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Author Topic: [Oneshots] Baking [Shimazaki Haruka & Yokoyama Yui] (Jan 10)  (Read 55657 times)

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Re: [Oneshots] Shonichi [Hirajima Natsumi, Watanabe Mayu, 3rd Gen] (Aug 2)
« Reply #80 on: August 03, 2012, 05:57:15 AM »

eventhough my whole heart is for team k,but this song had stole my attention...

along with sasae and korogaru ishi ni nare,shonichi had become permanent part on my playlist...

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Re: [Oneshots] Shonichi [Hirajima Natsumi, Watanabe Mayu, 3rd Gen] (Aug 2)
« Reply #81 on: August 03, 2012, 11:26:20 PM »
I feel bad for all the angst so here have some nice fluffy fluff
wait actually no i don't muahahhaha
aimu writing mahself some nice angsty sasshi/lovetan /o/

Kinoshita Yukiko&Ogiso Shiori

To say that I was nervous as hell today was an understatement, I had been waiting for this day for months. Ever since I had first met this person online I had been curious of whom they are and what they looked like. I didn’t know how but somehow we became girlfriends, the online type – but that only made everything stranger to me. I don’t even remember how it started but it was as if from day one I just couldn’t stop talking to her. Literally everything about her attracted me and I didn’t know what to think about it.
It felt so strange to become so attached to someone that I’ve never met or even seen. All I knew was that everything I saw or heard just started to relate to her.  The chatting only got more and more frequent as we became closer. Everyone around me teased me for talking to her, but I never wanted to stop. It came to the point when I knew that I wanted to meet her, when I wanted her to actually be my girlfriend.

It was 6 months after we started ‘dating’ that I would finally meet her, she was coming to Tokyo for university and we arranged for me to pick her up at the train station. I was a nervous wreck all morning; I spent hours choosing what to wear when normally whatever I threw together miraculously came off stylish. I almost tripped at least 3 times while trying to get to the trains station too, the gods were just not on my side together. It didn’t help that I couldn’t hear anything half the time since my heart was beating so loudly.

“This is insane.” I muttered to myself as I took a seat at the train station, her train should be coming in 20 minutes. I had no idea what to expect, I’ve never even seen a picture of her before. She’s just been really secretive about how she looks since we first started talking. In fact she was the one that said it’d be better if we never sent each other photos of us. I just shrugged it off at the time but now I wish she at least told me what she was going to wear or something. It would be so embarrassing if I went up to the wrong person.

I spent those 20 minutes muttering to myself about everything and starring at my phone, she said she would mail me when she got there. Yet the train was arriving but no mail, was she not going to come? People rushed off the train and but no Shiori in sight, I was starting to get worried when I felt my phone vibrate.

-Missed the train, sorry I’m going to be late.-

My heart’s beating slowed down as I slumped back into my seat, the train wouldn’t be coming till like sundown. I let out a big yawn; I haven’t been sleeping properly ever since she told me that she was going to come. I didn’t fall asleep till 5 in the morning and the adrenalin running through my body was starting to wear off. I closed my eyes; maybe I could just catch a little sleep before I meet her.

Despite being mid-June it was quite chilly at the station and I could feel myself shivering occasionally in my sleep. Before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep, it was a surprisingly dreamless sleep. This surprised me since all that I’ve had recently were dreams about our meeting. All I the sudden I could feel something warm covering me and I snuggled closer to it.

I tried my best to go back to sleep but it seemed as if it just wasn’t coming to me so I slowly opened my eyes and let out a yawn. In front of me stood a cute girl reaching her hand towards me and brushing away a stray hair. I could feel my face heat up and my heart started racing again. “Hello Yukko, it’s nice to meet you for the first time, I’m your girlfriend, Ogiso Shiori.” She said with a gentle smile before reaching the same hand for a handshake.

I quickly rushed to stand up almost tripping over her and falling face flat, but gladly I didn’t. I probably looked like a fool though and I blushed even harder from the embarrassment. I stood a good half a head taller than her but here I was looking like I was going to die from the amount of blood going to my head.

“H-hi…” I managed to stutter out, taking a good look at the girl in front of me that was my girlfriend. I didn’t know exactly what to think anymore, nothing in my dreams could compare to the beauty that was in front of me. Her smile only grew wider as she told me, “Come on, let’s go the sun is already setting.” She wrapped the jacket she had placed on me earlier around me and then grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her as she proceeded to walk out of the station. I blushed even harder at the fact that she was holding my hand.

Maybe this relationship will be just fine, and everything that I could ever possibly want and more.

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Re: [Oneshots] [Kinoshita Yukiko&Ogiso Shiori] (Aug 3)
« Reply #82 on: August 06, 2012, 05:20:50 AM »
These Feelings of Graduation - Akimoto Sayaka&Ono Erena

You know this whole thing seemed to be easier than I thought for someone who was never really into the school scene it’s not like I would expect myself to be breaking down or anything. You always see those TV shows where people start crying and worrying over their graduation. Everyone’s been fussing about it this whole year; I’ve come to realize that whenever they mention it I tune them out. I just didn’t understand why this was so important. I may have spent the last three years of my life here, but so what? I’m just leaving here to go to another school…

“Sayaka?” I heard Sae call for me as I entered the school, today was our graduation ceremony. “Morning, where is everyone anyways?” I asked confused as to why there were no people straggling through the halls. “Everyone’s already at the gym for the ceremony, unlike you everyone came early.” Sae playfully scolded me. “You know how uninterested I am in all of this.” I replied before letting myself be dragged to the gym.

It wasn’t long before the ceremony started with Miichan giving her speech. I’ll be honest, I was slightly touched by it but not enough to be crying like my classmates. The ceremony passed by in a blink of an eye and everyone was ushered back to the classroom that had been previously decorated. I looked around and everyone was crying, was this graduation really that important? I guess I’ll never understand these feelings, I’ll probably forget all of this by the time we get together for a reunion. I was just lounging at my desk when some of the younger kids called me outside.

“A-ah Akimoto-senpai, could we have your tie?” The one in the middle asked, although I must say all of them looked the same to me. I was confused, my tie? “Uh, sure why not.” I told the three of them who seemed overjoyed at my response. I’ll never understand any of these graduation traditions, I thought to myself while pulling off my tie and handing it to one of the girls. “T-thank you senpai.”They said while bowing and then they ran away. Strange children…

“So, who were the kids asking for your tie?” Sae teased as I walked towards her. “Who knows, they didn’t introduce themselves. Do you know why they asked for it?” I asked, getting more curious about this whole graduation tradition thing. “You mean you don’t know?!” Sae shouted which drew the attention of some of the other people in the classroom. “W-wait are you telling me you gave the girl your tie without knowing what it meant?!” Yuka piped in almost screaming.

“Did I do something wrong?” I said practically cowering from all of their gazes, was I not supposed to hand it over or something? “Oh my god Sayaka, I knew you were dense and all but to do something like this.” Umechan groaned from beside Yuka. Okay, now I’m scared I didn’t like vow to marry her or anything right? I didn’t swear on my life that I’d protect her or something right? “…Okay Sayaka, listen carefully. This is a school tradition, if someone that asks for your tie if you don’t want to give them false hope you don’t give them to the kid. You basically just promised to go to that sakura tree outside of the school to listen to the kid confess her undying love for you. Way to like give the kid false hope and then kill her.” Sae lectured from beside me, my face paled at the idea. I thought I was finally done with all those confessions, I mean I had to run away from them ever single them they came at me with like hearts in their eyes. Can’t I get a day without a kouhai coming to me to confess?

I was counting down the minutes before I had to go meet the kouhai that was going to be confessing to me, I couldn’t even remember what she looked like. Everyone was just looking at me in pity, nobody wanted to me in my spot right now. I was going to break a little girl’s heart, the worse thing I could ever do my graduation date. My hands were getting sweatier as the time came and my grasp on my graduation certificate iron tight. “I-I don’t think I’m ready for this.” I told Sae honestly as she pushed me out the door. “Sayaka, if you don’t go, the girl will hate on you forever and be heartbroken.” She told me again, I know but I just don’t want to see her cry in front of me. I’m not good with crying girls, I might just give in and agree to date her and everything will go downhill from there.

I slowly dragged myself towards that sakura tree outside of our school. I looked through the window and was surprised that there was nobody there already. I guess it’s because everyone knew about the school traditions, maybe I’m just the only person in school who’s never heard about it. By the time I got outside I saw that she was already outside. It was the one on the left that asked for my tie, not the one that I gave it to. She was holding onto my tie in her hands and fidgeting.

Oh god what am I doing here I thought to myself as my fight or flee response kicked in. Just when I was about to run away she noticed that I was there are I froze up in mid-flight. “S-senpai!” You stuttered out as I robotically turned to walk towards you. At this point, my common sense has fled me. Never have I been so nervous, I might as well be the one confessing instead. So we just stood there in front of each other fidgeting and trying our best not to look each other in the eyes.

"Uhm, uh...hi." I managed to stutter out, oh wow where did the usually courageous Akimoto go? She blushed okay, she freaking blushed like a shy little girl. What am I supposed to do, there's no way that I'll be getting out of this alive. W-wait, isn't this kid a first year? A first year is confessing to me. What in the world did I do to deserve this type of torture.

"S-senpai! I-I..." She began stuttering out, she looked like she was almost going to faint. "STOP. Let me explain first." I shouted, what in the world possessed me to say that. She was staring at me expectantly now and I felt like I was dying under the pressure. "I'll be honest I didn't even know anything about this tradition thing. i'm sorry if I gave you false hope or something, I really didn't mean it." I told her honestly before bowing down my head in apology.

I could hear her sniffling, oh god did I make her cry, I'm not supposed to make girls cry. I'll be repenting over this for the rest of my life. "S-senpai. can you listen to me." I heard her ask and I lifted my head up to face her and whatever doom would come next. You were still blushing and your eyes tinged red, “I don’t care if you don’t want to date me or not. J-Just hear me out.” You were fidgeting uncomfortably but then again if I were in your spot I would too. This must be the most uncomfortable thing to do ever, I mean confessing your love to someone who probably doesn’t like you. I’d be far too shy to do something like this.

I gulped waiting for her to get everything over with. In the most shojou manga way ever she told me, “Senpai! I like you, please go out with me.” I wanted to run away to be honest, I’m not good with this type of thing. Never  been and probably never will be. “I-I don’t think I’m ready for something like this.” I stuttered out a reply before turning my head away so I wouldn’t see her reaction. It was true; I wasn’t ready for something like a relationship. Actually it was more like the thought of dating someone never passed me, let alone dating a younger girl. It was always like I thought more about school and sports than I thought about dating someone. You see all those cliché movies and then you just laugh at them, they don’t make me d’aw like the other girls. I’m just not interested in any of this.

“Can you just give me a chance?” You asked me, I was so surprised that you didn’t look like you were going to cry at all instead you just stared at me determinedly. “Uhm… ah… let’s be friends?” I told her honestly, friends are always good. Maybe we can work something out from there, I don’t mind having another friend. You just stared at me thinking about what you should say next, my hands were getting sweaty again, too much drama today. “Sure.” You told me with a bright smile; it was only then that I realized how cute you were. I couldn’t possibly be turning gay right? We exchanged phone numbers I was finally able to drag myself back to the classroom where Sae was waiting for my ‘juicy details’.

“So, how’d it go? Don’t tell me you made the girl cry?!” Sae asked jokingly, she knew I could never bring myself to make a girl cry. “It went…well.” I told her cryptically, who knows what could happen from all of this. Together the two of us left the school for the last time, my hands hanging over Sae’s shoulder in a brotherly way. We had gotten right outside the gate when I got a text.

Senpai I know you’re still awkward about everything.
But do you think we could meet up sometime?
You can bring friends if you want.
Even Miyazawa Senpai
Please reply.

Ono Erena

My face flushed from the idea and I quickly closed my phone so that Sae wouldn’t read the message. Who knows maybe graduation isn’t that bad after all.

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I really like this one. It really shows how Sayaka is so kind around the young ones.  :luvluv2:

Ahh I wish I could be Erena!  :tantrum:

This story is really great and I hope you make more like it.  :kneelbow:


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Lies - Iwata Karen

I sat there in the washroom thinking to myself, ‘What was I thinking joining this group.’ The tears were freely falling down my face again. I kept on thinking to myself, why was I still here, everything’s changed. Even the people who I once called my friends, with the taste of fame they’ve all left. Hungry for more, changing, manipulating and all I can do is stand from the sidelines. My dreams were to spread happiness through the group, to make the people of my hometown proud, but here I am crying to myself in a washroom.

   This wasn’t the first time, nor will it be the last I mean prior to joining the group I heard rumors about the fights but I never truly thought that they existed. AKB48 always seemed like such a good group, everyone seemed to get along, but I guess that was just to please the fans. After all things are a lot different from the other side… I brushed the tears off my face and was just about to leave when I heard footsteps coming in.

   “Have you heard? I can’t believe that Muto ranked in the prelims, it must have been some fluke.” I could hear someone say, the voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t really put a name to it. “She must’ve slept with someone, there’s no way that she would be able to make it in the prelims let alone at 30.” Another voice piped in afterwards. I sighed and shook my head, was there really a point in all this gossiping, can’t they just leave it alone. They should all just be proud that someone from the research students managed to rank. I guess they’re probably just unhappy 13th gens, considering the fact that I couldn’t really tell who they are from their voices.

   “I wouldn’t be surprised, probably sleeping around like that bitch.” I couldn’t help but sigh at all their words, why must one try to hurt another. Can’t we all just get along? The answer was no though, after they all get a taste of fame they turn in to such monsters. Will I turn into such a thing one day? Will I become like everyone else in this group, manipulating the others around them for a chance to be at the top.

   I know that many of them already hate me for getting into AKB0048, I can hear them gossiping when they think I’m not there. I can see their jealous gazes and I can’t help but wonder what exactly I had walked into. This group changes people, and it most definitely isn’t for the better. I once looked up to all these people only to have my image shattered, they had once given me most to live on. Through their power I had chosen my road, the very same road that they had once embarked on themselves.

   I guess… this is just how things go around here and if I am to fulfill my dreams I’ll have to change too. As long as I play this game I have to adapt and I have to be careful of everyone around me. Nobody is as they seem on camera, look away for a second and one would be surprised at exactly what they see. Maybe that’s why people have chosen to graduate from this group, because they had gotten sick of the drama of having to be another person.

   I pulled myself out of my thoughts and walked outside into the washroom that had long been vacated by the others. I stared at myself in that mirror looking at what I’ve become. My friends still send me mails telling me that my spot at the school is empty, that I could go home any time and unlike these people they would genuinely welcome me with open arms. I could announce my graduation and leave this terrible group. I could go back home…

   Yet I won’t because I promised myself that I would get to that top and I will make my friends proud. I would make them all proud of me and my achievements; I just want to be able to make people happy. After the tsunami everything seemed so bleak, but then I saw them performing on that stage and suddenly it was as if everyone had cheered up. Even if it’s for a moment I just want to make the audience happy. If I could survive something as terrifying as the tsunami, I was sure that I would be able to survive in this group.

   I wiped away the tears that had continued to shed and retouched my make-up. I had to be my best in front of the audience, in front of the people seeking hope from us. I looked at myself one last time before exited the washroom that I had spent far too many times crying in. Maybe I’ll change, I’ll adapt but I will never forget exactly why I had joined this group.

   No matter how much more tears I shed, one day I will make my dream come true even if it’s at the expense of all those that I call my peers.

not too fond of this one but meh /o/ at least aimu finished

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Re: [Oneshots] Lies [Iwata Karen] (Aug 10)
« Reply #85 on: September 05, 2012, 04:18:38 AM »
Melon Pan Alliance Extra 1: Monsters


Sakura hesitantly pulled down the covers that she had been holding above her head to peak at the sight before her. Sakura shook in fear and dived back under her covers. “Mama, papa…” She cried out from fear. Recently Aina had set up a new light night in Sakura’s room and everything was fine until she had noticed the scary shadows illuminating from her closet. Sakura didn’t want to go to her parents because just recently she had been telling them about how grown up she was.

She sucked it up but going to bed scared every night was starting to take a toll on her. Slowly Sakura crawled out of her bed and quietly exited her room as if not to alert the monsters that could be hiding. Once she was outside she bolted for her parent’s room and jumped into the covers between them. “Sakura…?” Aina questioned with a yawn. “Papa! Papa! It’s scary in my room!” Sakura cried out in tears without seeing how her parents were looking at each other with amusement.

“There there honey, you can sleep here tonight and we’ll figure something out tomorrow.” Rena told her little girl before pulling her into a comforting hug. “Mama… will you make the monsters go away?” Sakura asked while wiping away her tears. “No that’s Papa’s job, I’m sure Papa will make all the monsters that are scaring her precious baby go away.” Rena told her daughter with a smile. “Yeah, Papa will go beat up all those scary monsters for you. So go to sleep honey.” Aina said while throwing her arm around both her little girl and wife.

Aina started humming a lullaby to her baby girl while thinking exactly how she was going to make these “big bad scary monsters go away”.

The next day after preschool Sakura was presented a gift by her parents.

A little teddy bear in a knight costume, something to protect her from those big bad monsters.



Sakura was walking to the kitchen for a late night snack when she heard whimpering from Yui’s bedroom. Peeking her head in, she saw her baby sister cowering under the covers. Flicking on the lights Sakura walked over to her sister who immediately jumped into her arms.

“What’s wrong Yui?”

“N-nee-chan I think there are m-monsters under my bed.” Yui stumbled out while crying into her sister’s shirt. Sakura stopped to think for a second before pulling out of her sister’s hold. “Wait here for a second, Nee-chan will be right back.” Sakura told Yui before rushing back to her room.

Sakura ran to her closet and pulled out something that she hadn’t used for years, that very teddy bear that Aina had bought her when she had been scared of monsters. Although a little tattered Sakura smiled fondly at it hoping that it’d would like its new home. “Take care of my little sister for me would you?” Sakura asked the bear in her hands before walking back to Yui’s room.

Walking towards her still fearful sister Sakura pulled out the teddy from behind her. “Yui, this is Lemon-kun. He’ll protect you from all the evil monsters, just like how he protected nee-chan when she was younger.” Yui reached out her small hands to grab the knight over from her sister and asked “Really Nee-chan, will he keep all the big bad monsters away?” Sakura nodded before urging her sister to go back to bed and tucked her in.

“Good night, Yui. Good night, Lemon-kun. Keep her safe. ” Sakura whispered before turning the lights off and returning to her own room.

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Re: [Oneshots] Melonpan Alliance Ex 1 (Sept 4)
« Reply #86 on: September 28, 2012, 04:48:31 AM »
Hello, this is me being shameless and ruining whatever fluff you once thought was Melonpan alliance.


Rena had passed by one of the rooms in the orphanage; unlike the many other rooms this one did not have bubbly children running around but rather inside there was one lone figure. Rena turned to the room and stopped, wondering if she should go inside where she could hear a little figure crying. The lady that was accompanying her placed a hand on her shoulder shaking her head telling Rena not to head towards there

Instead the lady led her to another room.

The next time that Rena passed by that room it had been emptied.

Rena hears from the older ladies that the girl's name was Miyawaki Sakura and was "such a pity that she passed away at only 5." This isn't what bothers Rena the most but rather the rumors that the child who had fallen into a deep sleep. That the little girl been calling out for her sister, her mother and father even right before she died.

Or that she had passed away with tears falling down her face.

Rena can only think of how sad it would be for a child who had lost her parents to have once again experience what was probably a traumatic experience.

Rena looks at the little girl that she had just adopted with a sad look; she would never want this child to have to go through such a thing. Ever. Placing a hand on the little Yui's head Rena promises herself that she would do her best to provide the girl with a new home. One that would not bring her back to such a traumatic place.

What Rena didn’t know was the Miyawaki Sakura had no sister, more specifically she had never had a family and grew up at the orphanage. She would never get to know that the people in the little girl’s dream were in fact her own family.

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Re: [Oneshots] Melonpan Alliance Ex 1 (Sept 4)
« Reply #87 on: October 08, 2012, 07:30:30 AM »
Her - Watanabe Miyuki

I traveled home one year on a whim only to be greeted by her - the very person that I had forgotten.


"Rina..." I muttered out before rushing towards my room. It had always felt so uncomfortable with her. Ever since the accident that we were in when I was 17, I could no longer remember my childhood; including her. There was a point in time when I couldn't even recognize or know who was in my family.

My family sent me away afterwards and sheltered me from the rumors that had been surrounding me and my sister. Back then, I truly thought that those were just rumors and not something far worse. I always knew that there had been something between me and her it's just that I never thought that things would turn out the way that it did.

That year when I had reintroduced myself to my past.

"Nee-chan..." I could hear Rina mumble from my door and I turned to her expectantly.
"Yes Rina...?"
"You really don't remember anything anymore do you...?” She mumbled out with a frown.
"The doctors said it might be permanent memory loss, the chances of me getting back my memories are extremely slim. Time to make some new ones don't you think." I had told her that, and it is only now that I could possibly understand what type of an impact it could have done on her.

Without a word she walked away towards her room, some place that I could remember like the back of my hand. There were things that intrigued me, and that was perhaps one of them. There were many things that I just knew but could never understand why. The doctors had tried to explain it in their fancy terms but I really just couldn't be bothered to try and make sense of it.

Dinner was an awkward affair, too much tension in the air. I wonder if it had been like this even before the accident. Is this why they rushed me outside of the country, maybe to try and fix what was left of this obviously broken family. I remember wondering if I was the bad child.

Mama tried to appear happy but I couldn't help but feel that she and papa were both anxious about something. And then there was Rina who looked out of place and nervous, she had excused herself out of dinner without eating much. I don't think it would be good for anyone of us if I stayed too long during this trip. It was only going to be a week but this was just the first day and I already felt like it was enough.

I don't like this awkward atmosphere, and I most definitely don't like the fact that I don't know anything. Things were definitely better off when I had been overseas; at least there I understood what was going on with my life.

Here, everything is just a big mystery.
One that I struggled to understand.

Days had passed and it was getting closer to me leaving this awkward place that I used to call home again. I honestly thought that would be the end of everything, and maybe I would come back once every 10 years to just show them that I was alive. I thought that maybe if I stopped showing up the family would heal itself.

That is until I stumbled upon things that would shock me. It was this little memory card that had been tucked at the corner of my desk beneath some of what must have been purikuras with friends.

I looked through it.
And all of the sudden everything seemed to make sense.
All of the sudden Rina's longing stares that I had brushed off as her missing her older sister made sense.
All of the sudden I understood why my parents tried to keep me away.
All of the sudden I knew the truth about those rumors.

I had been lovers with my own sister.

And from the looks of it, we had been deeply in love.

Not only that, but a letter had been tucked beneath it.
Everything came full circle


I'm writing from the cage that mama and papa have placed me in. They keep speaking of demons and devils, but I don't understand. Why is it that they insist I am being immoral when I speak of loving you? Do they hate Riichan now? Nee-chan they speak of sending you away, they speak of breaking us apart. I believe that you won't let that happen.


I felt a pang of guilt as all these little blurry memories that I had started to become clear...
All along, I had been in a forbidden relationship with my sister.
To make it worse I abandoned her, to make it worse I was the one that brought my sister into this state.
I felt guilty yes, but this couldn't continue, I couldn't and shouldn't be blinded by these immoral feelings. I can't ruin her life, I couldn't ruin my family.

Trying to elope that night was a mistake, one that had drastic consequences.

Letting her get hurt was my fault.
She'll get over this.

That's what I had thought at that time...
I was wrong.

I left home, pretending that I hadn't regained my memories.
I left home pretending that I wasn't in love with Riichan.
I left home, without her or me.

By time that I had finally returned home again, things had changed. I stupidly thought that she was okay, that everything would turn out for the better.

I brought you along...
I thought you would be the answer to everything.
I thought that you, whom my parents had approved.
You who even she had approved would make everything go away.

I was wrong.
I'm always wrong.

You were absolutely wonderful, I know that. Nothing less of perfect but one truly cannot help it if they yearn for another now can they. Maybe if it were a different life, I could respond to your love with the same amount as you shower onto me.

I have deceived myself into thinking that everything would end like those fairytales that Rina loved.

We returned for the wedding, you had asked for my hand and naturally I accepted despite all the pangs in my brain telling me that this wasn't what I truly needed.
It didn't matter; I still went ahead of it.
Foolishly stubborn I am.
Mama used to joke about that before everything happened, before I had torn apart the family with my selfish actions. Here I was trying to fix the gaps, trying to pretend that everything was okay.

It wasn't and everyone knew that behind the false smiles that they would greet us with. No matter how much they try they cannot forget the fact that they lost a daughter and sister the day that accident happen. They cannot forget that with that accident they lost their youngest as well.

Rina was no longer Rina, the shy little child that would hide behind my back. She was no longer the outgoing bubbly teenager that would come to me asking to be spoiled.

Nor the person that I once loved either.

They always say that time heals such a thing but why does it seem like everything is just getting worse?

Rina felt nothing like she used to and I was not buying the whole rebellious year phase.

I miss her.
I miss her only as a lover but also as my sister.

Why did the world have to be against our type of love...?

We returned home in preparation for our marriage, one that Rina had vocally agreed to. Yet you and I both knew that she bore a grudge against you. Perhaps you only thought that it was because you were taking away her only sister but at least now that you know the truth.

Everything went smoothly and my parents were more than happy to marry us off and shoo me away from Rina. To them I was the one that ruined their favorite child, little happy Rina who brought joy to everyone.

I was the bad child.
The one that sought for attention.
The one that would stop at nothing.
The one who would bring home a mess.
I was nothing compared to little baby Rina.

I should've hated her, but instead I loved her.
I hated being compared to Rina of course, because I was the better child at anything that outsiders would want to compare. Yet I just wasn't good enough for them.

Because I was the accident.

They would never let me forget that, that I was the one that ruined what would have been their perfect life. If Rina was their only child, if they had been ready for that child. It didn't matter, things happened and I was brought into the world. They tried to love me, they truly did but I know that they can't help but wonder how life would've been if they never had me.

If I never barged right into their young lives.

My young years had just been filled with me trying to seek recognition from my parents. Everything I did was in an attempt to make them proud to make them feel as if I wasn't a mistake.

To make them love me just like how much they loved little Rina.
To not have to feel like I was an outsider in my own family.
To just be loved.

Maybe it was then that I turned to Rina; little baby Rina who loved everyone.
Little baby Rina that would crawl into my young arms and giggle.
For as long as I could remember, Rina had brought me happiness.
She recognized me, when my parents could not.

Rina was the perfect child to everyone in the family.
I didn't resent it because I loved her too.
A love that would one day grow into something far more.

You always ask me why I'm spacing out and I would always reply that I was just thinking about home.
It was true but, home had long transformed from my family to just Rina alone.

That morning when we had gotten married I had turned around to look at Rina. She was smiling, not her usual smile but I had brushed it off. My parents looked so happy, as if for once they had finally approved of something that I had done.

From that point I had thought that everything was going to be okay, Rina seemed fine and I had finally achieved recognition from my parents

I want to be honest with you; I truly did love you it's just that for as long as I could remember I was in love with Rina. You were wonderful, spoiling me at any given chance, anyone should be proud to have someone like you. I am.

I can still remember the day that we first met, although we later found out that it too had been arranged by my parents. You had been pre-approved, someone that they wanted, if not subtly demanded that I get together with.
It was okay though; you had been one of the best things to happen in my life and up until my return back home. I did truly love you. You can call me selfish but even after I returned with all my memories I still continued to lie to you and everyone else.

I just wanted everything to be alright.
I just wanted to be recognized.
I just didn't want to have to feel like I don't belong again.

I'm sorry.
I love you.
I'm being honest.

But my honesty will also tell you that maybe if she had never existed I would be able to give you all my love but I can't.

Sayaka, things happened and I don't think I'm going to be around for much longer. Even as I write this, even as I try to cope with the loss of my sister and once lover. It just hurts too much.

She's gone, and all I've done is cry in your arms.
Wake up in your arms and staring at your tired face.
Stop being so nice to me.
Stop, I'm just taking advantage of you.

There's one last thing I have to be honest with you, Rina left me a letter. Little Rina had always loved writing letters to me, and this was her last one. Remember why I was crying on the plane ride home and I told you it was just a letter from her congratulating us?

Well it wasn't.
It was Rina's suicide note and her last letter to her beloved unworthy Onee-san.

My little precious younger sister had given up on life.
And I was the main cause of it.

When I left her the first time, after promising to stay beside her forever she was already breaking.
She had once believed that I would one day get my memories back and everything would be normal again.
That one day she would be able to return to my arms.
It never happened.

This was because I didn't allow for it.
I thought I was saving her life and the family with my actions but in truth I was ripping both of them farther and farther apart.

I really was the bad child.
The worst.

What hurts the most is even at the end she writes

Nee-chan, I love you and always will.
If something such as the next life exists, I don't mind being sisters again. I don't mind having to face the world just to love you. Perhaps we just weren't meant to be.

Next life, I'll promise I'll fight harder for you.
I promise.

Please, be happy.
If Sayaka makes you happy then everything is okay.
I can't bring myself to even hate her, to hate your relationship so I think everything will be okay.
Don't think you've done something wrong, you can't even remember.
This was a fresh start in your life and I truly am happy for you.

Nee-chan, if anything please be happy.
I love you.


Even before I could try and make amends to run back into her arms, she had already been gone. Mama and Papa cried on the phone telling me about how they had done wrong, and about how they had taken their own daughter out of their hands. 

I had ruined this family.
I can't make any amends there really isn't anything for me to do.
These days I just space out at home wondering what life would have been if I hadn't hid the truth.

What ifs are the only things left to comfort me.

I don't want to live in a world where the only way I can see Rina is through vague dreams.

I'm sorry Sayaka; I'm sorry mama and papa.
I just need to end this.
I need to go back to Rina.
I just can't continue on like this.

I hope you will all forgive me.

This is goodbye Sayaka.
I'm sorry.


Yamamoto Sayaka let the letter that she had been previously holding fall to the group while she too collapse. In front of her laid a body, one of her wife Wantanabe Miyuki less than a week after their marriage.

Sayaka broke down into sobs and the neighbors curiously peered in only to be shocked by the scene.

Police were called in.
There was nothing suspicious about the case even though Sayaka would not allow for them to read the suicide letter.

Watanabe Miyuki had committed suicide on the 17th birthday of her younger deceased sister.

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Re: [Oneshots] Her [Watanabe Miyuki] (Oct 10)
« Reply #88 on: October 13, 2012, 10:21:49 AM »
Promise - Nakanishi Rina&Takahashi Minami

Yamaguchi Rico, no this was Nakanishi Rina stared at the concert tickets that she held in her hands. She didn’t know why she had bought them on a whim, having argued to herself that after all this time maybe the world had forgotten who she was. That maybe, the person holding this concert had forgotten too and of their promise. She didn’t though, after all this time she remembered all the little things that had happened between the two of them.

She was Nakanishi Rina, known nationally as the former AKB48 member that graduated into AV and therefore staining the name of the group. Did she regret it when she turned to the AV industry instead of going back to the group which had gone on to become the nation’s most famous idol group? Maybe. Not that the world would ever get to know, after she had retired from the AV industry she had vanished.

Here she was asking herself the same question as she had done before when she held the tickets to Takahashi Minami’s graduation concert. “Maybe I was a bit too brash…” She mumbled to herself deep in thought. It was just like 2 years ago she was forever torn between seeing Takahashi Minami or not. This time it was something that she had promised, maybe not front row seats but she would be there at here concert. After everything that happened she couldn’t bring herself to stand in front of her.

She never went to that graduation concert; to this day those tickets just sit there in her drawer gather dust with numerous things associated with Takahashi. The gifts that she used to give for her birthday, the signed photos that Rina had once said she’d treasure forever. She still treasures all of it, and occasionally when she felt down she would take them out and look at them. It was her way of coping with how everything had turned out. Takahashi Minami meant a lot of to Nakanishi Rina, even till now. Years after her graduation, years after her AV debut, and years after Rina stopped allowing herself to talk to Minami.

Now, she only sees her on TV and she thought she was okay with it. She couldn’t hug or be close to Minami, but she knew that it had to be done. Rina wouldn’t ever allow herself to be selfish just to have Minami in her arms once again. At first it was hard to stay away, hard to break it off but she knew that this was for the better. She couldn’t bring the girl she loved down with her. She knew how Minami would react, and she truly just wanted Minami to be happy with AKB48. Rina’s problems were Rina’s problems. Minami was busy with things and she just couldn’t be asking of such things of her so she had decided to deal with it on her own.

It was her choice, taking up the debt even though she had to go into the AV industry. She felt like she had betrayed everyone, her fans and Minami. Yet this was what she chose, family over her. At first she thought that it was the end of the world but eventually everything became numb. Especially after Minami stopped trying to phone and reach out to her. Rina just lost the ability to feel after all of that. She had to start clinging onto the memories, and of the times that she could see Minami on the TV. She considered trying to see her from afar but it was just too risky.

It was different now though, Rina could see Minami everywhere now. Whether it was on the TV, on the ads that littered the ads, or having Minami’s music being blast through the streets there were signs of Minami everywhere. Yet to this day she still manages to effortlessly encourage and motivate Rina to continue living. Minami doesn’t know it but she’s saved Rina’s life more than once. And Rina, she never stopped loving this 148.5cm midget. She doesn’t know how Minami thinks about her anymore and she’s stopped worrying about such a thing because all that matters is that she’s still in love with her and will be forever.

Rina was still spacing out at the ticket when her sister walked in front of her and told her, “Go for it. Stop being bound by this stupid society; you really have to just move on. Things can’t continue like this.” Rina knew that her sister was right, who would’ve thought that younger one would have a much clearer understanding of the world. The only thing that Rina ever felt towards her younger sister was remorse, for even allowing her sister to step into the same industry.

Her sister Yamaguchi Riku, no her true name was Nakanishi Marika. It seemed that apparently she wasn’t enough for the debt and even her sister had to be pulled into the industry. It was a gimmick planned by their management. Rina couldn’t help but feel shame for the fact that she couldn’t protect her sister from all of this. That she had to watch as her sister ventured into such a taboo industry and she herself soon followed. Nothing could turn back time and return their pride or their innocence. It was already too far gone.

Nakanishi Rina regretted many things, Minami being one of them but her biggest regret of all was allowing her sister to walk the same path as her.

Rina thought to herself that her sister was right so she raised her head and gave her sister a nod. After everything this would be the first time that she found the courage to see her beloved Minami again.

She was already at the concert when her fear kicked in again, so was scared that someone would remember her. That a fuss would be raised and everything that she had done to distance herself from Takahashi Minami would be ruined. The years of painfully living without Minami in her life would only be worth it as long as Minami would be kept safe. Safe from the scandals, safe from everything and safe from her.

She looked around and saw the stall that was selling concert goods before arguing herself into purchasing some of the many goodies that were there. The workers there had given her strange looks since she was all covered up and didn’t even mumble a thank you. Yet Rina knew that if she were to even speak in such a crowded area where there were most definitely old fans her cover would be blown. She had promised herself that if this time went well then she would go to Minami’s next concert, whenever it may be. 

She wandered around trying to avoid the people around her, something that she soon learned to master after she had joined the AV business. Rina didn’t want to have to face the judgemental eyes of the people around her or let them see what she had become. It was because of such things that she had thought of giving up her life. Things had just turned unbearable no matter how much she tried to live on. Without Minami near her, without someone to understand her Rina soon realized how difficult it was to be alone.

The concert was to begin soon and Rina hurried to her seat before sitting down quietly and avoiding those that sat near her. Even when they tried to chat it up with her she just ignored them because she knew that this was for the better. The concert had begun and proceeded smoothly. She had found herself soon entranced by the short woman that stood on the stage in front of her.
The concert had started with a very nostalgic Aitakatta, a song that had been burned into every single former and current 48 group’s mind. Rina was pretty sure she could she remember the moves exactly as she heard Minami perform it live. The concert had slowly progressed into Minami’s solo songs; many were gifts from Akimoto Yasushi who had once called Takahashi Minami the soul of AKB48. Rina herself agreed with such a statement because she couldn't possibly imagine how AKB48 would have progressed without the girl that stood in front of her.

Everything had been going well for Rina until the concert was near the end when a bunch of former members gathered together on the stage as a surprised for Minami. She saw so many familiar faces on that big screen, people that she too had once fought together with. Ayunee, Mai, Yuko, Kaoru and the list went on. It even included Maeda Atsuko, whom Rina had entrusted to care for Minami. Rina felt a pang in her chest, had things not turned out this way everything would be different. She would be on that stage with her.

Rina choked out a cry that was muffled by the loud cheering crowd. An all too familiar song flowed through her ears, Sakura no Hanabiratachi. The song had meant something for all of the members; it was their first single and would forever be the most memorable. Rina just stood there trying to hold back her tears that she had kept in her for all this time. She sees them all on that stage and can’t help but be jealous but she knew that she was the one who chose such a road.
They couldn’t go back.

The song came to an end and so did Rina’s tears, she considered leaving before the encore but she just couldn’t move herself. She was tired, and it felt like the weights that had been on her the whole time were just getting heavier with every moment. Little did she know that such a thing was a curse in disguise. Rina would come to hate herself for not choosing to run away at such a time. As the chants for an encore rang throughout the concert hall Rina squirmed uneasily.
She wonders if maybe their promise had been forgotten after all, she wonders if it was really okay for her to be here on her special day, and like always she wonders why everything had to turn out in such a way.

Minami slowly walked to the center stage and the cries for an encore stopped. Rina could see her hesitant face on the screen in the back and the fear suddenly came back. It was just like all of the announcements that AKB48 used to have, this sort of atmosphere that any fan would fear. Minami took a deep breath before speaking to the silent audience.

“Thank you all for coming here today. I couldn’t possibly believe that this day would possibly come true, even when I was still 14 and had joined AKB48 I didn’t think this was possible. I always said that this was my dream, to become a solo singer and today was my first solo concert. I think that not only me, but also my numerous fans have come a long way. So thank you all so much, for the support you have given me both now and before. From now on I hope that I’ll be able to meet all your expectations.”

Minami gave a long bow as the crowd erupted once again in cheer. Yet when she rose to face the audience again her words would come as a shock to more than one in the crowd.

“Maybe it’s because all of this time has passed that I can say this. There’s this one person, she claims to be my biggest fan and for all I know maybe she still is. But in my early years in AKB48 she really was the one person that was supporting me no matter what.”

Rina broke out in sobs once again and attracted the attention of those around her. She hadn’t forgotten after all, about their promise.

“We promised each other that if I ever did get to hold my own solo concert that she’d be right there in the front row. I hope she’s here today, but even if she doesn’t I understand. We just had to grow up you know, and if anything I just want her to be able to hear these final two songs.”
Minami gave what possibly seemed like her brightest smile, hoping that the person she spoke of was somewhere in the crowd in front of her watching at this moment. This was one promise she was going to keep.

“It was a pain to beg Michiru to let me sing the song so I hope you all enjoy it. The first song I had ever written the lyrics for – Sayonara no Sign

Namida kobosazu kawaku you ni
Soramiage iki wo sutte me wo tojiru no
Itsu kara data no? Kizukanakatta yo
Chigau michi erandetanda ne

It felt like years ago when she had first listened to this song, back then things were a lot simpler. Rina could still phone Minami and tease her about the lyrics. Perhaps Rina should be thankful for Michiru and the chance that she had given the both of them; although they never did chose the road that the others felt was right. Michiru had passed her the album as a gift while winking and saying about how there might be a little surprise inside.

Itsudemo tonari ni iru koto ga
Itsunomanika shizen ni natteta
Anata no sono egao ya shigusa mo
Subete ga itoshii

Rina had shrugged it off at first when I just listened to the song. It was only until she had gotten bored that she went to flip through the lyric book and saw exactly who had written the song, it was her beloved – Takahashi Minami.

Rina had started to tear up the song and removed her face mask to wipe away the tears. Too entranced by the person on the stage she had neglected to put back on the mask and the people around her were slowly realizing her identity.

Tada soba ni iru koto sae kanawanai
Ima wa mou tooku ni iru
Tada soba de wutto iitakatta
Todokanai kono kotoba

Minami would never in her life admit that she had written such a song for someone but she knew in her heart that it was for Rina. This song meant too much to Minami even after Rina had stopped replying to her mail, when Rina has disappeared from her life. It was here, at this concert that she thought maybe she could be selfish enough and try to reach out to someone who still meant so much to her. They had made a promise and Minami knew that Rina would see this performance even if it were to be through a TV screen.

Ano basho de watashitachi
Hajimete te wo tsunaida yo ne
Sonna ari kitari na koto de sae
Subete ga itoshii

Takahashi Minami was singing with all her might, trying to reach that important person.

Todokanai kono kotoba

Her message didn’t fall on death ears as said person once again broke out into sobs.

Tada soba ni iru koto sae kanawanai
Ima wa mou tooku ni iru
Demo ne soredemo watashitachi wa
Atarashii michi e to susumu

To Rina the pain in her chest had never hurt this much, even with everything that she had been through this one song managed to beat all of that. To have a song which she could once view as something wonderful come back to hurt her like this. It felt like knives were stabbing into her as if trying to punish her for their broken relationship.

“Sorry…” Rina chokes out to nobody in particular before running away from the people who had turned their attention from the stage to stare at the ex AV actress.

On the stage Minami heard the calls, people yelling that Nakanishi Rina was there in the audience. Before Minami had even processed what was happening her body was already off of the stage and outside, running with all her might to the front entrance. She could hear the fuss from inside the stage, but nobody was running after her and she knew that it was irresponsible for her to run out but she had to do this. After so many years, she couldn’t bring herself to lose Rina again.

No matter what had happened, she still loved her. Maybe she was being selfish, maybe it was Rina but in a relationship, in the game of love how can one not be selfish?

Rina tried to leave but was stopped by a familiar figure, one of a fellow first generation Maeda Atsuko. They stared at each other for a while before Atsuko muttered to her, “You have to talk to her. You know she won’t ever let go if you don’t.”

Rina knew this, she knew all too well but she still wasn't ready for this type of confrontation. She had no chance to bolt though as she heard a voice that haunted her shout out, “Rina!” She stood there frozen and out of her eye she could see Atsuko back away to give them some space.

The moment that she felt a hand grab hers, she knew there was no choice. No way she could even try to make this familiar heart throbbing go away. “Minami.” Rina greeted with a pained expression. She reached her other hand over to remove the one that Minami had on her before continuing, “I can’t. Not now.”

The pain was too much for her to bear.

So, she ran away again. She was a coward, running away from the very person that loved her most in the world. Rina wasn’t afraid of being called a coward, had this been another time she would be snickering to herself about how this would be one of the better names. Her chest hurt with every step she took away from Minami, but she knew that this wasn’t the time. She wasn’t ready, neither of them were to face the consequences of what could come next.

Minami just stared, as the person she loves walked out of her life again. She knew that it was hurting Rina just as much as her, to be away and to be close. No matter what option they set out on, there would still be a pain in their chest. Their love for each other was killing them.

“You never will be.” Minami heard herself mutter in anguish as the sight of Rina disappeared. She knew this and Rina most definitely knew this too. It was just a game of hide and seek that would never end for the two of them. Minami felt a hand placed on her shoulder.

“Minami, the concert.”

Minami turned around and gave Acchan a nod, there were things that she still do and this was it. “The last song…” Atsuko knew that it was wrong for her to ask at such a time, but this was her job now. She was the one that Rina left to take care of Minami and she took this job seriously.

“I’m not singing it. Change it to something else.” Minami felt selfish saying such words, but she couldn’t sing it even if she wanted to. It would come out a strangled mess; even now it was just so hard to control her emotions. Atsuko was prepared to convince her when Minami continued, “Atsuko, you don’t understand. That song was for her and now she’s gone again. It’s pointless.”

Atsuko nodded with a sigh, “She will always be the one that matters the most won’t she.” Minami felt guilty for the expression on the girl in front of her but she had no choice some things just wouldn’t ever be possible, “Atsuko… I’m sorry but Rina she-“

“I get it. I’ll ask them to change the last song.” Atsuko said before urging the girl to return to the stage where she belonged.

“Thank you.”

Atsuko watched small retreating figure before heading off to the control room, muttering to herself, “…I’ll never be enough Rina, why did you have to come back now.”

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #89 on: October 13, 2012, 10:52:50 AM »
OMG. I so thank you for writing this. Takamina and Rina! I still remember how close they were in the early AKB's days (sorry Acchan XD), Takamina even treated her as a goddess, then Rina graduated and went down that path :(, and of course Takamina was devastated about it. I don't know how Takamina feels about Rina now or if she has forgiven her yet, but Rina still loves her a lot, evidence being her blog earlier this year about Takamina after her mother's scandal, even though she didn't say who it was for. So I hope that...if one day...Takamina was going to hold her own concert, Rina would be there on the front row, despite everything that has happened.

The last part...that's sad...Minami still can't get her back...but Acchan...Acchan...poor Acchan...argg you have to make me torn between Acchan and Rina do you? I don't know who should I support in this fic.

P.S.: do you have the translation to that song? I want to know if it was really written with Rina in mind.

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #90 on: October 13, 2012, 12:49:52 PM »
Please make a kaiAcchan or AtsuMina FANfiction..

Thank You..

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #91 on: October 13, 2012, 01:27:43 PM »

brb reading. I'll just edit this later

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #92 on: October 13, 2012, 02:20:00 PM »
wow that was a great fic :) I joined the AKB fandom late but I heard about the whole Rina incident. Hope she and Taka still communicate. Aw, the ending was sad, and poor Acchan!

But did takamina really write the lyrics to that song? i heard of it before I think but i wasn't sure. Anyone know where to listen to it? By the way, as for someone asking if this was actually written with Rina in mind, apparently it was written for Hoshino Michiru (who was an first gen team a member) for her graduation.

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #93 on: October 13, 2012, 10:41:33 PM »

Nobody's ever actually bothered to translate the song to English, I've just been looking at the Chinese translation for it. It wouldn't be surprising for it to have been written towards Michiru and her graduation but quite a few of the hardcore fans and Takarina shippers think otherwise. Plus there was a almost 2 year gap between the release of her Sotsugyou mini album and her actual graduation from AKB48

I'm pretty sure it was confirmed that the members had written the lyrics, the wiki says something about it being geared towards Maimai's graduation but If it were all written by Michiru then pretty much all my sources are wrong /o/. idk. Rina graduated before the mini album was released so there's always a chance. Plus the lyrics can be applied to the situation quite well anyways.

oh link to the song here,

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #94 on: October 14, 2012, 04:31:05 AM »
Thank you. I've just read the lyrics translated by someone from S48. So Michiru released her mini album 2 years before actually graduating from AKB48? Meaning when the album was released, she was till in AKB? I know for a fact that a few team A's members had written the lyrics for her mini album.

I don't know who Takamina had in mind when she wrote it (she's the only one who knows that), highest probability being Michiru and her graduation since it's for her album. However, it's not always the case that the singer who sings the song is the one whom the lyrics are meant for. Considering how close Takamina and Rina were, and after reading the lyrics, it's also possible that the lyrics could be directed toward Rina as well. It could be due to my bias for TakaRina that I say this but the lyrics are more similar to Taka-Rina.  Rina is the one whom Takamina said she wanted to see in a team A's show and from the way she said it, it looked like she loved her a lot. About the promise that Rina would go see Takamina's solo concert and sit on the front row, is it true or just a part of your fic?

I'm an Atsumina shipper but I love TakaRina as well so I don't mind reading more of their fics from you!
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 04:57:23 AM by Tanchan »

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #95 on: October 14, 2012, 05:34:56 AM »

No Michiru released her mini album 2 years after her graduation.

Coincidentally MaiMai graduated at on April 26th 2009, a day after Michiru released her album.
The whole Rina going to see Takarina's solo is from one of Rina's old blog posts, I've only ever seen the Chinese translated one. To be honest, I was inspired for the fic after going to one of the Chinese threads about them.

The original blog post should be this one
おはよう☆投稿:中西里菜 2009/7/11 09:34 日記



Grabbed it from here:

The bold part basically means that Takamina is her eternal oshi, and she'll always be her fan. If Takamina ever has her own solo concert then definitely will get the front row tickets.

The song itself definitely has more of a connection to Taka's relationship to Rina rather than either Maimai or Michiru, so that's probably why people think that it was written for her or at least with her in mind.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2012, 05:42:57 AM by 0_o »

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #96 on: October 14, 2012, 06:08:25 AM »
Thank you so much for your information. Would you mind give me the Chinese translated one so that I could get my friend to translate it? I never knew about this before. Unfortunately the AKB guide book came out after Rina had graduated, otherwise I guess Takamina would have put Rina as her oshi in the "Who is your oshimen" question back in 2010 (she picked Yukarin as her oshimen). And coincidentally, Rina's news came out in 2010. I thought that no one , or only a few, would remember Taka-Rina and that there's no thread about them, at least that's what I observe from the international fans forum. Don't know about the Japanese fans though.

This might be asking for too much but if you had the time, or if when you had the inspiration, could you make a one-shot about them in relate to Rina's blog earlier this year when the scandal happened? It's fine if you don't want to write it right now. I just thought that when the time comes for you to want to write another one, this might be a good reference point. Sorry if I'm asking too much.

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #97 on: October 14, 2012, 06:32:36 AM »

here's the chinese translation
2009/7/11 09:34 中西里菜博客




takamina帮了我很多很多 ☆



takamina的梦想能够实现 (^O^)




If you're up to it i'd take a look at the thread.

I've always thought that Yukarin was Takamina's oshi though, there was never something to suggest otherwise. It's just that Rina considers Takamina as her oshi.

Which Rina blog post are you referring to?

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #98 on: October 14, 2012, 08:05:09 AM »
Thanks for the link, I'll get down to it as soon as I can.

I actually found an old blog post of Takamina where she said that Rina is her eternal oshi. I don't know about now but at that time when the blog was posted, Rina was definitely her oshimen.

Here's the translation:

Eh?! Ah, the date has already changed so, yesterday♪
I had a phone conversation with Orihime. 
(Whistler: she posted the entry 20 minutes after midnight.)

It's ok. I didn't hit my head!! (laugh)

The truth is, yesterday, I had a phone conversation with Rinatin (Nakanishi Rina).
Takahashi's eternal oshimen!!
I think that she is truely a lovely woman.

We have free time on the same day so we promised to meet up.

And here's the source:

The day this blog was posted is also the same day that Rina posted on her blog saying Takamina is her eternal oshimen and that she will go to Takamina's solo concert that you provided above. Apparently they talked on the phone and that's also the topic on which other members teased Takamina in one of A5's MC.

Ah, Rina's blog post that I referred to is the one she made earlier this year several days after Takamina's mom's scandal. She didn't specify any names but from looking at the contents, it looked like it was for Takamina, actually I'm 90% sure that it's about Takamina. Here's the capture of the blog post:

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Re: [Oneshots] Promise [Takahashi Minami&Nakanishi Rina] (Oct 13)
« Reply #99 on: October 14, 2012, 08:58:48 AM »
Omg whoops, it was actually right under the translation for Rina's post.
Oh this blog post it actually caught my eye as with another apparently private blog post really interesting stuff. I mean assuming that this is all geared towards Takamina.

It's actually really sad though if put in a Takarina context cause the first two lines in itself is

"You can't lose right now"
I want to tell this to that important person.
But because there is no way to tell her.
I can only believe that she will see this blog

To you
I think that I'm probably part of the past.

To me,
You are still that most important person

It's just that our standpoints are different

Even till now think
I love you

I don't think this will change

Can't see or hear your voice
So I'm worried.

Please don't lose

Your smile
Greatly helped me
Allowed me to continue to try
Allowed me to come over so many hardships
Allowed me to still be able to show my smile

So if I would face you and tell you thank you
Then that would be wonderful

To me
There is nobody more important than you

Even now, even in the future
Forever my most important person

whoops ended up loosely translating the whole thing.
But yeah this along with that other blog post would be rather interesting to write about.

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