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Author Topic: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 7 - updated 07/10)  (Read 14962 times)

Offline aya-chii

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 4 - updated 04/22)
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2012, 09:27:31 AM »
ohyes damn you ryosouke. now risa is bored of waiting for you and cant wait any longer :P

now some perv to wait XD

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 4 - updated 04/22)
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2012, 07:33:37 AM »
Now I'm not one for peer pressure....DO IT NOW! :D  Nuff said :)

Anyways, back from wonderland, TakaGaki kiss!~  :deco: and loving~  So this is TakaGaki afterall?  Unless Risa decided to marry that guy (he who shall not be named~) instead :O

Is Kame gonna make an appearance?  Maybe she'll leave her man too XD

Running around Spain with Aichan sounds like a wonderful experience :D  I bet Risa loved every minute of it hehe.  And every minute of their lovefest ;)  Can't wait for more!~ <3
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Offline gracula

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 4 - updated 04/22)
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2012, 12:11:49 PM »
Nooo, alcohol-induced making out! Such a bad idea- oh wait, this isn't crack.

Speaking of, there were so many wonderful moments of crack littered throughout this latest chapter. I must show my appreciation by telling you some of what I loved.

The blind jokes!

"I can tell you're worried," Ai cried out over the dreadful sounds of thunder and creaking of the plane's wing panels. "Don't be! Jose is quite an experienced pilot! He only looks blind, but how could he possibly hold a pilot's license without his vision?"
Like a "Trust me, she only looks like an idiot..." moment. And just when I thought I finished laughing it off, this comes:

...funded by the lovely little dancer and her blind companion.

"You know she's somewhere in Madrid living with that tragic artist, Mama. She's put off dancing for the time being," Ai spoke, her tone rather  annoyed by the mention of this mysterious Kamei character.
I don't know who the tragic artist is, but this line amused me so very much. Perhaps it was my 4 years working with tragic artists that did it.

Ai plying poor Gaki-san with alcohol. Even if Aichan turns out to be a smooth-talking player, I will still love her in this. She is just that good.

My guess: 4 bottles at least.

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 5/25)
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2012, 11:23:03 PM »
Oh geez, this is what my mood has done to me LOL 2 one-shots and a chapter update in less than 24 hours? I'm beginning to think I'm spoiling you guys! Out of total and utter love, I swear  :love: Now that I'm finished with writing for the meantime, I can go off gallivanting around this section and read all the goodies you guys have come out with <3 I'm excited to shower you all with just as much love  :heart: :heart: :heart:

The perv is a work in progress LOL it'll pop up sooner or later. Since I started it, I might as well finish so *cough* look forward to it...*cough*

risa_ai - there's another vote for a happy takagaki ending~ but let's see how I'm feeling. Can't make promises lol and as for the perv, if you have access to that portion of the forum, just keep an eye out for me.

rndmnwierd - I can tell this was the chapter you've been waiting for xD perv is coming~

aya-chii - don't count him down and out yet though!!!

mochi.rini - hmm, I can't say for sure which couples will remain at the end, so you're just gonna have to keep reading ^__^ And as for Kamei, you're gonna have to keep reading as well ;D

gracula - I'm not really good with crack, but I try to lighten things up by sprinkling it around here and there. Glad you caught 'em! I feel pretty bad about those blind jokes, but it kind of hits home for me. All this reading and oogling on the computer is making me go blind in my right eye ahhahha

as for the tragic artist bit, I don't remember what I was thinking when I wrote that, if I was even thinking at all LOL glad you enjoyed it though =]

And ohhhhhh the alcohol. I swear this doesn't mirror real life, but 4 bottles is a damn good guess LOL One simply does not hate on a sauve-tastic Aichan because it simply cannot be done~ And to be honest, I really suck at making her a good person. For this fic and that other one I'm working on, she just always ends up being a lousy person but I honestly can't help myself XD

So yeah, chapter 4. I can't believe I made that happen! teehee. I mean, after a night like that, where do our main ladies go from here?  :hehehe:

Song of the chapter:


A slight tapping at the nape of her neck caused a pleasantly resting Niigaki Risa to flutter her eyes open. Her drowsy eyes met with a very unfamiliar presence. A bird perching on her bare shoulder tilted its head sideways, blinking once or twice before screeching an unwelcome wake-up call for the two women sleeping on the stone bench. As the bird flew away into the red-tinted skyline, Risa lazily dragged a weary hand to rub the remnants of sleep from her eyes.

Her chest was heavy, and an arousing mixture of the scent of roses and sex filled her awakening senses. Brushing away the stray strands of fringe from her eyes, Risa lifted her head slightly from where it rested on the cold stone bench, only to find her naked chest shrouded underneath her companion's morning dew-glazed hair sprawled about as she slept contently on Risa's chest.  The sleeping beauty wrapped her arms tightly around her form, and she swore she saw a smile on her slightly swollen lips.


Risa's eyes grew wide with absolute horror. WHAT WAS SHE DOING NAKED? AND WHAT WAS SHE DOING NAKED, ON TOP OF HER? OHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGODOHGOD. Her heart rate dropped and she could feel the sudden urge to just hurl all that alcohol from the night before grow stronger. This wasn't good. This couldn't have been what she thought it was. This didn't happen. No, of course not. Because two obviously drunk women, who obviously had one too many, can obviously just end up naked outside her house. Right, right? That's reality, right? RIGHT? She could feel her breathing grow shallow and in her state of increasing panic, she tossed her head from side to side, frantically searching for her clothes.

She looked to her left and found her shoes, and to the right was her skirt. But she was obviously wearing more than that, even a drunk like her knew better. She turned her sights to the tree above them and found the remainder of her garments, as well as her partner's, hanging from various branches on the tree. Damn, what kind of night were they having? THIS ISN'T WHAT REALITY WAS SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE!!! WHY WERE THE IMPLICATIONS OF REAL LIFE SO CRUEL!?

In her state of panic, Gaki grabbed hold of the sleeping beauty's dainty shoulders and shook her hard. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP, GODDAMMIT!" she cried in a hushed yell. The women in her arms slowly opened one eye, then the other. Covering her mouth as she yawned, she proceeded to flash the frantic woman a lazy smile. "Good morning, beautiful. Want some more?"

Oh dear lord, did this really happen? Did she really just say that? She watched as the dancer audaciously stretched her arms high above her, her very naked chest thrust forward as she took in a very deep breath. She rolled her head from side to side, rubbing the remaining kinks away from her neck before trying her hand at flirting again. "It's a bit early, Risa-chan. After last night, I didn't think you'd have enough energy to go for another round, especially so early in the morning!" Her voice so husky and her smile was glowing, oozing a sense of victory from cheek to cheek.

Risa couldn't believe what she was hearing. The dancer began to straddle her, planting soft kisses along her collarbone while her hands busied themselves with getting tangled in the younger girl's hair. Gaki made an honestly half-hearted attempt to swat the dancer away with her free hands, but quickly found herself bound at the wrists under the dancer's deceptively strong grip. As she felt Ai's lips trail slowly, so sweetly down her chest, it all came flooding back, overcoming the barricade of a horrible hangover. Gaki felt that vamp's tongue linger dangerously close to a hot spot, her breath catching painfully in her throat as she felt her move slowly away. Her breathing grew ragged for an entirely different reason and she heard herself pleading, "More..."



Gaki freed herself from the dancer's grip, pushed her away, and propped herself on unsteady elbows. "Look, Takahashi-san, I don't quite remember what went on between us last night or why we're in this position right now, bu-"

Ai's lips curled into a seductive smile. She leaned her forehead against Risa, looked her straight in the eyes and said huskily, "I could remind you if you'd like."

Risa could feel her cheeks heating up at the offer, but quickly averted her attention to the dancer's already wandering hands. Pushing her not-so-gently away, Gaki swiftly got on her feet and and made a grab for what few clothes she could reach on the ground. She thought twice about making an attempt to reach for her top on the tree branch, since hers just happened to be hanging from the highest one. But she certainly couldn't go on without it. If it weren't for that damn Takahashi staring at her like some piece of meat, she could jump a bit higher and reach.

But she felt so naked, and her skirt wasn't doing a damn thing trying to hide her naked form from wandering, hungry eyes. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Ai biting her lip eagerly, probably hoping her grip on the skirt would loosen as she struggled to reach for her top. "I could lift you, if you'd like," she offered with mock sincerity.

"No, that's fine," Risa grunted, as she finally grabbed hold of her top with a mighty leap. She quickly rushed to the other side of the tree, safe from that treacherous woman's eyes and free to make herself decent. Every once in a while, Gaki would peer to the other side of the tree to see if that wretched dancer was trying to steal any peeks. If she did, well, she just had better timing, that's all.

She walked around the tree full circle to come back to the stone bench she had spent the night on, stunned to find the dancer already dressed, not a single hair out of place on her flawless head. "When do we leave?" Gaki asked, her cheeks tinting as another infuriating smile played on the dancer's features.

"Whenever you'd like."

Turning abruptly on her heels, Gaki began making way toward the exit gates of the Takahashi household when an "ahem" from that petite temptress interrupted her stride. Risa turned her head to find the dancer twirling her panties along her index finger, a devilish grin forming on her slightly swollen lips. "You're forgetting something, beautiful."

Risa stomped toward the wicked dancer and tried to grab the last of her garments from her. In the last minute, Ai pulled her hand away from the frustrated younger woman's reach, planting a kiss on her lips instead. After successfully turning the younger's cheeks a deeper shade of red, Ai tossed the girl's underwear in her direction and skipped happily toward the exit of her home, with Risa finally fully clothed and stomping far behind her.


Without taking his dying eyes from the cloudy sky, Jose turned his head slightly toward the tiny dancer seated beside him. "So no luck with the chapel searching, hmm? I suppose you were too busy showing your guest the beauties of your city instead of showing her the chapels, am I correct?"

Ai stole a passing glance at the overhead mirror of the plane's dashboard, noting a very irritated, very embarrassed looking Risa frantically avoiding eye contact with both the pilot and herself. The tiny dancer smiled, leaning her cheek against a loosely-fisted hand. "Something like that, Jose."

Gaki saw the blinding pilot raise an eyebrow before his lips motioned in a knowing smile as he turned his attention back to the clouds. "Busy showing me the beauties of the city?? More like seducing me into a compromising situation and showing me the marvel between her legs!...Wait did I just say that in my head? GET IT TOGETHER, RISA!" she thought frantically in her head. Her face was burning up and her palms were breaking out in a fierce sweat. How the hell was she supposed to welcome her fiancé after that?

She absolute hated herself at this moment. Almost as much as she hated that triumphant smile on that wench's face. Almost as much as she wanted to rip the walking stick straight out of the poor blind guitarist's hands as soon as they landed and beat the living daylights out of that stupid, infuriating woman.

Almost as much as she hated seeing her walk away, departing without so much as a goodbye. Almost as much as she wanted to take the wheel on Nacchi's vehicle and run that damn dancer over. Oh, how she hated her.


"So, how was your trip to Seville?" Nacchi asked innocently, eyes darting back and forth from the road to her passenger as she drove them back from the airport. She heard her kouhai groan. "No good, eh?" And another groan. "Not one for words today, eh Gaki-san?" Nacchi asked with a giggle; she only received her third groan for the ride.

"What did someone die or something? What's got you in such a bad mood, Risa-chan?" She failed to see what could have been so damn miserable about a trip to Seville. She had been there herself a couple of times with her husband on their weekend excursions and it was a lovely enough city. Surely the frustrations of  coming home empty handed and without a chapel for the wedding could not have put that much of a damper on the young woman's trip.

But then she realized who went on that trip with her beloved kouhai. That temptress dancer from that one night at the cafe. Nacchi giggled to herself. Those two were such an oil and water combination, and it was always quite a hilarious scene to watch her kouhai get flustered and red in the face whenever the smooth criminal of a dancer propositioned for sex so carelessly. It was so like the both of them. She could only imagine how horrific the trip must have been for Gaki-san, and now she could at least understand why she only received groans in their one-sided conversation. She decided it would be best to not press the issue any further and to let her kouhai cool off a bit for the rest of the week. Oh youth.

In a matter of minutes, however, Gaki had found it in herself to liven up the conversation on the ride home by discussing how Ryousuke would be arriving in a day or two. Ah, young love. From how highly Gaki spoke of her fiancé, Nacchi almost felt bad about rooting for her kouhai and Ai to get a move on their currently nonexistent relationship. Maybe because she found something similar about her kouhai's current situation, something like...

She shook her head. That was the past now. No need to meddle in business that wasn't her own...


In a noticeably happier mood, Risa raced to the landing terminal where Ryousuke would arrive in T-13 minutes. She was frantically dragging her senpai along through the crowd at the airport, hoping to be there to greet her fiancé upon his arrival. After hearing she had plenty of time before the plane arrived, her senpai sighed and took a seat at the terminal lobby while her eager kouhai stood waiting by the windows, searching for flight #523 in the steel plane corral outside.

Just as she simmered her rapid breathing down to a comfortable rate, Nacchi found herself being shaken by a very excited Risa. No doubt her fiancé's plane had finally landed, not that she couldn't hear it from the overhead announcement at the terminal. She waited by her bench as she watched Gaki eagerly waiting by the gate, standing on tipped toes as if that would somehow give her some magical insight on the oncoming passengers making their exit. To Nacchi's delight, she caught sight of her precious kouhai rushing past a few miffed passengers making their exit to greet her well-dressed fiancé in the gate tunnel from the airplane.

The man was everything Nacchi had imagined, based off of Risa-chan's very colorful ways of describing an otherwise very black and white character. His business coat and tie, slicked back hair, and glasses all definitely screamed corporate Nippon. He had greeted her with some very impressive Spanish phrases that he undoubtedly mastered on the flight there. Very business-like indeed. His grip was firm, but gentle and he had towered above herself and her kouhai. A very strong image with a strong wit to match, Nacchi began to think of how deja vu this all was becoming.


They parted with a heated kiss. Her glazed eyes met with his as her hair cascaded like a canopy above him. She smiled softly and gently traced a finger from his flushed cheeks and slowly down his laxxed jaw. She gave him a slight peck on the tip of his nose before mounting off of him, protectively wrapping the sheets around her as she reclined beside a very overwhelmed, very satisfied Ryousuke.

Risa turned to peek at her fiance. He was flushed from head to where the blanket shielded him. His hair was tousled about and his eyes were blankly staring through the window, pupils dilated almost completely as he took in long, deep breaths. She smiled to herself. "Well done, Risa," she thought haughtily as she sunk deeper beneath the sheets for some rest.

"Wow." He was absolutely breathless.

Her sights were locked on her fiance yet again, another proud smirk on her face. "Is it the water here? The wine? It must be the Barcelona air...That was...that were...damn, you were so into it!" he exclaimed, his face glowing and arms flailing animatedly about. Ryousuke seemed have to have gotten over his daze pretty quickly.

Bringing the blanket even closer to her chest, Risa asked, "Am I not usually?"

Her fiance turned to face her, leaning his head on an open palm. He looked absolutely wild with satisfaction and pure astonishment. He shook his free hand in response and said, "No no, it's not that. Don't get me wrong! It was just so different, so wild. I like it." A look of uncertainty fell on his fiance's features. With a gentle hand, he urged her to turn and face him. "I'm complimenting you..."

Gaki buried herself underneath the sheets in embarrassment. Compliments from Ryousuke about this sort of thing were rare; actually this might have been a first. Not that she disliked the idea of being complimented about her spitfire magic in the sack, but even she wondered where the hell that last hour came from. She literally just led him upstairs to get his things settled and let him rest, then before they knew it, clothes were on the ground and now here they were. Where the hell did that come from? She felt the sheets above her being tugged away in between her musings.

"Hey, hey, none of that now," Ryousuke said as he playfully pulled the sheets to reveal his red-faced fiancé. He greeted her with a smile and a kiss before pulling the woman into his arms. "I feel as though I'm learning so much about you even though we've been together for quite some time." He tilted her face so she could face him. "And it makes me so happy that you can be honest and comfortable enough to show me these sorts of things. We have the rest of our lives to learn new things about one another, so now I really, truly cannot wait until we get married. I love you so much."

She showed him the sincerest smile she could muster, and proceeded to lay her head on his chest. Her eyes stared lazily outside the window of their bedroom, watching as the birds floated by without a care in the world. The sun was shining and she was in the arms of a man that loved her more than words would allow him to express. It was nice. And she was content. Right?

Gaki could feel Ryousuke's breathing lull down to soft, deep breaths; he was fast asleep. And now she felt it safe to wonder, to ponder. Because they were so interconnected, almost the same person; she felt rotten to the core thinking certain thoughts while he was in proximity, almost as if he could read her mind. She swore he could. But now it was safe to think. She was happy, and lord knows how happy she just made Ryousuke. But she could not help but notice how something was off. It was bothering her. Her eyes watched a cloud pass by slowly in the blue afternoon sky, so gracefully, so simply. She closed her eyes for a moment, and opened them later to find the cloud had already drifted by.

She wondered where she was now...


Wow, that's a lot of sex in the past 48 hours or so hahaha ohsillymeiwishihadthatmuchsexinreallifeHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAH TMITMITMITMITMITMITMITMITMI *dies*

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go read everyone else's wonderful works <3 tata~
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 11:29:42 PM by kjpop »

Offline gracula

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2012, 11:28:02 PM »

okay, to bed. then, i shall return forthwith!

"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #25 on: May 26, 2012, 03:11:18 AM »
oh god XD after that sexy night with ai seems like risa caught some of the dancers wild fire huh? lolplus even thinking about her after lovemaking with her husband? i feel like only more crazy stuff can happen now! cant wait for the perv too! :deco:
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #26 on: May 26, 2012, 04:22:25 AM »
Oh man, wild sexy night timez in the garden until morning?! I thought for sure they would at least move it inside or something! Of course, Risa actually wants Ai, but she's too prideful to admit it. Then she attacks her boy as soon as he gets on the ground. Methinks she's trying a little too hard...

Perv nows?

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #27 on: May 26, 2012, 03:09:44 PM »
« Last Edit: May 27, 2012, 01:55:22 AM by risa_ai »

Offline arisa03

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2012, 10:44:24 PM »

Oh Risa, you're secretly cheating on your fiancee, but you don't know it yet, cause your heart is trolling you about it. Can't wait for the perv now aklsjdsasd.
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #29 on: May 30, 2012, 12:29:56 AM »
So uhhh, yeah LOL Perv is now up

click here for the goods! *runs away screaming*

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #30 on: May 30, 2012, 12:55:52 AM »
i love it and i love u...omg i cant...*goes to re-read*
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Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #31 on: May 30, 2012, 10:56:59 PM »
Geez, mama T must've had a nice show :lol: if she's into that kind of show at least XD many rounds did they have on that bench lol  Not that we fans mind  :wub:

I get the feeling that Nacchi went through the exact same experience...except maybe she just didn't quite get the happy ending she intended?  So she's hoping her lovely kouhai gets what her heart desires?  Or maybe my internal fangirl is just cracked up :3

Poor girl..she's a bit guilty for sleeping with Aichan, so she ambushes soon to be hubs....not that he seems to mind (or know lol)  YOU KNOW YOU WANT AICHAN RISA!  Give in~  Ryousuke will understand :3  And if not...too bad ^_^

And now....time to read the perv :3  Can't wait for more~
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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #32 on: June 01, 2012, 06:58:28 PM »
Sooooo I definitely read the perv for this before I read any other part of the story XD but then I had to go back and read all of it. I usually don't read fics where the girls have boyfriends/men/etc. BUT in this case I feel sorry for the bro and I like the sweet interactions with Gaki... And then ascfgakdjalfjk Aichan~ needless to say I am waiting for more~ :cathappy:

Offline kjpop

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 5 - updated 05/25)
« Reply #33 on: June 01, 2012, 08:50:41 PM »
^ BAHAHAHHA if it makes you feel any better at all, I totally read the perv for the Rockstar's guide before i started reading the actual fic too HAHAHAHAHAH That seriously made me laugh IRL XDDD im all giddy now~ maybe i should start working on the next chapter ;D

As for the epic battle between guy and Ai, the way I was trying to go about it was the whole "Anything you can do, I can do better" and I think we can all agree that Ai does it wayyyyyyy better DURRHURRHURR Does that offer anyone some reassurance for the ending of this story? XD

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 6 - updated 06/18)
« Reply #34 on: June 19, 2012, 02:27:40 AM »
Necessary double post is necessary.

Wow, so I almost forgot I was writing this. Jokes jokes~ But yeah, whoa. So since I'm intentionally giving everyone hell in QPQ, we're gonna have more fun here!!! Whee~ 2 bottles of port and a sandwich later, and we've got an update! WOOOOP! LOL This is update #1 in my series of 3 ;D

grac - bwahahah oh how the tides have turned~

kawaii beam - you got the crazy part right LOL I think the more I keep writing this story, the more weird things pop up in my head, and the more ridiculous the plot gets XD Like at this point, I don't even know how to tone it down to the kinds of endings I want. Oh well~

rndy - Outdoor sex in mama's garden sounds better than goin' indoors and wakin' mama up, ne? I guess it depends on their thrills they're willing to experience, ne? durrhurr...And we'll see what's goin' down inside Risa's sexually confused head eventually.

risa_ai - PIZZA!!!!! And a perv you have received ;D

arisa03 - PARTY DON'T STOP TILL THE SUN COMES UP, BABY! And I've come to the conclusion that I enjoy trolling more than delivering happy endings, which probably doesn't mean anything good for everyone that wants Takagaki to run off into the sunset, all happy and in love and whatnot~ But we'll see!!!

- LAWL I'll leave it to your imagination about Mama T. And stop, get out of my mind =P If you're a cracked fangirl, I don't even wanna know what I am LOL And geez, am I the only one rooting for Ryousuke x Gaki to make it through the storm? *cricket chirping* Forever alone~

Quietriot - YEEEEEEEEEE~ *glomps* Glad to have you on board!!!

For the record, I totally take bribes in the form of chocolate, peanut butter, or both. Just putting that out there. Ship 'em to the east coast, USA ;D

Oh, so just a note: If there are any quotes in italics, that means the dialog is in Spanish. I fail too hard to even attempt, soooooo~ just lettin' you know =] Ok ok *cracks knuckles* CHAPTER 6 STAATO~ I did not write this shit-faced, I swear. The ending only seems like I did lol


The enthusiasm to search for their wedding location had been revitalized in her. No, it was no thanks to that Spanish wine, water, or sunshine; none of that. Just seeing the excitement in her fiancé's face as they walked the charming streets of Barcelona was enough to invigorate her senses, to make her jump back on her feet and face tomorrow with enough positivity to make Barney the dinosaur look like a graduate burnout. Yes, indeed life was good because her love was at her side, and nothing would get in the way of that!

Surprisingly unsatisfied with what Barcelona had to offer, the two lovebirds had decided to extend their search to the heart of the Spain: Madrid. As the couple exited yet another basilica, Ryousuke stopped briefly in his tracks as they passed some stores that lined the streets. His companion turned to find him staring at a flyer for some type of show. Risa walked closer to examine said flyer, squinting as her mind attempted to make sense of the jumble of Spanish words that were scattered about the advertisement. As her eyes skimmed further and further down, brows furrowing in frustration with each word left untranslated, Risa could feel the color from her face drop to the center of this damn Earth.

Had she forgotten so soon? Because, fuck her dead brain cells from all this damn wine consumption! On that poster was none other than that damn Takahashi, looking flawless and perfect in a still-frame capture as she danced alongside a male partner. This advertisement could only be for that woman's nationwide flamenco tour!

"Come on Ryousuke, we've barely made a dent in the list that Nacchi provided for us!" she cried, hoping to god the man would budge and listen to reason.

But despite her efforts, her stubborn fiancé was planted in place. "It seems as though there's a showing at that auditorium across the street right now. The performer has a Japanese name. Odd...but exciting, don't you think? If we're lucky, we can probably catch a bit of the show before it's over!"

Risa silently cursed her fiancé's gift for languages, tugging insistently on his hands. But the man was set on his ways, pulling her instead toward the direction of the concert hall. "Oh, come on! It'll be fun," he pressed, failing to notice the look of absolute horror on his love's face. His enthusiasm be damned, she cursed.

The couple had stumbled upon the auditorium, devoid of ruckus or even hushed conversations the two had just escaped from the outside world. There were no doormen at the lobby, asking for tickets or proofs of purchase, so Ryousuke boldly took Risa inside the concert hall to catch a glimpse of the show they were told they had to see. Hovering a safe distance from the seated audience, the couple had still managed to catch sight of the impressive display below. The security guards that had apparently traded their times at the post for the same experience as the admiring crowd.

And here she was again, Risa thought, caught in a familiar rapture as the sound of heels clacking, hands clapping, and strings strumming captured her in some hypnotic daze. Her hand limped against Ryousuke's hold as her eyes widened, her hearing sharpened to drink it all in. It was second nature at this point, and something she never wanted to grow acclimated to, but temptation can be so difficult to resist, especially when it was in the form of a lovely woman. She felt her heart race as her eyes fell upon that cursed, beautiful figure, watching intently as she twirled and spun with such grace, such poise. Even from afar, Risa could see the sweat glisten from her skin as bright, unforgiving stage lights shined upon her, leaving her under the impression that she could just reach out and taste it...

But as timing would have it, Gaki's trance was lifted upon the booming applause that filled the hall. She blinked back to reality, watching as various members of the audience rose one by one in a standing ovation, the occasional cheer and whistle melding into the chorus of praise. Risa waited until the dancer had eased from her final pose into a perfect 90 degree bow to pull Ryousuke and herself quickly out of the concert hall back into the bustling streets of Madrid. She could be absolutely damned if the dancer saw her.

"I'm a little hungry," she whined, giving her fiancé the best pout she could muster. She knew he had wanted to stay for the whole show, and she knew his businessman mindset made him want to stay behind and personally praise the dancer for the wonderful performance. They were the same person after all. But she had to get out of there before that possibility could become reality. Risa was always one to think of solutions to jump out of sticky situations, but she found it rather difficult to find a solution for that possible encounter. It was best to just avoid it completely.


After promises of late afternoon romance and midnight passions, Risa had successfully lured her fiancé to an outdoor cafe for some delectable afternoon delights and much needed coffee. It was, after all, the simple things that made moments such as this so wonderful...Wonderful until the crowd from before emerged steadily out of the theater they had just occupied.

Her palm met her face by the time Ryousuke stood from his seat and hurried over to the theater in search of the dancer. Honestly, Risa should have been slightly concerned with her fiance's infatuation for that wench, but she knew in a matter of seconds she would have to face the music, and somehow save herself from a situation that could only do more harm than good.

Through the distant, fleeting faces of the crowd, Risa was able to spot Ryousuke and his target. She watched the two converse and engage in the typical businessman handshake her man was so used to performing. Once he pointed toward her direction, Risa's eyes briefly met with the dancer, swearing she could see the woman smile. She cowered behind an open hand, covering her face from the unwanted attention she was receiving for the most damnable person imaginable.

"...And might I add that your Japanese is still fantastic as ever, Takahashi-san."

Ai examined the man from head to toe through critical, but smiling eyes before turning her attention back to a pale-faced Risa. "Is this your fiancé, Niigaki-san? You never told me how handsome he was!" Her voice was dripping with sarcasm that only Risa could detect. Ai offered a cheeky grin in response to the glare she was being given from her seated companion.

The dancer pulled out a seat across the table from the couple as Ryousuke more than eagerly allowed her to join their company. "You're a very lucky man, Ito-san. Niigaki-san is a very beautiful woman, ne?" Catching the tinge of red on Risa's otherwise pale face, Ai could only smile in amusement.

"Arigatou, Takahashi-san. She is quite a sight, isn't she? And may I ask, how do you two know one another?" the business man asked, turning to fondly cup his love's haggard-looking cheek.

Risa could feel her heart dropping and her eyes widening as she struggled to formulate words in her state of panic. She looked to the devil woman, praying to the high heavens that she would say nothing. 'Don't say it, don't say it, don't you dare say it...' she mentally chanted. And thankfully, Risa had been a good enough girl throughout her lifetime to have her prayers answered.

"Through a common friend," the dancer responded simply.

"Ah, why didn't you say anything earlier, Risa?"

Risa flashed Ryousuke an uneasy smile, before honing her attention solely on the coffee cup in front of her. Looking that witch in the eye could only spell trouble for her. Ryousuke would undoubtedly notice her nerves on edge if she stared at him for longer than a split second. She was trapped in the same situation she was trying so hard to avoid. She began to zone out of the conversation, wishing and praying that her company would take the hint and leave her the hell alone while she panicked inside the confines of her mind. Before tuning out completely, she heard her fiancé and the dancer engage in a conversation about their reasons for being in Madrid.

Ai nodded periodically in response to Ryousuke's lovely, and completely uninteresting monologue, leaning her head against the heel of her palm as she listened politely despite herself. As the businessman drowned in his own self-interest of his tale, the dancer found this to be the perfect opportunity to have some fun. She noticed Gaki avoiding eye contact like the plague, and smiled. After all, one does not ignore Takahashi Ai. It simply isn't done!

The nervous Risa stole a quick glance at the dancer, only to find her staring back, her lips twisted in that infuriating, devilish smile. She looked back at her coffee, with her legs fidgeting to hurry up and get the hell away from this Satan spawn. But why all the nervous tension? There was absolutely nothing to be discussed, nothing to be afraid of!

...Aside from the inescapable looming cloud of guilt that stemmed from the horrendous one-night stand...BUT SHE WAS DRUNK! And even the dancer had made it clear when she left without saying a word that the fun and games were over. And she knew that behind that pretty face and the carefree facade was a woman that had enough moral value to not say a damn word about that evening they shared. Or at least that's what Risa was telling herself at this point...

The sound of a phone ringing interrupted the awkward silence in the trio's midst. The three individuals simultaneously checked to see if it was their own respective devices making the noise, but it was only Ryousuke's. A business call, most likely. He adjusted his glasses to check the ID of the caller, eyes squinting against the glare on the screen. "Ah, if you'll excuse me for a moment ladies," he said, standing from his seat. He gave Risa a quick peck on the lips before stepping aside to take his phone call elsewhere.

Risa didn't think it possible to drown in air, but she felt as though she were suffering from alveolar collapse with every step her fiance took away from their table. And oh god, here she was, left alone to face her not so inner demons in the middle of the day. She didn't have nearly enough wine in her system to properly approach this situation. There was just no other way of putting it: she was absolutely fucked.

"You know, Risa-chan, I never though that sort of man would be your type," Ai said, her attention fixated lazily on the man marrying the woman across the table.

"What gives you the right to tell me what type of man I can fancy? And what's with this 'Risa-chan' talk? Don't speak like you know me so damn well," Risa hissed, palms flat and firm against the table as her anger failed to be contained any longer.

The dancer's face contorted to look of mock surprise. "Oh, Risa-chan! Such hostility! Surely you are not mad because I had left so suddenly? As much as I had wanted to prolong our love-making, you knew very well that I had a tour to continue."

Before she was given a chance to retort, Ryousuke had returned to their table, apologizing for interrupting an otherwise pleasant conversation. Risa bit back curses as the dancer flirted so blatantly with her fiancé, batting her eyelashes and flipping her hair ostentatiously. She knew the woman only did it to bother her. How did she learn what buttons to press so quickly?

"I'm afraid I must cut this conversation short, Ito-san. I have another performance I must prepare for. However, might I suggest we meet for lunch some time later this week? I will gladly show you around the beautiful city of Madrid and help in your search for a wedding location," Ai offered, once more fooling only Risa's gullible fiancé.

"That's an incredibly kind offer, Takahashi-san, but wouldn't that wear you out? You have these daily performances at the theater, after all, and you will surely need some time for rest."

Ai shook her head, a devilish smile locked on her lips as her eyes met with Risa's widened pair. She winked playfully to the nervous woman, elliciting a reddish hue on her cheeks. "Nonsense. It's the least I can do for my new friend from Japan."


As expected, the dancer had kept her word and met with the couple later that week to initiate their full-fledged search for a wedding chapel. And also expected, Risa had not been satisfied with what the dancer had shown her, even with her fiance by her side to help the decision-making process along. If the dancer wanted to play a game, well by all means, Risa would be more than happy to play along.

Their first night of actual searching in Madrid had been all too fruitless, but true to form, one night of failed attempts would still be a reason for a dinner celebration to lighten up their spirits. The conversation over dinner had been innocent enough. There were plans to search a different section of the city another day, along with possible reception hall locations and dining services. However, with a blink an eye, a seemingly innocent conversation could rapidly turn for the worse, and with the presence of an evil woman in her midst, Risa had no choice but to heed total attention to the conversation at hand.

Thankfully, Ryousuke was unable to handle the profuse amounts of wine the dancer had continuously poured for him throughout dinner and the man had all but passed out in his seat from near alcohol poisoning. Risa had kindly settled him in their bed at the hotel room, taking great care to close the door with as little noise as possible. As she turned on her heels, she found herself staring into the eyes of that beautiful dancer.

"I need to talk to you."

The two women found themselves in a situation of particular deja vu, walking along dimly lit cobble streets in the late evening, even hearing the faintest melodies being played on a Spanish guitar at a distance. It made Risa particularly nervous being left alone with the dancer, and no amount of alcohol would help this anxiety.

"You know, Risa-chan, your husband-to-be can't seem to hold his alcohol. Not a very redeeming quality for a man, if you ask me," Ai joked, laughing good-heartedly in her own amusement.

"If dragged me out here just to insult Ryousuke, then I'm going back to the hotel," Risa responded, turning to walk to the hotel building. But a hand on her wrist held her firmly in place.

"I apologize," the dancer replied. "I really do want to talk to you about the other night..."

It wasn't the wine this time, but Risa could feel her head grow lighter and her heart pace faster. Would the woman apologize sincerely? Would she want to do that again? Ai was too much of an enigmatic creature to tell, but curiosity had a hold  on her. Reluctantly, Risa gave the woman permission to continue walking and speak.

"The other day I had left without a proper apology for the night before. If you were worried or offended, I assure you that was not my intent. And I can confess that I did not regret a single thing we did that evening. In fact," the dancer paused to force Risa to look her in the eyes. "Ever since that evening, I could not stop thinking about you. When the sun comes up in the morning, when the sun goes down in the evening, you are the first and last thing on my mind. Before I perform, even...I get these thoughts of you and the way you were on the stone bench...and it thrills me. While I perform, I get hot just imagining what your reaction would be to the sound of the Spanish guitar accompaniment, and it drives me insane. Sometimes I wish my partner were you, but he leaves me so unsatisfied. I need you to stay with me, but you...I realize you belong to someone else. But, can you grant me the satisfaction of having you again? This is brash, but you must understand: I need you. And even if it is only for one night, I will make sure it will last the rest of our lifetimes."

Well, this conversation was certainly...unexpected. Or as unexpected as far as conversations with Takahashi goes. As wrong as it was, Risa found herself moved. The dancer had spoken of such a fiery passion it rendered her speechless. This wasn't the type of passion she heard from Ryousuke. No, it wasn't the type of passionate speech that resulted from impressive productivity numbers and sales figures. It was the type of passion that every woman had wanted to hear for themselves, to have for themselves.

But as wonderful as it was to hear that Ai had apologized for leaving so abruptly, Risa had to remind herself of her situation. One night of passion could escalate into something more, and given the circumstances, Risa should might as well call off the whole engagement. And she would have, too...maybe, if the person she would elope with was not as capricious as she made herself out to be. Ai was a reckless creature, with no stability in any aspect of her life, even in the act of love. Though the dancer had told her people had perceived her incorrectly, the woman was still alone and that did nothing to help her case.

But one more night? Could it hurt?

"DAMNIT, RISA, GET IT TOGETHER!" her conscience screamed.

Dulled only by that cursed Spanish wine, Risa failed to compute what happened next. The vixen of a dancer had latched her lips onto hers, pushing and leading their tangling limbs to an alleyway behind the stores that lined the open streets. She could feel Ai's hands as they encircled her body, fingers crawling underneath her shirt while her mouth busied itself with the woman's neck. "ARE YOU INSANE?" Risa seethed through clenched teeth. "SOMEONE MIGHT SEE US!!!"

Ai led the woman's hands to the buttons of her shirt, urging her to just rip the fabric in two. "Let them see. I want them to."

As though it was an automatic impulse, Risa had, despite herself, began to comply with the dancer's request and undo the buttons of the woman's blouse. She was just about to reciprocate a kiss when a ringing had interrupted.

Both women quickly reached into their pockets with free hands to check if their device deserved to be thrown against the brick wall. It was not Risa's, and though Ai had instigated this whole fiasco in the alley, she had suddenly put her passionate actions to a halt upon seeing who had called.

"What? What's wrong? What happened?"

"She's in trouble again." Her voice was solemn and her features were uncharacteristically stern. The dancer had turned to give Risa a quick peck on the lips before running off to the hotel parking lot, paying no mind to the woman she had left behind. As she rushed to her vehicle, Ai quickly smoothed out her clothes, buttoning the few loose ends her partner had managed to undo in their heated conversation.

Risa was able to catch up to her partner, her breath being released in short, sharp pants. She honestly needed to work out more. The dancer had given her a momentary glance before gesturing Risa to join her in the vehicle. She was not sure what was going on, or where they were going, but she knew for the meantime, it would be alright to trust her companion.

The way Ai drove with inexplicably reckless abandon had surprisingly not bothered her. Risa didn't even bat an eyelash as they were speeding through red lights, swerving last minute to avoid drunken collateral damage, and taking no time to bother with the break pedal until they had arrived at the police department. But the sense of urgency on the dancer's pale, gaunt face was telling. Whoever this person was, they were incredibly important to the dancer that now seemed even further from her reach. And as they stepped inside the building, for the first time that evening, Ai had let go of her hand.

"Where is she?" Her voice had a tinge of mania as she faced the lone officer at the front desk. He shook his head in disappointment, scribbling something down in his log book before he stood to lead the two women to the back of the building.

Risa followed behind the officer and the dancer. Not once did Ai even turn back to acknowledge her; she seemed completely preoccupied with retrieving the unknown figure locked up in the Madrid jail cell. This high tension, this anxious Takahashi was not something Risa concluded she liked, nor wanted to ever have to see again. It was strange and unfamiliar, but as her stomach twisted in knots as they continued to pace the dimly lit hallway, she knew it would somehow manage to get worse.

"You need to keep a better eye on your woman, Takahashi. If she keeps acting up like this, we might have to lock her up for good."

Even with a foreign tongue, Gaki noticed the hint of sarcasm in his voice. This sort of thing seemed have to occurred on a regular basis if the officer could converse so casually with Ai in the way that he did. She continued her stride of four or so paces behind the two leading figures, stopping only when they did in front of the cell containing the person of interest.

The moment of truth.

The jingle of the officer's keys echoed through the empty hallway as he took his time leisurely to find the appropriate key for the cell. He shot Ai an irritated glance once he caught wind of her impatient toe tapping, silencing her almost immediately. With the turn of the key, metal bars clanked in cold friction as the officer slid the cell entrance open before turning to walk back to his station at the front desk. "If you're going to bail her out, you better get on it. Don't even try to pull that shit you did last time. We don't have a problem with locking both of you up in here."

The dancer shot the uniformed figure a venomous glare, uttering a few curses in Spanish under her breath until the sound of soft shuffling from the cell caught her attention. Ai's face immediately fell into a look of concern, maybe even pity as she crossed the metal threshold of the jail cell.

Risa timidly stepped closer to the cell, hoping to catch sight of the person that had driven the blood straight from Ai's face with distress. A few steps closer, and Gaki could see a woman curled up on the wooden bench, lost in the world of dreams. She rested peacefully, her mouth opened slightly as she took in quiet breaths. Her hair was a shade of chestnut, cascading partially against the bench and partially upon her slender shoulders. The woman donned a fitting dress, accentuating her slim waist, the skirt of it draped along curled legs and it donned on the onlooker that the outfit seemed very familiar...

Risa dared to step closer, hoping Ai wouldn't mind as she eavesdropped on the precious moment. She watched silently as Ai sat herself beside the convict's sleeping head, petting her hair like a mother would her child. The scene was saccharine sweet to the bystander, regardless of the envy that coursed through her veins.

Ai's tender actions seemed to have awoken the prisoner from her sleep. She slowly lifted herself up, yawning and stretching lazy bones alive before flashing her company a goofy, lazy smile. "Aichan~" Her voice was higher pitched, very girly. It fit her kind of nicely, Risa thought as she watched the scene intently.

The dancer's lips formed into a sad expression, her brows furrowing to a look of pity and concern. She brought a hand to cup the woman's cheek, sighing her meager woes over the girl before her. "What am I going to do with you, Eri?"


So yes, peanut butter? Chocolates? Red wine? Yes? =D

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 6 - updated 06/18)
« Reply #35 on: June 19, 2012, 03:13:52 AM »
 :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

next to that im mad that the phonecall ruined takagaki sexytimes! :catglare: and what the hell does eri do to keep getting herself up in jail?! :deco: kiwi needs more! :panic:
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 6 - updated 06/18)
« Reply #36 on: June 19, 2012, 03:32:08 AM »
Help, I may have died of happiness. Will come back later to edit. :deco:

You're confusing my inner shipper. I go from having like zero interest in Takagaki and then this- I can't- not even a perv but- so fucking hot~ asfghkalagjdkfla I'm so amused by the situation Gaki's gotten herself in, I don't even feel sorry for her. XD Though I'm sure the addition of Eri is going to cause more conflict... Further prolonging sloppy make outs from happening... Hm. :P Eri should just get with Risa's man and then she can have at it with Aichan, THERE ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED, WORLD PEACE. :heart:

Your fiancée is pleased with you, but also demands to see parts two and three of said promised updates. Hell, I'll even send you homemade peanut butter fudge. Because you're that awesome. :heart:
« Last Edit: June 19, 2012, 05:57:37 AM by Quietriot »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 6 - updated 06/18)
« Reply #37 on: June 19, 2012, 03:36:56 AM »
I don't know whether to say poor Risa or lucky Risa! Keeps running into Ai everywhere and even her fiance seems to like her

Ai's passionate explanation of her feelings left me all tingly inside, especially when coupled with what started to happen afterwards, then, what's this? Eri?!?!?! :shocked :shocked :panic: :panic: Oh man! Now what?!?!?

Offline arisa03

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 6 - updated 06/18)
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2012, 07:15:54 AM »
WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU ASDJSKKASD youneedtopostthatguychanxrisapervouwrote
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Honto no Kimochi - True Feelings (CHAPTER 6 - updated 06/18)
« Reply #39 on: June 19, 2012, 08:13:14 AM »
*flips the table lyk a boss*
OI. OI YOU. WHY U NO GIVE ME AIGAKI HUH. U NO TELL ME KAME AND AI 2GETHUR, OKAY. I thought ai and risa were gonna enjoy sexah times in the public.
IN ANY CASE, gimme some takagaki love, yeh? xD

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