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Author Topic: fanyan's OS Collection (MaYuki, KojiYuu & others)  (Read 48075 times)

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Re: Aitakatta [Picture Perfect; 7/29]
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2011, 09:24:00 PM »
oh my gosh... my heart.. everything is so fluffy and nice and wonderful and ACHHHH :luvluv1:

i loved all of the drabbles, from kojiyuu happy bed time, to atsumina happy nap time, to cute and sweet mayuki and wahhhh milky and rina :wub:. and erepyon coming back home. wahhh, please do write more :kneelbow:

Offline fanyan

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2011, 11:59:53 AM »
Hey guys, thanks for everyone who left a comment. I appreciated it lots and lots. As for EreMyao, I have one in mind but I'm not yet so sure. For the meantime, enoy some Black / Gekikara because everyone seems to ship these two.

iii. Firsts; Black / Gekikara


The first time Black met Gekikara was on a hot day in school. She entered the Rapappa room, hoping to escape the heat and get some air when she saw her. She was standing by the large open window, leaning against the wall, a black haired girl looking blankly outside. The girl gave a small start and whipped her head to the side and her eyes locked with Black’s own.

They stared at each other. Black observed the new girl’s features. Her eyes were wide, looking intensely at Black and she looked innocent enough that Black can’t help but to compare her to Erena. They both have the same innocent feel to them. They’ve been staring at each other for a few minutes now and Black was about to ask who the girl is and what she’s doing in the rapappa room when another door slammed open.

“Black!” Yuko greeted her with a smile. “Good timing! Everyone should be here any second now but since you’re here already, I want you to meet Gekikara. She’s our newest member.”  Yuko turned to the girl by the window, Gekikara, and pointed at Black. “Gekikara, this is Black.”

Black locked eyes with the new girl again and she gave a curt nod. She received a smile at first followed by a giggle and it was then that everyone arrived. Throughout the day, Black kept an eye on the new girl and Black concluded that she’s not so bad. Gekikara wasn’t as dark as Sado, as airheaded as Torigoya, as complaining as Shibuya and as annoying as the team hormone. Sure, she’s a bit weird with all her giggling and nail biting but everyone in Rapappa has their own... perks. So she’s all right, Black decided.

Gekikara is always in the Rapappa room whenever Black comes by and they start spending afternoons together, just the two of them, since no one else comes. Sometimes, they engage in small talks but most of the time, silence takes over the room. It’s another plus for Black that Gekikara isn’t into talking like her. They get comfortable enough with each other, Black silently reading her book and Gekikara taking a peek every now and then over her shoulder or sometimes, playing with Black’s rosary necklace. Normally, Black doesn’t like her rosary being touched but since it’s Gekikara that’s doing the touching, Black lets her.
A few weeks into knowing each other, Black and Gekikara had formed a bond with each other. Black already favors Gekikara than the rest of the Rapappa but no one needs to know that.


The first time Gekikara fought a bloody battle it was for Black and it was Black who saw her after. She tried to pull away when the older girl approached her by in the park but Black just grabbed her by the wrist again and pulled her up before she started walking. Gekikara allowed herself to be pulled, not caring where her fellow Rapappa member would lead her; she can always run the minute Black lets go of her wrist anyway.

But that became the problem soon because it seemed like Black doesn’t intend on letting go of her hand. Black led her into an apartment. The older girl opened the lights, threw the plastic bag she’s carrying to the table in the living room along with her keys and led Gekikara to the bathroom. Black gently pushed her down on the toilet before reaching for a towel, wetting it and pressing it against the side of Gekikara’s face. After a few minutes of cleaning, Black let out a small sound of relief. “Most of the blood weren’t yours.”

And Gekikara’s eyes tried to meet Black’s own because it was the first time she caught a hint of emotion in the normally passive girl’s voice but Black was already set on cleaning Gekikara’s hands this time as she dipped the bloody hands in a small bucket of water. Her hands were cleaned in no time and Black started covering the bruises and the cuts.

“Are you not going to ask what happened?” Gekikara finally spoke up after pondering on why Black would do all the things she is doing now.

Black glanced at her for a second before going back to bandaging Gekikara’s hand. “Talk if you want.”

 “They were from Yabakune. They were talking about you. They were planning on ambushing you. There were five of them.” Gekikara started before she even noticed, watching the bandage cover her hand. “I thought... I’d prevent their plan from happening.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

Gekikara watched as Black reached the end of the bandage. “I did anyway.”

“You have no reason to do it.”

Black finished the bandaging and Gekikara can already see Black’s hands letting go of hers and the thought of it didn’t sit well with her so she grabbed the retreating hands. Black looked at her and their eyes locked and Gekikara sought for any emotion in the other girl’s eyes but only find confusion.

“To protect you.” Gekikara stated. “I did it to protect Black.”

Their eyes stayed locked and Gekikara wondered to herself why she said those words and where did they even come from. Black is more than capable of protecting herself from a bunch of Yabakune amateurs.

“You don’t have to—”

But she remembered how just hearing the silent queen’s name roll off their tongues caught her interest and how hearing their plan made her lose control.

“I want to.” Gekikara cut Black’s words off. “I want to protect you.”

They stared at each other for a while more, Gekikara still searching for any emotion but there’s none. Black remained as passive as ever. Gekikara frowned and slowly loosened her hold on Black’s hand as she started to pull her hand back only for it to be grasped again.

Gekikara looked at Black and she only saw a glimpse of Black’s face before she was pulled to her feet and led out the bathroom. “Come on, I bought a couple of melon bread.”

But it was okay because Gekikara could swear in Majijo’s name that she saw a small smile on Black’s face and that made everything okay.


The first time Gekikara had a proper talk with Shibuya, she had to close her left fist as tightly as she could inside her jacket’s pocket and bite as hard as she could on her right thumb to keep herself from punching the smirking girl.

“What’s up with you?” Shibuya asked. “You were staring at me and Black so intensely a while ago. Well, more like glaring, really.”

Gekikara’s eyes narrowed as she recalled the earlier event. She entered the Rapappa room, expecting to see Black sitting on one corner of the room while reading her book as usual but she was surprised by what she saw. Sitting on the couch was Black, her book in hand. It was a fairly normal sight but what made Gekikara see blood was the presence of Shibuya who was leaning so damn comfortably on Black, head resting on the silent girl’s shoulder.

“Shibuya.” Gekikara called out before she could stop herself and the pink queen just raised an eyebrow at her. “Where’s Dance?”

Shibuya shrugged. “Don’t know.” The queen answered but Gekikara wasn’t really paying attention because her eyes were on Black and it made her frown that the silent queen didn’t even acknowledge her presence, eyes glued on her stupid book. So Gekikara just took her usual place by the window, alternating from looking out the window and looking at Shibuya and Black’s direction.

Shibuya caught her staring one time and smirked at her. Gekikara’s eyebrows furrowed then because Shibuya’s smirk has always been hard to read but when Shibuya started playing with Black’s rosary necklace and gently threading her fingers through Black’s hair, Gekikara understood what the smirk was for. And she wanted nothing more than to wipe it off.

“I wasn’t staring at the two of you.” Gekikara half-heartedly denied, the two of them now standing face to face after Black left the room.

“Glaring.” Shibuya repeated. “You were glaring at us. Don’t even try to deny it.” Shibuya rolled her eyes with a huff.

“Ne, are you mad?” Gekikara asked with a smile followed by a giggle which was cut off shortly by Shibuya’s words.

“Are you jealous?”

Gekikara’s smile vanished and she narrowed her eyes. “No.”

Shibuya smirked again. “You’re so jealous.” She confirmed. “Seeing Black and me...”

“I am not.” Gekikara denied again because she’s Gekikara and Gekikara doesn’t feel those kinds of things.

“It’s your first time seeing me and Black together. We’re actually close.” Shibuya offered with a shrug. “We used to spend afternoons here together since Torigoya is always with Yuko-san and Sado is always somewhere so we get to have the room all to ourselves. Sometimes, Black reads me some of the passages in her book. It’s quite boring but it’s rare to hear Black’s voice so I stay for it.”

Black reads to Shibuya? Gekikara frowned. Black never read to her. Not even once. “But well, she’s got you now.” Shibuya smirked again. “A new partner. And I’ve got Dance. So yeah, don’t be jealous. It makes everything seem obvious.”

Gekikara turned away and sat on the couch, sulking. Why was Shibuya right? Maybe she is jealous, so what? It was Shibuya and Black’s fault, not hers. But still, it didn’t sit well with her to let Shibuya know of it. So she ignored Shibuya’s last statement instead. “I do not know what you’re talking about, Shibuya. You must be mad.”

Shibuya chuckled. “Of course you don’t.” She walked towards the door and was halfway opening it when she stopped and looked at Gekikara again. “Although, you must be mad if you’re gonna pass up on someone like Black. She’s quite popular in the other schools around here, that dark and mysterious beauty.”

The door closed and Gekikara thought that she really should have punched Shibuya before the sly girl managed to mess up her brain.

04 – 05.

The first time Black kissed Gekikara was after Gekikara first heard Black laugh. They were in Black’s place, lazily lounging on the couch, Black reading her book and Gekikara eating melon bread while flipping through each channel. Gekikara’s eyes landed on the girl on the other end of the couch, knees pulled up to her chest, book resting on top of her knees. She stared at Black for several minutes more before turning off the TV.

“Ne, Black?”


“Would you read to me?” Gekikara’s eyes instantly locked with Black and she looked away. “Your book. Would you read to me?”

Black closed her book and placed it on top of the coffee table. “Why?”

“No reason.” Gekikara answered all too quickly and she blushed when Black just stared at her, suddenly feeling shy; something that only occurs when she’s with the silent girl. “Would you read to me?” she repeated instead.

“Geki,” Black’s scolding tone was rare and Gekikara flinched at it. Gekikara let out a sigh and told Black what Shibuya told her a few days ago about Black reading to Shibuya. Of course, Gekikara omitted the part about Shibuya constantly teasing her. Black stayed silent for a while after hearing the story and Gekikara frowned. “Black—”

“You’re jealous of Shibuya?” Black cut her off and Gekikara narrowed her eyes at the teasing tone lacing Black’s words.

“I am not.” She denied again, shaking her head.

Black smiled. “You are.”

“Whatever. Just read to me!” Gekikara grabbed the book and held it out to Black, hoping the other girl would just drop the topic. “Read to me, Black!”

Black shook her head, pushing away the book. “Maybe if you admit that you’re jealous.”

Gekikara blushed again. “I am not.” She crawled closer to the other girl and held out the book again.

“Then no.”

“Black!” Gekikara uncharacteristically whined, crawling closer again so Black was only 2 feet away.


Gekikara groaned bounced herself on the couch. “Black!”

Black’s smile widened at Gekikara’s antics. “You’re being a baby, Geki.” Then it came, a laugh.

Gekikara froze, the book dropping to the floor as she gaped at Black. The small sound emitted earlier made her heart beat faster and sent a funny feeling inside of her. Gekikara liked it. Black noticed her and frowned. “What?”

“You laughed.” Gekikara smiled widely. “Just now, Black laughed.”

Black blinked twice, taken aback by Gekikara’s sudden mood change. “S-So?”

“I’ve never seen or heard you laugh before.” Gekikara’s eyes shined brightly, crawling closer again. “Laugh again, Black. I want to hear your laughter again.”

“I can’t just laugh so suddenly.” Black frowned, fidgeting under Gekikara’s intense stare. “What’s with you anyway, it’s just a laugh.”

“But it’s your laugh,” Gekikara answered back, moving closer again, wanting the sweet sound to fill her ears once more. “Come on, Black.” She pleaded as she invaded Black’s personal space, trapping Black as Gekikara placed both arms on either side of her.

Black tried to move away, not realizing she was already on the end of the couch, causing her to fall off, taking Gekikara who was leaning on her along with her. Gekikara acted on reflex, grabbing Black by the arm and turning them over so that her body cushioned Black’s fall. She let out a small groan when she hit the floor. “B-Black, you okay?”

Black lifted up her head and stared down at Gekikara but said nothing. Gekikara stared back, wondering, thinking to herself what she would give to hear that laugh again. “Ne, Black—”

Everything was a blur after. Lips crashed down on hers and Gekikara barely had time to register what was happening as she instantly kissed back. Black pulled away for air and Gekikara’s hands grasped the back of Black’s shirt, afraid of Black moving away from her but Black’s lips were back against her own in record time.

Black pulled away for the second time and Gekikara was panting as she stared at the girl on top of her in a complete daze. Black laughed at her and the sound of the sweet, sweet laughter brought her back. Gekikara just smiled, enjoying the feel of Black’s body shaking on top of her as she laughed.

“Ne, Black, are you okay?” Gekikara asked after a moment.

Black nodded, a smile playing on her lips as an after-effect of her laughing. “Yes. You?”

Gekikara just smiled as she pulled down Black for another kiss, mumbling a small ‘yes’ against her lips.


The first time Black ever addressed their relationship was when Gekikara was hospitalized.

“I’m okay.” Gekikara said over and over to her, her hand massaging Black’s tightly closed fist continuously. “I’m okay.”


Gekikara froze, her hand stopping as she stared at Black with wide eyes. “Black?”

Black just stared, her eyes blank yet full of emotions at the same time. “Rena. I love you, Rena.”


“I’m just saying.” Black cut the other girl off, her closed fist opening as she took hold of one cold and pale hand. “You’re mine. And you’re not allowed to die. I love you.”

Black waited for a reaction and after a while, Gekikara smiled, nodded her head and squeezed Black’s hand. “You’re mine too. And I love you too.”

Black nodded, “Good.” She leaned over and pressed a kiss just above Gekikara’s eyebrow, on her scar. “I love you.”

Watch out for the next one. See you guys soon. Oh and, your comments flatter me lots and lots. I love hearing them.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 12:05:46 PM by fanyan »
Nacchan. Mayuyu. Yukirin. Moeno. Kojipa. ♥

Tumblr | AKBShorts.

Offline blughise

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2011, 12:33:28 PM »
not bad!
Pretty interesting  :)

Offline ShibuyaDokiDoki

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2011, 12:38:28 PM »
Ah... my heart... my poor heart! You has made me all sdjk;fadsfhibwvjwvkbp! please write more!

Offline Tejinashi

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2011, 12:56:23 PM »
Can you consider EreMyao please? XD I just love them so much XD
« Last Edit: August 01, 2011, 02:02:00 PM by Tejinashi »

Offline BlackRockAnon

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2011, 01:49:40 PM »

Offline AAAice

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2011, 01:57:44 PM »
Speechless here. GekixBlack's relationship...  :heart: :heart: :heart:

Their first time. xD

Craving for moreee.
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline kahem

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2011, 03:41:42 PM »
I like the couch scene ^^

Offline Shirokuma

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2011, 04:47:21 PM »
I love it  :heart:

Geki x Black, such a wonderful couple, ne?
I steal picnic baskets with Yogi, smoke trees with Smokey and bail pedo-bear out of jail. Who am I?!! I am Kuma!

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #29 on: August 01, 2011, 05:00:10 PM »
Thanks for the GekiBlack!

LOL Geki is jealous of Shibuya and whines to Black to read to her keke 

THank you please write more  :twothumbs

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2011, 11:56:37 PM »
I was just  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:

I want more~!!  XD

Please update soon~  :twothumbs

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Re: Aitakatta [Firsts; 8/1]
« Reply #31 on: August 02, 2011, 08:46:00 PM »
okaaay... wow. i lost all desire to finish my gekixblack oneshot after reading that. your talent in writing makes me sob :on speedy: these two have a special place in my heart, GAH I JUST LOVE THIS PAIRING SO FREAKING MUCH :on bleed:

thank you for that wonderful gekixblack write-up, i just can't get enough of these two. i love it when geki gets jealous, haha. you should update the next one soon ;D
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 04:05:30 AM by apparently »

Offline fanyan

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Re: Aitakatta [You'll Know; 8/3]
« Reply #32 on: August 03, 2011, 05:00:49 PM »
Hey guys, I'm back for another MaYuki. I just love those two together so much. Thanks for the comments again. Enjoy~

y o u ' l l    k n o w

Mayu likes to think that she knows Yuki the best.

They met when Mayu was 13 and Yuki was 16 and despite the 3 years between them, they immediately clicked together and were inseparable ever since. When Yuki became captain at the age of 18, Mayu was the first one she approached about it.

“Aren’t you happy?” Mayu asks, noting the lack of smile and excited eyes.

Yuki sighs and brings the warm can of coffee against her cheek. “I’m surprised.”

“Not happy?” Mayu asks again, her own can of coffee making a wheezing sound as she opens it. She reaches for Yuki’s hand, exchanging the two cups with the other. She pulls her hand back but Yuki already threaded their fingers together, Mayu looks at the older girl but she only received a squeeze on the hand, Yuki’s way of saying thanks. Mayu glances at their locked fingers for a second before placing the can between her knees and opening it using her free hand.

“I don’t really know.” Yuki answers, Mayu asks why and Yuki takes a sip of the drink, buying herself a few seconds to organize her thoughts. “I mean, it’s an honor, of course, it’s just that. . . I wasn’t aiming for it at all, you know?” She takes a long sip this time and lets out a sigh after. “I don’t know. . . Maybe I’m just not over the shock.”

Mayu shrugs, “Maybe.” They stay quiet for a long while. “Ne, Yuki?” Mayu gets a small hum and she continues, “What did you come here for?” She asks, turning her head to meet Yuki’s eyes. “Why did you audition?”

“I’m looking for my dream.” Yuki answers.

“Looking for your dream, huh. . .”

“Yeah, but I found you instead.” Yuki smiles at her. Mayu looks questioningly at the older girl but only receives a squeeze on her hand. 

Mayu likes to think that she knows Yuki the best and prefers to keep thinking that way so she keeps quiet when Yuki says something that she can’t comprehend.


Yuki likes to think that Mayu likes her the most.

Yuki hears the door opening and she lifts her head up from her position on the couch. She sees Mayu making her way towards her and she smiles, glad to finally have someone to talk to in the empty dressing room. “Mayuyu!” The girl doesn’t answer and Yuki’s eyes fall on the book the younger girl is holding and recognizes it to be the book they did 48 questions for. She sits up, “Oh, hey, is that the 48 questions—OW!”

Yuki stares wide-eyes at the girl who just smacked her on the arm with the book. “W-What was that for?!”

“Everyone?” Mayu asks angrily. “Really, Yuki? Everyone?

Yuki blinks twice, trying to comprehend what the younger girl is saying. “Oh... Oh.” Yuki smiles sheepishly and reaches for Mayu’s hand to pull her down beside her. “I didn’t mean it that way, Mayu.”

“You like everyone. How selfish can you be?” Mayu rants, turning away from Yuki.

Yuki thinks that the pouting is cute but decides to keep it to herself. “You are included in that everyone, Mayuyu.” She coos as she rubs Mayu’s arm gently with one hand as the other flips the pages of the book, stopping at Mayu’s page. “I did say everyone there but Mayu knows that I like her the best, right? Just because I didn’t write there doesn’t mean that—HEY!”

Yuki slaps Mayu’s arm as she glares at the younger girl. “I’m not your oshimen?” She asks, disbelief present in her voice. “Yuimin?! She’s the one from SKE, right? How could you?!” Yuki lets out a huff. She scoots away from the younger girl. Why was Mayu scolding her for writing ‘everyone’ as her oshimen when Mayu specifically wrote ‘Yuimin’ in hers?

Mayu scratches her head as she smiles lopsidedly. “Eh? Yukirin~”

“At least when I wrote ‘everyone’, that includes you, too!” Yuki argues, feeling hurt and betrayed. “And that clearly implies that I like Mayu too.”

“I like Yukirin!” Mayu exclaims, moving to sit nearer to Yuki but Yuki ignores. “Ne, just because I didn’t write you there doesn’t mean I don’t like you.” Mayu states cheekily, finishing what Yuki was about to say earlier.

And Yuki peeks at Mayu’s expression, slowly giving in. She catches a glimpse of Mayu’s grin and huffs again.

“Yuki~” Yuki feels Mayu snuggle close to her, lifting her arm up and placing it around her shoulders in a make shift hug. “Yuki knows that I like her the most, right?” Mayu coos, knowing that Yuki has already give in and she just needs to add the finishing touches. “Right, Yuki? Yuki knows, right?”

Yuki likes to think that Mayu likes her the most and she loves knowing that she’s right.

“Yeah, I know.” She answers, happily, pulling Mayu closer to her.


They grow closer and closer that it comes to the point where Mayu doesn’t even know what they are.

Kisses are shared. Some for the cameras, some for the amusement of others and many when they’re alone. And Mayu already lost count of how many kisses have they shared. There was one kiss she’ll never forget though. The first kiss they shared with only the two of them to know about.

She was sitting on a bench on the rooftop of the building their theatre is on, trying to block out the noise of Akihabara while counting the stars when the door opened.

“One hundred twelve, one hundred thirteen, one hundred fourteen, one hundred fifteen. . .”

“I was looking for you.”

Mayu stopped at the voice. She licked her lips and squinted at the sky before letting out a sigh. “You made me lose count.” She said instead.

Yuki sat beside Mayu on the bench and they sat in silence for several minutes. “Don’t you have an after party for the success of your musical?” Mayu asked finally.

“Everyone is downstairs.” Yuki answered. “Why did you go?” Yuki asked, turning her head to look at Mayu. “I saw you, you know. From the stage. I saw you get up and go out.”

“Did I distract you?”

“A little.” Yuki admitted. “Why did you go, Mayu?”

“I couldn’t take it.” Mayu stated simply. They never tried to keep anything from each other anyway. “I tried to stay but I just really couldn’t. I’m sorry.”

Mayu felt Yuki’s fingers settle themselves above her own. “It’s okay.”

“Did you like the kiss?” Mayu asked. “I hate it.”

Yuki let out a small chuckle. “I don’t hate it. But I don’t like it either. It was. . . A kiss. Just a kiss.”

“Just a kiss, huh. . .”

“I’m actually a bit happy that you hate it.” Yuki threaded their fingers together. “I wouldn’t know what to think if you were okay with it.”

Mayu looked at Yuki. “Really?” Yuki nodded and Mayu scooted closer to the older girl. “Is it okay if I ask you to fake it next time?” Mayu’s momentarily fell on Yuki’s lips. “Please?”

Yuki bit her lip for a second. “Of course.” She answered, moving closer.

Mayu hummed and straightened a bit to be able to press her forehead against Yuki’s. “Is it okay if I ask you not to kiss anyone?”

“You too.” Yuki whispered, leaning closer and brushing her nose against Mayu, making the younger girl giggle.

“Of course.” And Mayu barely stopped her giggling when Yuki’s lips finally touched hers.

More kisses were shared after their first. Some for the amusement of others and many when they’re alone. Mayu doesn’t know what they are but Yuki’s kisses remain only for her and maybe that’s okay.


Yuki have never given much thought about her relationship with Mayu until Myao’s words hit her.

Yuki sighs and groans for the nth time as she flips her phone open and closes it again. “Don’t you think that it’s kinda quiet without Mayu around?”

Myao, her sole companion in the room, shakes her head. “Not really. Mayuyu isn’t that noisy.”

“But it feels so lonely without her... Don’t you feel it, Myao?”

“Not really. Mayuyu has only been gone for 3 days.”

“Exactly! I miss Mayu already.” Yuki sighs and groans again. “I wish she would just go home already. Don’t you think so too, Myao?”

“Not really. Mayuyu has work she needs to finish there.”

“But still! I texted her and she said that she’ll be gone for a few days more. That’s too long... Isn’t it, Myao?”

“Not really. What are a few days for Mayuyu, she can use it for rest.”

“But. . . I miss Mayu so bad.” Yuki sighs and groans. Again. “Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Mayu, Ma—”

“THAT’S IT.” Myao slams her laptop shut as she turns to Yuki on the couch. “Shut up already, Yuki!”

“But I miss Mayu.”

“You’re even whinier than Lovetan who is Mayu’s best friend!” Myao sneers. “What are you, Yuki, her boyfriend?” Myao rolls her eyes at the stunned look she received. “See? Only lovers worry like that.”

Yuki stays quiet for a long while, pondering on her relationship with Mayu. Sure, they kiss and they hug and they go on dates but they never really cleared with each other what their relationship is.

“Ne, Miho.”

Myao turns her attention to Yuki, knowing that the use of her real name means serious business. “Yes, Yuki?”

“Am I being too much?” Yuki asks timidly, feeling unsure all of a sudden.

“Do you like Mayu?” Myao asks back.

Yuki nods. “Yes... Actually, I think I love her... How can I even tell that I love her?”

“You’ll know.” Myao says with a shrug. “Just tell her, Yuki. It’s Mayu. You know Mayu, she’s a bundle of goodness.”

Yuki smiles. “I guess... Unlike some brat I know.”

Myao snorts and goes back to her laptop. “Yeah, well, you’ll know that that brat is always right.”

Yuki just laughs and sits back as she watches Myao quietly this time.


Her talk with Myao from a few hours ago flows continuously in her head even as she talks to Mayu on the phone.

“How much longer until you get back?” Yuki asks.

“Not that long.” Mayu answers and Yuki can hear the smile in it.

“I want to tell you something.” Yuki tells the girl on the other line as her free hand grips the steel railing by the edge of the rooftop. “I’ll wait until you get back but it can’t wait.”

She hears Mayu giggle on the other side and Yuki wishes that Mayu’s right by her side at the moment. “What is it, Yuki?”

“I’ve been thinking and I. . . Actually, I was talking earlier to Myao. . . No, no, that’s not it. Listen, Mayu I think we should. . . We could really be. . . I know it’s kinda weird but. . . I mean, Mayu, the thing is—”

“Turn around, Yukirin.” Mayu interrupts and the call is ended.

Yuki turns around with a baffled expression which turns to surprise when she sees Mayu, several yards away from her. “Mayu. . .”

“Hi, Yuki.” Mayu greets cheekily, tucking her phone inside her pocket.

Yuki smiles because Mayu is right in front of her now. “Did you just hang up on me?” She asks with one eyebrow raised.

“Maybe,” Mayu shrugs as she takes a few steps towards Yuki. “Maybe not.”

“And I was about to confess too.” It comes out naturally and straightforwardly and Yuki had to smile.

“Oh? Was that a confession? All I heard was stutter, stutter and stutter.”

Yuki laughs at the teasing remark and walks towards the other girl. She stops in front of her and they just stare at each other dumbly for a minute.

“So. . . What was that about a confession?” Mayu whispers, one hand going to the tie of the uniform outfit Yuki is wearing and playfully tugging on it.

“Forget that. I just really want to kiss you right now.” Yuki whispers back and Mayu smirks as she tugs on the tie, capturing Yuki’s lips.

They pull away after some time and Mayu presses her body against Yuki’s, revelling on the familiar warmth she missed so much. “This is nice.” Mayu whispers against Yuki’s neck, giving the taller girl’s pulse a peck. “I missed you so much.”

Yuki kisses her just above her right eye. “I love you.” And when she hears Mayu’s ‘I love you too’, Yuki pulls her in closer and she has to agree that the brat is right. The brat is always right.

Once again, I love hearing what you think about my fics so please, so comment away.
Nacchan. Mayuyu. Yukirin. Moeno. Kojipa. ♥

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Offline kaizoku_gal

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Re: Aitakatta [You'll Know; 8/3]
« Reply #33 on: August 03, 2011, 05:36:34 PM »
OMG OMG I  :heart: this so much!!  :luvluv1:

Okay, now I can sleep properly.  XD

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Offline pattinium

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Re: Aitakatta [You'll Know; 8/3]
« Reply #34 on: August 03, 2011, 06:03:51 PM »
OMG !!! >////< I love it !! I love Mayuki's one shot >///<  :inlove:
It's awesome goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Like a crazy fangirls kekeke
Pls write Mayuki more plsssssssss

Offline kahem

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Re: Aitakatta [You'll Know; 8/3]
« Reply #35 on: August 03, 2011, 07:43:36 PM »
Yeah! Mayu is always right ^^
Poor myao's ears xD

Offline blughise

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Re: Aitakatta [You'll Know; 8/3]
« Reply #36 on: August 03, 2011, 10:51:52 PM »
So Kawaii!!!!!!!!!! :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :wub: :wub: :wub:

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Aitakatta [You'll Know; 8/3]
« Reply #37 on: August 04, 2011, 12:16:01 AM »
LOVE IT SO MUCH~!!  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:

Please update more MaYuki~!  :bow:  :wub:

Offline cmze

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Re: Aitakatta [You'll Know; 8/3]
« Reply #38 on: August 04, 2011, 12:19:10 AM »
MAYUKI...! :wub:

i like it very much..! :D

please update soon...! :thumbsup

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Re: Aitakatta [You'll Know; 8/3]
« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2011, 11:39:24 AM »
you. you should write an ongoing. seriously haha. just because i can never seem to get enough of your infectious oneshots. :nya:

that was really sweet. loved myao here, lol that brat can be quite the friend and adviser (: could totally imagine yuki whining about mayu being gone haha. can't wait for your next one shot!

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