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Author Topic: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)  (Read 20668 times)

Offline alexiel17

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2011, 07:54:33 AM »
 :P haha :]  :on lol: Sorry guys 'bout the comment  :mon sweat: (looks like the readers here are soooo aggressive... hehe :]  :mon determined: It's my fault really...  :nervous Oh, pls. don 't kill me!!! :gyaaah: ) Truly, gomenasai espacially to FoF sama  :mon pray2:  :kneelbow: (sorry , don't want to remove the "sama" there because it suits your name :]  :D  :mon misch:)

Thanks again FoF  sama for accepting my apology  :monk gboy: :] (I'm so falling in love with you again!!!! :mon lovelaff: )

Anyway I really do hope that you'll continue this story (and I hope that there would be a side story between Atsuko san and Gakuran sama  :mon blood:, pls...  :kneelbow: That would be interesting to read  :farofflook: :])

Thanks again for the story FoFsama!! I promise that I'll not create another post like that here... (for now... bwahahaha!!!  :wahaha: :kekeke: just joking :]  :mon sweat: )

Offline hakase309

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Re: [Majisuka Gakuen] Tabula Rasa (OneShot)
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2015, 11:47:17 PM »
thanks for creating this fic m(_ _)m

JPHiP Radio (9/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: AKB48 - Hikari to kage no hibi