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Author Topic: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki><Atsumina> 30/05 <END>  (Read 56902 times)

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #40 on: September 29, 2011, 07:37:49 AM »
Lovetan and Sasshi!  :lol:
i can't focus!!!!
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

update soon!

Offline kahem

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #41 on: September 29, 2011, 08:57:38 AM »
Wow the kiss!!! Go go go Mayuyu
And lol Sashiharassment ^^

Offline RenaChii

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2011, 01:35:58 PM »
I LOVE all the pairing~  :wub:

It's so rare to see Lovetan X Sasshi pair so I love it~  :inlove:

Please update soon~  :twothumbs

Offline cmze

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2011, 07:07:03 AM »
                                     REMEBER ME 

Sasshi was staring lovetan while she is sleeping "wow she's tatally cute! what? why i'm thinking something like that? she's a school girl (facepalm)..god that skirt suits her so well! i wanna touch! i wanna touch! what a creamy thights!" sasshi thought while leans to see closer to lovetan thighs and maybe..just maybe... sleep on them! 
(the door opens..) 
who are you? a man asks 
sasshi got red "did he relized what i was about to do? did god sent you?" sasshi thought 
i'm...i'm sasshihara rino and we got locked up here! 
what's going on? a sleepy lovetan says while sits 
this door has problems i told the manager about it be never listen! the man says 
lovetan let's go! sasshi says while helps her to get up and takes her by her hand..
where we're doing sasshi? lovetan asks while looks that they're behind a flowerpot
hiding! sasshi answers while looks if not akicha or the secretary are around (i don't what name put her xD)
you and your troubles! lovetan says 
clear zone! sasshi says smiking 
(lovetan sighs)
c'mon i'll invite you something to breakfast! sasshi says smiling (still has lovetan's hand) 
there you are! akicha shouts 
sasshi pouts "not now!" 
what is this means? akicha says pointing to sasshi's and lovetan hands what it looks like! sasshi says 
(akicha slaps her!)
i knew you were a pervert but i never knew you were a pedophile! akicha says while leaves 
that must hurt! lovetan says 
yes, it does! sasshi says while brushes her cheek 
lovetan..! sasshi says 
what? lovetan answers 
don't ever mess with the assistant and secretary of your best friend! sasshi says 
i told you..i don't play those games! lovetan says 
kashiwagi san sign here please! a guy says while walks next to yuki 
okay..(sigh)! yuki says while walks next to the guy 
yuki chan! sasshi says 
sasshi what are you doing with the same clothes of yesterday and why's lovetan with you! yuki asks while walks closer to sasshi pinches her cheek 
i swear i didn't do anything to her! sasshi shouts 
so,what did i told you? yuki asks still pinching sasshi cheeks 
c'mon yukirin it hurts! sasshi says 
ok..then i have to go to'll leave you two alone yo feel free! lovetan says then starts walking to the exit
lovetan don't run away coward! tell her that i didn't do anything to you! BLACK YUKIRIN it hurts!sasshi shouts 
yuki let go sasshi's cheeks and says "as long you stay away from mayu pervert!" 
ouchhhhh they should call her "betraytan" ahh what? wait a minute.. look who's talking..! sasshi says pouting
what are you talking about? yuki asks
you thought sae chan didn't told me that you kissed her! 
"what? how she knows? she kissed me in the shower!" 
in the shower? she never mention a shower! sasshi says with a pervert tone 
yuki got totally red and ignored sasshi and went to her office..
sasshi followed her she wanted to bother her...
<yuki's office>
what are you doing here? YOU MEDDLER! yuki rises her tone of voice 
me why? sae asks 
did you know that yuki chan and mayu chan kissed in the shower? sasshi asks 
really?.. how that happened?sae asks surprised 
yuki blushes and looks other way 
was it good? sasshi asks looking closely to yuki 
the more sasshi looks closely to her the more red she gets 
wait,wait i wanna know everything! sae says 
yuki sighs and sits "this is not okay mayu chan is not acting properly since i moved in..i'm thinking about leaving"
what? why? sae asks 
what's that "she's not acting properly"?sasshi asks 
she's been..she's been...
she's been what? sae and sasshi says 
she's been tempting me! yuki says all red 
like what? sae asked 
i was listening to music so i didn't know she was in the shower then she opened the curtains and showed me "all her anatomy" yuki says embarrased looking other way
all her anatomy?!?! sasshi and sae say at same time 
yuki gets of her seat and takes the agenda and beat sasshi and sae with it..!! 
what was that for? sae asks rubbing her head 
yes,what was that for? sasshi says mad 
you two were imagining mayu chan naked!!! yuki shouts mad and taking a deep breath controlling herself
were you thinking about a hot mayu chan naked? sasshi grinning asks to sae 
yuki hits sasshi again with the agenda and gives a glare to sae..
"Yu- yu- yukirin i-i wasn't think-thinking about a hot ma-mayu chan na-naked!" 
listen sasshi you can think about every girl in the world but not mayu! are we clear? yuki asks grabbing sasshi by her shirt 
black yukirin! sae murmures 
ok,ok, i can think about mayu chan but not every girl in the world! sasshi says 
yuki pinches sasshi's cheeks..
ouuuchhh yukirin it was a mistake! sasshi says 
<At school> 
Sports class 
lovetan you look terrible! mayu says smiling 
i slept in yuki's work... lovetan says 
why? mayu asks 
well something with sasshi! lovetan says 
sasshihara rino,yuki chan's friend? mayu asks 
yes her! why? lovetan says 
nothing happened between you and her? mayu asks 
no..of course not! lovetan says blushing 
lovetan! mayu says 
ok,ok, we cuddle! lovetan says blushing 
alright let's change the topic what about you and yuki chan? did you give up already? lovetan asks 
i never going to give up! mayu says determinate 
she's going to marry..! lovetan says
i saw her first..she's mine besides she doesn't love him! mayu says mad 
how you know that she doesn't love him? lovetan asks
easy! because she let me kiss her! mayu answers
you let you kiss her! lovetan repeats 
watanabe mayu you're next! the teacher says 
it was steeplechase...
mayu was mad for the conversation that she had with lovetan she was running but she couldn't help to think about that awful word that can separate her from yuki
"marry" for very first time she hate that word 
watch out mayu chan! lovetan shouts 
too late mayu didn't saw an obstacle and fell she rolled on the floor
everyone went to her rescue and took her to nursery! 
<At yuki's office>  1 hour later...
so mayu chan wants you! sae says whilw rubs her head
mayu chan is really hot so it's normal tha you can't avoid her..mean she's a very attractive girl! sasshi says but remembered that she said that mayu is hot so she covered herself waiting for the agenda to hit her 
(yuki sighs)
"as your friend i'll tell you that ypu should avoid jail" sae says serious 
yuki crossed her arms "i know" 
you know what if you stay away from mayu,i'll stay away from lovetan what about that? sasshi says 
lovetan do you like her? yuki asks 
a lot! sasshi says 
ok then you're right "we gotta finish whatever is going on with us!" yuki says with her fist in the air 
sasshi and sae also rises their fists 
hi yuki chan! mayu says while opens the door 
yuki looks at mayu and see that she has wounds all over her body 
what happened to you? yuki asks while walks closer to mayu and puts her hands on her shoulders 
sasshi please watch lovetan is in the lobby alone! mayu says staring at sashhi 
well..what we talked earlier we can put it on practice tomorrow not now! sasshi says smiling while  walks quietly to the door 
i have to go to do something that i can byeee! sae says and closes the door
yuki sits mayu on the couch...
what happened? somebody did this to you? yuki asks 
no,i fell easy yuki chan! mayu says smiling
i'll go get ice! yuki says 
mayu grabs yuki's hand and pull her to sit next to her 
"i don't need ice...i need you!" mayu says while hugs yuki 
you sure that it doesn't hurt! yuki asks concerned with a sad look 
i never said that it didn't hurt! mayu says while breaks the hug..
is there anything that i can do for you? yuki asks 
maybe..maybe a kiss can help! mayu says grinning 
yuki stared at the younger girl then leaned closer to the younger girl lips (forheads conecting,tip of noses touching,feeling eachothers breaths) 
yuki smirked and moved her lips to mayu's cheek..
she kissing mayu's cheek...
mayu blushed and murmured "you cheater" while yuki was kissing her 
yuki stops kissing mayu and says "you never said where"
both girls smiled to each other! 

Offline RenaChii

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2011, 10:27:34 AM »
Mayuyu so aggressive~  XD

Offline cmze

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2011, 04:22:30 AM »
                                        REMEBER ME 

So how's going everything with you and Mayu chan? Sae asks while reads a magazine in yuki's office
what's with me and Mayu chan? Yuki asks while is also reading some papers on her desk 
that's the answer! Sae says smiling 
you know you were right..i mean i love Ren..i was only 
having prewedding stress! right? Yuki says 
yes totally! Sae says smiling
(Door opening)
hello girls! Sasshi says smiling 
i thought you were broken hearted because of your imposible pedophile relationship with Lovetan! Sae says amazed 
well..she's not the only underage school girl in the world! Sasshi says smiling 
what?!?? Yuki and Sae reacts at the same time
easy i'm just kidding i like Lovetan but she's underage and i get that.. i just gotta wait 1 year to put my hands on...JUST SHUT UP! Yuki interrups 
i think it's been a week since you're totally ignoring Mayu! right? Sasshi asks 
yes! Yuki says sad 
How is she dealing with that? Sasshi says 
Normal! Yuki says with a sigh 
Yuki was showering but for some reason the water turned hotter...
Yuki was sleeping and someone punched her on her face in the middle of the night..
Yuki's work uniform was dirty with black paint..
Yuki's phone disappeared...
Yuki's car was out of gas! 
Yuki slept on the floor all week 
Yuki's alarm never woke her up (monday) 
and a bunch of things that she can't remember the thing is that she had the worst week ever! 
(At school) 
Mayu chan what's going on? you seem really mad why? Lovetan asks while gather her things 
"nothing" Mayu answered mad and crossing her arms
don't tell that it's for Yuki chan! Lovetan says 
what the hell i swrong with her? why she can not admit it? huh! Mayu says mad
i don't know mayube BECAUSE SHE'S GOING TO MARRY! Lovetan says and rises her voice 
i told you she's not going to marry! and where is he? why he's leaving her all alone? Mayu asks mad 
i don't know mmmm... wait a minute! Lovetan says and checks her phone 
who is it? Mayu asks rising an eyebrow
nobody hahahaha! i have to go Mayu chan see you later and leave alone Yuki chan! Lovetan shouts while runs waving goodbye
(Mayu sighs)
"Now to Yuki's office!" Mayu says determinate with her fist in the air
who's texting you so much? Yuki asks 
nobody mmmm hahahaha see yoh later! Sasshi says nervous and runs away 
wtf? Yuki and Sae thought 
maybe she's doing something with Akicha! Yuki says then sighs 
or maybe Rie! Sae says confused
or maybe both! Sae says grinning
"Sae chan!" Yuki says facepalming herself 
whatever you know her! she flirts with anything that moves! Sae says smiling 
yes,you're totally right! Yuki says 
hey you get in! Sasshi says smiling in her car 
mmmm i don't're a pervert who likes school girls! Lovetan says with her finger on her chin 
i'm not a pervert! i like to give love to any creature of god..I'm a love giver! Sasshi says smiling 
P-E-R-VE-R-T! Lovetan says spelling
you were the one who invite me to eat! Sasshi says 
just because you owe me food! Lovetan says 
ha! you know you missed me girl! Sasshi says smiling 
i missed food! looks at this as a don't have eat alone! Lovetan says looking other way
now i feel use! sasshi says with a depressed aura
 Lovetan couldn't help but smile without sasshi notices (the true she loves sasshi's company..they been hanging a lot this week xD) 
btw keep hands off me! Lovetan says 
i told you it was an accident my hand moves by itself
she has life on her own..i can't help it when a pretty girl is around! Sasshi says growling while drives 
(Lovetan smirks again without Sasshi notices) 
ok let's go for ramen! Lovetan says smiling
yes,there's no doubt that"you're not glad to go dinner with me!"Sasshi says smiling
shut up pervert! Lovetan says looking through her window
ha! looks like Sae chan forgot her magazine!Yuki says smiling while reads the cover 
"how to be the perfect lover? how to make her go crazy on bed?" 
wow! Sae chan reads this bullshit ha who ever thought that? Yuki murmures grinning 
(Door opening) 
huh! Mayu chan! hey! Yuki says nervous while hides the magazine behind her 
now you're talking to me! Mayu says whilw puts Yuki's food on her desk
hmm don't know what talking about! Yuki says while drops the magazine and hide it under the couch with her foot..
i'm saying that you're a coward who doesn't deal with her feelings! Mayu says mad and slowly getting closer to Yuki to the point of being in front of her a few centimetres from her lips 
i'm not a coward and i know my feelings i don't have to deal with anything! Yuki says looking other way
that's what you tell yourself everymorning to forget about me? Mayu asks with her hand on Yuki's cheek to make her look at her 
i don't feel nothing! Yuki says coldly 
you're a coward! a coward! Mayu says with tears on her eyes after slapping Yuki
I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! can't you see? Mayu shouts crying 
Yuki stood there frozen processing those words again
and looking other way..! Mayu says between sobs 
Yuki putted her hand on Mayu's cheek and stare her for a bit before to proceed to pull her up for a kiss..
a long,deep and passionately kiss..
Mayu couldn't believe it Yuki was kissing her finally the kiss she was expecting the last 5 years!

Offline kahem

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2011, 08:28:59 AM »
Tsundere Love-tan ^^
Rofl Sae's magazine, it's for Sayaka?
Go go go Mayuki!!!

Offline RenaChii

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2011, 12:14:39 PM »

Offline Hina_T

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki>
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2011, 06:11:33 PM »
incredible! :twothumbs :twothumbs :bow:
I love those moments of sasshi and lovetan! : :inlove:
I'm new here hehe!!
I love almost all couples of AKB48

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 15. I LOVE U!! <3333
« Reply #49 on: October 23, 2011, 05:43:29 AM »
                                  REMEBER ME 
                                  15.I LOVE U! 

Yuki was on the tub,she needed some time to think or relax.She just kissed Mayu,she doesn't have a excuse she likes Mayu..A LOT! but all the way home nobody said a word about it when they got home 
Yuki went to bathroom while Mayu went tl the fridge and sitted in the living room..(Mayu's parents are not at home)
you kissed me and then regret! what the hell is on your head yuki? Mayu thought while gets up and look upstairs.."Maybe i should.." Mayu murmures 
okay Mayu this is your last show her that "she's yours" Mayu says to herself while walks upstairs she slowly opened the bathroom door,she saw Yuki relaxing in the tub with her eyes closed..
Mayu took off her clothes and got in on the tub she was careful to not making any noise or something that make Yuki open her eyes..
Mayu stared Yuki's face she looked so good and desireable.. all the sudden she felt the urge to kiss her 
and she did exactly what she wanted..
Mayu kissed Yuki..
Yuki opened her eyes and saw Mayu inside the tub Kissing her..Yuki putted her hand on Mayu's neck to pull her closer their kiss was soft at first but when Yuki putted her hand on Mayu's neck it became more agressive bkth girls needed to breathe they broke the kiss but stood in the same position just a few inches from eachother lips, Mayu gave the first step and kissed her again with the same intensity of their last kiss..then Mayu pulled her even closer she was devoring Yuki's neck she even left a mark on it..
Ma-Mayu chan.. no-not okay! Yuki says 
what? why you keep denying? Mayu says while stop kissing Yuki's neck and looks at he in the yes 
Yuki sighed then touched Mayu's face and gave her a sweet kiss on her lips "I LOVE YOU!"
Mayu who was about to cry smiled "I love you too Yuki chan!" 
both girls smiled to eachother 
Mayu tried to get back where they were by kissing her but Yuki avoid it "mmm about that I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAIL!" Yuki says smirking 
you're so mean Yuki chan! Mayu says pouting and crossing her arms 
~~~~~~~~~~Lovetan ~N~ Sasshi's dinner~~~~~~~~~
(At the restaurant) 
what are you doing? Lovetan asks 
nothing! hahaha! Sasshi says smiling nervous 
Lovetan looks back and see girls waving at Sasshi
what the hell? Lovetan said 
are you jealous Lovetan? Sasshi asks happy 
ha! me jealous of you..are you crazy? pervert! Lovetan says pouting 
don't call me pervert i already explained you! Sasshi says pouting 
hello! how are you? one of the girls says to Sasshi (btw ignoring Lovetan) while sits on their table 
hi! Sasshi says smiling
wait a minute..who told you can sit with us? Lovetan says in a bossy tone 
huh? who are you? The girl says 
mmm My little sister! Sasshi says smiling and covering Lovetan's mouth 
the girl was looking at her with a face tgat says "wtf?"
(mmmbbm)( mmmbmm) hahahha don't pay her much attention she's mad all the time without any reason! right my grinch?Sasshi says smirking 
(mmmbbmm hmmmm <- Lovetan trying to speak!)
okay..hummm we were thinking if you want to come to this new club called cloud with us! The girl says smiling and making signs to the other girls 
that sounds great! Sasshi says 
(Lovetan bites Sasshi's hand)
ouch you son of a... Sasshi shouts 
everyone in the restaurant look at their table
Lovetan took her things and walks to the door
hey! what  you think you're doing? Sasshi says while goes after her leaving the girl there with her bill 
(on the street)
go away! Lovetan shouts while walks faster 
hey sorry i didn't mean to mess your mother! Sasshi says while runs after her 
shut up! Lovetan shouts and also starts running 
hey you bit my hand that hurt! is not enaugh? Sasshi asks while shows her hand running 
i don't to see i don't care..go with your bitches! Lovetan says while runs 
my bitches? omg Lovetan is jealous! Sasshi shouts happy 
no,i'm not! Sasshi shouts and keeps running but for bad luck Sasshi is faster 
Got'cha! Sasshi shouts while jumps on Lovetan 
(they rolled to the grass and Lovetan ended up on Sasshi)
you know at school sports wasn't my favorite class! hahaha! Sasshi says smiling then looks at Lovetan who is hugging her chest 
Sasshi's it's all red and her heart beats faster every second that passes
they stood like that for a while..
Sasshi was staring at the stars while lovetan fell sleep on Sasshi! 
what a girl! Sasshi thought
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
good morning dad.. mom Yuki chan! Mayu says happy and smiling 
good morning sweetheart! Mayu's dad says while reads the newspaper
hey! Yuki says smiling 
good morning honey! here's you french toast! Mayu's mom says 
thank you! Mayu says while sits 
you seem really,is something special today? Mayu's mom asks 
"yes!"Mayu answers happy
what is it? Mayu's dad asks leaving his newspaper
well today we're going to a museum and you know i love those things! Mayu answers happy 
have fun then! Mayu's mom and dad says 
actually is getting late! Yuki san could you take me to school? is on the way to your work Mayu asks 
Yuki gets all red "sorry i can't!" 
c'mon Yuki san! Mayu says while gets up and goes to hug her which make her more red 
yes,Yuki san take her to school if she takes the bus she might go late! i would take her myself but it's to far from my work! Mayu's dad says 
okay! go get your bag! Yuki says 
thank you! Mayu says happy and kisses her on her cheek..Yuki got even redder
(In the car) 
Mayu chan you shouldn't kiss me in front of your parents! Yuki says while drives 
let's go to the museum! Mayu says happy 
what? your going with your school! Yuki says 
what? i never said that! Mayu says looking at Yuki
yes,you did i heard you! Yuki says 
no,i said "we're going to the museum" i never said "i'm going to the museum with the school!" i meant you and me! Mayu says smiling 
Yuki stops driving "what?!"
take me to the museum! Mayu says while removes her seat belt and puts herself on Yuki then leaned Yuki's seat to start kissing her all over hee face 
Ma-Mayu chan! Yuki says between kisses 
Mayu has her hands insides Yuki's shirt and making her way up..
Yuki felt that and said "Let's go to the museum!"
Mayu gave her a peck and got back to her seat! 
hahahaha i'm not really good on those scenes sorry about that! xD  i'm not going to be able to update the next 2 weeks sorry about that! :(  

Offline RenaChii

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 15. I LOVE U!! <3333
« Reply #50 on: October 23, 2011, 10:59:28 AM »
Fuu~  :D

MaYuki LOVE LOVE~  :cathappy:

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 15. I LOVE U!! <3333
« Reply #51 on: October 24, 2011, 10:17:20 AM »


update soon!

Offline kahem

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 15. I LOVE U!! <3333
« Reply #52 on: October 24, 2011, 07:27:00 PM »
Hahahah Mayuyu can be so persistant

Offline skytsuna

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 15. I LOVE U!! <3333
« Reply #53 on: October 30, 2011, 11:06:32 AM »
 :cow: Gogo Mayu!!!
 :onioncheer: Hopefully nothing much will go wrong :onioncheer:
I'm actually also quite interested in Sasshi and Lovetan  XD

Offline Megumi

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 15. I LOVE U!! <3333
« Reply #54 on: November 05, 2011, 11:51:01 PM »
Ahh MaYuki! Wating for your next update.... :bow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline cmze

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 15. I LOVE U!! <3333
« Reply #55 on: November 11, 2011, 08:50:17 AM »
                                  REMEBER ME 

I guess this ouf first date! Mayu says smiling 
Yuki sighs "i guess so" 
why you sigh? you don't like being around me? Mayu asks sad 
no,it's not that! Yuki says looking at view 
Mayu stared at hed and then made a silly face..
what are you doing? Yuki asks trying to not smile 
i want to see you smile! Mayu says still making silly faces and tickling Yuki 
stop..stop! okay okay! i got it! Yuki says smiling 
finally! Mayu says smiling 
bug seriously you want this? i mean.. hiding from everyone? it's not healthy for you! Yuki says serious
Mayu takes Yuki's face and makes her face her "no,it's not healthy but i don't care..i could spend the rest of my life hiding under a desk with you! Mayu answers smiling and pulls her closer for a kiss...
i love you Yuki chan! Mayu says between kisses 
i love you too Mayu chan! Yuki says smiling 
Yuki what are you doing? Mayu asks whils looks at Yuki who is opening the door of the car 
the sun is shinning and there's nobody here so they can't send me to jail for kissing an underage girl! Yuki says smiling (Mayu got out of the car)
Both sitted on the car and watched the view..
Yuki chan! Mayu says 
what's wrong? Yuki asks looking at her 
it just that now i have to favorite places! Mayu answers smiling 
which are? Yuki asks curious 
the park that is close fo my home and this beatiful place! Mayu answers
why a park? Yuki asks 
Mayu kissed Yuki's cheek and said "I'll tell you later"
I catched a cold pervert! Lovetan says mad
why are you so mad? it's not my fault! sashi says while drives 
it's your fault! Lovetan shouts 
what?!?? i almost crashed with a bush..YOU KID..i never told you to fall sleep on me! Sasshi replies
i hate you! Lovetan says with a sneeze 
hahahahha your sneeze sounded cute! Sasshi says between laughs 
Lovetan blushes "don't say my *sneeze* sneezes are cute!" 
i never say your sneezes..i said your sneeze! Sasshi says mocking 
i don't knkw why i keep talking to you! Lovetan says
easy beacase you love me! Sasshi says smiling and joking 
Lovetan blushes even more and hangs up the call..
Lovetan hey.. was kidding! she hanged up..Sasshi sighs and says  "kids these days" while gets out of the car 
"finally here!" Sasshi says while enters to the store
hello how can i help you? the counter girl says smiling
i want bouquet that says "i'm sory that you got sick but IT'S NOT MY FAULT! Sasshi says with her finger on her chin 
mmm okay but any flower in particular my dear? the girl asks smiling 
mmmm no just give the most pretty one! Sasshi says while shows her the credit card
i think i got what you're looking for!"that girl must be really lucky and special!" the counter girl says smiling 
no, of course not! mmmn do you have chocolates? Sasshi asks not caring about the counter girl who was flirting her 
yes,we have! the counter girl answers 
okay give me the best one! Sasshi says
but..but wait do you have teddy bears? Sasshi asks 
yes,we have! let me guess "the best one" the counter girl says with abore face 
you know it girl! Sasshi says smiling 
as soon the girl gave her all the things she quickly went to her car and drove to Lovetan's home
<At Lovetan's Home> 
Stupid Sasshi... she flirts everything that moves,i don't even know why i'm thinking about right now? aaHHHH! Lovetan shouted with her pillow on her face
Ring!!! Ring!!! Ring!! 
Lovetan sighs, removes the pillow from her face and picks up...
what?!? Lovetan shouts 
Easy up the door! Sasshi said 
no,go away! Lovetan shouts
hey please open up this is heavy! Sasshi says 
i don't care you're a stranger and a pervert and i can let you in.. my parents are not home! Lovten says 
c'mon don't be mean! where is sweet underage girl that i...
that you what? Lovetan asks 
that- that i met! Sasshi says with a sigh 
okay i'll open the door! Lovetan says while goes to the bathroom to fix herself and then goes running to open the door 
what?!?! what's all that? Lovetan asks surprised
well i bought you this things to make you feel better all this time that you're alone at home! Sasshi says blushing and looking other way
is today my birthday? Lovetan asks looking alm the thing that Sasshi had bought her 
oh c'mon all this is necessery... this wii is important because if you get bore you can play..this psp is when you don't to play with the wii.. this flowers are for you to make feel better, this chocolates to feed you but if you don't like chocolates i have candies,if you feel alone i brough you teddy bear to make you company when i'm not around! Sasshi says blushing
"who ever thought the pervert has a heart!" Lovetan thought 
do you want to take care of me the afternoon? my mother had to work! Lovetan says looking down
my pleasure! Sasshi says smiling 
explain me again.. i don't understant! Yuki says complaining 
it's a game... Mayu sighs and says "Forget it you're too old for this!" 
what?!?? i'm on my twenys.. you're so mean Mayu chan! Yuki says laying on Mayu's bed while Mayu has her head on Yuki's shoulder (They're playing with their psp..) 
why we don't watch a movie?Yuki asks 
beacuse playing is the best! Mayu says happy while presses the buttons
Yuki pouts and looks other way 
Mayu turns off her psp...
what do you preffer playing with the granny? Yuki asks 
no,i preffer kissing the granny! Mayu says smirking..

Offline skytsuna

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 11/11
« Reply #56 on: November 11, 2011, 10:31:45 AM »
Oh!!!! An update  :w00t: :w00t:
Yea!!!  :thumbsup
Lovetan and Sasshi moment  XD I love it~
Mayuki moment so funny and sweet~ I LOL at when Mayu called Yuki 'old'  :lol:

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 11/11
« Reply #57 on: November 11, 2011, 10:33:11 AM »
Its incredible  :w00t:
Please do update more  :bow:
I like the Sasshi and Lovetan moments  :inlove: So funny and cute  XD
Lovetan a tsundere  :heart:
Mayuki moments are sweet also  XD

Offline RenaChii

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 11/11
« Reply #58 on: November 11, 2011, 12:48:25 PM »
Hope Lovetan can be honest~  XD

MaYuki~ the last scene just so cute~  :wub:

A! it's not the last! please update soon~  :twothumbs

Offline Megumi

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Re: REMEMBER ME..! <Mayuki> 11/11
« Reply #59 on: November 13, 2011, 11:57:18 PM »
Waaah! Un update!  :panic:

Lovetan is sooo in love with Sasshi LoL!

Thank you for your update!  :bow:
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