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Author Topic: [MariHaru] Basket Case - Under Construction (HPOV Chap3 Posted) 7/20  (Read 130566 times)

Offline RJay

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 13: Want to, Have to Part 2!)
« Reply #140 on: October 18, 2012, 03:34:51 AM »
Late comment I know but better later than never huh? :P

Aw Mariko is getting jealous now hehehe :lol:
Mariko and Miichan having a sweet best friend moment with each other; Mariko is such a nice person, risking 'everything' just to be with her crazy psycho. XD

I really like the last part, Mariko is making Haruna confess to her live. :shocked Now I seriously can't wait for the next chapter. You should add the kissing scene(you said you'll put it :cry:)

Well, I seriously have nothing to say, my comment is too short. :(

But anyway, I really enjoyed this chapter.

Please update real soon, I want to know what's going to happen. XD Update! Update! Update!!  XD :lol:
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Offline alexiel17

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 13: Want to, Have to Part 2!)
« Reply #141 on: October 20, 2012, 11:08:03 AM »
^ that was my reaction while I was reading your fic FoF-sama  :bow: :bow: :bow:
You are such an awesome writer (as always) :drool:  :bow: :bow:

And I really like Mariko and Miichan's moment there :mon waterworks:
Their friendship is really something  :gmon tears:  :cry: 
Im full of feels... buhuhu  :gmon tears:

Anyway, Im sensing that my pervy monkey emoticon will soon be summoned by your fic  :farofflook: (and Im preparing for it  :mon determined: BWAHAHAHAHA  :wahaha: )

And as always, PLEASE UPDATE SOON FoF-sama :bow:  :mon XD:

PS: Im still waiting for The Price of Fame Sequel  :mon inluv: Even if I'll take you months, years, decades, centuries to update, I swear Imma read it  :gmon shy: I'll be your fan girl for life  :on cny1: (ok, now Im blushing  :shy1:) *hides from FoF-sama  :mon curtain: ehehehe  :mon sweat:

Good luck and Gambatte with your fics FoF-SAMA!!!!!! :mon fyeah:  :mon yeah:

Offline anonymousdowner

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 13: Want to, Have to Part 2!)
« Reply #142 on: October 20, 2012, 12:34:24 PM »
...So I keep coming back to this fic to read over the chapters and you know what I realized?!!!!!!

Tomochin's nick name is Fang right? In your story Tomo's character and Mariko's character are very similar and while rewatching Mariko-Sama's old private video on my favorites I realized I forgot that she used to have a fang too! LOL, Y SHE FIX HER TEETH FOR?! Now her teeth are too perfect, we could've had two fangs in this fic lolololol just wanted to share that with you.

Update soon!  :twothumbs

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 13: Want to, Have to Part 2!)
« Reply #143 on: October 25, 2012, 03:30:36 PM »
FoF-san.. Please update soon..
It's almost 2 weeks.. and I'm really curious.. T.T

I know you're observing us from there.. Pweaseeeee XD

Offline FoF

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #144 on: November 02, 2012, 04:09:13 PM »
Unnecessary FoF Rant
First, I want to apologize for the lateness. Onionboy bows in forgiveness  :kneelbow:
First week I was supposed to update, my friends got into a fight and I was stuck in the middle trying to be mediator. Sucks to be in the middle. :smhid
Second week I was supposed to update, an extra and stressful work was handed down to me. Another sucky thing.  :lol:
And now, in the third week, I finally update.  XD Such an accomplishment for me since tomorrow I'm going away for two months overseas.  :nervous
Yeah, and because of that, the weekly updates are def on hold. As I have no idea if I'm able to write there because of tiredness from traveling around.  :nervous
So yeah, bad news. Sorry about that.  :nervous But I will try to write while I'm away. Hopefully I can. Wish me luck on writing.  :)
So anyway, with that away...

My replies to commenters:

@anonymousdowner: When I first saw the gif, I instantly cried out, 'Betty! I'm going to miss you!'  :lol: I probably cried that out knowing the inevitable end of this fic is nearing.  :lol: And you know, I've seen that creepy gif in an anime before. I think it was...Ouran? Can't remember, but seeing that here crying in blood, yeah it is creepy.  :lol: It's A-okay for the lateness of comments, really.  :) Knowing that you still read it, make me a happy FoF.  :lol: And lol at the auto-correct. I've had problems with that as well.  :lol: Stolen identity? Seriously?  :shocked I'll def lock my house then. That's a disturbing news.  :nervous I hope everything's okay on your side now.  :) Ah, compliments. Thanks for the kind words.  :nervous Despite me feeling a bit awkward in reading such, it still makes me smile. So I tend to make a face like this -> :nervous whenever I read compliments. Still, I'm thankful for them.  :bow: You learned how to play 'I promise' on the guitar?! COOL!  :w00t: Congratz on that then.  :twothumbs I'm sure your religious aunt was singing praises on your accomplishment.  She's probably nudging her friends in the side saying, 'That's my niece.' while you're singing and playing the guitar. XD I can totally imagine that.  :lol: I'm pretty sure your grammar is perfect. Seriously. You have a way with words and they're like coated with flowery essence or  :nervous Sorry about that, I just can't describe it in words. But seriously, it's perfect. This time I'm pretty sure I have the time to read them.  :) Oh and I prefer the unedited version of your fic.  :lol: If you have an unedited version, do give me the link.  :D Oh yeah, don't watch Groundhog day, okay? It's boring and the reason I just indicated that in this fic is because I just suddenly remember that.  :lol: But yeah, I found it boring as well.  :lol: And thanks for reminding me about Mariko-sama's fang as well. I suddenly remember it when you mentioned it.  :lol: Two Fangs.  :rofl: Thanks for reading and commenting!  XD Weird feeling panda is back eh?   :rofl:

@dee1711: You know, when you first commented saying you needed space to rant, I felt scared.  :nervous I suddenly remembered how you threatened to tie me up while holding a bowl of Katsudon back then in your PM.  :nervous That is one scary threat.  :lol: I don't know why that image suddenly flashed inside my mind. But then when you edited your comment, I felt relieved.  :D Thank you for squeeeing at that time. I'm glad you like that chap. No threatening to tie me up holding up a bowl of katsudon then? Yey!  XD Smile's POV huh. I was thinking Miichan's and Haruna's POV...but if you want Smile's as well, sure I can add that too.  :) Hopefully I can do that.  :nervous Crazies being crazies are on hold in the mean time. Maybe after the birth of MariHaru, I'm going to add some madness for the group.  :lol: And so so sorry about how updated at the wrong time.  :nervous  :nervous :nervous Only having 3 hours of sleep can be rough, so I thank you for reading/skimming through it despite the sucky timing.  :nervous I feel that right now, my timing's sucky as well.  :nervous The compliments? Much thanks.  :) It's highly appreciated. Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

@lovemariharu: Sorry about the lateness.  :nervous Reading your second comment about me observing in the background makes me feel like some sort of a ghost or a stalker or something.   :rofl: At that time I could only look in the shadows for a limited time because of work.  :nervous So yeah, I was sort of the ghost type at that time.  :lol: Haruna wanting to go in the club seem a bit out of her character huh. But I think i can explain why she wanted to in the next chap.  :) Oh so you were a Mariko oshi first? Well for me, I was a Takamina oshi, still is actually, but nowadays I'm finding that I'm more of a Mariko oshi now. I think her trolliness just got me.  :lol: It's funny actually since when I was a Takamina oshi, I didn't like Mariko-sama because she always seem to tease Takamina. But then, I watched MG1 and Sado just made me squee for her awesomeness.  XD So my hate/dislike towards her turned into love/like. It's like the saying, 'there's a thin line between hate and love.'  :lol: So true.  :lol: As for Haruna, I've always liked the no3b girls, so yeah, I like Haruna as well.  :) Thanks for reading and commenting.  XD Sorry about the delay again.  :nervous

@crazywota: Your comment made me LOL a lot.  :rofl: I don't know why, but somehow I kinda knew you were going to react as such. With you being frustrated I mean. Somehow that's the reaction that I thought I was going to receive along with the threats for such a clinffhanger I did. You did all that. Good job! :lol: I seem to have the worst timing to update huh. Sorry about that.  :nervous I'm actually flattered that you said goodbye to your bitchy things and made room to read this fic. Thank you for that.  :) And sorry for making you late in your class.  :nervous Hope you didn't get any trouble for that.  :nervous Internal curses for the author is welcome.  :lol: The Adam and Eve huh? That actually came to me just seconds before writing that scene. I just remembered Haruna being goody-goody, then the Bible then suddenly Genesis. Seriously, that Adam and Eve bit came to me that way.  :lol: Hearing Mariko-sama say my name would be epic! But like you said, it is pretty impossible. Sucks to be us then. :lol: You saying much is highly appreciated.  :) Good luck on hell school!  XD Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

Ah, the barfing of rainbows. Wish I could do that as well.  :lol: I remember reading your comic strip. Now I don't see it anymore.  :? Still, it was Awesome!  XD Thanks for spending 30mins in doing that.  XD Sorry about the late update.  :nervous I really tried to update earlier than today, but too much pressure and stress so I just took my time. That and I can't seem to shorten the chapter so I ended up writing a lot again.  :lol: Season two huh. No harm in hoping. And honestly, I really don't know. Let's just wait if a season 2 fits the ending that I'm thinking of.  :) Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

Thanks for smiling for 2 hours after reading that chap.  XD Makes me happy that readers are happy about that chap.  :) Haruna, Miichan and Sayaka's hearts did go all doki doki when Mariko first called them by their names. The remaining crazies who have yet to go all doki doki is Sae and Tomochin.  :lol: Oh, that Mariko sitting on the floor with Haruna sitting on the bed bit? I honestly haven't seen a scene like that too, but it suddenly crossed my mind when I remember how Haruna often looks down so I added that. It does look cool when I imagine that too. It's mushy. :lol: I'm glad you like that scene.  :)  And shucks, I smiled at the take care bit of your comment. Thanks. I'll def take care of my health, eat well and sleep well. You should too yanouchi-san.  :) Thanks for reading and commenting!  XD Good luck on hell school!  XD

Honestly, your comment made me nervous to update since it is hard to write awesome chapters.  :nervous While I was writing, I kept on asking myself if this was awesome enough and well...forgive me if this chap isn't awesome.  :nervous It is rather plain and ordinary and probably boring as well.  :lol: Auto delete function is a pretty handy thing to have, really. It def saves life. But then again, there are times when auto delete function can be harmful to your health as your friends would slap you for not remembering something. Happens to me all the time.  :lol: Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

@O r i g a m i: Another comment that made me nervous.  :nervous No harm done though. I actually turned the nervousness I felt into good use and tried my very best!  :thumbup So, hopefully you'd like this chapter despite it being plain and also boring.  :nervous Aww shucks. Thanks for the love.  XD And I'm right! I knew you were SeSe.  :lol: It's pretty cool how you can change your username. I didn't know jphip has that kind of function.  :? Double post and re-reading the whole thing is highly appreciated as well. Thank you.  :) Knowing someone rereading makes me nervous though as I have yet edited the errors in the previous chapters.  :nervous Still I'm thankful for the rereads.  :) Thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

@Chichay12: Thanks for liking it!  XD Seeing the emoticons you used to convey the feels you felt when you read this is definitely entertaining to see.  XD It's fun to see Onionboy and...uh...inverted heart shaped girl or sweet potato girl (?)moving around.  :lol: I seriously don't know who that gif is.  :lol: :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

@m00nchild: Miichan and Mariko moment got to you? Wow. I did something good then.  XD It's nice to know that I can make the reader feel something. It makes an author happy.  :) Miichan and Mariko does have a dysfunctional relationship, yet they're loyal to each other.  :) Hmm, regarding Miichan having feelings for Mariko, I'd say she does have feelings for her best friend. Or rather, she did.  :) In my head, she did.  :lol:  But, let's save that for Miichan's POV later on.  :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

Late comments are okay.  :lol: I know how busy people can be. No harm done, RJay-san!  XD  Don't worry about leaving comments that are short. Be it short or long, it's high appreciated.  :twothumbs Oh, Geez. The kissing scene.  :nervous Honestly, there was supposed to be a kissing scene in the last chapter with an intoxicated Haruna attacking Mariko. But then, I honestly don't know why I suddenly scratched that.  :nervous Can't remember why.  :nervous Sorry but the kissing scene is on hold for now. Do wait for it since for you, I'll make it hot as possible.  :lol: That's a lol for me since I'm not confident enough with hot scenes. But, I'll try.  :) Anyway, Thanks for reading and commenting.  XD Hopefully, your studies are going well.  :)

Thanks for the compliment.  :nervous You do know that I suck at receiving compliments, right?  :lol: But that doesn't mean that it's not highly appreciated, because it it.  :) Thankf you!  XD I'm glad you like that last chap and that it brought you full of feels.  :lol: And yeah, ready your pervy emoticons because the perv virus will soon spread.  :lol: Ah, POF sequel. I'm pretty sure it won't take me a century to make a sequel to that.  :lol: Maybe after this fic, I'll update that. I haven't really thought of the main storyline for POF. And I'm sure the readers to that are going to expect the Black Ops to show again. So yeah, head bleed for me.  :lol: Do wait for it and I'll def PM you if I update that.  :) I do know that you're busy and all, so I'll def give you the heads up when that time comes.  :) Thanks for reading and commenting lexi!  XD

To dear thank you pressers and silent readers, I thank you as well.   :bow: :bow: :bow:

Wow, new record for replying to the comments.  :lol: I think that took me two hours to finish.  :lol:
My brother kept pestering me so...maybe that's why it took long.  :lol:
Totally worth though.  :twothumbs
So yeah, weekly updates are def on hold because of my trip. But I'll really try my best to update just so we could finish this before the year ends.  :)
Thanks for understanding. And thanks for the niceness.  :)

Oh yeah, just a note.
Italicized wordings as such are flashbacks or phone conversations.
This chapter contains a lot of those so, hopefully, it won't be too confusing especially the flashback since I've arranged it differently.
Tell me if it's too confusing so I can explain or edit it.  :)

With that, I warn:

This is fiction. If I ever offend someone, please feel free to tell me.  :)
With that, ENJOY the plain chapter!  :lol:


many thanks to yanouchi and crazywota for the poster

Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!

Ever wonder why the sky is blue?

Some people would probably know the answer to that, people who probably love physics. Those people would probably offer you a complicated answer explaining thoroughly why the sky is blue, making your head bleed from all those information. If you don’t know the real answer then someone asked you again why the sky is blue, you’d probably shrug as if you don’t know, ignore them or probably ask them what the fuck are they on to ask you something like that.

If it were me, what would my answer be you ask?

If it were me, I’d probably do those three with my usual eye rolling technique. No surprise there. Yeah, I’ve done that a lot whenever Miichan asks me tons of stuff like that. Anyway, if I’m feeling all goody-goody, I could offer them a simple answer to make them shut up. What’s my answer you ask?

It just is.

Simple right? Yeah, I used that a couple of times on Miichan but, unfortunately, it didn’t make her shut up. I then told her to just search the fucking answer at google since she really wanted to know. She’d scowl at me for not knowing the answer and I just—wait, why the hell am I talking about Crazy Psycho here anyway?! Ugh. Okay, useless topic aside, my point is, why make things complicated right? If someone asks you something, you can offer them a simple answer. Remember Dr. Seuss’s famous quote?

‘Sometimes the question is complicated and the answer is simple.’

 It’s as easy as that, right? Yeah, it is. But then again, what if you were the one who asked the question? Would you be satisfied with their simple answer? It depends, right? Yeah well, for me, being on the receiving end, even if I like simple answers…I wasn’t satisfied with hers. Her answer, I mean.

No…I wasn’t satisfied. Not one bit.

Why you ask?

I just wasn’t.


“I can’t do it…she’s too…heavy. I’m dying here.” Miichan said gritting her teeth as she took another step up of the stairs with a sleeping Haruna behind her back. I leaned my head to the side from behind them, my hands on Haruna’s back for support.

“You’ve only been carrying her for about…five steps.” I said as looked at the stairs, my eyes narrowed. “Going to quit now?”

“Well it’s not my fault she’s heavy!” She growled back, taking another step upward. “Why doesn’t this place have a working elevator anyway?!”

“Well you could help repair it if you want.” I suggested with a shrug.

“Damn right I will.” She mumbled, making me to chuckle softly knowing quite well that she’d whine at Yuki about this so that the Sexytary can report back to rich dad. Heh. Typical Crazy Psycho.

Oh, yeah, apparently, we’re carrying the drunkard upward by ourselves since the dorm head caught us sneaking Smiles inside just so he could carry Haruna up our room. Let me tell you, the veins in her eyes made an appearance again as she told us to carry our friend ourselves because she’s our responsibility and all that crap. Even told us in bold and capital letters that NO BOYS ARE ALLOWED INSIDE THE DORMITORY which scared the hell out of Smiles as she leaned closer to him. And by closer, I mean just a couple of inches closer and Smiles would be lip locking with our lovable dorm head. I’m placing the sarcasm at the word lovable, just so you know.

“Mariko…I’m at my limit.” Miichan said as she turned her head, trying to look down at me.

“You do know that our room is on the third floor, right? We’re not even halfway there yet.”

“Marikooooo~” She whined, pouting as she looks at me. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Goddamn whiney Crazy Psycho.

“Just go up a few more steps and we’ll switch.” I relented with a sigh as I pushed the two upward. Soon enough, I was carrying my roommate while the Crazy Psycho supports us from behind, her hands on Haruna’s back.

“You don’t find her heavy, huh? You sure are strong for a skinny girl, Mariko.” Miichan said, probably beaming behind me. I could only grit my teeth as I continue to carry sleeping beauty behind me. I can feel her breathing on the side of my neck, cooling the trail of sweat that came from the side of my face. This is one hell of a work out. First Crazy Psycho, now Betty. What a day this is turning out to be, huh.


“Mariko, wake up!” Sayaka hissed as she nudged me with her elbow, making me to groan as I slowly opened my eyes.

“Why?” I groaned out huskily as I slowly sat up and began stretching, trying to awaken my still sleepy body.

She let out an exasperated sigh. “Well for one thing, you slept all throughout the class.”

I frowned upon hearing that and turned to look up front, noticing the lack of the baldy professor by the board. It was only then did I notice that the students were also packing up and heading towards the exit. Huh. I guess I did sleep all throughout the class. How did I even manage that without even getting caught?

Sayaka probably noticed the confusion on my face as she explained, “I had to tell the professor how you weren’t feeling well and he actually bought it.” She raised her eyebrow at me, her lips forming a playful smile. “He probably likes you or something. I tell you, he looked smitten at your drooling face earlier.”

“I was going to thank you for covering for me, but hearing that last bit…nah, forget it.” I rolled my eyes and brushed her off as I waved my hand. Our balding professor having a crush on me? Psh, yeah right. Probably didn’t care about how one student is sleeping. And drool face? Me? Yeah right again! I felt for the corner of my lips just to check if I was indeed drooling and well…damn right yeah right again! Psh. Shaking my head, I began packing my things, letting out a yawn as I do so.

“Sleeping in class eh? And you call me Snorlax. Tch.” She scoffed, making me to roll my eyes again. “Didn’t you get enough sleep last night?”

“What do you think?” I scowled as stood up and slung my bag on my shoulder. Without bothering to wait for her, I made my way towards the exit. I wasn’t the least bit surprised when she hurriedly followed and caught up to me.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.” She said as she walks beside me. “And I take it you didn’t drink your usual elixir earlier with Miichan? You know, doing your usual bestie breakfast together thing?”

I just let out a yawn, rubbing my tired eyes not bothering to answer her question. It made her lean her head closer to me, observing me closely as we continue to walk the hallway. I continue to ignore her, offering her silence as she rudely stares at me. Only when she uttered a name did she got a reaction from me.

“Haruna.” She suddenly said, making me flinch. Internally, I was cursing myself for flinching just by hearing a name. But then again, with what happened earlier still damn fresh in my mind, it really can’t be helped. Ugh, it irks me that Sayaka’s mind here is turning from that flinching thing I did. I watch from the corner of my eye as a grin formed on her lips. “Is she the reason why you didn’t have enough sleep last night?” She teasingly asks, making my eyebrow twitch again. Goddamn nerve all twitchy happy!

“I can’t believe you really went with my advice and really took a bite of her.” She assumed as she chuckled then began nudging my side. “You probably ate her out last night, eh?”

I stopped walking, turned to her, crossed my arms over my chest and gave her an indifferent stare. She continues to laugh, seemingly unfazed with my apathetic stare. I shook my head and let out a sigh as I say, “Just so you know, my respect points for you just hit rock bottom. I’m back to calling you Snorlax.”

She instantly stopped laughing and turned to me, her head cocked to the side as confusion crossed her features. “Respect points? What’s tha—wait a minute.” She cuts herself off and slowly, her confusion was replaced with amusement as she asks, “Does that mean you respect me or something?” while she points a finger at me.

I rolled my tired eyes and began walking away again. I’m too tired to say any snide comments really, that’s why my Scrooge side seems tamed right now. Lack of sleep and not being able to drink coffee does that to me. God, all I want to do right now is to sleep and hopefully not wake up EVER. But I have a feeling that won’t happen anytime soon since God likes to torture me so much.

“You do don’t you? You respect me in your own Scrooged up way!” Snorlax beamed as she caught up to me. “Sae is so going to flip again once I tell her about this. Heh. Let me tell you, when I told her earlier how you called me by my name yesterday, she went all green with envy!”

See? Pure torture right there. I narrowed my eyes as she continues to gush out about how I made her Pokemon heart beat fast by saying her name. I made a face at that as we continue to walk until I saw someone heading our way; a girl, frowning as she reads a book in her hands. She looked so engrossed with what she’s reading that she was completely unaware of the dangers that might befall her if she doesn’t look where she’s going. Bumping into someone perhaps? Hmmm. Preferable the person yapping beside me, that is if I just—

Without any second thoughts, I waited for the perfect timing then surprised Snorlax by pushing her slightly to the side just where the reading girl is. I couldn’t help but grin when the two collided with each other with a groan as they staggered for balance, their things falling to the floor, earning them looks from the passersby.

“Oh God. I’m so sorry I just—Mariko~!“ I hear Snorlax say as I began running away from her, wearing a grin. Heh. Serves her right. Yeah yeah, how bitchy of me. Boohoo for Snorlax. Tch. Whatever. She deserves it. So don’t give me that look now.  Not like she died or something. Really now.

I let out a sigh as I turned to another corner, finally slowing down after a couple of minutes of running from the crazed Pokemon. I glanced behind me to check and pursed my lips in a tight smile upon seeing no one on my trail.

“Good riddance.” I mumbled as I shook my head and began walking the hallway of Crackhouse University. I couldn’t help but let out a yawn as I passed by a bunch of students laughing. I rubbed my face and began slapping myself a couple of times as I try to awaken my still tired state. Maybe, I should just skip my classes? I mean, obviously, I’m in no condition to be a good student right now what with me being so damn sleepy.

Why am I sleepy, you ask?

…Why do you think?


“Yey! You did it! Hurray for Mariko! Hurray!” Miichan cheered as soon as we reach our floor. “I would shower you with confetti for a job well done, but I don’t have one so, cheering for you would do.” She explained as she grinned, placing a hand on Haruna’s shoulder. I was beyond caring as I pant, trying to catch my breath with my face down and my knees trembling slightly. I faltered for a bit but quickly recovered, using the remaining strength I have just so we wouldn’t fall. Thankfully, Miichan took notice and quickly helped me with the heavy weight I’m carrying, taking my place in carrying the dead weight on my back.

“Are you going to lie there all night?” Miichan asks as she looks down at me all sprawled on the floor of the empty hallway.

“You try carrying her on your back three floors up the stairs, see for yourself and then ask me that, okay?” I growled as I closed my eyes, trying to ease the pain of carrying a dead weight on my back. Soon, I hear her steps moving away from me as she walked towards our room. I opened my eyes and watch her from the corner of my eye unmoving, my eyes on Haruna’s back as Miichan carries her across the hallway. You know, seeing Haruna’s back, I better remind myself to go back to that club and kill that guy who gave her a drink. Or maybe I should kill the sleeping beauty herself for taking drinks from strangers. Better yet, I could also kill Crazy Psycho for giving in to Betty’s wants. Hmmm. So many killings needed to be done eh? I wonder who should I kill first?

“Hey Mariko, your door’s locked, how am I going to get in?” Miichan asks while standing in front of our room.

And we have a volunteer. Ugh. Figures.

Groaning, I slowly stood up and began stretching my still sore body. I continue to stretch, working on my muscle kinks as I walked towards the two. Once near, I fished for the key inside my pocket and opened the door for her majesty, the Duchess of Psychos. Grumbling at how heavy her ‘Haruna-chan’ is, she carefully placed the drunkard on her bed and quickly slides down on the floor, groaning.

“You know, I can’t figure out why she’s so heavy when her figure is just perfect.” Miichan says as she glanced behind her where sleeping beauty is, mumbling out incoherent things.

I lay on my own bed letting out a contented sigh as the soft cushion makes my back feel a bit better. “Yeah well, she’s taller than you, so…”

“Oh. You know, I forgot about that.”

“I figured as much.” I replied, grabbed my pillow and hugged it. I turned towards Haruna’s bed as I hear her mumble out something. She then let out a soft whimper and began rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, an act that oddly enough, reminds me of what a cat does while it sleeps. I frowned as I suddenly remember the Squirrel’s nickname for Haruna.


“How cute!” Miichan gushed as she turned to the sleeping Haruna, beaming. The back of Haruna’s hand was resting on one of her closed eye, her lips parted slightly while she sleeps facing us. Grinning at the sudden thought that crossed her mind, Miichan turned to me and asks, “Hey, you think we can get her do that again?” wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

“I think we can.” I nodded, her grin widening at my reply. “But dilemma, you have to leave, so you can’t see it.” I added with a grin of my own. I let out a soft chuckle as Miichan’s shoulder slumped, her energy seemingly depleting.

“You’re going to send me away now that I’ve only discovered the cuteness of Haruna-chan’s sleeping face?” She said, looking at me incredulously. Rolling my eyes, I slowly stood up from my bed, grabbed her wrist and began pulling her to stand.

“Correction, I’m not going to send you away. I think it’s more like…I’m kicking you out right now or else I’m going to beat the crap out of you.” I threatened with a growl as I continue to pull her up. She stays rooted on the floor, doing her retarded Popeye face as she looks up at me.

“Seashore! You just want Haruna-chan all to yourself! How selfish are you?!” She pointed out, making me to let go of her hand. I stared blankly at her for a moment until I shrugged nonchalantly.

“Yeah? So what if I am? Isn’t that what you want? I mean, didn’t you just give me your blessing as her Fairy Godmother?” I reminded her, crossing my arms over my chest as I looked down at her.

She looked stunned for a few seconds, and like a light bulb flashing inside her mind, she stood up and grinned at me. She began nudging my side saying, “Ooooh. You want her all to yourself eh? You go girl,” perversion written all over her face. Figures she’s going to say that.

Rolling my eyes, I began pushing her towards the door, tuning out whatever it is that she’s saying to me. Her tone was laced with perversion so…yeah, tuning her out is for the best. Anyway, once outside, she turned towards me, still wiggling her eyebrows as she kept the wide grin on her face. “Hey, if you need anything…and I mean anything, like lu—“

I closed the door at her face with my eyes narrowed, not bothering to know what lewd and perverted thing she’s going to suggest again. I don’t know why, but it seems that the perversion virus is spreading on the crazies these days. Hmmm. Maybe I should spray something to prevent the virus from spreading here. But, what the hell is the counter for the perversion virus anyway?

“Pray…” was Haruna’s mumbled response along with a bunch of incoherent things she added.

I blinked a couple of times as I made my way to her. Tilting my head slightly as I scratched the back of my neck. “Really? That’s the counter? Praying?”

She replied by whimpering and doing the cat thing again. Seeing that again, I couldn’t help but silently agree to Miichan that that does look cute. Like a cat. A nyan.


I shook my head and turned away from my sleeping roommate, thinking of washing up before going to bed. With the necessary things I needed in my hands, I glanced behind me, looking at the sleeping form of my roommate before heading inside the bathroom. I stared at her for a moment, then with a sigh, I walked inside, wanting to freshen up along with wanting clear that unnecessary thought inside my head.


I let out a sigh and pulled the strap of my bag higher to my shoulder. It’s funny how I can feel my body tired from the lack of sleep, yet my mind seems to be fully awake to torment me and ask me questions about what happened. Don’t you hate it when that happens?

But then again, don’t you hate it more when the reason why your mind seems to torment you suddenly appears right in front of you?

I stopped walking to stare at the person a couple of feet in front of me, coming from the crossed hallway, carrying a stack of papers. She must’ve felt that someone was staring at her as she turned to look towards my direction and suddenly froze upon seeing me. And just like that, we stood there in the middle of the hallway, just staring at each other, oblivious to the other students that pass us by. Despite the distance we have, I can still see clearly the swirling emotions behind those brown eyes of hers. And I wonder…

…could she see mine as well?

“Oh? Is that Shinoda-san?” The sudden voice of the Squirrel suddenly brought me back to reality as she leaned her head forward to look at me, her head peeking out from beside Haruna. I blinked a couple of times as I looked at the smiling Squirrel, her body completely covered because of the height of the other girl next to her.

“Hey, Shinoda-san!” The Squirrel beamed, keeping her position as she waves her hand at me. Looking at her like this, she looks like an overly excited kid, so unlike her real age. Despite me still not warming up to her and the other thoughts that seem to plague me about her, I decided to play nice, offering her an awkward smile and a hesitant wave. She looked happy at that, giving me a toothy smile, her dimples showing as she went all Squirrel mode. Seeing her like that, it made the corner of my lips arched up, but only for a second as I glanced at the other person next to her. My shoulder slumped slightly when Haruna averted her eyes away from me and began walking away, leaving her stunned boss to stare at her. I clenched my jaw tight as I watch her retreating form, feeling a bit dejected at the brush off.  Guess she’s going to go all ninja on me now.

“What was that all about?” The Squirrel asks as she cocked her head to the side, looking at me with confusion across her features. I looked at the side as I placed my hands inside the pocket of my jeans and offered her a shrug.

“Ask her, but I doubt she’d give you an answer…” I muttered as I turned to where they came from, walking away. “…much like what she did to me earlier.” I added with a sigh, my eyes downcast to the floor, while the person who’s been plaguing my mind walks on the opposite end away from me.

She walks away as I do too…despite me not wanting to.


I couldn’t help but grunt out my displeasure as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Keeping my lazy position of laying on the grass, I fished for my phone and opened it. The name ‘Crazy Psycho’ flashes on my screen. I let out a sigh as I stare at it. What does she want now?

“Yeah?” I greeted as I looked back at the clear sky. Why did I answer, you ask? Well for one thing, she’s been calling non-stop since morning and well if I didn’t answer, her whines will be ten times worst later on if I meet her. It’s like she’s combining all her whining energy into one big fireball to throw at me later on. Fucked up metaphor if you ask me, but…meh, it works for me. Plus, I wanted to think about other things besides Haruna so…maybe Crazy Psycho would help me out on that department. She’s…sort of pretty good at that.

“Where the hell are you?! I’ve been calling you since morning since you stood me up at the cafe! Have you forgotten our usual breakfast reflection thing? Where we talk about…things? We’re the breakfast club, remember? Of course you remember. We’ve been doing that since we came here. So why didn’t you—” She babbled, making me to roll my eyes and pull the phone away from my ear. Somehow I forgot she’d whine at me about that. It’s only today that I skipped that breakfast thing we do. Not like I will in the future. Hmm. Maybe I should. But then she’d whine non-stop about that. Ugh. No escape from the overly attached bestfriend that is Crazy Psycho.

“—it’s almost lunch time and…you’re not listening, are you?“

I hear her say as I looked at my phone, my eyes narrowed at her assigned picture in my screen.


“What?!” I growled as I held phone back against my ear. I think Crazy Psycho being my distraction is a bit of an overkill for me, huh? Right now, I’m regretting ever answering the phone.

“So, where are you? You okay?”

“Of course I’m okay. Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked, frowning. Hmmm. Did she talk to…?

“Well for one thing, you missed breakfast and didn’t drink any caffeinated drinks, am I right?”

“Yeah, so?” I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrow.

“No coffee and a whole lot of cursing, that’s what you do. Yet, you’re not cursing right now. See the dilemma?” She said, her voice laced with doubt and somehow I can imagine her narrowing her eyes at me, suspiciously. That’s her reason? That’s fucked up.

“Do I curse like a sailor? Do I spew curses like you spew your meal while you talk?” I retorted.

“Hmmm, you’re still grouchy. So maybe you have a slight fever or something then.” She concluded making me to roll my eyes at that. “So where are you? Again, it’s almost lunch time, you know. Let’s eat some curry rice, c’mon, my treat. Maybe that’ll help you with your slight fever.”

The corner of my lips arched up at her offer. Rice curry huh. Tempting but…weirdly enough, I’m not feeling hungry right now. So I declined her offer with a sigh. “No thanks. I’m not really hungry right now.”

I hear her let out a gasp at my reply, making me wonder if she bumped into someone or saw some chick that she finds hot. Hmmm, knowing Miichan, it’s probably the latter. Her libido seems to be absent for days, even weeks now, so I think it’s about time it started appearing again. The last girl she hit on was the doctor at the clinic. Obviously that didn’t work out well, since the good doctor threatened to report her to the dean for inappropriate…perversion or something. No surprise there, it is Crazy Psycho and all.

But, it seems that my assumption was all wrong as she yelled out, “OH MY GOD! You’ve got amnesia! I knew it!” surprising me, making me flinch and pull the phone away from my ears. “The coffee, the breakfast, the cursing…and now the curry rice?! Tell me where you are so I can take you to the nearest hospital!” She frantically said as I narrowed my eyes at the phone in my hand away from my ear. Listening to her like this, it’s like she’s on speaker phone what with her yelling about a fucked up article she read years ago about someone waking up and having amnesia without any serious accident. Sleep amnesia? Huh. Didn’t know that that is possible.

“—You don’t remember where you are, do you?! Oh God, oh God! What do I—” She was seriously and exaggeratingly panicking right now. I let out a sigh and decided to calm her down before she calls someone to look for me.

I held the phone back against my ear, opened my mouth to say something back, but quickly held myself back as I hear Miichan say, “Oh, there’s Haruna-chan! Maybe she can help me find—“

And I quickly cut her off, closing my phone and pulling out the battery as I sat up.

Why did I do that, you ask?

Because I know Miichan would let me talk to her through the phone. And…right now, I don’t want to talk to her or think about her. Too much confusion, too many feels and I’m honestly too tired to think. But then again, despite me not wanting to think about her, just by hearing her name, it makes me think about her again.

I guess it’s inevitable, huh?

“So much for a distraction then.” I sighed, staring at my phone and the battery in my hands. I hugged my legs against my chest, my chin resting on top of my knees, staring at nothing.


“That girl you like, is it me?”

I looked up at her expectantly, waiting for her to answer my question. She looked…frozen stiff, pale even as she stares at me, her eyes a bit wide. My brow furrowed and the corner of my lips tugged down as I continue to stare at her stiffened state. Slowly, my eyes made its way to her stomach, trying to see if she is still breathing. Thankfully, she still, no, I didn’t kill her with my question. But, her lack of movement is…kinda giving me the creeps. I think a minute has passed when I asked that question to her and she’s still out of it. Should I be…worried now?

Thinking that it would be best to check up on her closely, I placed my hand on the floor and was about to push myself up when she stuttered,“Wh-wh-what?” her eyebrows knitted slightly together as she continues to look down at me. I let out a soft sigh, somewhat relieved that she was okay. I mean, it’d be bad if I killed her with a simple question, right? And is that…even possible? Death by a question? Huh. How lame.

I shook my head, dismissing the unnecessary thoughts inside my head. I raised my eyebrows slightly upward and offered her a small smile. “You heard me.” I replied as I look at her with expectant eyes.

She blinked a couple of times, her lips parted slightly and her cheeks began to redden under my unwavering gaze. The slight frown that I was wearing earlier began to reappear the moment I saw her clench her jaw tight, her breathing began to increase slightly, and soon her eyes began shifting around as she wore a full frown. The nervousness she feels was obviously getting the best of her. Without thinking, I kneeled on the floor and placed a hand on her knees, squeezing it as I try to get her attention.

The moment I saw her eyes on my hand, I squeezed her knees again. “Hey, it’s okay. Just…just relax…or something.” Not much of a comforting words, huh. But it does seem to work for Haruna as I notice her breathing normalizes. I quickly pulled my hand away from her knees, thinking that it bothers her or something since she is frowning at it. Great, what the hell should I do now? Should I say something else…?

I let out a sigh and sat back down on the floor. “Look, I’ve been noticing for quite some time how you are when you’re with me and well…I guess I just…want to know if it is me. The girl you like, I mean.” I scratched the back of my neck feeling a bit nervous as she was unmoving once again. I really hadn’t thought of how I should approach her with this so…I really have no idea what to say next. And seriously, her silence is making me damn uncomfortable here.

“I’m not going to pity you if you say it is me.” I assured her. “I mean, why should I? It’s actually pretty flattering if you did like me. I mean, y-you’re a…uh…great person and…yeah…you are. Great I mean.” I mumbled as I looked at the side, silently cursing myself for how lame all that sounded in my ears. Goddamnit. This is getting a bit hard. It’s usually the crushee that does the babbling here, not the crush herself. Heh. Goes to show how different she is from the others that had a crush on me huh. Yeah well, she is different from the others.

To what extent is she different?

Honestly, I’m not sure, but that’s what I wanted to find out. That’s why I’m doing this.

I let out a sigh, feeling the nervousness I’m feeling slowly disappear. Turning back to her, I noticed that she’s not looking at her knees anymore, but rather out the window, her lips pursed tightly. It looked like she was internally struggling on what she should say. She was still hesitating, despite the fact that I was trying to make it easy for her. I mean, I’ve already laid it out in the open. All she has to do is say ‘yes or hell yeah.’ It’s as easy as that, yet she can’t seem to do it.

“You can’t say it, can you?” I asked as I watch her. She bit her lower lip as her eyes slowly makes its way to her bed that she’s sitting on. I wasn’t expecting a reply out of her, so I was slightly surprised when she hesitantly shook her head.

“Why? Why can’t you say it?” I asked, frowning slightly. I watch her as her eyes began shifting again, as if she’s looking for the answer on her bed. Soon enough, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, seemingly trying to calm herself. I waited for her to open her eyes and look at me, but she didn’t. She kept her eyes closed as she replied to my question.

“Why are you doing this?” Was her breathy reply before she opened her eyes and kept her eyes away from me, her hand clutching her bed sheet tightly. “You didn’t care before about the girl I like…didn’t ask questions about her and now…why do you care now?” She asks, her voice sounded small and tired in my ears.

“But I did care, I still do.” I said with conviction, my frown deepening. She thinks I didn’t care about her crush on me? That’s all I’ve been doing since I’ve become aware of it! If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t even bother thinking about hurting her feelings! I would’ve just blurted out ‘NO!’ to her in Goddamn bold and fucking capital letters! But I didn’t. Because I care.

I care for her.

But she doesn’t know that. No, she doesn’t. To her, I didn’t care about anything, even her. And somehow, thinking that, it hurts me a little. Despite how little the hurt she’s inflicted on me, be it intentional or not, I hate that it hurts. Because in hurting, it means that…I’m already in deep…


I pushed back the feelings of hurt aside as she mumbled, “I just…I-I’m sorry,” shaking her head while she moved to the side and lowered her feet to the floor. “I…I can’t do this.” She added as she stood up, her voice thick with emotions.

I clenched my jaw tight as she took a couple of steps away from me, ready to walk out the door. She’s going to walk away from all this? Without any explanation as to why she can’t say it? I told her I’m not going to pity her, so why…? This isn’t the outcome that I imagined earlier. No, I imagined her stuttering her heart out and blurting out that I am the one she likes much like the Betty I know, but…this? No. This scenario didn’t crossed my mind at all.

What the hell is going on inside her goody-goody head?!

I quickly I grabbed her wrist halting her movement, still keeping my position on the floor. I squeezed her wrist and looked up at her. “Don’t run away.” I tell her as I grit my teeth. “Running away from this doesn’t solve anything.”

I should know, because I’ve been running away from this too.

Her eyes were on the floor, but she wasn’t looking at me. No, she can’t look at me which somehow disappoints me, but seeing the dejected look across her face, just seeing that, I didn’t care anymore that she can’t look at me. Now, I care more on why she’s giving me that empty look.

A moment later, she let out a sigh. “It does for me,” was her soft reply. Without waiting for my reply, she pulled her hand from my hold and quickly made her way towards the door, leaving me in the middle of the room sitting on the floor feeling a bunch of emotions washes over me. One emotion that stands out among the rest?



Anger soon washes over me as her words kept replaying in my mind.

“It does for me.”

“The hell does she mean by that?! How the hell does running away solve anything?!” I yelled out to no one as I hugged my legs tighter. “You’re confusing the hell out of me! MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND!” I bellowed as I stood up, not caring about the looks being given to me by the students below. I was seriously getting pissed off by Betty’s constant mood swings. It’s either yes or a no! It’s that easy, so why the hell is she making things complicated?!

“Whoa. The wrath of Scrooge is really a scary sight to see.” A familiar buffonic voice suddenly came from behind me. Clenching my jaw tight, I turned around and found Smiles leaning at a tree a few feet away, smiling at me.

“Yo.” He greeted giving me a wave. I rolled my eyes at that and crossed my arms over my chest as I frown at him, not really happy to find him here.

“What are you doing here?” I grumbled, making him chuckle.

“Somehow I kinda knew that that would be your greeting.” He said as he walks towards me, stopping only when he was right next to me. He sat down on the grass and beamed looking up at me. “Is this your spot, Scrooge?”

“Again I ask…” I started as I stared down at him, boredly. “…what are you doing here?”

“No small talk? That’s so like you, Scrooge.” He shook his head, still keeping the smile on his face. “Anyway, to answer your question, I came here to look around Akihabara University. See what’s college life is like.”

“What college life is like?” I repeated, raising my eyebrow at him. Is he thinking of enrolling here or something?

He nodded his head, turning his attention away from me as he looks at the lake a few distance away from us. “Yeah. I’m just…thinking of another option if music doesn’t work out.” He admitted with a sigh.

I stare at him for a while, looking reflective and calm as he stares at the distance. Sighing, I sat down next to him and looked ahead as well. “Having troubles with the band?”

I glanced at him as he shook his head, his lips arched up slightly. “Nah. Everything’s fine. I guess, I just want a second option since I’m sure fame doesn’t last forever.”

Despite the serious atmosphere around us, I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as he said the word ‘fame.’ He turned to look at me confusedly; his eyebrow rose up as he silently asks me why did I laugh. Shaking my head with a smile, I answered, “I’m pretty sure you and your band have a whole lot to go through to reach ‘fame.’”

“Are you saying that we’re not there yet?” He narrowed his eyes at me. “We sold 20,000 copies in one day, you know.”

“Yeah sure.” I nodded. “But you’ve been casually going inside here at the University without anyone recognizing that you’re in a band. I think that’s pretty much of a clue that you guys haven’t reached it yet.”

He rolled his eyes turning away from me, pouting. “Well yeah, we’re far from being AKB48 but that—“ He cuts himself off, noticing his mistake. He quickly turned to me, his pleading eyes bores my hardened ones. “Sorry I—“

This time, I was the one who cuts him off as I held out my hand to him in a halting manner. He let out a sigh as I looked away from him, hugging my knees to my chest, my mood darker than ever.

“You haven’t…talked to her yet?” He hesitantly asked, testing the waters. I gave him an answer as I stood up, slung my bag on my shoulder and began walking away. I wasn’t surprised when he ran after me, grabbing my wrist to stop me from going further.

I kept my back to him as he said, “I’m sorry. I…I won’t mention her again. Forgive me?” while he squeezed my wrist softly.

I sighed and turned to him. “You know the rules. You promised.” I reminded him, giving him a stern look.

“I know, I tend to forget. Sorry about that.” He said with a sheepish smile as he scratches the back of his neck. I couldn’t help but narrow my eyes at him as he knows quite well that he’s now forgiven. He knows me THAT well. I’m pretty sure he knows me better than Crazy Psycho too.  But, Crazy Psycho doesn’t need to know that since she would definitely have a jealous fit. That and she’d challenge Smiles on a contest to know who really knows me better. She is an overly attached bestfriend you know.

Only when Smiles began pulling me to somewhere did I notice that he was still holding my wrist. He turned to me as we walk, smiling. “So since we’re in talking mode right now, why don’t you tell me about your girl problems, eh Scrooge?”

“I don’t have girl problems!” I retorted as I began pulling my hand away from his hold, but he held on tightly. He sat down at a near bench and pulled me to sit next to him. I relented with a sigh, knowing quiet well that if I ran from him, he’s just follow me and probably carry me back. Yeah, he did that a couple of times, carried me like a sack of potatoes whenever they said I was being a pain in their asses.

“Aw c’mon Scrooge, I heard the whole scream of anguish earlier. Maybe I can help.” He offered still smiling. “It’s…about Kojima-san, right?” He asked, hesitantly. I stared at him for a while, looking at his gentle features as my brows furrowed slightly in confusion. Should I be…talking about Haruna about him? I mean…he’s Adam…right?

He gave out a soft chuckle, making me to cock my head to the side, the confusion inside me heightening. Shaking his head while wearing a smirk, he says, “If you’re worried about my feelings…don’t,” reassuringly. “I’m a man. I can take out anything you dish out on me, you know.” He softly pounded his chest, wearing a smug smile.

I continue to stare at him blankly, feeling a bit guilty. Honestly, without saying it to him, I always thought that I could feel something for him someday. I think that’s one reason why the others thought that we had something together. Because my Scrooge heart was always open to him. But the thing is, despite leaving it open, I still couldn’t look at him like the way he wanted me to. To me, he’s still Smiles, forever Smiles;

My Smiling-Flirty-Pretty Boy-Buffoonic Best friend.

His smug smile slowly weakens, leaving an unsure smile in its place. “I’m not going to lie to you though, I was hoping that you’d…you know.”

I let out a sigh, looking away from him, my hands playing with the strap of my bag.

“But, I guess…I came back to late, huh?” He said softly. “Maybe if I didn’t choose music, I would’ve come with you guys here…and…”

“Don’t kid yourself.” I let out, glancing at him, smiling slightly. “You still would’ve chosen music, regardless. You love music that much.”

He shook his head. “I would’ve chosen you.” He then glanced back at me, giving me a sincere smile. “But, knowing you? You’d probably still make me choose music, even if we did end up together.”

“You sure about that?” I asked huskily, giving him a sensual smile. I couldn’t help but chuckle as he stared at me, his eyes wide, and a blush across his cheeks.

“R-really?” He squeaked, then cleared his throat and asked again, deepening his voice.

“I’m kidding. Geez. Get you mind out of the gutter, pervert.” I rolled my eyes. If I’m serious, I’m joking. If I’m joking, I’m serious. What the hell is wrong with these people?! Seriously?

“Don’t kid like that! I’m a man, damn it!” he pointed out childishly like Crazy Psycho would.

“Girly man, right.” I nodded, giving him a small smile. He smiled back, seeing his handsome, gentle features somehow makes me forget about the guilt I felt earlier. Actually, being with him like this, talking to him, sitting with him underneath the tree, it made me forget everything…even…

“So, Kojima-san problems? Ready to share now?”

I let out a deep sigh, looking away as I arched the corner of my lips down. Okay, scratch that last thought about forgetting everything else since he just made me remember it all. How long did that take? An hour?

“You know you can talk to me about ANYTHING, right? Especially girl problems.” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. Weirdly enough, I think I heard Miichan’s voice along with his. But then again, that really isn’t surprising since I consider them twins.

“So…hot lezzies problems? Share Scrooge! In full, hot lesbian details, if you can.”

Definitely twins. He’s also infected with perversion virus. Somehow, I’m not surprised. Ugh.


“…so that’s it.” I shrugged nonchalantly as I finished my confusing tale. I watch him as he nodded his head, looking at the ground with his brows furrowed, a look of concentration across his features.

“That…actually sounds…frustrating.” He said, glancing at me, scratching the back of his head.

“It is.” I sighed, looking at a group of students lazing on the grass a few distance away from us. “Believe me, it is.”

“Kinda reminds me of my frustrations with you.” He mumbled softly, looking away. “Funny how it bites you now.” He chuckled making me to narrow my eyes as I glanced at him.

“Yeah well it serves you right since you made a bet out of me with your damn friends.” I reminded him, my voice laced with irritation at remembering that time. Yeah, the Buffoon here made a bet out of me back in High School. What kind of bet it is, you ask? You know, just a typical high school bet wherein the jocks pick an undesirable girl for their friend to make that girl fall for him. Surely you’ve seen movies like that. Yeah, they picked me for that, but I wasn’t the undesirable type since the word undesirable and me don’t mix. Oh, don’t roll your eyes at me like that since you know it’s true.

Anyway, I was more like the ‘NO to relationship kind of girl’; the desire less girl back in High School. It’s no wonder they picked me for Smiles. But the thing is their bet backfired. Smiles was the one who fell for me. Yeah, he ended up paying a fortune for losing that bet. Of course, much like the typical plot in the movies, I found out about it too. Got mad at him, he persistently begged for my forgiveness for months, forgave him and the rest are just…blahs. That was actually how I become friends with him. That’s pretty much our history. It’s typical, yet at the same time it’s not.

“Hey, I apologized relentlessly on that!” He pointed out, frowning.

“Yeah, you were pretty relentless.” I rolled my eyes, remembering the begging he did. Ugh. Yeah, it’s just ugh.

He waved his hand dismissively, blushing slightly. Probably remembering his begging moments that are really ugh worthy for me. “Anyway, that aside, what is it that you want anyway? I mean, do you want to…pursue a hot and steamy relationship with Kojima-san?”

“Scratch that ‘hot and steamy’ thing, please. Let’s keep it in a decent rating.” I pointed out flatly.

“I don’t know, Scrooge.” He began rubbing his chin, his eyes far away as if thinking. “Remembering the feel of her boobs pressed up against my back, and thinking about the two of you together, tch, those two words should definitely be included in the sentence with a bunch of other synonyms as well. I’m pretty sure that’s far from being decent.” He grinned perversely which earn him a smack from me.

“Goddamn it Smiles! Stop perving around!” I glared.

He rubbed his chest where I hit him as he let out a chuckle. “Stop perving on her or on you?” he asked, teasingly.

“Both!” I growled instantly, making him laugh. I stared at him with a frown as he continues to laugh beside me. Slowly, the scowl that I was wearing was replaced by a small smile gracing my lips. Watching him laugh like this, it makes me remember the times when we were just…friends. Honestly, it’s been so long since I’ve had this kind of carefree moment with him, what with him having feelings for me. Now, I wonder, are we now back to being best friends again? No more awkward feelings for each other?

I…hope so.

A sudden gust of cold wind blew, making me flinch at the coldness despite wearing a coat. Noticing this, Smiles surprised me by removing his own jacket and placing it over my shoulder, smiling. I turned to look at him frowning; his arms still wrapped around me as he securely puts his jacket on me.

“You don’t have to. I am wearing a coat you know.” I tell him, trying to remove his jacket. He glared at me, removed my hand from his jacket and again placed it over my shoulder.

“Next time, wear something thicker than that. Winter is fast approaching you know. You can catch a cold with that.” He scolded wearing a scowl as he pointed at my coat.

I glared back, holding the collar of my coat as I held it for him to see. “This is a worsted winter hooded long coat! With that said, it IS for winter, doofus!”

He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips, looking at my checkered coat. He then reached for my collar and began feeling it. “Well it doesn’t seem thicker enough for you to survive winter. You wouldn’t even let out that flinch if the cold wind couldn’t penetrate your fashionable coat through your body.” He mocked, angering me more. How dare he mock my fashionable coat!

“Yeah well it’s not like your leather jacket is helping much either! I can still feel the wind you know!” I retorted, glaring at him.

“That’s because it’s not properly on you!” He growled then wrapped his arm around me again, fixing his jacket on my other shoulder. “Here let me—“ He suddenly stopped as I felt him froze, eyes wide in surprise. Hmmm? What’s got him…?

A sudden movement from the corner of my eye suddenly caught my attention. Turning, I frowned when I found myself looking at Haruna’s retreating form, walking hurriedly away from us..


“You know, she always seem to have the worst timing ever.” Smiles said as he moved away from me, giving me a sympathetic smile. I stared at him blankly, confused until he asked, “Well? What are you waiting for? Aren’t you going to follow her?” He cocked his head slightly to the side. I turned to look at where Haruna was and I could still see her retreating form from the distance.

“She is what you want…right?” I hear Smiles ask, making me to remember that I already made up my mind yesterday. Grinning at him, I punched him in the chest hard, quickly stood up, and began walking to where Haruna was heading, forgetting Smiles’s jacket on my shoulder as it fell on the floor. I turned to look at the jacket on the floor for a moment then turned to Smiles who’s watching me as he sits on the bench. He shook his head and smiled at me.

“It’s okay. Just go.” He said softly, his voice thick with emotions. I stared at him for a while, knowing exactly the hidden meaning behind those words of his.

For him, this is another rejection from me.

Clenching my jaw tight, I offered him a sympathetic smile before turning to follow my distressed roommate, feeling Smile’s eyes on me. I let out a sigh and began picking up the pace, praying that this time it wouldn’t end in confusion, but into something else.

Something that I know we both want.


I was toweling my hair dry as I stepped out of the bathroom. Somehow the hot shower helped soothe my muscles from carrying two dead weights today. You know, it’s surprising that my stature can carry such dead weights. Hmm. Maybe I got stronger from carrying Miichan all those years. Huh…could be.

Yawning, I made my way towards my bed, sitting heavily on it. I looked at Haruna’s side and found her still in the same position I left her. Lips parted slightly as the back of her hand covers half of her face. Remembering the reason why she is sleeping soundly in the first place, I stood up and made my way towards my drawer. I pulled out the bag of medicines I had and looked for an aspirin. Taking one, I then made my way to the opposite side where the water dispenser is. Taking her glass, I filled it with cold water and placed the two items on her desk. I stared at the two then at the clock on her table.

“It’s only after midnight and I’m already preparing this?” I mumbled to myself as I raised my eyebrow, feeling a bit weirded out. “It’s not like she’s going to wake up soon, stupid.” I scolded myself. Well it is pretty stupid of me to do that, but…oh well, what’s done is done.

Shaking my head, I pursed my lips as I made my way back to my bed. I was about to climb into the bed when my roommate let out another whimper along with a rustling sound. Frowning slightly, I turned to look back at her and found that she turned to her back, her feet rubbing themselves together probably for warmth as she wasn’t covered with her blanket. I let out a sigh and arched the corner of my lips down as it was now my goody-goody duty to cover the Princess up nicely. Creepy would be so proud of me if she knew. Keyword: If.

Grumbling, I made my to her side and stopped when I noticed that she was lying down on her blanket. No way am I going to pull that out without waking her. But then again, she does seem to be a heavy sleeper since she didn’t even wake up when we carried her here. So…maybe I should just pull it out of her? But that requires force…right? Ugh. I’ve had enough muscle work today. I’ll just go with the alternative.

I turned back to my bed, grabbed my own blanket and carefully placed it on her. I pulled the blanket up to her chin, covering up real nicely. She surprised me when her head turned to my side, the side of her face leaning on the back of my hand. I instantly froze when her warm lips brushed against my hand, slightly nuzzling on it. I blinked a couple of times and waited for her to stop moving in order for me to carefully pull my hand away. But, as the God of cliché’s passed by me, she fully turned to my side, placed her hand on my arm, her face still leaning on my hand.

I let out a sigh. “Thank you God of Cliché, you do know how to torture me well.” I mumbled to myself as I sat down on the floor, thinking that it might be best to dislodge myself this way. I pulled my hand slightly away, feeling her plump lips brushing against the side of my index finger. It was then I noticed that my thumb is just a few inches away from her lower lip, her lower lip, the one that she bites whenever she’s nervous. I couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as I kept my eyes locked on the mole on her lip, remembering that time when I mistook it to dirt. I pinched her lip at that time, right? Honestly, remembering that and looking at her lips closely, I notice how soft looking her lips are for the first time.

Her full, plump pink lips. If I could just move my thumb a bit, I could—

I shook my head, trying to shake the hypnotic effect her lips has on me right now. Ugh. I think I’m getting the perversion virus. Goddamn crazies infecting me with that! Frowning, I pursed my lips tight and once again tried to dislodge my hand from her hold. I can feel my face getting hot as I pulled my hand slowly away from her face, her lips brushing on the side of my index finger as I do so. I let out a deep sigh as I finally freed myself from her grasp, my hands on the floor supporting my weight as I leaned back. A smile graced my lips as she let out another whimper.

“You sure are noisy when you sleep, eh? Funny how I’m only noticing that now.” I say out loud, not surprised that the clock ticking was the only reply I got. I positioned myself as I sat Indian style near her bed, staring at her sleeping form. Thoughts of the crazies words about Haruna soon enters my mind.

“85%. Can you believe that?” I asked, smiling slightly. “The thing is, I’m not 85% into you. She got that wrong.” I let out a chuckle, thinking of how cliché it is for me to say these things to her while she sleeps. The God of Cliché is probably next to me if I’m doing this. I let out a sigh, looking at the pictures of the Holy people on her wall, their gentle eyes looking at me.

“It’s funny, that to me, even the Saints are telling me to give you a chance.” I looked back at her, keeping the gentle smile on my face. “Want to hear something funny? Funny thing is, I’ve never imagine myself with someone, never even liked someone before. I’m pretty much sure I’m asexual, you know.” I chuckled.

“But then, after these past months, I don’t know anymore. I feel like I’m losing myself in all these…madness.  And you know what? Honestly? It…scares me.”

I let out a sigh and softly admitted, “You’re not the only one who’s scared, Haruna.”

My eyes slowly made its way to the floor, smiling slightly. “And despite how scary it is for me too, I think I need to be the one to step up and end all these.”

My eyes made its way back to her, smiling as she whimpered out a reply. I stared at her as she sleeps all through the night, thoughts of giving her a chance keeping me awake as I sit on the floor, eagerly waiting for her to wake up.



Next up: Another talk for the two and the birth of MariHaru in this frustrating fic! Yey! Finally! XD By the way, can someone tell me what's Nyaro? And why does Mariko-sama call Haruna that? Obviously, I'm going to add that soon as Mariko's term of endearment to Haruna.  :lol: Anyway, thanks for reading. Talk to you guys soon!  XD

I'm pretty sure you guys heard about it, but I'm still going to commercialize it here. anonymousdowner-san will be creating a blog for akb48 fanfics soon. Better watch out for it and do join in.  :) More people, more fics, more love.  :lol:

« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 10:27:49 AM by FoF »

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #145 on: November 02, 2012, 05:02:17 PM »
saving the spot :thumbsup


fof if i can see u right now,i will kiss you.. :ptam-kiss:
this is so cool!!
u never fail to amazed me!!
i really really really love ur fic!!
 :farofflook: :luvluv1: :luvluv2:
    :mon inluv: :mon crazyinlove:
for that..
im really thankful!!hoho

looking forward for more!!
and ILOVEU!! :ptam-shy:
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 05:05:55 AM by Chichay12 »

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #146 on: November 02, 2012, 05:15:30 PM »
OMG OMG OMG.. Thank you for the update, FoF-san!! :D :D

Really really.. Waiting for the update for 2 weeks already.. :D :D
wahahhahaa.. Hm.. Haruna's reply kinda disappointing huh..
but doesn't really matter as long as the ending.. ^^,

Um.. Nyaro? I thought Nyaro has the same meaning as NyanNyan..
Just.. We know.. Mariko likes to call others with different names..
Such as Okutama.. etc.. If I'm not mistaken, Oku Manami is called as Okutama because of Oku + Tama..
Okutama is such a cute name according to Mariko O: O:

So.. I guess that this must be the same.. Haruna likes to be called NyanNyan, and Maritroll purposely called her Nyaro because Mariko thinks that Nyaro is cute? O: O:

Hm.. And also.. Who knows you don't know, but recently Mariko called Haruna with Chichisama.. ちち様
not sure what it means though.. XD XD hahahaha..

Yes, I'm Mariko oshi at first, becoming MariHaru shipper, then because of the unstoppable charm Haruna has.. Finally she becamse my oshi as well O: O:

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #147 on: November 02, 2012, 08:31:57 PM »
nice update,
I dun know what to comment,
due I cant imagine what next,
maybe what will happen once Mariko reach Haruna,

Looking forward to the next update.

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #148 on: November 02, 2012, 08:51:21 PM »
OMG OMG OMG this is getting so good! I didn't comment sooner because I was waiting for Haruna's answer and UUGHH what she said was so frustrating. I totaly understood Mariko-sama!

I'm very good with the replying thing, but please continue it! akjshda I CAAAAN'T WAIT FOR MARIKO'S NEXT MOVE.

Good luck on your trip, I hope you can update from there, althought just concentrate in enjoy it and don't think about the ones who are dying here (?
♥ 恋がしたいのに、うまく恋ができない… そもそも、恋愛なんて私たちには贅沢なんだろうか?  ♥

The Fantastic world of the Wonka Couple FF Chapter 4 [Hiatus]
Who said you can win my heart so easily? Chapter 1 -part 2-[Hiatus]
One-shots / Drabbles / Etc

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #149 on: November 03, 2012, 01:07:51 AM »
*save spot*

Offline kahem

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #150 on: November 03, 2012, 02:34:44 AM »
Don't worry it was awesome ^^ and take your time, don't need to rush
Mariko starts to call Kojiharu by her name hehe~
And when you have auto delete function, you must have a selection function too lol

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #151 on: November 03, 2012, 02:58:01 AM »


You don't know how happy I was when I saw that you had updated yipppiieeee~ :cathappy: [Warning, I'll also do my own version of unnecessary ranting] So, I actually stayed up the whole night working on my blog and what not and went to sleep in the morning, but because I heard some noise only like an hour later I was knocked out of bed (Yes, I am pretty much paranoid now ever since my dorm was broken into & my precious car got stolen  :bleed eyes:) There was nothing though & with my chinky morning eyes decided to check the forum---Me: Scanning~~scanning~~Basket Case chapter 14--FUuuuuu!!!!!!!!!hellzzyess :bow: :bow: :bow: I started reading, but I was soo exhausted  :sweatdrop: So I kinda fell asleep, woke up, read a little more, fall asleep again, then I even dreamed that I read hahahahah for like those 30 sec dreams we all get (I think we all get em...). I seriously just woke up and it's like 6pm right now haha, but I'm thankful to get to enjoy this update first thing it made my evening/morning.

'That's my niece.'

Okay, I know that when I'm typing my spazz comments that I seriously sound girly (How does a spazzing guy even look like without it seeming feminine? lol) and I admit to this...but fact is, I am a dude! LMFAO  :nervous 100% male with the perv virus as to why I enjoy femslash   :rofl: All is good though :pimp: && yes, my aunt invited me to go perform at their Mormon church LOL I declined..I don't know..I am respectful, but honestly just don't click with that religion. Bad experience, I attended once and they tried to make me wear a yellow shirt as to go against same-sex marriage...uhhh dats spreading hate. Anonymousdowner likes to spread love only.  :peace:

I'm also flattered you think my writing seems coated with a flowery essence (Oh damn~I sound so manly!!!  :grin: LOLOLOLOL) I am very fond of the beauty of this world i.e. flowers, women, music, romance, literature etc.etc. It's an honor again receiving such a comment coming from you of course! I will give you a link to my blog when it is up since your fics will also be there hehe ( I da happy one~ :deco:) Uhh, I'm actually embarrassed though..the blog is just a blog, little and simple, so there isn't much to expect that it's just some person's spazz blog hahaha. Thankyou so much for commercializing though~I love you :thumbsup ...I tried to watch Groundhogs day...yeah...I was reminded why I never finished it hahah.

Okay onto commenting like a supporter should...

What da hell man????!!!! Betty seriously makes me frustrated too with her mood swings gawd  :angry: I was as crazy-wota has mentioned waiting for her to just spit it out hahahah. If only she had done so it would hurt less for her and for Mariko. Her character brings wrong timing onto herself I swear hahah, because she's too stubborn to stay for the good timings lol. I love how the more I read, the more our protagonist is falling deeper for the nun. :wub: There's just that vibe where it's like she'll protect Betty and will never give up or something like that~A fluffy feeling! (It's currently euphoric for me to read stuff that makes me feel all fuzzy, because I think I'm damaged by all the angst I read/write) There is a part of me that feels bad for smiles, I mean what a good guy. He's seriously always been there for her too...well, someone will definitely love him in the future with all their heart ahah. && Although I really wanted to read more into what happens after Mariko chases after Haruna...The last part where it flashes back to the previous night was really sweet. It's another side to Mariko we as the readers and I'm sure even to her character herself has not seen, quite lovely really. I wouldn't mind seeing her being more infected with the perv virus though, my mind was screaming kiss her!!!!! LOL

Sorry, I spammed you again.  :P I'm really bummed out that updates will be delayed again, but I'm happy for you to get to go overseas. It sounds really awesome, have fun and stay safe on your month long vacation! Remember that your loyal readers will be patiently waiting for this masterpiece to resume. I'm wishing you luck~ :twothumbs Update when you can!  :heart:

EDIT: About Nyaro...all I know is that she uses that nickname to troll Haruna LOL and embarrass the girl with her obsession with cats, she also mentioned something like Aho-neko stupid cat lololol something like that.  :nervous
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 04:30:24 AM by anonymousdowner »

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #152 on: November 03, 2012, 11:07:36 AM »
SAVING MA'SPACE HERE get it and you wish your ealy DEATH . . . :twisted:
I am so~♫

 :tama-heart: :tama-yeeaah: :tama-apeshit: :luvluv1: :wriggly: :mon angel: :wriggly: :luvluv1: :tama-apeshit: :tama-yeeaah: :tama-heart:

The moment when you confess in the person who's sleeping
 :mon whimper:
I done that thing ahahahhaha
 :mon sweat:

“85%. Can you believe that?” I asked, smiling slightly. “The thing is, I’m not 85% into you. She got that wrong.” I let out a chuckle, thinking of how cliché it is for me to say these things to her while she sleeps. The God of Cliché is probably next to me if I’m doing this. I let out a sigh, looking at the pictures of the Holy people on her wall, their gentle eyes looking at me.

“It’s funny, that to me, even the Saints are telling me to give you a chance.” I looked back at her, keeping the gentle smile on my face. “Want to hear something funny? Funny thing is, I’ve never imagine myself with someone, never even liked someone before. I’m pretty much sure I’m asexual, you know.” I chuckled.

“But then, after these past months, I don’t know anymore. I feel like I’m losing myself in all these…madness.  And you know what? Honestly? It…scares me.”

I let out a sigh and softly admitted, “You’re not the only one who’s scared, Haruna.”

 :mon angel: :on bleed: :mon angel:

"Angels Brought Me Here"

[Verse 1]
 It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonight
 Picking up the pieces, and walking back into the light
 Into the sunset of your glory, where my heart and future lies
 There's nothing like that feeling, when i look into your eyes...

 My dreams came true, when i found you
 I found you, my miracle...

 If you could see, what i see, that you're the answer to my prayers
 And if you could feel, the tenderness i feel
 You would know, it would be clear, that angels brought me here...

 :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff: :mon lovelaff:

Clenching my jaw tight, I offered him a sympathetic smile before turning to follow my distressed roommate, feeling Smile’s eyes on me. I let out a sigh and began picking up the pace, praying that this time it wouldn’t end in confusion, but into something else.
 Something that I know we both want.

:mon blood: :mon blood: :mon blood:

Heaven By Your Side – A1

 :mon ignore: :mon ignore: :mon ignore:

it is like

but the difference is that MAriko is in her mind not anyone but only mariko~
it is like All or nothing


 :mon fyeah: :mon dance: :mon dance: :mon dance: :mon fyeah:

For mariko

 :mon exhaust: :mon exhaust: :mon exhaust:


no one can replace you in my heart  :heart:

hearty-hearty eyes


you're an angel that God send earth to makes people HAPPY as IN HAPPY  :D

 :mon XD: :mon XD: :mon XD:


 :cow: :tama-apeshit: :cow:



I am just  :)


I forgot what to say . . .

 :? :? :? :? ?

awhile ago I have so much to say then when I am here~ tch I forgot . . .

anyway I will comment again if I remember~

 :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop: :sweatdrop:


so that's all for now

 :skull: :cat: :pen_whirl: :pen_wave: :pen_whirl: :cat: :skull:

  take care always  :pour:   and keep up your good work nee-san  :flower:

I will wait for you next updato~ :clock:

Ja ne~  :poof:

 :tama-bye: :on gay: :tama-bye:

Proud to be an E-book reader
:pen_read: :pen_read: :pen_read:

« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 12:13:29 PM by flameeyes »

(´∩`。) 。:゚

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #153 on: November 04, 2012, 02:06:37 AM »
Omg omg omg!!! You finally updated! I was waiting for like about two weekends for you to finally update! :lol:

Just as promised, I am patiently waiting for the hot kiss between the two; just take your time, I don't like to rush things. XD
And yep, I'm doing quite well actually, passed every subject this term but it's only worth 20% in my report card; though I have to do even better for the second term which is now and it's worth 80% in the report card, and we all know what that means: more study ~sigh~. Sad for me. :(
And what sucks, I still have to stay for another session in that damn school, for another subject: physics. :(

Haruna  running away and going all avoidy with Mariko. That's not good. :(

OMG! Mariko finally wants Haruna!
Took a while for Mariko to finally realize her feelings towards Haruna.
100% in love with each other. Aww so cute~
Can't wait for the next chapter about their undying love for each other! Totally fanboying right now. Wow I can't believe I sound like a girl when I said that :lol:. Just so you know, but I guess you already knew; I'm a guy.
Please update soon, good luck and have a safe trip XD(where are you heading anyway?)

About Mariko's nickname for Haruna, I honestly don't know about the answer, but I think she likes it how cute it sounds... ? :)

Hm.. And also.. Who knows you don't know, but recently Mariko called Haruna with Chichisama.. ちち様
not sure what it means though.. XD XD hahahaha..

@lovemariharu: in what I know(though I don't really understand Japanese), chichi means father in a formal way(I guess) and/or also breasts(a different way to say oppai); but in this context, it means breasts. Which means, Mariko is calling Haruna: breasts-sama, because she has big breasts.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2012, 02:27:41 AM by RJay »
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #154 on: November 04, 2012, 12:35:47 PM »
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee ImmoK Alert! ImmoK Alert! LOL  :twothumbs

Sneaking here during work to leave a msg bwahahaha

Going to make this short and simple ....

I LOVE IT! I LOVE THIS STORY!  :heart: :heart:
and everything about it!

Okay back to studying in my little work corner before I get called to do workie stuff.
Sigh.... =.= still behind on my studies zzzzzzzz  :panic:

Good luck on your trip =)
In 2 weeks I'll be gone for a month oversea too... hence why I'm so rushed with my studies  :)

*Ninja's fades into shadow with Immok powers*

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #155 on: November 09, 2012, 09:18:19 AM »
my schedule is killing me..

but gladly I can still make time to read my fave fanfic   :cow:
and comment it like a crazy fanfic's fans LOL

Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!--> I can feel the angst, struggle and sad denial there..
but that made it more realistic..

it's getting interesting..
next chap, gonna be continuity of the struggle?

from I know, Nyaro is Fukuoka's style for nyan.. that's why only Mariko call haruna with Nyaro cmiiw..

and I'll be waiting for the fanfic blog.. lemme in..lemme in  :lol:

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #156 on: November 11, 2012, 05:33:29 AM »
still waiting to ur update fof-san..hmpppp
 :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #157 on: December 02, 2012, 12:19:44 PM »
still waiting to ur update fof-san..hmpppp
 :on gay: :on gay: :on gay:

Still Waiting!
And waiting
And waiting
And waiting
And waiting

And waiting....
my god fof!
where are u?are u still alive?hoho

well,i will until you comeback!XD

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 14: From Confusion to Clarity!)
« Reply #158 on: December 04, 2012, 02:24:08 PM »
Reading the latest chapter especially the "is it me?" scene makes me think... "well, i'm confused too Mariko!!"  :gyaaah:...the angsty mode from Haruna :badluck:...and i knew it that Haruna will not let it out so easily to Mariko, and its Mariko's turn to win her the flashback scenes (4 flashbacks) and how you arrange it in (1,2,4,3) position..and please don't end this fanfic...make it to 20+ chapters  :on hypto:...

i probably having a major withdrawal symptoms after this fanfic ended soon (end of this year)  :err:
Anyway, great chapter FoF-san...

Can't wait the next update and hope you'll come back in good health :onioncheer:

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #159 on: December 08, 2012, 06:37:17 AM »
I finally updated! After days and days and days of struggling.  :bleed eyes:
Anyway, I can't reply to the awesome comments of the previous chapter right now as my eyes are seriously hurting right now
So...I'll give a proper reply tomorrow.  :nervous
Yeah, I'll bump this thread despite me not wanting to.  :nervous
Sorry guys about that.  :nervous
Oh, and I'm sorry for this chapter as well. I honestly don't like it so I'll probably edit this and add a few whatevers.  :)
Another oh, anonymousdowner's site is up so do go on and check it out.

>><< :twothumbs

Thanks for reading and I'll talk to you guys later!  :bow: :bow: :bow:


many thanks to yanouchi and crazywota for the poster

Chapter 15: Status? In a Complicated Relationship!

Have you ever experienced your life flashing before your eyes?

I've heard that some people who had a near death experience had experienced something like that. A look into your life, a review of the sort. Some say that it is a way for you to look back in your life and if you survived, you'd go on a major surgery, make yourself look like a real life barbie with lips like it's swelling from allergy or that a bee stung it and--

Oh, right. Getting out of track again. Anyway, barbie look alike aside, the major surgery is just crap and it's more like you'd go all reflective and repent on whatever and do all those goody-goody that needs to be done for you to reach heaven. Typical. Tch.

What about when you didn't survive?

Yeah well, if you didn't're dead obviously, so no change for you. Tough luck.

You're asking if I had experienced a near death experience?

If you're asking about the near death experience with the whole bloody accident like type, then no, thankfully I haven't experienced that. But weirdly enough, I did experience my life flashing before my eyes. Or rather, it wasn't my life that I saw.

What did I see you ask?

Replace 'what' to 'who' and I'm pretty sure you'd know the answer immediately.

Yeah yeah, wipe that grin off of your face, please. It's not like you didn't see that coming. Pfft. Anyway, so yeah, I had flashes of Haruna while I was running after her, trying to shorten the distance between us. It felt like I was in slow motion as I continue to run towards her. Step by step the flashes came, invading my mind.

That first time we met, she greeted us shyly, a blush across her cheeks as her eyes shifts between me and Miichan.
That moment she reprimanded me courageously when I mindlessly disrespected her God. She looked at me with displeasure, her eyebrows furrowed.
That time when I first held her, preventing her from falling as we collided against each other. Her eyes closed, lips pursed tightly as she rests in my arms, seemingly anticipating her fall.
That time she looked at me with confusion and fear in her eyes, holding the towel wrapped tightly around her that first time we met Snorlax and Creepy.
When she shyly handed me a melon bread that time we were hanging out at the park. A small smile graced her plump lips as I took a bite out of it.
Those looks of hurt and uneasiness when I avoided her for weeks upon finding out the truth about her.
Her radiant smile when I reconciled with her and granted her simple wish for us to be friends.
Her eyes glistening with tears as she pleads me to say her name. Her soft hand on my wrist, squeezing it.
Her blushes and small smile whenever she secretly glances at me.
Her look of anguish as she berates herself when I held her under the rain.
That longing look she gives whenever she looks at me and Smiles.
Her frowns, her smiles, her pouts...her smiles...
Her smile.

Memories of being with her just continues to flash into me. Step by step they came and when I finally took hold of her wrist and turned her to look at me, I knew that those are just...memories. Past memories that can only be remembered. Memories that aren't reality. Holding her wrist tight, squeezing it as she continues to look at me with confusion and expectancy, at that moment, that was reality. She was my near death experience.

My near death experience that will definitely make me a new person.

Was I scared when I realized that?

Terrified. But then again, there's this courage inside me that kept my hold on her and didn't let go. That side of me that wanted to know what kind of person will I be like if I'm not Scrooge anymore. Will I change, opting to do the whole major surgery? Or would I stay the same uncaring, selfish and blase looking girl I always thought I was? Huh. I'm doubting on the latter beacuse looking at her at that time as I hold her wrist, I knew...

...I was so going to be unScrooged by Betty.

Whoopeedoo, right?

"I talk to you." I tell her the moment she faced me. I breathe through my mouth, trying to regulate my breathing from running after her. Thinking about it, this is like the second time I ran after her huh? It's weird, but somehow, I have a feeling that this would be a normal occurrence now when it comes to her. Me running after her I mean. I hope not because that is just ugh for my shoes and my feet. Most my shoes aren't for running you know!

She stared at me for a while, looking at me with uncertainty as I kept my hold on her. I let out a sigh and squeezed her wrist, giving her a soft pleading look as I mumbled out, "Please?"

My plead seems to work as she let out a resigned sigh a moment later. With her eyes averted from mine, she gave me a hesitant nod, giving in to my wish. The corner of my lips curled up at that and without a word, I began to pull her to where we can talk privately. A few steps later, I glanced behind me to look at her. The moment my eyes rests on hers, she quickly looked away and bit her lower lip, her cheeks reddening from embarrassment. Good old shy Betty. Somehow seeing her like that, I felt relieved. I mean, with her being like that, it's normal, you know.

This normal Betty is just what I need rather than the closed off Betty I had earlier.

Finding a secluded spot in the park, I sat at a bench and pulled her slightly, silently telling her to do the same. She mindlessly sat a bit closer to me, the side of our thighs touching. Honestly, I didn't mind one bit, but upon noticing how close we are, being a reserved, shy, goody-goody as she is, she moved away from me, giving enough space for another person to sit in between us. I let go of her wrist as she moved, my lips twitched upon noticing the slight frown that immediately appeared on her face the moment my hand moved away. It's either she's frowning because she's scolding herself for sitting too close to me, or she didn't like it when I let go of her hand. Which is which? Meh, don't care really. Either excuses amuses the hell out of me anyway. I have a feeling things between us will become interesting from this point onwards you know.

I turned slightly to her, looking at her nervous form as she plays with the hem of her shirt, her eyes drawn to it. A slight crooked smile slowly forms across my lips as I knew that despite the fact she kept her eyes locked at her hands, I knew she was observing me through the corner of her eye. How'd I know? Just a gut feeling. Well it's that and her cheeks were tinted pink as I kept my gaze on her. So yeah, I think she's observing me too.

"So um...wh-what do you want to talk about?" She asked softly, feigning ignorance as she glanced at me wearing a slight frown, probably feeling bit uneasy at the silence that surrounds us. Thinking that if I asked her head on about the situation would probably give us the same outcome as earlier, I decided to take a slight detour as I kept the slight crooked smile on my face.

"Were you looking for me earlier?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"Minegishi-san was worried about you so I...decided to help her out on finding you." She explained, her hold on the hem of her shirt tightened.

"That'" I questioned softly, my brow arched slightly up as I anticipate her answer. She turned her head away, making me to stare at the tip of her reddening ear that was peeking out of her hair. I waited for her to answer, knowing quite well that there is another reason for her to be looking for me than just helping out Miichan. I mean, there has to be another reason otherwise why would she be blushing so much right now, right?

I was right as she finally admitted, "I...also wanted to apologize to you...for the way I acted earlier," keeping her gaze away from me. I let out a sigh and turned away from her to look at the distance. My gaze locked at the couple cuddling at a distance while they walk.

"Apologize on how you ignored me in the hallways, or how you walked out on me when I wanted to know who the girl you like is?" I asked as I glanced at her through the corner of my eye. No more detours for her now since I'm definitely going the right way. Hopefully, she won't do either again so we can end this. Yeah, despite me initiating on ending this whole thing, the choice is still hers. All I could do is offer her a piece and wait for her to take it. And you know, despite me not the religious type, I pray that she'd take it.

I pray that she'd end this.

I continue to watch her, noticing that her grip on the hem of her shirt has loosened. She wasn't moving, probably contemplating on what she should say to me. Seeing her like this, it made me wonder if she was going for the same route we had earlier inside our room. God I hope not. Three push and pull in a day is definitely not healthy for me. Ask Snorlax, she should know how much of a mess I am today.

Thoughts of Snorlax and how much of a mess I am earlier soon fades away from my mind as I hear her sigh. I turned my head to her as she softly let out, "Why do you want to know...who she is?"

"Because I want to know if it is me or not." I simply replied.

She turned to me, locking her gaze to mine. I saw the muscles of her neck moved as she swallowed down her nervousness. With determination and the obvious fear that she tries to hide in her eyes, she asks me, "What would you do...if I said is you...?"

I gave her a slightly crooked grin as I leaned my head closer to her. It amuses me as the faint blush across her face darkens as I continue to lean closer. I only stopped when I saw her eyes dart between my eyes and my lips, our faces a few inches away. Somehow, this reminded me of the first time we met. The difference between that time and right now? I wasn't doing this to spite her and well...she wasn't leaning away from me too unlike back then.

"Tell me that it is me, and I'll tell you what I'd do." I challenged her. She blinked a couple of times then focused her fearful and uncertain eyes on me as if she was trying to read me. I gave her a soft reassuring smile, silently telling her that it was okay for her to tell me. But the fear inside her seems to outweigh what she wants as she looked away from me, sighing. Seeing that, I leaned back away from her, frowning slightly.

"Why can't you say it? Don't me?" I ask, my voice cracking slightly from how low I've said it. She probably thought differently as she quickly looked back at me, unconsciously reached for my arm and shook her head frantically.

"Th-that's not it! I...just..."

"Just what?" I tilted my head a bit to the side, urging her to continue. My eyes slowly made its way to her to her lip, watching her as she bit her lower lip momentarily. When I averted my gaze from her lips, I found her looking wistfully at the side.

"If I say it...I can't take it back. It will be...real." Her hand on my arm tightened as she finally admitted before letting out a deep sigh. Hearing her answer confuses me a whole lot. I mean, if she say it it'll be real? Does that mean...

"You don't want it to be real?" 

She shook her head, turning to look at me still looking heavy-hearted. "This is the first time I felt this way towards someone scares me. Having these feelings scares me. And if I say it, I won't be able to--"

"--go back or run away." I finished for her, nodding my head as I understood where she was coming from. But...

"So does that mean it's okay for you to see...the girl you like with someone else?" I asked. She sighed, released her hold on my arm and turned her eyes away from me. "If it were me, the girl you like I mean, would you be okay to see me with someone else? Like Kazuhiko?"

The corner of my lips twitched when her brows creased inconsiderably upon hearing me say Smile's name. Yeah, obviously she doesn't like the thought of me and Smiles being together AND me saying Smiles real name. Yeah, I'm using that to make her confess and seems to be working. She is one jealous apple huh. That is one disadvantage for her then. Why?

Because jealousy and selfishness go hand in hand with want, you know.

She still hadn't answer my question so I asked again, "Do you want me and Kazuhiko to end up together?"

Her lips pursed as she ponders on my question. Finally with a deep and resigned sigh, she admittedly whispered out, "No," with a low yet clear voice.

I swallowed down the lump on my throat as I clearly heard the possesiveness in her voice. It was brief, but I heard it loud and clear. It makes me wonder just how possesive this woman beside me could be. The only way to find out? To be with her of course.

That is, if she'd let me.

I was about to say something back, but apparently she wasn't finished as she continues.

"Whenever I see y-th-the girl I like with someone hurts." She added. She then placed her hand on her chest as she dejectedly looks at the ground. "It hurts right here."

My brows creased, finding her answer too safe for my liking. I mean, she still didn't say that it was me. She didn't say that she didn't like the idea of me being with Smiles. She just opted to answer safely despite the hidden message underneath what she said. But I was getting greedy. Scrooge was getting greedy, wanting to hear her say that it is me. That she is indeed jealous of Smiles whenever he's with me.

That I'm the girl she likes.

"What if the girl you like doesn't like the idea of being with someone else as well? That maybe...she wants to be with you?" I asked, opting to do it her way. She turned to me, her eyes still held the sadness and fear she feels. But then again, I don't know if I'm imagining it or what, I think I see a very faint glimmer of hope in her eyes. Seeing that, even though it's faint or I'm just imagining it, makes me feel a bit hopeful as well.

"What if she doesn't?" She countered, timidly.

"But what if she does?" I retorted, assuring her as I give her a faint smile. She looked to the side, avoiding my eyes. I kept my eyes on her despite the growing disappointment that I'm feeling. Maybe I am just imagining that whole hope in her eyes. Maybe she really doesn't--

"Does she...?" Was her whispered reply as she glanced at me, leaving me dumbfounded. Okay so obviously, I was still expecting her to keep up this safe game that she's playing. But apparently, she's trying to step in the danger zone. That's...good, right?

She bit her lower lip, her eyes still glacing at me waiting for my reply.

Yes, it is good.

"W-well, if you ask me, I think she does." I answered as I leaned back on my seat. I tugged on my collar slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable at the sudden heat that washes over me. You're asking if I was blushing? How the hell should I know! I can't see myself, can I? But...for the record, I did feel hot so...maybe I was blushing. Slightly blushing that is.


She caught that huh. ...Good.

"Yeah." I replied with a sigh, turning my gaze at the sky. "She's probably a lot like you. First time feeling things she's never felt before, scaring her a bit. I'm...pretty sure she likes you though." I admitted, my voice softening as a I said that last bit. I glanced at her, finding her looking at me, her lips slightly parted while her cheeks were tinted pink. She swallowed the moment I faced her, locking my eyes on her wavering ones. At that moment I was certain that that was hope I saw in her eyes earlier. I wasn't imagining it then. How'd I know you ask? Because I can see it clearly now underneath her thick rimmed glasses.

And well, it wasn't faint anymore, you know.

"H-how much do you th-think she likes me?" She asks, shakily.

"What do you mean?"

"I terms of percentages...?" She asks bashfully, her pink cheeks turning red from embarrassment. I couldn't help but blink back my surprise at her question. She wants percentages now? Like Crazy Psycho's whacked up percentages? Is she crazy or--

Oh right. She's originally part of the crazies troupe. How can I forget. But then, does that mean she knows about the crazies percentages? Including...mine...?

"Anyway, percentage, right." I nodded my head, trying to clear my head with needless thoughts about the crazies' percentages. I need to focus my attention to this crazy first and try to get this over and done with. I can ask her what she knows later on. "I'm not entirely sure what percentage that girl you like has, but Sayaka pegged it 85%." I answered, shrugging nonchalantly.

"She's...not sure?" She asked softly, her voice laced with disappointment as she averted her gaze to the ground. I placed my hand on her shoulder. Slowly, her eyes made its way back to me, confusion across her features.

I offered her a gentle smile, telling her, "She may not be sure, but that doesn't mean the percentage aren't there. Higher or lower, the percentage just fluctuates which...confuses her." Ain't that the truth. The thing is, there's this side of me that is not sure if I like her only as a friend or if I like her in a way wherein I want to get to know her in a biblical sense. The latter is a bit disturbing and thankfully I haven't felt that way towards her yet. Yeah, I only said that because...that's where a relationship with someone goes right? I mean, after the whole lovey-dovey, couples tend to go horizontal with each other. Or am I wrong? Huh. Well don't blame me if I got it wrong since I don't know shit about being in a relationship besides those cringe delight movies that I've watched with Crazy Psycho. Yeah, most times, the couples there head to R18 after a few dates so...

What about the keyword in what I said? What do I mean by that?

Keyword huh. You mean the word 'Yet' there? How sharp you are. Heh. I'm slightly impressed. Keyword: Slightly. Anyway, the 'Yet' thing is pretty much self explanatory so I refuse to answer it. Wipe that grin off of your face you perverted--

What about the friend thing then you ask?

...Cutting me off to change the topic eh? Lame-oh. Psh. To answer your question, again, it's pretty much self explanatory. These feelings I have for her can easily be associated to how I treat my friends. Kinda like how I treat Miichan. I kept wondering if Betty was just another...Crazy Psycho, you know. But then again, if she is kinda like Crazy Psycho, then why is it so natural for me to act nicely to her? Why do I find myself worrying more about her than Crazy Psycho? Why do I care more about her feelings than anyone else? Why do I sometimes get flustered by the simple things she do or say? Thoughts like that kept on plaguing me, and well, it's confusing. The only solution I could think of is to give her a chance and see which is which.

That's the main reason why I want this, really.

"What about now?" She asks, moving closer to me as she swallowed, our knees almost touching. With expectant eyes boring at me, she nervously asks, "The it higher or lower...?"

I stared at her for awhile, trying to think of the answer to her question. Is it higher or lower? Do I think of her as a friend now or...?

"Right now, it's higher." I simply tell her. Well, I think it is since I do feel warmer than usual and my Scrooge heart seems to be beating quite a bit. Was it nervousness perhaps? Could be. But then again, it could be something else as well. Something that can be associated to those cringe delight movies Miichan seems to like.

"Oh." A blush quickly spreads across her cheeks and she looked away, wearing a shy smile.

I let out a soft chuckle, staring at her as she smiles at her lap. Looks like she likes that huh. I guess saying that is enough to make her smile. But then, I wonder, if I'd be receiving a different smile than this reserved smile she's wearing if I said to her... the percentage hasn't been anything but higher these days.

I continue to watch her as she bit her lower lip, her hands once again playing with her clothing. It was obvious to me that she wanted to say something, yet her shyness and fear seems to be getting the best of her. It was sort of amusing for me to watch her internally struggling like this. Part of me wanted to savor the moment as I knew deep inside that if she's going to unScrooge me...

...I was going to unBetty her as well.

"Is that why...she's so adamant in asking...who the girl I like is?" Was her soft, breathy question before she places her lower lip between her teeth again, biting it as she shyly glances at me, her cheeks flushed. The corner of my lips tugged slightly up, feeling a bit happy that she's slowly submitting herself into confessing who the girl she like is. Just a little more push and she'd definitely admit it without the whole third person questioning she's been doing.

Just a bit more, and everything will definitely change.

"Well yeah." I answered, giving her a nonchalant shrug. "She also wants to know so that if it is her, she'd ask you something."

She blinked back then turned her gaze back to her lap, letting out a deep sigh, probably pondering on what she should do. She knows she can't ask me what that something is as I would challenge her back into confessing. Yup, we're going in circles now and the only way to prevent the repeat performance of everything that was said is for her to confess. But like I said, she only needs a little more push before she admits it and well, placing my hand on hers, squeezing it softly and assuring her, seems to be the right push she needs.

"I understand why you're hesitating, believe me." I say to her softly. "But denying this would only make things worse. It won't disappear if you just run away."

"But if I run away from it, nothing will change. We'll continue to be friends and..." She trailed off to silence, frowning at our hands.

The corner of my lips tugged up, offering her a slight smile despite her not looking. I softened my gaze at her as I continue her tain of thought, tilting my head slightly. "...and you'll see me with some other guy and well, from what I gather earlier, you don't like that, right?"

"No...I don't." Was her soft reply a moment later. My smile widened at that and slowly, leaned closer to her. She took notice and slowly looked at me, a lovely blush soon creeps on her cheeks as she blinks a few times, her plump lips parted slightly.

I whispered, "Then you know what you should do." I squeezed her hand. "Prevent it from happening, Haruna. Tell me who she is."

"It's you." She finally admits simply, breathlessly. With a nod, I replied back simply and asked her softly,

"Will you go out with me?"


A comfortable silence surrounds us as the two of us continue to walk side by side towards Crackhouse University. I glanced at my companion, noticing the small smile across her lips as she walks, her eyes trained to the ground. I don't know if I was imagining it or what, but the way she walks seems to be different now. It was like...her confidence had heightened a bit. Did it? And she seems to be...glowing as well. Huh. Probably because of her saint-like powers. That's because of our talk earlier...?

Honestly, I'd like it if it's the latter.

Like her mannerism, I couldn't help but bite my lower lip as I continue to glance at her. My eyes slowly made its way downwards, noticing the space between us as we walk. Maybe I should scoot closer to her? I mean, isn't that what we should be doing since we're now a c--

A screeching yell of "Mmmmmaaarrriiikkkkkooooo!!!" could be heard disrupting the comfortable silence around us as Crazy Psycho, Snorlax, Creepy and Smiles made their way towards us. The two of us stopped walking as we stare at the four. The corner of my lips curved down, my brow creased slightly and I knew that my displeasure upon seeing the four could be seen in my eyes. Somehow, I completely forgot that I'm surrounded with crazies huh. Tch.

I couldn't help but groan as Crazy Psycho lunged herself to me, trapping me in a tight hug and placing her face on my chest. She began whimpering out incoherent things as she kept her hold on me while the three crazies stood behind her wearing relieved faces as they looked at me. Crazy Psycho probably told them about my supposed amnesia or something. Hmmm. Better scratch that three relieved faces then and change it to two since Smiles is grinning at me, his eyes darting between me and Haruna. He wiggled his eyebrow and my eyebrow arched up at that as I kept my bored gaze on him. He's acting like he knows something, probably to see if I would falter and let out some kind of emotion to give him a clue that something DID happen. Meh, I'm not going to fall for that.

"---aren't you? No amnesia whatsoever?" Crazy Psycho asks as she leaned back and looked at me mildly worried, her arms still trapping mine from her hold. Ugh. Overly Attached Crazy Psycho.

I tried dislodging myself from her hold as I growl out, "I'm fine! Geez!" I stepped back away from her the moment I reclaimed my freedom. I heard a soft chuckle from my left side and was surprised that it came from Haruna. Hmmm? What's so funny?

I stared at her, giving her a questioning gaze. She answered back with a smile, her eyes softening as it locks to mine. I cocked my head to the side still feeling confused. But despite the confusion I felt, the corner of my lips began twitching as I tried not to smile back. I find this whole talking with our eyes amusing you know and seriously, I don't know shit about eye conversation. Surprisingly, I think she does though as she let out another chuckle. Ugh. I think i need to brush up my eye conversation skills.

"Is it just me or is there something different between the Prince and the Princess here?" Creepy suddenly said as her eyes darts between me and Haruna, confusion across her features.

"I think Mariko just had an apple for lunch." Snorlax said as she gave me a knowing look. I narrowed my eyes at her, not liking the obvious, perverted, double meaning she puts there. She seriously needs to stop with the biting of apple thing.

Smiles seems to have gotten what Snorlax said as he let out, "An apple eh? Was it ripe and juicy?" while he wiggles his eyebrow playfully.

"Want me to offer you some mixed nuts? I can kick them for you if you want." I threatened, glaring at him murderously. Thankfully, he got that and held out his hand defensively, stepping back away from me but still keeping the smile on his face.

"Apple? Nuts? What kind of combination is that?" Crazy Psycho frowned, her head tilted to the side. "And since when do you prefer Apple over your favorite curry rice?"

"I'm thinking, since now." Snorlax answered, giving me a wink. I rolled my eyes on that.

Creepy, who was getting frustrated, stomped her feet childishly and gave me a pout. "Okay, that's it! The hidden meaning behind the innocent food has got to stop. Explanation! Now!"

"Ditto." Snorlax nodded.

"I don't really need the explanation, but it wouldn't hurt to hear it." Smiles shrugs, smiling. I glanced at him, opting to give him a blase look despite the sketicism inside me. Would it really not hurt him, I wonder.

"Mariko?" Crazy Psycho says, bringing my attention to her. "What is going on? I'm having this vibe wherein I should jump for joy just by looking at Sayaka and Kazu here."

She'd definitely jump for joy for this. Knowing her, she'd tackle me and Haruna to the ground, squealing like mad. Ugh, just for that visuals, I'm hesitating on telling them...but...

I turned to look at Haruna who looked back wearing a soft smile, a blush across her cheeks. We stared at each other for a while and it looked like she's giving me choice to tell them or not.

Should I?

I turned back to look at the four, waiting expectantly for my explanation. Snorlax and Smiles were both wearing knowing smiles at they look at me. Obviously, they have an inkling of what is going on here, while the other two...nada since they're both frowning at me. Honestly, looking at them, it felt like I was obligated to tell them about Haruna and I. So I did...I told them in plain and simple words while the person beside me blushes ten fold as she kept her gaze to the floor.

You're surprised that I told them? Huh. Can't blame you then. It was totally unlike me, huh? Yeah well, like I said, I felt obliged to tell the crazies about it so...

What happened after I told them?

Well after the screams of joy that can be heard from the campus--yes it was that loud--receiving death hugs and some congratulatory pat in the back; after those torturous moments...

"I don't get why we should do this stupid thing." I growled, turning the revolving chair to look at the crazies gathered behind me inside our dorm room.

"To make it official." Crazy Psycho beamed, nodding her head.

"I don't get why doing this will make everything official." I retorted, frowning at my beaming best friend. "This is pretty much pointless, really."

"Just do it." Snorlax groaned and turned the revolving chair I'm sitting at to face my table again.

"This is so exciting." Creepy gushed as she leaned closer.

"I hate to admit it, but you're right." Smiles nodded. I narrowed my eyes at the lit object their looking at. Ugh. God damn crazies and their  suggestion.

Oh yeah, Smile's here at our room too. He was so adamant in tagging along that Crazy Psycho and the others snuck him in. I took no part in their little mission as I just walked casually behind them. Thankfully, the dorm head didn't see him, but a bunch of girls did and well, he decided to smooth talk them, give them a wink, a smile and tahdah, hello salivating ladies. Okay the salivating is bull and it was more like they were staring at him with hearts in their eyes. Typical really. It was like relieving High School wherein every girl would swoon at Smiles as he walked past. Heh, every girl but me though. Oh and add Crazy Psycho as well since she's into girls.

"C'mon now, hurry!" Crazy Psycho began shaking me. I shrugged her hands off with a growl, glaring at her. She took the hint and held out her hand in defense, still keeping the wide smile on her face. She was seriously happy. Honestly, I've only seen her this happy whenever we watch that favorite fashion show of hers wherein the girls are only clothed in bikini. So this...happiness of hers is kinda...weirding me out. Not to mention it is kinda creepy in a Crazy Psycho kinda way.

I looked back and sighed as I stared at the screen. My hand positioned themselves in the keyboard. I began typing on a site, logging in, clicking some buttons until finally, I stared at the one thing they wanted me to change. That one thing I never thought I'd change...ever.

My status.

I stared blankly at it for awhile then glanced at the person beside me. She was reading some of the info on the screen that she failed to notice my eyes on her. The moment she did, she turned to me and stared back. I cocked my head slightly to the side asking her silently through my eyes, knowing she'd understand completely what I was trying to ask her. I couldn't help but smile when she gave me a small nod, smiling softly. this time, I understand what her eyes were telling me. Silently, she was telling me,

'I'm sure.'

Turning back to the screen, I clicked on the dropdown button, hovered at my answer and clicked it. After saving the changes, I suddenly let out a groan as Crazy Psycho tackled me again in a death hug as she began telling me how happy she is for me and a lot of blahs here and there. Creepy quickly followed suit, trapping me in the chair together with Crazy Psycho. The chair moved back from the table as they leaned their combined weight on me. I held out my hand as I groaned out for help while the two continuously hug me to death. I groaned out my discomfort at being squished and was actually hoping that Snorlax would help me, but instead, she held my hand and began shaking it, congratulating me as she wears an annoying smile. This is probably her way of getting back on what I've done to her earlier. Tch.

The torture doesn't end there as a hand was suddenly placed on top of my head and annoyingly began messing my hair like an owner would to a dog. I let out a growl and gave the owner of the hand a murderous glare as he grinned at me, offering me his congratulations. Ugh. I hate it when someone does that. And yeah, he knows how much I hate that but he doesn't care since I'm pretty much stuck here with tweedle-dumb and tweedle-doofus still blabbering about whatever.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I bellowed as I began to struggle. My scream of anger seemed unheard as they kept on torturing me. Again, Goddamn crazies!

"--so happy that my bestie has found a perfect girl for her! Your mom is going to flip when she finds out and she'll reward me with kisses and--" Crazy Psycho. I'm tuning her out for the reason that she's going on relieving her fantasy that involves my mom. Barf anyone?

"I'm happy for you Prince, but can you at least say my name once? C'mon, you can do it. Just say Sae. That's say space Sae by the way. Oh and since you have a girlfriend already, how about that Danso club? Eh? What do you say?" Creepy. She's just goes on and on and on. Ugh.

"Nice job lover girl! Oh hey, I see you haven't accepted my friend request yet. What gives? Oh, wait. You only have three friends there, hundreds of friend requests. What the--" Snorlax. She can be cool at times, but now? NO.

"Scrooge, as your guy bestfriend, you have to come to me for advice and all that, okay? I'm expecting a full detailed story from you so I can help you out. And by full detail, I mean FULL." Smiles. Definitely harmless yet annoyingly perverted at times.

These are the damn crazies that are torturing me right now! The Goddamn crazies that obviously has taken a liking at me. Me, a sarcastic, apathetic, sucky, Scrooge incarnate bitch sent from earth to spread needless emotions throughout the land. Can you believe that?

Hmm? What about the last crazy inside the room?

Well, she's just standing by the table, leaning close to my laptop, smiling at the words on the screen.

What was written on the screen?

Shinoda Mariko - In a relationship with Kojima Haruna

My phone on my pocket suddenly began ringing, making everyone freeze. Crazy Psycho and Creepy moved away from me as I pushed them lightly. I looked at the screen on my phone and frowned when I saw that it was my mom calling me. Thinking that the call concerns Maachan, I pressed the button and held it against my ear.

"Mom?" I let out, blinking a few times.

"Oh, honey! Congratulations! You got yourself a girlfriend! I'm so proud of you!" My mom gushed out, sniffing a few times as if she's about to cry. But that's the least of my problem now. I mean, how did my mom--

A movement has caught my eye and I found myself looking at my Crazy Pscho bestfriend who was making an escape towards the door. She jumped when she saw me looking at her and without a word, she quickly made a run for it, smiling sheepishly.




Next Up: A weird first date for Mariko.
I'll probably add an insight or a rant for this chap tomorrow.  :nervous Thanks again for reading!  :)

« Last Edit: July 08, 2013, 10:30:08 AM by FoF »

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