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Author Topic: RAPPAPA: Lost and Find - 3.1 ~ Aug 4  (Read 104868 times)

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side story 4 (updated 22/07)
« Reply #80 on: July 24, 2011, 06:44:23 AM »
aoi_sora: I thought the rejected cyborg mayuyu is cute too, it was unexpected when I was playing the game (without knowing what they are staying  :lol:)

Sorry for the late update, didn't really have a good night at work so end up going straight to bed to sleep it off. End up having to scrap whatever I was trying to write because it was turning emo....  :imdead: At least I have the next few days off  :farofflook: So here is another short side story, Please enjoy.

RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side story 4 (Saeyuki)

Sae waited nervously outside the theaters for Yuki, still thinking about yesterday’s performance, she can’t get the images out of her head. She yawned again as she checks the time, still early; she closed her eyes to rest them while leaning against the wall. Sae was too excited about the date she couldn’t fall asleep, of course images of Yuki in leather up close didn’t help.


Sae open her eyes to find Yuki standing there next to her, watching her with interest.

“Ah sorry, I didn’t hear you coming,” Sae lift one had to rub the back of her head while giving Yuki an embarrassed smile. “Oh, I already got the tickets, let’s go in” Sae suggested as they walked into the theater together.


As the movie started rolling, Sae tried hard to stay awake, the lack of sleep slowly creeping up on her. She tried to reposition herself to stay awake, leaning a bit to her right, where Yuki happen to sit. In her current position she can pick up Yuki’s scent over the smell of buttery popcorn and chips from the rows behind them. ‘Smells so nice…’ Sae thought as she drifted off.

Yuki was concentrated on the movie until she felt something fall on her shoulders, she look to her left to find Sae had fallen asleep, with her head resting on her shoulder. Yuki looked over and ran her eyes over Sae’s peaceful look, even though it is dark in the theater, Yuki has always had better night vision then most people. ‘She looks so cute up close,’ Yuki continue to watch Sae sleep, movie already forgotten a she reposition herself so that Sae can be more comfortable.  When the movie ended, Yuki couldn’t get herself to wake Sae up so she just sat there as everyone exit the theater, she glared at the employee that tried to disturb them but eventually gave in a woke the sleeping girl.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” Sae said embarrassed and a little disappointed in herself.

“It’s okay, you should’ve told me, we could reschedule… Do you want to head home?” Yuki asked not really wanting the night to end so soon.

“ NO!... I mean no, I’m good now, let’s go get something to eat” Sae seem to be in a row for embarrassing herself tonight now that she minded as she watch Yuki giggle at her.

“Where do you suggest we go?” Sae thought for a second before grabbing Yuki’s hand and dragged her in a random direction, “I know just the place, follow me,” Sae said happily as she held onto Yuki’s hand.

After dinner Sae insist she walk Yuki home, they started walking side by side but as time went by their distance decreased until Sae took the initiative to entwine her hands with Yuki’s as they peacefully walk along sidewalk of the neighbourhood. They didn’t really say anything but the silence was welcomed as they enjoyed each others company in the calm night. Sae noticed it was getting a bit chilly out as the night went on, so bring up the courage she close the space between the two, dropping their hold, she wrapped one arm around Yuki’s waist to pull her closer.

“It’s starting to get a bit chilly during the night,” Sae said as she looked away towards the side pretending something interesting has caught her attention. Yuki turned to watch Sae for a bit before leaning against the taller girl as they continue to walk towards their destination.

Once they reached Yuki’s house, they broke apart, Sae turned to Yuki and smiled.

“Thanks for going out with me, I really had a good day, hope you enjoyed it too,” she said.

“I had a good time, thanks for inviting me,” Yuki said still holding onto Sae’s hand not really wanting to let go but she know they will eventually have to part ways.

Yuki finally forced herself to turn around and head inside, it was getting late and they still have school the next morning.

“Yu.. Yuki?” Sae called after the girl. Just as Yuki stopped to turn around she felt soft lips on hers, as arms snaked themselves around her waist. She was shocked, and unable to react as this sudden closeness was unexpected.

Sae notice the girl tensed up, she broke apart and looked up with sadness filling her eyes, waiting for the rejection and slap she stood, waiting and waiting but it never came. She quickly looked up to see the girl still lost in her own thought, just as she turned around to leave, she felt a hand holding her back. Turning around she found a blushing Yuki with her hands holding her from moving any farther. Yuki looked up at Sae before putting her arms around the taller girl.

“Sorry, you just surprised me that’s all,” Yuki whispered, before leaning forward to capture those awaiting lips. Sae unconsciously tighten her hold around Yuki’s waist pulling the girl closer, she can feel the other girls heartbeat racing in sync with hers. In the silent night, under the street lights on the front doorstep, they fought a hard battle, lips against lips, Sae’s tongue nudged at Yuki’s lips asking for entrance, which the latter granted. With this new change, the two seem to regain loss energy and another vigourous battle began. Their body screamed at their owners to finally come out for air that they have been deprived of for the last little while. Sae and Yuki stood there staring into each others eyes, arms still around each other, tempted by each other to continue where they left off, slowly they start to close off the gap when…


The sound of a quick shutter and flash brought them back to reality, they look up to see Yuki’s house mates watching curiously while leaning out the windows of the house. Mariko was holding on to a camera while she smiled at the two, beside her was a cheering and whistling Yuko. Takamina and Acchan pretend to be looking up at the stars that were playing hide and seek behind the clouds, looking closely you can see the pink tinge on their cheeks. On the other side Tomochin and Haruna was clapping and giggling, like they just watched the best part of a long movie. To Yuki’s surprise Rena was also present watching them with gleaming eyes and a wide smile.

“Erm…. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow…” Sae said as she stumbled back a bit, caught off guard by their sudden audience.

“We don’t mind if you want to continue, just pretend we aren’t here,” Mariko said as if nothing happened just minutes ago.

“keke..keke,” Sae just stood there laughing nervously. Yuki turned to look at her house mates and gave them a 100% deadly black glare, daring them to say anything, with a promise of pain. The others caught on and quickly disappeared into the house not wanting to face the wrath of their friend. Only Rena lagged behind a bit with challenging eyes before walking away with the sound of her laugh trailing behind.

Yuki turned back towards Sae and smiled, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she quickly gave Sae one last peck on the lips before entering the house, leaving Sae to stand there for another min with an astonished look and a plastered smile.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:15:23 AM by immortal_K »

Offline luckymmsg

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 4 (updated 23/07)
« Reply #81 on: July 24, 2011, 08:49:21 AM »
Was reading this while listening to 風の行方,so sweet when the moment Yuki gave Sae a last peck on the lips, together with the moment I hear the song goes "I miss you" [/size] :inlove: :inlove: :twothumbs

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 4 (updated 23/07)
« Reply #82 on: July 24, 2011, 09:06:51 AM »
SaeYuki~!!  XD

Yukirin so cute~  :wub:

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 4 (updated 23/07)
« Reply #83 on: July 24, 2011, 09:54:15 AM »
Mariko-sama is being Mariko-sama... always capturing SaeYuki moments!!!  :cow:

Sleeping Sae-chan... kawaii!!  :D

SaeYuki always hot pairing!

update soon!

aoi_sora: I thought the rejected cyborg mayuyu is cute too, it was unexpected when I was playing the game (without knowing what they are staying  :lol: )

i wasn't expected that too... and i played it over and over again, the cyborg mayuyu voice is so cute. and i don't understand what they saying too!!! ahahahaha!

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 4 (updated 23/07)
« Reply #84 on: July 24, 2011, 10:12:18 AM »
You mean Sado being Sado right? Damn, Gekikara's a freaking moe ball! IT'S KILLING ME! :bleed eyes: XD

EXCELLENT job as always! I can't wait to see more Gekikara moeness! :twothumbs

Offline blughise

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 4 (updated 23/07)
« Reply #85 on: July 24, 2011, 02:10:05 PM »
that was so EPIC!!!! I really love the part when the rappappa came in!!!!
Mariko= Sadists as always
Yuko= always a  pervert
Acchan and Takamina so cute
Gekikara - awesome!!!
Tomochin and Haruna - Oh God
please update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!

Offline AAAice

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Re: Untitled Part 2, Side story 4 (updated 23/07)
« Reply #86 on: July 25, 2011, 01:22:06 PM »
What a tease!!! Reading this and God of Rock(?) fic - my like for SaeYuki is growing.

Their scene is... purrrfect!

Only Rena lagged behind a bit with challenging eyes before walking away with the sound of her laugh trailing behind.

Gekikara. O0
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover - 6 (updated 23/07)
« Reply #87 on: July 25, 2011, 05:08:13 PM »
luckymmsg: Thanks for your comment, I am going to read it again myself while listending to 風の行方 to see how it feels  XD
RenaChii: I think I'm turning into a fan of Saeyuki,  :wub:
aoi_sora: agree, Saeyuki always somehow come out as a hot pair  :inlove: and mariko-sama is just so awesome to know when to have her camera out  :thumbsup
BlackRockAnon: Gekikara is the best character ever created! or is it created  :O (imagines Rena with a hidden Geki side always :twothumbs)
blughise: I thought Rappapa will make the ending more interesting then just the two of them standing there forever  :D
HashirePomeranian Hmmm never thought about that, but give that its Yuko she will probably make sure to wire the house, just so she doesn't miss out on anything.  :lol:
AAAice: *slowly watering your Saeyuki  :heart:* God of Rock has EPIC Saeyuki moments  :twothumbs

Oops forgot to update yesterday my bad, so here it is. Back to school after a lovely SaeYuki time. Enjoy  :lol:

RAPPAPA: Undercover - 6

The next few days everyone was still in high spirit, and our poor Rappapa members had to fight their way through a crowd of fans to get to their classroom.

“Hey Jurina, I heard the case with your dad has ended, and the guy is sentence to death roll,” Miichan started as she somehow always find the most recent news regardless if its school related, gossip or news.

“So it’s finally over, does that mean those police will finally leave your house?” Sae asked.

“I hope so, they are still going to be there for a few more days to make sure we don’t get attacked by any of the guys followers.” Jurina said as Rena and Yuki finally made it into the room with Takamina and Acchan right behind them.

“What are we talking about?” Takamina asked.

“Oh nothing much, just how Jurina finally regains freedom at home.” Miichan smiled.

The day went by smoothly, other then fending of a couple fan girls here and there, with Jurina clinging onto Rena and glaring at any girl that dares come close, same goes for Yuki as she seem to gain an extra shadow called Sae all day. Unfortunately for Tomomi, Tomochin isn’t in the same class so she can only go over to the other class during lunch time and after school. People didn’t even dare get close to Mariko and Yuko has obviously marked her territory early on by clinging onto Haruna whenever she can. Takamina and Acchan has been inseparable since the beginning and even hardcore fan Mocchi gave up after a few weeks of being ignored.

The group planned to go celebrate a successful performance together after school so Rena and Jurina are standing by the school gates waiting for the others to arrive. They were just standing there when a young guy approached them, holding a piece of paper seeming like he needed some directions, because Rena wasn’t familiar with the area, Jurina tried to help the poor guy while Rena waited. Rena just stood beside them waiting when she felt a reflection of light beamed her in the eye, quickly locating the source she moved to intercept the object.
Jurina didn’t understand what happen but all of a sudden Rena pushed her back and stepped in front of her, she saw Rena grab onto the guys shirt then started to laugh, but it’s not the normal one she hears from Rena, this one is chilling, brings up a shiver to the people that are around and it starts getting louder.

The guy shakes off Rena’s hands and start to run as Rena falls to the ground. Jurina runs up to Rena to see what is wrong when she felt a breeze of wind pass by, ignoring that she looked down to see blood seeping out from where Rena had her hand pressing onto her stomach, she had stopped laughing at this point, struggling to speak from the pain.

“RENA-CHAN!” Jurina lifts Rena to rest her in her own arms as she put her hand on top of Rena’s to proved more pressure hoping to stop the bleeding.

“GEKIKARA!” Tomochin stopped to look down at Rena before running out towards the direction the guy and the breeze of wind went. The rest of Rappapa came to a stop forming a small circle around the two. Mariko and Acchan quickly took off their scarf on their uniform to put over the wound before having Jurina reapply the pressure. Acchan felt so useless as there isn’t anything more she can do, even with her little bit of nursing knowledge she know it’s something out of her scope of practice, tears began to built up in her eyes. 

“Rena!, GEKI! Stay awake!, You promise me we will graduated together this year!” Yuko screamed.

“The ambulance will be here any min!” Takamina said as she caught up with the group, with Sae, Miichan, Tomomi, Mayuyu and Lovetan in tow.

“Rena! Stay with us, we’ve been through so much already!” Haruna said

Yuki and Tomochin came back dragging a half beaten to death guy that stabbed Rena, they dropped him off to the side as they checked on Rena.

“Geki, you have been avenged, but it’s up to you to deliver the finally judgement” Yuki said as she knelt down and pulled out her cross from her pocket, “Stay with us, god will watch over you”

“Gekikara...” Tomochin just looked at the weaken Rena, unable to stop her tears.

Rena start to feel weak as she continue to lose blood, she looks up to a frantic Jurina sobbing and calling for her. She lifted one of her hand to her cheeks trying to dry her tears, leaving a bit of blood trails from the blood in her hands.

“Jurina, don’t cry, I guess I won’t be able to keep my promise and graduate with everyone,” she chuckles a bit weakly,

“Rena! What are you saying! RENA! Don’t leave me!” Jurina sobs

“Jurina..... I...I love you” Rena said weakly before she passed out just as the ambulance pulled into the entrance. The paramedics quickly loaded her onto the stretcher and into the ambulance, Jurina went in with them still holding onto Rena’s hand. On route they quickly started two IV’s to start transfusing fluid and 2 units of unmatched O negative blood into Rena to keep her alive.

“You bastard,” Tomochin screamed as she kicked the guy a few times until Mariko stepped up to pull her away, “Shibuya control yourself!”

“Sado! He stabbed GEKI!” she shouted back.

“Both of you, break it up, Sado get the car, we are going to the hospital.” Yuko commanded as she turned to Haruna, “Torigoya, check him”

“Hai,” Haruna walked up to him and placed her hand on his head and closed her eyes, “I see it!”

“What is it?” Takamina asked,

“His father just got sentence to death row, because Jurina’s father testified in court against him, he came for revenge.” Torigoya said as she stood up, the rest of the girls are confused now as the Rappapa members are giving off a totally different aura then they are use to, and their names, they thought it was just for their performance?

“I’ll stay here and watch him and wait for the police, you girls go to the hospital, I’ll be there shortly,” Takamina said

“Can..can we come to?” asked Miichan quietly, still quite shock from the turn of event.

“Let’s go, we can explain while we wait there.” Mariko said after she got a nod fromYuko.


That night the girls stayed at the hospital until Rena passed critical state, Jurina stayed at her bedside and refused to leave her side until Rena wakes up, she held onto Rena’s hand and prayed to the moon to wake sleeping beauty from her sleep.

Mariko took the rest of the girls home after they know Rena will be okay, leaving only Yuki to stand guard in case anyone else decide to attack the vulnerable girls inside.


Yuki looked up to see Sae walk toward her with two can of drink in hand, she passed Yuki one of the warmed cans as she sat down on the bench beside Yuki.

“I thought you went home with the others,” Yuki said quietly, they sat there in silence, just to two of them, until Yuki broke the silence again, for the first time she didn’t like quiet atmosphere.


“What for?” Sae asked while looking at the wall across from them.

“For, lying to you, to everyone, we didn’t mean to hide but...” Yuki trailed off.

“You are still you, Yuki will always be Yuki, I don’t care if you are Black, your past doesn’t matter, you did what you have to, you saved those kids, you protected Jurina.”

“Sae...” Yuki turned her head towards Sae

“Yuki, how do you move so fast, one min you were beside me, next you were gone after you heard Rena laugh...”

“I.....” Yuki lower her head looking down while her hands rest on her knees.

“Yuki? Can you promise me one thing?” Sae asked, as Yuki looked up to face Sae,

“Promise me you won’t leave me behind,” Sae finished as she place her hand on top of Yuki’s.

“I promise,” Yuki said as she nodded, she turned her hand over to hold onto Sae’s “but you better start training, slowpoke,” they sat there for the rest of the night enjoying each other’s company.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:15:42 AM by immortal_K »

Offline anoni2

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #88 on: July 25, 2011, 05:22:31 PM »
oh like the scene from maji 2! but this time a guy stabbed GEKI  :angry:

I don't feel sorry for that guy at all  :mon mad:

she's ok yohooo  :farofflook:

SaeYuki  sweet~  :ptam-cry:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)

Offline Spicy Sapphire

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #89 on: July 25, 2011, 05:36:13 PM »
Rena will kill him for sure in ultra Gekikara mode! :angry:

OOO oooooo! I sense something fishy about Tomochin  :w00t: I wonder what hehehehe :inlove:

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #90 on: July 25, 2011, 05:43:43 PM »
NO!!!!!!!!!!!! :temper: SHe WAS STAB UIN MAJI2 and now she was stab again in here! :angry1:

I'll kill that dude, I swear!!!  :on voodoo:


PLEASE UPDATE SOON :onioncheer: :kneelbow:

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #91 on: July 25, 2011, 07:10:54 PM »
Going to get stuck in your story day by day.. all my fav OTP..
Geki got hurt again... that's hurt.
Yuko and Tori sure has mutual feelings..

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #92 on: July 25, 2011, 08:38:19 PM »
Rena don't die!!!!

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #93 on: July 26, 2011, 12:12:57 AM »
RENA~!! DON'T DIE~!! YOU MUST LIVE~!!  :cry:

SaeYuki moment is so cute~!!  :cathappy:

Please update soon~  :bow:

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #94 on: July 26, 2011, 12:51:50 AM »
WAAA WHAT'S WITH RENA ON OUR FICS NOWADAYS?! She's stabbed in here while she'd been shot on my fic. :[[[[ We're putting the Matsui's on a hard time.

Nooooo, my Gekikara. :[[

That bstrd!!! Augh!

SaeYuki again. :]] Ahh, I guess I can be a MaYuki and SaeYuki fan at the same time. -.-
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #95 on: July 26, 2011, 05:14:57 AM »
anoni2 I thought about letting the others kill the guy but then can`t really do that, so he gets beaten up close to death  XD

Spicy Sapphire Ultra Gekikara is scary but so cool at the same time  :twothumbs

blughise sigh, poor Rena but don`t worry this will be much better then her recovery in MG2

luckymmsg I don`t know why its always Rena..... didn`t even notice until AAAice mentioned it....

kahem If Aki-p didn`t kill Rena, there is no way I would let Rena die  XD

RenaChii Rena won`t die, can`t be taken down by just a stab  haahahahahhahahahahaha!

AAAice Now that you mention it, we do put Matsui`s thru hard times.....  :banghead: Don`t worry the bstrd got what he deserves. I don`t know I like both SaeYuki and MaYuki pairing so both works for me. I guess I`ll leave Mayuki`s for one-shots  :lol:

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #96 on: July 26, 2011, 06:35:52 AM »

hi unnie :D finally made an account lol.

sob sobbing. how is she going to recover this time lol, will she see another yuko or someone in her dream lmao~ poor jurina ):

hmmm i'm not a big fan of saeyuki, haha. i don't dislike it or anything, i just don't ship it i guess >__< anyways, waiting on the next update    :twothumbs

p.s. i can help you with creating an index~ still not too familiar with the forum here but it's probably not any different from ssf so just msg me somewhere lol

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #97 on: July 26, 2011, 06:52:02 AM »
apparently Lol I didn`t even have to ask what your username is and you already appeared  XD I guess my icon busted me even thou I used a different name this time haha. In my fics Gekikara never dies!!!!!  :twothumbs
Waiting for you to write us some fics  :thumbsup

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #98 on: July 26, 2011, 06:55:24 AM »

hmmm i'm not a big fan of saeyuki, haha. i don't dislike it or anything, i just don't ship it i guess >__< anyways, waiting on the next update    :twothumbs

T_T why must our pairings differ too in akb lol... sigh
and don't you dare make kira write anything else but saeyuki xP lol *holds kira hostage*
=D you joined~ welcome lol... just to let you know this place is A LOT more crazier than ssf... in a good way =)

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #99 on: July 26, 2011, 11:09:57 AM »


Epic chapter was epic though...  :thumbsup

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