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Author Topic: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) "I'll always be by your side." pt.1 [KojiYuu] 8/25  (Read 13180 times)

Offline Chibbz

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Hello!! After reading various fics that have been posted on this forum, and elsewhere, I have finally decided to make my own and share it! I hope you all like it as this is my first time writing an AKB fic!


“Yuu-chan…” Kojiharu whispered into the air as she stared at the smaller girl’s sleeping figure. Her eyes glistened as her thoughts drifted back to a

day she wished she could go back to; a day she wished she could change.

It had been months since Yuko had confessed to her; months since Kojiharu had rejected her. She was relieved when the younger girl had

seemingly shrugged it off and agreed to remain friends. She had even told her to act as if she had never said “I love you” to her. She had smiled;

they had hugged; nothing seemed wrong.

At first it was as if nothing had changed. Yuko would swing by Team A’s rehearsals and embrace the older girl despite her reluctance. Kojiharu

would attempt to remove the squirrel from herself but fail. Nothing had changed.

As weeks passed, Kojiharu began to notice that Yuko wasn’t always around anymore. She would look for the younger girl during rehearsals, often

messing up the dance routine in the process, resulting in a not so pleased captain and an even more exhausted team. She would take every

chance she had to look for the girl, but every time she did the girl was either sleeping or busy talking with the staff or another member.

After about two months, the amount of time they had spent with each other had dropped enormously. They barely spoke to each other, whether it

was directly, over the phone or through a simple text message. Whenever they had to film for a variety show Yuko would sit at a distance. During

breaks she would run off with Mii-chan and barely arrive back on time to resume filming.

Kojiharu hated to admit it, but she had begun to miss the girl that had always been by her side.

“Just tell her you miss her already,” someone had whispered into her ear causing her to jump slightly. Her eyes met with those of AKB48’s captain,


“It’s not that easy…” she mumbled as she turned her gaze back to Yuko. Takamina frowned at Kojiharu’s reply. She knew both of her teammates

had been suffering these past few months and she had hoped they would have been able to resolve the problem themselves, but that obviously

wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She had to give the girl a push.

Takamina placed her hand on Kojiharu’s shoulder before whispering into her ear, “Keep this up and you’ll only keep growing farther apart. Right

now the only thing keeping you two close is AKB, but the day this all comes to an end you probably won’t see her ever again.”

Kojiharu’s eyes widened at hearing her captain’s words. Her words were true and it was exactly that which Kojiharu feared would happen, but she

just couldn’t build up the courage to confront Yuko. She was afraid. Afraid that Yuko would act as if nothing was wrong and only further push her

away from her life.

She had looked back to find that Takamina had already walked out of the room and only she and Yuko remained. Now it was up to her to decide

whether to try and fix things while risking getting hurt if she fails, or not doing anything and walking away while letting things remain as they were.

She rose to her feet, slightly shaking as she approached the sleeping girl. Thousands of thoughts ran through her head with every step. What if-

Maybe she- I can’t-

What if this is the end for us?

She was only two feet away when she heard footsteps behind her.

“Ah! Kojiharu, I thought you left already!” Mii-chan exclaimed as she made her way towards Yuko, immediately laying herself down beside the

sleeping girl and wrapping her arms around her.

“I was just leaving…” came Kojiharu’s reply as she quickly grabbed her bag and made her way out of the room. It had hurt watching her fellow

No3b member act that way towards the smaller girl. For some reason she had wished it was her that was holding the other girl, but she knew she

had no right to feel that way. Not when she had made it impossible for them to be that close again. She knew she couldn't go back and change

anything, no matter how much she wanted to.

Back in the room, Mii-chan slightly shook Yuko as an attempt to wake up the girl, but was surprised to see that the girl was already awake. She

had made an attempt to turn the girl’s body in her direction when she had heard a light sniffle.

“Yuko, are you crying?”

« Last Edit: August 26, 2011, 05:01:10 AM by Chibbz »

Offline kahem

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Re: Untitled [KojiYuu]
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2011, 09:37:13 AM »
So sad!!!!!!! T_T want a sequel

Offline cmze

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Re: Untitled [KojiYuu]
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2011, 09:50:26 AM »
why you break my heart? :cry:

Offline blughise

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Re: Untitled [KojiYuu]
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2011, 01:31:49 PM »
NyanNyan!!! I'm now hating your tsundere character!!!
Yuko :cry:
update soon

Offline AAAice

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Re: Untitled [KojiYuu]
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2011, 04:35:19 PM »
Much I am happy for Yuko not staying by Haruna's side (Bitter again, sorry), though I cried at the end too. Meaning Yuko had heard Takamina and Haruna's conversation. :[[

Don't make Yuko get back at Haruna yet okay? Let Haruna suffer.  :twisted:

I'm starting to feel the same way like what blughise just said about Haruna's tsundere character. :]]

Continue, continue and welcome to JPhip. :]
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline Kid_Alpha

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Re: Untitled [KojiYuu]
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2011, 06:46:35 AM »
LOL I sat here thinking of what to write for nearly 20 minutes uh but I really like this.

Angst is never really my cup of tea but I do like reading it when it's interesting and not overly dramatic so now I'm hooked and I want to know what's gonna happen. :U

Offline Haruko

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Re: Untitled [KojiYuu]
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2011, 06:59:25 AM »
and then..? whats next? haruna talk to yuko right ¬_¬.. sadhistory T_T

Offline yukofan

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Re: Untitled [KojiYuu]
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2011, 09:20:39 AM »
my poor squirrel :ptam-cry: haruna's tsundere-ness makes my oshimen suffer..

yuko, i want to hug you..

btw, please update the fic soon  :bow:

visit my tumblr :

Offline Chibbz

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Re: Untitled [KojiYuu]
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2011, 06:05:46 AM »
@Kahem - it was originally supposed to end there, but I'm considering writing another part for it 'cause I feel bad ending it like that... >:
@cmze - sorry T-T
@blughise - I'm changing this to a one-shot/drabble dump, but I might still update the first piece.
@AAAice - Thank you!! I'll keep your suggestions in mind when I decide to write the second part! (:
@Kid_Alpha - you're going to have to wait to find out! D: *hasn't started writing yet*
@Haruko - Maybe... or maybe not! You'll have to wait to find out!!!
@yukofan - Yukooo >:

Another Untitled [KojiYuu]

Dark clouds covered the sky, water falling onto the ground below them as a short brunette raced to the nearest train station.

“Shit, shit, shit!” the girl cursed. She wasn’t expecting it to rain today. Hell, the sun was shining brightly when she had gone off to school that

morning, but the second her club hours were over the rain began to pour heavily and it was only getting heavier.

The girl pumped her short legs in an attempt to go faster. The puddles of water she stepped on splashed onto her knee-highs causing them to slide

down with every step she took. She weaved through crowds of workers that had just gotten off of work and was somewhat grateful for her short

stature otherwise she would have to duck to avoid the umbrellas they held. Her usual ten-minute walk to the train station only took her three

today. She made her way down and into the station.

“Yuu-chan, you look like a mess.”

The short girl smiled at the girl that was waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase, halting in front of her. The taller girl pouted as she bent

down to pull up the girl’s knee-highs.

“It’s not something you should be smiling about,” she mumbled before getting back up. She opened her bag and pulled out a small handkerchief;

she immediately began to dry off the shorter girl’s face.

“Nyan Nyan, I’m not a kid,” Yuko complained. She grabbed the taller girl’s hand and gently removed it from her face.

“I just don’t want you to get sick.”

Yuko pulled the girl into a hug and smiled.

“If I get sick then you can just spoil and take care of me.”

Kojiharu pulled away from the hug and playfully pinched Yuko’s cheeks.

“I thought you didn’t want to be treated like a kid.”

Yuko took Kojiharu’s hand into her own and began to walk towards the turnstiles.

“Now that I think about it… I don’t seem to mind as much when it’s you… because I know that you don’t see my love for you as that of a child’s.”

Yuko felt Kojiharu’s hand tighten around her own before the girl spun her around and kissed her gently.

“No, I don’t…” Kojiharu spoke as soon as she broke off the kiss, her forehead touching Yuko’s.

“Now let’s go… those people over there are looking at us and drooling…”

Offline Chibbz

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) "I can't stop staring at you." [KojiYuu] 8/18
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2011, 07:12:30 AM »
"I can't stop staring at you."

The sunlight that seeped through the blinds of the school’s window woke the small girl that had been sleeping on her desk, her face buried in her

arms. She stirred a bit making sure she didn’t move too fast, her arms were numb after all, before turning to face her desk mate.

The girl beside her quickly turned her attention to the professor who had been writing on the board non-stop. She fumbled with her notebook

trying to find an empty page before pressing her pen down onto the page and pretending to have been paying attention the whole time.

The small girl smiled at the girl’s antics before pulling out her own notebook and jotting down a few words.

“Can’t stop staring, can you?”

She slid the book close enough to the girl beside her, nudging her with it to get her attention.

The girl hesitated a bit before taking a glance at the words written on the notebook. She blushed upon reading the words and immediately shook

her head at the girl beside her.

“Kojima-san,” the girl jolted up upon hearing her professor call her name, “is there something wrong?”

She was about to assure her professor that nothing was wrong when the girl beside her got up and spoke for her.

“Ah, she’s not feeling very well right now, professor.” The girl said as she placed her hand over Kojiharu’s forehead. The professor stared at the

two before going back to his desk and writing something on a slip of paper.

“Oshima-san, please take this and help Kojima-san to the nurses office.” Yuko quickly walked over and grabbed the paper before heading back to

“help” Kojiharu get to the nurses office.

The two girls walked out of the classroom after grabbing their things, one girl was grinning while the other was a bit confused as to why the shorter

girl had gotten them out of class. Yuko had taken a hold of her hand and pulled her along to their destination.

Kojiharu was a little shocked to find out that their destination was indeed the Nurses Office. She was kind of expecting Yuko to drag her along to

the roof top or something, but here she was getting pulled into the nurses office by the small girl.

“Yuu-chan, what’re we doing here?” she asked as she continued to be pulled by the girl. The small girl walked over to one of the beds, sitting

herself down on the center of the bed before pulling the taller girl closer and trapping her in between her legs.

“Y-Yuu-chan!” Kojiharu stuttered as she attempted to free herself.

“I’m not going to do anything… you pervert…” Yuko spoke as she turned her face away from the girl before her.

“I-I just want you to stop running away.”

Kojiharu could see the tears that Yuko was desperately trying to hold back begin to spill as she maintained her silence. The same sunlight that

shone on the girl during her slumber, capturing Kojiharu’s attention for half the class, was once again catching her attention. Only this time

Kojiharu wished she hadn’t been staring at the girl before her. It hurt to watch the small girl hurting. It hurt even more to know that she was the

one causing her this pain. She hated it and she knew there was only one way to stop either of them from hurting anymore.

Kojiharu grabbed Yuko’s chin and slowly turned her to face her. The small girl avoided her gaze, but her eyes found their way back to the taller

girl when she felt the other girl’s lips on her own. She felt the taller girl’s hands cup her face and slowly begin to wipe away her tears before

reluctantly pulling back from the kiss.

“You were right,” Kojiharu said, earning a puzzled look from Yuko, “I can’t stop staring at you.”

Because you’re the only person I want to look at.

Offline immortal_K

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) "I can't stop staring at you." [KojiYuu] 8/18
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2011, 09:10:01 AM »
Thanks for your lovely collection of KojiYuu  :twothumbs

Please continue the first OS, have Haruna talk to Yuko

It's so sad just thinking about a crying Yuko.

Haruna why are you so tsundere  :(

Please update soon.

Offline blughise

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) "I can't stop staring at you." [KojiYuu] 8/18
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2011, 01:07:52 PM »
Nice short KojiYuu firc!

Haruna thinkin about naughty things when they enter the nurse office.... :grin: Yuko's pervertedness is rubbing on to her now too :P
It's nice to see Haruna initiating the first move, than Yuko

Please write more  and I'll be looking forward to it

Offline AAAice

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) "I can't stop staring at you." [KojiYuu] 8/18
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2011, 10:52:32 PM »
MOREEEE!!! I like it how you write each of their personalities as not to their normal personality. Pfft, IDK what I am saying at all.

Kojiyuu is forever love. :D

And as what blughise had said, it's nice for Haruna to take the first move. xD
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

Offline Chibbz

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) "I can't stop staring at you." [KojiYuu] 8/18
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2011, 05:46:16 PM »

@immortal_K: I'm still debating on whether I should write that second part or not. :P I actually have a couple of ideas for it, but those ideas can

actually stand on their own as a separate story. x.x

@blughise:  :bow:

@AAAice: Yeah, I noticed they were a bit OoC, but it's fun to write them like this. :3


“Nyan-Nyaaaan~” a small, cute brunette whispered into the ear of a much taller girl as she desperately tried to grab her attention. She eyed the

device that the taller girl held in her hands and mentally cursed at it for always interfering in their relationship.

“Yuu-chan~” Kojiharu replied, trying to appease the smaller girl while keeping her eyes on the device. Yuko was used to losing to the device when

it came to grabbing the taller girl’s attention, but today she felt like putting up a fight.

She stood in front Kojiharu and eyed her for a second before focusing her attention to the wretched device that had consumed most of the taller

girl’s time whenever the two were alone. She had to do it.

Within seconds the handheld found itself on the ground, shattered. The two girls remained motionless, taking in what had just happened. Being the

first one to come back to her senses, Yuko jumped onto Kojiharu’s lap and embraced her.

“Please don’t be mad, please don’t be mad, please don’t be-“


“I’m so sorry, Nyan-Nyan!” Yuko cried out as she tightened her hold on Kojiharu.

“It’s just that you’re always on-“

Kojiharu drowned out Yuko’s voice and just watched her as she attempted to salvage herself after having destroyed Kojiharu’s handheld device.

She didn’t even get to save the game before the smaller girl had pulled it out of her hands and threw it across the room. The sound it made as it

shattered was still clear in her mind.

In all their years together, not once had the girl done something so rash. When vying for her attention, Yuko would usually give up after a while

and just fall asleep.

“-and then my hands acted on their own!”

Seeing as the smaller girl was still trying to explain herself made Kojiharu wonder if perhaps the girl thought that her devices were more important

to her than Yuko herself. The thought itself was absurd. Sure she may spend a lot of her time focusing on any of her devices, but that didn’t mean

they were more important than the people in her life. She wondered how many people that were close to her thought the same way.

“Nyan-Nyan?” Yuko eyed Kojiharu suspiciously. The girl had been quiet for quite a while and to be honest, it kind of scared Yuko a bit. She slowly

began to remove herself from the girl’s lap, thinking she might burst any second now, but was immediately stopped by that same girl’s hands.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Kojiharu questioned, her hands forcing Yuko back into her former position.

“I-I just, I mean, I-“

“You mean you’re not even going to try and have some ‘skinship’ with me after what you just did?”


Kojiharu smiled before leaning over and giving the confused girl a tender kiss on the lips.

She may have been a bit mad about her broken device, but she knew better. Getting mad at Yuko over her device wouldn’t do any good. She

could always replace the device; Yuko on the other-hand, she was irreplaceable.


P.S. Feel free to request any pairing (although I warn you that I will only write about pairings that I like! :3  )

Offline blughise

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) Irreplaceable [KojiYuu] 8/20
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2011, 06:13:21 PM »
Ohh gawd
Yuko finally throw her handheld device :p
NyanNyan you really should try and pay more attention to yuko when you two are alone...
but don't worry though once Yuko get what she wants from u, she'll get you a new psp or ds or whatever handheld device you want :p

Hey can I request for Atsumina fic from you!
The are my OTP KojiYuu only seconds to them :p
I'll be looking forward to it

Offline cmze

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) Irreplaceable [KojiYuu] 8/20
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2011, 10:37:03 PM »
so cuteeeeee...! :wub:
love it..!  :heart:
please update soon..! :cow:

Offline yukofan

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) Irreplaceable [KojiYuu] 8/20
« Reply #16 on: August 21, 2011, 01:00:12 AM »

reminds me of first video of kojiyuu that i watched (yuko failed to competed againts the psp and ended up sleeping )

nice fanfics  :twothumbs  want more kojiyuu  :cow:

visit my tumblr :

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) Irreplaceable [KojiYuu] 8/20
« Reply #17 on: August 21, 2011, 11:05:31 AM »
That kojiyuu was cute :)

Offline Chibbz

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) Irreplaceable [KojiYuu] 8/20
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2011, 11:39:25 PM »
Thanks to those who commented!

Blughise requested I write an AtsuMina fic, so here it is! (:

Hope you enjoy it, Blughise!


The sound of someone rummaging through a purse echoed through the empty hall. The sound was followed by various thuds as that same person

dumped the contents of their purse onto the ground.

The shorthaired girl sifted through her belongings, frowning when she did not find what she was searching for.  The frown however disappeared

once she realized her situation. She grinned as she picked her phone out from the pile of belongings, flipping it open and calling one of the few

people she has on speed dial.

Despite how late it was, she didn’t have to wait long for that person to pick up her call.

“Forget your keys again?” the person on the other end of the line asked, the tiredness evident in her voice.

“Ehehe,” was all she could reply.

“I’m starting to think you’re forgetting them on purpose, Atsuko.”

Atsuko smiled at her friend’s assumption. It wasn’t necessarily true. When she lived with her parents she didn’t have to worry about carrying her

keys, they usually opened the door for her or left a spare key hidden in a place only people within the family, and Minami, knew about. But now

that she was living alone in her own apartment, it was only normal that she locks herself out a couple of times.

 She picked up her things, messily stuffing them back into her purse while maintaining her phone between her shoulder and ear.

“That’s the fourth time this week. Twelfth time this month and we’ve still got a bit over a week before it’s over.”

Atsuko listened to her friend’s words while smiling and making her way towards the elevator. Atsuko lived on the fourth floor of her building while

her friend lived on the eighth.

“Atsuko, are you even listening?”

“Of course I am, Minami!” She entered the elevator and clicked on the right button. She eyed the numbers on top of the door and eagerly waited

for it to land on the number eight.

“The door’s open already, so just make yourself at home.” Atsuko felt her heart jump a bit upon hearing those words. She closed her phone and

quickly made her way into the shorter girl’s apartment once the elevator doors opened. She took off her shoes and put on the cute, yet slightly

odd, tomato slippers that Minami had bought for her before making her way into the girl’s room.

Atsuko slipped her way under the bedcovers and immediately wrapped her arms around the girl that was already there.

“Shouldn’t you go wash yourself up?” Minami asked, suppressing a yawn.

“Too tired,” Atsuko replied, nuzzling closer to the shorter girl, “plus, I’ve got to wake up in about an hour anyway.”

“Lazy.” Minami turned around and wrapped her arms around Atsuko so that she wouldn’t fall off the bed like the first time she had slept over.

“You know, I can just go and open your door for you right now.”

“I know, but I like it better here,” was the last thing Atsuko said that night as she succumbed to sleep.

Minami smiled before pulling Atsuko closer and following her into dreamland.

Offline blughise

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Re: One-shot/Drabble dump (?) Untitled [AtsuMina] 8/21
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2011, 12:21:56 AM »
Even though its a bit short, it's really good  :grin:

Acchan so cute, forgetting about her keys so she could stay over at Takamina's place :P
they should really moved in together  :grin:

I'll be looking forward to your next Fic

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