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Author Topic: RAPPAPA: Lost and Find - 3.1 ~ Aug 4  (Read 104877 times)

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: Untitled Part 2-6 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #100 on: July 26, 2011, 01:15:12 PM »

she got stabbed again!  :cry:

geki don't die!!!  :cry:

another SaeYuki scene... not that hot.... but CUTE!!!  :wub:

update soon!

Offline immortal_K

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover - 7 (updated 25/07)
« Reply #101 on: July 27, 2011, 10:45:30 AM »
don't you dare make kira write anything else but saeyuki xP lol *holds kira hostage*

WinterAir: So I guess I'm hostage now? You and the little one should fight among yourself and leave me out of it haha, just like always  :lol:

BlackRockAnon: Don't worry I dealt with the father easily  :thumbsup

aoi_sora: Saeyuki is a must as you can see, I have scary buddies that like to threaten me *points above*  :lol:

RAPPAPA: Undercover - 7

Rena slowly open her eyes to immediately close them again as the flood of lights overwhelmed her sense, she tried again but this time she did it slowly, giving her eyes time to adjust to the brightness in the room. She tried to lift her hand to cover her eyes a bit but found that her hand is being held in place by a light weight. Turning to the side she sees Jurina sitting on a chair beside her bed, while holding onto her hands. Rena just stayed still and watched the girl sleep, even thought her eyes still look a bit puffy from sleeping she can’t help admire the cute little puppy next to her, the slight pouty lips are just so entraining, if only she was a bit closer and moving doesn’t hurt so much.

Her little movements and attempts to reposition herself, served to wake the little puppy, Jurina sat up while rubbing the sleep from her eyes with her hand, until she realized Rena is awake.

“Rena, you are awake! I was so scared you won’t wake up again” Jurina exclaimed tears starting to escape from her eyes, one can’t really tell if she is crying because she is afraid she will lose Rena or if she is happy Rena is finally awake.

“Don’t cry, I’m still here” Rena said as she wiped the tears from Jurina’s eyes, her hand paused on her cheeks, as they stared into each other.

“Did you mean it? What you said before?” Jurina asked, Rena turned to look away embarrassed as she just nodded, unable to look Jurina in the eye. Her hand dropped to hold Jurina’s hand as she tried to calm her flushing cheeks. Unnotice to her Jurina’s hand snaked their way over to under Rena’s chin to turn her head over.

“Here is my answer,” Jurina whispered as she move to close the gap with her hand still under Rena’s chin. Jurina paused, right before they touch, she can feel the girls breath on hers, her heart pounding against their jail asking to be set free. Just as Jurina was able to advance again, the room door slid open.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupted, you go ahead, I’ll just wait outside.” the invader quickly retreated back outside the room and closed the door. Jurina turned back to face the love of her life, and quickly sealed the deal before moving to sit beside Rena on the bed, while holding her hand in hers.

“Sado,” Rena called to the person waiting outside.

“It’s safe to come in?” Mariko asked as she poke her head into the room while wearing shades just incase the happiness from the couple gets too bright for her eyes to handle.

“You seem to have a trend for walking in on others, don’t you?” Rena joked.

“Ah, joking already, that means you are fine,” Mariko smiled, “plus it’s not my fault you people have to be all lovey everywhere, the first thing I saw when I walked in is Black and Sae,”

“Yuki?” Rena asked still finding it hard to believe the emotionless queen, can turn out to be a reaction queen when she is with a certain genking.

“Anyways, you get some rest Rena, and you too Jurina, I’ll be outside if you need me.” Mariko said as she walked back outside to give the two sometime alone.


It’s been two weeks since the stabbing incident, rumors have been flying across the fields about the girls, but they didn’t pay any attention to that. They went to school like normal, making sure to have at least two of them with Jurina at all times. They don’t want another repeat of what happened. Takamina had inform them to be on high alert as it seems the daughter, Hihara, is planning something and gathering people in secret. When Takamina present them with the information files, they saw a face they all recognize and know very well, the daughter is their long time rival, boss of Yabakune.

[Are we going to visit Rena today?~Mi] a piece of paper landed on Jurina’s desk breaking her out of thought as she has been staring out the window all day. She turned to Miichan and nodded, she can’t wait till end of class, it’s just been a day and she already miss Rena’s presence. Every day after school she would head to the hospital and stay till the nurses kick her out, only to return the next day.

“MATSUI JURINA!! SHOW YOURSELF!!” a loud shout from outside disturb the harmony of class in session. Jurina turned to look out the window to see what the commotion is about only to see a crowd of at least a hundred yankee, men and women standing at the entrance, some holding sticks and metal pipes as they waited. Standing in the front in the middle is a shorter girl with thick ugly make-up, thick eyeliners, long curly hair that really doesn’t fit the girl.


“Takamina, you watch Jurina,” Yuki said as she ran out the classroom joined by the rest of Rappapa as they headed out to the meet the mob head on. Students and teachers all crowded around the windows looking out to see what will happen.

“Just give up, you know you can’t win.” Yuko said as she stepped out of the front entrance with the others right behind her.

“Look what we have here, Rappapa,” Hihara said as she smirked, “for once I will put you all in your place, you can’t win against my people,” she motion the crowd behind her as they start to get rowdy.

“Yabakune, has always been known to be weak, always ganging up on people, never one to one, we will give you this advantage, but you will still lose.” Sado said.

“You will pay for what you did to Gekikara, I swear in the name of Rappapa, feel the wrath of the queens!” Shibuya shouted.

“You won’t see the sun of another tomorrow.” Black said as she took her cross out from her pocket and put it around her neck.

“You will regret ever crossing the queens of Rappapa, Ittekimasu....” Haruna said as she closed her eyes and next you know Torigoya is standing tall facing the crowd with her comrades.

“Majidayo! If I lose here Minami will laugh at me, I promised I will be serious in life and I finally found the meaning of living,” Atsuko said as she looked up to the 2nd floor window where Takamina, Jurina and the rest of the girls are watching.

Suddenly before either side can make a move, the sound of ambulance can be heard, the crowd at the entrance quickly dispersed to the side to let the lone vehicle through. It made a sudden stop at the side of the entrance, and the back doors slammed open. Everyone watched as Rena, walked out from the back of the ambulance, holding onto an IV pole. She was dressed in her school uniform with her greenish black jacket over top. Her symbol as the queen of Rappapa.

“Haahaa haahahahaha, ne okotteru! You can’t have a fight without me, fighting is the best medicine after all! HAAHAHAAAHAHA! You I KILL!” Gekikara said as she glared at the crowd.

“RENA!” Jurina shouted as she ran out the front entrance with Takamina and the girls in tow.

“Takamina, keep her safe for me, this is our battle.” Gekikara looked to Takamina, before she pulled out her IV and walked to stand in her position with Rappapa.

“You are crazy, how did you get out of the hospital?” Shibuya asked and followed Gekikara’s glaze to the ambulance as the driver came out carrying a few jackets.


“Shibuya-san,” Dance bowed to Shibuya as she pass them their respective jackets.

“Maeda-san, this one is yours” Dance walked up to Atsuko and passed her a no sleeve jean jacket with lone sleeping dragon in the back, with the words Majidayo under it. Dance walked to back where Takamina is standing guard as this isn’t her battle.

“Now this is more like it!” Yuko said after she put on her leather jacket, with one motion she comb through her hair with her hand before running ahead to face the mob head on. Sado, Atsuko and her queens following her as they met the mob of a hundred yankee.

“YaHOOO!” Yuko shouted as she made her way through the crowd, with Sado and Atsuko at her side.

“4” Shibuya shouted over the crowd as she watched the guy dropped like a brick after she send him a low kick.

“Mietaaaaaaaa! 4” Torigoya said she look towards Shibuya while she moved her hand out to intercept some guy trying to attack her from behind “5” she corrected.

“Haahaahahaaha!!!! 7,” Gekikara said as she punched another guy in the face, knocking him out with one hit. “Black?” she asked as turn to see the girl appear in the empty space just a second ago.

“10” Black smirked before she disappeared again.

“Hey no fair, you get speed advantage!” shibuya said as she continue to go through the mob like they were made of tofu, trying to keep up with her crazy comrades.

“Too SLOW!!! YAHA!! 15!! I win!!!” Yuko shouted over the crowd, she turned around to see a fist coming her way but it never made contact as Sado intercepted the guy by kicking him a few ft to the side where his body rolled to a stop under the cherry blossoms.

The school watched on as Rappapa took on the crowd, even at a disadvantage they can see it didn’t matter, in awe and disbelieve the watch the mob thin out one by one under the force of 7 girls.

“Itai! Jurina you are going to break my arm” Sae yelped out as Jurina squeezed her arms again when Gekikara took another hit from one of the thugs. They had wanted to run out every they see the girls take another hit but Takamina and Dance stopped them and held them back. They would only get in the way and distract them if they run out.

Tomomi held onto Miichan tightly with her head buried in the girls shoulder, unable to watch the fight after seeing Shibuya take a few hits. Mayuyu and Lovetan stood beside them holding on the each other as they pray for their friends.

Things aren’t looking good for Hihara, even thought she can tell Rappapa are getting tired, they are still standing and only a few of her men are left, she took out a knife and ran straight ahead for Jurina hoping to do some damage, it is her last chance there is no way out, she only have to get back that shorty in the front. Just as she was about to reach the group in the back, a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back. She looked up to see Gekikara glaring at her.

“Don’t you dare touch my girl!” she said in a deadly voice, Gekikara then proceed to beat the living lights out of Hihara. She grabbed onto the shorter girls shirt and punched her in the face again and again, then dropped her to the ground and slammed her to the ground while laughing all the way. As blood start to seep out from the girl under her, Gekikara stopped and stood up. The rest of Rappapa stood there shocked as this is the first time Gekikara willingly stopped an assault on her own. They watched Gekikara try to clean her hands a bit on the shirt of the fallen Hihara before standing up to look at the battlefield, littered with bodies from the mob.

Gekikara took a couple steps towards her team but then stumbled and fell to the ground.

“RENA!” Jurina screamed as she pushed pass Takamina to reach the kneeling Rena.

“Jurina?” Rena turn to the side to see Jurina beside her, “You aren’t afraid?” Rena asked quietly, insecured as her recent display of violent does tend to scary people off.

“I don't care, you are still Rena,” Jurina kissed the tired girl then hugged her.

“Jurina! I’m covered with blood,” Rena smiled, she sat down and leaned onto Jurina, too tired to hold herself up, since she still isn’t 100% from before.

Black slowly made her way towards Sae with her head down, unable to face the her, Black stopped in front of Sae but didn’t make any move to do anything else until she felt arms embraced her in a hug. She looked up to met Sae’s eye, then returned the hug with a smile.

“Tomochin” Tomomi said before she ran up to hug and cried on the other girls shoulders, “you got hurt” was all she said in between hiccups, trying to stop herself from crying.

“Silly girl,” Tomochin patted the girl lightly on her head before giving her a hug.

Miichan walked up to Sado, “Are you okay?” she asked unsure what she should do. “I’m hungry want to go out with me later? For some dinner?” Sado asked the shorter girl as Miichan helped support her walk back to the group. As they reached the group Acchan is already by Takamina’s side as the captain inspected the bruises on the latter girl’s face.

“Nyan Nyan! Ahhh!! Itai!” was heard from behind the group as they turned to see a Yuko on the ground rubbing her butt with one hand, while pouting at the taller girl beside her. Her pout didn’t last long as Haruna went to give Yuko a hug, given the chance Yuko quickly latched onto the taller girl again. Her hands slowly travelled down but never reached their target as Haruna catch the motion and slapped her hands before they got to their destination. “Nyan Nyan!!!” Yuko whined to the taller girl,

“No! Pervert!!!” Haruna said but then whispered into her ears “later.”


"Captain Takahashi, can we borrow your team for interrogation? We brought in a few that refuse to talk," Captain Nogami asked.

"I'm okay with it if they agree with you," pointed a finger toward her team, who is sitting around the table playing ... Uno?

"Errm, I was wondering if... if I can get your help?" Captain Nogami asked as polite as he can muster up without sluttering, from the glares he got for interrupting their game.

" Ne sounds like fun? Haahaahaahaaa!!!"

"I was getting bored sitting here, time to have some fun!"

Nogami stood there watching the four head towards the interrogating rooms, and shuttered feeling pity for the ones inside. Should've spoke when they had the chance. He turned to glance at the sitting Captain Takahashi, wondering how she convince the chief allow them to join the force without going through the academy. Shaking his head he headed back to the observations room, to monitor the interrogation.


I hope you enjoyed the story, please leave my any comment and any offer to name the fic? LOL  I tried to stall the update to see if I can come up with a decent title but I thought might as well just update and keep thinking after.  :sweat: I find it funny how I either have a story with no title or a title with not much of a story  :on cloudeye:
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 11:15:59 AM by immortal_K »

Offline AAAice

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #102 on: July 27, 2011, 11:05:26 AM »
That was so cool! I did change my song back to Majisuka Rock n' Roll. :]]

The actions. Ahh, dying from over awesomeness!

Torigoya/Haruna and Yuko.
“No! Pervert!!!” Haruna said but then whispered into her ears “later.”
Probably more than what Yuko is trying to do to Haruna. >:]]
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #103 on: July 27, 2011, 11:30:44 AM »
AHHHH too much osm in one chapter! my mind cannot be unblown!
lol at sado walking in on everyone, that's either good luck or bad haha.

and tbh i always find it funny when maeda says the stuff about living seriously, cause i never take her seriously when she says that xD guess i'm not living seriously enough ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ totally gasped at geki's entrance, just like in the finale haha~ waooo rappapa are bosses and it's no surprise they won :D

great fic! sad it's over ): now i have to settle for your saeyuki one... sigh .___. (LOL i'm just annoying yol~)
so, regarding the title, you could leave as is haha. i can't seem to find a significant enough title lol but idk how about The Rebirth of Rappapa. or something along those lines. Rappapa Undercover. Rappapa Supreme. or just Majisuka Gakuen Season 3 since that's what it felt like to me LOL.

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #104 on: July 27, 2011, 11:41:50 AM »
AAAice: I had to add in the long waited action that MG2 was missing at the end  :on woohoo:

apparently: Lol little one, notice I purposely left the end open for further possibilites haha, but I haven`t thought of anything else yet so will see what happens. Maybe I should just name part 1 Rappapa: Supreme (to indicate their great importance/ character) and part 2 Rappapa: Undercover (in reference to their mission) LOL XD

Offline anoni2

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #105 on: July 27, 2011, 12:36:46 PM »
hell yeah more fighting!!! :mon yeah:

no1 dares to hurt rena's girl in front of her!! :mon zoom:

aiz sweet  :mon inluv:
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

Editing in progress ~ T's and J's
SRO(Their Journey)

Offline kahem

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #106 on: July 27, 2011, 01:00:49 PM »
The fight was awesome!!!!
Gekikara FTW!!!!!

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #107 on: July 27, 2011, 01:49:47 PM »
RENA SO COOL~!!  :wub:

Please update soon~  :grin:

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #108 on: July 27, 2011, 02:22:50 PM »
ACTION!!!!  :mon zoom:

no one can beat Rappappa!

Rappappa the best!!!  :onioncheer:

Gekikara!  :on BDay:

Dance!  :mon cheek: she's cute! ehehehehe!
she's not nose bleeding anymore! ahahahaha!

each couple...  :shy2:

is this the end... want more....  :pleeease:

feat: Team Hormone! XD

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #109 on: July 27, 2011, 02:42:29 PM »
Rappapa's Comeback - Title

Awesome! I can't wait for the second season! (Fourth as I consider yours canon) :twothumbs

When will I see Centre? Nezumi? Yokoyama Yui? Hormone? Youran?

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #110 on: July 27, 2011, 02:44:10 PM »

LOL at SADO who always interrupt the lovely dovey couples.....when will her turn be? :grin:

RENA still kicking ass, even though she's not fully recovered.....SHE IS DEFINITELY FREAKSOME

NOW what there next mission? Hey I agree with you aoi_sora I wanna see Team hormone too


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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #111 on: July 27, 2011, 07:39:35 PM »
anoni2: Nope Rena will make them regret being alive if they hurt her girl.

kahem: Thanks, I try to make it as visual as I can, thought a competition between them might help  :thumbsup but no one beats Yuko    :mon zoom:

RenaChii: Rena is   :luvluv1:

aoi_sora: LOL I just had to throw Dance in there, its not the same without her following Shibuya, plus needed someone to get Geki to the scene  :twothumbs Sometimes I wonder if you can read minds, I did think about having some hormone action, but don`t have a proper plot developed yet, don`t want to start and write as I go without a full idea. I`m already pulling my hair out for Infinity   :on blackhole:

BlackRockAnon: Maybe at one point I`ll have enough stories to cover the full MG cast  :shock:

blughise: yes Sado is awesome but can`t have her just standing there admitting out her awesome aura, so I gave her something else to have fun with  :on woohoo:

The updates for this story was fast because I had the story written out by the time I posted the 3rd update, then added the side stories when I started to post part 2, so it went pretty quickly. If a next part does appear it might be a while.... unless some ideas suddenly hit me with a punch  :on kimbo: The title will be changed to `RAPPAPA` shortly.

Offline D_Sphere

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Re: Untitled Part 2-7 (updated 27/07)
« Reply #112 on: July 27, 2011, 09:07:00 PM »
You're AWESOME immortal_K san  :twothumbs

Simply cant get enough of it  :thumbup

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side story 5 (updated 29/07)
« Reply #113 on: July 29, 2011, 10:52:05 AM »
D_Sphere: Thank you for leaving a comment, glad you enjoy the story.  :mon innocent:

So as some might notice I finally went back to give the story a title. With this last side story Part 2 is finally complete. Hope you enjoy this little moment for the Tomo's. You might want to pull up the song "Stay by my side" by Tomochin from her first single Dear J and listen to it while you read the story. I purposely took out the first verse and a few lines in the lyrics because those lines doesn't go with the idea and story.

So there you have it, Thank you for following the story  :kneelbow:

RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side story 5 (Tomo2)

Tomomi dropped down in the chair after placing her bags down on the chair at the side of their table. She glanced over to her shopping buddy to see her mirroring her actions, before sinking herself in the chair giving her legs their long deserved rest. Tomomi looked around the restaurant the cozy restaurant they are currently seated in, surrounded by a pleasant atmosphere, most tables are currently occupied in couples with a vacant small stage noted up in the front for a small live band performance.

“Tomochin, have you been to this place before?” Tomomi asked, wondering as it doesn’t seem to suit the quick tempered girl.

“Nope, Dance recommended this place,” Tomochin answered missing the discontent in Tomomi when she mentioned Dance.

After the big fight, Tomochin spend a lot of her time with Dance, pulling disappearance acts every now and then, today is the first time they have been alone, just the two of them. Tomomi missed these days where they would just randomly walk around the malls, and districts looking at whatever catches their attention and talk about everything that comes to mind. She can’t even remember when she started to become fond of the stylish girl in front of her, but every time they are together she feels safe with an unknown comfort in her heart.

“Tomomi,” waiting for the girl to look up, she then continued, “I’m gonna be right back” Tomochin indicated pointing at the phone in her hand as she walked away from the table. Guessing it is Dance, Tomomi became a little depress as she watch the girl walk off on the phone. She took out her own phone, trying to keep her mind off her missing companion. After a while she notice Tomochin still hasn’t return, looking around the restaurant she can’t find any trace of the said girl, sadden by the absences Tomomi looked back down at her phone, her eyes fixed on the photo in the background, of the two of them, Tomochin had one arm slinged across her shoulders, sporting matching smiles. It’s been a while since they took another photo, she miss those moments.

As she stares down at her phone, she notices the lights dimming down and music started to play from the stage. Tomomi looked up to find herself staring at the lone person on stage. In the middle of the stage under the spot light is none other then Tomochin, mic in hand as she kept her eyes on Tomomi, reaching out with her voice to grasp the once she longed for.

Uh Yeah...
Stay by my side...

ano natsu no namioto ga doko kara kikoete kuru
konna mirai nado shiranakute
sunahama no ashiato ga sukoshi zutsu kiete yuku
denwa mo MEADO mo shokyo shita

juujou wa uragirenai yo
wakatte mo I'm never gonna give you up

namida ga afurete kuru
omoidasu ga go wo ou
KISU shita koto sae machigai datta
namida ga afurete kuru
akiramerutte kurushii koto ne
aishiteru no ni ima...
I can't forget you forever
I love you doko ni itemo (itsumade demo)
I love you ki ni naru deshou (kioku no naka)
I love you kimi no koto wo (zutto)
I can't forget you forever

During the whole time, Tomochin’s eyes never wander away from her girl, standing strong she poured all her heart into the song, every word replaying the ache in her heart, every symbol portraying the love she felt for the girl. She had to let the other girl know how she feels, about her, about them, she wants Tomomi to be with her forever. Tonight will be perfect as she and Dance planned out, because finally Tomochin has found the meaning to her life, she can’t let it go without giving it her best. She slowly started to step forwards towards her angel, she already decided regardless of the results, she will wait and stay by her side, the only question will she be willing to do the same.

totsuzen watashi wa kieru (kimi no mae kara)
nani mo tsutaenai mama de (sotto So long!)
dakedo sakebitaku narunda (kikiwake yokunai yo)
HONTO wa kimi to itakatta yo
kokoro ga harisake sou
kono mune ga kishimunda
dou ni mo naranai genjitsu dakara
kokoro ga harisake sou
unmeitte zankoku na mono
wasuretai no ni murinanda
I wish you stay by my side
namida ga afurete kuru
omoidasu ga go wo ou
KISU shita koto sae machigai datta
namida ga afurete kuru
akiramerutte kurushii koto ne
aishite iru no ni ima…

Making her way to their table, all eyes in the restaurant are already on her, watching the girl perform the most important show of her life. Never before had the queen been so attached to someone, never in her memories had she thought she will be willing to give up anything for anyone but here she is a goddess that fell into her life, one that she will sacrifice her life for.

I wish you stay by my side
I love you deaeta koto (kono sekai de)
I love you kui wa nai wa (kansha shiteru)
I love you kagayaita (hibi ni )
I can't forget you forever
I need you meguri ai ga
I need you ososu gita ne
I need you yume no naka de
I wish you stay by my side

By the end of the song, Tomochin had made her way to their table in front of Tomomi, she extended her hand out in front of her and repeated the words in her heart, “I wish you stay by my side, I love you”

Already touched by the song, Tomomi jumped up and wrapped her arms around Tomochin and cried, she received what every girl had once wish for, the unconditional love from the one you wish to walk the rest of your life with.

“I love you” Tomomi whispered back as she hugged onto the girl not wanting to ever let go.

Cheers, whistling and clapping can be heard from everyone in the restaurant, genuinely happy for the two girls, it is not everyday they see the bond and love so strong, that a couple female in the restaurant gave their boyfriends a glare, telling them they aren’t trying hard enough. Hidden in one corner of the restaurant Dance smiled, sipping on her drink she watching the scene play out as planned.

“Kumi, don’t they look amazing together? I’m so happy for them, I wish someone will do that for me too”

“Me too Anna, me too,” she replied as she glanced at the spazzing girl sitting across from her.

Unaware of what is going on around them, Tomochin and Tomomi just stared into each other as their forehead rested against each other, in their own world, no one else but them. Finally Tomochin lean in to capture the lips to the love of her life, started out slowly but deepened it once she felt her counterpart respond. Hot flashes and sparks ran through the two participants as they poured in all their love into each other, ignoring the cat calls and hollering from their audience, tonight there is only them.

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover Side Story 5 (updated 29/07)
« Reply #114 on: July 29, 2011, 11:06:21 AM »


this side story is so sweet!

Kumi playing sax will make it more sweeter...


when kumi started talking to someone... i thought it was KANON!!!! kowai yo!

Kumi and Anna... next side story!  :shy2:

thanks for updating....



i can't read minds! XD

Offline anoni2

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover Side Story 5 (updated 29/07)
« Reply #115 on: July 29, 2011, 11:17:43 AM »
waaaa so romantic-su   :mon lovelaff:

i bet te yang will like this too XD!!!
Still shipping them early pairs. 1st generation ftw!

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SRO(Their Journey)

Offline kahem

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover Side Story 5 (updated 29/07)
« Reply #116 on: July 29, 2011, 11:37:13 AM »
Tomotomo!!!! I was waiting for them!!!
Tomochin can be so romantic <3 and Dance good job ;)

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side Story 5 (updated 29/07)
« Reply #117 on: July 29, 2011, 11:53:43 AM »
Hehehehehehehehe. Cute side story! I'm gonna wait for Gekikara x Black now. Even if they have their own partners. Gekikara and black is still the cutest couple in MG.  :twothumbs

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side Story 5 (updated 29/07)
« Reply #118 on: July 29, 2011, 01:41:35 PM »
Yah, that was so sweet and so romantic!!!
though I'm a bit surprise that the audience accept this kind of thing easily, since Japan isn't really comfortable with the homosexual relationships......anyways, this is just a fanfic so anything can HAPPEN XD....please update soon :)

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Re: RAPPAPA: Undercover, Side Story 5 (updated 29/07)
« Reply #119 on: July 29, 2011, 03:15:34 PM »
Gawdddd!!! That is so sweet. I mean it is Shibuya we are talking about here. Damn.

Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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