t come back with AKB48.”

“Why?” Takamina thought as she read the end of this paragraph.

 “It’s been a year since I stopped performing as an AKB48 member. I think there must be some differences now. If I came back, nothing would be the same. I liked being with them, but I think I don’t have a place in this group anymore. I changed a lot, and even if it still takes an important place in my heart, I have to focus on my current job.”

“Some differences…” Takamina thought.

It was true. Nothing had changed, but at the same time, everything was different. Takamina felt her heart hurt a bit as she turned the page, hiding Maeda Atsuko’s face.


Haruna opened the door of her house. It was 11 pm and she couldn’t sleep at all. She never had some free time until now, the only moment she couldn’t sleep. She was waiting for Yuko. She had called her as soon as her work was done. She wanted to be sure about what she had heard yesterday. Yuko had only told her about her intentions. She didn’t explain why or anything else. Haruna still couldn’t understand, so she had called Yuko. It was perfect, the two were free tonight. Of course, Haruna knew Yuko had something to do earlier the next morning, so she didn’t want to talk too much with her. She was about to close the door when she heard a voice coming from the street.

“Don’t close the door!”

Yuko was running as fast as she could. When she arrived near the door she jumped next to Haruna with a huge smile in her face.

“You wanted to see me?” She asked.

“Yeah…” Haruna replied. She hadn’t told the reason why she wanted to talk to her. Maybe it was why Yuko looked so happy.   

“Come in.” She said.

They sat in the living room. Yuko was already trying to do what she did the best, touching Haruna. Her friend had called her. That must meant she wanted some affection. Well, if she wanted affection, Yuko was definitely going to give her some.

“Stop moving!” Yuko said as she tried to wrap her arms around Haruna’s neck.

“Stop touching me!” Haruna answered. There was no way she would accept it.

“I’m not touching you, it’s skinship!” Yuko said with a smile.

“Well, I don’t like skinship.”

Haruna’s voice was a little angry so Yuko stopped it immediately, wondering why her friend was mad. And plus, she could still touch her later, so it didn’t matter.

“Why did you want to see me?” Yuko asked.

Haruna hesitated.

“It’s about yesterday. I want to know why.”

“Why?” Yuko frowned.

“Why did you tell me you were thinking about graduating?”

Yes, yesterday Yuko had told Haruna that she was thinking to graduate. She wasn’t sure about it. But recently, she had received lots of request about dramas. She was becoming more popular as an actress and didn’t have lot of time to participate during the AKB events.

“I still don’t know what I’m going to do. I just wanted you to know what I was thinking. Maybe you could help me to decide.”

Help her to decide? Haruna frowned. Like she could do such a thing! She didn’t want Yuko to graduate! If she wanted her to help her to decide, she would just say something like “Don’t graduate now.” Seriously, what was up with graduation?! Last year was Maeda Atsuko, the face of AKB48, the number 1! And this year was going to be Yuko’s turn? The number 2 of AKB48, recently new number 1? Who was the number 3? Mariko? Seriously, how could Yuko graduate before Mariko?! She took a deep breathe.

“But why do you want to leave AKB48? You don’t like it anymore?”

“It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s just that I’m really busy, you know with the new drama… I tried to do both, but I don’t think I can do it. You know, it’s been a long time since my last performance with Team K.”

Haruna didn’t want to tell her how she felt. She wanted Yuko to stay, but she knew it wasn’t that easy to decide.     

“I thought you wanted to be with me in AKB48.” She said as she tried to act as usual.

“Of course I do!” Yuko smiled. “Don’t make such a sad face! I’m not going to graduate now. I will still be with AKB for a moment. It’s not for tomorrow you know.”

Yuko liked the way Haruna was. She had told her because she was her best friend, not because she wanted her to be sad! Her graduation wasn’t for now! She was just thinking about it. She thought Haruna was really cute when she was anxious about her leaving the group.

“Don’t worry! I won’t make you sad!” She said as she kissed Haruna’s cheek.

“Don’t do this!” Haruna said, moving apart from Yuko.

Yuko laughed a little. The real reason why she didn’t want to leave AKB48 now was not because she didn’t want it. It was because she still wanted to be with Haruna. If she left the group now, she would never have the opportunity to talk to Haruna like she was doing now.

“C’mon Nyan Nyan! Come here!” Yuko implored as she didn’t move.

Haruna stared at her friend. She wanted her to come near her? Never. She was afraid of what could happen if she didn’t resist to her “skinship”. Yuko approached her with a pervert smile in her face. Haruna began to run in her apartment, followed by a Yuko who didn’t have the intention of letting her go. They were laughing and running, forgetting about the “graduation” subject. Yuko finally grabbed her arm as she said with a serious voice:

“I’m not going to leave you now. There’s already a depressive in the group, we don’t need another one.”   

The two of them sat together as Haruna stopped laughing.

“You’re talking about Takamina, right?” She asked.

“Who else could it be?” Yuko asked with an ironic voice. “You know she’s not the same since Acchan graduated.”

“I won’t be like Takamina when you’ll leave!” Haruna said.

“Really?” Yuko asked. “You won’t miss my hugs?”

Yuko tried to hug Haruna who protected herself with a cushion.

“There’s no way I’m going to miss them!”

She was laughing a little. It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t true. She was going to miss Yuko’s crazy side, but… Yeah. She became serious again as she said:

“But you know, I’m worried about Takamina. She said she’s alright, but she’s not even working as hard as before.”

“True.” Yuko nodded. “But nobody really knows what was going on between her and Acchan. They were best friends.”

“I am still in Team A and I can tell you there was something special between them. They were friends, but sometimes it seemed that there was something more.”

“Like us?” Yuko said as she tried to hug her for the second time.

“No way!”

“We’re not just friends!”

“Yes, we are.”

Haruna tried to push Yuko away.

“Today, it’s been a year since she said she had decided to leave AKB. Takamina didn’t seem to feel well at the recording.” Haruna said.

“I wonder why she didn’t graduate at the same time if Acchan was so important to her.”

“You know how she is. She probably thought she had to help her team again. And can you even imagine Team A losing both Acchan and Takamina? The fans would get crazy.”

“No… If Acchan and Takamina had graduated together, they would have been so happy. You know… Rumours.” Yuko smirked.

Haruna knew Yuko was right. She had heard so many stories about it that she knew them by heart. The fans would have enjoyed a double graduation.

“I’ll try to call her. Maybe she would want to talk a little.” Haruna said as she opened her phone.

She waited for an answer. It didn’t come. She turned to Yuko.

“Well, she didn’t answer. I think you should go home now. It’s late and you have work tomorrow morning.”

Yuko smirked.

“I could stay here for the night!”

Haruna blinked.

“No, you go home.”



Yuko gave up as she walked towards the door. She was tired. She enjoyed being with Haruna a lot. One day, she was definitely going to confess to her. There was no way they could be just “friends”. If Haruna ever left AKB before her, she would probably look like Takamina for the rest of her life. And god knew she didn’t want to be like Takamina. She couldn’t believe Haruna when she said that she wouldn’t be sad.


It was midnight. Takamina was in her bed, trying to sleep. She couldn’t. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened the same day, one year ago…

Flash Back

Maeda Atsuko had called everybody from Team A for a meeting. Old Team A members were there too, wondering why they had to come while the rest of AKB48 hadn’t. The captain of the team, Takamina, had told them that Acchan wanted everybody to be there. They were all waiting for her to speak. She was in front of them, trying to stay calm, but fear and excitement were in her eyes. She wanted to tell them something important. She wasn’t sure of their reaction, but she wanted them to know it before she told Akimoto-san. It was her team after all. Well, in an official way, it was Takamina’s team, but also hers. She had to tell them in private. Well “private”, because Haruna had brought Yuko and Itano had brought the other Tomomi.

Acchan thought it was cute to see the two Tomomi always together. Even if they weren’t in the same team, they were always spending time together. They were talking together, eating, going to shopping together, thinking about the same things… She wondered if all their friendship was only because of their names. She liked to call them TomoTomo. She thought it was cute. She had once surprised them kissing and since that day, she never looked at them like before. She was going to miss them.

“Um… Since everybody’s here, I’m going to start.” She said hesitantly. “My agency told me that they found a great job for me as a gravure Idol. They said it’s a big project with a famous company.”

Everybody started to talk. They thought it was nice for her, but didn’t understand why she was telling them something about herself. She looked more pretentious than something else.

“I will probably be more busy than usual. I have two news dramas too I have to work on. I probably won’t perform with Team A for a long time.” She added.

Takamina looked at her friend. What was going on? She was talking about her career and her life. Did she want them to congratulate her?

“My agency said it’s a great opportunity for me to become more famous in Japan. They told me I could begin a big career as a gravure Idol and as an actress.”

Takamina knew Acchan was trying to be nice with everyone, but she couldn’t help feeling bad for Yuko. It was Yuko’s dream she was talking about. Yuko always wanted to be a famous actress.

“What I am trying to say is that I will take this opportunity. I have to take this chance if I want to have a real job for the future. Not that AKB isn’t, but you know guys you probably won’t stay with AKB until your death.”

Everybody began to understand what she was saying. They stared at her without talking.

“I really like AKB48 and Team A, old one and new one. That’s why I wanted all you guys to be there. I wanted you to know that I decided to take this opportunity. I decided to work on it only.”

Acchan tried to be strong. She knew it wasn’t easy to tell them about her decision, but she had to do it. She didn’t want them to learn it by Akimoto-san.

“What I mean by this is that from now on, I will work only on my future career.”

She took a deep breathe.

“I decided to graduate from AKB48.”

She looked at everybody, trying to imagine their future, remembering the great moment they had passed together. She would never forget them. She knew the last sentence she had said was a shock for them. She could see it in their eyes. She stared at each member. She saw tears, sadness and pain, but also smiles and wishes for her future… She didn’t say anything. She just kept thinking about her memories with them. 

Wasamin, Lovetan, Shiichan, Haachan, Mocchi, Kojiharu, Sasshi, Mariko, Akicha, Harugon, Chiichan, Nakayan, Aamin and Natsumi, but also Miho form SDN48, Shiho, Nacchan, Reinyan, Tomochin, Kitarie, Miichan, Myao and Amina. Tomomi and Yuko were also there. Acchan was looking at everybody… Except one person. But it didn’t matter.

Because the person in question wasn’t looking at her too.

“Why didn’t she tell me this before?” Takamina thought as her eyes were avoiding Acchan’s. She was about to cry.   

“Congratulations!” Miichan said with tears in her eyes.

She hugged Acchan for at least ten minutes. Then, another girl came and hugged her too. And so on until everybody did it. Acchan was talking and crying with the TomoTomo duo when Takamina finally decided to come and see her. She was trying to hold her tears. No, not “trying to hold them” because she couldn’t. She was trying to not cry too much. 

“I’m glad for you.” She said with a sad voice. “I’ll support you no matter what.”

She hugged her friends as she tried to stop crying. Acchan was crying too. She knew it would hurt a lot to leave everybody, but it was even worst when she thought about leaving Takamina.

“I’ll support you.” Takamina said, still hugging her friend.

“I know.”

“I’ll cheer for you.” She added.

“I know.”

“Don’t forget me.”

“I won’t.”

They both burst into tears.

Takamina wanted to tell her more about it, but everybody was looking at them, so she just stopped there. Acchan talked again a little, saying thank to everyone. Takamina just pretended to have something to do as she left secretly. 
End of Flash Back

Takamina felt some tears in her eyes. It wasn’t the first time she thought about it. But this time was different. It’s been a year since Acchan left. She still remembered the shock of the fans. They had been thousands to tell her to stay, but she had decided to follow her own way. They had even created a petition, to show her their “support”. Something even more strange had happened. She, Takahashi Minami, had received letters from overseas fans asking her how her reaction was. Some even asked her if she were leaving at the same time as her friend. Of course, she had answered to this question on her blog. She had told them that she had no intention of leaving AKB48. Then, the letters began to change. They were talking about how sad she should be, about how she didn’t have to worry for their friendship… It was weird to hear the fans telling her that. She already knew it. She had talk with Acchan after. Alone... She knew their friendship wasn’t going to change.

She looked at her phone, waiting for something to happen.

Of course, they were still spending time together, but it was rare. They sent mail to each other, but there was never a real call. They didn’t have enough time. They were still friends, but it was hard for them to spend time together. Sometimes, Acchan came to visit her, but it was never for a long time. She always had to do something after. But from what Takamina heard, she knew Acchan was becoming more famous than ever. She had read somewhere that her manager was one of the best of all Japan. She saw her friend in every single magazine, in popular dramas… She had definitely found her way. As she felt sleepy, her phone rang. She just received a mail.

“Have a good night!”

She smiled. It’s been one year since Acchan left AKB48. And it’s been one year since she received a “good night” message everyday.


End note: This is not a KojiYuu fanfic. There may be parts with them, but it's not a KojiYuu fanfic.
End note2: If Maeda ever decide to graduate while I'm writing this story, I'll stop it right away -_-
End note3: Do you mind if I call the members with their nicknames?
End note4: The end of this chapter is important, but not for the reasons you may think about.
End note5: Sorry for all these notes.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 11:57:57 PM by bou-j525 »

Offline shahi

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2010, 07:17:24 PM »
so sad  :cry:

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #7 on: October 31, 2010, 10:24:27 PM »
wooow..... :shocked u really good at writing a fanfic.... eventhough it's kind of sad but i like the story line.. :) please update as fast as u can...  :bow: :bow: gud luck... :thumbsup

Offline RenaChii

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2010, 11:01:27 PM »
GREAT fanfic~!!!  :twothumbs
Want more!!!!!!!!!  :fap

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2010, 11:07:54 PM »
Ah so very sad...  :cry:

if this ever really happened... idk how i would take it... Acchan leaving? ITS TOO SOON~!!!  :(

but this is a fabulous fanfic~!  :cow: i love it~! please continue it~!  :thumbsup

Offline dee1711

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2010, 05:54:37 AM »
1. I knew this is not a Kojiyuu fanfic.
2. I don't think Acchan gonna do anything close to graduate right now, so please don't stop.  :nervous :nervous
3. Call them in whatever ways you want to, I don't mind then.
4. For me, every details in your fic is important. LOL!

And I can't leave without saying this: YOU'RE AWESOME! I know it sad, really.. and yeah, many,many time I think about this special time.. Acchan or Takamina graduate..and what will happen for the one left behind, if they're not going to graduate together? 9 over 10 times I passed through that thought, and told myself: nah..too soon to think of this..and they MUST graduate together. I can't stand for something like that in reality.  :cry: :cry:

Lastly, you fic is absolutely not somewhere near the area that call SUCK! believe me.  :P :P

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2010, 03:46:19 PM »
Changes are good. I'm all thumbs up for the changes especially if the changes are this good. :thumbsup
Wow, a graduation fic. I never thought about that. I like it a lot! :w00t: kinda sad though.  :(
Chap1 didn't suck. I can't find any sucky part there. So I don't know what you're talking about by it being sucky.
I'll wait patiently for the next couple of chapters to see if it sucks. (which I have a feeling won't.)  :lol:
Update more!  XD

Offline riama

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2010, 11:18:14 AM »
I'm gonna read this tonight!
I love sad stories,so I'm expecting this to be good. :)

I just read it,sad thinking that this might happen in the future.
Great fic!
-please update!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2010, 04:41:35 AM by riama »

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Offline panickofpain

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2010, 02:29:42 PM »
Oh my gosh! I love this!  :heart: I can't help but feel the same as TakaMina. I know how it feels when someone leaves and decides to take an opportunity somewhere else other than being with you in the same place. Well... it's a great opportunity for her so it's okay.

Keep it up!  :thumbup

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2010, 12:29:49 AM »
THANKS FOR ALL YOUR MESSAGES!!!  :bow: It helps me to write more! I'm so happy you like my story ^^
Here's chapter 2, not as sad as first one, but chapter 3 will probably be XD
Sorry for the mistakes. (and the beginning of this chapter is weird, I had no idea XD)

Chapter 2

The next day, the AKB members were working for another episode of AKBingo. After the recording, some of them had to go to a photo studio for their next photobook. Like it wasn’t enough, they all had a meeting with Akimoto at the end of the day.
Takamina was still sad about yesterday, but at least, she was smiling. She knew she couldn’t think about it all the time. Sometimes, she just had to work without thinking about something else. And today, she had to win this episode. It was Shoujiki Shougi, also called the “everyone, let’s humiliate Takamina” show. The three members of No Sleeves were participating. It was Takamina VS Miichan while Haruna was the commentator.
Every member was impatient about it. In fact, they were waiting for Miichan’s questions to Takamina. Some members even asked her to ask this or that question. They wanted to know how Takamina felt about Maeda’s graduation. Even after one year, they still wanted to know more. Unfortunately, Miichan didn’t listen to them except for one question. She was going to ask it only at the end.
The Bad Boys began to introduce the game. When they were done, it was Takamina’s turn to begin. She wanted to win, so she chose carefully her question. The camera zoomed on her face as she said:

“Number 7”

“Hey what is this question?!” Sata said with a fake angry voice.

“I think BAD BOYS are the worse actors ever.” Takamina said.

Miichan laughed a little as she denied it. It was a lie.

“Why did you ask this question?” Miichan asked.

“Well, everybody thinks that, so I thought you would too.”

“What’s that mean?!” The two boys said as everyone began to laugh. “Next question, hurry! Hey, you, stop laughing!”

 Miichan thought a little and said:

“Number 2.”

“Isn’t it a little exaggerated?” Haruna asked as Miichan began to ask her question.

“Because it is pink, my room is the 8th wonder of the world.”

With her serious face, Takamina slowly said no. She really hoped it would work because if the others members knew it was… “BIP”. Damn.

“What?!” Everybody said with a surprised voice.

“We all know Takamina like pink, but it’s still surprising to hear it from a boyish like her. We never thought her room was so important to her.” Haruna explain.

“It’s not that!”

“I know” Yuko said with a pervert smile. “It’s probably because something happened in her room!”

“What could it be?” Everybody said as they tried to find out, without even looking at Takamina.

“It’s not that!” Takamina repeated.

Takamina was blushing. It wasn’t that! She really liked pink! Especially since Acchan had told her it looked great on her, but it was a detail… and a secret. A secret that the others didn’t need to know.

“All right, it’s Takamina’s turn again!” Haruna said, knowing how her friend was shy about it. But she still found it funny to know it was true. Really, it was surprising how cute she could be.

“Hey, I’m the one who’s supposed to say this.” Sata said.

Takamina ignored him and chose another question. She was definitely going to take revenge someday. Until now, she didn’t want to hurt Yuko, but since she had said something so… pervert, she didn’t care. And Miichan would probably lie about it.

“I want to take Yuko’s place as MC during AKBingo.”

Haruna blinked at Takamina. It wasn’t the best moment to ask this question. She knew Yuko thought about her graduation. She didn’t want her to feel apart. Miichan had to say the truth. But it turned out to be a lie.

“What? Why?” Yuko asked, pretending to look sad.

“It’s not that I think Yuko does a bad job. It’s just really funny to do the MC. I think I can help these two bad actors to look better.” Miichan explained.

Sata and Kiyoto were about to say something, but, as usual, nobody listened to them. Yuko seemed to understand what Miichan meant, to Haruna’s relief. Haruna didn’t want Yuko to think she didn’t have a place with them.

“Yeah, so it’s 2-1 for Takamina! Next question is…” Sata said.

“In fact, I think my solo is the best song of A6.”

Takamina tried to do her best again, but the lie detector beat her.

“Eh?” Haruna said.

She had participated in A6, even if it had been a long time.

“Give her a chance!” Tomochin said. “It was her first solo…”

“Thanks Tomochin.” Takamina said, trying to not be pretentious. She was glad Tomochin supported her. Her happiness ended as soon as it has appeared.

“She will soon realize that her first solo was not the only song of A6.” Tomochin smirked.

“Shut up!” Takamina said as she tried to “hide” herself on the floor.

“Soon?” Miichan asked. “It’s been more than a year!”

The Bad Boys said it was her turn.

“What kind of question is it?” Haruna asked as Takamina was saying the number.

“I like to dress as a man.”

Miichan looked surprise as she answered no. It was true.

“Why did you ask it?” Miichan asked to Takamina.

“You’re always looking at men’s clothes. And since Mendol is done, you talk about it a lot. Even if it’s been like… more than five years.”

“Kuu was a great character, but it doesn’t mean I want to dress as a man!” Miichan answered. “And we’re all women, it’s normal I want to see something different, you know?”

“Takamina got the wrong question. Miichan should have asked her this question.” Haruna said.

“I don’t like to dress like a man!” Takamina said.

“Well, you probably like it more than Miichan does!” Haruna replied. “Ok, the game will be over if Miichan has it.”

Miichan thought about it. She didn’t want the game to finish, but she wanted to win. So she chose the question she wanted to ask from the beginning.

“Even if it’s been a long time, I am still mad when I think about Miichan and Acchan “wedding”.”

Takamina froze as she heard Acchan’s name.

“No.” She said with a little voice.

Everybody waited. Takamina didn’t even know herself if she was lying or not. “BIP”. Well, she guessed she was.

“Really?” Haruna asked.

She had heard about it lots of time, but she would never have thought Takamina would still be mad about it. It was just for fun. Miichan was one of Acchan’s good friends and she wanted to know what Takamina’s reaction would be. So she just tried it… But she had never thought the captain would get so mad about it! And even now, it’s been more than three years!

“Well, no… Not really.” Takamina started to say.

“Not really? What kind of answer is it?” Miichan said.

“Well, no! I don’t care!”

“Did I tell you the lie detector was right at…”Haruna began.

“I know! 99.9%!” Takamina replied. She didn’t like this situation. Now, she was sure everybody would have weird ideas about her! The machine wasn’t supposed to make a sound! She wasn’t mad about it!

“You must miss her a lot now then!” Tomochin said.

“I’m not asking you if you miss Tomomi when she’s not here, so don’t ask about me!”

“Don’t be so cold!” Miichan said. “And it’s not the same situation, Acchan is-”

“Whatever, I’m not mad at you, you know…”

Miichan had doubts about it since Takamina had interrupted her without apology.

“Ok girls, we’re not here to talk about your relationship in AKB48, even if I’m sure lots of fans would love it. So Miichan is the winner of today’s game!” Sata said.


“So you’re still mad?” Miichan asked as they were eating.

She wanted to talk only with Takamina since she knew her friend must really miss Acchan a lot, but Haruna had insisted to be with them. And Yuko had insisted to be with Haruna, so they were a group of four instead of a duo.

“I’m not.” Takamina said as she ate her bento.

It was true. She wasn’t. Or at least, she thought she wasn’t. She knew there was nothing to be upset about since Acchan had left the group and that it had only been for kidding. But since the lie detector said it was true… She didn’t know how to take it. She couldn’t be upset about something so old, could she? Even if she could, what would that mean? Nothing. She like both Acchan and Miichan and it was stupid from her to think about it.

“You’re sure?” Haruna asked as she tried to protect herself from Yuko.

“Of course.” Takamina sighed.

“Really?” Miichan asked again.


“Are you sure you’re not?” Haruna asked.

“Stop it guys!” Takamina mumbled.

She just wanted to eat in peace, couldn’t it be possible please?!

“You know, the lie detector is right at 99.9%, so stop denying it.”

“For the first time of my life, I agree with Yuko.” Haruna said.

“Really? Can I hug you as a reward?” Yuko asked with puppy eyes.

As Haruna tried to protect herself for the second time, Miichan stared at Takamina. The captain was eating really fast, as she wanted to finish as fast as possible. Miichan didn’t know if it was true, but she thought her friend must want to leave them now for eating so fast. She was right. Takamina hated being in this kind of situation and wanted to leave them. But she was too polite, so she wanted to finish her meal so she could find a better reason to leave.

“You know, it’s okay to miss Acchan.” Miichan said.

“I know. Everybody miss her anyway.” Takamina answered without even looking at her friend.

Miichan sighed. It wasn’t what she meant. She knew Takahashi had always been with Acchan. Her sudden leaving must had been a big shock. And she knew Takahashi was probably sadder than she looked. She didn’t really know what she could do for it. At the beginning, she thought Takamina would get better, but she hadn’t. There was still some moments were she was laughing with the others like before, but it wasn’t like when she was with Acchan. It was different. Even the way she laughed was different now.

“You know-”Miichan began.

“I know.” Takahashi replied.

Haruna and Yuko stopped their “game”. They knew that Takahashi didn’t want to talk about it just by the way she had answered. They decided to leave it like this. If she didn’t want to talk, they couldn’t force her. It was her problem, and if she didn’t want help to pass through it, they couldn’t do anything more for her than support her in their head.

In fact, Takamina had hoped this AKBingo recording would help her to forget a little Acchan… But it didn’t happen exactly like she had wanted to. She had thought a lot about Acchan instead of forgetting her.


“Are you still talking to Acchan?” Miichan asked to Takamina.

They were going to a photo studio to take pictures for the promotion of their new photobook. The captain really didn’t want to talk about her pretend sadness about everything that concerned Acchan, but answered to her friend with a normal voice:

“Yes. Sometimes we talk together at phone… But we are really busy so it’s hard.”

“So you want to see her more?” Miichan insisted.

“What are you talking about? Of course, we all miss having time for ourselves, right? Not just me and Acchan.”

“Yeah… I was talking… in general.”

Takamina knew she could often look sad about it, but it wasn’t a big deal. She didn’t want her friends to care about it. There were more important problems in the world than her friendship with Acchan…  Yuko and Haruna stared at her a little, making her wanting to walk faster. In fact, they were almost there so she decided to take the lead and walked 3 meters in front of them. The situation was becoming… awkward.
They arrived to the studio. They were only four because they had missed the first photoshoot. They had to do it now while every other member had already done it. They couldn’t be there the first time because they were working for another show. There were others artists in the studio, busied with their own work so they didn’t care about them.

The subject this time was… Animal world. They had to dress like some random animals for a magazine. They only had to be cute for the fans, as usual. Miichan had to dress like a penguin. The fans had loved how she was playing with a mascot penguin during a PON episode so it was a blue one.
Haruna and Yuko had to wear the same outfits. They were lovebird. Of course, it was only fan service, but Yuko really liked this idea. And she really loved to play lovebird with Haruna. Haruna was trying to avoid her, but this time, it didn’t really work. So Haruna had a “lover” for today. She enjoyed it, but would rather die than admit it.
As for Takamina, she had to wear a wolf outfit. Not an old one, a puppy one. Staff wanted her to wear an adult one to show the fans she was the “leader” of the crew, but they thought the fans would liked to see her in a cute outfit, so they decided to change. The girls had not enjoyed the idea of animals at the beginning, but when they had seen how cute the outfits were, they just decided to play the game.   

The photoshoot went well… only for Miichan. She had played her role perfectly. She was cute and was playing with a false cute fish. She was making cute faces and did her best to enjoy it.

When it came to Haruna’s and Yuko’s turn… It had not been exactly the same. Most of the pictures showed Yuko trying to kiss Haruna in order to “make it more realistic”. Of course, Haruna had tried to stop her… And all the pictures messed up. Yuko was hiding Haruna on the first one. Haruna was hiding Yuko on the second one. They were fighting in the third one. We didn’t see Haruna enough in the fourth… Finally, after a long time, Yuko decided to cooperate and took the pictures in a “normal” way. Right after it ended, she started again, making Haruna afraid of her. It was really funny to watch, especially when Yuko finally reached Haruna’s arm and didn’t let her go while Haruna was laughing and screaming with her.

Takamina’s turn went well too. They had nothing bad to say about it, she was cute and she was probably the one who did it the faster. Honestly, she was glad it went so fast. She was afraid she may not be cute enough, and she didn’t want to wear this wolf outfit for a long time.

They were about to take out their outfits in another room when the photograph called Takamina back.

“What’s wrong?” She asked while she was trying to take out the wolf ears she had on her head.

“We have to take the picture again. I don’t know what happened but they aren’t clear on the computer.”

Takamina almost fainted. She had to take them again?! Meant more wolf outfits and more cute faces?! Damn, she definitely hated this studio even if it wasn’t the first time she came here. Right, it was her job, but to dress like an animal wasn’t her dream. Yuko and Miichan decided to wait for her, while Haruna had to leave for another shooting, much to Yuko’s disappointment.

It took twenty others minutes for the staff to rearrange everything. Takamina could finally take her pictures. While she was taking the pictures, the next artist had arrived to the studio. The artist wasn’t really happy to see the studio was late. They were others places in the studio where they could take the pictures, but somehow the artist wanted it to be at this place.

The woman decided to go see who was making her wasting her time when she had another TV show in almost two hours. She was really surprise to see it was some AKB48 girls.
“Hello!” She said to Yuko and Miichan.

The two members turned around, jumped and hugged her.

“Hey! What are you doing here! Long time no see!” Yuko said with a huge smile.

“I’d never thought we’d see you there!” Miichan added.

“I know, I’m really busy but I wanted to take some pictures here. To remind me when I was with the group I guess. It’s been a long time!”

“You’re not going to regret it.” Miichan smirked. “It’s Takamina who’s late. Well, it wasn’t her fault but I like to think it was.”

The woman smiled. Miichan hadn’t changed at all. She was a great (and cruel) friend.

“Takamina? Really?”

“Yeah, wanna see her?” Yuko asked, still smiling. “She’s over there.” She said as she opened a little a big door next to them.

The point of view wasn’t the best in the world, but they could still see Takamina doing her poses. It was really funny and sometimes reminded a little the Heavy Rotation’s PV where she played a cat. But it was different too. Takamina looked way better. And Acchan’s eyes couldn’t move away from her anymore.

“Move your head to the right please!”

Takamina did so. She was smiling and trying to be as cute as possible. For about half an hour, they had to take the pictures and to check if everything was fine. It was. Takamina was glad she could finally take out her outfit, even if she began to like it a little. She left the room and joined her friends.

“I’m done. We can leave now, sorry guys.”

“How about waiting a little here?” Miichan suggested.

“No way, I’m tired now! And we still have to meet Akimoto-san with Haruna tonight… She added. “I don’t want to waste my time here…”

“But we met somebody here! She left for her photoshoot but she said she would come back after!”

“If it’s not Nakamori Akina, I don’t care.”

Miichan and Yuko stared at each other.


“It is!” Miichan said, interrupting Yuko.

Takamina obviously didn’t believe her friend at all.

“What?” She said.

“What?” Yuko repeated.

“It’s her! Just wait a little!”

They waited, even if Takamina really wanted to leave because she knew it couldn’t be Nakamori Akina. They waited…Again… Again… A door opened. It was a man. Another opened a few minutes later, it was a woman, but they didn’t know her.

“How long are we supposed to wait for someone who’s not coming?!”   

Her two friends didn’t answer. They were praying for Acchan to come as soon as possible. They wanted to surprise Takamina, not to make her angry.

“Hey, I’m leaving now.”

The door next to them opened. It was a man. But it was a man Yuko had seen with Acchan earlier. Trying to calm herself, she asked:

“Where is she?”

The man seemed to look at them a second before he said:

“She left. She has an interview.”

Seeing how much Miichan and Yuko were disappointed, he added:

“She just left a minute ago. I think you could still have time to see her if you hurry. She’s probably outside.”

The two girls began to run towards the door while the third one was walking slowly, tired of their game. What was up with them? It was impossible Nakamori was here… Wasn’t it?

“Takamina, why are you still so far! Hurry or we’ll miss her!” Miichan screamed as she was still running.

“Like I care…” Takamina mumbled.

She followed her friends outside. The sun didn’t help her to see clearer. She slow down, but seeing that Yuko was still running with all her might, she tried to hurry a little. As they arrived near the street, they saw a car ready to leave. Someone went inside, but they were too far to see who it was.

“RUN!” Miichan screamed.


Somehow, that reminded her some crazy episodes of Mendol when she had to run for absolutely nothing. They had almost reached the car when it began to leave.

“Wait a minute!” Yuko screamed too.

The car stopped. The woman went outside, wondering why three random people were running after her. When they arrived near her, Miichan and Yuko stared at her, speechless. Miichan was the first one to react, but it wasn’t what Takamina wanted to hear.

“Sorry, wrong person.” Miichan said as she slowly back up, hoping the woman wasn’t too mad.

Yuko and Takamina bowed. The woman didn’t seem to care a lot and left. Another car arrived near them and stopped while the three were still panting. Miichan and Yuko didn’t even take a look. They were apologizing to Takamina.

“So now, explain yourself.” The small captain said.

“We… kind of… Mixed two people?” Miichan tried.

“Right… Yuko, do you have a better reason?”

“We… we wanted you to see the car! Nice one, isn’t it?”

Takamina didn’t even try to understand her friends. Sometimes, they could be so weird. A door opened from the car that had stopped near them a minute ago.

“Why the hell were you running after a car?”

“Akimoto-san?” Takamina asked, surprised.

The creator of AKB48 was in front of them. He looked at them, amusing. He knew Acchan was at the same studio the same day, but hadn’t planned a meeting. It was funny to see the girls running for nothing. He knew Acchan was already far from here.

“We were looking for you.” He said. “We have to meet sooner finally. I think only Haruna had something to do for now, but I called her and she will join us. Come in.”

Another car followed Akimoto’s. Takamina, Yuko and Miichan went inside.
In the car, Takamina was sleeping while Miichan was trying to send a mail to Acchan as fast as possible. Yuko was just looking outside, hoping Haruna will join them soon. They were probably going to the theatre, but for now, it didn’t matter. Miichan finally got an answer from Acchan.

“Sorry, I had to leave for work.”

“What about Takamina? You haven’t seen her for a long time! Couldn’t you stay a little more?”

“No, I really needed to go.”

“She doesn’t know you were here. We didn’t tell her.”


Miichan didn’t really know what she could answer. She knew Takamina was a little sad about Acchan. She had wanted her to see her so Takamina could be happier… She wanted to help Takamina, as the good friend she had always been.

“She would be sad to know you were already gone.”

She sent it and waited. The answer was long.

“I’m sad I didn’t get the chance to talk to her too. But I am really busy now. Next month would be better. I think I have a little break so it would be great to see everyone! I’m sorry. Maybe I’ll call her later today. I have to close my phone now. My manager is waiting for me. Tell her I miss her! Talk to you later!”

Miichan sent a last mail, hoping she could still reach Acchan.

“I heard you manager was really great. Is it real? Do you have fun?”

Acchan didn’t answer.

The timing was perfect because the car stopped at the same time, waking up Takamina.

“We’re here.” The driver said.

They walked through a door and went inside the building. They went inside and sat. All the AKB48 members were there too.

“Just wait for Haruna while I’m checking something for SKE48.” Akimoto said.

They waited. They talked a little and Miichan finally told Takamina about Acchan. She wasn’t really angry about them.

“You should have told me that before.” She just said.

“She said she missed you.”

“I’ll talk to her later.”

“Why don’t you call her now?” Tomochin asked. She had heard everything.

“Didn’t you hear Miichan? She’s busy now.”

“I’m sure she won’t care to stop working if it’s you!” Tomomi added.

“And what if she had an accident! The last thing you would have thought about her would be something like “I can’t call her because she’s busy.” ” Sasshi said.

“Aren’t you a little extreme?!” Takamina mumbled.

They didn’t say anything more. Takamina wasn’t angry. She was a little disappointed though… She couldn’t believe Acchan was at the same place, the same time. She hated the computer for being so lame. If it hadn’t been so lame, maybe she could had seen Acchan a little instead of taking others pictures.

“Hello!” Haruna said. “Sorry for being late, I came as fast as I could.

“Haruna! We were talking about Acchan.” Miichan said as she began to explain what had happened in the studio.

“Really?” Haruna asked. “I can’t believe you didn’t see her Takamina!”

“Me too.” Takamina sighed.

They talked together about what could have happened if Takamina had seen Acchan. At the beginning, everything was fine. It was something like “Hug and talk together”. And it finished with a exaggerate scenario from Miichan where Acchan and Takamina would run away together in order to keep their friendship alive and so on. But it wasn’t the worst. Sasshi and Mayuyu liked to think Takamina would force Acchan to divorce with Miichan, even though they weren’t really married. And Tomomi added that the two of them would have fled to Hawaii and forget about Japan.

“Our friendship isn’t dead! What are you talking about?” Takamina asked.

“Well, I heard the last time you guys have been together was two month ago!”

Her friends didn’t know anything about the “good night” messages.

“We exchanged messages. It’s not like if we weren’t talking at all.”

“But it’s better to be with her instead of talking to her with a cellphone.” Haruna said.

“Can’t you see the positives points?!”


“You know, we talk to each others, we still call each others… She’s still my friend!”

Takamina was right. They were still friends. Friends who didn’t talk a lot to each other, but still friends!!! Miichan’s cellphone rang at the same time Akimoto was coming back with some papers and started to talk.

“I do.”

It was Acchan’s answer. Miichan stared at it a second. She felt that Acchan didn’t tell her everything. But it wasn’t the time for it. She had to listen to Akimoto.

“All right, guys! First, I want to say I’m really proud of you for all the success we have now!”

Everybody smiled.

“I have an important announcement to do about the next concert. You know I told you it was going to be in July last year? Well, this time, your next concert will not be in Japan. For the first time, all the 48 members will move together for a concert in Paris!”


“I heard you manager was really great. Is it real? Do you have fun?”

Acchan closed her phone and didn’t answer. She had fun. She liked her manager too. She was a great woman, always ready to help her to become more popular. But this woman… was different from every people she knew before. She had a special aura.

“I do.” She answered.


Endnote: Forget what I said, I like chapter 3 *.* Haha I'm cruel I know.

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2010, 12:56:42 AM »
wohohohoohhohho..... nice chapter....  :thumbsup :thumbsup i like it.... maaaaan u are so great....  :grin: but this kind of hide and seek sometime killing me....  :lol: but i like it... please update as soon as possible....  :cow: :cow: :cow:

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2010, 02:21:21 AM »
Oh man! I don't know what to think of that last few lines at the end. If that manager is hitting on Acchan.. I... I'll TakaMina.  :nervous
Anyway, nice chapter. :D Too bad TakaMina didn't get to see Acchan. I would love to read how they will react. :D

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2010, 01:02:02 PM »
miichan asking takamina that question about her and acchan's marriage photo made me remember that said photo.  :lol:
if I were miichan and yuko, i'd choke the photographers to death for them to mess up takamina's shots and miss acchan visiting them/her.  :smhid or maybe that's just me.  :P
not really sure what's up with acchan all of the sudden by thinking that her manager has some kind of special aura and saying that she does like her. she crushing on her manager?! what would takamina do now?! are we going to see takamina in a wolf outfit in a PB or in a calendar?!

...coz that would be awesome.  :lol:

i kid well, not really. :lol: anyway, update as soon as you can! your chap still didn't suck.  :)

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2010, 05:19:12 AM »
Thank, I'm glad they still don't suck xD


You know I'm really happy to see you guys are still reading my fic because, from my point of view, I suck in English. So I am paranoid and I think there's a mistake in almost every word I write and I'm never sure if you will undertsand XD Feel free to tell me if you want to correct my text xD Just kidding  :nervous

Say thank you to me again now  :theking I wasn't suppose to post tonight (in fact I should be sleeping right now ¬_¬) , but I do because (always from my point of view), I prefer sad chapters XD I know what you're thinking: "ENOUGH! WHERE'S CHAPTER 3!?"... It's here !  :grin:

Chapter 3

“I have an important announcement to do about the next concert. This time, your next concert will not be in Japan. For the first time, all the 48 members will move together for a concert in Paris!”

Everybody looked at their boss. Did they hear well?

“All the 48?” Akicha asked.

“Yes! For a special concert in Paris. We’ll all go there for the Japan Expo again.”

“Japan Expo?” Sasshi pointed, knowing very well what it was. “But it’s next month!”

Everybody started to talk. Next month?! It was soon! Sure, they had already practice a lot for this concert without knowing where it was going to be, but knowing it was going to be in Paris again was a little surprising. The pressure doubled.

“Don’t need to worry about it. Everything is perfect. You just have to practice like you did before I tell you it was in Paris. The only thing that’s missing is French language. Of course, some of you already know a little how to introduce themselves, but for those who don’t, we have translators.”

“But… it’s… Kind of…”

“Don’t worry, Yuko.” Akimoto said. “I know it sounded big like this, but I swear you are all ready. Remember all those letters you got from overseas? And I’m not talking only about Yuko, everybody has received those kind of letters. From overseas fans, wondering when they would get the chance to see you and so on. Well, the time has come.”

Takamina was glad she could finally go to Paris with the group. But at the same time, she knew it meant she couldn’t talk to Acchan for a long time from now on. They were going to have lots of practice, more than ever. She could see some members were excited and scared at the same time. She had to help them to feel better.

Akimoto explained everything to them, trying to be as clear as he could be. Some girls were really happy and excited. Paris! Meant romance! And sweets! And everything!

“All right, do you have other questions? Be sure to practice more from now. We’ll leave in three weeks.”

Akimoto’s last word scared the girls. THREE? It wasn’t long at all! How could they get ready in such a short lap of time?!

“If you want to be alright with the new time, we have to leave in three weeks. You know, it’s morning now in Paris.” Akimoto explained. “I’m sorry, it is sudden, but it’s nothing we haven’t done.”

The group separated in smaller groups. Some were still asking Akimoto about it while others just talked together. It was so sudden, lots of members were afraid they couldn’t make it. Takamina suddenly felt Miichan’s glance at her.

“Why are you looking at me like it’s the end of the world?” She asked.

“Aren’t you sad?” Yuko asked instead of Miichan.

“Sad? Why should I? We’re going to France!”

“But…” Haruna began as Takamina suddenly stopped her.

“I’m not sad about leaving Japan. It’s been a year you know.” She answered, knowing what her friends were talking about. “AKB48 is more important now. And why am I repeating myself?! Stop talking about that!”

Some members still had doubts about what was more important to Takamina, but they didn’t say anything.

“We have to get ready now!” Takamina said as she smiled to them


“Prepare yourself.” Takamina said. “We’re going to practice everyday, from the morning until the sun disappears in the sky.”

The others sighed. Maybe the real Takamina was back finally.


Or maybe not.
Takamina sighed. Even thought she had said she didn’t care about leaving Japan, she was still thinking about it. The day had been great, except for the photoshot. The meeting with Akimoto had surprised her. She was really happy to go to France! It would be her first time! And even if it was hard, she liked French language. She was glad she could finally meet her fans from this country because she had received a lot of fan letter from here. She posted an announcement on her blog. The fans would enjoy the news. She was still writing on her blog when she thought about something. It hit her. The fact that she was going overseas for the first time with AKB48… Without Acchan. As usual, thinking about Acchan made her sad. She thought about the last conversation they had had alone before she left. She hated herself for thinking about something so sad when she was so happy minute ago. But then again, she couldn’t help it. It was stronger than her.

Flash Back

It was the end of the party graduation for Acchan. It had been crazy. The fans had screamed so loud, the music had played at the maximum and the girls had danced like never before. At the end of the show, everybody had cheered for Acchan. Everybody had cried too. It had been in the theatre, but the show had been represented on giants screens on the street. The fans had been thousand.

It had been three hours since Acchan’s graduation was done. She was officially a graduate member of AKB48. She was going to leave soon and probably wouldn’t come back to the theatre for a moment. Even if the show was done for about two hours, Takamina was still sitting on the stage, crying a little. She didn’t want to move. So much time had passed since their first performance. She couldn’t believe she had never talked to Acchan before AKB48. And now, she was her best friend… It was crazy. Who would have thought her graduation would have come so fast. She was still thinking about it when she heard the door behind her. She turned around and saw Acchan walking towards her. Takamina tried to stop crying as she approached.       

“Hey Acchan! I thought you were already gone.” She said, trying to smile.

 “I’m not.” She just answered as she sat by Takamina’s side.

They both stared at each other, smiling. They were trying to look positive.

“So, what are you going to do now?” Takamina asked.

“I’m going to take pictures for a magazine.” Acchan sighed. “I have a lot of work to do from now on.”

She stopped talking. She began to cry a little. Seeing her friend crying made Takamina felt bad for her.

“Don’t cry. You know, we’ll still talk to you. It’s the beginning of your life as an adult now.” She smiled. “Well, I mean, you’ll have a nice job now.”

“Takamina, why didn’t you graduate with me?” Acchan whispered.

Takamina didn’t know what to answer. She could feel Acchan’s pain in her words. She knew Acchan wasn’t asking it in a bad way. She had thought a lot about this possibility, but finally, she had decided to stay with the group. She still had things to do.

“You know, I still have to help the others members. I have to find my way to become a singer too. I still have work to do. I’m not ready yet. Not like you.”

“It would have been nice. We wouldn’t be separate.”

“What do you mean? We’ll still be together! There’s no way I’ll leave you because you’re not a part of AKB48. We’re still friends.”

Takamina really tried to be positive, but she knew it was going to be hard to see her friend now. They both had busy schedule and it would be hard to find a moment to be together. Acchan was still crying. She didn’t want to leave her Takamina. They had had so much fun together, it was hard to say goodbye to everything.

“You know, I’ll try to talk to you every time I’ll have nothing to do.” Takamina said. “It’ll be hard, but we’ll see each other like before. It’s not the end.”

“I know, but it’s still hard. I can’t believe I decided to leave the group. I should have stayed with Takamina.” Acchan sobbed.

Acchan put her head on her friend’s shoulder as the little captain said:

“There’s no way I’m going to stop you to take this chance. I’m sure everything will be fine. You’re strong enough.”

Takamina really thought Acchan was strong enough to become what she wanted to be. But she knew something else. She knew she wasn’t strong enough herself. She was going to miss her presence by her side, just like now. It was probably the last moment they would spend together until…

“We’ll all miss you.” She added.

Acchan didn’t move. Her head was still on Takamina’s shoulder. Acchan took her hand as she said:

“I’m going to miss them too… And I’m going to miss you.”

She was crying and smiling at the same time, but she didn’t move. She didn’t know how to react. She should be happy, much happier than that… But at the same time, leaving Takamina wasn’t what she wanted. 

“Me too.” Takamina whispered.

There was nothing more to say. The two friends stayed like this for a long time. They didn’t say anything. They only listened to their breathe. Acchan finally moved her head after what seemed an hour. She was still holding Takamina’s hand.

“It’ll be weird without you.” Takamina said.

“Don’t say that. The fans will soon choose a new number 1. They will forget about me, like they did with every member who graduated.”

“I don’t think so. But I was talking about the group. I was talking about us. Team A will never be the same.”

“It will. Someday, it will become exactly like before. You’d probably have a new member who will take my place. You’d… probably have a new best friend.” She whispered.

“No… It won’t be the same without you. I’ll feel the difference.”

“I will too. You won’t be with me from now on. It will be strange. I can’t imagine how I will wake up the morning.”

They laughed together.

“Don’t worry, everything will be alright.” Takamina said.

They didn’t talk for a moment.

“You know” Acchan said “I’ll be sad if you’re not with me.”

They stared at different directions.

“It’s not like we won’t be together again.”

“I know.” Acchan nodded. “I just think it will be the first time we’re not together. I can’t really imagine it. I can’t even remember my life before AKB48… It’d be great if we could be together forever.”

“I guess so…” Takamina whispered.

She felt the same way about Acchan. She was just too shy to say it clearly.

“It’d be great…” She whispered again.

The two girls didn’t move for a while. Silence remained. They didn’t need to say anything. Or maybe it was just that their words couldn’t come out.

“Remember when we were at school?” Acchan finally asked as her eyes met Takamina’s. “We didn’t even talk to each other.”


“It’s been a long time… Maybe we wouldn’t know each other if AKB48 hadn’t exist.”

Takamina smiled a little. AKB48 had brought her so much.

“We would probably be at different schools too.” She said.

“We would probably have different friends.” Acchan added.

“We would be chasing after our dreams”.

“We wouldn’t be together now.” Acchan whispered.

“We wouldn’t be sad too.”

“But I guess it’s better to be sad than not knowing you.”

They stop talking. They both wanted to say something else. Even if they didn’t know exactly what they really wanted to say to the other, they wanted to smile, to laugh and share great times together. But they couldn’t. They had always knew this situation would happen a day. It just happened sooner than they thought.

“I have to go.” Acchan suddenly said. “My new manager must be waiting for me.”

“What if I didn’t want you to go?” Takamina asked.

The captain wanted to scream to the world that she wanted Acchan to stay by her side. It would never be the same now. If Acchan left now… It would be the end. The end of her presence in AKB48, the end of their daily life together, the end of… If she left now, Takamina would stay behind, crying alone.

“My manager is waiting.” Acchan repeated.

She released Takamina’s hand.

“My manager is waiting.” She whispered.

“What if…”

Takamina wanted to say something else. She wanted to tell her how much she was going to miss her. How much things would never be the same. They hugged silently. Acchan could smell Takamina’s scent… And Takamina was breathing through Acchan’s hair. They both didn’t move. They wanted to stay like this forever. Takamina felt tears falling down on her shoulder. She was crying too. She was holding Acchan’s shirt and didn’t want to release it. She buried her face in her friend’s neck, trying to engrave this moment on her mind. She could hear Acchan crying. She could hear her whispered her name. She could feel how sad she was. But she couldn’t say anything. She could just hug her with all her might. She slowly opened her mouth, but Acchan was faster.

“Don’t talk. Please, don’t say anything else.”


Acchan slowly moved apart from Takamina, taking deep breathe at the same time. Her eyes were red and she had difficulties to stay calm. It was too much. Her heart couldn’t take it. She would break into pieces and fall down on the floor if she stayed here. Her eyes got lost in Takamina’s, and for a moment, all she could see were Takamina’s feelings. It was so painful she had no choice but to avoid her eyes as she took a last deep breathe to remember her friend’s scent. She slowly walked away 

Takamina was crying alone.

She heard Acchan closed the door as the lights turned off.

End Of Flash Back

Takamina was lying in her bed as she thought about it. She really didn’t like this feeling. How could she had been so happy and then… so sad. She hated it. It’s been a year, right?! How come she couldn’t stop thinking about it! She was going to France! It was another step for AKB48 and all she could think about was Acchan! She was the captain of team A, she couldn’t let her feelings control her.

“I’m so stupid…”

She felt bad. She knew something was missing with AKB48. Not just Acchan, she felt… She didn’t know. She wanted to accept the fact that she missed Acchan more than she thought she would when she had learned about her graduation, but she couldn’t. It would handicap her. She didn’t want to cry. She didn’t want to cry for nothing. It she cried now, what would that change to the fact that her friends had her own life? What difference would it make? She would still be alone. She had friends in AKB of course, but Acchan was different. They were friends, but also the family of each others. They could tell each other things that they didn’t even tell to their own family. They could just stay together without saying anything and they would be happy… They didn’t even need to look at the other to know they were together. They could feel when one entered in the same piece. They could feel the other’s presence.

It had been a long time since they had seen each other. A very long time. And Takamina was beginning to wonder if she would ever have a day with Acchan again. It seemed impossible. Why didn’t she run after Acchan at the end of their conversation? She hadn’t even answered to her! She hadn’t even said “bye” to her! Or “see you later!” She had just stayed there in silence while her best friend was leaving! She had wanted to scream so much, why didn’t she do it?!

“I can’t cry… I must not cry… I…”

Tears were running down her face. She was alone with her pain.

“I miss you…”

She fell asleep as she finally accepted the fact that she missed Acchan more than she ever thought she would.


 The photoshoot just ended.

“All right, everybody thanks for working so hard!” The photograph said.

It was late, but Acchan had just finished taking pictures for her new photobook, coming up next month. She worked hard on it because she knew the fans were expecting something big. She had to take pictures in different cities of Japan. The last one was Tokyo, the one she was doing tonight. She was done with it. But it wasn’t all, she had to prepare for a new drama that would begin tomorrow. Now, she had to come back home and learn her lines.

She took a few second to see Takamina’s blog. She liked to hear the news by her blog. She read the latest entry and was really surprise to learn that they were going to France. She was a little sad too, because it meant no Takamina for a while… And she wanted to talk to her about a problem she had, but now, she couldn’t. It wasn’t urgent. But at the same time, she felt that she had to talk about it as soon as possible. She went in a room to change and when she came out, her manager was waiting for her.

“Are you ready to go? You did a great job today.” Hiroko said.

Hiroko was Maeda’s manager. She was a twenty-three years old young woman. She was young, but was doing a perfect job in order to help Maeda to gain popularity. She had a special personality. Sometimes, she could be really nice and sweet, and the next second, an evil woman who would not be afraid to kill to have what she wanted. Or course, she never killed anybody, but sometimes, even Acchan was scared by her.

“Yes, wait a minute.” Acchan answered.

She really liked her… But she was also the problem she wanted to talk about with Takamina. It was weird. She liked her, but at the same time, she was afraid of her. Sometimes, her eyes were looking at her… Like she was a hunter chasing after her prey. Hiroko may be her manager, Acchan didn’t know a lot about her.

“Hurry sweetie, I told you we’ll go eat together to celebrate the end of your photobook!”

This was weird too. Each time Acchan finished a project, her manager would invite her to eat or to celebrate it. The girl had nothing against celebrating it, but it was weird her manager wanted to spend so much time with her. Well, she was nice… But really, Acchan didn’t want her to be with her all the time. Hiroko was a manager chose by her agency. She didn’t have choice but to accept her.

“I’m here.” Acchan said. She wore a nice shirt with a cute skirt. It wasn’t cold outside.

They walked together and went in a little place to eat. Nothing exaggerated. Anybody would think they were just old friends going out to eat together. But for Acchan, it wasn’t that obvious. Once, she had said “no” to her manager about going out to eat. Hiroko had been mad at her for three days. It was another part of the problem she wanted to tell Takamina. With all that, should she change her manager? She was afraid something worst would happen someday.
Because something had happened once.

Flash Back

Maeda Atsuko had just finished working on her drama. It had been a weird episode where she had to be partially covered by flour. As some actors were leaving, she decided to take a shower. She was glad they were in a pool. She could just go in the bathroom and wash herself a little. She had about an hour to get ready for her next job.

“Great job!” Her manager said. “I’m proud of you!”

Hiroko had been with her every time, watching for what she was doing. Maeda knew that she could trust her. She had always been there with her, supporting her when there was something hard to do and so on. She knew her manager was only there to make her more popular.

“Thank you.” She said as she bowed.

“I hope you won’t go to your next shooting with flour on yourself.” Hiroko said as she smiled to her.

“I was about to take a shower. I’ll be right back.”

She went in the bathroom and began to wash herself. She loved her job. She had a wonderful job where she could have fun and get money too. She did miss her friends though, but she was glad her career had finally begun. As she was ready to go out, she heard a door from somewhere in the bathroom. She saw someone through the steam but it wasn’t clear. She walked a little as she tried to see who it was. She heard the same door closed. But at the same time as the door closed, she saw her manager reflection in the mirror. She didn’t know if it was really her, but it seemed to be her. She thought maybe she just wanted to go to the bathroom, but it wasn’t the same place as the showers. She hurried and left.

She was outside the bathroom and was trying to find her manager. Where was she? She found her at the exit of the studio.

“I’m done.” She said.

“Great, we can move then.”

They started walking together towards the car. They were on their way to the next studio. Acchan froze as they were walking. Was that water on her manager’s pants? She didn’t want to ask. They reached the car. Before she could go in, her manager took her shoulders and began to give her a massage.

“You’re too stiff. Relax a little. It’s not good for you health to be too anxious.”

The actress wondered if what her manager was doing was normal.

“Thank.” She said. “But I’m alright.

She went in the car, feeling a bit nervous. As they were going to the studio, her manager said, without even looking to her:

“You don’t need to be afraid you know. I’m your manager. It’s my job to help you to feel better.”

“I know.” The idol answered.

“I know what I’m doing.” She said again.

“I trust you, don’t worry.”

Acchan was nervous. She really hoped they would arrive soon. The car suddenly stopped.

“Your popularity is in my hands. You understand that?”


She was anxious. What did her manager mean by that? She thought that… the car started again. They were almost at the studio.

End of Flash Back

It was the only incident that she remembered.
They eat together and it was nice. There was no bad incident or anything like this. Acchan took a lot of pictures of her food and posted them on her new blog. She had created another one since she wasn’t on AKB48. She also looked at AKB48 members blogs.

“Are you still checking their blog?” Hiroko asked.

“Yes.” Acchan answered as she closed her phone. “I do.”

“Why? It’s useless. You aren’t with them anyways.”

Acchan didn’t like this part of her too. Her manager thought that, once something was done, it was REALLY done. But if she forgot all those points, Acchan thought it was a perfect manager.

“I like to hear about them.” She just said.

Maeda eyes blinked as she saw the look Hiroko was giving to her. She was… scared. There was a scaring aura coming from her. It was different from usual.

“You know it has nothing to do with you.” Hiroko said with a gentle voice.

“Don’t worry, I will still work as hard as I do now.”

“You’re so beautiful. You don’t even need to work to be popular.”

She smiled and the nice woman came back. Acchan wasn’t that afraid of her. It wasn’t the first time she did that. Even sometimes the idol had surprised her to look at her with a… pervert look. And sometimes, she touched her in a “friendly” way… Too much friendly to her. But it had been the same in AKB48 so it didn’t really annoy her. She was such a frightening woman. Maeda compared her to Yuko… But not as gentle as Yuko was. She felt she was like Haruna and Hiroko was like Yuko. Except when “Haruna” told “Yuko” to stop, she didn’t.

They finished eating and Maeda decided to go back home. Hiroko walked her home. They were talking and laughing together. For a moment, Acchan almost forgot about her problems about her. But it was only for a moment. As they reached Acchan’s house, Hiroko said:

“Well, good night Acchan! Sleep well for your drama tomorrow!”

“Yes, thank you very much.”

Acchan went in her house. She was glad she was finally home. She had to send her “good night” mail to Takamina before sleeping. She had decided to do this when she had left AKB48. Takamina was her best friend and she thought it would be a nice idea. Even if they couldn’t talk to each other, Takamina would know she thought about her. She missed her a lot. And since this day, she had sent a mail everyday to her. And maybe it was the time to write her a longer mail since she had time… But the doorbell rang as she was opening her phone.

“Yes?” She asked as she opened the door.

It was her manager.

“Hello Acchan, I’m sorry, I know it’s really late but I forgot to tell you something important about your drama. Can I come in?”

Acchan hesitated. She wanted to take her time to write a long mail to Takamina because it had been a long time but… She knew she couldn’t say “no” to something about her work.

“Of course.” She nodded.

“I won’t be long.” Hiroko said.

Acchan froze. For a second, she thought she had seen the pervert look that frightened her so much in Hiroko’s eyes.

“What do you want?” Acchan asked.

“Can I see your script please? There’s a modification I forgot to tell you.”

“Yes, wait a minute, it’s in my bedroom.”

Acchan went in her bedroom to take her script. Where was it? It took her five minutes to find it because she had left everything in a mess. She hated cleanup. Usually, Takamina did it when she came to her house. Since she wasn’t, Acchan didn’t clean a lot. She found it. As she turned around, she saw Hiroko had joined her in the room. She was in the doorway.

“I have it.” Acchan said. “What did you-”

“Don’t worry.” Hiroko interrupted her. “It won’t be long. There’s only a problem with the third page.”

Acchan walked towards Hiroko. She wanted to come back to the living room. She didn’t like the fact that her manager was in the doorway.

“How about we go back to-”

She suddenly stopped. Hiroko had those eyes again… And her heart began to beat faster as her manager closed the door behind her.


Takamina yawned. She was dreaming about One Piece when her alarm rang. She was dreaming she was Luffy and she had to kill a bad woman. A Japanese bad woman… what a weird dream. She didn’t feel really good today. She had a bad impression. Was it because they’ve learned they were going to Paris in less than a month yesterday? Was it because she had to get up and hurry? She already had a mail from Haruna, telling her she was late for practice. Usually, she was always the one who woke up the others. But since Acchan’s graduation, she was sleeping until the very limit of time. Now, she counted on others to wake up. Maybe her friends were right to think that she wasn’t the same.

She ate her breakfast, trying to stay awake. Yesterday had been crazy. What did she… Oh right, Acchan. She had thought about Acchan before sleeping. Again. She had accepted the fact that she was missing her a lot. And she would probably miss her a lot again since she was going to leave for France. And right now she was still thinking about Acchan. When would she finally stop thinking about her friend all the time! She didn’t think all the time about her when she was with AKB48! Why did she have to think about her when she was gone? Her cell phone rang.

“Where are you?!
We’re waiting for you!”

Now it was Miichan’s turn to tell her she was late. She sighed as she deleted the mail. But she hurried up more. As she was finally leaving her house, she realized something important. Yesterday, she had fallen asleep so fast that…
She opened her phone and checked her mails.
It’s been a year since Acchan sent her mails without exception.
365 messages, no exception, but…
There was no message from Acchan from yesterday.


ENDNOTE: Now I think you can all understand the type of Manager Acchan has.
ENDNOTE2: The chapters may be shorter from now on because I have a lot of work! Sorry!
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 03:39:10 AM by bou-j525 »

Offline thedeath93

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2010, 06:23:57 AM »
Oh my god! Did something happen to acchan? I know I shouldn't say this but I'm scared of the 'main character got raped' kind of fics so I really don't know if I could read the next chapter :(, but don't worry, you still a great writer :D

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