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Author Topic: Immortal-shots Collection (Feb 14 ~ Blinded By Love: Be My Valentine [AtsuMina])  (Read 88648 times)

Offline flameeyes

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Re: One-shot Collection (Dec 6th ~ To Be Honest)
« Reply #140 on: May 14, 2012, 02:07:40 PM »
 :depressed: :err: :fainted: :on polter:

 :cry: :cry: :cry: HU!hu!hu!hu!hu!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
 :kneelbow: :gyaaah: :kneelbow:

after reading this in my phone in EBOOK huhuuhu :cry:
I'm so sad  :on cloudeye: that they end as a friend!!!!! :bleed eyes::tantrum:

BUT STILL!!!! :tntrm:

◄ I   L O V E   M A R I H A R U ! ! ! ! ! . . .  :tama-excite: :tama-lotsaluv: :tama-excite:

thanks for this FIC!!!!  :cheers
HOPE!! :hee: you wrote more about the paring  :)


Okay to make up for breaking up MariHaru, I wrote up a 2nd part to the originally OS now TS (two-shot). Hope this make you feel better. Sorry for any errors, I'm sure there will be many.  :bow: My usual work haven't been proofread or edit.

Flean, kahem and aoi_sora: thanks for spending the time to leaving me a comment for this heart breaking fic, I apologize for breaking them up like this but I hoping to make up for it with this 2nd part that I thought up in the middle of the night.

I also like to thank everyone that read and left me a thank you: Flean, kaizoku_gal, oist, Ryo Hiroshi, kahem, Divine Vengeance, aoi_sora. At least it tells me there are people that still read my emo/depressing/dark/crazy/or whatever other category of stuff that I might come up with in the future...... haha

To Be Honest Part 2 with you

Mariko woke up next morning to the sound of her alarm, she turned to her side to find it empty of the warm body she had gotten accustom to waking up beside. Staring at the untouched pillows, blankets and sheets, Mariko can’t help but feel a slight tug in her heart. The cold and empty feeling didn’t last long, and surprisingly it isn’t as bad as what she imagine it to be. For a relationship that lasted so long, part of her want to acknowledge the lie they have been living by, it is time for them to let it go. Quickly gathering her thoughts Mariko extended her arms out for a quick stretch before getting up and heading straight to her walk in closet, glancing through the clothes she picked out her choice of the day before jumping into the shower. She still has a long day of work ahead, can’t stall now because time doesn’t stop to wait for you.


“Good morning Mariko-sama,” Staff around the studio greeted the model as she walked in heading towards the photographer in the middle diligently checking all the equipments. Occasionally Mariko stopped to nod or wave to acknowledge the greetings she has been receiving since she stepped into the room.

“Hey, Mari-troll good morning!” the photographer greeted with her usual nickname and smile reserved only for Mariko.


“Are you okay, you look exhausted,” Miichan asked voice filled with concern when her bickering buddy failed to follow through with their normal routine.

“I’m fine, it’s just…” Mariko paused to think about how she should explain to her gachapin what happen in the last 12hours. Deciding to be honest she continued, “we had another argument last night,”

“Ahhh, I’m sure things will work out for you two,” Miichan replied a little unsure of her own words, she motioned for her tall companion to take the chair in front of her before moving over to massage those tense shoulder muscles. Miichan’s hands skilfully work the knots out of her shoulders before moving in closer to the base of her neck, working her magic to release the stress bottled up.

“It’s over,” Mariko said after a couple minutes, eyes remain closed to enjoying the treatment she is receiving. She felt the hands come to a stop on her shoulders.


“We are getting divorced,” Mariko stated as a fact.

“Did you sit down and talk about it? You don’t want to make the wrong calls with your emotions clouding your judgements.”

“We all knew it was coming, Haruna and I, we talked a bit after… now that it is out I actually feel a lot better, I feel free and no longer tied down.” Mariko tried to explain but was finding it hard to put her feelings into words.

Miichan lean forward sliding her arms around Mariko’s neck and gave her a warm hug from behind, “just relax, release the tension from your shoulders and take a deep breath,” Miichan whispered into Mariko’s ears before releasing her hold on the girl. Mariko stayed in the same position reminiscing the warmth she felt just moments ago, eyes closed as the clouds in her mind cleared a path for the light. Her thoughts were disrupted by the sound of soft clicks and closing shutters. Mariko opened her eyes to discover Miichan standing in front of her with her camera out abusing the shutter button as she saved as many photos as she can of this moment. It is not everyday she is given the chance to see the perfect Mariko-sama so relaxed, eyes closed and a slight grin on her face. If anyone ask Miichan to describe this moment of her life, her answer would be, ‘I’ve been bless by an angel’

“Come on Mariko-sama, we have a long day ahead of us, I have yet to capture the best of you,” Miichan said with a grin while she extended her arm out for Mariko to take.


*knock* *knock*

“Nyan nyan?” Yuko spoke towards the closed door of the guest room thinking back to last night.

In the middle of her sleep, Yuko was woken up by the knocking at her door, she found Haruna at her door step, eyes red from crying as one hand gripped tightly around the handle of her suitcase, her appearance wiped the sleep out of Yuko’s eyes immediately.

“Can’t I stay here tonight?” was all Haruna asked and without missing a beat, Yuko quickly lead the taller girl into the house and straight to the washroom to allow Haruna some time to fix herself and freshen up.

It didn’t take long before Haruna emerged from the washroom, face cleaned from the tear streaks but trouble still sketched over her features. Yuko frowned from the way the girl carried herself, it is not the same carefree, airhead girl she had gotten to know over the years.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Yuko asked as she lead Haruna to the couch, no wanting to beat around knowing it won’t do them any good.

“It’s over… and… and,” Haruna started crying on Yuko’s shoulders, “I… Mariko was right.”

“Shhhhhh…it’s okay, everything will be okay,” Yuko spoke softly while running her hands up and down her back in attempts to stop Haruna’s crying and relieve her grief.

“Yuko?” Haruna finally lifted her head from Yuko’s shoulder and looked her in the eyes. Before Yuko can decipher the complicated emotions running through those deep orbs, Haruna closed the gap between the two of them and met her lips with a gentle kiss. The contact was short, the feelings gone before it can be properly register in their mind, Haruna never broke eye contact as she continue to struggle for an answer to a question that she can’t identify.

Finally Yuko stood up pulling Haruna up in the process, “it’s late, you should get some sleep we still have work tomorrow.” Yuko purposely redirected the focus. Even if she really want to sort things out with the cat-like girl now is not the right time.

*knock* *knock*

“Nyan Nyan?” when no answer came Yuko gently pushed the door open and peeked inside.

She found Haruna sprawl out under the covers, with one arm hugging one of the many pillows close. Yuko slowly walked closer to get a better look at the sleeping beauty, with one hand she lightly brushed a couple strain of long hair to a side so she can examine the serenity washed over those stunning features. After what seems like minutes Yuko broke her staring and decided to wake the peaceful girl.

“Nyan Nyan, wake up, we are going to be late,” with a hand on each shoulder Yuko shook the girl until she showed signs of life.

“Yuuchan?” Haruna mumbled in her sleep, as she slowly open her eyes to adjust to the morning light shining in through the windows. Sitting herself up Haruna lifted one hand to rub her eyes as her other pulled the pillow up to her chest hugging it close, a pout made its way to her lips as her sleep has been interrupted.

“Come on Nyan Nyan, time to get out of bed, breakfast is ready,” Yuko lectured while she tried to pull the bigger girl up with her miniature size body.


“Good morning!” Yuko shouted after slamming the doors open to the company, a little too cheery for the morning as her enthusiasm was returned with a couple grumpy good morning and nods from her employees.

“Yuuuuko, the samples have been completed and are in your office,” Amina shouted across the room before disappearing to who knows where.

“Come on Nyan Nyan, let's go see the finish product,” Yuko said taking Haruna’s hand and dragged her to their office.

“Yuko!” Haruna scold but allow the energetic girl drag her across the room.

“Look! Look!” Yuko shouted excitely jumping up and down checking the pieces of lingerie fitted on the mannequins, “they are perfect!”

Haruna ignored her jumping business partner and moved closer to closely examine the finishing on the products, seeing no defects on them she stepped back and gave her approval.

“They look great, now we just need to get the promotion and marketing processes going and have them start production.” Haruna said planning to concentrate on her work to take her mind of the events of the night before.

“Nyan nyan, why don’t you just relax and get some rest on the couch, I’ll go talk to them,” Yuko suggested as she pointed to the couch at the corner of their office. Seeing how Haruna is hesitating but cannot hide the exhaust written over her face, Yuko pushed her Nyan Nyan towards the couch and gently with force sat her onto the couch.

Yuko crouched down a little so she is eye levelled with the sitting Haruna, beaming her best smile, Yuko placed one hand tenderly over Haruna’s cheek, “Nyan nyan you don’t have to pretend, it’s okay to be weak. I’ll always be here if you need me okay,” after receiving a slight nod Yuko excused herself to talk to the team.

At the door Yuko glanced over to the sleeping girl before slowly backing out of the door, quietly closing the door when a voice startled her from behind.

“Yuko, did you just confess?” asked a noisy Sasshi from behind.

“HOLY! Sasshi, don’t sneak up on people!” Yuko started shouting but managed to bring her volume back to normal afraid any outburst might wake the tired girl in her office.

“Oshiri-chan! Come one tell us, what’s going on between you to? Isn’t Harunyan already married?” Mayu suddenly appeared to the other side of Yuko, scaring her short little boss. Both her and Sasshi watched Yuko quickly pick herself up from the ground with a hand still over her chest, trying to catch the breath she missed.

“She is getting divorced,” Yuko blurred out before she realize what she just said, both her hands quickly went up to her mouth to prevent herself from saying any more but the damage is already done.

“Chance boss! Go for it!” her two best friends/ employees pointed out the obvious.

“It’s not like that…. I love her but I am willing to wait, wait until she is ready,” Yuko said with determination and letting anything wavier her decision. She won’t force Nyan Nyan into anything against her will or put any pressure on her, if Nyan Nyan decided to be with her then it will be because of love.

From inside the room, Haruna heard the whole conversation outside as the door never closed properly and Yuko’s earlier outburst kept her awake. ‘Sorry Yuko, I just need some more time,’ Haruna thought as she slowly drifted off to sleep.

“You two better get to work, I want the scripts, graphics, animation and whatever else you two can think of for promotion done by the end of the week or I’ll be calling Meetan and have her take over the photo shoot for you two this weekend.” Yuko threatened.

“WHAT YOU CAN’T” Sasshi and Mayu shouted in unison, on their knees praying that Yuko was just kidding.

“Keep it down, and yes I can if you two don’t get to work right away,” Yuko emphasize each word, while keeping her voice to a manageable level.

“Nooooo, my Yuki!!” Mayu frantically ran to her desk to get started on her part of the planning.

“Ehhhhh, my Akicha!!” Sasshi ran so fast it almost seem like she teleported back to her desk if not for the fact that she tripped over a chair on her way there.

Yuko let out an evil smirk as she watched her two best friend diligently work, for sure this projects promotion will be successful given the motivations those two are given at the moment.


*Takahashi Law Chamber*

Sitting across from barrister Takahashi, Minami is her two long time friend as they approached her for help with their current issues. Minami explained to them the details and legal segments of their divorce papers. To be honest, this was something many of them had thought would happen but wished it didn’t at the same time.

“So do both of you understand, what I just explained?” Takamina asked as she looked at them one by one to make sure she gets a nod from both party.

“By signing these papers you have agreed to and comply with the requirements for a no-fault divorce. All the clause listed will take effect. When I sign under the witness the process will be completed.” the professional barrister paused to let them digest the information, “You won’t be able to turn back.”

Takamina asked once again, just to confirm with her client/best friends that this is their wish and they won’t regret what they are about to do. Mariko picked up her pen and quickly signed her name on the papers before passing them over to Haruna. When both party had signed their life back to single freedom, they finally relax in their chairs.

“So how does it feel to be single again?” the suberi queen joked but seeing the expression on her friends face told her it didn’t work like it was intended to.

“Friends?” Haruna said as she turned to face Mariko with her sudden new found courage.

“Friends,” Mariko replied with a matching smile when their hands connected for a sincere hand shake.

“Come on, I'm going to meet Acchan and Ami for lunch, why don’t you two join us?” Takamina said as she stood up from her chair.

“Say, I have a question that I’ve wanted to ask for a long time, are you sure Ami is yours? She’s so tall…” Mariko asked as she stood towering over her petite little friend.

“… yes, apparently in Acchan’s family she is the shortest and from her mother’s side they have some tall genes floating around…” Takamina replied trying not to remember those family dinners she was force to attend.

“What about those thick brows? I mean although your aura screams ‘male’ your brows are pretty thin.” Haruna followed with her own question that she and Mariko had once argued over.

“…You should’ve seen the brows of my uncle, I think flies drown in them….”

“Oh” Mariko and Haruna uttered together.

“Wait but why is her last name Maeda and not Takahashi?” Mariko continue to bring out all her enquires while they are at it.

“You know how Acchan decided to keep her family name to avoid the hassle of going through all the paper work to change it right?” Takamina started and waited for her two friends to nod, “well when she was giving birth to Ami she was screaming and shouting for a divorce from the pain of the deliver…” she explained to her friends the one day she wanted to forget in her life, well maybe not the whole day just those couple minutes when everything happened.

“And you took that seriously?” Mariko questioned the little one as if she is insane.

“No I didn’t take it seriously…. just because of that Acchan threw a fit, coming to a conclusion that I won’t ever take her words seriously... so out of anger she told the nurse her child will be named Maeda, Ami…” Her shoulders slowly slouched down making Takamina feel even shorter then she already is beside the two towers.

“And the nurses took Acchan seriously?” Haruna asked?

“Acchan was admitted to the hospital under Maeda, Atsuko... so they thought my family name is Maeda… it was just all a misunderstanding but by the time Acchan calmed down it was already official….”

“Come on, it’s not that bad. Ami is a good kid whether she is a Maeda or a Takahashi.” Haruna said, trying to make Takamina feel better.

“Let’s go, Acchan and Ami won’t be happy if we are late, they might burn a hole in my wallet again, it’s difficult to feed Maeda’s you know.” Takamina said pushing her two friends out the door with her.

"I can walk, no need to push," Haruna complained as she tried to walk properly without being pushed around.

"Oh, one more thing Takamina, I just have to tell you that pink ribbon on your head totally clashes with your choice of clothing today." Mariko pointed out the mismatch in the barristers fashion sense.

(´∩`。) 。:゚


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Re: One-shot Collection (08/11 ~ Ace of hearts)
« Reply #141 on: June 15, 2012, 07:53:32 AM »
Pairing : my usual OTP..  :heart:

The 4 words :
  • smile
  • blind
  • ribbon
  • kiss

So, I randomly bump up this thread for you to update bro..  :cow: (well.. maybe not that random actually since I already told you I want an OS.. :lol:)

Now get motivated and write an OS me!!  :onionwhip: go! go! go! bro!!  :onioncheer:

I'll be waiting for your update~  :shifty:

and I'm still waiting updates for Impulse!!  :cool1: gimme some scenes with AtsuMina in action..  :depressed:
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 07:58:34 AM by Flean »

Offline sakura_drop_

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  • YukoRena(Geki) & AtsuYuu shipping all the way! ♥♥♥
I'm so LA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TE for commenting on this, but well, the dust now is cleaned off, so...


 :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline immortal_K

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  • Welcome to Immortal's world.
I'M ALIVE!!!! Well technically I'm suppose to be Immortal so, I was just hidden somewhere in the shadows  :twisted: So I was pretty busy with stuff going on from my last update till maybe the beginning of June, after that I was just.... lazy I guess. Took a while trying to self motivate and have others motivate me to write, but seeing how Pommie was writing and updating I kinda started thinking again..... Thanks to brother Flean and our brilliant idea of motivation keke, here is something from this forgotten one. (We decided that Flean would randomly bump one of my threads and I was to write and update for it haha)

First the replies to the comments I've received since:

Pandah: Sorry for the late reply, I pulled a long MIA from here, and glad you like my stories and the last KojiYuu. I hope with my return you will continue to leave me comments on what you think so I know what is liked and what can be improved.

flameeyes: Hey here is a proper reply to your two comments on my MariHaru OS, they are kind of rare and I can't remember the exact reason why I wrote the pairing but I do remember promising FoF that I would write another. I did kinda come up with an idea before I disappeared and.... I can't remember exactly what I was thinking anymore LOL. Actually I don't remember what I was doing with most of my stuff, so it's almost like starting all over again and re-plotting for everything  :P I hope one day I will get to writing another for this pairing too  :twothumbs

sakura_drop_: Oh hi! Perfect timing  :twothumbs Now I don't have to go hunt for this to update it since it's right there on the first page  :twisted: Thanks for the comment they will never be too late. It is always nice to know people are reading them and actually like them instead of trying to convince myself they are decent.   :lol:

Sooooo finally brother Flean: Thanks for the initial bump to get everything started again, I know I said I would get it up within a week and now I'm almost 2 weeks in since you bumped this thread LOL but better late then never right HAHA Here is your long waited Atsumina.

OS CHALLENGE from Flean: Pairing - Atsumina, Words - Smile, Blind, Ribbon, Kiss

Special thanks to HashirePomeranian for helping me beta my crappy Engrish to make it readable. All thanks to Pommie and her recent updates for Contamination to get me thinking. I highly recommend! and God of Rock too and all those Rena OS's!!!!!!!!  :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

Okay the story....

Blinded by Love (AtsuMina)

I only wished for love to be simple.

Just once.

Only once.

Love doesn’t need to be complicated…


When our lives cross path, things will never be the same again.


The story of Takahashi Minami and Maeda Atsuko all begin from a simple accident.

It was a bright summer day, blue sky, white clouds. There hasn’t been a day like this in a while but unfortunately for Takamina she isn’t able to enjoy the sunshine like everyone else. The early part of her day was spent inside a room without any windows, just her, her microphone and her music.

“Takamina, you came in too early again and the last note was a tad off.” A semi robotic voice came through the earpiece, reminding the poor girl that she is still at vocal practice with her perfectionist mentor on the other side of the wall.

“Sorry,” Takamina apologized while bowing to the mic out of habit.

“Sigh, let’s call it a day here, you are distracted. Normally you won’t miss these easy cues.” As if heaven heard her prayers, the door of the room opened, letting in a beam of light that lead her out from the darkness.

Before her mentor could have a second thought, Takamina picked up her bag and ran out the doors. Her small body once again filled with energy when she came in contact with the warm breeze and gentle sunlight. Ignoring the looks she received, she continued to hop, twirl, and (try to) skip to the music playing through her newly bought headphones. Skipping to the next song, Minami started moving her arms to the music, fully enjoying her newfound freedom of the day.

“Manatsu no Sounds good!, tsubuyakinagara tsugi no step e susumitai ne koi no curriculum…”

Hidden behind the crowd, the shortie half sang and half hummed the lyrics to herself while she waited for the pedestrian lights. She watched until the walking lights came up before making her way across the busy road, mind still on the lyrics and wishing to be at the beach like the singers in the PV.

“Sorry.” those were the first words Takamina heard when she quickly pulled off her headphones to repeat those exact same words. Quickly she crouch down and started to pickup those books she knocked over. Being the shorter of the two, she was able to gather them together before their owner.

“Sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

*honk* *honk*

Realizing where they are Takamina made a move to finish crossing the street when sudden an arm grabbed onto her bag and dragged her back to where she started. Confused to what is going on Takamina could only follow the strange girl until they came to a stopped.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to knock over your books, are you hurt? If you need me to replace anything let me know but I don’t have any money on me right now, but I can give you my number, then I can pay you back after, but …” Minami continue to ramble on, apologizing and bowing to the girl thinking something must be wrong. Her actions were stopped when she heard sounds of giggling then laughter.

“Come with me.” Once again Takamina was dragged across the city without knowing the name of the girl in front of her, but for some strange reason she didn’t mind that at all. If only she wasn’t being dragged by the straps of her backpack, it might be a bit more enjoyable stroll across the parks and busy streets.

“Here are your orders. Please enjoy your food.” The waitress said, placing the respective orders in front of them.

An awkward silence filled the air as the two sat across from each other, not knowing what to say. After all, they just met for the first time minutes ago. Takamina looked up at the girl sitting across from her only to find a pair of curious eyes watching her every move. Embarrassed from the attention, Takamina quickly looked back down to her favorite katsudon.

“Maeda Atsuko, Nice to meet you.” The sudden introduction caused Takamina to look up once again, this time taking a bit more time to examine the girl in front of her. The bright smile of hers matches very nicely to today’s beautiful weather, both addictive and attractive.

“Takamina.. I mean Takahashi Minami,” The nervous introduction and mess up only caused the poor girl to shrink into her chair, trying to become even smaller then she already was. Of course, the fact that she’s sitting with a total stranger having lunch didn’t to calm her excessively stimulated heart either.

“So what are you listening to?” Atsuko asked reaching for the headphones around Takamina’s neck.

“Maeda-san!” Takamina protested.

“Acchan,” Atusko replied to her confused companion, “Call me Acchan,”

“Then call me Takamin.,” She said smiling in return.

After that there weren’t any more struggles from Takamina as she willingly gave up her headphones to the girl before her. After a few minute of watching the girl nod to her choice of music, Takamina decided her Katsudon had been neglected long enough and needed desperate attention. Focusing solely on her food, she did not notice Acchan removing the headphones and placing them on the table. Of course she also missed the fact that Acchan had slowly advanced and started to lean closer across the table.

“Minami,” Acchan whispered she she closed in before leaning off to the side.

Surprised and shocked by the closeness, Takamina froze solid with a spoon full of katsudon half in her mouth. Her heart started to pound as she could feel the warm breath slowly tickle her ears.

“You have some rice on your cheeks.”

Acchan giggled from the reaction she is got, before sitting herself back in her chair. Her hands reached over to picked off the lone grain of rice sitting on the side of Takamina’s cheek. Then as if nothing had happen Acchan turned to her devour her own food, ignoring the stunned and paralyzed girl sitting across from her. Food always comes first right?


[Hey Minami, are you free? Can we meet?]

[I’m at the studio right now.]

[Can I come?]


It didn’t take long for Takamina to realize that when it comes to Acchan, she just can’t say no. Since the first time they met for some unknown reason, no matter what the other girl comes up with Takamina would agree and comply to her wishes. Just like no matter how many times Takamina had tried to get Acchan to call her Takamina, it just didn’t work. It was always Minami to her. She spent 3 days trying to figure it out and 3 sleepless nights thinking about it to the point she just gave up and let it be. It’s just easier this way.

“Okay, we are done for today.” The sound of her mentor came through the earpiece, breaking her from her thoughts.

“Thanks for your help and guidance. You can go first and I’ll stay to pack up.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, I have a friend coming to meet me here.” Takamina explained as she started to put away her music sheets.

“Alright, but remember to lock the doors when you leave.”

Working diligently, the extra chairs and equipment were placed back into their respective storage in hopes that the studio would be clean before her visitor arrives. Minami took one last look around the room to make sure nothing was out of place. Satisfied with her work, she turned to leave only to find herself blocked by a body. The body of none other Maeda Atsuko.

“When did you get here?” as the surprise Takamina, this seems like a usual for her when Acchan is involved.

“A little while ago,” Acchan replied as she invited herself in and inspected to room, “Hey, Minami. Can you sing for me?”



Making one last inspection of her freshly baked cookies to make sure they were perfect, she packed them up before getting ready to head out.

“She will love them for sure.” Acchan spoke out to herself while nodding, fully convinced by the words.

This morning when she woke up, something felt different. Convinced that it was a good sign, she decided to bake some cookies and visit her. Lightly skipping her way to her destination, she couldn’t stop smiling as she looked at the bright blue clear skies. The day is as nice as the day she accidentally bumped into Takamina.

Stepping through the front doors, she heard the sounds of beating drums and ripping strings.

‘Maybe she will finally sing for me today’ she thought, but her eyes told her a different story.

In front of her is a kissing couple, but not just any couple. A couple that includes the lead singer of the band and some random girl. The random girl wasn’t that important, important is the fact that the random girl is currently kissing her long time girlfriend. Raged by the display she is seeing, Acchan charged over and pushed them apart before lifting her hand to slap the random girl. But her hand never made contact, it was held back by her girlfriend, Yamamoto Sayaka. 

“Saya... why?”

“I’m sorry, but we’re through.” Sayaka said, pushing Acchan away.

“WHAT!? Just for some random girl?” She asked, not able to believe what she just heard.

“She isn’t just a random girl. I love Miyuki,”

“You BITCH!” Acchan tried to attack the girl behind Sayaka but was only shoved back into the bar counter by her ex.

“This is all my fault, you leave her alone!”

Acchan reached out and grabbed a half empty bottle of vodka before storming out of the bar after turning around to glare at the couple one last time. Of course things became complicated when she bumped into Takamina right outside the door.

“Hi, Acchan. How.....” Takamina didn’t get to finished her sentence as Acchan walked off with the half empty bottle, taking a couple swigs of the clear liquid while walking down the street.

“Acchan, are you okay? What happen?” She asked trailing the quickly intoxicated girl.

“Stop following me!” But that didn’t stop Takamina.

“I told you to GO AWAY!” Acchan shouted once again, pushing the shorter girl away.

Takamina continue to silently watch over the crying girl, watching her down the rest of the bottle as they continued to walk down a random path. Today was supposed to be a good day.

Frustrated by the lack of alcohol in the now empty bottle, Acchan dropped it on the ground and watched it shatter into pieces before hopping onto a ledge of the upcoming elevated path. Step by step, the tipsy girl balanced herself on the narrow ledge with her arms out, laughing along the way.

“Acchan, maybe you should come down, it’s dangerous up there.” Takamina said as she walked slightly behind the wobbling girl, arms out ready to catch her if she fell.

As the ledge slowly rose higher and higher Takamina became more and more concerned, worried that the girl would fall. To the intoxicated, Acchan everything just seemed fun at the moment. She shouted out to the sky, and laughed out loud to everything around her. Unable to watch any longer, Takamina stepped forward and grabbed onto Acchan’s waist. Tightening her grip, Minami tried to used all her available strength to drag the resisting girl down from the ledge, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough. Acchan was able to free herself from Takamina’s grip before pushing the girl away, but the backlash from the force caused Acchan to lose her balance.



*Acchan’s POV*

“Acchan, you are awake! How are you feeling?”

Her voice was the first I heard as I start to come out of my sleepiness. My sore body ached all over like I slept for a long time in the same position. I don’t remember how I got here, everything is a fuzz to me. Last thing I remember was the nice clear blue sky. I think her voice was the first I heard when I woke up but I can’t be sure, I think I heard her calling for me before but I can’t remember. I was sleeping... I opened my eyes to check the time but...

“Minami? Where are you? Why is it so dark?” Acchan asked, “Why don’t you turn on the lights?” confused by the lack of visual, I searched with my hands towards the direction of body shuffling.

“Acchan, everything will be okay.” I heard her say with her cracking voice. A pair of warm hands took a hold of mine and held them tightly. For a minute I felt secure, no longer detached and alone. But it only lasted a minute.

“Minami! What’s going on? Why can’t I see anything?” I tried waving my hands in front of me but not even a shadow, I reached over trying to find the light but I only served to knock over the glass that was settled over the side table. I was terrified but what shattered everything was the sound of chirping birds, singing to welcome the day.

“Acchan, listen to me. Listen, everything is only temporary, it will get better,” I felt the bed shift so I tighten my grip, afraid that Minami would leave me, but instead I felt her arms come around me. She held onto me, protecting me from this unfamiliar darkness.


“GO AWAY!!! LEAVE!!!” I tried to reach for anything that I could get a hold of and threw them in the direction I think the nurses are standing. I don’t need anyone to help me, I don’t need their pity.

“Acchan!!!” I felt familiar arms around my waist trying to help me up from the ground. I resisted by trying to push her away, but the more I pushed, the tighter she held on.

“Are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?” She asked with the same gentle voice I remember. Never has she ever raised her voice at me, no matter how out of line I was acting. The things I’ve said I wished I could take back.

“Why?” I finally asked.


“Why are you doing all this?” I asked again, “Aren’t you are you doing so much for me? I don’t need your pity...”

“Acchan.” I felt her hand weave into mines and her other came around my shoulder for another comforting embrace that I became customed to.

“Why? Tell me why are you doing so much for me?” I repeated my question. I could fell tears forming in my eyes.

“It’s because I love you.”

I couldn’t believe my ears, from all the times I remember I haven’t really done anything for her, only calling her when I needed someone. I never really took the time to listen to her so why. I really can’t understand. The first time we met, I just stormed out into the streets because Saya neglected me and forgot about our anniversary. She decided that heading out for a drink with her buddies was more important, so I just ran and because I wasn’t watching where I was going I bumped into Minami. All those times I’ve called Minami was because Saya wouldn’t pick up my calls but Minami never hesitated to answer even when it was 3 in the morning. When Saya refused to sing for me, Minami was always there to sing me a lullaby, enchant me with her voice and bring me to peace. Thinking back, she really did so much for me, all the time I went to her as a replacement to fill my void she never refused.

“But Minami...”

“There is not reason to it, I love you because I love you, from the day we met, your first smile, your text and everything about you, I just fell and I never want to get back up.” she said.

“But I’m not worth it, you can do so much better...” I said in a whisper, afraid that if she heard the words she would wake up and leave me.

I felt her retract her arm around me. ‘So this is it, the ugly truth.’ I though as tears started to slowly roll down my cheeks, the salty taste felt bitter. I really thought she was going to leave but instead she once again locked her hand in mine and I felt the touch of silk ribbons around my wrist. No, I should say our wrist as she tied it the ribbon snugly around them. It’s the same ribbon that she wears in her hair, the one that I complained about, the one that clashes with everything she wears, the one that is now holding us together.

“You are worth the world to me, I don’t need each day to be colorful, I just want to be with you. I will be your guide, I can be your eyes, I will always be there for you.”

 I felt her other hand make its way to my cheek to wipe those tears away, replacing them with a tender kiss under my eyes.


“Shhhh, don’t speak.” She said, placing a finger to my lips to stop me from finishing my words. Her finger slowly slid down my lips, and rested under my chin, serving it’s purpose to guide me to happiness. I felt her warm breath on me, I felt her warmth slowly invade into my space and finally those soft lips made the last connection, sealing her promise with a kiss. It wasn’t anything passionate, it wasn’t anything wild. Just a simple kiss filled with love.

Since that day she never left my side...

No matter how complicated the situation is, as long as she is there, a problem is no longer a problem.

Because there is love.

I can see everything more clearly.

The sky will always be the same as the time we met,

Her smile will be the same adorable smile I remember.

Her words sealed with a kiss,

A ribbon that ties us together.

Just the her and I.

Simply Blinded

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #144 on: June 30, 2012, 08:12:54 AM »
aww mimani your are a gentleman :D


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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #145 on: June 30, 2012, 08:17:31 AM »
BROOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Finally my AtsuMina OS!!!  :onioncheer:


LOL.. I forgot to edit this..  :lol: I read it on my phone yesterday..

Well, when I choose the word blind I was thinking of the situation where AtsuMina are both blind to their true feelings.. being tsundere to each other lol..  :P  but you end up making Acchan blind!!!  :bleed eyes:

Sayanee and I don't see that coming.. Acchan and oppaichan are together and I'm not happy at all the part Acchan got dumped..  :angry: but I guess that's a good thing.. if not she wouldn't realized Taka had always love her..  :wub: :wub:

And the ribbon part.. I don't know why you almost got me in tears!! :cry: and when Taka kiss under Acchan's eyes.. owh! that part just..  :cry: :cry:

but overall.. this is a really nice AtsuMina OS!!  :wriggly: (except for Acchan end up being blind! :smhid)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 11:39:04 AM by Flean »

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #146 on: June 30, 2012, 09:13:06 AM »
What have you did to Acchan's eyes???!   :mon nwei:
But because of that Atsumina get to be together, so I forgive you  :mon determined:
Thanks for the update ~  :mon inluv:

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #147 on: June 30, 2012, 09:48:02 AM »
Hwat? Acchan was dumped!  :mon spit: Still can't believe there is girl who dumps Acchan even in a story  :rofl:
Nice Kira-san but you make Acchan blinds  :mon POd: hehe ater all Minami will be Acchan's eyes, so sweet  :mon inluv:
Thanks for your update  :monk gboy:

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #148 on: June 30, 2012, 10:33:46 AM »
I love how they met each other. Cliche, but still d'awwww. And then, They start interacting, spending time together. But then we are revealed she has a girlfriend. I'm like 'WHAT?' Actually, I was happy that Sayanee dumped Acchan for Milky, even though how could she dump our dear Acchan, and in such a horrible way  :smhid :smhid :smhid

I'm not happy with Acchan's blindness, but I myself tend to make characters suffer so to make the story better, so it's okay I guess.

No she has her Minami, tied to her with a ribbon  :wub: :wub:

At last AtsuMina is united  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Thank you for this bittersweet story  :bow: :bow: :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #150 on: June 30, 2012, 01:00:29 PM »
I'm blinded by atsumina's love  XD kyaaaaaaaaaa
Thank you for this! muah

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #151 on: June 30, 2012, 05:08:33 PM »
finally you posted it!  :luvluv2: sorry for always replying late  :sweat:

anyway, I always love stories where characters would bump into each other (literally)  :nervous and you're right, your story have that  :stoned: effect that makes your stories unique. Great job!  :on GJ:

I'll be waiting for your other updates then!  :onioncheer: :on gay:

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #152 on: July 01, 2012, 02:54:10 AM »
Thanks everyone for reading Blinded by love and took the time to give me a thank you and a comment. I guess when someone is in love they often becomes blind to everyone around them. Good thing Takamina will always be there for Acchan.   :twothumbs

Haruko: Of course =) Takamina will always be a gentleman  :lol: Especially when it comes to Acchan  :thumbsup

Flean: Hmmmmm wondering about your thoughts on this, still says saving spot for edit  :P What do you think bro?

ichikawa: LOL well I guess if being blind gets them together its okay  :twisted: but then who knows, maybe the damage is repairable.....  :O

moekare: Wel if the girl never dumped Acchan then there won't be any AtsuMina!!! LOL

sakura_drop_: HAHA yea don't you just love how I always randomly add in those WHAT! moments? It really didn't matter who I put as the ex-girlfriend because they were only going to have that couple sec appearance and then will run off with some other girl  XD So I just went with Sayaka and Miyuki  :twisted: And really it's Flean's fault that the character has to suffer because one of the words that has to be the soul of the fic is "Blind" so it was all preset and determined that one of the will have to bare the "Blindness"  :twisted: Thanks god Flean also gave me ribbon to fix the problem HAHAHA

TakaminaBG: Thank you for reading and leaving me a comment. I'm glad you like the story.  :bow:

miayaka: Yes blinded by their love because AtsuMina love is so bright the sparkles will blind everyone else in sight!  8)2

AFLynx: Yes it took me a while, I was waiting for Pommie to fix my Engrish and translate it to English LOL, well should I write more bumping stories then? You know you like my "WTF" effects because you don't see them often elsewhere bwahahahahha. I'm waiting for your updates too!!!!

THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!  :bow:

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #153 on: July 01, 2012, 05:37:21 AM »
HNNG. I love it! I love the way Takaboy is so gentleman. ohohoho~
Though it's a bit sad Acchan became blind,  :OMG: hopefully takamina will not leave her forever.. Hee  :luvluv2:
Thank you for your update! 

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #154 on: July 01, 2012, 10:00:23 AM »
Keisthename: Thanks for the comment, glad you like it and of course Takamina will never leave Acchan. Here is a glimpse of what their life together would start out like.

*Extra scene*

"Watch your step," Takamina said while leading Acchan into her apartment where they will be living together from now on.

Acchan remain silent through the trip, deep in thought from the new developments. She can't remember the reason why this arrangement came along but for sure she is glad that Takamina kept her promise and is willing to help her through everything. But there are still somethings that Acchan feel quite insecure about. since they left the hospital Acchan has been trying to hold it in, not wanting Takamina to know but its becoming more and more difficult as time ticked away.

"Acchan? Are you okay? You've been quiet since we left the hospital," Takamina asked.

'Oh shoot she noticed...' Acchan thought.

"Acchan, you know you can tell me anything, I will be here to help you,"

"Minami... I need to go." Acchan finally said all serious as she held onto Takamina's hand.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you feel this way, I guess I rushed things a little bit. It's okay if you don't want to live with me," she tried to say without sounding sad and hurt by the words.

"No Minami, I really need to go," Acchan said again as she continue to held onto Takamina, her straight pose beginning to slouch a little with a noticeable bounce to it.

"Oh..." the shorter of the two finally catch on, and immediately begin to turn red.

"Minami." Acchan spoke again with a bit more urgency behind her word, as it is starting to become a little unbearable. She can care less about the embarrassment at a time like this, plus it isn't like she can see, but part of her kind of want to see Takamina's reaction too.

Feeling a tug in her hand, she followed her 'eyes' who lead her to the bathroom before they came to a stop. Acchan would love to just run in there but certain circumstances made that a little impossible for her and her little companion seem to have forgotten that little bit of detail. Feeling the ribbon loosen from her wrist and the little push forward, Acchan knew Takamina has forgotten some important details.

"Minami..... I need help," Acchan spoke out while keeping a firm grip on Takamina's hand. She can feel a flush of heat to the hand while sweat began to build up between their palms. If she wasn't in that much of a hurry, maybe she could've tease the embarrassed girl some more. But right now there are more important matters, so quickly Acchan tugged Takamina into the bathroom with her, they might as well get use to this.



"I think I need to take a shower."


dawwww getting called away... I guess I'll fix it up later or maybe not  :P


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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #156 on: July 01, 2012, 10:50:19 AM »
Bro!!!!!! You're such a teaser!!!  :banghead: me want moar!!!  XD

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #157 on: July 01, 2012, 12:51:58 PM »
Bro!!!!!! You're such a teaser!!!  :banghead: me want moar!!!  XD

I second that, oh you teaser you!!!!  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: NEED.A.CONTINUATION.NOW.  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: Immortal-shots Collection (June 30th ~ Blinded by Love [AtsuMina])
« Reply #159 on: July 01, 2012, 01:21:18 PM »
TakaminaBG, Flean, sakura_drop_, ichikawa....

Oops... what have I gotten myself into lol
Who knows maybe there will be more for this pair of AtsuMina, or maybe there will be another story for them HAHA

One think for sure is Takamina will never get tired of hearing Acchan call her "Minami" HAHAHAHA

or.... I can just keep it up with random teases  :twisted:

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