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Author Topic: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 36 2/25/12 FIN!  (Read 14736 times)

Offline Sora-chan

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 32 2/15/12
« Reply #60 on: February 19, 2012, 01:46:47 AM »
OMG !! MAIMI!! I WASNT EXPECTING HER!!! I--I SHE !! OMG! She kilt Yasuda ! dude Maimi is evil , but .. i do applaud her for killing her.. But i kinda feel bad? For Rika, I dont know. Shes just to crazy i mean.. This has really made me think different about people. And now some of my feelings are confused for the bad guy :panic: :panic:

and about Lover's Revenge.. :sweatdrop: Gosh that story gave me a heart attack with the way they handled things . I was in shock from START TO FINISH and i promise you on that hahaha. I dont wanna repeat of that lol.
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 33 2/18/12
« Reply #61 on: February 19, 2012, 08:04:23 AM »
^ Yeah now onto the pursuit of Maimi and maybe a couple more chapters to end this.  Probably the new story will end up being a bummer after all XD

Chapter 33

Nacchi looked at the rest of the women with the black marker cap fumbling between her fingers.  They had no starting point but a list of suspects was filled within the group.  Nacchi looked over the list and signed off to give off to Iida,  Shota walked into the room with a calm demeanor and took a seat opposite of Nacchi.

“We have a list of suspects?  I guess Iida can do the interviews.”  Nacchi nodded as she slid over the list.

Shota analyzed the list and shook his head over the officers who were close to Yasuda.  Then, he found a major omission and wrote down the name: Maimi Yajima.  He slid the list back to Nacchi and her eyes opened up to why he would put the name on the paper.  He smiled and then his explanation opened up the rest of their eyes.

“She is the receptionist at the clinic and she would have a reason to take out Yasuda at all cost.  I think Koha should lead us.”  Koha was surprised about the suggestion but she had reservations about chasing someone she knew.

“Why would you let me lead in this investigation?”  Shota looked at Nacchi and she looked toward the journal.

“When Ishikawa was on the force, she liked to write about her experiences, and one thing that came up was your name.  Maimi saw Rika after the initial abuse and she knew about Rika’s plan but the problem was that they didn’t trust you fully until you gave into a single demand.”  Koha bit down on her lip and stood up in front of them.

“I was busy that night with writing to other people as a way to resist my temptations and Maimi came into the room.  She had asked about how I felt about Nakazawa and I told her I was fine with her.  Then, she told me about the abuse Rika had taken from two people that day.  It made my blood boil that anyone would harm her but I had no intention of killing anyone until Sayu was with Nakazawa and I shocked her to save Sayu from the torture she would have suffered.  I didn’t know you were there though and I escaped to avoid punishment.”  Koha’s explanation turned the whole mission upside down as it only had to be one person to have done it.

“What we are about to explain is this?  Because you escaped and not formally discharged, there is a serious crime on your head.  We can prove you are eligible but there is no guarantee of that.  The police don’t know the condition you had that sent you to the clinic in the first place.  However, what we want you to do is help us lead as an indicator that you are not insane.  With this link, we can send you for evaluations and we can report your good behavior to them as a bonus.”  Koha shook her head as she looked at Sayu.

“I was sexually abused which caused the mental incapacity.”  Nacchi rubbed her chin as Koha stood by the board to explain the problem.

She kept a stone face throughout the description of the continued abuse.  Nacchi wrote down all the details of her experiences like a psychologist analyzing the patient.  After a half hour discussion about the incidents,  Nacchi called Iida in her office and rushed over to their room.

“Iida-san, please find a psychologist quickly, she will do her best to help us before taking an analysis.”  She nodded and left them to track down Maimi.

Nacchi decided to get information about her and her whereabouts which seemed scattered but they knew of the first place to look for her.  Shota and the gang took a truck to the clinic, Koha had to think where else she would be, and that task was difficult as Maimi only talked about a few things with her.  Despite being the same age, they were more separate than anything else which stretched the rules to its farthest interpretation.  She wrote down a club she usually did talk about during her free time but as for location, it would be a challenge.

They arrived at the clinic where the new boss, Mr. Thomas, an American national, stood at the front door to escort Nacchi into the room with Shota.  Koha sat in the lobby with the others as she wrote down everything she could remember.  Then, she looked at Sayu and gave her a wink.  Sayu walked toward her and they went up the stairs without looking back at Eri or Reina.

“Where you think you are going?”  Reina asked in a sassy voice which turned Koha around.

“I have to get my clothes.”  Koha said in a soft voice as Sayu kept walking up to the next floor.

Eri and Reina followed them to the room and came to a surprise.  It had been ransacked.  Koha fell to her knees in tears as Reina saw the note on the window.


It’s over, the terror is over.  Every person is dead.  We did it!  The police will be after me soon, I hope I can survive the chase.

P.S. I want to meet you one more time before I get caught.  Our last time was wonderful.

Reina looked over at Koha and took a deep breath.  The kitty was furious that any person would harm a patient who can’t handle their needs.  Reina lifted her up and gave her a hug.  Koha started to tear up as the embrace brought back the incident about them trusting her.

“We will catch her… I promise you.  You may hate Eri but you will not hate me.”  She looked at Sayu for a second and then she glared at her.

“Sayu is yours.”  Reina bit down on her lip and folded the note into her pocket.

Eri followed out Reina from the room as Sayu helped Koha with her clothes into the duffle bags.  Koha tried to analyze the words from the kitty’s mouth and looked at Sayu who was busily stuffing her clothes into the bag.  Sayu heard the words of surrender, she couldn’t believe Reina wouldn’t give up without a fight but she knew she had to protect Eri from any more of Koha’s rage against her.  Before Koha stood up, Sayu sat behind her and bowed to the younger woman.

“Sayu, were you and Reina…”  Sayu nodded and bowed apologetically.

Koha felt her throat gone dry as she realized why Reina had been the buffer in the arguments.  She still had feelings for Sayu.  The younger woman felt guilty in blaming Eri for her death and Sayu had been in the middle of the whole situation.

“Why didn’t you tell me or slap me or something to indicate that you guys had a relationship earlier?”  Sayu held up her hand and slapped Koha across the face, and then gave her a long kiss on her lips.

“Because… she was there for me after the assault.  She was also a victim of an assault which made her scared of being close to people.  I was stubborn and wanting to not give away my own faults to people.  If people knew that I seduced the mayor, I would be called a whore.  But, Reina knew about everything that had happen, so when you pointed at Eri, I had to resist siding with you.”  Koha understood the situation and bowed back to Sayu.

“I am sorry for being that way to her.  I never knew that Reina still liked you because I was in love with you.  Now, since she had given up, I want to apologize to Eri too.”  Sayu nodded and Koha ran out to see Eri.

The nun saw Koha ran down the stairs and kneel down to bow for forgiveness in her act.  She looked over at Reina and she nodded hesitantly.  The nun crossed her arms at her but relaxed them as she brought her up from the floor.

“I will not forget that you were brat when I mention about Rika.  That shall stay etched.  However, I want to move forward to get this case over with so you are forgiven.”  Eri’s crooked smile left no doubt that they buried the hatchet and Koha ran up to finish packing up the rest of the stuff from her room.

Koha loaded up the truck with her clothing with help from Sayu as they waited for the interview to be over.  An hour later, Shota and Nacchi walked out with few answers but they had a home address.  Reina showed them the note and it confirmed that Maimi was the one to kill Yasuda in the hospital but it was now up to them to find her before she disappeared forever.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 34 2/20/12
« Reply #62 on: February 21, 2012, 10:51:28 AM »
Chapter 34

Maimi decided to lay low in the nightclub she liked to hang around after work.  She knew the establishment had some illegal employees.  Her closest friend was one of them but she kept her aside for her own use.

Suzuki Airi was seventeen and liked to drive her parents crazy over her behavior.  After school, she would hang around the club to pick up boys but found an attractive young lady sitting near the entrance as she looked in.  Airi invited the anxious woman in and gave her a drink to replenish her.  Maimi never knew what it was but in Airi’s explanation, she had kept her straight by taking her into a private room to avoid any contact with the public.

Airi saw her walk into the club and took her to the usual private room but instead of a smile, she saw an evil grin on her face.  The younger female handed her a glass of cola with a straw and she took one sip to clean out the glass.  Maimi forced her body on top of Airi and touched her roughly all over until she pushed her body off her.

“What’s wrong with you?”  Airi asked with a high tone to her voice.

“I… killed a person today.”  She smiled and forced herself on top one more time but Airi developed the space between them.

“Why did you do it?”  Airi asked as she calmed Maimi down from her adrenaline.

Maimi thought about it and came blank with an excuse so she told her the truth.  Airi was shocked with Maimi’s explanation and crawled back to the other side of the room.  She pleaded to not expose her in the murder but Airi was not sure to say anything until she realized the older female had leverage on her and zipped up her lips.  She came back to sit next to her and continued their embrace in the room.

She broke off the kiss and patted her on the head as they took a break from the action.  Airi heard a knock at the door and forced Maimi to go under the table.  She opened up to a middle-aged man looking in at her employee in a dark room.  Airi stepped out of the room leaving it ajar so she could come back for her friend; she walked into the office, and sat across of her boss.

“You have been a great waitress and escort but I fear for my business to close because I broke the rules.  Now, I need you to leave before the inspectors come and take me out.  I will pay you your wages for the week and you can take your customer with you.”  Airi nodded hesitantly and ran back to get Maimi from underneath the table.

Both left to the blinding lights of the late afternoon and walked toward the train station without exchanging words.  Maimi noticed the wad of cash in her pocket and began to realize what had happen.  She embraced Airi next to her for a long while and felt her tears soak through her shirt.  She apologized for ruining her secret but Airi accepted her faith quietly.  The woman decided to take Airi to a café for a meal and just hoped no one would notice her.

The group was en route to her apartment near the clinic where they were housed because of the remote location.  The nurses were driving to the clinic while their truck stopped fifty feet outside of the complex.  Shota looked back at the women and he closed up the front part to hide their meeting room.

“We need to make this peaceful.”  Shota instructed the group.

“What if she is armed?”  Reina asked and Koha kicked the kitty.

Reina looked back at Koha and saw her shook her head but the issue was a concern and Shota took a pistol as their only weapon.  Koha opened the back door and walked up to the complex with her hands shaking with nerves.  She rushed into the lobby, seeing the receptionist reading a newspaper.

“Is Yajima-san in?”  The receptionist looked at her computer to see if she checked in but she reported she hadn’t been home since yesterday night.

Koha ran back to the truck and stated the words from the receptionist and now they were back at square one.  Koha grinded her teeth with another location in mind and looked at Sayu to confirm her decision.  She poked Nacchi in the shoulder and everyone turned towards her.

“She could be at a club.  Her friend works there.  She calls her Airi but she is underage and she covered for her since they had a relationship a year ago.”  Shota nodded as Koha gave directions to the club.

Maimi and Airi took a seat away from the windows; the café was half packed with mostly older people having their early dinners while avoiding the young couple on the other side of room.  They were greeted by a high school student who recognized Airi right away and after a few minutes of chatting they ordered a sandwich and soda.  The silence between them was unusual for both.  They would stare at each other for minutes before breaking it off to look around.  A light kick to the shin broke the silence as Maimi rubbed her shin.

“It isn’t your fault.  I just thought if I was gonna get kicked out it would be the constant flirting or the men complimenting me when I smile but he knew I was underage.”  Maimi titled her head.

“Why didn’t he just let you go?”  Maimi asked.

“It brought in money but he likes gambling so…”  Maimi broke off her sentence.

“I understand.”  The older female felt her heart beat faster as she glared at Airi one more time and reached for her hand.

“I want to say this before I get caught.  I love you.”  Airi smiled showing her teeth and let out a giggle.  “I’m not lying; I liked you since you brought me into the club.  We spent time just talking about ourselves that I got attracted to you and then it just happened to make me think that I don’t want us to be apart.”

“I love you too.  I never felt so nervous in front of a woman but you always knew how to treat me.  The men were always perverted like seeing under my skirt or peeking down my blouse but when I met you, I could finally appreciate a person caring for me.”  Maimi moved her head forward but was interrupted with the food’s arrival.

Airi dove into her plate without saying a word but Maimi took her time like she had an eternity to finish her meal.  The younger female encouraged her to take on her meal which made more tension between them until Maimi threw the plate onto the floor.  Airi took her last bite of her burger and let Maimi rest on her shoulders.

“Should I surrender?”  Maimi whispered.

“I think so, even if I cannot see you again, I want you to know that admitting your guilt makes me happy.”  Maimi’s crooked smile comforted Airi and sipped their soda simultaneously while they let the time go by.

The club produced no luck of Maimi but the owner looked jittery like he was waiting for someone to come told them she was released for lying about her age.  The owner was guilty of employing her at the club which angered Reina and gave him a message to his boys for not exposing a girl to a dirty place.  He fell onto the pavement holding them as they left to find their trail.

After a few hours of blind hunting, they took a rest at a motel’s parking lot.  The owner was infuriated with their presence but Shota explained that they were looking for someone and let them stay as long as they paid for their occupation.  The group was depleted after their search turned up nothing and walked over to the café next to the motel to refuel them.  Eri and Reina ordered burgers and drinks for everyone.

They sat down in the waiting area for their food as they observed the patrons.  There were a bunch of elderly couple at the back end of the dinner and Eri took a glance at the back of the room to find two girls sitting there embracing each other.  The turtle pointed over to them and smiled as Reina let the turtle lay her head on the kitty’s shoulder.

“Kimochi~” Eri sighed as Reina grabbed her hand firmly to break off the act.

“You are serious weird.”  Reina said bluntly as the turtle smiled at her.

Their food and drinks were delivered to them and they headed out followed by the two females trailing them to the motel.  Airi led her partner to the motel as Maimi saw the van’s backdoor opening and glanced at a familiar person.  Maimi rushed them into the lobby and took a key up to their room so they could hide from the van.

“Why are…”  Maimi put her hand over her mouth.

“I saw my friend; we need to stay still while I figure a way to surrender.”  Maimi removed her hand and sat on the bed to think clearly about the next move.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Sora-chan

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 34 2/20/12
« Reply #63 on: February 21, 2012, 01:24:14 PM »
I have mixed feelings about Maimi, but right now. I'm kinda respecting her decision especially since shes gonna surrender. Shows how mature she is! :thumbsup

And YajiSuzi I LOVE them!!!! :inlove: :wub: I was so happy to see it was Airi who was her friend at the club.

Reina and Eri are so cute haha. With all the drama thats been going on I forgot they even DID something together :nervous

And I feel kinda bad for Sayu but, hopefully Koha will be everything she wanted and needed, I do wonder why did the person wrecked her room.

While sick in bed, Im waiting on the next chappie :twothumbs
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 35 2/23/12
« Reply #64 on: February 24, 2012, 10:17:19 AM »
^ hope you get better and maybe I can make another story with more action instead of a sappy, love/hate fic

Chapter 35

Koha saw her eyes and her stomach turned with anticipation but the lump in her throat was preventing from catching her friend.  She wanted to yell that she went into the motel but every second she was becoming weaker with the knowledge and then she fell over catching Sayu by surprise.

“Koha, are you okay?”  Sayu asked as she rushed her outside to get her some air.

Koha’s body was limp as they sat down on the asphalt and she looked into the younger woman’s eyes and she began to realize why she collapsed.  Her faint voice spelt that she saw the suspect but it was past the event which meant she could have gone anywhere by now.  Sayu ran toward the door and opened it up to take Nacchi out of the van and explained that Koha saw Maimi walked by.  She knew that she was now steps behind the woman so she had to attack quickly before they lose her again.

Nacchi reached in for her cuffs and hid it in her belt under a loose shirt.  Koha followed the police officer to the front desk where he didn’t resist in giving over the guest book.  They were surprised that she wrote down her name and the guest which attracted Koha’s eyes.  She took Nacchi to the side and showed her the name.

“This is her girlfriend.”  Nacchi nodded.

“If she is with her, it must mean she might use her as a hostage.”  Koha was unsure if that was the case but she knew that Maimi wouldn’t be rash to put Airi in danger.

The last time Koha saw them together, it was a picnic on the clinic grounds.  Rika stared at the couple outside and smirked at them as she turned back toward Koha.  Rika was well aware about the relationship and she always showed her jealous side when she saw the happy couple but this time she showed sourness in her expression.  She was required to stay in the room after the cafeteria incident which meant she was away from Yossie, who was in her last year of fellowship.

Rika liked Yossie a lot as they were of similar age and they seemed to get it off when they started to have lunch together, which was forbidden under the clinic’s rules.  Nakazawa walked into the cafeteria to monitor her patients and observed Yossie talking to Ishikawa in the corner.  Yossie had written that Rika needed observant care in the presence of depression.  Unfortunately, it never specified what the solution should have been which made Nakazawa suspicious and she saw them laughing with each other and Yossie blew a kiss to Rika.

Nakazawa took Yossie outside and lecture her about the rules but Yossie countered with her report which was along the lines suggested by two others within the staff.  However, she pointed out the romantic gestures and gave her a hard look and held out her report.

“If the intent was to gain a girlfriend, then I have to let you go.”  She lowered the report and as her head turned, Rika came out hearing a derogatory term.

Ishikawa slanted her eyes and attack Nakazawa from behind.  The doctor fell forward onto the floor breaking her nose and if it wasn’t for security, she would have done more damage.  Yossie resigned to the fact that the situation was over her head and the suggestion was brought up to push her into society earlier than expected because of the relationship.  Rika sat there letting her tears hit the floor as she pressed her hands onto the window.

“Maimi and her, why does it bother me?”  Koha stepped in.

“Yossie…”  Rika turned and shoved Koha onto the floor and raised her hand below slapping her across the face.  The sound filled the room but Koha didn’t want to cry.  Rika wanted to slap her again but the red mark was beginning to show on the location of the strike.

“Don’t say her name.  Just don’t.”  Rika warned as she looked outside once again.

Koha came back to the present and she pulled Nacchi out of the lobby to discuss a plan to draw out Maimi from the room.  Koha was confident that Maimi wouldn’t do anything rash but she had to see how she was and took advantage of the information by going to the room.  Nacchi noticed the window and decided to go around the other side to give them a surprise.  Then, their worst fears came into mind with Maimi stepping out to look outside to the ocean.

Koha froze with Nacchi behind her and saw Maimi watching her move toward the room but it was no use and gently walked up to her.  Maimi strolled to them and offered her wrists to them.  Airi came out with her hands up, surrendering to them.

“Wait, I won’t arrest you until we get the whole story.”  Nacchi signaled her hand off the handcuffs and escorted Maimi back to her room.

They all sat in a circle and called the rest up to the room to get an explanation.  When everyone was present, Maimi stood in the middle of the room and bowed to everyone.  Airi stood next to her and lifted her head up seeing the tears running down her cheeks.  The younger female wanted to present a strong expression but gave into her crying.  Reina broke up the duo and demanded to explain the murder.

Maimi cleared her throat and went back to the clinic where she was working and talked about the doctors were less prepared for many cases especially Rika.  The story was unraveling into a storm of bad decisions until Maimi knew she had to finish the job.  She explained that the nurse’s outfit was from the clinic which was different from the hospital but her entry was easy because of the nurses being linked with the hospital.  The news of Yasuda’s injury hit Maimi’s ears and she tracked her to the room.

“So, if they were connected, any person on the staff could have killed her, correct?”  Shota pointed out the fact.

“Yes, because the partnership assisted with our mental patients and their medical care.”  Maimi stated.

She entered the room with a mask covering her mouth and looked for the one thing she only knew about killing people: morphine.  She injected enough to kill her instantly and throwing the syringe into the recycle bin was the easiest way out as they solved the mystery in front of them.  Maimi felt the thrill of doing a deed for the sake of society but she knew that being connected was simple for the police but hard to pinpoint it on her.

Koha grabbed Maimi and gave her a hug as she murmured inaudible words into her ear and Maimi patted her on the back to calm her down.  Nacchi was still not convinced to arrest them but she cuffed them anyway to take them to Iida for questioning.  Once they were arrested, they swiftly drove back to headquarters where Iida was outside with a full report folder.

“Yoshizawa Hitomi just sent in her testimony and it matches with everyone else’s but the mess is still on the floor.”  Iida told everyone as Maimi and Airi was escorted down to the cell below.

“Yajima Maimi injected Yasuda with a lethal dosage which you can charge for murder and Suzuki Airi is going to be charged with holding a fugitive.”  Iida stuck out her hand to halt the explanation.

“I want no charges to be filed yet.  We need to clean up before we forget the reason why you were brought here and the reason was the town was our biggest concern and we can gain whatever information from them and then release them to your custody.”  Shota’s eyes widened.

“We don’t have a prison and Maimi and Airi committed serious crimes.”  Shota panicked but Iida presented her soothing smile.

“I know I can send them off for killing people but all the people involved are dead or injured and we have no proof that Maimi did it.  The hospital threw the syringes away before we could confiscate it as evidence.”  Iida winked at them and Shota threw his head back in exhaustion.

“Can we head home?”  Eri asked to everyone.

Everyone nodded as Shota took the group home and invited Nacchi to stay the night in their peaceful, quiet town.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Sora-chan

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 35 2/23/12
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2012, 01:53:45 AM »
Thank you! (: Im getting better and better... And yeah! The action type of fanfictions suit you best! Well, from what i've seen so far your actions within this fan fiction was really amazing and very intriguing!

If you do make another one thats an action one, I will be reading !

I feel alittle bad for Koharu, It seems everyone she was friends with are kinda like the criminals..
And Maimi, Good girl. With an attitude like that its gonna help her later on with this problem... I think.. XD
Poor Airi. Dont cryy :(

And Rika was really crazy about Yossie from the start huh? Slapping Koha just for even mentioning her name? But, Rika is there for a reason! So i expected something like that..

Waiting on the next upload !! :)
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 36 2/25/12 FIN!
« Reply #66 on: February 26, 2012, 08:01:16 AM »
^ Well final chapter

Chapter 36

Maimi and Airi were the only two in the cell.  They waited for their time to be escorted up to the investigation room.  Maimi was concerned that Airi had been pulled in by Maimi’s unconscious moves but Airi stayed positive.  It relieved the woman’s concern but she wanted Airi to be set free and that was her goal.

She observed the guard was sleeping at his desk with his walkie-talkie on the table.  The room was silent until they heard that they were being brought up to the room.  Iida walked in seeing the two with confidence and escorted them up to the next floor.  They sat side by side across from Shota and her with a folder in front of all four of them.

“This is the report on Yasuda’s murder.  I can open it to give you a chance to explain yourself as a criminal but by keeping it like this.”  Shota presented another folder with confidential stamped across of it.

“I don’t care about me.  I want to know what will happen with Airi.”  Maimi said it a low voice.

Iida mumbled something to Shota and he tilted his head in surprise as he heard something new from Iida.  Maimi spoke louder to get their attention and they both looked back at her.  Iida’s throat felt dry as her eyes went down to another piece of paper in front of her.

“Suzuki Airi is underage and we would need her parents to agree to stay with you.  In this case, we have asked them to consider their daughter to live with you but they have left it with me to decide on the fate of you two.”  She explained to both of them and calmly asked for water.

“I have the authority to deny or accept based on the condition that you will be under supervised release within Shota’s jurisdiction.  As of now, we can let her stay with you but we do have questions.”  They both nodded.

“Have you both been intimate lately?”  Maimi shook her head but Airi stood up.

“We never saw each other nude, although we fool around when we get into fights.”  Iida smiled as she wrote down the answer.

“Since Airi needs to stay in school, we will have her work where she is needed, if she stays with you.  As for you, Ms. Yajima, most of the time you will be working as a laboring on building houses with the villagers.  I am going to assume you will have your time together but I have insisted on separate living quarters.”  Maimi nodded.

“Overall, all we need is your cooperation in the matter of Rika Ishikawa’s time in the clinic.”  Maimi nodded to the deal quickly while Airi still had a few reservations.

Airi was happy about the situation but the decision was the final step to approve of the deal.  Iida signed off on the waiver and embraced the woman in her chair.  The duo followed Shota into the van and was off to the town while Iida was now left with Kanemura, who was writing out his last report before retiring tomorrow.

She walked up to his office and saw his gun on the table with a note attached to it.  Iida closed the door behind her gaining the attention of soon to be retiree.  He appeared exhausted from the investigation but quickly smiled to wipe away his concerns.

“Is the file confidential?”  Iida nodded.

“I guess we can just talk as colleagues and out feelings toward Yasuda.”  Iida took a seat still looking at his gun.

“What about her?”  He grinned.

“I have to tell you why she was here in the first place.”  Iida leaned in to hear his story.

Yasuda had been a highly sought after recruit in the academy.  She wanted action all the time but it cost a lot to be accepted into the community.  Kanemura was fond of her and took her in as an officer with internal affairs without any questions as a secretary.  He promised her that she needed a year of training before doing field work but he had to break off the promise when one quit before a case was in process.

She was excited to take on the case but took down notes as she had no full rights to snoop around but her keen observations found a clue that opened the case wide open.  Her colleagues were less impressed that luck had given her first case credit and usually it would lead to a luncheon with the commissioner.  Kanemura was shocked the recruit did solve the case but he knew it would blow over when they hired another person.

Unfortunately, she began to be the replacement that they needed on the team.  Kanemura conceded the position to her and eventually her luck streak grew until meeting with Rika Ishikawa.  Kanemura had signed off without looking over the details and then the events unraveled her career. 

He regretted the decision and then looked down at his gun as Iida showed him a half smile to comfort him from his troubles.  He halted his speech and excused himself from the room.  Iida watched him go to the bathroom and then noticed the gun was not on his desk.  Iida took two steps forward and heard the gun go off.  She ran to the phone to call for an ambulance.

Iida heard the phone ring and answered it quickly.  There was a pause before a voice entered into the speaker.

“Kanemura, you there?”  Iida knew who it was on the other side.

“He committed suicide.”  She said firmly and then heard a yell before he went back to the speaker.

“Iida, I am sorry.”  Ohta hung up and Iida stood outside the bathroom door for the ambulance.

Her kouhai walked into the station and smelt the fresh gunpowder inside, she ran toward Iida but she stopped her from going near the area.  She ran into the office and saw a letter below.  The kouhai handed off to Iida and her stomach knotted up as she saw his last thoughts on paper.  She let one tear leave her eyes and folded it up to put it back into his drawer.

“Iida-san, I think we should wrap it up.”  Iida agreed and let the paramedics take care of the job while they clean up the desk of the former leader.

Maimi and Airi arrived half an hour after their departure from the police station.  Reina and Sayu greeted the two and each took their respected person to their living quarters.  Airi was with Ai’s house as a guest and Maimi was set up with Sayu as they occupied the abandoned police portable.  After the two females were set into their rooms, Shota invited the town to meet the two new people.

Within an hour the town was filled with people as they surrounded the stage where they stood and the people looked at them strangely.  Shota started off apologizing for the attention that was caused in the town; the events stressed the people from enjoying normal life.  It was over and they could live without any more concentration on the people.  The mayor introduced the two to the town and they applauded them.

“Maimi-chan, I hope it works for you.”  Airi grinned as Maimi gave a grin back.

“I hope so, I really hope so.”  Maimi’s response was smooth as the events continued on in the back.

The evening blew as fast as the wind and it transition to the morning where the group met at the doctor’s office.  The news of Kanemura was announced to the group as they headed into their alternative meeting place to tie up the loose ends.  Shota headed the table as everyone sat around waiting for the meeting to be started.

“Thank you everyone for joining for the meeting.”  He started the meeting everyone’s attention.

“We want to start by offering Nacchi the assistant mayor job and leader of the defense committee.”  Everyone applauded while Nacchi took the floor.

She looked down at her paper and pointed toward Reina and Reina stood next to her as she handed over a medal to her.  The kitty read the lettering and she bowed to the officer.  Eri was next as she received her medal from Nacchi and repeated the same gesture to her.

“These two are recognized for helping Sayu escape from the basement.”  Nacchi announced.

Nacchi sat back down and Shota stood up again to write up the reason to bring them altogether.  The concept of the town council was on the agenda since he became mayor.  He needed the leadership to control the town’s progress through rough times and he had entrusted them with the information about opening up the town to tourists and improving the infrastructure.

After an hour of discussion, the group assigned individual roles and it ended with no comments about their next meeting.  The group left with the intention of gathering more about the town, their town, a town with many skeletons, a town that was now pieced together by people.  These people developed what was hidden and made it into a town they were proud of.
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Lover's Rectangle Chapter 36 2/25/12 FIN!
« Reply #67 on: February 26, 2012, 02:50:52 PM »
EHHHHH!!! :shocked: ITS OVER!!! I was so shocked to see 'FIN' ! WHOA. :shocked

Eh... All the good ones are ending now n days huh? XD Well. still. I'm happy about how it turned out, :wub: Im glad it was a happy ending for Maimi, and im happy that everyone can go back to normal because... boy... was that town a mess at first haha. :nervous

I cant wait until you make your next fan fiction. (If you do.)

This has been.. a delight. Reading this story. It has done alot to my emotions :lol:, made me sad, mad, shocked, but.. it has also made me extremely happy! Continue writing. Your awesome! :heart:

 :bow: :bow: :bow:
Tanakame!<3333 ReinAi<333 TanaGaki!<33 TakaGaki!<33 TanaShige!<33 AiSayu!<3 JunSayu!<33 SayuKoha!<3 AiEri<3

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