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Author Topic: Character Study [update 18May- oh?]  (Read 49430 times)

Offline ShiroiHana

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Re: Character Study [update 5Apr- Character Study #12]
« Reply #120 on: April 19, 2011, 12:36:30 PM »
Character Study #12
Symphony in Angst, Movements 1-4


It doesn’t hurt, really.

It shouldn’t hurt at all, really.
It’s a lie, isn’t it? It did hurt, didn’t it? I thought, among all of the way, she’s chosen the harsh way. Being a narcissistic and poison tongue chara while she wasn’t really like that in the inside. That sure was difficult.  At one point I admire her for her strong side but, I feel bad for her because she has to go through this.



Yuu-chan bought me a book about depression- or managing emotions or something. I don’t remember the last time I read something that wasn’t work-related or a glossy magazine. So, the book said I’m probably experiencing depression from my life-changing decision.
You know, most book that’s filled with physiology one, my teacher said, that most of it were full of lie. So, I don’t think that she’s..wait, she may have a depression from the way she talked. But, I think..more than depression, it’s rather a sadness. 

What was so bad about my life here anyway? But why can’t they just let me produce myself instead of needing to ‘wait my turn’ at the roster? Who will I turn to for comfort and advice when I’m no longer part of a larger whole? What is so bad about wanting more? If I fail, who will save me?
when i positioned myself at her position, i feel hopeless. like, will there will be someone that come and save me? that's such a terrible feeling.

A slice of meat delicately held up between chopsticks in front of me interrupt my spiraling madness. I blink at the proffered item and then look up.

And I find salvation in Rika-chan’s smiling face.
Maybe all of this time that she need was someone else’s support..



Just standing and watching the girls filming our latest shuffle studio PV now. I actually woke up early today and decided to get into the studio to study my script for Hello Morning here. It doesn’t pay to not have a life outside of work and the dogs. Maybe I should take up an instrument- start a woodwind duet unit with Kei-chan. Yeah- a bassoon, thass the ticket. What the hell is a bassoon?
:lol: how could she start such unit. Umm.. lol, if my memories of nodame is right, bassoon is some kind of wind instrument?

Great, I’m nori-tsukkomi-ing myself, in my own head.

I look up, my response sluggish and my temper short, to see Yoshizawa bounding up to me like an overexcited puppy in her uniform. I have no doubt that in that girl’s slightly messed-up head, her internalization goes something like: ‘Ah, sugoi kakkoii, Nakazawa Anego coolly looking up from her new mobile phone to regard me with a burning, sexy gaze’. This is all that is keeping me from yelling at her.

As much as this job strips me of my sanity and dignity, it’s the girls that restore it back, bit-by-bit. I feel my sanity knitting together, surrounded by these crazy people I call my friends and family. It’s what makes me come back day after day even when there isn’t much to come to.
Life as an entertainer is harsh. No, really..i mean they have to keep their happy face always even though they aren’t happy at all. Her character study is funny yet sad at the same time.



But one thing I cherished most of all, was the laughter.

It was an absolute joy to cause that laughter- and a bonus if she were laughing with you, rather than at you. Although, I admit I miss being laughed at by her. It’s masochistic, I know, it just feels really good when she laughs gleefully at me. I must say something brilliantly stupid one of these days.

That’s masochistic? For some reason I thought that it isn’t. Nah, isn’t it just cause of her strong feeling? No harm in that laugh..i mean, it isn’t caused by some mean things. But, it is kinda cute.

We never spoke of it again, but I think somehow, our silent contemplation that day managed to bridge the gap between us awkward social niceties couldn't before.
It ends nicely. Somehow…somehow..i get this cloudy feeling after read the character study. Like some kind of realization that life sure is hard. It isn’t easy and we have to struggle in order to walk through it.

sankyuu for the update ^__^
will wait patiently for more update, and till that time, Gracula-san ganbare~ ^o^)/

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Re: Character Study [update 19May- Character Study #13]
« Reply #121 on: May 18, 2012, 06:30:23 PM »
Wow, I haven't even watched or really read any updates yet and I'm kinda depressed already.


Character Study #13: Last Will and Testament of Niigaki Risa, Morning Musume

18 May 2012

Dear Sayu,

I don’t even know what to write here, but I’m told its tradition and I have to write you advice or whatever. I’ve been putting off writing this for so long and right now Iida-san is glaring at me from across the room. She’s sitting right in front of the dressing room door. I can’t even get out even if I wanted to. I think Yoshizawa-san is outside keeping people away too.

Okay, so that’s one long paragraph and I’m not even halfway down this piece of paper I’m supposed to fill. Shit. I’m never gonna get onstage and graduate tonight, the rate this is going.

So. Here we are. Here *you* are… at the top now~ ^__^ You made it! Finally! How does it feel?

Well, I guess you’ve already told me how it feels, but somehow, I think we’ve been keeping our feelings to ourselves quite a bit ever since Aichan left. I know you didn’t want to burden me and on my end, I guess I’ve just found it too embarassing to verbalise my feelings.

So I guess I’ll write it down here.

It hurts. Like my heart has been cracking slowly for many months now and it feels as though it will shatter later when I walk off the stage for the last time.

Remember how we sometimes performed while we were sick and we’d keep on dancing and moving til we see white and think to ourselves: “Ah, I’m going to fall over and die right now on this stage. What a way to go~”?

I feel as though a part of me will actually die tonight.

They always said that graduation was a great entrance into a better life ahead. But they lied, Sayu. It is being forced to leave the greatest love of your life. It’s being torn away from the thing you’ve loved with all your heart since you were a child. It is like losing your name. If I’m not a Morning Musume anymore, I might as well not be Niigaki Risa.

I didn’t know you could actually overreact on paper.

Sorry, I don’t want you to worry about me. I’m fine, really. Just wanted to write what I was actually feeling and all that stuff came out.

I don’t know if we will be as close as this in the future. I’d like us to be even closer but we’ve sent off enough groupmates to know the actual reality of what graduations can be like. But the one thing I would like to ask of you- is that even though your memories of me may grow dim, please always remember me as the Gakisan who loved Morning Musume more than her own life.

Haha. I can hear you through the door. You’re gonna get it if you keep flirting with Yoshizawa-san like that.

Anyway. Here we are, at the end. And Iida-san looks somewhat pleased. I think it has something to do with the fact that my makeup is absolutely ruined with tears and snot. Gross!

I love you, Sayu. Thank you for being such an amazing part of this Morning Musume that I love so much. I trust you to take care of it and take care of yourself.

And for the love of god, please don’t eat the children.

All my love,

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Character Study [update 19May- Character Study #13]
« Reply #122 on: May 18, 2012, 06:38:07 PM »

Sayu will make an interesting leader if not for Reina trying to make puppet strings from behind XD
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Re: Character Study [update 19May- Character Study #13]
« Reply #123 on: May 18, 2012, 07:04:45 PM »
Oh my god, I forced myself to read this. I did. Because I'm a wreck right now and I needed something~

I didn’t know you could actually overreact on paper.


I don’t know if we will be as close as this in the future. I’d like us to be even closer but we’ve sent off enough groupmates to know the actual reality of what graduations can be like. But the one thing I would like to ask of you- is that even though your memories of me may grow dim, please always remember me as the Gakisan who loved Morning Musume more than her own life.

K.O!!! RIGHT IN THE KOKORO!!! *le dead*  :farofflook:

And for the love of god, please don’t eat the children.

And now im tearing for a completely different reason ahhaha :mon lmao:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Character Study [update 19May- Character Study #13]
« Reply #124 on: May 18, 2012, 08:22:52 PM »
How can you make sad crack? My face doesn't know which expression to make! Until you ended with
And for the love of god, please don’t eat the children.

Now I'm grinning.

Gakisa~n :cry: XD :cry: :wub: :lol:

Offline gracula

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Re: Character Study [update 23June- 9kie crack omake]
« Reply #125 on: June 23, 2012, 10:35:08 AM »
I procrackstinated during an important meeting to keep me from falling asleep. If its weird, it means my brain cells were not working enough to come up with proper sentences.


title: the crack that grac came up with during a meeting zzzz

Reina had enough. As the only other adult in the group left, (and that isn’t really saying much) she felt her latent morality stir enough to want to do something about Sayu.

She resolutely marched into the break room where Sayu was holding court with the younger members. True to form, the predator was at her best, content in her natural habitat of tweens.

“You have five minutes to sort your shit out, Shige-san.”


“Aichan on her way up here. You’re so screwed.” Reina frowned as she considered the duality of her statement. “In the unpleasant way that doesn’t require us to evacuate the lolis from the room.”

“What other kinds of screwed are there?” Kanon muttered to Eri, who shrugged, for once smart enough to keep quiet.

“You gave me up?” Sayu sat up suddenly, Mizuki slid off her lap to land on the floor with a thump.

“This." Reina gestured in the general direction of Sayu. "This is too much- what kind of example are you setting for the lolis?”

“We’re not lolis!” Riho protested vehemently. “I’m already 14!”

“You are actually lolis,” Reina informed her matter-of-factly.

“But 14 means I’m older than 12 and a child!”

“That’s right, Riho is a big girl now and she can do big girl things,” Sayu cooed. “Does RihoRiho want to do big girl things?”

Riho looked cautiously over at Sayu, then to Mizuki who was nodding vigorously, eyes wide, as she witnessed the scenario play out before her like her secret fantasies come to life.

“What kind of big girl things?” Riho asked tentatively, her curiousity asserting itself over self-preservation.

“Sayu, I’m serious. This has to stop. I was okay with the ball gag and pudding massage jokes until you actually used poor Fukuchan here as tableware.”

“She was dripping! I had to eat it. What did you expect me to do?” Sparing a quick, benevolent smile for Mizuki who was still on the floor where she was dumped.

In hindsight, Sayu probably should have chosen her words better because Ai had just entered the room and took the statement completely out of context. Or perhaps not entirely out of context, given Sayu’s proclivity. In any case, it would take about 4 stitches and two weeks of recuperation before Sayu could resume work again.

After the initial apoplectic flurry of blows, Ai was incredibly remorseful especially when Reina, who was trying to hold her back, told her that Sayu didn’t actually eat any of the lolis. To which Riho took the appellation with some offense, firmly insisting that she was gonna do big girl things with Sayu, who was wheezing painfully on the ground.

That moment was actually when Sayu got beaten enough to require the four stitches. Ai wasn’t sorry at all afterwards, since she went for an easily concealable wound instead of the maiming she wanted to deal out.


Before you start feeling sorry for Shigaysan, remember these three words: loli sponge baths.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Character Study [update 19May- Character Study #13]
« Reply #126 on: June 23, 2012, 10:40:06 AM »
We needed a bunch of innocent smiles while Ai beats up on Sayu

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Re: Character Study [update 19May- Character Study #13]
« Reply #127 on: June 23, 2012, 04:07:54 PM »
omg i can hear the cries of michishige-san!!! while ai beats her up XD this is hilarious
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Character Study [update 19May- Character Study #13]
« Reply #128 on: June 23, 2012, 05:11:34 PM »
OMG what is this? I love all the crack! XD :lol: XD :lol:

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Re: Character Study [update 19May- Character Study #13]
« Reply #129 on: June 23, 2012, 05:17:49 PM »
Oooh you posted the cracklet! I needed that so bad haaaaaa. *wheezes*

Also, violent!Ai is incredibly hawt. XD


Currently writing:
- Lilium-related things. God save my soul.

On Hold:
- Everything Else. Too many to list.

I'm also on AO3!

Offline gracula

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Re: Character Study [update 11Jul- FLUFF intermission]
« Reply #130 on: July 10, 2012, 08:59:28 PM »
Doing some housekeeping on my computer and oh boy, do I have a lotta fluffy dust bunnies. Don't particularly want to open a new thread for my short one-shots that need to be posted and I figure if I can have crack intermissions, I can have fluff intermissions here too.

So behold! Fluff! Crack-free! Shock! Awe!

(runs away in shame embarrassment)


Living The Dream

She hated it. Needing to share hotel rooms. You would think that Morning Musume would’ve made enough money for their management to always afford single rooms.

It wasn’t so much the snoring or the sharing of bathrooms. It was lying awake at night, facing away from the girl you were kinda crushing on who was sexually disorientating you with their confusing touches and cute smiles. Dealing with raging hormones at the height of puberty and having your stupid roommate parade around in nothing but a bath towel.

Yossi woke up cold. The wisp of some damn weird dream about her early idol days dissipating. She’d have the oddest, oftentimes disturbing dreams everytime she woke up cold. She was beginning to remember why she hated hotels with their central air-conditioning that seemed to kick into sub-artic temperatures in the morning.

The Dream Morning Musume concert tour. It really did feel like a dream. Just like old times, rehearsals and travelling from venue to venue for performances. Living in hotels and missing the comfort of home. Unlike the bad old days of indie unpopularity and tightfisted management, they were allocated a room to themselves. But given the post-disaster situation, everyone had decided to double up during the tour, doing that small bit to save on electricity.

“Oi, Ishikawa. You’re going to be late.” Yossi zipped up her jersey and reached for her sneakers under the bed.

A muffled groan answered her, “Five more minutes.”

“I’m going down first, okay?”

It really was just like old times, Yossi smiled. Except for one major difference.

Yossi bent down and yanked the covers away, eliciting a louder groan of complaint. Pressing her forehead against Rika’s, she nuzzled the side of Rika’s face and leaned in for a kiss, which was deftly avoided. One would think that after several years of being together, morning breath would no longer be an issue. “You know, once I leave the room, this’ll be it for the rest of today,” she whispered against Rika’s cheek.

Rika huffed, her eyes still closed and turned to brush her lips against Yossi’s smiling mouth for a quick kiss.

“Good morning.”

Rika reached up and grabbed Yossi to pull her back into bed. “Five more minutes.”


Ha! See? I am capable of writing IshiYoshi together. Sort of.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Character Study [update 11Jul- FLUFF intermission]
« Reply #131 on: July 10, 2012, 09:31:43 PM »
Yes.... I guess in a way we can always have the morsel of IshiYoshi once in a while hehe
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Re: Character Study [update 11Jul- FLUFF intermission]
« Reply #132 on: July 10, 2012, 09:33:04 PM »
OH MAH GAH ITS SO CUTE N FLUFFY ;3; more! more~! :deco:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Character Study [update 11Jul- FLUFF intermission]
« Reply #133 on: July 10, 2012, 10:17:21 PM »
Aww, how sweet :wub: :wub:

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Re: Character Study [update 11Jul- FLUFF intermission]
« Reply #134 on: July 10, 2012, 11:03:24 PM »
oh sweet jesus LOL

shame on me but i forgot to comment on the lolis + Sayu story xD I think I was just too busy crying and laughing so hard that I couldn't form words ahha  :rofl: <- accurate lol

Between you and Estrea, I don't even know what to do with myself with all these Loli + Sayu stories xD I just might stop breathing haha

Ishiyoshi goodness: It has been WAYYYYYYYYYYY too long since I've read anything with Ishiyoshi or the OGs <33333  :deco: TRUE LOVE FOREVER <3

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Re: Character Study [update 11Jul- FLUFF intermission]
« Reply #135 on: August 04, 2012, 10:52:18 PM »
Eeeeeeeeee IshiYoshi  :w00t:. I loved this  :lol: I really like how you have Rika doing not-so Charmy things lol

One would think that after several years of being together, morning breath would no longer be an issue
  A low, demonic rumbling that gradually rose in volume reverberated out of Rika, like a far-off storm, except that the far-off storm was right next to Yossie. She froze, wide-eyed and then gently nudged Rika’s head to rest on it’s side. The snoring stopped, and Yossie sighed in relief
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 09:15:01 AM by Atreyuxex »

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Re: Character Study [update 11Jul- FLUFF intermission]
« Reply #136 on: May 17, 2013, 07:35:19 PM »
あれ? What's this?

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Character Study [update 18May- oh?]
« Reply #137 on: May 18, 2013, 04:23:27 AM »
wow, welcome back!!

JPHiP Radio (11/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Tsutchie feat. Kitaki Mayu - Someone`s Waiting For You