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Author Topic: The Elder Scrolls Thread  (Read 57161 times)

Offline Tuffty

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The Elder Scrolls Thread
« on: April 25, 2011, 01:46:36 PM »

The Elder Scrolls (abbreviated as TES) is a role-playing video game series developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks.

The Elder Scrolls games can be safely categorized as role-playing games, although they do include elements taken from action and adventure games. In Arena, as in many RPGs, players advance by killing monsters (and thereby gaining experience points) until a preset value is met, whereupon they level-up. However, in Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion, the series took a skill-based approach to character advancement. Players develop their characters' skills by applying them, and only level-up when a certain set of skills have been developed. The flexibility of the games' engines has facilitated the release of game extensions (or mods) through The Elder Scrolls Construction Set.

The world of the Elder Scrolls is known for its attention to detail, attempted realism, and the vast number of names, dates, and places that constitute its history and the interconnected structure of its various societies, cultures, and religions. There is no one compilation of all information pertaining to the Elder Scrolls world, and, within the games, historical references are often vague or unclear. Players are encouraged to draw their own conclusions about situations and events for which the records are sparse, contradictory, or incomplete.

I've a confession to make, I've played both Morrowind and Oblivion but I've never finished them. But you know, considering I spent 100+ hours on each, I think it's safe to say that I got a lot out of both games even without finishing the main story.

It's safe to say that Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim is one of this year's most anticipated games. And rightly so, it's been a while since a new Elder Scrolls game and the ones that have come before i.e. Morrowind and Oblivion have been stunning games in concept and execution. I know both have had their issues with technical bugs and what have you, but I can forgive that if the games are ambitious and it's mostly executed well. The cool thing is that you can mess about in these worlds, do your own thing and engage in side quests and still have a blast. I know I did. I'll maybe share some of my experiences later but for now, here's a breakdown of the games that I've played:

The Elder Scrolls III : Morrowind

Looking back now, I had some great moments with Morrowind. It's probably the glitchiest game I've played, the console locked up a couple of times, but I'm so glad I tried it because it's one of the most atmospheric and daunting game environments ever in terms of scope and scale. It wasn't your LOTR type fare either, the world really did feel quite alien, like the Daedric ruins, the Ashlander camps, the fishing village of Gnaar Mok, they were all different and interesting to explore. And when I was out there carving my own destiny, it had a rousing soundtrack to keep you going, such as the song you can hear in the trailer above. Also, fuck cliff racers.

The Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion

Oblivion was more of a LOTR knock off than anything and probably was...'dumbed down' from what came before in Oblivion, but it didn't take away from the experience for me as it made a lot of other necessary and beneficial improvements to make it a better gameplay experience. It was one of the first games I had for the 360, and probably the best looking one I had. Even now I'm still in awe at the sunset, or the stars in the sky.

The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

Due in November, I am so excited for this to come out. The previews have sounded amazing and this will be one of the few day one purchases I've made in my life. Bring it on.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2011, 01:39:26 AM »
Yea Elder Scrolls thread! Now I have a place to put any hyper ramblings whenever new Skyrim trailers or info are shown! I feel kinda bad because I'm finding it hard for me to get excited for any other games this year because I'm so excited for TES: 5. :(

I was just listening to the Oblivion 5th anniversary show on the Bethesda podcast. Extremely fascinating stuff on the game development and history of the series.  :twothumbs

Some other stuff.

I'm in the same boat as you Tuffty played em for god knows how long but never beat them (I always wanted to get rid of those annoying Oblivion gates but always got side tracked :sweatdrop:). Even watched my cousin play Daggerfall quite a bit. :lol:

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2011, 01:54:31 AM »
Ah but the Oblivion gates got kinda dull. First time round was pretty awesome, but when you're asked to do the same thing for another 9 or so times, each using the same environments and doing the same thing and they become compulsory to progressing further in the story, then I kinda lost interest. I wanted to do more shit for the Fighter's Guild! Much more important :lol:

Skyrim sounds epic. This preview is the best I've read The thing I keep reading about is that at some point in the story you're going to have to ascend a mountain with 7000 steps in order to meet with a council. Hearing stuff like that just gets me all kinds of excited.

I wish Morrowind was playable on the 360. Some modders applied some graphical updates to it on the PC and it looks pretty good!

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2011, 02:58:30 AM »
I started a new Oblivion character to mess around with before Skyrim comes out. Female Breton, thief birthsign. Gonna try to be 100% magic and all super athletic jumping at people blasting them with electricity and stuff. And I'm determined to do the main story first thing off the bat. :lol:

I was listening to a podcast one of the Elder Scrolls devs was on and they played this at the end out of nowhere. I was all " :O?!? wha.. what was that song!?" and then I replayed it 100 times or so.

I guess it's some of the ambient music from Skyrim.   :PP

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2011, 08:40:28 PM »

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2011, 07:17:42 PM »
A few new tidbits of information on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have sneaked out of Bethesda HQ, including news that the game contains 60,000 lines of voiced dialogue.

According to PC Gamer, the long-awaited RPG sequel will feature unlimited dragons that can attack at random as you explore the game world.

Wounded dragons will apparently be unable to fly, offering an opportunity to engage them on the ground, potentially giving you the upper hand.

Slaying dragons earns you special abilities called dragon shouts. A few examples offered include power-ups that give you fire breath, a lightning strike, the ability to slow down time or a speed boost.

The game's guard system is reportedly getting an overhaul. In contrast to previous games in the series, if you commit a crime in one region guards in a neighbouring area won't automatically be aware of it and collar you on sight.

Bethesda has also confirmed that horses will feature in the game, with improved handling promised over Oblivion. You'll also be able to hop in a carriage for speedy travel between regions or automatically skip to places you've already discovered.

Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood assassin's guild return, along with a thieves guild, a fighter's guild and a mage's guild.

Finally, Bethesda has promised a much larger voice cast has been signed up to deliver that whopping script than worked on Oblivion.

Infinite dragons that can attack randomly? I hope they don't turn out like cliff racers in Morrowind.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2011, 05:17:49 PM »

When it comes time to make a sequel to a game that has six mutually contradictory endings*, how do you decide which one is the "real" ending?

Like this: (Spoilers for a fifteen year old game)

A Report Compiled By Ulvius Tero, Blades Archivist

Secret: For Your Eyes Only

Let me offer my congratulations to Your Lordship for your recent appointment as ambassador to the Court of Wayrest.

Your Lordship asked me for a review of existing Blades accounts from 3E 417 concerning 'The Warp in the West', and for a summary of the current state of affairs there.

Since Your Lordship was in Black Marsh serving in the staff of Admiral Sosorius at the time, you probably know of these events only from Imperial proclamations and Chapel declarations, which identify this period as the 'Miracle of Peace'. During the 'Miracle of Peace', according to official accounts, the formerly war-wracked Iliac Bay region was transformed overnight from a patchwork of squabbling duchies and petty kingdoms into the peaceful modern counties of Hammerfell, Sentinel, Wayrest, and Orsinium. The 'Miracle of Peace', also known as the 'The Warp in the West', is celebrated as the product of the miraculous interventions of Stendarr, Mara, and Akatosh to transform this troublesome region into peaceful, well-governed Imperial counties. The catastrophic destruction of landscape and property and the large loss of life attending upon this miracle is understood to have been 'tragic, and beyond mortal comprehension.'

In as much as this account confirms and validates the current borders of these counties, and identifies the rulers and boundaries of these counties as 'ordained by the Nine', the 'Miracle of Peace' serves Imperial objectives of peaceful consolidation of ancient petty states and sovereigns into manageable Imperial jurisdictions. The other remarkable features of these events -- mass disappearances, armies mysteriously transported hundreds of miles or completely annihilated, titanic storms and celestial phenomena, apparent local discontinuities of time -- fit comfortably into the notion that these events are part of a vast, mysterious divine intervention.

However, this is only the public account of these events, and, as you may suspect, it conflicts with many other accounts. In short, while this explanation suits Imperial policy, it has little historical validity.

Your Lordship should know that the Blades have concluded there is no plausible historical account of these events, and despairs that a plausible historical account shall ever be produced. The Blades have concluded that a 'miracle' occurred, insofar as the events are inexplicable, but the Blades strongly doubt the miracle was of divine origin.

There is good reason to believe that the ruling families of the four modern Iliac Bay counties had forewarning of the event. There is also some evidence that some of these ruling families may have been directly or indirectly responsible for the event. We do not know the exact sequence of actions that produced the event, although we are confident that the 'Totem' artifact was involved, and that a Blades agent was involved in employing that artifact. We unfortunately lost contact with that agent immediately after the event; his report might have gone some way to resolving the contradictory and paradoxical accounts of the event.

The Blades have on file few reports from agents dating from the "Warp in the West" period. Most of our agents were lost in the initial dislocations, and others were lost in the confusion after the event. I present a few of these reports to give you a general sense of their limitations, including the report of your diplomatic predecessor, Lord Strale. You will have had access to other private and rumored accounts of the period. I believe you will agree that these documents raise more questions than they answer.

The Report of Hammerfell Agent 'Briarbird'

'I was on assignment in the Alik'r Desert, a few miles south of Bergama on the 9th of Frostfall. I was encamped, as it was still early morning, when I felt the ground shake so violently, I was thrown to the ground. Dazed, I was aware of a great roar of a sandstorm, which alarmed me, as I had been on a high dune and had seen nothing like that on the horizon. It was on me before I was even on my knees, burying me and my camp.

When I crawled my way out of the sand, I realized that I must make haste and get to Bergama as soon as possible, as all my food and water had been swept away. The sun was just rising as I began, like I said. When I reached Bergama, it was nightfall. The town was in chaos, filled with the soldiers of Sentinel. The Lord of Bergama's fortress was in ruins.

There had been an attack, but no one had seen it, only the invasion that followed it. The soldiers of Queen Akorithi of Sentinel refused to be interviewed about how they had accomplished this sneak attack, but I came to learn that the whole of northern Hammerfell now belonged to them. Even stranger, I discovered that my walk from sunrise to sundown had not taken me not one day, but two. It was now the 11th day of the month, not the 10th. I had lost a day somewhere, and so apparently had everyone else... except Akorithi's soldiers, who somehow were aware of the correct date.

I since have concluded that they had received advance warning, and so were better prepared to deal with the strange confusion of time and dates associated with the Warp.'

The Report of High Rock Agent 'Graylady'

'I was, at the time of the Warp, undercover as a witch in the Skeffington Coven of Phyrgias, in central High Rock. In order to give my report, I had volunteered for an expedition to gather supplies, which would allow me the freedom to reach my contact in Camlorn. I was traveling north-east along the foothills of the Wrothgarian Mountains, on the 9th of Frostfall, when I felt a great heat behind me, like a fire. I turned, but I regret to say I cannot tell you what I saw. The healers tell me my eyes were burned out of my sockets.

I think I must have fallen into a state of semi-consciousness, for I distinctly remember falling as the ground seemed to give way beneath me. Then there was a series of explosions in the distance, to the south, and I heard high whistling noises that were getting louder, coming closer. I had my shield with me, and fortunately anticipated that volleys of some sort were falling from the sky. Though I could not see them, I could hear them coming from a distance away, and was able to use my shield to block them from striking me.

The assault stopped suddenly, and I could smell smoke. I learned later that most of the forest of Ykalon and Phygias had caught fire, in an inferno that started further south in Daenia and the Ilessan Hills. Fortunately, I kept my bearings, and moved north, finally reaching a temple in the wilderness where my wounds were healed, as well as they could be.

It was there I learned that there had been a three-way clash between Daggerfall, Wayrest, and Orsinium not far from where I had been, and that the land midway between their kingdoms had been decimated.'

The Report of Ambassador Lord Naigon Strale

'His Imperial Majesty had sent me on a delicate errand, the details of which I cannot convey in this unsecure report, but my official capacity was to be the Emperor's ambassador to the court of Wayrest. From there, I was to meet with an old friend, Lady Brisienna, who was already in the vicinity. Forgoing any attempt at stealth, I was on an Imperial barge, sailing westward on the Bjoulsae, the morning of the 9th of Frostfall. I remember it was a slightly chilly day, but the sky was very blue.

'We had just passed the delightful riverside village of Candlemass when the captain sounded the alarum. There, in front of us, was a colossal wall of water, at least thirty feet high. It smashed our barge to splinters before any of us had a chance to react. I woke up on the shore, having been rescued by one of my servants who had miraculously not lost consciousness. He and I and one other man were the only survivors.

I thought at first that it was suspiciously similar to what happened to another agent of ours in High Rock but a short time before, where a freak storm had shipwrecked him in the Iliac Bay near Privateer's Hold. Furious and determined to see if similar forces were at work, I began a quick march to Wayrest.

The march, however, was not so terribly quick. The villages all along the Bjoulsae were on fire, and battles raged between the orcs of Orsinium and the soldiers of King Eadwyre in the formerly independent principality of Gauvadon, just east of Wayrest. I am an accomplished mage, and quite able to defend myself, but it took the better part of a week to make it those few miles to Wayrest.

King Eadwyre and his queen Barenziah were celebrating their great victories when I arrived. By then, I had gathered the barest facts of the matter, that simultaneously there were seven great battles in the Iliac Bay, and no one could describe them at all, only their bloodsoaked aftermath.

To summarize: on the 9th of Frostfall, there had been forty-four independent kingdoms, counties, baronies, and dukedoms surrounding the Iliac Bay, if one includes the unconquered territories of the Wrothgarian Mountains, the Dragontail Mountains, the High Rock Sea Coast, the Isle of Balfiera, and the Alik'r Desert. On the 11th of Frostfall, there were but four - Daggerfall, Sentinel, Wayrest, and Orsinium - and all the points where they met lay in ruins, as the armies continued to do battle.

I was determined to find the truth from the King, even if I had to be a most undiplomatic diplomat to do it.

Eadwyre, though a generally jovial sort, had blustered, saying he did not want to give out military secrets. The Queen, ever calm with those unreadable red eyes of hers, told me, 'We do not know.'

I think it is safe to assume that Barenziah did not tell me everything, but the facts of her story - which I later verified after pointed interviews in Daggerfall, Sentinel, and Orsinium - was that they had learned that a certain powerful, ancient weapon was going to be activated. I shan't give the name of it here. Out of fear that it would be used against Wayrest, the King had attempted to buy it from the young adventurer who had discovered its wherebouts. Eadwyre believed, as it turns out quite rightly, that other powers in the Bay had also attempted to win ownership of this device.

What happened then, as Barenziah said, 'We do not know.'

The morning of the 9th and the morning of the 11th somehow merged through some sort of Warp in the West, and Wayrest found themselves at war. Their land had expanded three-fold, but they were under attack by Daggerfall to the west, Orsinium to the east, and Sentinel to the south. There had been no time to understand what had happened, the King said. They had simply reacted, sending their armies to defend their lands against these enemies whose kingdoms had also gained great territorial advantage.

The battles continue on, now months later, as I return to the Imperial City to make my report. What more do I have to say? They are bloody, violent clashes, as is always the case with modern warfare, but I have been to the blackened, desolate no-man's land between the four remaining kingdoms. No mortal army caused that devastation.

I can say that the force that shook the Iliac Bay on the 10th of Frostfall 3E 417 was infinitesimally greater than the power these mighty kingdoms are wielding today.

I can say that there were other strange events on that day which kept the kingdoms from breaking free of the Empire, and accomplished likely more besides.

And I can say there is nothing left of it - this power, this weapon - in the Bay. The Warp that it created swallowed it up.'

Current Political Affairs in the Iliac Bay

Almost twenty years have passed, and the region, though transformed, has stabilized. There are no more disputed territories, and the kingdoms of Daggerfall, Wayrest, Sentinel, and Orsinium hold their new borders in relative peace.

Wayrest spreads across the eastern coast of the Bay, stretching from the land formerly called Anticlere to half of Gauvadon. Eadwyre has passed on to his ancestors, leaving his kingdom in the hands of his daughter, Elysana, who has two children by her royal consort, and seems likely to hold her father's lands. Your Lordship may also choose to communicate directly with King Helseth and Queen Barenziah in Mournhold. Their primary preoccupations are, of course, with Morrowind's affairs, but they may still have useful observations upon Wayrest's ruling families and political environment that may aid you in your understanding of the court of Queen Elysana.

King Gortwog of Orsinium controls much of the Wrothgarian Mountains as well as the profitable rivercoast of the Bjoulsae. He persists in his demands that Orsinium be recognized as an Imperial province separate from High Rock. The Elder Council treats Gortwog as a recognized king, and collects taxes directly from Orsinium, but officially Orsinium remains a county of High Rock, though technically it spans both the provinces of High Rock and Hammerfell.

Sentinel has gained the most land, sprawling across the entire southern Iliac Bay from Abibon-Gora, beyond the Dragontail Mountains, to the edge of Mournoth, Orsinium's territory. Queen Akorithi at her death left her enormous kingdom to her only surviving son, Lhotun, who is now surely one of the most powerful kings in Tamriel.

Daggerfall is still ruled by the Breton King Gothryd and the Redguard Queen Aubk-I. Their land now encompasses all of western High Rock, from the border they share with Wayrest at Anticlere to the east, to Ykalon to the north. They have four children now, and are much beloved in their realm.

If there are other repercussions of the mysterious Warp in the West, they have not yet come to our attention in the course of twenty years of observation.

A warp in the space time continuum means that all the endings happened! That was easy.

*One of which is impossible to reach, because that's just how Daggerfall rolls.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2011, 05:38:21 PM by Foxy Brown »

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2011, 10:31:13 AM »
Dat map
Dat salmon
Dat dungeon

« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 11:12:33 AM by zoolander »

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2011, 05:04:30 PM »
If you have a copy of Oblivion for the PC you may be interested in a mod that's coming out for it later this year. Entirely free, it's almost like a whole new game, with new areas, new mechanics and enemy models and is canonically relevant within the Elder Scrolls timeline (which you know, is cool if you follow it that heavily. Not me XD)

Looks really cool.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2011, 02:11:26 PM »
Keep it to yourselves, and try not to make it well known but here's 35 mins of Skyrim gameplay

I hope the crowd dies in a fire though. So annoying. Surely the best Oblivion mod ever:

« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 03:08:17 PM by Tuffty »

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2011, 09:51:53 AM »
^ Mr. Mochi approves of that mod.

And I did see that leaked video (downloaded the HD ver) and yea, crowd needs to stfu. "kill this!" "kill that!" "water!" :doh:

Game looks beyond amazing though. Can't wait to see what else notch has up his sleeve for the scrolls series.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2011, 01:26:04 AM »
Details of the Collectors Edition have been announced and....well....

Details of a predictably lavish Collector's Edition of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim have just been issued by publisher Bethesda.

Priced at a wallet-busting £129.99, the set includes the following swag on top of the rabidly-anticipated RPG sequel itself:

    Alduin Statue - Created in conjunction with the IP Factory, this collector's only statue stands 12" tall and is made of high quality PVC. Modeled from actual in-game 3D digital files, it showcases Alduin, the World Eater. He stands perched atop one the game's many dragon walls that teach the player the lethal language of dragons.
    'The Art of Skyrim' Official Art Book - Featuring over 200 pages of striking, full-color illustrations, sketches and models, this stunning 9 3/8" x 12 1/8" coffee table book showcases the characters, creatures, environments, and weaponry of Skyrim. With a foreword by game director Todd Howard and commentary from Bethesda Game Studios artists, readers will be guided through the game's iconic visual style.
    'The Making of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim' DVD - This documentary DVD contains exclusive, behind-the-scenes footage, including interviews with the Bethesda Game Studios team as they take you from concept to creation and provide insights into the story, gameplay, setting, legacy of the Elder Scrolls franchise, and much more.

It's available for pre-order now, ahead of the game's 11th November release date.

"We always say that we make the games we want to play. We can also say we create the collector's editions we'd want to own," commented Bethesda marketing VP Pete Hines. "We all want one of these!"

You're not going to see me pay £129.99 for that.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2011, 12:11:50 AM »
A few videos of gameplay footage taken from PAX. Including:

  • Skeleton Warriors!
  • Setting fire to the woods!
  • NPC interactions not looking nearly as awkward anymore!

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2011, 02:59:54 PM »
You're not going to see me pay £129.99 for that.

I might have said it before but all I care about as far as extras that come with games is a good in depth making of. Like Metal Gear Solid 2: The Document or the ones that come with God of War games. A long behind the scenes, see deleted levels, developer cometary, design documents, let you mess around in the 3D environments and character models and what not. That and nice packaging and a soundtrack.

You would have to pay me to take any other extra junk like statues or art books that I would probably throw away after a couple months anyways. XD I sure as heck am not paying A HUNDRED AND FREAKING FIFTY US DOLLARS. At least do something like Hallo Reach where you have a collector’s edition in between the regular and the uber. That had a really authentic package and journal and stuff (ugh I'm getting the urge to toss out all the crap that came with it now and put the disk in the good old cd binder). I normally wouldn't have even gotten that but I bought it a few weeks after release and it was the same price as the regular edition. :P

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2011, 01:25:13 AM »
Great sounding preview here. Seriously just, take my money right now Bethesda and give me the game already.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2011, 04:01:53 PM »
New trailer

:P :lol:

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2011, 04:38:43 PM »
Reason #2025 to upgrade my computer XD

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2011, 03:29:16 AM »
I finally beat the main quest in Oblivion.  :lol:  I actually thought the end was pretty awesome, maybe it's just because I heard how terrible it was all these years. Put 135 hours into the play through so far, still haven't done the fighters guild and probably a lot of other stuff. My character is pretty God like now that I know how to level up right and got some useful items like the skeleton key, Goldbrand ect.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2011, 01:03:24 PM »
The live action ad is cool

But personally, I'm more excited about the actual game. Here's a vid comparing concept art to their in-game representation.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls Thread
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2011, 10:49:46 PM »
Next week people. Not long now. Here's the theme song in full. I'd say epic.

Sounds awesome, like a Viking invasion song. Excuse me while I don my armor and prepare to set sail on my longboat.

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