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Author Topic: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2  (Read 19670 times)

Offline Haruko

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 1.5] 9/19
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2011, 06:38:47 AM »
forever tsundere tomochin...

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 1.5] 9/19
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2011, 05:56:00 PM »
Sigh, Tomochin needs to be more honest with herself, always tries to hide herself behind her mask, but don't worry Chiyuu will come and tear it down  :twothumbs

I hope you update soon, I can't wait to read more about the development of this pair.

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 1.5] 9/19
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2011, 10:24:20 AM »
yay for TomoxTomo fic. I'm liking your writing style. Looking forward for next chapters...

Offline akinyan

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2011, 04:34:16 PM »
A hurried update before I hit the sack. I didn't actually re-read this so if you think the story's progress sucked here, then... Sorry? xD

Enjoy reading, and please, don't forget to leave a comment or at least a thank you. They're my sole encouragement. ;A;

Chapter 2

As soon as we entered her apartment, the first thing that I noticed was the fact that it was actually big. It was big enough to actually fit a family of four, but too big for someone who lives by herself.

Everything was neatly arranged. The books on the shelves inside the living room were placed according to its height and series. There was another shelf right beside it, and it contained different kind of mangas, fashion books and even figurines unlike the other one which only had novels on it. Two words rose up on my mind by the time I noticed how many books she had, ‘BOOK WORM’.

“Tomochin?” I frowned at the ridiculous nickname inwardly as I turned my attention to her. She simply waved her hand to me in a ‘come-over-here’ kind of manner before walking inside one of the doors. Being the kind guest I was, I quietly complied and followed her inside.

For a 1LDK apartment, her bedroom was actually big. It was coated with the color of pink and white. Even the curtains were white. And despite the fact that it was already night time, the room’s light brightened the room as though it was still morning; which was, to be honest, painful to the eyes.

While I was busy looking around the room in awe, Tomo- I mean Kasai quietly placed a futon just beside the single sized bed and laid down on it without even changing out of her uniform. She heaved out a heavy sigh as soon as she landed down on her back.

“Tomo’s so tired…” She whined.

I looked down at her with a frown plastered on my face. “What are you doing?”

“Lying down…”

“Why there?”

“Because Tomochin will be the one using the bed.”

My frown grew- If ever that was even possible. “Get up; I’ll sleep on the futon instead. I’m much more used with sleeping on the futon anyway since I do that as a daily basis.”

“Nooo~!” She whined out childishly before rolling around the futon and eventually ending up on the floor. She slowly closed her eyes soon after. “Really… Tomochin can use the bed…” Her voice trailed off as she rolled back into the futon once again and snuggled under its blanket.

Sighing quietly to myself, I picked the blanket on the bed up and placed it on the floor- just beside the futon, before dropping the pillows down as well. Kasai slowly opened her eyes again as I laid down on it, staring at me with her slightly widened eyes.

“What are you doing, Tomochin?” She lifted her brows up.

“Since you refuse in letting me sleep on the futon, then I’m sleeping here. Take it or leave it.”

“This is close to sleeping together, you know…”

“I guess you’re right…”

Silence enveloped the two of us for awhile. My eyes were beginning to close itself as time passed by. The only thing I could hear was the sound of the few cars passing by. The light inside the room was still on, thus making it hard for me to fall asleep. I’m not even sure whether it was time for us to sleep or not, but my eyes were demanding their good night’s rest, that’s for sure.

Just as when I was about to blank out, I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I quickly opened my eyes soon after and turned around only to find Kasai close to me.

I frowned.

“Kasai, don’t sleep on me, oi.”

“So sleepy chiyuu…” She said in an obviously tired tone of voice.

“You haven’t even changed out of your uniform yet.”

“That’s fine… Tomo will worry about that tomorrow…”  With that said she snuggled closer and picked my right arm up before wrapping it around herself. “So warm…” she moved even closer, completely invading my space.

“If you try to move closer again, I’m going to bite your ear off.” I furrowed my brows down. Even though I could have pushed her away anytime, I didn’t feel like doing so- rather, I was too lazy to do it. Who can I blame? It was already past ten- or even eleven. Who wouldn’t be dead tired around that time? Not me, that’s for sure.

My eyes slowly closed once again, and quietly, with the idiot still sleeping in my arms, I fell into my own dream world.


By the time I woke up again, it was already morning and to my surprise, Kasai was still asleep right beside me. I quietly reached out for my bag and pulled my phone out to check the time. Five a.m. it was still early, good.

I slowly stood up and walked inside the bathroom.

Really, Itano Tomomi, just what were you thinking? Not only did you accept an offer to stay in someone’s apartment for the night even though you just met, but you also let her sleep in your arms! Jeez, what happened to the ‘keep your promise forever’ thought, huh?

Staring at the mirror standing before me, a frown slowly appeared on my face.

The frown that was always seen on me,

The frown that everyone had grown accustomed to…

“And now I'm not even sure anymore if I can leave now or not.” I sighed as I dropped my head down and furiously ran my hand across my hair. “I guess I’ll go cook for breakfast… It’s better than arguing with my inner-self, at the very least.” Even though I was literally talking to no one, I still voiced it out loud before walking outside the bathroom.

Staring down at her sleeping figure down on the futon, I let out a sigh for the nth time and walked towards her direction, placing the blanket which she most likely tossed aside on top of her.

Really, why do I have to do this?

Sighing again, I finally straightened up and stretched my hands in the air, leaving the room soon after to prepare breakfast.

“Now I’m planning to cook breakfast for someone I just met. This is ridiculous.” I muttered as I left.


Kasai’s PoV

After hearing feint sounds of something getting fried, I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to the side- only to find it empty. I was about to scan my brain for explanations on where she was when I smelled something good.

That must be the answer to my question,

The kitchen.

With a small smile on my face, I stood up and placed the blankets and futon away, grabbing some spare uniforms soon after- a set for myself, and another for Tomochin.

I chuckled at the thought of her reaction whenever I called her by that nickname.

She frowns a lot. And I’m sure that she herself knows of that, but for some reason, her frown makes her even cuter. Not to mention her smile that shows her fang. I honestly wish I had one. Though I understand how most girls wished for perfect flawless teeth, I somehow find ones with fangs and what not more cute.

I’m weird, I know. I get that a lot.

I immediately left the room after changing into my uniform with the other set in my hand and walked to where I thought Tomochin was- only to find it empty. Breakfast was already served on the dining table not far from the kitchen though.

Walking closer to it, I found a piece of paper and picked it up.

I used your things without permission, sorry.
Thanks for letting me stay.

-Tomochin Itano.

I stared at the paper quietly as I listened to the wall clock’s ticking in complete silence…

Oh… So she left already…


Itano’s PoV

As soon as I arrived in the classroom, I immediately made my way to my seat located at the other side of the door, near the window. To be honest, that wasn’t really my proper seat. The student who was supposed to occupy that transferred to another school, you see, so it was left empty. Since it was the furthest seat from everyone else, I took the liberty of stealing it and claimed it mine. Nobody seemed to care, anyway.

“Itano-san~!” One of my classmates called out. She was the second shortest in our class, and the one who was always filled with perverted antics and devious acts. “I wasn’t able to do my assignment today; you did yours in school yesterday, right? Can I copy it, pretty please?” She clasped her hands together in a pleading manner with her head bowed low at the same time.

Without saying anything, I simply pulled out a blue notebook from my table and handed it to her. Thankfully, I make my homeworks in school. Just in case something happens in the evening and would get in the way. Just like what happened last night.

Taking the notebook, she beamed out a smile at me with her deep dimples showing on her cheeks. “Thanks! I’ll treat ya some chocolate cornets later, don’t worry~”  she waved the notebook in the air before running back to her seat “Sae, Sae! Quick, I found our ‘source of enlightenment’! Grab your notebook!”

I quietly watched her call out another classmate, this time, it was the second tallest in our class. I find it amusing how the second shortest and tallest actually gets along well. And to add it up, the shortest and tallest are the class’s President and Vice President, with the shorter one being the former and the tallest as the latter.

“Oh? Really? Lucky~! You sure are fast, Yuko!” Sae jolted up from her seat and occupied the empty chair right beside Yuko, dragging along her notebook and her mechanical pencil.

Everyone has always been like this- Only talking to me when they needed something important, and then, ignoring me completely when they have none. I didn’t mind it though; at least I won’t have any troubles pushing them away. And plus, letting them copy my assignments actually helps me as well, since they would always reward me with breads and lunch. That’s right, I’m the class Pet. They feed me if I do something nice.

Pathetic, I know.

I stood up from my chair and walked outside the classroom for a quick stroll. It was still thirty minutes early before classes would officially start. And the Principal just announced awhile ago that the teachers will have an emergency meeting. So I hardly doubt that classes would start early.

As soon as I reached the stairs, I bumped onto the last person I wanted to see- Kasai Tomomi.

“Ah! Tomochin~! Good morning.” She greeted cheerfully with a smile plastered on her face. Some of the students even turned their attention to us for a second or two before resuming what they were doing. “Jeez, you just left me like that this morning, Tomochin sure is cruel… And to think that we sl-”

I hurriedly clasped my hand on her mouth- Which unintentionally ended up with a ‘slap’ to her mouth with a loud smack.

And I could clearly see that it hurt.

She looked at me with her pout on before grabbing my hand. “That hurt!” She whined as usual.

“Well, it’s your fault for saying unnecessary things in public. What you were about to say could have led to misunderstandings, you know! What would your friends think if they misunderstood what you said and finds out that you actually let Itano Tomomi, the most unsociable student, stay in your home?” I frowned.

Staring at me with a blank look plastered on her face, Kasai’s brows slowly furrowed down to the middle. “Mou, Tomochin worries about trivial things too much! Tomo has no friends anyway so rest assured.” 

Wait, what?

“Sorry, did I hear that right? You, with no friends? Then who were you messaging inside the train last night?”

“Oh, that? Tomo was actually checking online fashion shops~”

I mentally facepalmed.

In all honesty, my ‘respect’ to this girl is slowly… fading away. She’s way too… Well, I’m not really sure myself but for some reason, being with her somewhat annoys me. I don’t think of her as bothersome, but really, I can’t stop sighing whenever she’s around.

“Ah! Since Tomochin has no friends as well, does that mean Tomo is your first friend?”

“Don’t just go around announcing you’re my friend without asking me.”

“But you slept with Tomo!” She pouted and began flailing her arms in the air.

My eyes widened as soon as I realized what she just said. “O-Oi, idiot! Don’t just yell that out in here! Do you want a rumor to spread or something?!” My hand slapped her head out of instinct.

Taking a step back as a response, Kasai accidentally bumped onto someone.

The next thing we knew, someone was already laying flat at the end of the staircase, covered with the books she was most likely carrying before Kasai had bumped onto her.

The two of us immediately ran to her side and checked whether she was fine or not. She was still breathing, thankfully, but she was still unconscious.

“This… This is bad, Tomochin…”

“Tell me something I don’t know…” I slapped my palm on my forehead.

“No… I mean… This… This is the Student Council’s President! She’s supposed to have speech later, right?!”

“…This really is bad…”

"Oi, both of you! Have you seen the Student Council Pres? She's missing for some rea- Oh my God, what did you do to her?!" The Secretary of the council, namely Takajo Aki or Akicha, widened her eyes as soon as she saw the President lying flat at the end of the stairs, unconscious. "Sasshi! Oi, Sasshi, wake up!" she grabbed her by the collar and started shaking her violently. Wait, wouldn't that just make things worst? "Come on! I'll make you do your Sashiharassment on Kero-chan as much as you want, just wake up already! It's almost time for your speech!"

As though her offer worked, Sashihara- The student council President (believe it or not), opened her eyes and looked up at the Secretary crouching down right beside her. She dramatically and at the same time, slowly, reached her hand out to her. Akicha responded by holding it. "Aki..." Sashihara coughed. "I'm sorry... I have failed everyone... I suppose I'll be... Leaving... Now..." Her grip on Akicha's hand slowly lessened as she closed her eyes once again. And eventually, dropped it down as thought she had indeed died.

Kasai and I watched them with blank looks plastered on our faces.

"Pres?! Pres?! Sasshi!!!!" Akicha yelled out to the sky- well, more like the ceiling since we're indoors- making me facepalm for the nth time.

Why am I surrounded with idiots?

"You two..." She slowly stood up as her voice slowly turned into a threatening one. Oh boy... Is this her Yankee side everyone has been talking about...? "You better take responsibility about this..." Fully standing on her feet again, she looked at us with a deadly smile on. "And I'm not taking no as an answer..."

"H-Hai..." Kasai and I reluctantly answered in unison.


Standing in front of hundreds of students packed inside the school's gym, I quietly shifted my eyes to Kasai and signed her to begin reading the piece of paper secretly tucked on the small speech table placed in the middle of the stage. She shook her head hurriedly. I heaved out a sigh before stabbing a glare at her. Still, she shook her head and pressed her arms together into an X sign.

"Oi, you two, just read it already!" The Vice President of the student council, or should I say Kitahara Rie hissed out from the side on the stage. She pointed her index finger towards the paper impatiently. "It's your fault that Sasshi's locked in the infirmary, so read it in her stead." She added.

I quietly scoffed before grabbing the piece of paper. "Fine, I'll read it first."

"No, Tomo will." Kasai suddenly grabbed the edge of it and pulled it out of my grasp.

"Ha? Didn't you just say no earlier?" I stared at her, clearly not amused by her act. "Give it back, Kasai."

She shook her head. "No. I'll read the first lines first."

"Look, just because you're Younger and Taller than me for a few numbers doesn't mean I have to follow whatever you want. Now be a good girl and hand it over, Kasai Tomomi."

The students before us began laughing quietly to themselves as we continued on bickering. The microphone was on at that.

"Age and Height has nothing to do with this, chiyuu!"

"There's that Chiyuu again! You keep on saying Chiyuu chiyuu, chiyuu chiyuu! What does that even mean!?" I successfully grabbed a hold of the piece of paper she was lifting up. "Give me that." I hurriedly snatched it back before she could react.

"Mou, it's because Tomochin is always hot headed! That's why she has no friends at all!" She grabbed the piece of paper again- this time, by trapping me using her right arm. She swiftly wrapped it around me so I could stop moving as she used her free hand to take the piece off paper from my hand.

I frowned up at her. "Hey, you have no right to say that, you have no friends too!"

She paused for awhile with her jaw slightly dropping down. Taking this as my advantage, I took the paper back and lifted it up in the air- even though I knew that she could leisurely reach it since she's far taller than me.

After a few more minutes of silence, she finally snapped back and went back to reaching out for the paper again. "It's not Tomo's fault if people thinks she's weird! That's why I don't mind if they ignore me!" She took a step closer with her right hand held out towards the paper. I took a step away in response. "Chiyuu will do the opening lines! So hand it over, Tomochin!"

"Stop calling me by that ni-"

Everybody's gasps echoed throughout the Gym after a loud thud.

I groaned inwardly with my eyes tightly shut as soon as my back met the hard wooden stage.

Slowly opening them again, the first thing that greeted my vision was Kasai, with her eyes slightly widening...

...And with our lips locked together.

A/N: Yes, KitaRie, Sasshi and Akicha's in the student council. xD I thought that giving those roles to Senbatsu Members was far too cliched already so I chose the three musketeers. I mean, who doesn't love them? ;D

Thank you for reading. m( _ _ )m

And I apologize if I didn't meet your expectations on this chapter.  :mon sweat:
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 04:44:55 PM by akinyan »

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2011, 04:59:29 PM »
a KISS  :w00t: :w00t: TomoTomo  :heart:

please update soon!

Offline karomuwi

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2011, 05:27:17 PM »


So don't apologize! I loved it! Every single sentence(I know I'm exaggerating but I really do)! I love it!

Plus with all the comedy in this, I... You are hypnotizing me with your story. Please update fast T.T I just love your story about this two  :inlove: :inlove:
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2011, 05:46:35 PM »
oh boy.... TomoTomo so hilarious!!!! :rofl:

and they kisss....  :w00t:
this is getting more interesting!!!

update soon

Offline Alex.S1

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2011, 06:38:31 PM »
I love the trio Aki-Sasshi-Rie

The final part of this chapter cracked me up LOL

I love it, keep doing your good job  :heart:

Update soon  :cathappy:

Offline Haruko

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2011, 05:58:54 AM »
OMG!! the kiss!!!... good job chiyu!!

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2011, 02:56:05 PM »
an update, and it was a long chapter too  XD XD XD
this made my day complete, domo!  XD :love: XD
i just love TomoTomo that i was like this---> :w00t:
when i saw that you updated!
....sooner or later, Tomochin's dere side will show up  :rofl:
and i can't wait for that to happen! :lol:
i love the annoying Chiyuu, esp. the kiss part :thumbsup

PS: isnt't Tomochin a bad cook? lol  :lol:

Offline akinyan

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2011, 03:04:44 PM »
@dark-atrox: Believe me, you'll know about what Tomochin cooked soon enough

@Alex.S1: xD The three musketeers!

@karomuwi: S-Sorry... ^^;

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2011, 06:42:52 PM »
Rofl poor Sasshi! First pushed by Chiyuu then shaked by Akicha ^^
OMG Tomotomo kiss in front everyone O_O
Please update soon!

Offline vutt48

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2011, 10:17:29 PM »
I enjoyed last chapter a lot. I liked comedy angle here. 3 musketeers inclusion is nice touch as well.

Buy no means I don't want to invade into your creative territory, but if you want to draw some inspiration from real world then bear in mind that she have been living by her own for couple of years now and have become skilled enough in cooking art. Based on her and other girls blog-posts she have orgainised quite few dinner parties. Unless other girls have been incredible polite by smoothing out her mishaps it appears she have done just fine.

Having said that don't worry. What ever route you take with this fic  I still will read your stories. Keep them coming.

Offline akinyan

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2011, 01:47:57 AM »
I enjoyed last chapter a lot. I liked comedy angle here. 3 musketeers inclusion is nice touch as well.

Buy no means I don't want to invade into your creative territory, but if you want to draw some inspiration from real world then bear in mind that she have been living by her own for couple of years now and have become skilled enough in cooking art. Based on her and other girls blog-posts she have orgainised quite few dinner parties. Unless other girls have been incredible polite by smoothing out her mishaps it appears she have done just fine.

Having said that don't worry. What ever route you take with this fic  I still will read your stories. Keep them coming.

Lol. Actually, I'm quite sure I already know that she's good at cooking. She did mention that she makes chocolates and marshmallow flakes for the other members on Valentine's Day once, and plus, her Private Video contains of her cooking a Love-Fiiled Pasta Sauce. xD

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #34 on: September 27, 2011, 05:40:36 AM »
I agree with Akinyan, I believe Tomochin can cook, seen her in a couple shows with her cooking its not bad, but not super, I would say decent... she just.... isn't good with tasting the food.......... or just prefer different flavor/ taste to everyone else.....

ROFL I love the Sasshi, Akicha and Rie moments, lol the comedy drama hahahahaha

O.O TomoTomo kissed in front of everyone.......

Please continue, I want to know what happen next!


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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 2] 9/25
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2011, 09:04:13 AM »
I SO SO LOVE IT  :heart:
TomoTomo is one of my Ultimate OTP's but it's pretty not that much to find a fanfic about them  :cry:
thankyou for making this!! Still looking forward to the next chapter. flailing hard while reading  :cow: so cute~

and that kiss  :deco:

Offline akinyan

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Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 3] 9/28
« Reply #36 on: September 28, 2011, 05:08:02 PM »
Another hurried chapter lolol. IT'S TIME FOR ME TO SLEEP, OMG MOM'S RANTING!
Thanks for the continued support everyone.


After spotting the odd position Kasai and I were in on the stage, Kitahara hurriedly shut the lights off- engulfing the gym into nothing but the shade of black.

Wasting no time at all, I hurriedly placed my hand on Kasai’s shoulder and ‘gently’ shoved her away. I wanted to run, really. Rather, I wanted to slap her badly, but thanks to the darkness right now, I couldn’t even locate the idiotic girl. Slapping my hand on my forehead, I let out a shaky sigh as I hoped that it would help in calming me down. And it did, actually.

“Hey, you two, come over here!” Akicha hissed quietly from the side of the stage, turning her phone’s light on so that we could locate her much easier. The two of us complied, of course, and as soon as we were out of the stage, Kitahara turned the lights on again, showing the surprised and at the same time, confused looks of the students.

After a few moment of staring at us, Kitahara shook her head disappointedly and walked up the stage to read the letter in our stead.

Akicha suddenly placed her hand on her shoulder, looking down at me with her sympathetic eyes.

I slowly dropped my head down and glanced up at the idiot as a response.

“Great… My first kiss was with a girl… and in front of people I don’t know as well…”

I sighed bitterly.

“What just happened anyway? And are you okay? Your back didn’t snap, did it?” The student council president lifted her right brow up as she shifted her attention from me to Kasai- who was the culprit to all of this. Literally. “You didn’t just randomly tackle and then kiss her down, did you? Um… Kasai Tomomi, right?”

She nodded her head. “You can call me Tomo.”  Her brows shifted down as she tried to smile, “I’m really sorry for everything I did… Really…” bowing down, she stayed in that position for a long while.

“Ease up, Tomo. Kitarie’s fixing things now, so try not to worry about it too much.” Akicha grinned, “Although… I think you two will have to fix this one problem on your own…”

I frowned.

“And what may this problem be?”

Her grin widened and slowly turned into a devious one.

“You’ll see soon.”

… I have a bad feeling about this.


After the unexpected event, Kitahara told Kasai and I that it would be best if we skip school for the day instead- which we did immediately. I don’t know about Kasai, but school’s nothing but a hindrance to me,

As we made our way home, the first thing that bothered me was the fact that Kasai was actually quiet. And she wasn’t trying to cling onto my arm as well. I know that I should be thankful about it, but for some reason, it was kind of sa- I mean, I couldn’t help myself from feeling awkward about it.

Unable to keep my curiosity in any longer, I sighed out loudly before turning to her and grabbing her by the wrist so she would stop walking.

“Kasai.” I called out while lightly pulling her back. “You’re awfully quiet. Is there something wrong?” My brows slowly furrowed to the middle. Just what the hell am I doing, anyway? This isn’t like me… Why am I even asking her if something was wrong? She could start crying for all I care.

She sniffled.

Wait, I was only joking on the crying part!

“It’s just that… Tomo caused a lot of trouble today… To the student council, to everyone… Even to Tomochin…” her voice croaked, making me feel guilty inside for asking her. “Tomo even used her first kiss on Tomochin…” Oh great, is killing someone through guilt the new fad?

Hearing that it was also her first kiss, I let out a sigh of relief- Wait, what? Why would I feel so relieved over something so simple- Rather, what’s there for me to be relieved about?

“You can’t call that a ‘real’ first kiss.” I finally let go of her wrist, “A kiss is something shared by two people who loves each other, right? So ours CAN’T be a real one.” Emphasizing the word ‘can’t’, I nodded to myself inwardly. That was an acceptable reason why we shouldn’t call it a first kiss, if I do say so myself.

“But Tomo does love Tomochin!”

I blinked.


“I said, Tomo does love Tomochin! I do love you! So isn’t that counted as a First Kiss, then?”

“Wha- Well I don’t. So that’s still not counted.”

“Eh? But didn’t we-”

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head again. “A no is a no, Tomo.”

I continued on walking towards the train station, leaving her behind as I began to quicken my pace. Seriously, it seems like being worried about her and talking to her was a bad idea after all. And just what does she mean by what she said? I can’t believe how she can just say those three words so casually as though it meant nothing at all.

“Tomochin, wait!” For some reason, she managed to catch up without even a drop of sweat on her face- or at least panting. “Did… Did I just hear that right? You... You actually called me Tomo?”


I instantly stopped on my tracks.

God no… Did I really call her that?

Impossible, that’s just too impossible.

“You’re being delusional again. Kasai.” After buying a ticket for the train, I left her again and proceeded inside the station, sitting down on one of the benches there as I waited for the next train to come. Which Is, to my dismay, still an hour away. People were giving strange looks to me as well. But I suppose that’s to be expected since it’s still time for us to be in school and I’m actually sitting here instead of in my classroom.

“Tomo’s not being delusional, Chiyuu…” A sigh escaped from my lips as soon as I noticed her sitting down right beside me with her arms crossed together and a pout on her face- which, to be honest, suits her for some reason. “I swear, I heard Tomochin say the name ‘Tomo’!” she puffed her cheeks more.

Why do I have to wait for the train with her?

“Hey, I’m also named as Tomo by some of my acquaintances, so that’s no surprise if I do say that word.”


“Shut up or I’ll slap you.”

“Go ahead!” She pouted.

I lifted my right hand up with a straight look plastered on my face. She responded with a broken smile and an obviously forced laugh, shifting her eyes to the side soon after before mumbling. “T-Tomo takes it back, please spare me.”

Smiling at her victoriously, I finally remembered something important- I wasn’t supposed to be talking with someone so casually like this. Wasn’t it me who said that I wouldn’t find any friends? That I would stick with being alone until the very end? Then why am I here talking with this idiot right beside me?! Tomomi Itano, I swear, if you mess this up and your father finds out, I’m going to hate you forever…

I sighed. Hell, as if I can come to hate myself…



“Let’s go to Tomo’s apartment again!” She chimed out happily, showing off her billion watt grin once again. The people inside the train station looked at the two of us for a second or two before going back to their business. What is this, déjà vu?

“Give me one good reason why I should go to your apartment.”

“Because Tomochin cooked breakfast for Tomo. I want to do something in return!”

“Okay, I meant two.”

“It’s still early; it would be a waste to just spend it alone, Chiyuu…”



“Time’s up. I’m actually starting to miss my own apartment, so I supposed I won’t be going with you, I’m sorry, Tom- Kasai.” I smirked at her deviously as she looked up at me in disbelief. I have to admit, teasing her every now and then is quite fun. Especially whenever she looks at me with her ‘surprise’ face. And every after that surprised look of her, she would always pout.

And she did.

But it only lasted for less than a second as she smiled at me cheerfully once again, grabbing my hand tightly and shaking it up and down. I frowned, “I know! Tomo will visit Tomochin’s apartment, then! It’s only fair, chiyuu. You’ve already slept in my apartment, this time, let Tomo sleep in Tomochin’s!” the people in the station stared at us again, making me slap my forehead inwardly.

“Can you please stop talking about last night before a rumor starts spreading?”

“Then the kiss?”


“Is that answer for the apartment one or the kiss?”


She put on her puppy-like frown and slowly shifted her eyes down to the ground. “Chiyuu…” she mumbled quietly, slowly shifting her body to the other side with her back facing me. Seriously, she acts like a kid too much.

Silence engulfed the two of us- but it was cut short as the train finally arrived. So much for one hour.

Standing up, I shifted my attention from the train back to her, quietly lifting my brows up as I noticed how she just remained in her seat. “Kasai?” I called out, but there was only silence with her giving me a mere shrug on her right shoulder as a response. I frowned at her in response as she turned her head away. Is this what they call the ‘silent treatment’? God, I seriously have to keep track on people’s actions now a days.

“Kasai, hurry up already or we’re going to miss the train.” I held my hand out to her.

She simply let out an ‘hmph’ and turned away even more.

Letting out a sigh, I dropped my hand down back to my side in defeat, pursing my lips into a frown tightly before sighing once again.

“Alright, fine. But not now, so how does tomorrow sound?”

She slightly turned her head to me, but still kept quiet.

“And you can continue on talking about the kiss.”

Her grin slowly appeared on her features once again before jumping onto me with her arms tightly wrapped around my shoulder. “I knew Tomochin is a really kind girl deep inside, chiyuu~! Tomochin is the Tomo loves, after all~” more people began staring at us after hearing the word ‘love.’

Good God, why me?


Arriving back to my apartment, I lazily took my shoes off and walked up to my room without any delay, dropping myself down on my bed soon after.

What a tiresome day.

No, not only today but last night as well, and all of this is because of one girl. An idiot at that.

Seriously, just what is wrong with me? I keep on repeating to myself that I wouldn’t befriend anyone, but there she is. And to think that I’ve been trying to disagree with her all this time. Why is it that I always end up complying to whatever she wants at the very end? She must be a witch. Yeah, behind that sexy face of hers is a devious witch- wait… Did I just say the ‘S’ word?

Great, something really is wrong with me…

Sighing, I stood up from my bed and changed out of my uniform.

I guess I’ll spend the whole day sleeping. There’s no use of stressing myself over her. Not to mention how my body’s been drying for a peaeful rest.


The birds’ songs echoed throughout my empty room as the sun’s light slowly entered from my ‘naked’ window (it has no curtain). Lying down on my bed, I blankly stared up at the ceiling with my everyday frown sticking on my face. I slowly moved my right arm up and rested it on my forehead soon after, closing my eyes for a second or two before heaving out a sigh.

Here I was, saying that I would get a peaceful rest…

But a day already passed and I still haven’t taken at least an hour of sleep…

I blame the kiss for that…


I hurriedly slammed my hand on the alarm clock sitting down on the table beside my bed before it could even finish its first beep.

Great, now it’s time for me to go to school.

This is the pits.


Dragging my feet forward, I let out a yawn for the nth time of the day, rubbing my eyes lazily with my free hand as the other one tried to keep its grip tight on my bag’s sling. Hopefully, I don’t look like a panda right now.

Seeing the school’s gate only a few steps away from me, I smiled to myself quietly. Finally, I can take a rest inside my classroom. And possibly sleep in class.

“Look! It’s Tomochin!” My ‘secret’ smile immediately dropped down into a frown as I heard the ridiculous nickname first thing in the morning. And it was from someone else’s voice as well. “Oh god, it really is her! Hey, Tomochi~n!” Another voice said from the distance. My frown grew even more. Alright that’s it, who keeps on calling me by that nickname?!

Looking around the gate, I finally spotted two familiar figures standing not far from where I was.

Yuko and Sae.

“Kyaa! It’s Itano-sama!”

–sama ? Okay, that’s plain scary.

A girl hurriedly ran to my side, giving me a white board and a marker with a determined look on her face. Clearly taken aback from this, I furrowed my brows down and stared at the two objects, slightly tilting my head to the side. Just what the heck is she trying to pull off here?

“Can I have your autograph?” The girl chimed, clasping her hands together as she bowed her head down pleadingly.

“The last time I checked, I wasn’t an idol. So what’s with this?”

I placed my signature on the whiteboard nonetheless and handed it to her.

The girl’s eyes widened from happiness and let out a girly squeal as she took the object from me, happily waving it to another group of girls while sticking her tongue out at them.

The said group, which I think is a friend of her or so hurried searched random things from their bag and approached me, handing me another marker again as they held various objects infront of me just like how the previous girl did. I starred at them blankly.

“Okay, can someone please tell me what’s happening?”

“This must be what Akicha said yesterday…” Tomo tapped my shoulder and smiled at me brokenly as soon as I turned my head up to her, looking at the crowd before us soon after. “She did say there was another problem waiting for us, after all…”

More girls began to gather around us, asking for our signs or even asking us if we could kiss again. Unable to take all of the confusion anymore…

I snapped.


“Well that’s easy.” Yuko’s dimpled smile came into my sight as she walked closer to us. “Tomochin, this is an all-girls school. You know what most of girls prefer in schools like this…”

My frown rose up on my features once again.


She grinned.

“That’s right, and they happen to be fangirls of them. And now…”

“-They’re Tomo and Tomochin’s fangirls too…” Tomo cut in, earning a nod from Yuko.

This really is the pits…

Lol, sorry if ever the chapter's too... well... you add the remaining missing word. xD

Offline Kid_Alpha

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 3] 9/28
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2011, 05:50:01 PM »
Fangirls can be scary lol

That was a different reaction from what I expected though.

Offline kahem

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 3] 9/28
« Reply #38 on: September 28, 2011, 06:44:11 PM »
I was smiling during the all reading ^^
Poor Tomochin, she should give up, Chiyuu will end to win her heart

Offline Alex.S1

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 3] 9/28
« Reply #39 on: September 28, 2011, 07:37:48 PM »
LOL That's why I like All-girl-school but it's also a shame that they don't have any school like that in my country.

Itano-sama, I wonder how will you deal with all the fans LOL

And Tomo~mi's gonna stay the night at Tomochin's house  :cathappy:

Can't wait for next chapter, update soon, plz. And thanks a lot for this update

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