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Author Topic: Club Idol (S02E06 - A Face From The Past) 03/20/2012  (Read 12211 times)

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Club Idol (S02E06 - A Face From The Past) 03/20/2012
« on: November 16, 2011, 05:09:30 AM »
This is an older series of mine (not the one being cast right now).

Read at your own risk because the subject of most of this series is sex (nothing much is explicitly described though).

It is sort of a Noah's Ark crossed with Sex and The City.

The story is all about a magical place where everything is for sale and the only thing with no value is love, a place where four young women try to find themselves while everyone else is trying to lose themselves: Club Idol.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 10:38:09 PM by resop2 »

Offline resop2

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Re: Club Idol
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2011, 05:53:11 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Author's Note: Tsunku's songs exist in this universe, but it is not part of the story who does the originals that they cover.

Club Idol - Chapter 1 - Our Secret Lives

Darn it.  That clock is too slow.  It still says five minutes.

An older woman approaches a pretty young woman with shoulder length brown hair who types at a keyboard. "Ai-chan!  The guys are going drinking down at the corner bar.  Why don't you join them for once?  They have been asking for you."

Ai blushes slightly.  Yeah, that's worked out well for some of the other Office Ladies who have gone out with them in the past.  "Sorry, I hate to be a 'stick in the mud', but I go out every Friday with some girl friends of mine from back home.  I'm sorry, ma'am."

The head Office Lady smiles.  "I guess that's okay, but you might consider embracing the new instead of holding on so hard to the old."

"Maybe some other time, ma'am?"

"I suppose I can let you keep going at your own pace."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Oh, one more thing."

"Yes, sir?"

"I guess you were thinking of your friends, but when you first answered me you started using your hometown dialect again."

"Oops."  Ai makes the cutesy motion of play hitting herself in the head.

The Office Lady manager leaves.

The clock finally shows quitting time.  I thought that minute hand would never get there.

Ai rushes down to the subway and takes a crowded local train to one of the main stations.

Ai walks over to the platform for her transfer, but does not board the next available train.  Instead, she waits.  After a few minutes, her waiting is rewarded.

"Ai-chan!"  Running like an out of control train is Makoto.  Makoto is not as pretty as Ai, but Makoto's energy has always made Makoto as popular as Ai and her circle of friends.

"No need to run, you're only the second one here."

Makoto brushes her messy long black hair from in front of her face.  "Sorry, it's just that I am so excited about tonight."

"Really?  This is the only the eighth time that we've done it and you've already lost all of your fear?"

"Geeze.  Was I really all that afraid the first couple times that we did it?"

"You were petrified."  Sneaking up on Makoto and Ai is Asami.

"Oh, no!  Another 'let's pick on Mako-chan' day?"

Asami looks at Makoto's rat's nest hair.  "Well, if this is another day like that, then let me say that you didn't faithfully use the hair straightening shampoo I lent you last week."

Makoto looks at Asami's perfectly straight dark brown hair with envy.  "Okay, you have me there, but, are you saying that Asami, the genius girl of style, can't fix this?"

Asami giggles.  "Of course I can."

"But, she won't be able to fix your open mouthed smile."  Also sneaking up on the three friends is Risa.

Makoto pouts.  "Just because you modeled when you were a kid ..."

Risa raises an eyebrow that reaches almost to her permed light brown hair.

Makoto remembers pictures of them as a group that proved that an open mouth smile wasn't her best look, and then she looks down, defeated.

"Asami, did you bring everything?"  Ai is the only one in the group with a worried expression.

"Everything is in my bags."

The lights start flashing for the next train.  The four ladies enter the train and ride it to their final stop: Shinjuku Ni-Chome.

The four of them walk in single file down a narrow alley.  They pass a heavily made up boy who works the door for a night club.

"Miss Makoto.  That hair."  The boy flicks his wrist in disgust.

"Geeze, everyone's picking on me today."

"Don't worry, Johnny.  I have it under control."  Asami winks at the bouncer.

"You the man, Miss Asami."

They arrive at their final destination, a nightclub with a sign in front that says "Club Idol".  Although the club is larger than the other clubs on the street, it is still fairly small, handling only thirty clients at a time.

They enter.

"You're here!"  A tall, older woman with extremely long extremely straight black hair and a deep voice greats them.

Makoto smiles.  "Kay, you're such a worry-wart!  It would take an army to keep us away."

Kay (short for Kaori) rubs her hands together.  "I just worry that my angels will disappear some day and my clients will go away."

Ai waves her finger.  "You have signed us to a one year contract.  A deal is a deal."

"Wonderful.  I will start setting up."

The four girls go to the downstairs dressing room to change and do their makeup.

The sun sets and the alley glows with the neon lights from the numerous clubs.

Two tall, striking and fashionable ladies squeeze down the alley.  Johnny waves to them as they pass.  They wave pleasantly.

Kay sticks out her hand. "Ladies, twenty for the cover two drink minimum."

The two ladies pay and enter.

The main area of the club has many tables for people to sit and a small stage to the left of the bar.  The two ladies sit down.

"Hitomi-sama, Rika-sama.  Welcome back home.  I am honored by your presence."  Ai welcomes the two ladies as she has served them before.

The taller girl, Hitomi, a blond with less than shoulder length hair and a masculine wardrobe and look, smiles.  "Ai-chan.  I thought you knew I like you as a cat the best."

Not this again.  Ai holds her order pad and pen and tries to keep her composure.  "Tonight, we are taking orders as maids.  If you like I could be a cat maid for you."


Ai walks to the bar where an older but very pretty lady named Natsumi tends.  "Na-san, a pair of ears?"

"Coming up."

Ai puts on the ears and returns to the table.  "May I take your order, nyaah?"  Ai makes a cat like gesture.

Hitomi moves over to make room for Ai.  "Come, sit with us first."

Ai complies.  Geez.  I guess service is going to be slow as usual tonight, but at least no one is going to complain for fear of losing their "special service".

"This maid outfit isn't as sexy as last week's outfit was."

Rika gives Hitomi a disapproving eye.  Rika has long dark hair and is dressed in a cutesy pink outfit.  "I think it's lovely.  A girl doesn't always have to display skin to be sexy."

"Come on, Ai, don't you want to be sexy for your Hitomi?"

"Oh, yes, Hitomi-sama.  But, don't fret.  You'll be rewarded later on tonight, nyaah."

"Dear, don't you think you should order?"

Ai smiles on the inside.  I guess, as usual, Hitomi and Rika are going to keep each other up tonight with a lust fueled by Rika's jealousy.  I guess I shouldn't mind Hitomi's sexual harassment since it is being done for Rika's benefit, not mine.

"Martinis for both of us, and the decadent chocolate cake for me."  Hitomi leers at Ai when she says the word decadent.

"The strawberry parfait for me.  Maybe I should have our cat feed me a strawberry like it was a grape?"

Hitomi gets a panicked expression.

Hitomi is kind of cute when she thinks that Rika might be looking at another woman.  She's macho on the outside, but Rika has her curled around her finger and stuck in her back pocket.  Ai giggles.  "Of course, nyaah."

Ai bows and walks to the bar to register the order.  Natsumi sends a text message to the pastry shop in the alley behind the club, an order that will be delivered by a special runner to the club's back door.

Ai passes another table along the way that Makoto is working. 

Makoto's hair is now up in a top pony tail and looks well groomed and cute.  "Yuko-sama, Mari-sama, welcome home, masters.  How may I serve you tonight?"

"Oh, drop the formal stuff, Mako-chan, we know each other better than that, right?  Sit here and be better company than this midget."  Yuko, who has shoulder length blond hair and a "sexy older woman" look, pulls Makoto down next to her.

"Hey!"  Mari pretends to be offended, but knows that her friend has had a rough day.  Mari has dirty blond hair that she wears in pigtails and is much younger looking that Yuko.

"You're looking lovely as always, Yuko-chan."

"At least you say that to me.  I work all day with guys who wonder when I am going to get married.  Besides the obvious, even if I was going to get married, aren't I still rather young to be doing something like that?"

Wow, I wish I look as good as she does when I get to be her age.  But, I guess some people are self-conscious about things like that.  "Absolutely.  You're still in the flower of your youth."

Mari rolls her eyes and says in a sarcastic voice:  "If flowers live to be thirty two thousand years old."

"If flowers lived that long they would grow higher than one hundred and forty-five centimeters!"

"Ladies, ladies.  You're making me sad that two beautiful and stunning women can't see each other's beauty."

Both clients turn up their noses at each other.

"I bet I know something that can turn this around.  Yuko-chan, you like Bloody Marys, right?"  Makoto does a cutesy head tilt at the end of the sentence so her ponytail would bounce.

"Yeah, yeah."

"And, Mari-san, you like Manhattans, right?"

Mari nods.

"And, you both like fruit tarts, right?  Well, after a couple of drinks we'll all be the same age, the same height and we'll all be happy."

Yuko squeezes Makoto's arm.  "Is being happy too much to ask for?"

Makoto is able to pull herself away.  "Of course not.  I'll get your order right away."

Makoto flees this pathetic pair, walking past Asami who works another table.

"Sayumi-sama, Sayaka-sama, welcome home to your castle."

Sayaka, a tall, heavy set woman with long black hair worn up in a side bun looks at Asami as if she was a pastry.  "Asami-chan, sit with me.  Let's monopolize beauty on this side of the table."

"But, that would not be possible with you on that side of the table."  Sayumi has long black hair and straight bangs.

Asami tried to suppress a giggle.  The fighting between Sayaka and her younger protegee Sayumi seemed beyond camp to her.  It was almost as if Sayumi really believed that she was the cutest young lady in the world.

"There is too much beauty at this table for it to be monopolized on either side."

Sayumi turns up her nose at Asami's peace making efforts.  "When I looked at myself in the mirror this morning I didn't notice that I was less cute than Sayaka."

"Ladies, ladies.  Sayumi, I have an idea.  How about I get you a Daiquiri?  You like cherry pie with Daiquiri's right?"

"Yes.  But, I will still be cuter."

"And, Sayaka, you like crepes with a Kamikaze, right?"

"Yes, but, she'll still be annoying."

"Please, accept the humble advice of your servant and try this solution out.  I am sure it will be pleasing."  Asami bows low.

Sayaka cracks a smile.  "Well, if you put it that way, I am stuck with her, so why not."

"At least the cherry pie will be cute."

"Wonderful.  Asami-chan is happy.  I will get your orders in right now."

Risa also works a table.  "Kei-sama.  Welcome back to your castle.  Will you introduce me to your lovely guest?"

Kei is older and is slightly less cute than most of the other ladies in the club, but she carries herself with dignity.  She has short light brown straight hair. "This is my friend Aibon.  We have been playing golf recently."

"Aibon-sama, welcome to Club Idol."

"You have an interesting place.  I might enjoy it."  Aibon wears men's clothing and has sunglasses on even though there was no need for them indoors.  Aibon speaks as if she was a bored celebrity.

Wow, she's pretty full of herself for someone who I have never heard of.  "Aibon-sama, there's no way you won't enjoy it.  I guarantee it."  Risa glances at Kei and Kei's expression tells Risa that Aibon's actions are a put on.

"Risa, why don't you get us some drinks?"

"Yes, Kei-sama.  You prefer 'Sex on the Beach,' right?"

Kei smiles.  "With you, it doesn't have to be just on the beach."

"Aibon-sama, what would you like?"

"There is a drink that I have heard of called a 'sonic screwdriver,' I wonder if your bartender has heard of it?"

"Na-chan can do anything."

"I would like to try one then."

"We also have pastries."

"I have such a craving for a chocolate eclair."

"Good choice, Kei-sama.  And, you Aibon?"

"Short cake."  Aibon drops the affected way of speaking and now sounds girlish.

"Coming right up!"

The four girls work the crowd until ten minutes until ten, then go backstage to change again.

At ten, Natsumi walks on the stage to introduce the main attraction of the night.  "Ladies, may I introduce the girls who put the idol in Club Idol, City Style!"

Ai, Makoto, Asami and Risa come out from the back in matching long coats.  They and Natsumi strategically move a large panel away from the wall about four feet.  This cuts off some of the real estate of the stage, but the girls still have room to maneuver around it.

The girls all have wireless microphones.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Ai."

"I'm Makoto."

"I'm Asami."

"I'm Risa."

Ai shoots a glance to Kay.  She nods, signifying that all four of the microphones were working and that she could hear all of them clearly from across the tiny club.  "And, tonight, we will be in charge of bringing your dreams to life.  Please take care of us."

The four girls bow.

Kay starts the tape that Makoto has made.  A loud gong is heard.

"The fish that you let slip by is huge.  The moment of encounter is so important ..."

Most of the ladies in the club have already left their seats and press against the stage.  The four girls take advantage of this to sing directly in some of the customers faces and scold and push some of the other audience members at key points of the song.

The ladies grab at the girls outfits but do not pull.  There seems to be some unwritten rules already in place after only seven previous performances over what was acceptable behavior and what was not.

At the end of the song the girls walk across the line of people pressed against the stage slapping high fives.

Soon, the music starts again.  Makoto pulls Yuko on the stage with her to deliver her spoken line directly to her.  "I want to believe this love is true, this love that you expressed to me.  The future can only tell if the is love is true or not, right?"

At the end of her line Makoto gently pushes Yuko back off stage.  Yuko at first doesn't react, but when the four girls start dancing she squeals.

At the end of the song the girls work the crowd for a minute, then slip behind the panel.  After depositing their long coats, the come out revealing their first under costume.  They come out from behind the panel skipping and acting girlish, behavior consistent with the outfits, school uniforms.

The clients react favorably to the new look, some of them in their drunken revelry already shouting forward and embarrassing things to the girls.

Asami waves her finger in disapproval (also her signal to Kay to restart the tape).  "That's sweet of you ladies to say, but there is a time and place for that."

The girls pose together and start their next song: "Don't make me take of my school uniform.  It's wrong now, you should wait..."

This song seems to have a subliminal effect on many of the clients who open their blouses to flash the girls while they are singing.

The girls make mental notes of this.  After the song is over they get four of the clients who flashed them up on stage and put them together on one side of the stage.

Risa addresses the crowd.  "You guys are really an inspiration to us.  You guys really are teaching us each week how to be proper idols.  It's almost like you guys are like our caring upperclassmen mentors..."

Kay starts the tape again.

The four girls go to the other end of the stage and call out to the clients on stage "Senpai!"  The girls run over to the clients and start dancing around them.

"Oh, the things that I can't seem to say, even though I love to sing.  Oh, it's weird that at a time like this, I just can't show the real me ..."

The girls pair off with the clients to deliver their lines to them one on one.

After the song is over they help the clients off stage.

Ai winks to the crowd.  "And now the part of the show I know you've all been waiting for."

The clients start squealing in anticipation.

The four girls again duck behind the panel, this time putting the school uniforms on hooks revealing very brief shocking yellow  dance outfits.

"Ta da!"  The girls come out and pose for the crowd.  Ai turns her back on the ladies and leans back into them, allowing the six of seven ladies closest to her to run their hands all over Ai's body.

Makoto contents herself with hugging several clients one or two at a time.  Ai certainly pushes things a lot farther than I would ever dare to, and not just in performing.

Ai extracts herself from the mass of bodies and signals to Kay.  "An overflowing light, a floating black berry, I can't stop loving you eyes. Hey, hold me, I can't stay like this..."

The girls dancing incites the clients.  Ai, sensing that the stage area might be breached, waves her arm to clear out an area so that she can get to table to sing on.

The other other three girls cover for her "I don't believe what they all say, I'll go on a woman's feelings..."

Ai makes it on top of a table.  "Smile, yes nude..."

At the next break in the song, Ai stage dives from the table and the clients help back on stage to finish the number.

Makoto waves to the clients.  "Okay, it's time for our last number.  I hope you all will stay after we are done and get a lot more drunk!"

The clients cheer in approval.

"And, of course, generously tip Na-chan.  Also, if you wait a little bit, you're all invited to our after party, right here."

More cheers.

Risa steps in.  "And, I just want everyone to know that this last song says what we can't say in words, and we honestly mean it."

Kay starts the tape.

Asami picks out Sayaka from the people in front and sings directly to her.  "Hey, are you always that nice?  And, were those tears that day for real?"  Asami holds Sayaka hand and gazes into her eyes.

Risa finds Aibon to sing to. "The sunset is so bright that I can't look ahead."

Makoto picks out Yuko.  "It was a lovely afternoon that we spent, it was a fun time."

Ai finds Hitomi as the music rises for the chorus.  "Without saying a word, even from now on, please treasure me."

All of the girls join in and lead their clients up on stage.  "Without saying a word, even from now on, even from now on, I love you."

They sing the next verse swaying back and forth in a line with their clients with their arms interlocked around each others shoulders.  The then bring even more people up on stage with them, nearly packing the stage.

For the final chorus they have nearly all the clients swaying back in forth in lines.

Asami signals Kay to stop the tape so they can do a final chorus a Capella.  "Without saying a word, even from now on, even from now on, I love you."

The girls spend a minute or so hugging people on stage.  Finally, Ai takes control.  "Okay, ladies.  Time to get drunk.  We'll be back after we change!"

Even though several clients try to cling to them, they are able to get their other costumes and make it downstairs.

The girls towel off and work on the makeup and clothes.

Risa shoots a look at Makoto.  "What's with that mouth at the end?"

"Oh, stop.  I did that deliberately.  I've decided that I should cultivate an approachable image.  Making stupid looking expressions makes be look less intimidating."

Risa smiles.  "Well, I guess that is the case since that was the first time you did it."

Finally, all of their looks are back together.

Ai smiles.  "Okay, girls, thirty minutes until midnight.  We only have a short time before Kay has to close up.  Let's make sure that everyone leaves happy!"

"Happy!"  The girls cheer for themselves.

The girls go back out and mingle with the clients.  At this point much of their mingling includes holding up their drunk clients so that they don't tip over.

At midnight, Kay chases the clients out.  They stagger down the alley to either the train station or to waiting cabs.

They girls wave goodbye to the clients, then go to the back for the food that Kay has arranged for them.  There is a microwave downstairs and Ai uses it to reheat her order.

By the time the microwave is done Natsumi brings a mixed drink for Ai.  The other girls are already eating their train bentos with cold juice from a can.

Asami looks at Ai.  "Not that this is important or anything, but, you sure eat weird stuff Ai."

"A cheeseburger, French fries and a Cosmopolitan.  Why is that weird?"

Asami rolls her eyes.

Ai and Risa go back out front to get their pay.

Makoto pounces on Asami.  "Hey, I got something weird today during the after party.  You should look at it."  Makoto holds a business card.

Asami smiles.  What is Makoto thinking?  More that half of the clients have given me business cards with phone numbers and declarations of love and lust.  This can't be her first one, can it?  "Geeze, Makoto, the group already has a rule not to go out with the clients.  I don't know why I need to look at this."

Makoto doesn't say anything, just holds the the card out.

Asami looks at the card and her smile vanishes.  "Crap!  This is bad.  We can't tell Ai or Risa about this."

Makoto nods.

To Be Continued

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Re: Club Idol (extended series premiere - Our Secret Lives)
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2011, 10:43:54 AM »
interesting, really liking the idea behind the story and the first chapter has gotten me more interested!

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Re: Club Idol (extended series premiere - Our Secret Lives)
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2011, 01:32:31 PM »
yeah me too!! Im loving it already interest to see how things play out..

OtsukaReina! lol <3
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

Offline resop2

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Re: Club Idol (extended series premiere - Our Secret Lives)
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2011, 12:34:29 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Chapter 2 - A Pirate's Jig

"You would give up the secret of project X just to sleep with me?  But, I'm just a normal girl."

"Of course I would.  I can always create a new product that will change the face of the marketplace of the world, but that does not compare to your face."

"What should I do, the world's most brilliant lady inventer wants to sacrifice her greatest invention just to be with me."

Asami drinks coffee at chic coffee shop by herself, reading a book lost in thought.

"Asami!"  Makoto makes her entrance, looking frumpy compared to how she looked made up and styled the night before.  Makoto sits with Asami at her table.  "Thanks for calling.  That was fast research.  So what did Yuko-san's card mean?"

Asami sighs closes her book on a bookmark.  "Sorry, it was a really hot scene."

"It's okay."

Asami concentrates on Makoto as if she was trying to make some deep calculation or observation.  "Mako-chan, when you were a little girl, did you ever have any pirate fantasies?"

Makoto imagines herself dressed like a hollywood movie pirate with a sword, a bird on her shoulder, and her hair hidden under a bandana.  "Of course!  Sailing the seven seas, doing whatever I wanted, demanding tribute of any ship I came across, fighting wars for money if I thought the cause was just, doesn't every girl fantasize about that?"

Asami's left eyebrow involuntarily twitches with annoyance.  "That wasn't what I was talking about."  Asami imagines herself tied to the mast of a ship wearing an open jacket with only a bodice underneath.  Pirate Mako-chan leers at her suggestively and runs the side of her sword up and down Asami's side making her involuntarily shiver.  "Most girls, when they have pirate fantasies, fantasize about being abducted by an all powerful and lusty pirate who bends them to the pirate's will."

Makoto has a blank look.  "Never did that."

"I see.  Well, that's a good thing, I think."

"So, what does that have to do with Yuko's card?"

Before Asami can answer, the waitress comes by to take Makoto's order.

"Cappuccino and a parfait."

Asami rolls her eyes.

"Hey, we all worked hard today on the dances for the next Friday's show.  I need my energy."

"I guess you have a higher metabolism than mine."


"But, back to your card.  Did Yuko tell you which company she works for?"

"She told me that she is a manager at the Yaguchi corporation, the one that services manufacturing machines.  They are always really busy."

"Have you heard of the Fujimoto corporation?"


"They are one of the seven companies that are in competition with Yaguchi corporation.  The card that Yuko gave you, besides having her phone number and a suggestive come on line, has a stock tip saying that the Yaguchi corporation and the Fujimoto corporation will announce a merger next week."

"Is that good or bad?"

"If you bought Yaguchi stock, it will likely go up next week."

"Like I'm going to buy stock.  You're the finance whiz kid.  You even started in high school."

"My mom wanted me to start early."

"So, are you going to buy?"

Asami looks down and taps her forehead.  "If I wanted to go to jail, sure."


"Yuko gave you what is called an 'insider tip' on a stock.  Trading on that knowledge is illegal.  And, Yuko giving you that tip was not only illegal, it was pretty irresponsible.  Her company could get in big trouble if this gets out."

"Wow.  But, maybe she did it because she was drunk?  After all, her handwriting is on the card is pretty bad."

"Maybe.  So, Mako-chan, are you going to call Yuko, your financial pirate?"


"Oh my goodness, was this your first business card?"

"Has everyone else been getting stock tips?"

Asami almost spits out her Ristretto.  "No one else has been getting stock tips.  But, we have been getting a lot of business cards, usually given with the idea that we would call and set up dates."

"Everyone else has been getting them and not me?"  Makoto pouts.

"I don't want them.  I have a job, I have a singing group, I have you guys, I have investing, I have my hobbies; there's only twenty four hours in a day, you know?"

"Has anyone actually made the call?"

Asami looks at Makoto sternly.  "What did all of us promise to each other two months ago?"

"That we would do our best with City Style and none of us would do anything to jeopardize the group."

"Right.  So, if you had called up Yuko and wound up doing insider trading with her and got thrown in jail you wouldn't be able to do the group, right?"

Makoto nods.

"And, if any of us went out with our fans for financial gain or developed emotional ties with them, that could hurt our group as well, because eventually those fans would want to monopolize our time to the point of breaking up the group."

"So, no one has called?"

Asami exhales while looking at the ceiling.  "Well, Ai hasn't.  She tells her would be girl friends that if she developed a bond with her fans that went beyond the club, then she would become too embarrassed to do what she does on stage."

"Is that true?"

"I think it is true.  Have you ever known Ai to lie?"


"Which is a good thing since she wouldn't be good at it."

"But, you didn't mention Risa."

Embarrassed, Asami puts her hand behind her head.  "She says it's just sex."


In a high rise apartment building, Risa gets out of the elevator on a high floor.  She wears a stylish raincoat with a wide belt.

She stops in front of room 817 and knocks.  The door opens inwards revealing Aibon.  "Wonderful.  You followed my instructions."

"I was so nervous on the train.  I've never done anything like this before."

Aibon looks left and right down the hallway.  "Give me a sample before you come in."

"Are you kidding?"

"No one is in the hall."

"Okay."  Risa nervously undoes her belt and opens her rain coat revealing that she only has the tiniest bra and panties imaginable underneath.

"Perfect, we should have a wonderful night."

"Can I come in?"  Risa is shaking with embarrassment.



Onstage at Club idol, this time the four are dressed in office lady styled clothes, going for a more approachable look.

"Yes, at curfew time, yes, you bring me home, yes, you're a bigger coward than me.  Stop, until the time comes, stop, we circle detours over and over, stop, you won't even kiss me..."

After the performance, the girls schmooze with the clients.

Yuko corners Makoto.

"So, waddid thing of that tip?  Did you make money?"

Makoto has to hold Yuko upright.  Makoto eases Yuko into a seat at one of the tables.

"Yuko-sama, I think you're confusing me with someone who has money to invest and has the brains to invest it with."

"That's awful.  Let me help you.  I have money.  It doesn't make me happy.  I want it to make someone happy."

"You worked hard for that money didn't you?"

"You're darned tooting I did!"

"That's just it.  I really admire you Yuko.  I want to be like you and earn my own money.  So I have to be the captain of my own ship."

"But, it didn't make me happy."

"But, I still look up to you.  You're my hero."

"I am?  I don't know what to say."  Yuko starts bawling on Makoto's chest.

"It's okay."

"No one has ever said that to me."

Across the room, Aibon patiently waits to talk with Risa.  Finally she gets close enough to Risa to whisper in her ear.  "Tomorrow?"

"I don't want to become attached.  I belong to all of the girls here."  Risa whispers back to not upset the other ladies swarming all over her.

"I'll double the amount."

Risa's eyebrows raise and her eyes narrow.  "Okay."

To Be Continued

Offline Kikk4r

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Re: Club Idol (Ch 2 - A Pirate's Jig)
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2011, 08:21:06 PM »
OMG is Risa a whore?  :shocked

and is there more characters?

more soon please :cow:

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Re: Club Idol (Ch 2 - A Pirate's Jig)
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2011, 09:03:00 PM »
OMG is Risa a whore?  :shocked

and is there more characters?

more soon please :cow:

There are definitely more characters coming, including the acts which play on Thursday's and Saturday's at Club Idol, and various and sundry love/lust/bro interests.

The "schedule" for this show is Tuesday evenings (trying to emulate some racy cable TV series).

As for the Risa/Aibon dynamic, expect a lot of stuff to go down in the future!

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Re: Club Idol (Ch 2 - A Pirate's Jig)
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2011, 02:37:56 PM »
haha thanks but you didnt really answear :P

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Club Idol (Ch 3 - For a Few Pounds More)
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2011, 10:01:34 PM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Lyric translations for "Mushoku Toumei na Mama de" (In A Colorless, Transparent State) by

Chapter 3 - For a Few Pounds More

"A bit of a saucy young man with a bit of a lively step going up side down ..."

Ai hears her cell phone playing the ring tone that she had picked out for Asami.  Oh, no!  This is the worst possible time to get a phone call.

"Are you going to answer that?"

Ai can hear the annoyance in Kay's voice.  And, the night has been going so well up until this point.

Ai slides out from Kay's embrace and scoots to the edge of the bed so she can reach her cell phone.  Why is Asami calling me at one in the morning?  "Asami, what's wrong?"

"Sorry for bothering you.  But, it's bad.  Makoto caught a cold."

"Geeze, you're calling me for this?"

"Don't you remember the last time she caught a cold?"

Ai's mood turns somber.  "Okay, after work tomorrow I will bring her some Chinese herb soup.  That should help her recover quickly.  Do you think you can work around this?"


"Do you best.  Bye."

Ai slides back into Kay's embrace.

"Chinese herb soup?"

"Oh, Mako-chan has a cold."

"Will she be able to perform on Friday?"

"Of course!  It's only Monday.  She's not exactly a delicate girl."


Great, Makoto is going to be noticeably heavier on Friday and I can do anything about it.  If I stop her from eating then she wouldn't get enough nutrition to recover from her cold.

Kay dozes off leaving Ai alone with her mind racing a mile a minute.

When Mako-chan first joined my karaoke club she was heavier than the rest of us because she also did sports.  But, she then joined the drama club and became addicted to dancing.  It took a month or two, but soon she had the same type of bodies that the rest of us had.  However, when we were seniors, Makoto caught a cold and because she couldn't dance for a week she gained ten pounds.

Ai sighs.  At least Kay hadn't made any strange noises while she was on the phone.  That would be embarrassing.

I should really tell the other girls that Kay and I are an item.  But, how can I?  It's too early.  They would think that we got the contract for Club Idol due to my skill in bed.  But, it wasn't like that at all.  Sure, it got our foot in the door, but the contract we signed had a four week window for Kay to cancel if we weren't making money for her.  And, we are making Kay money, lots of it.

Ai tries to relax.  She inhales Kay's floral based perfume.  Kay's perfume is nice.  I would like to use it, but I can't.  If I use it then the other girls will surely pick up on my being Kay's girl.  They sometimes remind me of a group of detectives.

Ai-chan imagines pint-sized versions of Asami and Risa wearing deer-stalker caps and pointing their index fingers at her and saying in unison "Q. E. D."

Ai shudders.


Asami tucks in Makoto.  "Really, you have to go to sleep."

"I feel jumpy."  Makoto's voice sounds lower and scratchy.

"Exercise will make your cold worse."

"Crap.  Well, thanks for coming over."

"It's okay.  We're all here for you."

"Wow, who would have thought it?"


"Do you remember the days when I protected you from those girls who were trying to bully you?"

Asami laughs.  "That was so long ago.  But, yes, back then we were an odd combination, the school brain and the school jock.  We could have called ourselves Pretty Cure."

"And, now you're looking after me."

"And, as your protector, I say go to sleep."



Risa wakes up and examines herself in the mirror in the morning light.  Her mirror is equipped with sound stage quality lighting system so that Risa will not miss any nuance of her face.

Oh, rats.  My face is slowly changing again as a result of growing older.  You'd think that changes would slow down once I became an adult?

Risa does an exercise where she cycles through fifteen different types of smiles.  Oh great, jut as I expected, the changes are making the "stiff upper lip" smile harder to make cute.  She tries several variations before finding a way to make it work.

Risa looks down, depressed.  The other girls think that I never has to work at being cute.  They're the ones who are naturally cute, I have to work hard to be able to project any cuteness at all.


Kay waits impatiently by the door of her club for the group to arrive.

"We're here!"

Kay opens the door.  "Waa?  Mako-chan, you seem different."

"Everyone has been telling me that.  But, don't worry, the extra pounds will be gone in a couple of weeks."

Kay pinches Mako's cheek.  "Are you sure?"

Ai involuntarily turns red.

The clients arrive and the girls do their waitress duties, this time dressed as playboy bunnies.

Finally, they retreat behind the stage to change into their costumes.

Asami nudges Makoto.  "How are you holding up?"

"It's embarrassing.  Everyone is acting like they like me better this way."

"Maybe they are reacting to the change itself, rather than what you changed into?"


Maybe I should try outfitting us with wigs for next week?

After the first four songs the girls get ready for the final reveal.  They rush behind the partition and strip from their intermediate outfits to one piece bathing suits and grab mini parasols.

Ai nudges Makoto.  "Do your best."

"At what, surviving being mobbed?"

Ai smiles.  Well, that was much to do about nothing.

"Everyone!  I hope you like these outfits?"  Asami looks to the crowd for approval of her fashion choice.

A loud chorus of lusty agreement answers.

"Before we go on, I would like to thank everyone who was concerned about my cold, but thanks to Ai's special soup I feel much better now."  Makoto points to Ai to put her over.

Some of the clients murmur that they want to have some of Ai-chan's soup.

"Makoto, we're going to sound like grandmothers if we go on like this.  Besides, everyone hear wants to see us perform, not talk about cooking, right?"  Ai cups her hand to her ear and gets the expected response.

Risa motions to Kay to start the music.  The other girls form a baseball diamond formation behind Risa with Makoto on first, Asami on second and Ai on third.

Risa puts on her new stiff upper lip smile.  Good, the expression is working.  "There are lots of answers out there for my questions."

The four girls rotate their formation clockwise while spinning and rotating their parasols, leaving Makoto in front.  "Even though I know nothing, I still look for them."

"This wasn't my goal when I was younger."  Asami doesn't even try to fight the screams for Makoto, confident that is she just sings normally the clients would stop screaming naturally.

"Even though it seems I've been looking forever."

Risa makes it make to the front for another rotation.  "I want to see you."

"I am lonely"

"I can't say ..."

"Kiss me."  Ai and Asami sing the last line in unison while Makoto and Risa form a line with the four of them across, to sing the chorus together.

"In a colorless transparent state I met you.  This was a time when I indulged in life's luxuries..."


Backstage, after the show the girls relax and eat.

While Ai and Risa get the checks, Makoto nudges Asami who eats from her bento slowly.  "Hey check it out."  Makoto spreads out a deck of over ten business cards.  "All from the after party."

"Is it a good feeling?"

"Not when they want a date with a girl that I'm not normally going to be."

"I wouldn't feel that way.  You should be happy that they at least like you in some flavor, rather than being sad that they don't like you in your favorite flavor."

"Maybe you're right."

Out in front Kay finishes cutting the checks.  "Oh, Ai.  Do you read the Shinjuku Ni-Chome Beacon?"

"I tried to look at that once, but the advertisements were too embarrassing and over the top."

Kay blushes.  "I guess they are.  I must be used to them by now because I don't notice them much.  But, there is a really cool advice column.  You should check it out."

Ai looks at the column.  It is a love advice column.  The question for that week was being in love with a person who seems shady.  This is weird, the column ignores the question and talks about pirates.  But, the column probably made the person who asked the question feel better.

To be continued

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Re: Club Idol (Ch 3 - For a Few Pounds More)
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2011, 10:29:17 AM »
This fic is quite unique and the concepts mixing makes it even more I want to read it :nervous

Eating during a cold <3
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Club Idol (Ch 3 - For a Few Pounds More)
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2011, 03:11:11 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Chapter 4 - Ms. Big

"What do you mean, you can't?"

Oh god, not this again.  Risa lies between satin sheets in a very fancy bed.  She gathers the sheets to cover her breasts and brushes her long hair out from in front of her face.  "I can't.  Didn't I tell you before this whole thing started what my schedule was, and why I wasn't going to break the schedule?"

Aibon pouts.  "What's so important that you have to do it on Wednesday nights?"

"That's the night that the four of us go to the thrift store and put together new outfits.  Asami needs Thursday to do alterations."

"And, that's more important that me?"

I should have known that this moment was coming.  This is playing out exactly like Asami predicted.  This moment was the very reason why we made that promise nearly three months earlier. "Aibon, I am a member of City Style.  Didn't I tell you that up front?"

"You did."

"Being in City Style is more than just performing on stage.  It's a commitment that the four of us made to each other.  A commitment to watch our behavior and not do things that could put the band in jeopardy.  That's why I need to be there to make sure I look right in the outfits."

"I could set you guys up with a stylist and you could wear real costumes instead of thrift store junk."

"We also made a commitment to make it on our own power."

"So what have you been spending my money on then?"

Risa blushes.  "Bills.  Student loans.  Boring stuff."

"That money could dry up."

"I know.  And, if you were giving me all this money with the idea that I was going to become dependent on it and be yours exclusively forever, then I apologize for misleading you."

"So, you don't like me at all?"

"I think you're really cool.  And, I have enjoyed our time together.  But, if you want there to be any more time, you have to understand what this is."

"That you're a little whore?"

Risa sits up straight and looks Aibon dead in the eye.  "Yes.  That's what I am, no more, no less.  Someone who will sleep with another person for money.  It's not a word that has any power over me."

Aibon sighs a defeated sigh.

"Would you like me to leave?"

"I do have to get up early.  Do you still want to be paid?"

"If you still want to pay me.  If you don't, the bills will still get paid off, just at a slower pace."

"The envelope is by the door."

Aibon watches Risa leave.  What a funny girl.

At the thrift store, the other girls are amazed at Makoto's slimmed down physique.

"Geeze guys, you knew I wasn't going to stop dancing."

Asami finds some outfits that catch her eye.  "Hey guys, I have an idea.  How about the kindergarten look?"

The other three girls look at Asami like she was an alien.

"I found these cute little raincoats and white bucket hats."

"Won't we look stupid?"  Ai raises an eyebrow.

"Let's see.  You and Makoto try them on and then Risa and I will also try them on."

Makoto rolls her eyes and joins Ai walking to the dressing room, a room too small to accommodate four people at a time.

"Asami, it happened exactly like you predicted."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, but I don't know if I hurt Aibon or not."

"We'll see if she comes on Friday."

"Good plan."

Friday rolls around and the waitress theme is Chinese dresses.

Aibon did show up.  Good.  And, she seems to be okay with Risa.  One less thing to worry about.  But, there seems to be two new clients.  Better grab them before the others.  They look like they will be big tippers.  "Nihou!  I'm Asami, and I welcome you to our club."

One of the ladies doesn't even acknowledge her, but seems deep in thought looking at a text message.

The other lady, whose upturned pigtails made her look younger than she, is nudges the other.  "Boss, you said that you wanted to escape from the business for the night."

The other lady looks startled, the sheepish.  "Sorry Reina.  I should let you handle this one."  The other girl hands Reina the PDA.

"Don't mind my boss.  It's hard for her to break away from business.  I'm Reina."

"My name is, ... , not important.  People just call me Ms. Big."

Asami looks her over.  She have long wavy hair, a curvy figure, and a face that can either be cruel or laughing.  "Well, Ms. Big, I can certainly call you that.  What would you two like to drink?"

"Miller beer."  Reina pipes up while looking at the text message with a perplexed look.

"Wow, an American drink?  I think we might just have that downstairs though."

"Reina and I do a lot of business overseas.  Reina has picked up some unusual habits dealing with our American clients.  She even wears some Soho accessories."  Ms. Big points to Reina's many necklaces.

"Awesome.  I'm so envious.  I would love to see what they wear on the streets in New York first hand."

Ms. Big looks at the menu.  "I'll have a kamikaze, and some chocolate cake.  Reina will have some cake as well."

"Well, I hope that our performance tonight will help you escape from work."

"I'm sure it will."

Asami gets up to fill the order but catches the following exchange:

"Boss, should we consider their offer?"

Ms. Big's smile vanishes and she looks very sarcastic.  "Are you stupid?  Remember how they were last time?  They can only have a probational contract, and that's only if they jump through all of our hoops."


The four girls hit the stage in the raincoats and bucket hats.  They skip and hold hands and swing arms like they are in kindergarten.

The audience is somewhat stunned, not knowing what to think.

"Hi everyone!  We want to sing a song for you!"

Swaying their bodies back and forth together, they start.  "The reindeer with the bright red nose, was the laughing stock of everyone ..."

Little by little the audience's shock starts wearing off and they start getting into the song.

"But on that year's Christmas day, Uncle Santa said ..."

The audience finally gives in and humors their kiddie act for this and another song, and are rewarded with some miniskirts and brightly colored tops for the second section.

After the live, Aibon tracks down Risa in the after party.  "Tomorrow night?  I thought of something special.  Usual rates?"


Asami looks over the crowd for Ms. Big and Reina but they are no longer there.  When Asami wanders close to Kay, and Kay pulls her over.

"Here, Ms. Big left this for you."  Kay hands Asami a business card.  "Oh, and give this one to Makoto."

"What song did she leave on?"


"Okay, I was hoping the gimmick didn't drive her away."

Backstage, after the clients had left, Asami and Makoto look at their cards.

"Son of a gun, can you believe this?"

"What, what?"  Usually Asami gets some pretty flowery come on lines on her cards.  What would she find unusual?

"'Sorry, I got called out to America tonight.  I might have asked you out.'  And, she doesn't even leave a number!"

"Wow, that is a first."

"What does yours say?"

"'Liked your style, give me a call, Reina.' And, a number."

"Watch out, I think that Reina is totally at Ms. Big's beck and call."

Makoto nods.  "Still, she seemed nice.  I'll call her up and chat."

Asami smiles.  The less drama the better.

The next afternoon, after dance practice at Makoto's, Asami showers and takes a nap.

"We celebrate this happiness tonight ..."

Asami is woken up in the early evening by her cell phone playing the ring tone for Risa.

"Risa, what is it?"

"Do you want to make some easy money?"

"Not really.  Easy money is usually anything but.  However, what's the deal?"

"Aibon wants to do a three way."

Asami is now no longer groggy from her nap.  "What!?"

To be continued

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Re: Club Idol (Ch 4 - Ms. Big)
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2011, 07:49:03 AM »
the myriad of images ends with a proposed three-way XD
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Re: Club Idol (Ch 5 - Thunder Dolphin) 12/13/2011
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2011, 11:42:54 PM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: "Are you licking me" in Japanese is slang for "Are you trying to anger me", but can often be taken the wrong way for comic effect.

Note: "Yakitori" is a kind of chicken kabob that Japanese vendors sell.

Note: "Purikura" are photo booth photos, usually four in a strip.

Note: Lyric translations for "Top" from kiwi musume dot com.

Chapter 5 - Thunder Dolphin

"We celebrate this happiness tonight ..."

Asami is woken up in the early evening by her cell phone playing the ring tone for Risa.

"Risa, what is it?"

"Do you want to make some easy money?"

"Not really.  Easy money is usually anything but.  However, what's the deal?"

"Aibon wants to do a three way."

Asami is now no longer groggy from her nap.  "What!?"

"Aibon wants to do a three way."

"Are you licking me?"

"We would have to negotiate that with Aibon, don't you think?"

"Arrggh!  Never mind that.  I can't believe you're serious.  But, if you want a serious answer, the answer is no, I don't have any interest."

"With the economy falling I thought you might have needed some money?"

"No, no, no.  I can make bets on the market going up or down, so I am actually doing really well this year."

"I don't know about stuff like that, I just thought you might need some help."

"Thanks for the thought, but I'm okay."

Asami hangs up the phone.  What a weird thing to do!  Aibon must have put her up to it.

Asami fires up her computer and starts to write another advice column.

The next day Makoto sits at a park bench in front of the entrance to Tokyo Dome City Attractions amusement park.  Her cell phone goes off with a generic ring.


"Makoto, this is Reina.  Where are you?"

Makoto looks around.  "About twenty feet to your left."

"So you are."  Reina hangs up her cell phone and joins Makoto for their date.

They immediately hit a vendor booth for some yakitori.

"So, how did you meet your group mates?"

"We've known each other since we were very young.  We became a lot closer in high school when Ai started a Karaoke club.  City Style kind of grew out of the high school club."

"Awesome.  I must apologize again for boss and me leaving halfway through the show."

"But, you two are really serious about your jobs, right?"

"Boss is a lot more than me.  She has two other assistants.  That's why I get time off."

"Does she have a name?"

Reina looks at Makoto suspiciously.  "Did someone put you up to finding out about boss?"

Makoto turns bright red.  "Yeah, Asami told me to pump you for information."

Reina nervously laughs.  I wasn't expecting Makoto to just come out and admit it.

Makoto's eyes grow larger.  "Your boss put you up to this, didn't she?  She wants you to pump me for information on Asami."

Reina pushes Makoto on the shoulder, annoyed at her transparency.  "Wow, my job partly depends on being able to bluff our clients and you saw right through me?"

"No, not at all.  It was a lucky guess."

Reina nearly drops her yakitori.  "Wow, I'm off my game today."

"So, what is your boss' name?"

"I don't know."

"You've got to be kidding."

"No.  The company doesn't want their top operative's names to be well known."

"What do your clients call your boss?"

"Some silly nickname: Mikitty."

"What do you guys do?"

"Can't tell you."

"Well, so much for me being a spy."  Makoto pouts.

"Oh, look.  There's a shooting booth."

"Change the conversation?  Okay, but you have to win me something cool."

Reina and Makoto walk to the booth.  Reina gives the man some tickets and takes the air gun in hand.

The goal is to knock over targets with corks shot from the rifle like air guns.  Reina shoots three times and knocks over three targets.  She then strikes a pose as if she was military sniper.

"Awesome!  Are you a trained shooter?"

"No, I watch Gundam Animes a lot."

"The lucky lady wins!  Which toy do you want?  We have rabbits, turtles, kittens and cows."

"Cow."  Makoto points.

Makoto and Reina walk from the booth.

"I'm glad you didn't pick cat.  Boss has too many Hello Kitty knick knacks.  It would have brought up bad memories."

"Do you ride roller coasters?"

"To handle my job one almost needs to."

"Let's do Thunder Dolphin, the fifth highest coaster in the world."

"Do your friends like roller coasters?"

"Risa likes them a little bit.  Asami and Ai don't."

"What does Asami like?"

"Intellectual things, I guess.  She likes things calm and orderly.  I guess I am not much help?"


They get tickets to Thunder Dolphin.

Reina nudges Makoto.  "Who's going to scream first?"

"Only one way to find out."


The lights of the club go down for City Style's first number.  The members sneak onto the stage in the dark.  Kay starts the music and then hits the lights at the cue, revealing the girls in bright red top coats with white sections and red boots.

"I'll never, ever cry.  I'll never, ever run away.  I'll never, ever worry.  I'll never, ever, wow wow cry.  We're in the teen years of the Heisei Era and all through calm Japan people are partying..."

Makoto checks the crowd again, but Reina and boss Mikitty are not there.  Oh well, when the date ended, I was ready to be kissed by Reina and her beeper went off and she all but vanished into thin air.

At least Reina wasn't here tonight because she was scared.  I screamed first on the Thunder Dolphin and I wound up clinging to her like a Junior High School kid.

After the live, as Ai and Risa pick up the checks, Asami corners Makoto.  "How did it go?"

Makoto pulls from her purse some purikura photos.  "Check them out."

"Cute!  I really like this one."

"Neither one of us is smiling."

"It looks heroic."

"That's Reina's Gundam look."

"So, what's the scoop on Reina's boss?"

"She likes Hello Kitty."

"Oh."  Asami pulls out a necklace from her purse.  "This was delivered to me yesterday from Ms. Big.  I guess that explains it."

Makoto looks at it.  It is a a diamond studded Hello Kitty face.  "Holy cow!  This must be one of a kind!"

"It is, I looked it up.  The note said that she was sorry, but she was overseas and she would attempt to come next week."

Kay and Risa exchange jokes while Kay writes the checks.  Ai looks at the Shinjuku Ni-Chome Beacon for the advice column.

"Wow, this column is sure weird."

"Can I see?"  Risa moves closer to Ai to read the paper.  She sees a question about a controlling lover and an answer which was a story about how one girl became addicted to chocolate and even when she found a chocolate treat that gave her a bigger thrill than the previous ones it just made her want to find a treat that would give her an even bigger thrill.

"The author doesn't seem to answer the question?"

"Never does."

This sounds uncomfortably close to me and Aibon.

To Be Continued!

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Club Idol (Ch 6 - Three Stories From the Naked City) 12/20/2011
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2011, 01:34:18 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: "Skinship" can refer to two friends or family members who are not sexually involved being comfortable being naked together.

Club Idol 6 - Three Stories From the Naked City

"Lower!  Lower!  Oh, right there!!  Oh my god!"

Asami reaches back and gives Makoto's naked body a squeeze of appreciation, her arm dripping moisture.

"You know, if you didn't hold your arms so high when you jog your shoulders wouldn't knot up so badly."  Makoto continues to massage Asami's shoulders.

"But I know that you'll take care of me."

Makoto flicks water from the bathtub that they are in at Asami's face.  "That sounds really suspicious to me.  Like you're co-despondent with me."

"That's co-dependent.  Maybe I am?"

Makoto stands up and grabs a towel.  "Wow, first you get me to spy for you."

"But, didn't it work out for you?  Didn't you and Reina go on a second date?"

Makoto slips back into the water next to Asami.  "Can I ask you a weird question?"

Asami laughs.  "It couldn't possibly be the weirdest question I've heard this month, so go ahead."

"How many people have you done it with?"

"You mean beyond skinship?"

"Yeah, done it with."

"Four.  Two in high school and two in community college."

"Awesome!  You're really experienced!"

Asami rolls her eyes.  "Maybe compared to you."

"So, how did you get the ball rolling?"

"Wait a second.  Are you telling me you didn't score with Yoko?  She was willing to give you the sun and the moon."

"I know.  But, somehow, I just knew that she didn't need my body, she needed something else."

"So, what did you do?"

"I took her to the community theater."

"That must have been weird being in the audience after being on that stage so many times."

"It was.  But, I was able to convince Yoko to donate to the theater so that the theater would make a donation plaque in both of our names."

"Okay, you lost me."

"We saw a play together and she was very impressed.  So, I convinced her that by donating her money could help build something of lasting value.  Yoko doesn't like her job so she was looking to do something that was more significant than fixing machines."

"You're often a lot smarter than you look."

"What's that supposed to mean?"  Makoto pushes Asami.

"So, are you now looking for tips on how to get with Reina?"

"I think she wants to do it, but feels weird about the spying stuff."

Asami looks off in the distance, the love advice author part of her brain going into overdrive.  "What's always worked for me is just asking the other person."

"Directly?"  Makoto's body clenches up.

"I see.  Well, in your case, maybe you should go for an indirect, but obvious approach."

"Like what?"

"I've heard one story about a girl who invited her target over saying that she had a present.  Then she went into another room and then came out wearing nothing but packing ribbons."

Makoto turns red.

"I guess that is kind of corny, now that I think about it."

"This is hopeless."

"I know, give her a private performance and let the song be the message."

"I could do that!"  Makoto smiles.  "I would have to come up with a good song."

"Go for it!"


Kay's cell phone goes off, playing a generic ring once.

Kay shakes her head and rolls over, pushing Ai towards to phone.  "Someone just sent me a text message, see what it is."  Kay yawns.

Ai opens in the cell phone and clicks its button.  Her blood turns cold.  "It's a picture message.  It looks like a porno spam.  I'll delete it."

Kay turns back over.  "Wait.  Let me see."  Kay looks at the picture.  "I can't believe this."

"Do you know this person?"

"Yes, that's Maki.  She performs on Saturday.  She used to be on Fridays.  She also used to, ..., you know."

"Why is she doing this?"

"She wants Friday nights back.  I have no idea why though.  She is a big draw on Saturday, even bigger than she was on Friday."

"Wow."  Ai lies back on the bed.  Do I have a rival?

"She's such a child.  The only reason she wants Friday night is to make it harder for you."

"Maybe I should go this week and catch her act?"

"I should warn you that she knows who you are.  And, she's the type of person who would sleep with you just so that we would break up so she could get her position back."

"Is she good?"

"Yes, she is.  But, there's something missing from her performances that holds her back.  I don't know what it is, but if she had it, she would get signed by a professional talent agency."

"I better see her, and also bring my friends.  They could analyze her and pick out exactly what she needs."

"Gee, thanks.  Then she would leave the club and I would have to scout a new act."

"You're forgetting that I also signed one of your contracts and I read it as well.  If Maki has a similar contract then the talent agency would have to buy Maki out her contract."

"Well, I, ..."

"You don't want her back do you?"

"She was really good as a girl friend, for a little while.  Then she got really unbearable.  Fortunately, when I remember the good times I don't forget the bad times."

"That's good."

"Ai, you haven't told your friends about us, right?"

"I want them to think that they are at Club Idol because of merit."

"If you go Saturday, the first thing that Maki is going to say to your friends will be about us doing this."  Kay points to Ai's and Kay's naked bodies under the sheets.

Ai turns red.  Maki is one rival that I will have to face alone.


Aibon falls back and hits her head on the pillow in frustration.  "That's the tenth thing in a row that you have said 'no' to."

Risa sighs.  "That's because everything that you have suggested could potentially ruin the group.  Think about what you're doing.  You live in a swank hotel.  Many celebrities live here as well.  That means that there are photographers lurking around in the shadows.  Suppose we ran out like we are and frolicked naked in the woods.  The photographers are going to be on it.  And, I might be a nobody now, but if I do make it big those pictures would ruin the group's chances."

"I can't help it.  I have an active imagination."

"Hey, there is nothing that I would like more than make you happy and earn my way, but things do have limits."

"I'm out of ideas."

"That's not good because you always hate my ideas."

"That's because everything you like to do is ordinary."

"Well, ordinary stuff is what I like."

Aibon throws a pillow in frustration.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Why not."

"You've done this with many other girls before me, right?"


"Did you reach this point with the other girls?"


"What did you do with then?"

"Threw them out."

"So, why am I here?"

"Because you've done more for me than all those other girls put together.  Because I think you're special.  Because I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at me."

Risa puts Aibon's head between her bosoms.  "You know, some people make art with paint and a canvas.  Maybe you're an artist who makes art with sex?"

Aibon perks up.  "You think so?  You really think this isn't just me fooling around for my own enjoyment?"

"I do."

Aibon lays back down.  "Maybe we should videotape."

Risa play kicks Aibon in rear end.

"Actually, I was thinking you could videotape me and someone else.  I am starting to see you as something more of than a plaything.  I am starting to see you as an artistic collaborator."

Risa blushes.


The girls take the stage for their third number in sexy club outfits.

Aibon hugs some of the clients in front.  "Everyone, ready for some Para Para?"

The girls line up.  The music hits.

"Looking like a virgin, walking like a virgin, as you like.  I feel your eyes on me, talking like a virgin, I know what a virgin has deep inside, yeah ..."

The girls hit their para dancing arm movements crisply.

In the after party Risa is approached by Aibon.  "Doing anything tomorrow night?  I got the script and cameras ready."

"Did you find a partner?"

"I'm not going to be in it.  I want us to shoot two other people.  At least this time.  I'm not sure if I could do my best if it was with someone other than you."

"Okay, but be forewarned that if I am the director the actors are going to me miserable and the schedule will be shot to hell.  I don't tolerate half assed efforts or bad body language."

Aibon smiles.  Am I finally seeing the real Risa?

To Be Continued!

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Club Idol (Ch 7 - Birth of a Rivalry) 12/27/2011
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2011, 02:24:27 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Club Idol 7 - Birth of a Rivalry

This is the first time I've been here on Saturday night.  I wonder how things are different?  Ai approaches Kay who works the door.


Should I have expected anything different from the boss lady?  Ai gives her lover a twenty.

"Please enjoy the show."

Ai walks into Club Idol.  This is odd.  There are regular waitresses here.  I guess Kay wanted to save money with us.  But, I don't mind that much.  By establishing a rapport with the customers before the show it was much easier to get prime tips from them in the after party.

Ai spots Maki, who has set up a table and is selling eight by eleven pictures of herself, and also selling Polaroids of herself with the clients.  So, this is how Maki does it?  I wonder if this works for her.

Ai continues to watch.  Well, at least her clients seem to be in awe of her.

Finally the line dies down.  Ai goes over to introduce herself.

"Oh my god!  My rival has shown up."

Ai smiles.  "I'll take that as a complement.  I'm sure you already know, but my name is Ai."

Ai and Maki glare at each other.

"Are you here to steal my moves?"

Ai glances at Maki's chest, and then to her own.  "I'm not sure they would look the same on me.  But, I do study other artists for inspiration."

Maki smiles.  "Well, then, I'll feel complemented.  But, prepare to be blown away."

"Do you best.  I'm looking forward to it."


"Cut!"  Risa shakes her head in frustration.

Yui, a bubbly light brunette with large breasts, looks at Risa and fights back tears.  "Didn't I move my hands correctly?"

Risa sighs.  "It's okay Yui.  Sometimes these things take a little time to master."

Aibon rolls her eyes.  "We've been here two hours and you're still shooting the opening sequence."

Risa shoots a look at Aibon.  Risa has her hair up in a lopsided top ponytail, exposing her wide forehead, and wears large glasses.  She looks very little like what Aibon is used to.  "The opening sequence is the most important part.  Most of it will wind up in the movie promo.  You do want people to buy this, right?"

Aibon pouts.  "Yeah, but we're going to have to pay these ladies twice at this rate."

Erika, an athletic looking dark brunette, interjects.  "Lady, I would be happy to give you guys another day for free."

Aibon looks at her in shock.

"I've never had a director like Risa before.  I've learned more from her in the last two hours than I've learned in all the other movies I've been in."

Yui nods.  "It's been really hard, but I do want to learn this stuff."

Aibon throws up her hands.  "Okay, keep on going.  I'm going to get a soda.  Anyone want anything?"


"Can I get you anything?"

Reina looks at Makoto.  This is the second time that she has been in Makoto's apartment.  It has a bizarre floor plan, with most of the apartment empty and most of Makoto's stuff in one corner.  Also, it is in the basement with only one window.  On the other hand, it is well made and dry.

Reina also notices that one of the walls is mirrored.  "What is this place?"

"It used to be a dance studio.  Now, it's City Style's practice space, and my apartment."


"I hope it doesn't smell too much like a gym.  We worked out for four hours here this morning."

"Don't notice it.  I only notice you."

"That's what you said last week, and then your beeper went off."

"I am not on call tonight."

"But, what if there was some emergency?"

"Well, there is an emergency setting on my beeper."

Reina is interrupted by her beeper going off.

"Damn it!"  Reina looks at her beeper.

"Which country tonight?"

"That moron!"

"Some business deal fall through?"

"No, the message says 'you better get laid tonight'.  What a bitch!"

Makoto starts laughing.

Reina pouts for a minute, then joins in.  "Yeah, that is pretty funny."

Makoto squeezes Reina's hand and whispers.  "Tonight, I want to give you a private performance."


Maki gyrates on stage.

Ai studies both her and her audience.  She furiously takes mental notes.


Asami looks at herself in the mirror for the twentieth time.  What was Ms. Big's problem?  If she was going to be forty-five minutes late, she should have said so, or at least called.

But, it was fun the night before to see her again at the club.  And, for her to finally give a contact number and set up a date.

Asami goes back to her computer and contemplates writing something.


"Cut!  That's it!  You two girls did fantastic."

Erika and Yui hug each other.

"So is Tuesday okay to shoot the sex scenes?"

Aibon rolls her eyes again.  "You're going to get all of those scenes done in one night?"

Risa shrugs her shoulders.  "Yui and Erika could do those scenes in their sleep.  They're the best.  That's why I told you to hire them."

Yui's face brightens up.  "You like our movies?"

"Yeah, they're hot!  I really liked the school girl series you two did.  There was actual character development in each episode."

Erika's face lights up.  "Thanks!  I really enjoyed that series.  After a while they let us write the episodes."

"Amazing.  My orgasms thank you."

"No, thank you.  I know this video is going to be hotter than anything we've done before."

Risa blushes.

"Did you girls know that your director is in a singing group?"

"No way!"

"You don't mind if we have the wrap party at Club Idol next Friday?"

Risa looks shocked.  What is Aibon planning now?  This is very suspicious.


Reina lies on Makoto's shoulder.  "Will you be able to do that song again?"

"What do you mean?"

"After all, after that, you can't say you have a virgin style any more."

"What?  Do you think I was a ..."  Makoto pouts.

"You're so cute when you're teased."

"So, are you going to drop me now that you've taken it?"

"You were?  I, um, of course not."

"Now, I'm worried that you'll lose interest now that I'm experienced."

Reina blushes.

"You're cute when you're teased as well."


Asami concentration is broken when she hears a knock.  She turns around to see Ms. Big already in her apartment.

"You didn't answer the door, and it was unlocked."

"You're late."

"I know, there's no excuse."

"I should throw you out."

"I would understand, but, at least check out the ride I prepared for you."

Asami looks out the door and sees a stretch limo parked in front.  "That's yours?"

"Consider it yours for tonight."

Asami smiles.  At least she has gone all out.  "So where is it taking me?"


Ai patiently waits her turn to talk to Maki after the live.

"So, what did you think, rival?"

"It's lacking a key ingredient."


"It's not stupid enough."

Maki looks at Ai with a blank stare.

"Your fans worship you, but they do not identify with you.  Your act is all about showing how talented you are, but there's nothing in there to make people want to be your friend."

"So, my fans should grope me, like your fans grope you?"

"If that's what you want.  If you don't want that, that's fine.  However, if you did want that, then your fans would be too terrified to try."

Maki stares at Ai for a minute and then smiles.  "And, you're not terrified?"

"No, while I was watching you perform, I was imagining you naked.  It wasn't hard."  Ai turns and walks over to chat with Kay.

Maki looks at Ai.  A truly formidable rival.  I love it!

To Be Continued!

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Club Idol (Ch 8 - Becoming Unwrapped at the Wrap Party) 01/03/2012
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2012, 12:27:44 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Club Idol 8 - Becoming Unwrapped at a Wrap Party

Makato, dressed in a bunny outfit, nudges Asami and points with her eyes to one of the tables.

Asami nods.  "All the other clients seem to know her.  I wonder if she's a big shot?"

"Good question."

Ai walks over to that table to take the visitor's order.

"Oh, good evening, rival!"

"But bunny girls are not rivals to anyone, Maki-san."

"Isn't the customer always right?"

"Unless the customer wants to be teased."

"I see you're a true professional at this sort of stuff.  I love it.  I suppose I will be stealing many of your moves tonight, if they're not too stupid."

"Then you might walk away empty handed, because I assure you all my moves are quite stupid.  So stupid, you might need to be drunk to sit through it.  I can help you with that, if you like."

"Tell Na-chan to fix me my usual.  She fixes it for me every Saturday.  And, she also knows which pastry to order."

"As you wish."  Ai bows and leaves Maki by herself.

Several of Maki's fans creep closer to her.

Asami grabs Ai.  "Who is that girl?"

"She plays Saturday nights.  She's Maki."

Asami looks on in wonder.  So, that's who Maki is.  Many of my clients had mentioned her before with reverence.  She sure seems to look the part.

Ai nudges Asami.  "Hey, you better not stare too hard.  You have some customers."

A startled Asami turns to see Miss Big and Reina seating themselves at a table.  Yikes!

Asami races over to their table.  "Good evening.  How are you two tonight?"

"Much better now that you are here.  Alas, though that I am on call."

"Well, hopefully you'll be able to see our show tonight.  We have a new song in the third stage that might make you want turn your beeper off."

"I'm looking forward to it."

Reina looks up from her handheld communication device.  "So am I."

Kay grabs Ai as she walks past.  "Are you okay?  I know that she's here to try to destroy you."

"How do you know?"

"She told me."

Ai faceplants.

"But, don't worry,  I trust you.  No matter what she forces you to do, I'm sure you can handle it."

"Okay."  Ai looks worried, not knowing what to think.

Suddenly two new customers appear at the door behind Kay.

Ai does a double take.  No way!  "Excuse me, are you two who I think you are?"

Yui and Erika look like deer caught in the headlights of a car.

Erika tries to salvage the situation.  "Who do you think we are?"

Kay smiles.  "You are!  We just watched one of your movies last night, 'Maid of the Right Stuff.'  We watched it all the way through."

"Without, you know?"

Erika winces and play smacks her partner.  "I'm sorry we couldn't inspire you guys."

Ai giggles.  "But you did!  We were able to watch and do it at the same time."

"We're supposed to be here incognito, but I guess that isn't happening."

"Why are you here?"

Erika smiles.  "Our producer, Aibon-san, wanted to have a wrap party here."

Ai smiles.  "Please, come in.  This is already shaping up into being an interesting night."

Yui and Erika enter and find Aibon who is holding a table for them.

Risa comes up to take there order.  "Welcome to Club Idol.  I will be your serving bunny tonight."

Erika smiles.  "Risa-chan, that's so cool, I didn't even recognize you at first."

"Just remember that you you're not supposed to tell people that I directed."

"No problem."  Erika play slaps Yui.  "That goes double for you, loose lips."

"Okay, okay!"

Ai serves Maki her favorite drink and pastry.  "Here you go."

"You're good.  You heard I was coming so you arranged a diversion."


"Yeah, get the two hottest yuri porn stars in the world to come here so that people will ignore me."

Ai sits down with Maki and bends one of her bunny ears.  "You have really got a bizarre idea of how much power or how many contacts I have.  I had no idea you were coming and no idea they were coming.  But, shouldn't this work in your favor?  Less distractions?"

Maki smiles.  "Go ahead.  Be smug.  We'll see if you're still smug by the end of tonight."


The girls perform their set.  Maki takes many notes, and Reina tries to multitask typing on her hand held and watching Makoto perform.

"Okay, everyone, we have a new song coming up in one minute!  Please take care of us!"  Ai winks to the audience and then joins the rest of the girls behind the partition.

The crowd gasps a little bit in shock when the girls come out for the third part of their show wearing more than they had on for the second part.

The girls are wearing a two piece multi layer outfit whose layers bounce as they walk.

Risa takes the microphone.  "Okay, tonight we have some celebrities in our midst.  Over here we have two girls who you have probably all ready mobbed, the two hottest ladies on film, Yui and Erika!"

The crowd cheers.

Ai takes the microphone.  "And, locking down Saturday Night at Club Idol, we have over here Maki!"

The crowd again cheers.

"So, for all the 'inspiration' these ladies give us, this one is for you."

The music starts pumping and the four girls fall to their knees in a row and start gyrating to the music.  Then they get up to a position where they are completely bent over in a row with their legs spread, and then get fully up.

Ai looks directly at Maki.  "It has turned to this point, even though you rush it."

Risa looks directly at Aibon.  "It's to late, my patience is at its limit."

Asami looks directly at Miss Big.  "'Because this and that,' only excuses."

Makoto looks directly at Reina "I am fed up, I won't forgive you."

Ai gestures to the crowd.  "Let's forget everything for tonight and dance."

The other three girls cut her off.  "Shake, shake it, keep on moving, shake, shake it, keep on dancing."

Here the point of their outfits is revealed as the layers go horizontal showing the peek-a-boo nature of their outfits.

"That's right if you have wings, but you don't use them, it's gotta be sad, take off is now!"

Maki looks at the stage from her seat feeling annoyed.  The audience was whipped into such a frenzy that they were mobbing the stage.  I can't see a thing now.  This is no fun.

In the after party, the four girls hold court in different parts of the bar.  Asami and Miss Big hang out in one corner along with many drunk clients.

Yui pushes her way through the drunks.  "I just want you to know that your friend Risa is the greatest director I have ever worked with."  Yui is drunk and slurs her words.

"Director?  Any movies that I have heard of?"  Miss Big gives Asami an inquisitive look.

Panicking, Asami pushes Yui away.  "Well, Risa is still small time.  But don't worry, she be famous before you know it!"

Maki is able to wade through the drunks to get close enough to whisper in Ai's ear.  "Okay, rival, here's the deal.  Sleep with me, or I tell the rest of the band about you and Kay."

"Tonight?  I have an unbreakable commitment."

"Okay, then come here tomorrow, and you'll be coming home with me."

Maki walks off and Ai just stares at her in amazement.

To Be Continued!

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Re: Club Idol (Ch 9 - The Ties That Bind) 01/10/2012
« Reply #16 on: January 11, 2012, 02:57:10 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Note: Tachi/Neko roughly corresponds to Butch/Femme.

Note: Uso means "no way".

Club Idol - Part 9 - The Ties That Bind

"This check is for you.  I was able to sell the video footage that you edited to a distribution company."

Risa looks at the check with a shocked look.  "I think you screwed this check up."

"Why?"  Aibon slides her glasses up her nose.  What could possibly be wrong?

"This check is so big."

"Your percentage was agreed to be ten per cent.  I could write you a smaller check."

Risa nervously counts on her fingers, trying to figure out how much the distribution company actually paid Aibon.  "So, this is correct?"


"Yatta!  This will more than clobber my student loan.  Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

"The distribution company is very interested in a sequel.  When will you be able to direct The Red G-String of Fate 2?"

Risa looks at Aibon with an incredulous look.  "Your kidding, right?"

Aibon slaps her desk an anger.  "Why would I kid about something like that?"

"Have you forgotten that the only reason I am here is to pay off my student loan?"

Aibon's ears turn red.  "But, I thought you enjoyed directing."

"Yes, but I already have a dream.  Trying to chase two dreams with a full time job would only mean I would fail at all of them.  And, thanks for the good times, but this is the end."

Aibon slumps.

"Guess I'll see you at the club."

"I can stop that check."

"You could, but you wouldn't.  You're not like that."

"You should know one thing, while Yui was drunk she told Asami about your directing."

"Crap!  Bye."  Risa walks out the door.  Oh my god, Asami must be totally pissed at me now!


Asami looks at herself in the mirror.  Really smart, I spend nearly an hour fussing over my makeup for a date with Ms. Big only to have her cancel thirty minutes before she was supposed to come.  Asami play hits herself in the head.  "Baka, baka, baka."

What sort of job does Ms. Big have that causes her to rush off at a moments notice anyway?  She never says anything that has anything to do with her job.

Asami sighs.  Maybe next time I should just do the natural look?  Ms. Big didn't seem to notice how much I am done up.

I'll bet Makoto is having a better time.  Asami pouts.


"Oh dear.  I hope you guys didn't skip practice today?"

Makoto gives Reina a quizzical look.  Their date had been sunny so far, but this seemed like an unexpected cloud.  "What do you mean?"

"It doesn't smell like a gym."

Makoto playfully shoves Reina.  "I'll have you know that our blood and sweat was spilled this morning in this apartment as expected.  But, I did leave more windows open than usual this afternoon."

"You didn't have to.  But, I guess it does make us feel more alone.  So ... Do Risa and Ai have special friends?"

"What kind of question is that?"  Makoto pushes Reina down on her bed and mounts Reina.  "You tachi girls are all alike.  Never satisfied with one girl."

Reina easily reverses the position and pins Makoto down.

Makoto blushes.

"And, neko girls are always jealous?  I was thinking that a double date would be fun.  But, I know that isn't going to happen with Ms. Big."

"I think Risa and Aibon have been seeing each other steadily, but that might not be a good double date situation."  Makoto has trouble getting the words out, being distracted by the sensation of being restrained.  Makoto can feel how strong Reina's legs are as they hold Makoto in place.

"Am I hurting you?"

"No, nothing like that."  Makoto face shows partial horror. Oh, no.  She can see right through me and she knows what I want us to do tonight.

"So what about Ai?"

"I don't know, she's pretty private about stuff like that."


"Ha, ha, ha.  So much for your career.  Once Kay finds out that you've done me you're going to be out the door!  Ha, ha, ha."

Ai surveys the room.  There seems to be plenty of normal stuff lying around, yet at the same time there is something missing.

"So, what have you got to say?  Cat got your tongue?"

"You're pretty good."

Maki is temporarily stunned by the complement, but then goes back on the offensive.  "Is that it?  You'll never have someone as good as me again.  And, everyone you meet from now on, you're going to compare me to them and they're going to fail."

Ai keeps scanning the room visually.

"So, what are you going to do now, now that your career is over?"

"What makes you say that?"

"You think Kay is going to put up with you cheating on her?"

"Kaori-sama gave me permission do this."

"Liar.  I'll call her right now."

Ai shrugs and keeps looking around.

Maki reaches for her cell phone but then puts it down.  "And, what are you looking for?  Do you think I'm some sort of pervert and I'm secretly taping us?"

"I'm not looking for that."

"Then what are you looking for?"

Ai gets out of bed and walks around the room, her sweaty naked body shining in the moonlight.  She gets back into bed.  "I got it."


"I thought something was missing when I walked in.  I now know what it is: other people."

"Do you think I'm some sort of weirdo who has people in the closet watching us do it?"

Ai smiles.  "Nothing like that.  It's just there's no evidence here that you have any contact with anyone else."

Maki looks at Ai, shocked.

"For instance, look at your video game collection.  You have the box set for the World of Idoldom video game.  But, the box for the expansion pack that lets you play online isn't even opened."

Maki looks down and leans back away from Ai.

"And, most people have pictures up of other people in their place.  I think you don't have any friends."

Maki looks glum for a second, then looks angry.  "That's why you'll never be a star.  My time is too important to waste socializing."

"If you really want to be a star, you should try developing a social network.  You never know.  Maybe some of the people who want to be close to you can help get you ahead, but you'll never find out, will you?"

Maki looks down, defeated.  "How did you get to be so smart?"

"I'm not, I just hang out with people who are smarter than me."

"But, what should I do?"

"Maybe you should recruit people at your shows to play World of Idoldom with you?"

Ai puts her clothes back on.  "By the way, I was planning on telling the other girls the truth this week."

"So, why did you give in to my demand?"

Ai blushes.  "You put me on too much of a pedestal when you call me your rival.  I'm really no different than your fans.  You're hot, and I really needed no other reason."

Ai opens the door and blows a kiss.  "Hope it works out for you."

Maki stares at the door in shock.


Risa arrives home but is greeted by her phone ringing.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Risa-san, this is Erika.  There's something I have to tell you."

Risa listens on and her eyes triple in size.  "Uso, uso, uso!"

To Be Continued!

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Re: Club Idol (Ch 10 - Season 1 Finale) 01/17/2012
« Reply #17 on: January 18, 2012, 03:07:09 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Club Idol - Part 10 - Season one finale

Asami stops in front of the door to Makoto's apartment.  This is bad.  Ai was really cryptic when she called me.  All she said is that this was a special meeting.  Did Ai hear about Risa directing an adult film?  Asami frowns, but enters without knocking.

The other girls are already there sitting around a low table.  Ai looks calm and collected, Makoto looks happy-go-lucky, but Risa looks very nervous.

"Sorry I am late."

Ai smiles.  "No need to apologize.  I called for this meeting and it's my behavior I want to discuss."

Asami raises an eyebrow.  Well, Risa looks relieved.

"Before we signed up with Club Idol to do Fridays, we all met and agreed to control our behavior, to adhere to a code so to speak where we wouldn't do anything in our private lives that would hurt our chances of making it as an independent idol singing group.  Well, unfortunately, I have been kind of making a mockery of this agreement."

Asami's eyes get bigger.  Now this is unexpected.

"And, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone wanted to quit once you hear this."

Makoto looks at Ai funny.  "Oh, come on.  What could you be doing that is so bad?"

Ai doesn't smile.  "The reason why we were able to get into Club Idol is because I am Miss Kaori's lover."


Makoto glances at Asami.  Okay, I have never seen Asami look this way before, she looks utterly shocked.

Risa, on the other hand, struggles to hold back laughter.  "Is that it?"

Now, it's Ai's turn to look shocked.  "That doesn't bother you?"

"Why should it bother me?  It's not like Kaori is some beast that it would be shameful to have sex with.  She's hot."

"I'm talking about our position at the club."

"Kay is a good business person.  If she didn't think we could draw the business that we do she wouldn't have given us Friday."

Ai looks at Risa in amazement.

"I've talked to Kay before about the other nights and she says that Thursday, Friday and Saturday bring the lion share of the business so if we weren't good we would probably be playing on Tuesday."

Asami smiles.  "I agree.  We make money for Kay, so even if you broke Kay's heart by sleeping with someone else, she wouldn't pull our contracts."

"But, I did sleep with someone else."

Makoto throws a pillow at Ai.  "Okay, you impostor.  Where have you hidden the real Ai?"

"But, Kaori-sama gave me permission to do so, because it was one of her ex-lovers."

Asami scratches her head.  Okay, all of this is blind siding me, and I do not like being blind sided.  "Not our bartender, Na-chan?"

"No, Maki, from Saturday night."

Risa holds her hand out to Ai for a high five.

Ai gives Risa a strange look.

"Oh, come on, I saw her on Friday.  She's hot."

Reluctantly, Ai gives Risa a high five.

"Let's vote on this.  All those who are fine with Ai's relationship with Kaori raise there hands."  Risa raises her own hand and counts Makoto's and Asami's hand as raised as well.

"Wow, guys.  This is a weight off my shoulders.  I was worried that you guys would be upset."

Ai, Asami and Makoto start giggling.

"I'm doing far worse."

The giggling stops and they start staring at Risa.

"Remember, Erika and Yui?  Aibon brought them for a wrap party?  I was the director for their adult movie."

Ai and Makoto look at Risa in shock.

Well, at least I wasn't blind sided by this one.

Finally Ai breaks the silence.  "Was it hot?"

"I guess so.  But, once you start editing scenes they lose their impact the tenth time you look at them."

"I love Erika and Yui's movies.  Kaori and I watch them all the time."

Makoto frowns.  "Where's the real Ai?  The one who cares about singing more than anything else in the world?"

Ai blushes.  "I am her.  Maybe I have been too secretive with you guys.  I'm sorry."

Asami rubs her forehead.  "Ai, don't apologize when it's Risa doing the confessing."

"Yeah, I don't try to steal your singing lines."

Ai blushes.  "Oops, I'll be quiet."

"But, it's not the directing of an adult video that I want to confess to."

Asami cringes in terror.  Now what?

"Erika called me up late Saturday night.  For a long time she has felt stifled by the adult video establishment.  She feels that she has built up a big enough following and has saved up enough money to start her own company."

The other girls nervously nod.

"My current day job kind of stinks.  After studying cinema in college I wind up with a job with an entertainment company, but it's obvious that they only see me as a glorified office lady.  Erika offered me a job directing."

Asami looks at Risa sternly.  "You have got to be kidding me.  You know that movie shoots rarely stay on schedule.  Do you really think that you're going to be able to make the practices and make the gigs doing a job like that?"

"Yes, we've already agreed that I wouldn't be shooting a full day on Fridays, Saturdays or Wednesdays."

Makoto sighs.  "Well, I'm envious."

The other three girls look at her funny.

"Oh, well, um, it's because I have a stupid job that I don't like.  City Style is the only thing that keeps me going.  I'm not saying that everyone else's job should suck, but if you have a job that your passionate about, would you still be passionate about City Style?"

"I think Erika would kick my ass if I slacked off on City Style.  She was quite blown away by us Friday night."

Asami smiles.  "I have confidence in you Risa.  I'm sure that you'll make money for Erika the same way we make money for Kay, by doing your best."

Risa looks relieved.

"All those who are cool with Risa getting a new job so long as she doesn't miss practice, raise their hands."  Asami notes that there are no objections.  "Well, I don't think this is an issue."

Makoto nods.  "I propose a vote.  All those who feel that our agreement is in good shape raise their hands."

Makoto goes around the table until she gets to Asami.  "Asami, is there a problem?"

Asami says something in a low voice.

"Is there something wrong?"

Finally Asami speaks up.  "I think our agreement is flawed."

The other girls look at each other in shock.

"We're not samurai warriors.  We are an aspiring singing group.  It's good to have standards, and it was a good idea to try to set standards back when we didn't know better, but it's been some fifteen weeks that we've been in business and by now I know that everyone here doesn't need rules to tell them how to be a dependable member of the group.  It's just something we'll do automatically."

Ai thinks for a long time, then finally speaks.  "All the same, the agreement gives me a good feeling inside.  It might seem childish, but I would want to be under the agreement even if no one else wants to be."

Makoto and Risa nod their agreement.

Asami nods.  "I feel the same way, really."

Makoto puts her hand over the center of the table.  "So, is everyone okay with the agreement?"

The other girls join hands over the table.


Asami notices that she has a message on her phone when she gets home.

"Asami, this is Big.  Look, I can't continue hurting you like this.  My job isn't going to change and I'm not going to change.  You need someone who isn't going to break dates with you.  So, we're done.  I'm sorry."

Asami is motionless for a minute and then picks up a book and throws it across the room.

End of season one.

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Re: Club Idol (Season 2 Teaser Preview) 01/31/2012
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2012, 03:28:53 AM »
(Note: the following are supposed to be disconnected teaser sound bytes from season two and not supposed to make linear sense together.)


Makoto: "I think there is something that I am supposed to be feeling but I don't."

JunJun: "If you sit for me I will give you so many hot stories you'll have to make a sequel."

Asami: "You don't start swimming until you jump into the water."

Risa: "Just the important parts, the parts before you two jumped in bed."

Ai: "We met at an idol audition.  We promised at that time to become rivals."

Asami: "Look.  You are never to mention this to Risa, okay?  I mean never!"

Risa: "Cut the crap.  You're not going to tell me that Aibon didn't put you up to this."

MISONO: "I think we disappointed your fans."

Makoto: "This doesn't seem like a good idea anymore."

Asami: "Well, in a pirate's life if you live by the sword then you die by the sword."

Reina: "Punch me in the jaw."

Risa: "Good thing this place already stinks of booze and funk because I am sweating bullets."


In season one they played by the rules, in season two they're going to be out of control.  Club Idol - Season 2 - Crossing The Line.  How far will they go to be real?

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Club Idol (S02E01 - A Pirate's Jig - Slight Reprise) 02/15/2012
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2012, 04:57:59 AM »
(This is a fan fic based on the "public images" of various Hello!Project artists and is no way shape or form trying to imply anything about the personal lives of the real people behind the public images.)

Club Idol Season 2 - Part 1 - A Pirate's Jig - Slight Reprise

The land line phone rings.

"Will you get that?"

Asami reaches over and picks up the phone.  "Makoto's pad."

"What?  What are you doing there Asami?"

"I was trying to figure that out as well."

"Well, I couldn't think so I was hoping to talk to Makoto.  I was hoping she could give me some ideas for my job.  But, if you two are busy..."

"Wait!  It's not like that!"

"Have fun."

Asami looks at the phone in annoyance.  She puts the old fashioned receiver down.  "So, why did you call me over?"

Makoto rolls over to face Asami.  Both Makoto and Asami preferred to not wear pajamas in bed.  Normally, on Friday nights, while everyone was sleeping over at Makoto's so that they could practice dancing in the morning, Asami and Makoto would wear pajamas because Ai and Risa thought being nude in bed was gross.  But, now neither bothered with that detail.

"It's about Reina."

"But, she dumped you a week ago.  I thought you said that you weren't going to be weak and clinging?"

"I know."

"So, what?"

"I don't know.  I think there is something that I am supposed to be feeling now but I don't."

Asami nods.

"And, since it's your fault Reina dumped me, you should help me figure this out."

Asami cringes.  She has a point.  Reina was Ms. Big's right hand girl and was very loyal to Ms. Big.  When Ms. Big broke up with me it was only a matter of time before Reina dumped Makoto.  "I'll try."

"So, what's wrong with me?"

Asami smiles.  If anyone else had asked me that I would have thought they were being a drama queen.  But, I know that Makoto wouldn't have asked a question like that lightly.  "Well, um ..."

"Is this going to be some weird story involving pirates that doesn't make any sense?"

Asami cringes.  "Well, actually, I was thinking of helping you out with your problem.  But, I can't tell you about it now."

"When are you going to tell me?"

"Within two weeks.  Don't worry.  It will be really straight forward."

"Oh come on, you're just saying this to stall, aren't you?"

"Oh, no.  Just trust me."


After the performance the next Friday, Kay approaches Asami during the after party, something she normally wouldn't do.  She usually preferred to stay by the door and call cabs for the drunk customers.

Asami looks over and sees Ai manning the door.

"Asami, Ai tells me that you're a computer whiz."

"Sort of."

"Can you make websites?  If you can, I can line up a couple of clients for you."

"I guess I could do it."

"I was really surprised when Ai told me you guys didn't have a web site."

"We don't really need one.  Your club is sold out all the time and we don't play anywhere else."

"Well, I guess you guys will get around to it.  Here are the clients names and numbers."

Asami looks at the cards that Kay passes to her.  She immediately recognizes one of the names.  "This one plays Saturday night, right?"

Kay nods.  "The other plays Thursday."

"Thank you, Kay, I will give them my best effort."


The next week, the girls bustle about getting their costume on for the first number.

Risa nudges Asami.  "Hey, are you okay?  You look really sleepy."

"Sorry, I was really busy this week doing website development work."

"Well, pull it together.  You suggested the music and the choreography for the first number, so it would be really dumb if you screw it up by being tired."

Asami nods.

The girls come out on stage.  Asami and Risa wear very old fashioned looking single color dresses while Ai and Makoto wear very masculine pants and shirts.  Asami wears red and Risa wears blue.

"That you all for coming!  We are City Style!"  Ai addresses the crowd who enthusiastically roar their approval.

Kay starts the tape as Risa comes forward.

"Ohhh, please give me love ..."

All of the girls yell in unison and then start dancing to a big band tune.

Ai and Makoto do most of the singing of the song with Risa and Asami mostly reacting to their antics.  The choreography of the song has Ai and Makoto flirting with Risa and Asami with Makoto mostly flirting with Asami.

They reach a break in the song and Makoto works her jacket to try to catch Asami's eye.  "Is you heart hurting tonight?  That's love, love sickness.  But, it's okay.  You probably fell in love with me tonight, and I'm right here for you."

Asami reaches out for Makoto's hand in a mock dramatic fashion and is nearly deafened by the clients squealing.

After the performance, Makoto approaches Asami in the dressing room.  "Hey, it's almost been two weeks.  I thought you were going to solve my problem."

Asami gives Makoto an sneaky smile.  "But, I already did."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is this.  When you were with Reina you were a really good girl friend for her, right?"

Makoto nods.

"And, she opened doors for you and made you feel special, right?"

Makoto nods.

"I think you want that in your life, but you don't realize that you don't miss Reina, you want to be Reina."

Makoto gives her a blank stare.

"Following this?"

"Maybe you should talk about pirates?"

Asami rolls her eyes.  "Okay.  You were a damsel in distress who was kidnapped by a dashing pirate but you escaped.  But, now you don't want that pirate back, you want to be the pirate now."

Makoto shoves Asami.  "Get out!  You're kidding!  Me, a tachi?"

"Well, I know how hard you work to be a neko, but did you hear those clients tonight?  When you were working it during the first song I thought they were going to have a heart attack."

"So, what am I going to do?"

"Go up there and spread a little energy like you did in the dance and see what happens."

Ai and Risa come back downstairs with their checks.  Risa is absolutely furious.

"What's wrong?"

"That pig is back!  She didn't know enough to leave things alone."  Risa sits down and starts crying.

Asami walks up the stairs to see what was going on.  She sees that two other people had entered for the after party.

Asami turns away, nearly nauseated.  The two new people are Risa's kinky and manipulative ex-girlfriend Aibon and Risa's younger cousin Eri, and Eri is dressed up as a religious pilgrim and is clearly being ordered around by Aibon.

To Be Continued!

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