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Author Topic: After Majisuka Gakuen - Chapter 12 13/08/2012  (Read 56913 times)

Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 4 Part 2 update] Jan. 3
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2012, 04:08:40 AM »
BlackxGeki, oh yeah! Ahahaha! With the added bonus of CenterxNezumi to boot~
I'm a bit surprised, though. Jurina still hasn't put two and two together. I mean, it's not like Yuko's a total stranger,
being the former head of Rappapa herself. Or maybe Nezumi will realize it first since she's an evil genius after all.  :lol:

Offline oddball

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 4 Part 2 update] Jan. 3
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2012, 11:23:36 AM »
BlackGeki!!!  :heart: Yuki was sure it was Rena to begin with too, maybe a little dissapointed that it wasnt her but 'Ren' instead, hmm judging from this first chapter I'm not sure that 'Ren' will be able to keep convincing Yuki she's not Rena, maybe it will be little Reki more than anyone who uncovers her...

And Center/Nezumi hints here too along with Yuko and her plan which needs Ren and seems as though it can only go wrong.....  :P

Hmm, they all need Ren to come back.... I wonder though if perhpas Rena may want to stay were she is for a while.....

Offline Spicy Sapphire

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 4 Part 2 update] Jan. 3
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2012, 03:14:38 PM »
GekiBlack  :heart: :heart: Yuko and Takamina are the mother and father figure and poor Takamina, wanting to be the older sister   :roll: Reki is sweet~

Offline RJay

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 4 Part 2 update] Jan. 3
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2012, 05:48:06 PM »
Oooohhhh Ren and Yuki have finally met
Interesting can't wait for the next chapter

Ease update soon
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 5 update] Jan. 5
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2012, 02:29:10 AM »
Thank you to :Shiro, silllythings, kahem, seigus, Megumi, anzai48, gekikarabuACE, blughise, Spicy Sapphire, MESS for leaving Thank yous.

kahem, seigus, anzai48, gekikarabuACE, oddball, Spicy Sapphire, RJay - Thank you for your comments. They really helped me in writing this chapter.

I hope you vote. I'm planing on using the result of your votes for Ch. 7.

Hope I didn't fail in this ch. Thank you all for reading. Sorry for any mistakes.

Chapter 5
Near Yuki’s home
“So, Yuki why are you out so late?”
“Oh, I just got off work and went to pick my son up from the baby sitter.”
“And you Ren?”
“Oh, I was going home to show my little sis that I’m still alive and kickin.”
“Haha. Well anyways my apartment is just down this street.” Yuki said pointed to the apartment complex that was on flames.
“Eh? You mean the one that’s on fire?”
“What?” Yuki turned her head towards the apartment complex after seeing that it was on fire Yuki began to tear up. Ren quickly pulled Yuki into a tight hug with his right arm and held her son in his left. Her son laid his head on Ren’s shoulder. “What are Reki and I going to do now?” Yuki softly cried into Ren’s chest.
“It’s okay Yuki. It’ll all be okay. Don’t worry I’ll take care of you. You and Reki are welcome to stay with me and my family.” Ren gently said to Yuki as she slowly stops crying.
“Thank you, Ren.”
“No prob. was there something important to you in your home?”
“No, I have all that in my locker at work.”
“Good, now let’s get going. I don’t want to gather too much attention.”
Ren lead Yuki to his house which stunned Yuki.
“This is your home?”
“Yup, it’s all mine, but I live with my lil sis and two close childhood friends, who you already know.”
“What?” Yuki asked confused.
“You’ll see. Just come in.” Ren opened the door to find Minami squirrel hunting while Jurina laughed her head off. “Um, I think we should come back another day.” Ren said to Yuki as he slowly closes the door.
“But why? We’re already here.”
“Ren! You’re here! Finally!” Jurina busted the door open scaring Reki awake making him cry.
“Uh ho. Don’t cry. Shh ssh shh.” Ren was able to calm him down. Jurina’s thoughts: I swear I just saw the baby glare and release some dark aura at me. What’s his problem? Oh yeah, I must’ve woke him up. My bad. Hehe. Now that I think about it he kinda reminded me of Ren. Now that I look at them is it possible that Yuki’s son is Ren’s. Wow they make a great looking family. Oh! Then that means he’s my lil nephew! Yey! I just hope he doesn’t glare at me.
“Oi! He aint my kid!” Ren shouted as he saw Jurina’s face light up. Reki in responds bites Ren’s left ear. “Itai! What’s up with you and biting my ear!”
“Food~” Reki quickly and cutely responds. Both Yuki and Jurina giggle at them.
“Aw~ Then make him your kid! I want a nephew!” Jurina pouted cutely. Their exchange made Yuki blush, especially the part about making her son Ren’s.
Yuki’s thoughts: Why do I feel this way towards Ren? I’ve only felt this with Rena and only her. Not even my son’s father ever made me feel this way. But why do I feel so attracted to him? Is it cuz he resembles her?
“Ahhhhh! Someone help mee~ Takamina wants to skin me alive!” Yuko shouted running towards the door where Yuki, Ren, and Jurina were. “Oh! Cute baby!” Yuko stopped in front of Reki while Takamina ran full force when she saw how cute the baby was she tripped over herself rolling to a stop before them.
“Itai. Oh hey Yuki and Reki.” Minami smiled and waved. Her trip made Reki giggle.
“No way. You live with these two?” Yuki asked calmly but she was really shocked and terrified.
“Yup, they’re my childhood friends. And this is my younger cousin Matsui Jurina also known as Center, but she’s more like a sister to me than a cousin.”
“OH.” Yuki replied in a bored tone.
“So how about we all go in. And Jurina would you mind lending Yuki some of your clothes for tonight?”
“No prob. Let me get them ready.” 
“Thank you.” Yuki said.
“Wmidgets is there food?”
“Oi! What’s this W.Midget thing?” Both shouted upset.
“It’s both you combined to make one.” Ren teased showing them a smirk.
“Ren shouldn’t you be nice to them?” Yuki said giggling.
“No.” Ren deadpanned.
“Oi! He learned that from you!” The midgets pointed at each other.
“Hey, you taught him that!” Yuko protested.
“No, you did! In fact I have your tutorial videos!” Minami retorted.
“Hey, can you answer my question? Is there food or not?” Ren asked hungry.
“Yes, in the fridge.” Yuko replied glaring at Minami.
“Yuki, I think we should go eat before the midgets fight.”
“I agree.” Yuki replied giggling, she has never seen Yuko verbally argue with someone, she always saw Yuko argue back by using her fists. They must be really good friends. I’m glad Yuko didn’t die.
“Ma…mama…hehe… food…hehe…. Rena!heh Gekikara! Food!hehe Ren!hehe” Reki giggle and clapped his hands.
“W-what?” Yuki said surprised.
“What did he just say?” The two midgets asked.
“He said food, foodRena,Gekikara,food,Ren, maybe he wants spicy food??” Ren quickly said, shocked to hear his old name. He doesn’t know it’s me, right?
“food! Food hehe. Rena! Ren! Food! Hehe food! Hehe Mama feed me!” Reki said giggling.
“Hey Ren are you sure he aint your son?” Jurina said as she set the clothes for Yuki down on the coffee table.
“Yeah, I’m with Jurina.” Yuko said looking at Reki then at Ren and Yuki. They look perfect together. They can be the royal family of Japan, Ren as the king, Yuki as the Queen and Reki as the little cute prince.
“Yuki, are you sure Ren aint the father of your son?” Minami asked even though she knows Ren is female.
“Yes, I’ve never met Ren before today.”
“Oh, okay.” The three said in that’s-a-shame tone of voice.
“Hey! Are you suggesting something? Or are you just trying to annoy me?” Ren asked feeling very uncomfortable with their questions.
“Depends.” They deadpanned.
Ren looks down; heaves a sigh and shakes his head. Reki imitates him.
“Aw~ Cute~” The four said making Ren shake his head tiredly while Reki giggled cutely.
“Let’s just go eat lil one.” Ren said going into the kitchen.
“Food~ Spicy food~” Reki said cutely.
“Sorry Reki, we didn’t make spicy food.” Jurina shouted. Reki quickly turned and send her a glare. “Whoa tough kid.”
“Well, I’ll go eat too.” Yuki said and joined the two.
“Hey, btw I’ve been wondering why you didn’t recruited Gekikara?” Jurina asked.
“Well, she is helping us. You just didn’t know she was.” Yuko said.
“Yeah, she’s undercover at the moment.”
“You know how she is. Loves to fight, remember she was in a rehab for her bad and dangerous behavior and with a criminal record like hers. I don’t think a private school would want her. You know.” Yuko explained.
“True, I wonder what Gekikara’s real name was.” Jurina asked.
“Who knows?” Minami said finding the floor very interesting.
“We just knew her as Gekikara nothing more.” Yuko said. Before Jurina could speak the phone rang.
*Ring* “Hello? Yes, this is Takahashi Minami.” “…” “Okay, I’ll be there right away.” Hangs up.
“What’s wrong?”
“I have to go back to my office for some paperwork.”
“Ok, bye.”

Detective building
“Chief, let me get this straight you called me back here to help you find the pair of glasses on your head?” Minami asked annoyed.
“Oh! So that’s where they were at. Thanks Minami. You can go now.” He says leaving his office and locking up.
“Yes, sir.” She replies, walking out the building with him. “Bye, sir.” She waves at him until his cars gone. “Now that I’m here might as well take the mission information and spend the whole day tomorrow with Yuki and Reki.” She enters the building again and goes to her office where she spots a sleeping beauty. “Atsuko? Acchan, wake up it’s already late.” She softly says.
“Um.. *yawn* Huh? Minami?” Acchan said as she stretched her body.
“yes, now get ready I’ll take you home.”
“Un, thanks.” She gets her stuff ready while Minami gets all the information about her special mission. “Okay, I’m ready.”
“Good, let’s go.” When she was about to open the door she hear some shuffling noises and talking coming from the other side. “Acchan do you hear that?” She whispered.
“Yeah. Do you think it’s a robbery?”
“We’re the detective unit. We don’t have anything worth stealing.”
“Well, in that case let’s hide.” Acchan said as she pushed Minami under her desk with her on top saddling Minami.
“What are you doing?”
“Shhh, be quiet or else they’ll find us.”
In that moment the door open and two men came in. “Oi! You sure that Minami was the one the Chief gave the mission to?” “Yeah, the Chief thinks that brat’s the only trustworthy detective in this whole unit.” “But don’t you think that he might’ve given it to Atsuko?” “Nah, not a chance since she’s still inexperienced.” “Yeah you’re right.” “Okay, enough talking. Look for the files on the members of the undercover unit, their plans and their information on our boss.”
Meanwhile under Acchan’s desk
Acchan was making herself comfortable on top of Minami while Minami was feeling hot. Seeing Minami’s cheeks slowly turning red gave Acchan an idea. “Hey, Minami wanna do it?” Acchan seductively said into Minami’s ear making her gulp. “Um… no thank you. Can’t you see the situation we’re in?” “Yes, and also the position we’re in too.” Acchan smirked evilly. Before Minami could talk back Acchan sealed her lips with her own. After a few seconds Minami’s hands began to travel all over Acchan’s body, she nibbled on Acchan’s lower lip causing her to moan and open her mouth.  Minami took this opportunity to slide her tongue into Acchan’s mouth. When the lack of oxygen forced them to pull away, Minami noticed that the men had already left. “Oh, they left. We better get going too.” Minami said and tried to get out but Acchan didn’t allow it. “Oh no, you don’t. We’ll be finishing what we started.” Acchan said smirking seductively at her. “Uh ho.” Minami replied.

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 5 update] Jan. 5
« Reply #45 on: January 06, 2012, 02:59:59 AM »
Thank you so much for the update XD

Yuki and Ren~~ :wub:
LOL Reki glaring at Jurina and biting Ren's ear :lol:
Minami and Acchan's moment are hot!! :inlove:
Go go! Acchan!! :grin:

“Oh no, you don’t. We’ll be finishing what we started.” Acchan said smirking seductively at her. “Uh ho.” Minami replied.
I can't wait to read what's next!!! :thumbup

Please Update Soon~ :mon cute:

Offline iloveakb48

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 5 update] Jan. 5
« Reply #46 on: January 06, 2012, 03:34:14 AM »
yyyyeeeeeeyyyyy !!! ATSUMINA FTW!!!!!
please update soon!!!
i love akb48!!!!

Offline Sok

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 5 update] Jan. 5
« Reply #47 on: January 06, 2012, 04:01:30 AM »
Thank you. It's too bad I can't write any juicy stuff for Atsumina. But you all can imagine what went on.

Don't worry I'm working on the chapter 6 right now. So it will be posted Tomorrow morning.

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 5 update] Jan. 5
« Reply #48 on: January 06, 2012, 05:10:06 AM »
Ren and Yuki together with Reki is like a happy family.
Acchan and Minami moment is hot.
Wonder whose the intruders into detective building ??
Please update soon.

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After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #49 on: January 06, 2012, 01:04:17 PM »
Thank you- Yagami.Rai, iloveakb48, anzai48, blughise, RenaChii for leaving thank yous.

Yagami.Rai,  iloveakb48, anzai48, Sydney W- Thank you for your comments and I'm glad you liked the Atsumina moment.
 Heres Ch. 6 like I promised.

It’s been 2 weeks since Yuki started living with them. She quit her job at the convenience store and took all her belongings out of her locker (bible, rappapa jacket, and photos) and is now Ren’s personal assistant along with Yuko. Yuko, Minami, and Jurina enjoy playing with Reki and taking care of him, he glares at them when mad. Minami has started going out with Acchan after what happened in their office (Acchan had her take responsibility for what happened, even though it was mostly on Acchan’s part that it occurred). Ren’s the only one stressing over things, such as helping Minami on getting everything ready for the special mission, find someone to take care of Jurina and Reki while they’re gone, keep his secret away from Yuki and Jurina and now the others, meet Jurina’s girlfriend, Yuko’s & Minami’s training on how to flirt and do sexual advancements towards women (he hates Yuko’s teachings, while Minami’s is dead on, on what men do), get the other members fix and clear to go on the mission (he needs to get their bosses’ permission, except TomoTomo since they work for him), and finally in role them all into the same private school as three Yakuza women then have them fall in love with him.

*Sigh* “Why do I have so much work? It’s your special mission Takamidget. Not mine.” Ren said tried.   
“Well, it’s putting your charms to the use.” Yuko replied.
“How is talking to their bosses and bribing some of them putting my charms to the use?”
“Well, yeah. That is your charm?” Minami said.
“Anyways when is your meeting with Jurina’s girlfriend?” Yuki said sitting down next to Ren.
“oh, is Reki asleep?” Yuko asked.
“Yeah, he was really tried from playing with Jurina. Anyways back to the question.”
“Well she told me to go pick her up today, she said she’d be in the Rappapa room with Nezumi waiting for me, but…” Ren said worried.
“But you have to pick up the girls and take them to the house we’ll be staying at for our mission. Don’t worry me and Minami will pick them up.” Yuko said.
“Thanks, but that’s not it.” Ren said.
“It’s okay Reki and Jurina will be taken care of by Dance, I mean Kumi. She’s very responsible, you know.” Yuki said reassuming Ren.
“I know but that’s not it.”
“Then what is?” They asked.
“I don’t wanna be sexually harassed by the principal again.” Ren said hugging himself protectively.
“Oh.” They said in an aw voice.
“Then why not take Yuki with you, since everyone knows her there. Besides Black can be your bodyguard and guide since you don’t know where the club room’s located.” Kumi pointed out as she came into the living room with coffees for everyone.
“Thank you.” They all said as they got their cups.
“Kumi has a point. Why don’t I go with you?”
“Yeah that’s great and it’ll make Nezumi think that you’re dating.” Minami said.
“And Jurina’s problem is solved as well as harassment toward you.” Kumi added.     
“Okay, btw Yuko when you go to pick them up wear some heavy protection.” Ren said.
“Why?” Yuko asked.
“Marichan & Acchan are pissed that you lied about your death. And Tomochin just wants to join in.” Minami explained.
“Okay, thanks.” Yuko runs upstairs and comes down wearing bagging shorts and a white T-shirt.
“Hey! Didn’t I just tell you to wear some heavy protection?”
“Yes, but I love fighting!” Yuko exclaimed showing her dimples.
“True, but if you end up in a hospital it’s not our fault.” Minami said.
“Besides, knowing Marichan, she might bring out Torigoya just for fun.” Yuki added making Yuko rethink her plan.
“On second thought, I’ll wear some protection. Don’t want Harunyan violent side, Torigoya reading my mind and then using it against me.” Yuko shouted as she ran upstairs again.
“Nice, Yuki.” 
“Good thing Yuko does know that Haruna can already control Torigoya now.” Yuki said chuckling.
“Yeah, I was surprised when Marichan told me that Haruna had learned how to control her powers fully.” Minami said.
“Well, it’s better that way. We no longer need to lock her up with chickens.” Ren added.
“Yup, her Torigoya form has always scared me.” Kumi added causing the others to laugh. “Hey! It’s not funny!”
“Yes, it is.” Minami said.
“I think Gekikara was the scariest of all the Queens.” Yuko said entering the living room.
“Hey, why do you look like you’re going to play ice hockey?” Kumi asked.
“It’s protection from Torigoya!” Yuko shouted. They all laughed at Yuko.
“Hey, but I agree.” Minami said.
“Out of all the Queens, Gekikara was the scariest, craziest, and most violent.” Yuko stated looking at Ren with a smile.
“Oh? Really?” Ren smiled.
 “Not to me.” Kumi said and everyone looked at her weirdly. “Well, Gekikara was scary but that was only when she fought or was upset.”
“That’s true.” Yuki agreed.
“Yeah, the only time she was scarier than Torigoya was when she would feed me spicy food. And you all know how much I can stand eating spicy food.” Kumi said holding her stomach. They all laughed. They spent the day talking until it was time for them to go.
“Kumi, remember to contact me or any of us if you, Reki or Jurina need anything. Okay.”
“Okay Minami. Btw you’re starting to sound like an over protective father.” Kumi replied.
“Hey!” Minami shouted as Yuko dragged her into the van.
“Well we better get going too.” Yuki said as she entered the passenger side of Ren’s black Ferrari 612 Scaglietti.
Ren's thoughts: I have a bad feeling about this, just hope nothing happens when we get to Majisuka Gakuen.

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #50 on: January 06, 2012, 01:14:28 PM »
Yea!! Thanks for the Update :thumbup :thumbup

 :lol: Haha.. Acchan made Takamina take responsibility :w00t:
I love it!!! :thumbsup
LOL Yuko and her protection against Torigoya :D

Please Update Soon :mon cute:

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #51 on: January 06, 2012, 10:34:56 PM »
Yay~ GO to Majisuka Gakuen~!!

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #52 on: January 06, 2012, 11:26:57 PM »
Oh yay Atsumina!!!!
I will begin think that Reki is really Ren's son lol

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #53 on: January 08, 2012, 10:25:53 AM »
Funny as hell! Made me laugh out loud so much! I hope you update soon!

BlackGeki & CeNezu = <3

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #54 on: January 08, 2012, 01:19:55 PM »
Kumi baby sitting Reki&Jurina Pfft!

Okay, btw Yuko when you go to pick them up wear some heavy protection.” Ren said.
“Why?” Yuko asked.
“Marichan & Acchan are pissed that you lied about your death. And Tomochin just wants to join in.” Minami explained.
“Okay, thanks.” Yuko runs upstairs and comes down wearing bagging shorts and a white T-shirt.
“Hey! Didn’t I just tell you to wear some heavy protection?”
“Yes, but I love fighting!” Yuko exclaimed showing her dimples.
“True, but if you end up in a hospital it’s not our fault.” Minami said.
“Besides, knowing Marichan, she might bring out Torigoya just for fun.” Yuki added making Yuko rethink her plan.
“On second thought, I’ll wear some protection. Don’t want Harunyan violent side, Torigoya reading my mind and then using it against me.” Yuko shouted as she ran upstairs again.
“Nice, Yuki.” 
“Hey, why do you look like you’re going to play ice hockey?” Kumi asked.
“It’s protection from Torigoya!” Yuko shouted. They all laughed at Yuko.

OMG LOLOLOLOL I'm glad Yuko and Minami is alive  but hrrm I wonder when will Acchan know that it's the same Minami :dunno:

And I can't wait for Ren and Yuki arriving at Majisuka Gakuen...

Thank you for your update
Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #55 on: January 09, 2012, 04:34:08 AM »
A GekiRen/BlackYuki mini-family! You're awesome, author!  :twothumbs

lol, I missed the poll! I would have voted for the last option. Let Ren give everyone a nosebleed, either from being too good-looking or from fighting. It wouldn't matter. :lol:
But poor Ren... he's under a lot of stress with all that's going on. 
Also, naughty Yuko giving out clues regarding Gekikara, hahaha! I wonder how everyone would react when they eventually find out.

Can't wait for the next update~!

Offline Sok

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #56 on: January 09, 2012, 06:08:04 AM »
Thank you who voted.
Also thank you to everyone for your comments and/ or thankyous.
@gekikarabuACE- Don't worry I'll add your vote in.

I'll start working on ch. 7 as soon as I finish my school work.

Thank you for reading.

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 6 update] Jan. 6
« Reply #57 on: January 09, 2012, 10:57:24 AM »
Another good chapter, hmm seems as though Yuki still feels in some way that Ren is not all the 'he' shoes himself to be, seems as though Reki has figured it out already though, lets hope he dosn't have to learn how to speak properly before his mum figures it out.......

lol at his death stare btw!  XD

Offline Sok

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After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 7 update] Jan. 17
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2012, 09:36:58 AM »
I'll like to thank everyone who left thank yous: :mon blowhorn: Yagami.Rai, silllythings, Shiro, RenaChii, kahem, anzai48, Megumi, Sydney W, blughise, MESS, gekikarabuACE

A big thank you to those who comment: Yagami.Rai, RenaChii, kahem, BlackRockAnon, Megumi, gekikarabuACE, oddball. Your comments really help and encourage me to keep writing.   :mon yeah: :mon study:

As well as the people who read my fics.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. I tried to put some touching moments but I'm not really good with those. Sorry if it's too long. :mon sweat:

Chapter 7
Ren and Yuki arrive at Majisuka Gakuen.
“Whoa, what happened?” Yuki asked as she got out of the car.
“The new Rappapa.” Ren replied with a smile.
“I can see that.”
“Well we still have 1hr until school ends. How about we walk around and I’ll tell you why there are so many changes.”
“okay.” They walked around and Ren told Yuki everything about the way Center & Nezumi were running the school. They had walked through the whole school without the students noticing them; they’re now in the Rappapa clubroom.
“Black, where’s the male restroom?”
“Oh, it’s in the teachers break room.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
“Do you need me to show you the way?”
“No, it’s okay Black. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay. I’ll stay here. Remember there’s still 40 minutes.”
“Okay I won’t take long.”
20 Minutes later
Yuki was worried if something had happened to Ren so she decided to look for him. In a matter of seconds she was inside the teachers’ break room. “Ren?” no answer. “Ren are you here?” Still no answer.

Ren's POV
Shoot why the hell is there only one male restroom? Plus it had to be near the principal’s office. I hope she doesn’t see me. Gotta hurry.
Hello, Gekikara.”
“Huh? I’m sorry hooded girl but I’m not Gekikara.” Why the hell did Jurina have to date such a smart & annoying girl like Nezumi. Right off the bat she knew it was me, but I can deny it and make her think I’m someone else.
“Don’t play dumb with me. Who else would have two scars above their left eye and light brown eyes? You think I’m stupid or something?”
Maybe lying to her won’t help. Have to find another way. Meanwhile I’ll talk about her father.
“Of course not Mayu, after all you are your father’s daughter. He’s a very smart man and I’d except no less from his daughter. By the way is he still doing illegal actives? Then giving you money from those actives?” Once I said that Mayu had a shock look.
“How? How did you know about my father? Did Jurina tell you?”
“No, I met with your father. He wanted my support for his next campaign. But I didn’t want to help him cuz he tried to cheat me before he even met with me. BTW is he still in the hospital?”
“Un, yeah. He’s still in there.”
“Good, can you give him a message from me?”
“Okay, tell him that next time I won’t be as gentle as I was. Hehe” I said smiling. 
 “You really are Jurina’s cousin.”
“But you aint fooling me! Even though you’re cross-dressing I know you’re Gekikara! So stopping denying it! No on Earth has that chilly and creepy smile and giggle like yours!”
“Whatever you want to think, but I’m not a girl. I need to go to the restroom now. See you later.”
“Wait! I’m not done!” I left her yelling at me.
How the hell am I going to fool her? Aw, man talking to her took too long now I have to hurry before Ms. Yuriko sees me.
End of Ren's POV

After Ren had gotten into one of the stalls in the restroom. Black had just entered the teacher’s room calling his name. “Ren?” Ren’s thoughts: Oh S***! What do I do? What I do? WhatdoIdo? Wait! I need to my business then I’ll deal with Black. “Ren are you here?” Still no answer. Black was about to enter the men’s restroom when Ren opened the door.
“Hey, I was calling your name.”
“Sorry, I-I-I-I was…… taking a dump. So I couldn’t hear you?” Ren said embarrassed.
“Really?” Black replied with a giggle as she saw Ren’s embarrassed face. He’s so Cute.
“Okay, well let’s get back to the clubroom.”
“Okay, after you.” Ren politely said opening the door for Black.
“You’re wel…” Before Ren could finish he heard a voice screaming out his name, sending chills down his spine. He wished the owner of the voice would never find him or get near him.
“REN-SAMA! REN-SAMA!” An older woman screamed running towards Ren.
“Oh no. It’s that thing!” Ren shouted panicking as he saw Principal Yuriko running towards him.
“Huh?” Black asked confused to Ren’s sudden change, but when she saw her old Principal running towards them at full speed. She understood why Ren had changed.
“REN-SAMA! I’m so happy you came to see me.” Yuriko said as she tried to hug and kiss Ren.
“No! Get away from me! Mommy! An old perverted woman wants to rape me!” Ren shouted as he tried to dodge Yuriko’s advancements. (note: Ren is good at taking hits cuz he hates dodging and he has never been good at dodging.)
Yuki just stood there watching Ren run away and dodge Yuriko’s hugs and kisses. She found this part of Ren very cute. I wish I could do that to him and much more. . “Okay, that’s enough.” Black sternly said as she stepped in front of Ren blocking Yuriko in less than a second.
“Black!” Ren happily shouted hugging Black from behind. Good thing Mr. Aki-p created me a chest guard for my breast, so it looks and feels like a man’s chest and also very comfortable and part of my body so I never need to take it off.
Black’s thoughts: Wow, Ren’s hug feels good. I wonder how he looks shirtless.
“Oh, I see. So you and Ren-sama are together.” Ms. Yuriko said in a disappointed and upset. “Well, I have to go make an announcement.”
“Huh?” Ren and Black said confused.
“Hey, Black let’s go.”
Ren didn’t let go of Black, he keep hugging her from behind while walking. Black didn’t seem to mind in fact she liked their close contact. They were near the stairs that led to the clubroom, until a sudden announcement was made.
After the announcement was made screams of the female students were heard. “Uh ho! This is bad.” Ren said as he broke his hug which caused Black to frown a little. “You’re right.” Female students were already running out of their classes.
“Witch!” Ren and Black hissed. “We better split up. Don’t want to gather too much attention now do we?” Ren said as he ran towards to roof. “Okay.” Black flashed and was already in the Gym.
“Oh, Black you’re here.” Yuriko said smiling.
“MISS Yuriko.” They were glaring at each other. Students were slowly coming in and surrounding Black. “Black don’t forget, you’re part of the event.” With that the students rushed towards Black who easily without even moving karate chopped them and they’re all unconscious. “Is that all you got?” Black stepped closer to Yuriko and smirked. “No, you’ll regret ever getting closer to my Ren-sama.” “He’s not your Ren-sama. Besides he’s just a friend and Jurina’s big Bro. What’s your problem?” Black said as she dashed forward. (Their fight begins.) Now students were coming in and helping the injured ones take a seat and watch the fight between their idol Black and their old creepy principal. “Oi! My bet’s on Black.” “Nah~ Yuriko.” “No! Black.” “No, no Yuriko.” The students watching were now placing bets on the winner.

“Damn! How many students are there? I’m starting to get tired.” Ren said as he avoided the students and quickly dashed into a dark room and hid under a table. Outside you could hear screams of girls calling him and yelling what they wanted to do to him. “Being attractive sucks especially when you’re the only young attractive man in an all female school.” Sigh. “Need to get out of this. But how?” Ren asked himself just then the door opened. Oh GOD. I’m dead. If they find me and take me to Yuriko I’ll be eaten and not in a good way. *shivers* “Don’t worry I’m not turning you in.”
“Jurina?” Ren popped his head up to see his lil sis.
“Yup, Onii-chan.” Jurina said smiling her cat smile.
“Jurina! Thank God. I thought I was a goner.”
“It’s cool.” Jurina hugged Ren.
“Oh, btw I met your girlfriend.”
“Really? What she say?”
“Don’t worry. She knows I’m your cousin.”
“Okay that’s great, well let’s go to the Gym.”
“Wait! You’re not going to turn me in are you?” Ren asked worried.
“No, Black’s fighting with Miss Yuriko.”
“Oh. Well in that case let’s go. Black’s the winner.”
“Bet Miss Yuriko’s winning!”
“Deal, loser does whatever the winner wants.” Ren and Jurina shake hands.
Jurina and Ren were getting close to the Gym where they could hear roars from the crowd inside cheering for Black or Miss Yuriko. They entered and everyone went quiet as they saw the two. Yuriko was on top of Black as she took Black’s cross necklace and ripped it. Ren quickly ran to Black and took her necklace back from Yuriko and kick Yuriko off Black sending her 20 ft away from them. Black had her shirt ripped revealing her black bra.
“Ahem. Ladies.” Everyone turned to look at the person standing on stage. “I have an important announcement to make.” Ren’s thoughts: Oh no. She wouldn’t. “Your dear Ren-sama is…” Ren quickly took off his shirt and put it on Black. This being the first time seeing a hot guy shirtless and in real live caused the crowd to fantasies about a certain shirtless guy. Ren’s torso is revealed to the whole entire school. Yuriko and the rest of the school have a nosebleed. They have never seen a real life man’s chest before especial one so attractive as Ren.
“Daaaammmmmnnnnnn~” The whole crowd said as they cover their noses.
“Ren! Put a shirt on!” Jurina yelled as she saw her fellow classmates and principal nosebleed.
“Like I was saying Ren is my future hu… I mean brother-in-law.” Mayu quickly said and covered her nose and went with Jurina. Damn! He wasn’t lying! He’s really a man. Wow he’s exactly my kind of guy. Maybe I should have Center cross-dress?
“Ren, let’s go home before the girls here do something to you.” Black said pulling Ren by he’s ear while Jurina kept pushing him from behind and Mayu cleaning her nose. Black’s thoughts: Damn! He’s so fine!

“Finally home!” Ren shouted but then was kicked on his right leg by a little upset person. “WTH!” Ren yelled but was then bitten by that same upset person on the same leg. “Ugh!” Was kicked again. “AH! Who keeps doing that!” Ren yelled upset.
“Put shirt! Mama see only! Nonono put shirt!” Reki shouted as he bite, slapped, and kicked Ren on his right leg again.
“Ah! Okay, okay, okay! I’ll put a shirt.” Ren said rubbing his bitten and kicked right leg.
“Thanx.” Reki said and smiled then handed Ren a dirty shirt.
“No thanks I’ll like to wear a clean one.” Ren said passing Reki but Reki clinged onto his right leg and started biting him. “AH!!!! Okay! Give me the damn shirt!” Ren shouted and took the shirt and put it on.
“Haha, I’m glad I’m not the one he’s hurting.” Jurina said laughing at their little fight.
“Ha-ha, real funny.” Ren said glaring at Jurina.
“Hey, Ren is these kid your son?” Mayu asked pointing at Reki.
“No, he’s Yuki’s son.” Ren said pointing at Black.
“He’s your son?”
“Yes.” Yuki said as she picks up Reki who’s glaring at Ren.
“Oi! Little man! What you glaring at?” Ren asked glaring back at Reki but was smacked by Kumi.
“No glaring at Reki.” Kumi said welcoming Jurina and Mayu.
“So he is your son.” Mayu said.
“No, he aint.” Reki got upset at Ren’s replied and leaned towards Ren and bit his ear. “Agh! Keep that kid away from me!” Ren said as he went to his room.
“Yuki is Ren really not Reki’s dad cuz he looks a lot like him.” Mayu stated which made Reki smile.
“He’s not.” Yuki replied.
“I don’t know but to me it seems like Reki wants Ren as his Dad.” Kumi said.
“What makes you say that?” Mayu and Yuki asked.
“The way he acts when Ren denies being his father.” Jurina said.
“Yupz. I wanna a dad! Rena papa! Rena papa!” Reki screamed excitedly, clapping his hands. Everyone stopped and looked at him.
“Rena? Papa?” They asked confused.
Reki giggled. “Renapapa! Renpapa! Rappapa! Ren papa! hehe” Reki cheered waving his hands up then bent downwards in Yuki’s arms. “Reeeeennnnnn! Carry meee!” Reki said his arms stretched out towards Ren.
Reki pouted cutely at him then smiled. “GekiRena RenGeki. Hehehe.”
Ren heaved a defeated sigh. “Okay.”
“Yaaay!” Reki shouted happily. Ren’s thoughts: This kid is dangerous. If I didn’t know better I could swear he was actually my kid. But since I am 100% woman there’s no way. I’m luck no one suspects me of being Rena cuz of his outburst. Good thing Mayu no more suspects. But I need to find a way to keep this kid quiet. Maybe spicy food will keep him quiet? “Ren! Nonono.” Reki whispered to Ren’s ear. Does this kid read minds? Or just mine?

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: After Majisuka Gakuen [Ch. 7 update] Jan. 17
« Reply #59 on: January 17, 2012, 10:11:03 AM »
LOL This chapter is so interesting :lol:

Everyone getting nosebleed from seeing Ren shirt-less XD

I love Reki ♥~ He's just so cute~ :wub:
How Ren and Reki interact are like real son and father :D

And the last part....

But I need to find a way to keep this kid quiet. Maybe spicy food will keep him quiet? “Ren! Nonono.” Reki whispered to Ren’s ear. Does this kid read minds? Or just mine?

 :lol: It's the best :thumbsup

Thanks again for the Update :twothumbs
Please Update Soon :mon cute:

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